What Caused This "Big Lick" Tennessee Walking Horse To Throw His Rider Asheville, NC???

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024

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  • @silverchex
    @silverchex Před 8 lety +778

    Everything about their movements look unnatural. Those stacks are a disgrace. I spend everyday working on horses to keep them feeling good and I see these people purposely doing things to make their feet hurt. That they are still allowed to abuse these horses and purposely cause them pain is beyond me. Pain caused that horse to fall and those unnatural stacks.

    • @anonymousjet
      @anonymousjet Před 5 lety +14

      I know right! I really wish they would ban the pads and heavy chains...

    • @huyanhbui7105
      @huyanhbui7105 Před 5 lety

      Many thanks, I have been researching "how to train a horse to neck rein" for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried - Menailey Vonaliyah Formula - (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my neighbour got cool success with it.

    • @belleroxy9470
      @belleroxy9470 Před 5 lety +3

      Anything we use on a horse has the potential to hurt it. The reason the package and action device is legal today is because of a lawsuit where the industry sued the USDA when the packages and action devices were taken. They won the lawsuit and was given it back because of the Auburn Study which was 5 years long, and with a set of guidelines. A lot of the photos people are quick to share are incorrect package size and super old!! The package is based on the horses hoof. Most of these horses DO NOT stay in a stall 24/7! Some Owners take them home during the off season and turn them out and take the packages off. Most all take the package off during that time. They have full use of their tail and only wear a brace a few days before a show to make it easier on the horse to wear it the day of. Yes the horses tail is cut but again wound healed and full use of whole tail. Just like docked tails on a draft horse. Actually that may be a little more extreme but you get the idea. Open minded people ask questions instead of accusations. The horse is either talented enough to be a performance horse or it’s not. I think (Solely my opinion) is that back when soring was rampant before the HPA everyone wanted a performance horse so they were forcing them to do what only a handful of them are capable of doing. If you reached out to any reputable trainer in TN or surrounding areas I guarantee they would love to have you come to their barn any time!! As far as the “methods” talked about it’s the same as any other breeds that are trained. Pushing them up in the bridle getting them balanced and collected to work the hind quarters. (Which gives you that drive behind that people don’t understand because it’s not trotting.) if one side isn’t stepping as high as the other they may put more leg on just that one side. Working them up hills. Lots of trainers like to drive them to get them working behind more as well. With the weight up front and drive behind you get more lift. The action device just aids in that lift. Some do it without the chain. But just to be clear not all can do what the performance horse does and the ones that you see today that pass the strenuous inspection process are truly talented and there are 0 gimmicks other than the package that was approved by a 5 year study and 6 oz chain with a band placement that is at least 1/2” from cornet band. They are started young. As 2 year olds Because that’s how it’s been done since the beginning of time. But then a research came along and proved it’s beneficial to the horse when breaking a horse as a 2 year old. Based off science and studies and that’s called Wolffes Law!!
      Now this is my problem... No one wants to hear the truth because it doesn’t sell. People clearly have took everything HSUS has stated and claimed and made it your mission to try to make others look bad. HSUSs goal is to make it where we can’t use any animal for “our entertainment” whether its trail show or back yard laps with the kids. I know when you see a heart wrenching video of someone you “think” is abusing a horse your first reaction is a emotional one and not logical. That’s how there is so many pet scams out there today making so much money. We all love our horses. We all may not agree on the way we ride them but we do all ride them. Quit making it hard on everyone Because while we’re all bickering about what saddle, bit, start age, shoe etc....All the extreme organizations are winning, getting more donations for their retirements, and getting ready to take down a whole lot of show horses with it. First it’s shoes, then what? And using the performance horse as its poster child to accomplish it just because the general public doesn’t like the way it looks or understands the gait. Soring is the issue!! Not the shoes. And one of the main reasons why it looks like the industry isn’t totally compliant is because when one is swabbed and comes back with a “foreign substance” found they don’t say that foreign substance was soap left over from the bath it just got or fly spray to give them some relief or even showsheen. No one has denied the industry has had a tainted past but these people are not beating thermal imaging and xrays. The inspection process we have to go through is 2nd nature and a small price to pay to make sure the horse is sound! Come on guys. We’re really going to say everyone who has a performance horse is abusing them?? That’s a strong accusation and a insult to the ones who have spent thousands of dollars on vet, feed, care, shots, wormings, gas to get to the shows, etc....the bill they are talking about takes away all shoes over a keg!! The real goal these extreme activists are after is to get rid of all “entertainment” of animals no matter how much they are cared for!! There is a huge difference between animal rights and animal welfare and attention should be on the animals who are truly in need!!

    • @ponygirl6258
      @ponygirl6258 Před 5 lety +31

      @@horsegirl3191 If you really loved your horse you would appreciate him at his natural gait. The use of pads and built-up shoes is totally unnecessary to obtain a "big lick" style action. The use of such devices shows a complete lack of imagination--if you want horses to move a certain way, YOU TRAIN THEM.
      Look up and watch a horse doing the Spanish Walk, then watch some park horse classes and elite level dressage. All that stuff was done with TRAINING, not weighting down their feet or artificially elevating their front ends with stacked-up shoes. You can get amazing knee action and beautifully, naturally elevated fronts with proper collection and TRAINING.
      I've owned a Walker, as well as 2 Paso Finos. I know what gaited horses can do and how they should look.
      This ain't it.

    • @ponylovermadden4560
      @ponylovermadden4560 Před 4 lety +21

      @@belleroxy9470 no one wants to read your narcissist rants supporting this inhumane above. Get over yourself. NO they are NOT all turned out 24/7 either. It's not called packages it's called SORING.

  • @charliehubb1496
    @charliehubb1496 Před 3 lety +170

    Even when the person is off the horse... It still struggles to get up, it still struggles to walk, it still struggles to be a horse. What is wrong with people

    • @watchgoose
      @watchgoose Před 11 hodinami

      It has not problem "being" a horse.

  • @laurakelley3749
    @laurakelley3749 Před 8 lety +1148

    I was there when it happened and I can tell you that horse was sore! The horse fell over because he is forced to wear very heavy stacks that are extremely clumsy for a horse to have to balance on, and this is combined with toxic chemicals that are "cooked" into the horse's front legs so that the pain makes the horse flick their front legs out in front of him. We have got to encourage our politicians to outlaw this absurd and cruel practice of nailing stacks (the "trainers" call them pads, but when you see them for real, you will see that they are NOT pads) that weigh up to and over 8 lbs on each hoof - this must be made illegal if we are ever going to help these poor horses out of this miserable existence. They are forced to wear these stacks 24/7, and this does more than ruin their hooves, it harms their entire musculoskeletal system.

    • @darbydupree4056
      @darbydupree4056 Před 8 lety +45

      Someone told me not long ago, the farriers will shoe these horses and strategically place nails inside the stacks. They also use vials of mercury which when placed correctly makes a horse square up and roll on out. :(

    • @laurakelley3749
      @laurakelley3749 Před 8 lety +82

      Not vials of mercury that I know of, but they do use mustard oil, kerosene and other types of chemicals that burn the horse's skin. The "trainers" apply these chemicals on the lower part of the horse's front legs and wrap in plastic so that they "cook" into the skin. The purpose of the chains is to rub against the already sore skin and inflict even more pain. This is all done for a blue ribbon (and maybe ego). There is no purpose for this other than to inflict terrible pain on an otherwise very docile, sweet horse. Tennessee Walking Horses have a beautiful temperament and these cruel, malicious people take advantage of them.

