Why There Must Be a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church - Pastor Jack Hibbs

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • Jan Markell offers a presentation by Pastor Jack Hibbs on why we support the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church. This theology is under attack, scorned, and mocked. While believers experience Satan’s and man’s wrath, the Bible is clear, we never experience God’s wrath. The righteous are removed! And our disappearance is imminent.
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Komentáře • 1,3K

  • @Becca-ln2gi
    @Becca-ln2gi Před měsícem +121

    Repent and pray only Jesus can save us 🙏💖😇

  • @user-gh3qh7xq3i
    @user-gh3qh7xq3i Před měsícem +100

    When I was a boy, I would often help my dad with tasks. I cannot count the occasions when his response to my questions and doubts was, " Don't worry about the mule being blind, just load the wagon."
    As followers and believers, we must always remember our commission. If Scriture tells us 365 times, "FEAR NOT", I believe that is our instruction for each day of the year.

    • @uscgmom9796
      @uscgmom9796 Před měsícem +7

      Thank you for this, dear. Very wonderful. God bless you.

    • @CarmonBenford
      @CarmonBenford Před 11 dny

      "Don't worry about the mule being blind, just load the wagon." Love it! i'm going to use that line!

  • @beaupierrebondurant5651
    @beaupierrebondurant5651 Před měsícem +68

    Jesus is coming soon...

    • @SUNSHINE-bf3bw
      @SUNSHINE-bf3bw Před měsícem +3

      He told me, Almost Home, in a dream, September, of last year

    • @CatnRobsLife
      @CatnRobsLife Před měsícem +2


    • @sandyjuntunen4088
      @sandyjuntunen4088 Před měsícem +4

      That Oak Ridge Boys song " Jesus is Coming Soon" , was written back in the 70's, but every verse of that beautiful song couldn't fit today more. One of the band members died last month, & he was so full of joy, beaming with smiles that he was about to meet Jesus. I've had the song lyrics on my mind ever since. Meeting Jesus is all that matters.

    • @SUNSHINE-bf3bw
      @SUNSHINE-bf3bw Před měsícem

      @@sandyjuntunen4088 I will listen, can't remember it !!

  • @julieb3833
    @julieb3833 Před měsícem +112

    I could listen to Pastor Jack all day long.

    • @uscgmom9796
      @uscgmom9796 Před měsícem +3


    • @willpower6720
      @willpower6720 Před 26 dny

      He’s a false teacher.
      Gods plan.
      Revelation 13:7
      It was also given to him (by God) to make war with the saints (church) and to overcome them (kill them), and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him (by God).
      Ephesians 5:25-27
      Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.
      Revelation 19:7-8
      Marriage of the Lamb
      Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.” It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

    • @willpower6720
      @willpower6720 Před 26 dny

      Jack is a false teacher.
      The church GOES THROUGH the tribulation. The rapture is ‘on the last day’. Read your Bible. Here……
      Post Trib rapture is based on scripture. PreTrib rapture is based on conjecture, speculation and misinterpretation of Scripture.
      Rapture is posttrib and It’s not really debatable. Here are some irrefutable truths.
      1. The rapture is AFTER the resurrection.
      1 Thessalonians 4. The dead in Christ shall rise first. Resurrection then rapture.
      2. Jesus said the resurrection be m is ‘ON THE LAST DAY’ over and over and over in John 6. That is the last day of the age of grace. The last day of life without Christ. The last day of the church age. The last day of the New Covenant. The next day starts the millennial kingdom. If the resurrection is ON THE LAST DAY obviously then this means that the rapture is on the last day since the RAPTURE IS AFTER THE RESURRECTION.
      The rapture is ‘ON THE LAST DAY’.
      3. The resurrection / rapture is in Rev 20:4. Here we find ‘the last day’. John says he saw the dead come to life. This is the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the rapture is right after it. The rapture is post trib on the last day of the New Covenant. It is AFTER Rev 5-19. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. We will NEVER be apart from Jesus ever again.
      The church goes THROUGH the tribulation. We will not experience Gods wrath just like Israel did not experience Gods wrath when God punished Egypt. And Noah didn’t experience Gods wrath when He flooded the whole earth, but Noah was preserved THROUGH the flood. Not raptured out of it. Israel was preserved THROUGH the exodus. Israel was not raptured out of Egypt. Please that’s ridiculous. We will not be raptured out of the tribulation.
      God will test the church. He will have a pure spotless bride for His Son. Jesus deserves a bride without spot or wrinkle.
      Any other position other than a posttrib rapture twists and distorts Gods Word.
      And then there’s Jesus’ message in
      Matthew 24:29-31
      “But immediately AFTER THE TRIBULATION of those days.…..…………. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.
      Jesus Himself says that He is coming back for His church and will gather it immediately AFTER the tribulation.
      How can it get ANY CLEARER????
      Stop with this false doctrine of a PreTrib rapture. The doctrine of escapism has to be exposed and refuted by the word of God. Too many people planning their escape instead of filling their lamp with oil.
      Having said this, in Rev 3:10 God promises to keep those who have proven their faithfulness from the hour of testing. Knowing that be so faithful that God keeps you from the tribulation. Remember this promise of Christ is to only ONE of the seven churches in Revelation. One. There are letters to SIX other churches.
      And remember this verse.
      Revelation 13:7
      It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.
      God will give Antichrist power to persecute and kill His saints. Sounds crazy but that’s His plan. Don’t let people tickle your ears with anything that’s not the truth.
      2 Timothy 2:15
      Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
      Read your Bible. Test your teachers. Reject false teachers. Reject escapism and other false doctrine. Fill your lamp with oil. Endure to the end and you will be saved.
      That’s a promise from God.
      Psalms 91:14-15
      “Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him;
      I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.
      “He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;
      I will be with him in trouble;
      I will rescue him and honor him.
      James 1:12
      Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
      Revelation 2:10-11
      Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death.’

    • @willpower6720
      @willpower6720 Před 26 dny

      Gods plan.
      Revelation 13:7
      It was also given to him (by God) to make war with the saints (church) and to overcome them (kill them), and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him (by God).
      Ephesians 5:25-27
      Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.
      Revelation 19:7-8
      Marriage of the Lamb
      Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.” It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

    • @TruthAboveAll08
      @TruthAboveAll08 Před 13 dny +1

      I sometimes do!

