Lore Accurarte Symbiote Suit Spider-Man In Marvel's Spider-Man 2

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • The Suit makes me a better Spider-Man.....Brutal Spider-Man 2 PS5 Gameplay
    Ultimate Difficulty - No Damage

Komentáře • 28

  • @AAbiolAA
    @AAbiolAA  Před 6 měsíci +7

    New game plus videos coming up real soon! Make sure to leave a LIKE and Subscribe for more spidey content!

  • @thealmighty700
    @thealmighty700 Před 6 měsíci +11

    That intro is unreal! The incredible gameplay showcase was great as well. Love the way you used the Symbiote surge!

  • @VonZuben
    @VonZuben Před 6 měsíci +8

    Very sweet dodge at 1:08! Great vid, bro 💪

  • @realtoken
    @realtoken Před 6 měsíci +4

    Bro you the goat! Insane video! 🔥🕷️

  • @TheGhostofJapan7
    @TheGhostofJapan7 Před 6 měsíci +2


  • @JS-1222
    @JS-1222 Před 6 měsíci +1

    My fingers are tired just from watching you! Great gameplay! 🙌

  • @theonewhoknocks1961
    @theonewhoknocks1961 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Woowww this video is just straight fire!!!! Happy your back :)

  • @BiggieJ4224
    @BiggieJ4224 Před 5 měsíci +2

    This games combat has a few flaws, and MANY things I wish were in it. But my god is it still so satisfying and addictive to play regardless.
    Out of every game I’ve played, I see the most potential for an insane combat system in this one but while already really good, I just don’t think it’s there yet, and I’m tempted to make my own video including different additions and changes I would like to see in the third one as I personally think I have some good ideas

    • @jacobharris3002
      @jacobharris3002 Před 3 měsíci +1

      Agreed. The combat was incredibly fun for the first couple hundred hours for me but the combat is still a little too shallow. For each step forward they take steps back in the combat too. The gadgets and old tech allowed for a ton of creativity in the first game and I don't think the new gadgets, abilities and skills fully replace that level of creativity. Not because they aren't good but because they don't have enough synergy and the abilities are too rigid and gimmicky once the novelty of their animations wear off.
      Peter's symbiote abilities and symbiote surge aren't as fun as they could be once you get used to the animations. Symbiote surge only has like 4 or 5 animations mashing square on the ground, your completely invincible during it on any difficulty and air combat is virtually the same besides the tentacle square attacks. I think the symbiote should change Peters fighting style way more but it doesn't at all outside of surge and abilities. Some of the gadgets have annoying randomness to it like the web grabber pulling in objects. It completely fucks up what your trying to do during stealth and combat at times because it's so unpredictable. The web richochet is also a worse version of web bomb because you have no control over what enemies the gadget decides to web up.
      The ground combat is still super basic and I think stands to be improved the most. All you can do is 4-5 hit combo, ability, web/gadget, dodge/slide, parry, off the wall attack and wall thrash. Sounds like a lot but doesn't feel like it after you've gotten used to the combat because of the lack of possibilities. The additions to air combat is great and is where the combat truly shines but after sinking in 400+ hours in the game I feel creatively sapped and can't help yearning for more depth. Also for reasons too long to explain in this comment, I believe the stealth has gotten progressively less fun and more boring in each game, in spite of the improvements they made.
      As for potential improvements I'm not completely sure what they can do to make air combat and ground combat deeper without adding more skills and gimmicks, which I don't think fully fixes the problem. They could go the Web of Shadows or og Spider-man 2 route and make the combat more combo centric. I don't think this is the answer though. The beauty of having square as the main attack button is it opens up Spider-man's mobility and makes the combat more about improvisation, awareness of your environment and quick thinking. I think this is more true to how Spider-man actually fights in the comics and movies.
      I think for combat in the third game they should focus on further improvements to traversal and make it work in tandem with combat. Don't have a "combat mode" and a "traversal mode". Don't lock the player out using web wings, air tricks, etc while fighting. How cool would it be to use webs, gadgets and web yank while flying, swinging, wall running or doing an air trick? Or to do manual swing kicks and full blown attacks with the web wings? Or do an off the wall attack out of a wall run, or web swing. What if you could do a similar attack off the ground or ceiling? I think it would also be cool and make sense for you to do more damage the faster your going when you hit an enemy. It could be a great way to reward stylish and interesting gameplay. Combining traversal and combat would allow for way more visually interesting possibilities of how you can juggle enemies in the air and use the environment to your advantage. The challenging part for the devs would be giving simple and unique inputs to all traversal and combat moves with a PS5 controller but with enough thought and ingenuity I think it could be possible. And if they managed to pull it off you could have free form, momentum based air combat with seemingly infinite combo potential and a high skill ceiling. Basically the idea is the more freedom the player has in the movement of themselves and their enemies the more awesome combat will feel, the more they'll feel like Spider-man and the more stylish the top gameplay will be.
      Some other minor things I would like to see balanced or changed in the third game. Make attack animations faster like in the first game. I don't know why they thought it was a good idea to slow down the game. The zip to point attack is borderline useless because of how much slower it is from the first game. Web swing combo is so long and leaves you extremely vulnerable to range attacks because you can't cancel it.
      There is only one problematic attack in Marvel's Spider-man 2 that's incredibly frustrating to deal with. The air grenade or electric net. They should either take out air grenade, make it slower or make it more telegraphed like with the other ranged attacks. The attack is so fast, poorly telegraphed and hard to dodge, even when you know it's coming. The only reliable way to deal with it is perfect dodge but even then you can still get hit unless you do nothing and let yourself fall down. I would call it borderline unfair and I think it's unreasonable to expect the player to be able to dodge it every time in the middle of air combat with other stuff on the players mind. It would be one thing only a specific enemy type threw them but any hunter in the game can throw one after a certain point in the story. I've seen even the best players universally have trouble with it, and after lots of testing I never found a 100% consistent counter for it, so that should tell you something.
      Lastly, it would also be nice if your spider sense gave some sort of warning of more than one melee attack at the same time, because if the second or third attack comes from directly behind you can't really react to it in time. Your spider sense always looks the same regardless of how many melee attacks are coming and the only warning of multiple melee attacks is your spider-sense won't turn off after a dodge or parry. But by the time you've dodged or parried you maybe have like 0.2 or 0.1 seconds before you get hit by the next attack which is beyond most humans reaction speed. It's a minor thing that doesn't happen very often but I'm sure the hardcore combat players who do damage-less runs would appreciate it.
      I know my comment is long so feel free to read part or none of it. I have a lot of thoughts on the combat and just wanted to write it all down somewhere. If anyone actually reads the whole thing I appreciate you for taking the time out of your day to consider a random internet man's combat takes.