    • @darbydupree4056
      @darbydupree4056 Před 8 lety +52

      Yes. Vials of mercury. I know a man who use to work for Mose Oppenheimer, (now deceased, was in Carter Co,, KY (I believe) a big TWH man. He told me stories about the "techniques" used on these horses. If the horse wasn't rolling his foot just right, Mose knew where to place the mercury in the shoe job to make the horse square and roll. I have heard stories of their ankles being bare from the chains and soring and one man told me the owner took the clippers, cut hair from another part of the body and glued it on to cover the scars and the vet passed the horse for the show ring. If you notice, the big lick shows have very few attending in the audience. I went to the "Celebration" one time and there wasn't many attending and this was 30 years ago. The big lick industry has been pressed hard since then. I don't see how these horse traders stay in business. I don't see how there could be any demand for this type horse and you know the purses are not that great unless they are big time winners and there are only a few of those. I wish it would be outlawed. Period. I guess the trainers are influential people who get their way. Law and justice are no more.Laura Ousley

    • @laurakelley3749
      @laurakelley3749 Před 8 lety +24

      Darby Dupree, I had not heard of the vials of mercury but it does not surprise me and I apologize for not taking your word for it from the beginning. There is no limit to the torture these monsters will inflict upon the horse to make them hurt - whether it is out of sadistic pleasure in causing pain or it is because they want the most exaggerated high step. I have heard of Mose Oppenheimer - as a matter of fact, I took the opportunity to give them a really bad review because of the horrific pictures of the way they "train" their big lick horses. Again, I'm sorry for doubting your statement - I thought I had heard just about everything regarding the ingredients of toxic mixtures and that was a new one for me.

    • @darbydupree4056
      @darbydupree4056 Před 8 lety +25

      Laura Ousley
      No apology needed! Mose was a genius, of sorts, when it came to horses. He was also a mad, heartless individual. Unable to care, no empathy apparently. He had two sons, Mike and Donnie. I think one of the boys still train horses in Olive Hill. I don't go to the shows so I don't know keep up with any of them. I know other stories from Mose' barn which I won't repeat. Mose has been gone for several years now. He is paying for the wrongs he did. Paying for eternity. :(

  • @julieabdullah1378
    @julieabdullah1378 Před 3 lety +158

    This horrific abuse is one of the many reasons I hate humans. I really wish I could do to these trainers, owners, and riders what has been done to these poor horses.

    • @lada3264
      @lada3264 Před 8 měsíci +4

      Every time you feel the hatred of other Human beings try to focus on all the wonderful people in the world, be blessed and be at peace❤ you will find what you search for, if you search for darkness you will find it. Remember to always be aware that it is there but turn your search towards the light in you and of the world. I hope this helps.

    • @k.leimomicasstevens8469
      @k.leimomicasstevens8469 Před měsícem


  • @molly_equestrian2370
    @molly_equestrian2370 Před rokem +217

    Good job horse. I can’t even explain how bad I feel for these horses, they don’t deserve to be In this kind of pain.

  • @rosepetal3680
    @rosepetal3680 Před 4 lety +216

    Nothing f*cking cause him to fall off it’s just the fact that the horse is in so much god damn pain that he wanted to get the man off but he fell over while doing it cause they can’t even stand! This isn’t even a equine sport, this is an absolute disgrace.
    I had to say something cause I’m so agitated and disgusted by this

    • @sueshrodes9462
      @sueshrodes9462 Před rokem +3

      So, so TRUE. Utter cruelty.....shame on these people!

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci +1

      In my opinion, the horse reared up and since he has no muscles in his hindquarters due to having to wear those stacks since he was a yearling, he fell.

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci +1

      Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @brandonbullardjr1487
    @brandonbullardjr1487 Před 4 lety +87

    I as a thirteen year old who owns a horse and rides almost daily, cannot comprehend why a man would do this to a horse. Fashion can be very cruel to a horse. And in this case it is most definitely is. I pray that this uncalled for cruelty will be stopped in Jesus name!!

    • @robertkorona9867
      @robertkorona9867 Před 8 měsíci +4

      OR WOMEN.

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      It's still legal in Tennessee. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @laurakelley3749
    @laurakelley3749 Před 4 lety +70

    I was there to prove this torture exists. I was not and never did support this abuse, and have fought against it for years. I want people to know so that they can pass the information along and maybe someday there will be enforced legislation banning the devices and methods used to force these poor horses to walk (crippled).

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      It's still legal in Tennessee. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @CiPuGi
    @CiPuGi Před 3 lety +124

    That horse deserves a medal ! ! ! !

    • @jeriireland
      @jeriireland Před rokem +8

      That he didn't fall on her was amazing. Get those friggin shoes off those beautiful animals.

    • @danw6014
      @danw6014 Před rokem

      Well in the end, horses figure out a way to take care of themselves.

    • @rolandadesrosiers-lewis744
      @rolandadesrosiers-lewis744 Před 5 měsíci +1

      The horse deserves a new home.

  • @devondrasser3509
    @devondrasser3509 Před 8 lety +209

    This is an example of LEGAL ANIMAL ABUSE! These horses have BATTERY ACID and other such irritants poured on their legs, weighted shoes that mess them up for life, and weights up to 8 pounds attached to their legs. Their tails are broken so they carry them higher. The ASPCA did an investigation and the barn they went to, one of the "best", had horses who were so abused and terrified they didn't want anyone to touch their legs. The ones who could even stand up, anyway. How is this still legal, and people pay to go see it in action?!?!

    • @oliviapatterson792
      @oliviapatterson792 Před 5 lety +3

      Not all people who ride walkers use chemicals to make the horse pick up their feet the way they do. I recently bought a walker who was on these pads. He has no sighns or chemical burns or anything and he was on pads and showed in these types of classes. Yeah some trainers may do things to hurt their horse but not all.
      Mine had been off these pads and back to normal and living a healthy show career doing his natural gait.

    • @oliviapatterson792
      @oliviapatterson792 Před 5 lety +1

      C A R L E Y_S H A T L E Y exactly !

    • @oliviapatterson792
      @oliviapatterson792 Před 5 lety +2

      C A R L E Y_S H A T L E Y heck they would think a plantation shoe is abuse. Everything in the horse industry is
      Abuse. But if only they seen what we do for the horses all the time and all the care we provide some owners and riders may still do this but not all and it's pretty steric typical

    • @staceyevans2315
      @staceyevans2315 Před 4 lety +8

      @@oliviapatterson792 Some people try to cover up the fact that their horse was sored. Some of them use spray paint to cover up the scars and damaged tissue. And even inflict pain somewhere else on the horse, to avoid soring detection.
      And these stacks can be bothering to the horse. They hyper-extend the horse's legs to the point where their fetlocks are touching the ground.
      I just wish these people would find a way to TRAIN their horse to have more expressive gaits. Not abuse them.

    • @oliviapatterson792
      @oliviapatterson792 Před 4 lety +1

      Stacey Evans exactly key word some. Not all of us are abusers

  • @lesliegoodyear180
    @lesliegoodyear180 Před 8 lety +242

    Legislation that finally criminalizes this cannot come soon enough. This shameful abuse needs to be stopped.

    • @eyesea123
      @eyesea123 Před 3 lety +11

      Can you tell me if it has come to an end or not? This is insane. I haven't slept well since I learned of it. I seriously want to go postal on these evil people.

    • @slysmith7482
      @slysmith7482 Před rokem +8

      If the USDA would do it's job instead of looking the other way, this would come to an end. Of course the USDA also supports puppy mills, so sadly they're completely useless

    • @nala8223
      @nala8223 Před rokem +7

      This has been illegal for a long time. Still happens though

    • @Yogurltess
      @Yogurltess Před rokem +3

      @@eyesea123it’s no where near stopping

    • @eyesea123
      @eyesea123 Před rokem

      @@Yogurltess tears

  • @lindan2836
    @lindan2836 Před 7 lety +450

    good job from the horse. this severe!! animal abuse.