  • @L.Fontein7
    @L.Fontein7 Před měsícem +28

    Thank you Jan Markel, Thank you Pastor Hibbs! 🕊️🕊️🕊️

    • @willpower6720
      @willpower6720 Před 29 dny +1

      This is false teaching.
      The church GOES THROUGH the tribulation. The rapture is ‘on the last day’. Read your Bible. Here……
      Post Trib rapture is based on scripture. PreTrib rapture is based on conjecture, speculation and misinterpretation of Scripture.
      Rapture is posttrib and It’s not really debatable. Here are some irrefutable truths.
      1. The rapture is AFTER the resurrection.
      1 Thessalonians 4. The dead in Christ shall rise first. Resurrection then rapture.
      2. Jesus said the resurrection is ‘ON THE LAST DAY’ over and over and over in John 6. That is the last day of the age of grace. The last day of life without Christ. The last day of the church age. The last day of the New Covenant. The next day starts the millennial kingdom. If the resurrection is ON THE LAST DAY obviously then this means that the rapture is on the last day since the RAPTURE IS AFTER THE RESURRECTION.
      The rapture is ‘ON THE LAST DAY’.
      3. The resurrection / rapture is in Rev 20:4. Here we find ‘the last day’. John says he saw the dead come to life. This is the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the rapture is right after it. The rapture is post trib on the last day of the New Covenant. It is AFTER Rev 5-19. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. We will NEVER be apart from Jesus ever again.
      The church goes THROUGH the tribulation. We will not experience Gods wrath just like Israel did not experience Gods wrath when God punished Egypt. And Noah didn’t experience Gods wrath when He flooded the whole earth, but Noah was preserved THROUGH the flood. Not raptured out of it. Israel was preserved THROUGH the exodus. Israel was not raptured out of Egypt. Please that’s ridiculous. We will not be raptured out of the tribulation.
      God will test the church. He will have a pure spotless bride for His Son. Jesus deserves a bride without spot or wrinkle.
      Any other position other than a posttrib rapture twists and distorts Gods Word.
      And then there’s Jesus’ message in
      Matthew 24:29-31
      “But immediately AFTER THE TRIBULATION of those days.…..…………. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.
      Jesus Himself says that He is coming back for His church and will gather it immediately AFTER the tribulation.
      How can it get ANY CLEARER????
      Stop with this false doctrine of a PreTrib rapture. The doctrine of escapism has to be exposed and refuted by the word of God. Too many people planning their escape instead of filling their lamp with oil.
      Having said this, in Rev 3:10 God promises to keep those who have proven their faithfulness from the hour of testing. Knowing that be so faithful that God keeps you from the tribulation. Remember this promise of Christ is to only ONE of the seven churches in Revelation. One. There are letters to SIX other churches.
      And remember this verse.
      Revelation 13:7
      It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.
      God will give Antichrist power to persecute and kill His saints. Sounds crazy but that’s His plan. Don’t let people tickle your ears with anything that’s not the truth.
      2 Timothy 2:15
      Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
      Read your Bible. Test your teachers. Reject false teachers. Reject escapism and other false doctrine. Fill your lamp with oil. Endure to the end and you will be saved.
      That’s a promise from God.
      Psalms 91:14-15
      “Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him;
      I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.
      “He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;
      I will be with him in trouble;
      I will rescue him and honor him.
      James 1:12
      Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
      Revelation 2:10-11
      Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death.’

  • @Gr82bsaved417
    @Gr82bsaved417 Před měsícem +140

    When Jesus comes to take the Church (the bride) He comes as a bridegroom. When He comes to the earth He comes to rule as King of kings and Lord of lords.!

    • @VictorianMaid99
      @VictorianMaid99 Před měsícem


    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 Před měsícem

      Will they have all fulfilled John 14:12 first... however?

    • @uscgmom9796
      @uscgmom9796 Před měsícem +6

      @Gr82bsaved417 ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. God bless you. I've heard this from countless correctly discerning pastors, starting with my first at age 16: Pastor Chuck Smith; Dr. Chuck Missler; J. Vernon McGee; A. W. Tozer; Dr. David Hocking; Dr. David Jeremiah; and our younger pastors/teachers: Jack Hibbs, Barry Stagner, Tom Hughes, Bill Salus, Amir Tsarfati --- my list is too long, THANK YOU, FATHER GOD!

    • @JA-iz2qp
      @JA-iz2qp Před měsícem +10

      @@VictorianMaid99"there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming?" 2 Peter 3:3

    • @tammyhatcher7
      @tammyhatcher7 Před měsícem +3


  • @yourbeamofsunshine
    @yourbeamofsunshine Před měsícem +88

    Please pray for my healing. I fell at home and am injured. Thank you.

    • @jesusisthelivinggod1791
      @jesusisthelivinggod1791 Před měsícem +5


    • @sudhakhristmukti1930
      @sudhakhristmukti1930 Před měsícem +4


    • @lindagiza6161
      @lindagiza6161 Před měsícem +4


    • @lisaforte1575
      @lisaforte1575 Před měsícem +4

      Father, display your awesome mercy in "YourBeamofSunshine"! Show how attentive you are, and how eager you are to answer prayer among the church! May this Child of God know what to do to help heal herself, and may your presence be very real and comforting while she rests, naps, soaks in a tub with Epsom Salts, reads the Word, visits, or prays.

    • @DaysOfNoah17_15
      @DaysOfNoah17_15 Před měsícem +2

      Prayed for you again!
      God bless and keep you and yours always sis! 🙏🕊️💕

  • @uscgmom9796
    @uscgmom9796 Před měsícem +51

    I saw this post on Instagram a few months ago: 'Whenever you are distressed by the world, remember you are the daughter (or son) of the God of all Creation, King Jesus (Yeshua) and straighten your crown!" I always remember that now! PRAISING GOD, MARANATHA!

  • @Zee-zj2uh
    @Zee-zj2uh Před měsícem +20

    "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."
    James 4:4

  • @jacksolomon1379
    @jacksolomon1379 Před měsícem +112

    We must all stand together… I’m blessed to leave my cozy little Crestline Village to attend jack Hibbs church ( an hour away) frequently. Kindest man of God! Proverbs 3:5. Thank you Jan for sharing his teachings ❤❤❤✝️

    • @RameyRocks
      @RameyRocks Před měsícem +6

      That’s so awesome ❤

    • @sudhakhristmukti1930
      @sudhakhristmukti1930 Před měsícem +4

      How fortunate you are!

    • @uscgmom9796
      @uscgmom9796 Před měsícem

      HERE'S a mind-blower (old Jesus Freak here, lol, baby boomer terminology) for you: I got saved at Calvary Costa Mesa 1973 with Pastor Chuck Smith, listening to Love Song, Keith Green, etc., a young long-blonde-haired surfer named Greg Laurie, baptized in Pirate's Cove that summer! Fast Forward 48 years - husband and I in NorCal couldn't find a Godly church, kept looking, praying, and suddenly one was shown to us by God - and the pastor turned out to be Jack & Lisa's son-in-law - correctly teaching, small church -has grown 300%? in three years. GOD IS SO AMAZING!!!! and we'll see Jack next week when he comes up to give a teaching. We do miss driving down to sit in CCCH & greet those we've met over the years, hug Jack in person, but the gas is so $$$ and on SS, but PRAISING GOD FROM NORCAL! p.s. I know where Crestline is! gorgeous!

    • @VictorianMaid99
      @VictorianMaid99 Před měsícem

      Hobbs is a criminal by the way...

    • @nairda500
      @nairda500 Před měsícem +1

      @@jacksolomon1379 Amos 3:3 can two walk together unless they be agreed?

  • @j.r.chance739
    @j.r.chance739 Před 20 dny +7

    Pastor Jack Hibbs is a true American warrior for Christ! He is definitely filled with the Holy Spirit, and I am wholely encouraged and emboldened by his zeal for The Lord. The Lord works mightily through him to help me be filled with The Spirit 🙏🏼❤️‼️

  • @larrycraddock3063
    @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +296

    The Pre-trib rapture is not only our BLESSED Hope, but it is our ONLY Hope. I will take hope over wrath any day 😊😊😊

    • @sojourner842
      @sojourner842 Před měsícem +12


    • @larrycraddock3063
      @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +4

      @@sojourner842 Blessings back to you!😊😊😊

    • @keithrichards7084
      @keithrichards7084 Před měsícem +6


    • @larrycraddock3063
      @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +3

      @@keithrichards7084 Morning Brother Keith!😊😊😊

    • @timfinch7857
      @timfinch7857 Před měsícem +3

      @@larrycraddock3063 Wrath is the last 3 1/2 yrs of the 70th Week of Daniel. Not the entire 7 yrs. I agree that the Church will be raptured after the abomination of desolation and SHORT great tribulation occurs but before the wrath comes.

  • @siblessed639
    @siblessed639 Před měsícem +93

    Thank you and God Bless you precious sister Jan; That's right Jesus will get us out of here. We will meet Him in the clouds,very soon! Course we are not appointed to God's wrath! America and the whole world, for that matter, need Jesus Christ more than ever NOW 🛐🙏

    • @user-rm8wc1mv3u
      @user-rm8wc1mv3u Před měsícem +3

      One way or another.