    • @BiggieJ4224
      @BiggieJ4224 Před 3 měsíci

      @@jacobharris3002I read all of it, this is some good stuff, seriously like I don’t disagree with a single take and it’s like reading a reflection of my previous comments and just general sentiments towards this game and Spider-Man 3 I’ve made previously, I think the third game just needs a bit of everything, there isn’t really one particular area that only needs to be improved, overall there are a bunch of kinks and major holes that need to be addressed, and if I’m being brutally honest, my trust in insomniac has severely diminished. When sm ps4 came out I saw the passion and the quality of the game, for a starting game it was pretty great, sure obviously I wanted a plethora of new things to be added and a lot of it overhauled and changed for its sequels but that was understandable because this was their very first Spider-Man game and they knocked it out of the park, the story quality was superb in my opinion, the swinging was in retrospect very shallow but at the time it was the most “movie like” we had seen, and mechanics such as the point launch and wall turns were fairly innovative, and for the combat it was a great jumping off point for an attempt at the “Arkham style” combat but in Spider-Man format, albeit I don’t think it is neck to neck with Arkham knights combat system but it was fairly not far behind, and just the little things too, you could genuinely see the care they put into the dialogue, the characters (besides mj I think she was always bad but got even worse in 2) the suit selection and the graphical fidelity oh my god I swear those graphics were and still are insane. So my takeaway from that experience was “imagine what is next” and sadly something either happened with Sony themselves or an internal team issue which I’m betting it’s a mix of both, considering Sony was rumored to have rushed this game more than needed, and I also think the team itself is different people this time around. But for 2 you don’t see the same passion and quality, it feels very bare minimum, copy paste triple A, and it just feels soulless this time around. Story wise I think took the biggest 180, seriously in my opinion this is one of the worst renditions of the symbiote story line, and the potential and set up of harry, venom, kraven, Mr negative, two spider men was an insane premise with tons of potential that was not capitalized on whatsoever, the dialogue is horrendous and overly afraid to offend anyone which ironically is the most offensive thing you can do in a script is to have zero conviction and confidence in your own writing. Characters like wraith, mj, Peter and harry are insufferably inconsistent and just really annoying in general, and they made miles so two dimensional and boring, ganke, Danika and other characters like that have this extremely annoying thing about them as well. Gameplay wise like you said, it made a few welcome steps forward but also a few weird steps back, and honestly idk how as I feel they should have had the forsight of the negative connotations that the changes they made could’ve and would’ve had on the game. Graphically its inconsistent as well, the fidelity noticeably took a drop in picture quality and sharpness, although I admit the graphics improved in many huge areas as well so I’ll give them credit there (but not for the cutscenes and effects, those look garbage and uncanny same with the face models) also the little things too like watching Brian intihsrs interviews, him saying he doesn’t “give a shit” essentially about the fans opinions and keeps trying to cram this agenda of his into his game is very annoying, and sad to see as I really liked his overall thought process and energy a couple years back, so idk what got into him, and when your director has poor management skills it’s hard to blame the rest of the team for bad results regardless of their own individual incompetency. With all that being said sm2 should have at least taken 2 steps forward so that we can make progress to the definitive Spider-Man experience, but now we’ve taken a few back and it’s frustrating because of what it entails for the future.
      So as far as sm3 reaching my expectations, due to how much this game screwed up and not only set us back but poisoned the future (like with the story and certain mechanics that shouldn’t be improved upon but rather taken out altogether) it’s going to take a fucking god sent miracle to turn this thing around.
      My only hope is that sm3 is a game that it released way later down the pipeline, at this point I don’t care about how long it takes, I’m just tired of being disappointed so I’d rather take a good game that takes time than some garbage quickly made, and my other hope being that they can focus on improving their own individual skills on future games like Wolverine, maybe a miles spinoff, heard a rumored venom game is being developed and just…why? It’s whatever I guess but venom was arguably the biggest fumble of this game so I don’t care much for one. And hopefully it’s not just the individual skills they develop, but I think it would be very efficient and smart to implement new mechanics and changes in those games relating to and even not relating to Spider-Man so that eventually they can efficiently and quickly implement them in Spider-Man 3, it would be like working on the game without actually spending the time and resources to do so and you still get a shitload of cash from the game you create. Those two things are the only way I see that game being actually great and not just mediocre or “decent”