    • @beannamated
      @beannamated Před 5 lety +26

      Agree, Except that he was probably severely punished and beaten afterward.

    • @janinecarson8380
      @janinecarson8380 Před 3 lety +8

      @Franciszek Ploskon Sadly, the stacks don’t come off that easily. They are nailed on and are more or less permanent. A rescued horse will need to have them lowered gradually and removed under a farrier’s care to avoid further injury.

    • @sammysheartsgoodwin8835
      @sammysheartsgoodwin8835 Před 3 lety +12

      You can tell the horses are stress because they sweat. Horses arent meant for this. Distorying those beautiful horses. I like to do it to the riders/owners see if they like it. After they have broken the horses they send to slaughter/ auction. You cant ride them again because of they way so called human beings have got them in stacks and soring. It needs to stop. I wish it didnt start. Breaks my heart

    • @sharonrivers1347
      @sharonrivers1347 Před 2 lety +3

      Im totally against this kind of abuse.im glad it was finally stopped.thats not how they move.its all a show.put on by the trainer to earn them money.one famous trainer here in tennessee got in trouble for it.its torture.make a horse go thru that whole show.like that.makes me sick

    • @janinecarson8380
      @janinecarson8380 Před 2 lety +6

      @@sharonrivers1347 It's not been stopped. It still goes on.

  • @Nast405
    @Nast405 Před 8 lety +192

    The hooves!! It's grotesque, especially the old troll on that pitiful horse in the background. This has gotta stop, these horses don't deserve this!

    • @melissazietz1241
      @melissazietz1241 Před 6 lety +1

      Beth Marie Old troll LOL

    • @Oakleaf700
      @Oakleaf700 Před 5 lety +2

      @@horsegirl3191 It is footage from 2016. Stop deluding yourself trying to play the cruelty down. Google the event.

    • @zacharyward3068
      @zacharyward3068 Před 4 lety +1

      @@Oakleaf700 regardless it is abusive

    • @Oakleaf700
      @Oakleaf700 Před 4 lety +3

      @@zacharyward3068 I never said it wasn't!...Someoneone was trying to say because it was old footage {It isn't} that it doesn't happen that way now.
      Cruelty still very much alive in the TWH world, sadly.

    • @zoekavanagh6364
      @zoekavanagh6364 Před 3 lety +2

      Ik like watch this video! czcams.com/video/yDygeHVZ6qw/video.html
      They put DIESEL on the horses hooves!

  • @KFrost-fx7dt
    @KFrost-fx7dt Před 3 lety +123

    Tennessee walkers are docile and well-behaved horses. They're great for young riders because they are patient beyond measure. This horse was not being naughty, it was in destress.

    • @sherryp8967
      @sherryp8967 Před rokem +5

      It’s absurd that you would think that any sane person ever considered that the tortured horse was being “naughty”! The correct word is depraved…and that word applies only to the rider, the trainer, the owner and the dumb clucks in the audience. Man’s capacity for cruelty to animals is breathtaking and gut wrenching.

    • @danw6014
      @danw6014 Před rokem +4

      @@sherryp8967 you'd be surprised how many people think exactly that. I ask some of my boarders when they are having trouble if they are feeling frustrated with their horse. When they say yes I reply back, "well, the horse felt that emotion before you did". It has made some of them stop and think about what they are doing.

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @brendacooper3943
    @brendacooper3943 Před 7 lety +35

    Sorry but the whole thing is grotesque, everyone from the judges, trainors and audience that encourage this crap should be charged with abuse, none of them can say they aren't aware, all you have to do is look at the way the poor things move.

    • @badnelly7819
      @badnelly7819 Před rokem +1

      I agree wholeheartedly

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      It's still legal in Tennessee as of March 2024. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @RumbleDelta
    @RumbleDelta Před 6 lety +21

    You can see that in the horse's face and body language that he's clearly in pain in his legs from the chains. Horses don't naturally throw their heads when walking unless they're in pain or agitated. His nostrals are flared and his ears are back and he looks tense and reluctant as he walks. If you watch him for a few moments be fore he rears you can see his body is tense and boxy, indicating he's either going to rear or flee. The combination of the pain and probably fear caused him to do it.

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      This is still legal in Tennessee as of March 2024. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @snowwhite5842
    @snowwhite5842 Před 3 lety +48

    I have ridden every style including saddleseat (a Morgan and a Saddlebred) and I have competed in every style and against every style. The majority of saddleseat riders are talentless hacks. The horses high action helps to disguise their complete lack of skills, equitation, and understanding of basic horsemanship.
    I stopped riding in my 20’s and now in my 40’s I want to go back to riding. I’ve had two back surgeries so I figured riding a gaited horse would reduce the amount of impact on my back. I wanted to try Tennessee Walkers but I honestly can’t bring myself to participate in such an unnatural and barbaric style. It’s shameful this is still allowed. They have been trying to change these practices since the 80’s- 90’s and they have not been able to make any changes aside from outlawing soring. I love saddleseat and I love competing, but my love for horses would never allow me to participate in this.
    As for the girl that got thrown, serves you right. You have a whip and spurs but those don’t make up for your lack of horsemanship.

    • @msdarby515
      @msdarby515 Před 2 lety +6

      First, this is Big Lick. You can get a Tennessee Walker and not participate in it. Second, there are horses, such as the American Saddlebred that are natural high steppers. Big Lick tactics are not used in Saddle Seat. Well, if they are, it's illegal.
      But there's no reason to deny yourself a horse. Check out the American Saddlebred. They have a rich American history.

    • @Lauren-vd4qe
      @Lauren-vd4qe Před 2 lety +2

      you can get a TWH and compete in the flatshod class if you want to. check it out.

    • @shanefaulkner8586
      @shanefaulkner8586 Před 2 lety

      you should buy standardbred and go harness racing

    • @katiebragg4417
      @katiebragg4417 Před rokem +7

      Big lick is torture. This horse was being abused, SORED, and tortured. Do not participate in this because I have been reporting on all the trainers and having them all investigated one at a time, including their barns! Sick f-ng discraces of the human race

    • @jackicarlo365
      @jackicarlo365 Před rokem +1

      Just the way the riders sit on their horses makes me wonder why........

  • @silverchex
    @silverchex Před 8 lety +119

    Pain caused that. Too much pain. what a farce these people are. They are not true horsemen. Horsemen always put their horses welfare first. Awful 😠

    • @art-n-animals6724
      @art-n-animals6724 Před 3 lety +5

      Im late to this so sorry to bring you back to this comment but I agree with this. Iv had times where Iv nearly thrown up and had to keep untacking my horse because the horse cant care for itself.

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      It's still legal in Tennessee as of March 2024. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @vizs.9969
    @vizs.9969 Před 5 lety +18

    Maybe the fact that the terrible human being who owned him was abusing the living hell out of him and he finally lost it.

  • @cjjohnson5311
    @cjjohnson5311 Před 8 lety +19

    The entire concept of making these horses move this way is so unnatural. It seems like an old fashioned torture that should have died out years ago. The entire parade looks silly and uneducated. LIke they are trying to turn horses into clown figures. There is nothing elegant about it. Its creepy and sad. Is there something else these horses can do to show off their natural gait in a painless way? It's hard to imagine what kind of life these horses have on ruined hooves after their show days are over.

    • @watchgoose
      @watchgoose Před 7 lety

      they also show keg shod and Lite shod.

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      It's still legal in Tennessee as of March 2024. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @wendycav7607
    @wendycav7607 Před rokem +17

    How can such cruelty be allowed? These people are sadists.