    • @HavivBen-Chaim
      @HavivBen-Chaim Před měsícem +3


    • @hyeminkwun9523
      @hyeminkwun9523 Před měsícem

      Jesus will get us out of here? Are you dreaming about being taken to Heaven and living there happily thereafter? Even though, Heb 9:27 states that all men are appointed to die once and then receive God's judgment? There is no Rapture as you imagine, which is a pipe dream, a fable created by protestant churches to mislead people along the broad way to destruction (Matt 7:13-15). Our Lord said, "Whoever does not take up his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me (Matt 10:38). No slave is greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you (John 15:20). Particularly Our Lord said, "If those days had not been shortened, no one would be saved. But, for the sake of the elect, they will be shortened." If the rapture is true, why is there a need to shorten the days?
      "The Dragon became angry with the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring, those who keep God's commandments and bear witness to Jesus. Anyone destined for captivity goes into captivity. Anyone destined to be slain by the sword shall be slain by the sword. Such is the faithful endurance of the holy ones (Rev. 12:17, 13:10)." "They will hand you over to persecution, and they will kill you. You will be hated by all nations because of My Name. But the one, who perseveres to the end, will be saved (Matt 24:9,13), because God will be with him in tribulation and deliver and glorify him (Ps 91:15)." "If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He will also deny us (2 Tim 2:12)." "Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in His steps (1 Peter 2:21)."
      In the last times, some shall depart from the Faith, giving heed to spirits of error and doctrines of Devil (1 Tim 4:1). For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. And will indeed turn away their hearing from the Truth, but will be turned unto fables (2 Tim 4:3-4). Why follow false teachers who are abound in these times (Matt 24:24) and risk your eternal salvation?

  • @larrycraddock3063
    @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +38

    God Bless Jan and her guest Pastor Jack Hibbs. Prayers for all of my brothers and sisters in Christ awaiting that Blessed hope. Prayers for the nation of Israel and Bibi Netanyahu! Yes, there must be a Pre-trib rapture of the church because all other tribs are FIBS!😊😊😊

  • @soni7949
    @soni7949 Před měsícem +34

    Come Lord Jesus.... fed up with this world 😒😒

    • @patriciabarron7707
      @patriciabarron7707 Před 11 dny

      @@soni7949 Jesus loves this World and loves the lost. Are you being His Witness??

  • @larrycraddock3063
    @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +32

    Nice thing about the rapture is that you do not need a CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM!😊😊😊

  • @jesusisthelivinggod1791
    @jesusisthelivinggod1791 Před měsícem +31

    Perfect timing. Perfect context. Perfect Jesus. Amen

    • @maryjogreen1706
      @maryjogreen1706 Před měsícem +2

      Gods timing is always perfect! Hallelujah!!!!❤

    • @willpower6720
      @willpower6720 Před 29 dny

      The church GOES THROUGH the tribulation. The rapture is ‘on the last day’. Read your Bible. Here……
      Post Trib rapture is based on scripture. PreTrib rapture is based on conjecture, speculation and misinterpretation of Scripture.
      Rapture is posttrib and It’s not really debatable. Here are some irrefutable truths.
      1. The rapture is AFTER the resurrection.
      1 Thessalonians 4. The dead in Christ shall rise first. Resurrection then rapture.
      2. Jesus said the resurrection is ‘ON THE LAST DAY’ over and over and over in John 6. That is the last day of the age of grace. The last day of life without Christ. The last day of the church age. The last day of the New Covenant. The next day starts the millennial kingdom. If the resurrection is ON THE LAST DAY obviously then this means that the rapture is on the last day since the RAPTURE IS AFTER THE RESURRECTION.
      The rapture is ‘ON THE LAST DAY’.
      3. The resurrection / rapture is in Rev 20:4. Here we find ‘the last day’. John says he saw the dead come to life. This is the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the rapture is right after it. The rapture is post trib on the last day of the New Covenant. It is AFTER Rev 5-19. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. We will NEVER be apart from Jesus ever again.
      The church goes THROUGH the tribulation. We will not experience Gods wrath just like Israel did not experience Gods wrath when God punished Egypt. And Noah didn’t experience Gods wrath when He flooded the whole earth, but Noah was preserved THROUGH the flood. Not raptured out of it. Israel was preserved THROUGH the exodus. Israel was not raptured out of Egypt. Please that’s ridiculous. We will not be raptured out of the tribulation.
      God will test the church. He will have a pure spotless bride for His Son. Jesus deserves a bride without spot or wrinkle.
      Any other position other than a posttrib rapture twists and distorts Gods Word.
      And then there’s Jesus’ message in
      Matthew 24:29-31
      “But immediately AFTER THE TRIBULATION of those days.…..…………. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.
      Jesus Himself says that He is coming back for His church and will gather it immediately AFTER the tribulation.
      How can it get ANY CLEARER????
      Stop with this false doctrine of a PreTrib rapture. The doctrine of escapism has to be exposed and refuted by the word of God. Too many people planning their escape instead of filling their lamp with oil.
      Having said this, in Rev 3:10 God promises to keep those who have proven their faithfulness from the hour of testing. Knowing that be so faithful that God keeps you from the tribulation. Remember this promise of Christ is to only ONE of the seven churches in Revelation. One. There are letters to SIX other churches.
      And remember this verse.
      Revelation 13:7
      It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.
      God will give Antichrist power to persecute and kill His saints. Sounds crazy but that’s His plan. Don’t let people tickle your ears with anything that’s not the truth.
      2 Timothy 2:15
      Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
      Read your Bible. Test your teachers. Reject false teachers. Reject escapism and other false doctrine. Fill your lamp with oil. Endure to the end and you will be saved.
      That’s a promise from God.
      Psalms 91:14-15
      “Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him;
      I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.
      “He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;
      I will be with him in trouble;
      I will rescue him and honor him.
      James 1:12
      Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
      Revelation 2:10-11
      Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death.’

  • @savedbygrace6525
    @savedbygrace6525 Před měsícem +22

    Yes,let's make sure as Christians we are still on the front lines for Christ, bringing as many into the Ark as will come. ..no time to sit around just waiting!! ❤👑✝️🙏

  • @janetholley1004
    @janetholley1004 Před měsícem +27

    Oh wow, I just read Rev. 4:1 this morning over coffee, Praise God now you are preaching on it, God bless all of you!

  • @marybernstein6498
    @marybernstein6498 Před měsícem +40

    We pray for the rapture very soon. Holy Spirit please draw our unsaved loved ones to you i Jesus Name so that they will be coming with us and not left behind. 🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊

  • @christine8654
    @christine8654 Před měsícem +47

    Let no one take your crown church, The rapture is indeed our blessed hope! Very encouraging Jan and pastor Hibbs. Even so come Lord Jesus, your bride is so ready. Maranatha family ❤❤❤

  • @larrycraddock3063
    @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +25

    There are so many Pre-trib rapture verses in the New Testament it is amazing!😊😊😊

    • @JustPassingThrough2
      @JustPassingThrough2 Před měsícem +3

      @@larrycraddock3063 Really, where please?

    • @JustPassingThrough2
      @JustPassingThrough2 Před měsícem +1

      @@larrycraddock3063 Really, where please?

    • @larrycraddock3063
      @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +4

      @@JustPassingThrough2 Pastor Hibbs mentioned quite a few. Are you even listening? Olive Tree ministries has always held the PRE-TRIB Rapture view, and they are not about to change their stand on it

    • @JustPassingThrough2
      @JustPassingThrough2 Před měsícem

      ​@@larrycraddock3063 I’m aware that Olive Tree is set in its ways..So is the Lord. I don’t need to listen for an hour..I’ve listened to many, many teachers throughout the years regarding this..just was wondering what thoughts you could offer..that’s all. Thanks

    • @squirreljones3595
      @squirreljones3595 Před měsícem +1

      John 6 39 40 44 54
      Jesus says at the LAST DAY four times
      Was it difficult for Mystery Babylon to convince you that there are more days
      The church rapture is at judgement day

  • @sandrasuniga3077
    @sandrasuniga3077 Před měsícem +37

    Amen, come quickly LORD JESUS, your bride is waiting!

