冷制手工皂丨清爽丝瓜控油皂Refreshing Luffa Oil Control Soap

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • 夏天,想到的就是挂在瓜藤上绿色的丝瓜,秋季成熟后晒干保存瓜瓤可以当做沐浴条使用,丝瓜本身也可以入皂作为功能性的添加物, 用于皮肤可润肤美白,丝瓜含有丰富的维生素B族及维生素E,这些营养素具有抗氧化作用,可以帮助减少自由基对皮肤细胞的损伤,可以直接取适量丝瓜粉加入温水调成糊状后涂抹于面部,从而起到润肤美白的作用。柠檬酸和氢氧化钠结合时,就会产生柠檬酸钠,柠檬酸钠在肥皂中起到螯合剂的作用,螯合剂可捕获自来水中会导致手工皂酸败和皂渣的钙和镁等金属离子,可以增加手工皂的保存时间,特别是新鲜食材入皂的配方。喜欢的话可以来试试看哦~Enjoy~
    In summer, what comes to mind is the green loofah hanging on the vine. In autumn, when it matures, it can be dried and stored, and the pulp can be used as a shower strip. The loofah itself can also be added with soap as a functional additive for moisturizing and whitening the skin. The loofah contains rich vitamins B and E, which have antioxidant effects and can help reduce the damage of free radicals to skin cells. You can directly take an appropriate amount of loofah powder and add it to warm water to make a paste, and then apply it to the face, thereby achieving moisturizing and whitening effects. When citric acid and sodium hydroxide combine, sodium citrate is produced. Sodium citrate acts as a chelating agent in soap, which can capture metal ions such as calcium and magnesium in tap water that can cause handmade soap to rancidity and soap residue. This can increase the storage time of handmade soap, especially when using fresh ingredients in soap formulations. If you like, you can give it a try~Enjoy~

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