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      It's still legal in Tennessee as of March 2024. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @mendesarmy9216
    @mendesarmy9216 Před 7 lety +36

    The horse had it's ear back the entire time and was clearly in pain. Poor horse did whatever it could to get the rider off. This is seriously the most unnatural, spastic way I have ever seen a horse move.

  • @leahhoyer6533
    @leahhoyer6533 Před 7 lety +22

    Lived in that area once, saw the cruelty of the TWH people and they think it is ok! Wonderful animals treated with cruelty and the animals accept it.

  • @fairday2
    @fairday2 Před 6 lety +22

    Pain is what I see in this horse. I didn't even know Asheville had horse shows.

  • @skyler7129
    @skyler7129 Před 4 lety +24

    I can’t believe someone would do this those poor babies it is gross to look at and that bastard got what he deserves but the way the horse tries to run away is beyond heartbreaking

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      Notice how hard it was for the horse to get up? With the stacks that can weigh up to 8 POUNDS each, plus the overall build of the horse (weak hindquarters) The horse couldn't maintain the rear as a normal horse could. Thus the rider fell off because the horse fell.
      It's still legal in Tennessee as of March 2024. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @khalfani414
    @khalfani414 Před 3 lety +38

    not even remotely surprised. I'm a pro equestrian (show jumping) and I lived in Asheville and ran a top level sport horse breeding, training, selling, and competing operation for a long time - I was the only person in a 100 mile radius that had any clue what they were doing. Asheville and the surrounding area is filled to the brim with people who own horses, but have zero idea what they're doing, and they're very arrogant and don't accept a single ounce of criticism on their abuse and neglect. Ignorance while owning, riding, and trying to compete horses creates cruelty, stupidity, and extremely incorrectly ridden and conditioned horses with severe anxiety. There's a lot of horse idiots in WNC. It makes me so mad that extreme ignorance while owning horses isn't enough grounds to get their horses removed by animal control.

    • @mrsdragonite
      @mrsdragonite Před 2 lety +5

      That's the south for you.

    • @jordanwhite5470
      @jordanwhite5470 Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@mrsdragonite Don't blame it on "the South". There are good horse people here, just as there are bad horse people in Michigan, for example.

    • @jordanwhite5470
      @jordanwhite5470 Před 7 měsíci +2

      Ignorance and all that exist everywhere. However, you're more likely to make your point and/or correct someone's future actions if you broach things as a Suggestion, or as an Alternate Approach. Calling someone names or appearing to think you know better than everyone won't induce people to listen to you.

    • @user-lq5dc2kp3f
      @user-lq5dc2kp3f Před 6 měsíci

      So, why didn't you fight to stop it, were you threatened

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      @@user-lq5dc2kp3f It's still legal in Tennessee as of March 2024. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's CZcams channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @Robin-yj7gj
    @Robin-yj7gj Před 4 lety +32

    That horse was full of despair and tried to get away from all the pain. I am surprised this hasn't happened earlier

  • @lindan2836
    @lindan2836 Před 7 lety +98

    that horse was resring to get some relief of his badley hurting fronthooves. what is wrong with these people, this should be forbidden years ago!!

    • @devildog3606
      @devildog3606 Před 4 lety

      You know the pads on the front hooves are weighted the horse dosn’t feel any thing

    • @abigaildeeks8328
      @abigaildeeks8328 Před 4 lety

      The Devil Dog the hell they dont

    • @katebrits3461
      @katebrits3461 Před 4 lety +5

      @@devildog3606 you are sick. They feel the weight, not only the shoes are abuse but they also cut the horse tail tendons for there own selfish ways so that these horses will have beautiful tails EXCUSE ME YOU ARE ABUSING A I ASCENT HORSE

    • @annatheequestrian4149
      @annatheequestrian4149 Před 3 lety +1

      Yes! I agree!

    • @staceyevans2315
      @staceyevans2315 Před 3 lety +2

      @@devildog3606 It still doesn't excuse soring in the first place. Just because they don't "feel it", doesn't mean you get to scar up a horse's legs.

  • @trailorsporthorse7379
    @trailorsporthorse7379 Před 8 lety +25

    The rider pulled back on the reins pulling the horse over with her. I do hope she is okay and I DO HOPE IT knocked some sense into her "walk of shame" . Why do they want their horses in CHRONIC PAIN??? Horses on pads is painful for the horse with their toes extended that far what happens to the coffin bone in hoof? It moves forward beyond break over point It is the most unnatural horse abuse in the world. All for what? A few ribbons and some cash? I will send a ribbon in the mail if you turn your idiot light on! The TWH are one of the only breeds that would stand for such abuse. I continue to pray for these horses and the hope that one day these people take a look at themselves and a long look at the horses in their stalls with their hind legs camped under and their front legs burning from the wraps that their owner subjected them to. Then ask themselves "is winning worth the pain I am inflicting on my equine?"

    • @derpityderp-derp4007
      @derpityderp-derp4007 Před 8 lety +13

      I think that if the rider thinks it is fine to abuse their horse, that the horse should get the chance to crush the riders skull:)

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      It's still legal in Tennessee as of March 2024. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @109367
    @109367 Před 7 lety +47

    His knees look hyperflexed to me, I would be quite uncomfortable too, it's painful to look at. Those stacks are not natural to the horse, Big Lick needs to be outlawed, these horses are beautiful in their natural gait, flat shod. I know there are much stricter regulations on soring so this horse probably wasn't sored and to even get this far into the show he had to be vet checked to be sure he was not, he never looked comfortable to me.

    • @rotercarol1792
      @rotercarol1792 Před 3 lety +1

      Also, they have legs so thin!

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      @@rotercarol1792 Look at their hindquarters, there's nothing there. That's why the horse fell once he reared up.

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      It's still legal in Tennessee as of March 2024. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @wahlroosann-marie1716
    @wahlroosann-marie1716 Před 8 lety +53

    What some of You over there consider a sport would not fly here in Europe! Animal torture at it's worst.Only truly sick individuals would participate in something like this.Every person who attends this events are just as much to blame! Sick!

    • @deensilvergonz1486
      @deensilvergonz1486 Před 8 lety +6

      Be care of comparisons of Europe over America of animal sports or other things, as countries of Europe has its own aspects of acceptable abuses too. Some like our horses for the dinner plate, and have no problem that the horses are stunned and gutted alive. Which we in America are angered of the losses of our horses in this way and fight that too. a division of more rightness in one place will cause divisions of good purposes, and where we all in the world want to unite to fight all evil doings and cruelty with all nations, or peoples to that effects.

    • @wahlroosann-marie1716
      @wahlroosann-marie1716 Před 8 lety +4

      Arrow Megginson I absolutely do NOT agree,and would never attend such an event of animal abuse.Thankfully I do not live in Spain

    • @bezoticallyyours83
      @bezoticallyyours83 Před 6 lety +7

      Wahlroos Ann-Marie Plenty of people here are against it too.
      People with common sense and compassion Anywhere in the world would not stand for such things.
      Unfortunately there are people all over the world who will use animals cruelly. From big lick to rollkur to animal fights to animal testing. As long as compassionate people fight for them, they have a chance to live better lives.
      Still you shouldn't broadbrush.

    • @melissazietz1241
      @melissazietz1241 Před 6 lety +5

      Arrow Megginson Exactly. No country has a patent on abuse.

    • @abigaildeeks8328
      @abigaildeeks8328 Před 4 lety +2

      Mars Horses jumping does not use rolkur or spring- and jumping is in North America

  • @lovingarts6025
    @lovingarts6025 Před 3 lety +27

    Everything done right!!! After walking too much with pain I'd be angry as well... these poor horses somebody please stop this 💔

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      It's still legal in Tennessee as of March 2024. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @shgh6242
    @shgh6242 Před 5 lety +10

    Happy to see the rider laying on thr ground. I hope he/she has broken her spine and can never ride again.