  • @yourbeamofsunshine
    @yourbeamofsunshine Před měsícem +36

    Please pray for the salvation of Chris, Adam, and Lauren involved in a cult.

  • @dianewoodward6392
    @dianewoodward6392 Před měsícem +11

    Can’t hear this message enough! I look every day for my blessed hope 🕊️

  • @BJ-xs7np
    @BJ-xs7np Před měsícem +10

    This message of Jack Hibbs today was very encouraging. Thank you.

    • @willpower6720
      @willpower6720 Před 29 dny +1

      It’s a false message. The church GOES THROUGH the tribulation. The rapture is ‘on the last day’. Read your Bible. Here……
      Post Trib rapture is based on scripture. PreTrib rapture is based on conjecture, speculation and misinterpretation of Scripture.
      Rapture is posttrib and It’s not really debatable. Here are some irrefutable truths.
      1. The rapture is AFTER the resurrection.
      1 Thessalonians 4. The dead in Christ shall rise first. Resurrection then rapture.
      2. Jesus said the resurrection is ‘ON THE LAST DAY’ over and over and over in John 6. That is the last day of the age of grace. The last day of life without Christ. The last day of the church age. The last day of the New Covenant. The next day starts the millennial kingdom. If the resurrection is ON THE LAST DAY obviously then this means that the rapture is on the last day since the RAPTURE IS AFTER THE RESURRECTION.
      The rapture is ‘ON THE LAST DAY’.
      3. The resurrection / rapture is in Rev 20:4. Here we find ‘the last day’. John says he saw the dead come to life. This is the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the rapture is right after it. The rapture is post trib on the last day of the New Covenant. It is AFTER Rev 5-19. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. We will NEVER be apart from Jesus ever again.
      The church goes THROUGH the tribulation. We will not experience Gods wrath just like Israel did not experience Gods wrath when God punished Egypt. And Noah didn’t experience Gods wrath when He flooded the whole earth, but Noah was preserved THROUGH the flood. Not raptured out of it. Israel was preserved THROUGH the exodus. Israel was not raptured out of Egypt. Please that’s ridiculous. We will not be raptured out of the tribulation.
      God will test the church. He will have a pure spotless bride for His Son. Jesus deserves a bride without spot or wrinkle.
      Any other position other than a posttrib rapture twists and distorts Gods Word.
      And then there’s Jesus’ message in
      Matthew 24:29-31
      “But immediately AFTER THE TRIBULATION of those days.…..…………. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.
      Jesus Himself says that He is coming back for His church and will gather it immediately AFTER the tribulation.
      How can it get ANY CLEARER????
      Stop with this false doctrine of a PreTrib rapture. The doctrine of escapism has to be exposed and refuted by the word of God. Too many people planning their escape instead of filling their lamp with oil.
      Having said this, in Rev 3:10 God promises to keep those who have proven their faithfulness from the hour of testing. Knowing that be so faithful that God keeps you from the tribulation. Remember this promise of Christ is to only ONE of the seven churches in Revelation. One. There are letters to SIX other churches.
      And remember this verse.
      Revelation 13:7
      It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.
      God will give Antichrist power to persecute and kill His saints. Sounds crazy but that’s His plan. Don’t let people tickle your ears with anything that’s not the truth.
      2 Timothy 2:15
      Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
      Read your Bible. Test your teachers. Reject false teachers. Reject escapism and other false doctrine. Fill your lamp with oil. Endure to the end and you will be saved.
      That’s a promise from God.
      Psalms 91:14-15
      “Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him;
      I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.
      “He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;
      I will be with him in trouble;
      I will rescue him and honor him.
      James 1:12
      Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
      Revelation 2:10-11
      Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death.’

  • @barbaragarriott2364
    @barbaragarriott2364 Před měsícem +9

    when you seek me with all of your hearts I will be found by you....

  • @mayamathew-ep8gh
    @mayamathew-ep8gh Před měsícem +61

    Pastor Jack Hobbs should give an interview with Tucker Carlson as many are confused after his interview with the musician John where he stated that the Rapture is a wrong/ false doctrine. Lord, have mercy on everyone who believes in you but doesn’t believe in the rapture. Please bring them along with the rapture believers. Maranatha, harpazo, Hallelujah🙏

    • @princesssweetpea9205
      @princesssweetpea9205 Před měsícem +6

      Do not be confused. There will be NO early pre-tribulation rapture. It simply is not in the Scriptures. The Scriptures are very very clear
      We are never promised to escape tribulation. We are not appointed for WRATH. (these are two completely different things.)
      Curious, at all... You might consider my post just below, with explanation and full clear Scripture reference.

    • @VictorianMaid99
      @VictorianMaid99 Před měsícem

      Hobbs is a bum.

    • @mayamathew-ep8gh
      @mayamathew-ep8gh Před měsícem +14

      @@princesssweetpea9205 Ok, you can stay back and receive the wrath of God. But we’re going up to be with Jesus. Maranatha 🙏

    • @hefayu1075
      @hefayu1075 Před měsícem +11

      Then he's the most God fearing bum I have ever watched. God bless ​@@VictorianMaid99

    • @VictorianMaid99
      @VictorianMaid99 Před měsícem

      @@hefayu1075 the truth is out there. I find people are so invested in a preacher they cannot admit the truth. Good day.

  • @beaupierrebondurant5651
    @beaupierrebondurant5651 Před měsícem +22

    The Bible is our sure anchor.

  • @timsaiko7373
    @timsaiko7373 Před měsícem +34

    Keep Looking Up my brothers and sisters our king of kings our lord of lords our son of God Jesus Christ Almighty is Coming Soon 🙏🇮🇱🙏 Titus 2:13 Our Blessed Hope ✈️❤️ John 14:6

  • @priscilla.colburn444
    @priscilla.colburn444 Před měsícem +29

    Always a Blessings and Eagerly WAITING to HEAR Jan and her guest to SHARE a MESSAGE from our loving Creator. Thank you.💕

  • @RickySmith-zi5cz
    @RickySmith-zi5cz Před měsícem +9

    Amen, thank You Jesus for everything I love You. Almost home.

  • @elsiezimmerman4304
    @elsiezimmerman4304 Před měsícem +23

    Thank you for speaking the truth…… and warning the church! May the Church hear!!!

  • @veronicabrasko1425
    @veronicabrasko1425 Před měsícem +7

    Thank you Jan markell for the video

  • @jayjay-bz3rr
    @jayjay-bz3rr Před měsícem +47

    I have always believed Jesus would come before the Great Tribulation. I never wavered

    • @bmoore3869
      @bmoore3869 Před měsícem +4

      He taught that He comes after it (Mt. 24:29-31. Never one time did He teach that He comes before it, not even one scripture in the Bible says that he does either.
      God bless

    • @jamescole3152
      @jamescole3152 Před měsícem +1

      LOL. You have been deceived.

    • @jayjay-bz3rr
      @jayjay-bz3rr Před 28 dny +2

      @@bmoore3869 Matthew 24:29-31 is not the same as 1st Thessalonians 4:16-18. Separate events

    • @FreddyPhatnutz-ue8yl
      @FreddyPhatnutz-ue8yl Před 20 dny

      The rapture comes only after antichrist has his short time here! God said do not fear,all those times 🙏 in Bible But never did God say the end of this age and we are here in the start of perilous times! NO ONE IS going to escape the testing of antichrists ,Satens short time here! The only thing Gods Repentant, Elect will get is not having to endure God's wrath. WHICH IS AIMED AT saten followers,the depraved.,WICKED,DECEIVED.

  • @colleenmacleod5468
    @colleenmacleod5468 Před 26 dny +2

    Love Jan Markell and her ministry. Great sermon and chat with pastor HIbbs. He is coming soon.💗📖✝

  • @sofertamar
    @sofertamar Před měsícem +20

    Chuck Missler was actually the first one to ask why would Christ “beat up his bride” with the tribulation. Sooooo many things Chuck taught so many CC pastors teach today without giving Chuck credit. I know Chuck no longer cares, though! All these mysteries have been revealed to our dear brother in Christ and I will search him out in heaven to thank him for teaching so many.

