Frestems: Over 90% machine efficiency with Fastems Flexible Pallet Container

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • Watch how Frestems, a Finnish manufacturer of military ambulances, has achieved machine efficiency of over 90% with the help of CNC automation.
    The facts and highlights:
    -Fastems Flexible Pallet Container integrated with one Doosan machining center (2nd Doosan to be integrated soon)
    -Ability to produce 300 different components with 24 machining pallets
    -Capacity increased from manned day shift to 24/7 production with nights and weekends unmanned
    -All the jobs are configured in the system, meaning that any job can be started right away without production preparation time
    -Low unit cost and short lead times in high-mix-low-volume production
    -Cutting tool planning and tool life monitoring remove tool-related machine idle
    -Production plan adapts to changes automatically in real time

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