  • @pennylane428
    @pennylane428 Před 3 lety +27

    Haven’t watch the video yet, but I could think of hundreds of reasons why the horse was trying to throw him! Being abused in a myriad of different ways which causes pain, hence the rider gets tossed because they’re sick and tired of constant pressure from stack shoes and soring. I wish this community was more equine friendly and humane.

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      It's still legal in Tennessee as of March 2024. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's CZcams channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @piperdawn7
    @piperdawn7 Před 3 lety +12

    I have a TWH who is my world! I would never do this to him! I love him too much, and love his natural gaits, he doesn't need to be enhanced! Big Lick is cruel and unnatural, stop abusing them!

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci +1

      It's still legal in Tennessee as of March 2024. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's CZcams channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

  • @hayleyequestrian3360
    @hayleyequestrian3360 Před 7 lety +62

    Tennessee walking horses are meant to be the nicest temperament too.

    • @abbilewis1756
      @abbilewis1756 Před 4 lety +2

      This can be true but agin Tennessee walling horses are also the spookiest horse breed there is he could have heard or saw something that spooked him and he’s only instinct was to rare up...

    • @iwatchgnrvideosandlovechic910
      @iwatchgnrvideosandlovechic910 Před 4 lety +16

      @@abbilewis1756 lol... wait r u freakin serious??? do you not know that to get them to walk like that, they pour acid on there hooves along with 8+ lb weights on each hoof he was in TREMEDOUS PAIN THATS WHY HE REARED TO GET AWAY FROM PAIN

    • @abbilewis1756
      @abbilewis1756 Před 4 lety +2

      Jojo's Birds I’m aware of this I’ve grown up with The twh breed not by any mean was I saying that was the absolute only reason y that happened I was just saying that could have been a reason nor do I support the big lick in anyway shape or form

    • @iwatchgnrvideosandlovechic910
      @iwatchgnrvideosandlovechic910 Před 4 lety +2

      @@abbilewis1756 oh ok sorry

    • @virgo1986ful
      @virgo1986ful Před 4 lety +3

      The horse was being abuse

  • @charlinemontial9217
    @charlinemontial9217 Před 5 lety +10

    You should not dislike the video, because this kind of reality must be shown.

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      I agree. I didn't used to do so, but had a friend explain to me that even if I didn't like the content of the video, if I found it enlightening, then it deserved a like. But people blowing off steam to just blow off steam, I don't give them anything as any response counts as a response on YT.

  • @carsonm7848
    @carsonm7848 Před 4 lety +11

    1:36 pause video, he almost broke his leg this NEEDS TO STOP NOW

  • @Myella1703
    @Myella1703 Před 3 lety +6

    Serves them right for all the pain and suffering. Pure animal abuse. Bastards 😡😡

  • @katydidnt3906
    @katydidnt3906 Před rokem +3

    The saddest part is that the rider survived

  • @patriciastaton6182
    @patriciastaton6182 Před 10 měsíci +8

    Why hasn't this cruelty STOPPED ???? 😢

    • @ceilingunlimited-cp5kq
      @ceilingunlimited-cp5kq Před 7 měsíci

      If you dig into the meat & potatoes of it,you’ll find that answer

    • @user-lq5dc2kp3f
      @user-lq5dc2kp3f Před 6 měsíci

      Exactly, bcos of money involved, threats, n being paid off

    • @ceilingunlimited-cp5kq
      @ceilingunlimited-cp5kq Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@user-lq5dc2kp3f Really? How so? And who’s paying who off? Proof? You do know HSUS has over 100 times more money than the entire walking horse industry itself,members and its millionaire’s right? $385 million and counting,and they were able to spend millions to shut down Ringling Bros,but the millions of dollars they’ve spent to shut down the Big Lick they’ve failed every time. So how could that be? If it’s not the money maybe it’s something else? Maybe it’s something the industry has had for many years that you have absolutely no knowledge of,that not a soul inside the industry or the USDA or its DQP’s would even attempt to try and bribe,because of that something it’s not even needed. And besides, the USDA numbers are published and the secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsak (who hates big lick walking horses) can’t get it shut down either! And I won’t talk about other breeds that play a vital role in this. If people would do their research and homework,they would have the answer to their old rinse & repeat question of “why hasn’t it been stopped or been outlawed?”

    • @alycewich4472
      @alycewich4472 Před 5 měsíci

      It's still legal in Tennessee as of March 2024. Go to Horse Plus Humane Society's CZcams channel and Tawnee will give you an update on how to get laws passed to end this and other horse abuses that aren't at the forefront of the US legislators minds. We, one at a time, can change this.

    • @ceilingunlimited-cp5kq
      @ceilingunlimited-cp5kq Před 5 měsíci

      @@alycewich4472 Soring has been illegal under federal law since 1970. Tawnee along with Clant Seay ( CCABLAC )and HSUS with Congress has failed to pass their bills i.e. The Past Act amendment to the HPA,because for starters #1 soring is already illegal which that is the sole purpose of the HPA which applies to ALL breeds of horses,not just Tennessee Walking Horses,and #2 the compliant rate vs. the non compliant rate under subjective USDA testing NOT objective science based testing is a nearly 98% compliance rate under the USDA by the USDA’s own published numbers. The 2016 final rule was shelved and reintroduced under Tom Vilsak to be published in the Federal Register,and as it stands is dead (although currently at the OBM) due to the very specific language written in the rule,that if published in the Federal Register,would result in an immediate Federal Lawsuit by the TWH industry AND the entire show horse industry as well. Which with all due respect,they would win. Thats why the TWH shows will be next to impossible to eliminate. The Government can’t take away from one and not take away from the other. Thats just scratching the surface of it. It goes much deeper than that. Not a supporter,just putting out the facts.

  • @fusspot57
    @fusspot57 Před 8 lety +19

    Fully support the fight to get this hideous "big lick" abuse banned. Unbelievable cruelty. It also looks really ugly as a gait especially with some of the over-sized hunched over male riders. They look like vultures on the poor animal's back. The Tennessee is a gorgeous horse with a unique natural gait, stop abusing them.

    • @fusspot57
      @fusspot57 Před 8 lety +5

      Yes, good point! Also that awful ultra-collected "canter". Utterly speechless when I saw footage of that and there were people saying how pretty it looked. Unbelievable. To me it looked exactly like a poor broken down rocking horse.
      I'm also shocked at how young some of these unfortunate animals are.

    • @tami2170
      @tami2170 Před 7 lety

      Plain Jane, why did you get rid of your horse?

    • @mckenziecolburn1998
      @mckenziecolburn1998 Před 6 lety

      the big lick may get banned BUT...... that doesn't mean those people wont stop hurting them back at the barn 😔

  • @coldwhitespring5004
    @coldwhitespring5004 Před 4 lety +6

    Intense pain caused the horse to throw him. Notice the long shanks on these bits, those are torture instruments and their reins are not exactly loose either. I find it odd that any of these riders stay on, horses are truly better than humans.

  • @cheerio4635
    @cheerio4635 Před 6 lety +13

    I can’t believe this is going on!!!! I HATE THESE People! HOW DARE THEY DO THIS

  • @noname-JS
    @noname-JS Před 2 lety +3

    There was nothing nasty about the horse's behavior. After years of torturing the horses to perform this riding style, it looks like the horse gave up and fell down.

  • @karenpalmer1694
    @karenpalmer1694 Před 8 lety +22

    This is heartbreaking, This should not be aloud! Them poor horses. This is animal cruelty. This should be banned and not allowed anywhere. So heart breaking!