    • @larrycraddock3063
      @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +4

      Missler was also a good scientist!

    • @Zee-zj2uh
      @Zee-zj2uh Před měsícem

      ​​@@larrycraddock3063Chuck Missler co authored a good book on UFOS, written from a Christian perspective. He was a mighty man of God.

    • @uscgmom9796
      @uscgmom9796 Před měsícem

      Dr. Chuck was BRILLIANT and used to teach at Calvary Costa Mesa with Pastor "Papa" Chuck. He's responsible for my husband finally listening and accepting Jesus - by talking about THE GIRAFFE. He had an IQ of 185 and was brilliant and very humbled after God took everything away from him so all he would do in his last 30, 40 years was preach God's Word. THANK YOU, FATHER GOD, FOR GIVING US DR. CHUCK AND PAPA CHUCK SMITH - the father I never had. @sofertamar @larryccraddock3063

    • @angeliquem2536
      @angeliquem2536 Před 26 dny +1

      O yes!! Misler was amazing for those of us especially that yearn to go deeper!!🧐

    • @patriciabarron7707
      @patriciabarron7707 Před 20 dny +1

      @@sofertamar so you are unaware of the persecution torture and execution of christians in other Countries???

  • @dorothycutler5539
    @dorothycutler5539 Před měsícem +7

    Great encouragement Thank you this was the best love from Sydney Australia

  • @larrycraddock3063
    @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +14

    I am glad that it is the BLESSED Hope instead of the Blasted Hope😊😊😊

  • @beaupierrebondurant5651
    @beaupierrebondurant5651 Před měsícem +30

    Jack Hibbs is on point.

    • @willpower6720
      @willpower6720 Před 29 dny +1

      Nope. He is a false teacher. The church GOES THROUGH the tribulation. The rapture is ‘on the last day’. Read your Bible. Here……
      Post Trib rapture is based on scripture. PreTrib rapture is based on conjecture, speculation and misinterpretation of Scripture.
      Rapture is posttrib and It’s not really debatable. Here are some irrefutable truths.
      1. The rapture is AFTER the resurrection.
      1 Thessalonians 4. The dead in Christ shall rise first. Resurrection then rapture.
      2. Jesus said the resurrection is ‘ON THE LAST DAY’ over and over and over in John 6. That is the last day of the age of grace. The last day of life without Christ. The last day of the church age. The last day of the New Covenant. The next day starts the millennial kingdom. If the resurrection is ON THE LAST DAY obviously then this means that the rapture is on the last day since the RAPTURE IS AFTER THE RESURRECTION.
      The rapture is ‘ON THE LAST DAY’.
      3. The resurrection / rapture is in Rev 20:4. Here we find ‘the last day’. John says he saw the dead come to life. This is the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the rapture is right after it. The rapture is post trib on the last day of the New Covenant. It is AFTER Rev 5-19. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. We will NEVER be apart from Jesus ever again.
      The church goes THROUGH the tribulation. We will not experience Gods wrath just like Israel did not experience Gods wrath when God punished Egypt. And Noah didn’t experience Gods wrath when He flooded the whole earth, but Noah was preserved THROUGH the flood. Not raptured out of it. Israel was preserved THROUGH the exodus. Israel was not raptured out of Egypt. Please that’s ridiculous. We will not be raptured out of the tribulation.
      God will test the church. He will have a pure spotless bride for His Son. Jesus deserves a bride without spot or wrinkle.
      Any other position other than a posttrib rapture twists and distorts Gods Word.
      And then there’s Jesus’ message in
      Matthew 24:29-31
      “But immediately AFTER THE TRIBULATION of those days.…..…………. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.
      Jesus Himself says that He is coming back for His church and will gather it immediately AFTER the tribulation.
      How can it get ANY CLEARER????
      Stop with this false doctrine of a PreTrib rapture. The doctrine of escapism has to be exposed and refuted by the word of God. Too many people planning their escape instead of filling their lamp with oil.
      Having said this, in Rev 3:10 God promises to keep those who have proven their faithfulness from the hour of testing. Knowing that be so faithful that God keeps you from the tribulation. Remember this promise of Christ is to only ONE of the seven churches in Revelation. One. There are letters to SIX other churches.
      And remember this verse.
      Revelation 13:7
      It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.
      God will give Antichrist power to persecute and kill His saints. Sounds crazy but that’s His plan. Don’t let people tickle your ears with anything that’s not the truth.
      2 Timothy 2:15
      Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
      Read your Bible. Test your teachers. Reject false teachers. Reject escapism and other false doctrine. Fill your lamp with oil. Endure to the end and you will be saved.
      That’s a promise from God.
      Psalms 91:14-15
      “Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him;
      I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.
      “He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;
      I will be with him in trouble;
      I will rescue him and honor him.
      James 1:12
      Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
      Revelation 2:10-11
      Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death.’

    • @willpower6720
      @willpower6720 Před 26 dny

      Gods plan.
      Revelation 13:7
      It was also given to him (by God) to make war with the saints (church) and to overcome them (kill them), and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him (by God).
      Ephesians 5:25-27
      Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.
      Revelation 19:7-8
      Marriage of the Lamb
      Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.” It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

  • @chrismaguire3667
    @chrismaguire3667 Před měsícem +5

    Maranatha the sooner, the better, Lord!🙏

  • @Crisol85
    @Crisol85 Před měsícem +6

    🎉❤ love this!!!! Maranatha!!!!! What a glorious day it will be! I am ready!!!

  • @aliciaenders
    @aliciaenders Před měsícem +8

    Hallelujah! We praise our King of kings and Lord of lords!

  • @sarahandrews5611
    @sarahandrews5611 Před měsícem +10

    I made a stand about the Olympics and had a message saying ' how can you believe in an imaginary god and a mythical jesus....' I have a testimony that God saved me from death itself and the person got a reply, didn't hear anything back. ✝️✝️❤️

  • @LeunitaLapac-xv6pf
    @LeunitaLapac-xv6pf Před měsícem +9


  • @1dutchess68
    @1dutchess68 Před měsícem +9

    you pray that it’ll be our generation-
    but if you read the Bible, it is our generation. All of these things are converging right now so there’s no question -no hanging onto this world. Be real.

  • @rongoodman2844
    @rongoodman2844 Před měsícem +11

    The "warning signs" for the rapture are the stage setting events we see all around us today for the 70th week of Daniel. It is John Woolvard's classic analogy of Christmas and Thanksgiving, where Christmas (2nd Coming) has all these visible signs, while Thanksgiving (Rapture) has none. Yet, when you start to see all the signs of Christmas (trees, lights, decorations, etc.), you know with great confidence that Thanksgiving is coming very soon. That is precisely the hour we live in today. You can see all the stage setting taking place for Daniel's 70th week and the 2nd coming. I just preached a short series where I had over 20 items that will have their ultimate fulfillment inside the 70th week that are clearly taking shape now. Right now;🤯🥳🙌 The collective convergence of those stage setting signs are screaming that the rapture is right at the door. Just because some folks cannot see it doesn't change the reality that it is coming very soon. I would argue that not only is the rapture imminent (could happen at any moment without any other prerequisite events--which it has been since Jesus' ascension), but based on prophetic stage setting it is also very soon. Maranatha!!!

  • @TMarie-gi6cx
    @TMarie-gi6cx Před měsícem +2

    Thank you, Jan. We love you.❤❤

  • @lynnford8192
    @lynnford8192 Před měsícem +10

    Pre ordered your book, Jan. Look forward to it. Bless you and your ministry 🙏❤️ Much love

  • @acorneight8
    @acorneight8 Před měsícem +9

    Amen and as always, thank you for your faithfulness. ❤

  • @vgb717
    @vgb717 Před měsícem +12

    So comforting thank you Jesus 🙏❤😊

  • @trijntjejacoba
    @trijntjejacoba Před měsícem +17

    Here in the Netherlands, some aftertribs defend their teachings on fire and on horseback. If you dare to say that you believe in the prehib, you are often immediately the enemy. Very sad!