    • @BiggieJ4224
      @BiggieJ4224 Před 3 měsíci

      ⁠@@jacobharris3002also another random thing, I’ve noticed that it’s not just the mechanical and practical elements of the combat and swinging that need to be improved, it’s the visual flair, fluidity, weight, pacing, synergy, immersion, viscerally engaging elements that also need (and some don’t NEED to be improved but more of wanting them) to be improved, for example like you said, the base animations are very slow, they should be so much faster, way cooler looking, and have a larger variety of them as well. I don’t just want a superhero game to function well, I want to feel as cool as possible while doing it. It’s also the reason I think web of shadows is so praised, that game may have a few really good mechanics like the web strike, wall combat, Arial combat etc. but if I’m being honest the game doesn’t have like super in depth and methodical gameplay or anything, it’s pretty much just button mashing combos, and I’m not putting that down, not all games have to be super intricate they can just be fun, I’m just pointing out that I think the main reason that game is perceived so well isn’t because of its mechanics, it’s how the overall gameplay is presented to you, it just FEELS like Spider-Man and it’s so bombastic and fluid, I think web of shadows would be a much worse game if the animations and camera work were extremely and overly grounded like in Spider-Man (which btw is a stupid excuse, because insomniacs cutscenes and finishers look insane and is exactly what they need to apply to the base combat, not to mention their “grounded” argument is bs when Spider-Man is fighting with metal electrical arms and using bs gadgets)

  • @Slash_Moves
    @Slash_Moves Před 6 měsíci +2

    Insane control of the battlefield broski! 🔥

  • @annonjames2433
    @annonjames2433 Před 5 měsíci +1

    Bro said “hold my web shooters”

  • @transcendenceistaken
    @transcendenceistaken Před 5 měsíci +1

    I'm looking to improve my gameplay could you do a tutorial on the combos!?

  • @zPrxcision
    @zPrxcision Před 6 měsíci +1

    Goated 🔥🔥

    • @AAbiolAA
      @AAbiolAA  Před 6 měsíci

      Thanks bro! Hope you post some clips soon!

  • @ArachKnighT616
    @ArachKnighT616 Před 6 měsíci +3


    • @AAbiolAA
      @AAbiolAA  Před 6 měsíci +1

      I was first 😡😂

  • @slowzy6655
    @slowzy6655 Před 6 měsíci +3

    For whatever reason. Some finishers you can do when you get the symbiote aren’t achievable after you beat the game & new game plus. Kinda disappointing

    • @AAbiolAA
      @AAbiolAA  Před 6 měsíci +4

      Yh. I have this exact same issue. The new game plus update isn’t great as of now. Bugs are still there and they took away animations and the Symbiote surge suit swap. Even parrying with the arms is completely gone.

    • @slowzy6655
      @slowzy6655 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@AAbiolAA I think it’ll all still work making a new save without new game plus. But still disappointing because those take down are so bad ass

    • @AAbiolAA
      @AAbiolAA  Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@slowzy6655 I tried this. It’s gone completely. They need to fix this asap. As well for the performance mode. It’s very grainy

    • @slowzy6655
      @slowzy6655 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@AAbiolAA indeed they do

  • @General_P4
    @General_P4 Před 5 měsíci

    how did you get that all unlocked so early