  • @agatameble721
    @agatameble721 Před 4 lety +5

    Tennessee walking horses walk so gracefully without those stacks and all the poison (diesel,etc) tightly bandaged onto their legs. The 'big lick' doesn't even look that good in my opinion.

  • @highwinds71
    @highwinds71 Před 3 lety +2

    Seems like a very cruel way to ride a horse. I don't feel bad for the people who get hurt while being cruel to the horses, I feel bad for the horse.

  • @deensilvergonz1486
    @deensilvergonz1486 Před 8 lety +14

    I can not believe that citizens come to watch this suffering, what is the deal on this big lick, its ugly and in humane, abuse at the highest degree to horses, why is it even allowed, I dont' get it? people come to watch this ?

  • @wisterianaka.9550
    @wisterianaka.9550 Před 4 lety +2

    That forced gate looks unnatural and ugly compared to its natural gate which is gorgeous!

  • @hayleyequestrian3360
    @hayleyequestrian3360 Před 7 lety +21

    People need to realize!!! It makes me so angry when I see these kind of videos! It WASN'T the horses fault at all. The horse is in so much pain so he/she did that to get the rider off. They sore, put nails though their bones and put heavy weights on their feet! This is cruel and abusive! Also some even beat them. Poor Tennessee walking horses.

    • @chardonaytrott2525
      @chardonaytrott2525 Před 7 lety +1

      Breyerhorsemad I see were your going at! And you are right

    • @hayleyequestrian3360
      @hayleyequestrian3360 Před 7 lety +2

      ***** There is several videos of x-rays of a TW's hoof showing nails into the bones of their fetlock. If a horse wasn't in pain (like TWH's are) then their legs wouldn't be that high and their heads nodding like mad. And I DO know that they have a natural gate anyway but this is not normal behaviour.

    • @brookedevisser
      @brookedevisser Před 7 lety +5

      Tisha the natural gait of the Tennessee walking horse is beautiful, these methods are just cruel and completely unnecessary

    • @beannamated
      @beannamated Před 4 lety +4

      @@hayleyequestrian3360 The natural gait is beautiful and is characterized by a deep head nod, very different from what is in the video.

  • @Baby_Taco31
    @Baby_Taco31 Před 3 lety +4

    I’m literally crying watching this… I hate these people soo much😡🤬

  • @linnean20
    @linnean20 Před 7 lety +4

    Too bad the horse didnt fall on the rider..

    • @tami2170
      @tami2170 Před 7 lety

      Linnea Nordström, exactly!!

  • @fmorant2222
    @fmorant2222 Před 7 lety +16

    The horse was probably in so much pain. They put horrible stuff on the horses feet. Very cruel.

    • @silverchex
      @silverchex Před 7 lety

      Therese Mackenzie That horse gave every indication it was hurting badly. The horse paused several times, stumbled and didn't want to move forward. It was very uncomfortable turning. She deserved what she got when it fell but sadly the horse was probably tortured some more and reprimanded severely for that. I can't stand these people, the torture, abuse and are cruel to their animals. The whole showing aspect of it needs to be shut down or they will continue to do what their doing.

  • @elizabethschofield4375
    @elizabethschofield4375 Před 11 měsíci +3

    These people should be arrested and charged with animal cruelty with a jail sentence,because they keep doing this .

    • @ceilingunlimited-cp5kq
      @ceilingunlimited-cp5kq Před 7 měsíci

      Animal Right Groups and The Humane Society of the United States has spent millions and millions of dollars to stop it for years with no success. Yes the same Humane Society who also spent millions and millions of dollars that shut down Ringling Bros Circus and Sea World killer whales,but can’t shut down this. Must be more to it than we know?

  • @deepblue153
    @deepblue153 Před 2 lety +2

    I don’t understand how this came into existence. They naturally have very pleasant gaits, why not just celebrate that natural ability? Instead they chose to do this.
    FYI to randoms: not all boots are like these, some actually correct posture or help protect the hoof. The pads/chains/devices used in this are designed to hinder the horse in various ways (pain, pressure, and/or weight) so they lift their legs higher. They do inspect for soring, but there are methods to get around it like pain numbers etc.

  • @dorenemellene2201
    @dorenemellene2201 Před 7 lety +8

    Horse Soring is cruel, and should be outlawed. You can tell by watching the front legs during, and after it stands up. Poor horse.

  • @amnaadora
    @amnaadora Před 6 lety +11

    Me: **reads title** also me: to answer your question, probably because he was soring that poor innocent animal

  • @brookelachapelle8342
    @brookelachapelle8342 Před 8 lety +6

    This horse is clearly in a lot of pain!!

  • @patiencehale9227
    @patiencehale9227 Před 8 lety +5

    Good for the horse!! Payback is a b*tch. There is NO excuse for animal abuse!!

  • @imogenbroome9999
    @imogenbroome9999 Před 7 lety +21

    This is cruel and there are no other words for it other than abusive. These people riding should never be aloud to own any animal let alone one as beautiful as a horse like that! I wonder if the person who fell off was hurt because after the suffering they put these horses through they deserve to be. 😡

  • @ncvb91
    @ncvb91 Před 7 lety +4

    But because this horse doesn't seem to be tucking his hind end under him so much to support his body weight, I don't think he's had any / a lot of chemicals on him.But that sh** had got to stop. Nothing about that movement is pretty?!?! A horse wearing led platform shoes, ruining his legs, and in some cases just trying to avoid the pain from all the chemicals he's had rubbed into his skin AND THEN CHAINS PUT ON TOP, and RIDDEN... to make him hurt and want to get away from the pain more. Oh... because they also drive NAILS ... UP - I mean UP IN TO THEIR HOOF. Hidden in those "stacks" so every time he puts his foot down, he's literally walking on nail points .
    And that's why you see them tuck their hind end under them to support them as much as possible ....

    • @tami2170
      @tami2170 Před 7 lety +1

      ncvb91, exactly!!

    • @douglasgriffiths3534
      @douglasgriffiths3534 Před 5 lety +2

      Yep, and to think that will eventually cause laminitis, as well as arthritis and other soft tissue damage, as well as skeletal deformities. Just let the horses display their gaits naturally, the way God intended.

  • @justme9359
    @justme9359 Před 3 lety +14

    best thing ive seen in a long time, way to go horse!

  • @annabanana9249
    @annabanana9249 Před 6 lety +2

    That person deserved it. Honestly, those poor horses go through much more pain than that.

  • @bevsaunders2363
    @bevsaunders2363 Před 7 lety +3

    Obscene travesty of equine care, to cripple them like that.

  • @Red.Equestrian
    @Red.Equestrian Před rokem +2

    The horse didn't throw him, the horse fell over because of how much pain and stress that horse has. The poor thing was probably beaten or punished in some way after this. Big lick really, really needs to stop

  • @allegra9171
    @allegra9171 Před 2 lety +3

    don’t worry about the person get the horse and give it the life it deserves that person deserves that

  • @shaehezinger6474
    @shaehezinger6474 Před 3 lety +2

    This is just abuse, straight up abuse. They put chemicals on the horses legs to make it painful for them to walk, then they do a walk like this which is very unnatural. They put weighted “shoes” on their hooves as well as chains on their legs.

  • @brittnyhawk8633
    @brittnyhawk8633 Před 7 lety +6

    I own a show twh and could never think to put him in that kinda pain. I can mostly old school people doing this. I for one is pushing the all natural shows.

  • @covidry6660
    @covidry6660 Před 4 lety +2

    It’s because the horse is getting abused. Look at the bit, the horse shoes, and the chains on their feet, another sign is the wraps. Their not propper wraps because the owners poor chemicals on the horses legs and the wrap cooks it in, after this show, this horse will likely have to go through a year or 2 of rehabilitation just to stand up. This is also illegal if anyone was wondering, me and my friend have been protesting about it yet stuff like this still is happening, we won’t stop until they stop.