    • @1Hopeinhim
      @1Hopeinhim Před měsícem +3

      Wow, I don't know how any one can read Revelation and think that they'll survive the Great Tribulation.

    • @danielbelteshazzar-mg7rb
      @danielbelteshazzar-mg7rb Před měsícem +6

      ​ @1Hopeinhim Wow I dont know how anyone believe in God and think they will not survive the Great Tribulation

    • @Apollyon83
      @Apollyon83 Před měsícem +2

      When I come across people like that, I like to remind them of Rev 13:7 “It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them.” But Jesus says in Matt 16:18 “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my CHURCH, and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it.”
      So how is it that the Antichrist does what Jesus says will never happen to his church? That the gates of hades overcome it?? BECAUSE ITS NOT THE CHURCH. Or else Jesus lied. They’ll say “Jesus meant it in a spiritual sense. Well, ok…..but how do they get that context??
      1.Matt 16:18 “prevail” = “Katischuó” to overpower
      2. Rev 13:7 “War” = “Polemos” war, battle, strife
      “Overcome” = “Nikao” to conquer, prevail.
      As you can see, the scriptures don’t make a distinction as to the spiritual or physical, so neither can the people your talking to. Remind them that if they stay, Gods not going to hide them away like some of them think.

    • @danielbelteshazzar-mg7rb
      @danielbelteshazzar-mg7rb Před měsícem +1

      ​ @Apollyon83
      God is done with physical/earthly..Now its heavenly/spirit that is been shaken..
      Do you know what is the rock Jesus speaking about? Or gates of hell? Questions are just questions,not to put you down or offend you. I need to write this,bc is difficult to express yourself in comments. It often been misunderstood.

    • @Apollyon83
      @Apollyon83 Před měsícem +2

      @@danielbelteshazzar-mg7rb God isn’t done with the physical or Earthly yet. I mean, He’s judging THE EARTH. His wrath, is also done in many physical forms. Look at the Greek text. It’s right there. We can’t make the Bible say what we want when it’s plain as day.

  • @annanderson1470
    @annanderson1470 Před měsícem +25

    I've been a pre-trib believer all my life even growing up Presbyterian. But left that church behind because I often went asking about the Holy Spirit and tongues but was told it was OT. So after 18 twenty years later after not really walking like I should... the Holy Spirit and I were introduced. Now at 58, I know I was different then and I am so different now. Thank you Jesus for a challenging, heart wrenching, beautiful wonderfully, hard, sad, happy and one Joyful Life. I am completely yours Jesus. And I live for you. My eyes always looking heavenward for the coming day when I see the face of God 🙏🙏🙏

    • @RepentfollowJesus
      @RepentfollowJesus Před měsícem +4

      Tongues were given to the apostles

    • @VictorianMaid99
      @VictorianMaid99 Před měsícem +1

      Pre-tribe rapture was created by Darby to sell books and tapes.

    • @VictorianMaid99
      @VictorianMaid99 Před měsícem

      ​@@RepentfollowJesustongues are rubbish

    • @chrismaguire3667
      @chrismaguire3667 Před měsícem +6

      @VictorianMaid99, are you kidding? Did you not even listen to a *word* Ps. Jack said? It happened at least *twice* in the OT - Enoch and Elijah - and once, as a guarantor of The Promise, Jesus Himself! Paul, John, Peter all taught it - read 1Thessalonians 4-5, for instace, in any translation, or the original Greek, and argue, with *them!* 🙇
      Mind you, you wrote 'books *and tapes.* I'd be interested if there are, and you have, some of Darby's original 1800s recordings... 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @annanderson1470
      @annanderson1470 Před měsícem

      @@VictorianMaid99 No it was created by Rockefellers and Freemasons with Illuminati to plant seeds of doubt in Christianity

  • @dennisfuller2571
    @dennisfuller2571 Před měsícem +17

    Absolutely the best sermon and summary of this great doctrine 😊

  • @loriemarcus3525
    @loriemarcus3525 Před měsícem +5

    Thank you so much,I love pastor Jack hibbs. I consider him my pastor AND pastor gary hamrick: )
    Now I'm going to go back and watch all of the series ❤❤

    • @Zee-zj2uh
      @Zee-zj2uh Před měsícem

      Lorie; Pastor Gary Hamrick, like Pastor Jack Hibbs, is a mighty man of God!

  • @habanagirl9002
    @habanagirl9002 Před měsícem +3

    God bless you dear Jan and pastor Hibbs and all today. Praying many trust in Jesus Christ today. Titus 2:13❤ Hosanna ❤ Praying for Israel 🇮🇱❤

  • @gailjames6489
    @gailjames6489 Před měsícem +7

    Excited to go.💙😊

  • @cribbster2003
    @cribbster2003 Před měsícem +16

    Thank you for presenting this wonderful message today ❤

  • @lisaday2115
    @lisaday2115 Před měsícem +8

    Thank you so for truth you gave me my hope back but Satan himself will try to take hope from believers

    • @Zee-zj2uh
      @Zee-zj2uh Před měsícem

      We are more than able to shut the mouth of the accuser by confidently and boldly stating that Jesus is Lord!!!! The demons flee at the mention of the Name of Jesus.

  • @tarrahlewis6000
    @tarrahlewis6000 Před měsícem +4

    I asked a Pastor in my church about the importance of the end times. He basically told me it was a distraction. I couldn't disagree more.

    • @shelleyvanover
      @shelleyvanover Před měsícem

      I suspect my pastor would say the same. 😢

  • @Safiredawn
    @Safiredawn Před měsícem +8

    Maranatha Lord Yeshua!

  • @gloria_providencia
    @gloria_providencia Před 25 dny +2

    Thank you dear sister for your faithfulness, your program and this message just encouraged me! Maranatha!!

  • @glf2424
    @glf2424 Před měsícem +7

    In addition to the 144K, Remember the angel that God puts over the earth during the time of tribulation. Rev 14:6 "Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth-to every nation, tribe, language and people." All left will have even more chance to come to Jesus and there is absolutely be NO EXCUSE.

  • @Jesusismylord33
    @Jesusismylord33 Před měsícem +2

    Thank you for this teaching, because I had believed recently from others teaching that we do go through some of the tribulation. But after hearing this and reading the word of God that I’ve read many times, I see that we are not called to the wrath of God. Also wanted to share my recent dream: I was in a very large cave and many many people were running inside the cave to hide from the wrath of God! I wasn’t afraid because I knew Jesus was coming now!! It was urgent! I knew I was about to be caught up with our Lord Jesus Christ! 🙌🏻🙌🏻💗❤️. Then as I was searching for my husband, I saw a huge table with a huge newspaper with chaotic headlines!! Then I saw shortage of food and I gave a starving family noodles in a wrapped paper and I placed 3 brand new one dollar bills on top of the noodles for this family carrying 5 quintuplets. End of dream! It was so realistic! Praise Jesus! Our redemption is near!! Very near!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

    • @edbaker7490
      @edbaker7490 Před měsícem

      You are thusly being deceived by the Jeremiah 23:1 pastors and Matthew 24:11 prophets that are destroying their flocks. It's part of the great deception.

    • @Jesusismylord33
      @Jesusismylord33 Před měsícem

      @@edbaker7490 what is part of the great deception?

  • @beaupierrebondurant5651
    @beaupierrebondurant5651 Před měsícem +11

    The Rapture(ie,Reverse Pentecost) cannot be known until it happens, while,you CAN know the day of the Second Coming Proper (sseven years after the beginning of the Great Tribulation).Thus,the Second Coming Proper and the Rapture (Reverse Pentecost) are not and cannot be the same event.

  • @lutsen110
    @lutsen110 Před měsícem +3

    Thank you for sharing this with us, Jan! No one could explain this better than Jack did here. God bless you both! ❤️🙏

  • @ajnaquin7721
    @ajnaquin7721 Před měsícem +6

    God bless Israel and IDF and for pray for America

  • @HectorGarcia-qc9om
    @HectorGarcia-qc9om Před měsícem +1

    Since the day we were called by our Creator, we as believers have been going through tribulations. I don't know if Christians know this ? We the ramnet of God have been dressed in our wedding garments given to us spirtualy by Father Gods angels. We have been told to keep standing facing east for his arrival this begun in the year 2023. Till we meet in the air God Bless

  • @misskj7773
    @misskj7773 Před měsícem +6

    Why? Because there are so many who are so willfully and willingly spiritually blinded, and who sadly, lack spiritual end-of-days' discernment. I pray that their eyes will be opened in these last hours, to their Blessed Hope. God bless to all.

    • @SUNSHINE-bf3bw
      @SUNSHINE-bf3bw Před měsícem +1

      I read a comment concerning this, and it blew my mind...The Holy Spirit gives those indwelt, the knowing , and joyful anticipation, of Jesus return....THIS is why people, who claim to be christian, aren't excited, they don't have His presence indwelling

    • @misskj7773
      @misskj7773 Před měsícem +2

      @@SUNSHINE-bf3bw Correct. Spiritual discernment is one of the wonderful gifts of the Spirit...only given to some, not all. Why that is so, we will not know nor understand this side of heaven. God bless you.

    • @Zee-zj2uh
      @Zee-zj2uh Před měsícem

      ​@@misskj7773Amen. I often refer people to 1 Corinthians 2:6-11. Spiritual discernment is key to Spiritual maturity.

  • @Alishadautismmom
    @Alishadautismmom Před měsícem +5

    2 Thessalonians 2:3
    Let no man deceive you by any means, for that Day shall not come, unless there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition

  • @larrycraddock3063
    @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +8

    First Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 10 says that Jesus Himself will deliver us from the wrath to come. If Jesus says it, I believe it.We as the Bride of Christ are not appointed to God's wrath according to First Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 9. We are going up before His wrath comes down. PERIOD!😊😊😊

  • @carolforestiere6677
    @carolforestiere6677 Před 22 hodinami

    Thank you Jan for running this encouragement!!

  • @joek511
    @joek511 Před měsícem +6

    This is the reason we see what we see
    Rev 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for
    (the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, ( because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. ))

  • @larrycraddock3063
    @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +19

    Jude verse 14: Enoch Prophesied Jesus coming back with ten thousands of his saints. Those saints coming back with Jesus at the 2'nd Advent are church age saints. His Beloved Bride that was Harpazoed out of harm's way before the 7-year tribulation. This verse of scripture compliments first Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 13. Let scripture interpret scripture😊😊😊

  • @user-rm8wc1mv3u
    @user-rm8wc1mv3u Před měsícem +8

    BiBi just told the Nation stay composed while we await Iran's response. If Iran hits Israel. Israel says our response will be unimaginable. I talk to Israeli's everyday. If this is not the definition of wars and rumors of wars, then I have no idea what is. Be Besses Church!

    • @Zee-zj2uh
      @Zee-zj2uh Před měsícem

      Take a look at Don Stewart's daily news updates tying up prophecy with what is happening in the middle east. He has a YT channel.

  • @allanrandall52
    @allanrandall52 Před měsícem +7

    good morning ! Randy from Oakhurst ca,! love u guys, Im heading to cCare in fresno, praying for good blood test to stay Rapture Ready! such exciting times,,,Rose says hi!

  • @kennethbailey9853
    @kennethbailey9853 Před měsícem +6

    Thank you So Much !!!❤❤❤😊

  • @suzannedippner450
    @suzannedippner450 Před 23 dny +1

    So much truth. All of it. Thank you all for this.

  • @larrycraddock3063
    @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +12

    Revelation chapter 19 verse 7 says that the BRIDE hath made herself ready. Ready for what? The seal judgements? NO! The trumpet Judgements? NO! The vial judgements? NO! She is being made ready to go into her Heavenly dwelling place that Pastor Hibbs just made clear as a Bell!😊😊😊

    • @bradmyers7109
      @bradmyers7109 Před měsícem +1

      @larrycraddock3063 Are you aware that ALL Post- Tribbers believe wrongly that the people IN HEAVEN praising the destruction of the harlot of Rev 18 ( Rev 19:1-3 ) and the bride getting married to Jesus ( Rev 19:7-8 ) is not the raptured church?

    • @larrycraddock3063
      @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem

      @@bradmyers7109 EXCELLENT POINT! Blessings back to you!😊😊😊

    • @bradmyers7109
      @bradmyers7109 Před měsícem

      @@larrycraddock3063 Unbelievably I have never heard any prophecy teachers who talk a lot about the rapture use these against Post-Tribbers. Why ?

    • @larrycraddock3063
      @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem

      @@bradmyers7109 Probably because they never considered that point. They never use Revelation chapter 19 verse 7 either. That part that says the Bride is being made ready! Ready for what? It darn sure isn't the 7 year Tribulation!😊😊😊

    • @bradmyers7109
      @bradmyers7109 Před měsícem +1

      @@larrycraddock3063 They believe the Bride in verse 7-8 is Rev 21:2 not the raptured church . What spiritual blindness they have.

  • @MyHome7_Carla
    @MyHome7_Carla Před 29 dny +1

    The only book I want to read is God's Holy Word. I am staying in Gods Word and none other. Im ready and waiting for His HARPAZO! MARANATHA everyone! ❤🙏🏼✝️☝🏼🇮🇱

  • @bevp7838
    @bevp7838 Před měsícem +4

    I’m so thankful for many like Pastor Jack. I am currently churchless. Found one, loved the preaching (if the pastor veered away from the passage, it was always to other scriptures….BUT I never heard him teach on end times). I was so hungry for this kind of teaching. If I have to have an online church in order to get the teaching my heart longs for, so be it.

    • @gloriamason
      @gloriamason Před měsícem

      There are so many great pastors whose sermons are online. I am an online member of a church in Bakersfield, CA. The church has Zoom Bible study classes which are great for those of us who cannot attend in person. The chats are great for us to connect with other church members online. I text with several other members (who live in different states) and I feel very close to my brothers and sisters from that church.

  • @larrycraddock3063
    @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +20

    Why must there be a Pre-trib Rapture of the church? Because Jesus paid a huge price for our salvation at that old rugged cross. Had he not done that God's anger and wrath would still be on us. the word PROPITIATION means to appease God's anger. The prefect. precious, and sinless Blood of Christ that cleanses you and I of all sin Appeases the Father's wrath. That is why first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 9 makes it clear that we as the Bride of Christ are NOT appointed to the very wrath that Christ took for us at that cross. We are now under his Grace. not his wrath. God is not capable of Contradicting himself. If he says that we are not appointed to the wrath of the 7 year tribulation, then we are not going to be here when his 21 judgements are poured out on a world that has rejected Him, Jesus, and the Bible.

    • @jjd1983
      @jjd1983 Před měsícem +6

      Well said! AMEN!

    • @larrycraddock3063
      @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +2

      @@jjd1983 Blessings back to you and have a good weekend😊😊😊

    • @krissyyoung9264
      @krissyyoung9264 Před měsícem +4

      Amen!! How can so many Christians read God’s Word and come away believing that the JUSTIFIED, COMPLETELY REDEEMED Body of Christ will be subjected to God’s Judgment, which includes all seal, trumpet and bowl JUDGEMENTS?