  • @ellimae1548
    @ellimae1548 Před 3 lety +3

    We need to take these owners and put disco platforms on them and gear them up with desert storm gear from the army and make them run around an arena.

    • @Stokedhavok
      @Stokedhavok Před 3 lety

      Elli Mae
      I like your idea, Friend! It would be a perfectly appropriate and well-suited punishment to force them to experience the same type of horrible torture to which they willingly and happily subject their beautiful abused horses, all for a mere, insignificant trophy or even just a cheap, worthless ribbon! See how THEY like it! Those feckless and inhumane assholes!

    • @dreamcatcher3861
      @dreamcatcher3861 Před rokem

      And also pour acid on their ankles before putting their platforms on, wrap it tight with bandages to increase the burning too. See how they like it.

  • @pageachatter229
    @pageachatter229 Před 5 lety +2

    I think the horse simply said. "Fuck this! I'm not doing this shit anymore!"
    Good horsey!

  • @lucyequestrian7177
    @lucyequestrian7177 Před 3 lety +3

    Good she definitely deserved it! It’s horrible what they do to those horses 😭😤

  • @emilyconnie2150
    @emilyconnie2150 Před 7 lety +2

    This is pure abuse. It's not pretty and there is no point to having plaques and chains on a horses feet. The poor horse has to let is rider sit their and put toxic burning chemicals on their front legs. This needs to stop.

  • @leeannsickels8074
    @leeannsickels8074 Před 2 lety +3

    This is my favorite horse now! Yes!!!! Too bad she survived.

  • @asrotties
    @asrotties Před 10 měsíci +2

    I'm sorry but I do not feel sorry for that rider at all. I only feel sorry for that poor abused animals. This should be outlawed immediately. Absolute abuse and there is no excuse for it.

  • @fairday2
    @fairday2 Před 6 lety +5

    He was hurting and even fell for himself. His eyes and feet are in great pain. No one can cover what they do to these horses without the horse just saying, "I need to lay down and get off my feet.

  • @janiegrace3053
    @janiegrace3053 Před 2 lety +2

    For starters, this Tennessee Walking Horse didn't "throw" its rider. The rider is too big for the horse, is a terrible rider like most amateur TWH exhibitors, & fell off w/out letting go of the reins ~ thus pulling the poor horse over. Poor thing. These "Big Lick" TWH w/their stacks & chains & sore feet (whether they've been chemically sored or not, their feet hurt like H*ll) move exactly like horses with navicular disease or founder. FYI, Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn voted against a bill to increase penalties for TWH abuse; she said it was "too much regulation" & the Big Lick is 'part of our Southern heritage.' NOT MY "SOUTHERN HERITAGE"!!! PS: These TWH not killing their riders is a testimony to the Walkers' good nature. A Thoroughbred horse in this kind of pain w/aTWH Big Lick unnatural life ~ tail set harnesses in the stall, NEVER turned out to run around, NEVER taken on trail rides or bareback/halter rides for grazing ~ would go mad, quit eating, be unrideable, eventually colic and die.

  • @brookelachapelle8342
    @brookelachapelle8342 Před 8 lety +6

    I hope the rider is not ok! This is ABUSE and she knows it!!! Do you know what these horses go through?

    • @watchgoose
      @watchgoose Před 7 lety

      so you want human beings to be hurt? you just showed what kind of person you are. that wouldn't solv e a thing.

    • @sandyculbertson6875
      @sandyculbertson6875 Před 7 lety +3

      Neither does supporting this abuse!

    • @brookelachapelle8342
      @brookelachapelle8342 Před 7 lety +3

      watchgoose hurting horses or any animal just to win a stupid show? I don't like humans being hurt but when they do something like this they deserve it...the horse is clearly in pain! What else is the horse supposed to do?

    • @douglasgriffiths3534
      @douglasgriffiths3534 Před 5 lety

      It's only partly the rider's fault--blame the so-called "trainer".

    • @abigaildeeks8328
      @abigaildeeks8328 Před 4 lety

      Douglas Griffiths it’s fully the riders fault. Find a trainer that doesn’t do this

  • @Gingerwalker.
    @Gingerwalker. Před 10 měsíci +2

    There is something SERIOUSLY mentally wrong with people who would put any thing thru wearing all that gear. It is sick, cruel and looks exceedingly ridiculous.

  • @MrEmman12
    @MrEmman12 Před 2 lety +4

    I never knew this existed, this is sick.

  • @Trainfor_Golden
    @Trainfor_Golden Před 11 měsíci

    To someone who doesn't know what the riding of "Big lick" is:
    Big lick is a discipline that uses Tennessee Walking horses. They cook chemicals above the horses hoof to sore them, they also put on heavy weights and chains to exagerate and hyperflex their gait. It causes the horses stress, discomfort, and pain 24/7.
    So please, never support or do this discipline and instead help stop it.

  • @dianereiser6417
    @dianereiser6417 Před 6 lety +5

    I don’t know but watching this made me sick to my stomach, poor horses.

  • @michellehoyt7770
    @michellehoyt7770 Před 3 lety +2

    He piled her out of sheer pain and agony in my opinion, he couldn't stand it anymore, I'm GLAD he piled her and hate every single one of the trainers and owners who torture these gorgeous horses, their NATURAL movement is beauty, this is hidious to watch!

  • @todda7857
    @todda7857 Před 8 lety +10

    Well deserved....this is not natural with what they do to these poor animals and she needs to learn to ride

  • @ahorsenamedcelty9505
    @ahorsenamedcelty9505 Před 4 lety +2

    There is currently a bill to stop this barbaric practice. Please ask your state senators to co sponsor the bill.

  • @darbydupree4056
    @darbydupree4056 Před 8 lety +3

    Chains while showing? I didn't think that was allowed. This horse set his ears when she first turned him into the rail but then there was licking in chewing. This horse may have been in pain. Watch his ankles when she brings him into the rail. I am no expert but his ankles do not look right to me. Maybe it's those HUGE pads that are creating the illusion of his ankles being off but also notice his ankles when he gets up after falling!

    • @laurakelley3749
      @laurakelley3749 Před 8 lety +9

      You are absolutely correct about the stacks being way too large. I watched the horses just try to walk from the barn to the arena, and it was pitiful to see how clumsy those pads make the horse walk. There is nothing pretty about the big lick, and the people who are involved with putting these monstrous "pads" on them are extremely cruel people. They know they are hurting the horses and the don't care!

    • @darbydupree4056
      @darbydupree4056 Před 8 lety +8

      Personally I think this class should be against the law. Should never be allowed but money controls it all. Big lick walking horse people are usually big money and shady too. You find a lot of these people at cock fights. Cold, callous, ruthless people, my opinion. Laura Ousley

    • @darbydupree4056
      @darbydupree4056 Před 8 lety +1

      Egotistical sadists who have money, can't ride, and think they don't get wet in the rain. I know their kind. The farriers also put nails inside their pads. I don't have to say anymore. Plain Jane

    • @laurakelley3749
      @laurakelley3749 Před 8 lety +1

      I agree, Darby. This has to stop!!!

    • @laurakelley3749
      @laurakelley3749 Před 8 lety +5

      The pads (stacks) are not illegal - yet. Just those hideous, clumsy and heavy objects are abuse - even when you don't factor in the other things like the chemicals. The horses are forced to wear them 24/7 and they are forced to stand in the stalls and beaten if they try to lie down. These sadists who do this to horses need to 1) be in jail and 2) never be allowed to own any animals.