    • @larrycraddock3063
      @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +1

      @@krissyyoung9264 Excellent point!😊😊😊

    • @Peter-dl4bp
      @Peter-dl4bp Před 28 dny +1

      It doesn't work. God poured out his wrath on the Egyptians just before the exodus. He didn't pour out his wrath on the Hebrews. Also, he did not rapture the Hebrews into heaven during that time. The Egyptians continued to oppress them until the exodus. By the by: our brothers and sisters in Christ RIGHT NOW are being oppressed all over the world for their faith. Is it possible that we believe that we get a free pass, but they do not?

  • @user-fg9fb8pw2h
    @user-fg9fb8pw2h Před měsícem +3

    Thank you Pastor Jack

  • @MaranathaLordJesus
    @MaranathaLordJesus Před 28 dny

    Two years back I had a dream of being change in a blink of an eye.Jesus ask me if I were ready and I said nothing is holding me here. Then in a blink I was change from flesh to spirit. It was very powerful and very very fast. I became brilliant white light in n split second and whoosh we were gone. It felt so real that I went outside to check if something happened. I thank Lord Jesus for that experience. Was wonderful but powerful.

  • @veronicabrasko1425
    @veronicabrasko1425 Před měsícem +8

    I believe in the rapture, ever since I was born again. That was over 40 yrs ago.🎉❤😇🙏

  • @guillerminarivera607
    @guillerminarivera607 Před měsícem +6

    Outstanding teaching of sound doctrine about The Rapture. May Our Almighty God keep pouring abundant blessings on these Ministries that are really guided by The Holy Spirit to enlighten the Bride of Our Lord Jesus Christ that is Us, His Body, His Church to be ready and prepared waiting for Him. Thank you so much Pastor Jack Hibbs. Greeting from Mexico 🇲🇽

  • @lisafaser6031
    @lisafaser6031 Před měsícem +11

    Love me some Pastor Jack! Thank you for this encouraging message.❤️✝️❤️

  • @user-qx6bb1sw6n
    @user-qx6bb1sw6n Před 29 dny +2

    If the church was still here during the Tribulation, there would be no need to have 144,000 Jewish people to evangelize during that time.

  • @lonecrusaider
    @lonecrusaider Před měsícem +4

    Hebrews 9:28 tells you something intetesting about the rapture... and who Jesus comes for.

  • @donnamcmaster9033
    @donnamcmaster9033 Před měsícem +2

    Thanks so much!

  • @glf2424
    @glf2424 Před měsícem +6

    Lol, and they forget "Trinity" is not in the bible either. Hosea 4:6, declaring, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." In the most wonderful age of access and information, people have failed to even open the page`s and discover for themselves. It is indicative of wanting to be spoon fed from others, what the Holy Spirit of God wishes to fully teach each of us personally. James 1:15 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

  • @born_again_torinos
    @born_again_torinos Před měsícem +2

    I read one translation of Harpadso that I loved. "A radical departure, plucked up as if by the roots".

  • @larrycraddock3063
    @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem +13

    Glad pastor Hibbs mentioned 2'nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 10 and 11. Because when God sends that powerful delusion the bride cannot and will not be on the earth the be affected by it.

    • @misskj7773
      @misskj7773 Před měsícem +3

      Brother Larry, you are absolutely correct. Revelation 3:10 (KJV) "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." ...Meaning the earth-dwellers, those lost souls who are described throughout Revelation...the unrepentant left behind. God bless you, Brother Larry. < Our redemption draweth nigh.

    • @larrycraddock3063
      @larrycraddock3063 Před měsícem

      @@misskj7773 Wonderful verse of scripture! If Jesus Himself says he will keep us from the hour (7-year trib) then it should be very obvious that our Redemption is drawing very very, nigh😊😊😊

    • @misskj7773
      @misskj7773 Před měsícem +1

      @@larrycraddock3063 Absolutely…we are there.

    • @Sandra-wh2tw
      @Sandra-wh2tw Před 29 dny

      Dear brother Larry.. the strong delusion is living lawlessness..rejecting His way the Torah!
      Because they refused to live the Truth, they believe what is false.. law abolished! Dispensationalism..2 people of God!
      Matt 8:21
      Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to Me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in your name, and cast our demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?
      And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me you workers of lawlessness.
      He is calling and bringing His people back to His ancient path.the old way, to learn what He desires of us..that's how we live Him and know Him brother.

    • @Sandra-wh2tw
      @Sandra-wh2tw Před 29 dny

      Yes loving Him, His Way!

  • @brucevaughn4374
    @brucevaughn4374 Před 29 dny

    Folks, we need to fast and ask God for his Armor and also for THE GIFTS OF HEALINGS🙏

  • @richardjohanson6421
    @richardjohanson6421 Před měsícem +4

    God would never allow His flesh His church His bride Eph.5 29-32 to go through His wrath Rev.6 8-17 Rev.8 7-11 Rev.9 15-19 Jacob's Trouble Jeremiah 30

    • @princesssweetpea9205
      @princesssweetpea9205 Před měsícem +2

      Do NOT be confused.... Tribulation is NOT wrath... Christ and the early church faced great tribulation and persecution.
      There is no confusion here. The Scriptures are clear. We are never promised to escape tribulation. Tribulation is NOT wrath.
      We are promised to be raised on the LAST/FINAL day, the END, the LAST trump.
      You might consider my post, one hour above this one, with explanation and clear Scripture reference.

    • @sofertamar
      @sofertamar Před měsícem +3

      You go on believing that, princess, but for the rest of us the pre-trib rapture will go on being our “blessed hope”.

    • @AdmiringBuffalo-mv8td
      @AdmiringBuffalo-mv8td Před měsícem +1

      ​@@princesssweetpea9205you are so right

    • @Zee-zj2uh
      @Zee-zj2uh Před měsícem +1

      ​@@princesssweetpea9205Thank you for making the distinction between tribulation and wrath. Well done. As God's own children we're not appointed to wrath.❤Times of troubles affect both believers and non believers, i.e. Job.

  • @MultiNitehawk
    @MultiNitehawk Před 28 dny

    Very Encouraging ! Praise the Lord !

  • @DonnaDuck-y4j
    @DonnaDuck-y4j Před 29 dny +3

    This was by far the best sermon I’ve ever heard on the rapture

  • @HectorGarcia-qc9om
    @HectorGarcia-qc9om Před měsícem +1

    Pastor, the christians souls are in a waiting place in heaven. No pastor our dust will not be given back to us . Father God our creator will
    Transform us with a new holy body. Love u in Christ

  • @bootsy7
    @bootsy7 Před měsícem +44

    It's Friday night again here in Brisbane Australia and Olive Tree is on my favorite time of the week bless you brothers and sisters and hopefully you all have had a blessed week in Jesus. I just want you all to know that I love you and the comments every week because it was through one of the comments someone mentioned a Church in Caboolture I have been listening to the pastor here on CZcams and called him and I will meet him tomorrow morning for breakfast as I want to understand what his true doctrine is as I'm excited because I might have me a Church home because I miss the fellowship and I have so much to offer and learn. I asked for your prayers that this will be a Church home for me as it's been a long time since I've had that. Once again thank you all because there's wisdom within the multitude of believers. Again thank you all for making me feel special

    • @lssachar.
      @lssachar. Před měsícem +8

      Glad to hear, i hope it's going to be the home church for you. I'm still looking for one in Sydney. Have visited a few but haven't found the right one yet. If anyone from Sydney sees this message, would appreciate if you could recommend one. I'm based in the eastern suburbs.

    • @nancyludlum2646
      @nancyludlum2646 Před měsícem +8

      Good morning/afternoon to you! Maranatha!

    • @keithrichards7084
      @keithrichards7084 Před měsícem +6

      Hi. From Canada. 640 am.

    • @windkind64
      @windkind64 Před měsícem +6

      don't let anyone steal you freedom and peace in Jesus

    • @GoatheadStickerToe
      @GoatheadStickerToe Před měsícem +6

      Greetings from Amarillo, Texas!

  • @carlajump9711
    @carlajump9711 Před 28 dny

    Thank you Jan and Jack God bless you both