  • @youexist6170
    @youexist6170 Před 4 lety +1

    I know this was posted 4 years ago, but the reason that horse threw its rider was because 1. the riders of the "Big Lick" have no riding experience 2. that horse is in an enormous amount pain. Do I need to say more as to why that rider was thrown off that horse?

  • @danielabaumann1165
    @danielabaumann1165 Před 2 lety +3

    Hey Abuser, does it hurt ? Good ! Do you understand how your Horse feels the whole time.

  • @ralphkoepsel4602
    @ralphkoepsel4602 Před 6 lety +2

    To all the people on here saying this should be illegal, it is illegal!!! Has been for decades, it's a classic case of the fox guarding the hen house. The walking horse industry cannot police itself, and now that outside groups are monitoring the shows walking horse people are enraged and saying "they're trying to destroy walking horses!" Total BS. Not only are that horse's legs and hooves sore, his mouth is sore too, look at the shanks on that bit. It's a wonder every damn one of those horses didn't flip over. And the horse will be blamed, as usual.

    • @Anastasia2048
      @Anastasia2048 Před 4 lety +1

      I just don't get it though. If you see a horse with this ugly grotesque gait, it's obviously soared because there is no way a non soared TWH would walk like this.

  • @natasharostova5859
    @natasharostova5859 Před 4 lety +3

    The horse didn't "throw its rider." The poor thing FELL because it's too crippled to stay on its feet. Even the TWH who aren't chemically sored are dead lame from the heavy stacked shoes (lead weights inside them), training brutality, being kept in a stall wearing a tail set all the time. The horses are in terrible shape: no turn out, no trail rides, no life. These TWH people should all be forced to wear stiletto heels w/ ten pounds of lead attached to both shoes ~ see how they feel after a few years of that.

  • @Your-Average-Nerd
    @Your-Average-Nerd Před 2 lety +1

    I want to cry and puke at the same time when I read the comments going into detail about Big Lick. Whoever has done this is going to hell.

  • @laurashutter7528
    @laurashutter7528 Před 7 lety +7

    these horses are in constant pain. the lineaments that are applied to these horses front hairline of feet is excruciating pain. with the addition of being wrapped for days. horses are then beaten if they show any pain. vets look over the horses before show, but are these horses are well conditioned with the beating to not show pain. the horses tails are cut at the 1st vertebra so their tails will bump up. such cruelty deserves intercession from the aspca! sorry for such negativity. just think animals should be treated better.

  • @hanakinsidewalker
    @hanakinsidewalker Před 3 lety +2

    Honest I feel so sorry for all of these horses

  • @WildRoseFarms1
    @WildRoseFarms1 Před 8 lety +3

    I detest how they are shod and shown but honestly this can happen with any horse at any show. Could have been the horse didn't like the horse in front or behind it, it could have been spooked by someone along the rail on the outside, or the list goes on. Maybe the horse was green.

    • @laurakelley3749
      @laurakelley3749 Před 8 lety +9

      I was there - the horse was lame to begin with - even more lame than the others wearing 8 lb stacks. The level of cruelty here is akin to dog fighting, and I'm not exaggerating.

  • @Helen-jx1ij
    @Helen-jx1ij Před rokem +1

    Some people have the nerve to compare this to others Tennessee walking horse who have the same gaits but not the big licks on the front of their feet. These horses actually walk like this naturally, but this right here is horse abuse with the metal bootstraps.

  • @deensilvergonz1486
    @deensilvergonz1486 Před 8 lety +9

    OMG! This horse is recently been done of the practice and suffering pain of the hooves/legs, and not been beat down yet, I bet you that horse was severely attacked by human predator after this show. Poor thing is trying to deal with the pain it's suffering thru. New suffering to this poor baby. who is the owner , what is this horses's name, why aren't we given such info??

    • @laurakelley3749
      @laurakelley3749 Před 8 lety +6

      When I find out, I'll let you know. I wanted to know the same thing.

    • @deensilvergonz1486
      @deensilvergonz1486 Před 8 lety +4

      Petition on change.org, or care2.com when we find out who this person is and horses name, we can use the video to promote the petitions, and against this showing facility.

  • @claudiabranham8426
    @claudiabranham8426 Před 9 měsíci +1

    Horrible way to ruin a horse. There's a price to pay for harming an innocent life

  • @hillbillyheart217
    @hillbillyheart217 Před 5 lety +3

    I grew up in walking horse barns in the 80s and 90s. I've seen some amazing athletic horses that loved showing and strutting their stuff. That being said, this animal does seem to be extremely uncomfortable but moreso thru its back and hind legs. The tail set also seems to be askew. This could be a tack issue which caused discomfort as it malfunctioned and caused the horse to react. The horse has its back bulged and hind end in a bind as he turns to prepare to hit the rail at a flat foot walk. The way the horse rears tells me it has something abnormal bugging him and my money is on a taikset that's slipping and causing part of the rigging to pinch or pull. The horse recovers quickly and if the trainer were soring this animal it would NOT have been able to hop up as quickly and easily as it did. When a trainer sores a horse they look like an elephant on one of those little tiny stands....all bunched and drawn. If you've ever been in a good barn and met good trainers you can tell and see the difference immediately. My dad was a farrier and he spent more time rebuilding the feet of race horses to keep them from being slaughtered. Walking horses were always well kept, beloved animals and revered athletes that literally lived better than I did. If you want to see some true abuse check out the endurance riders, breeding programs for brittle boned thoroughbreds because they breed for 5k and not 50k miles....leaving young horses lame or slaughtered, or jumpers/steeplechase events. I used to cut trails and maintain trails at a major trail facility in Tennessee. I've seen more stupid owners buy a horse and not ride it for a month and then load up for a 20 mile ride and have their horse come up lame 7 miles from the barn and wonder why.....because you have to condition a horse and understand how hauling, inconsistent riding, and different terrains affect your animal.....and you can't drink beer all day and then ignore your gimpy horse because you're drunk. That is what really makes me mad. To see a fine animal with a bowed or snapped tendon because someone wants to be a weekend cowboy and doesn't understand the complexity of the amazing animal they're on.....or they put borum on their shoes and then tske out galloping across pavement and wonder why their horse is stove up the next day. In all my days I guess I was lucky. I worked with amazing barns and amazing people. I've worked with pasos, Andalusians, quarter horses and even Icelandic horses also. Again, the worst abuse and mistreatment I saw was in the horse sports where it all looks controlled and formal, but the training history makes you cringe. So I do not support dressage or any type of jumping or endurance sport anymore. I was lucky to grow up in the era of Storm Clouds Thunder Bay, Prides Generator, Prides Jubilee Star and He's Putting On The Ritz. These horses were divas who knew they were amazing and loved the show ring and the attention. They were treated like the champions they were and had devoted owners and trainers who knew they'd witnessed an amazing animal with a gigantic heart. There is such an easy desire to hate someone or something if you have never witnessed both sides. I could never demonize the majority of the experiences I witnessed in the barns I grew up in....these animals were magical and lived better than I did. It was an amazing way to grow up and witness the greats of the era. Check out stats for injured, lame, glue/slaughter bound and abuse charges. You'll be surprised at the breeds that take the top spots. I know...ive rescued many.

    • @ponylovermadden4560
      @ponylovermadden4560 Před 4 lety +3

      you hve lost your marbles if you think this horse had a tack issue......plllllleaaaseeee!

    • @cryptophora1055
      @cryptophora1055 Před 4 lety +3

      How could you ever think that this horse wasn't in pain.

  • @paigelivesey4036
    @paigelivesey4036 Před 5 lety +1

    As much abuse I can call out it will simply be ignored this rider fell because he can't ride, the horse fell because he ripped his face off and forced the horse backwards with the added weight of those horrendous blocks