Global Update, Australia, UK

  • čas přidán 15. 06. 2024
  • Global Update, Australia, Egypt, Ethiopia, West Bank, Ireland, Brazil, India, Pakistan, UK
    Cases, 10, 005, 970
    Recovered, 4,903,500
    Deaths, 499,306
    196 countries and territories
    Victorians urged to get tested if symptomatic
    Cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, or loss of sense of smell or taste
    Dashboard for Australia
    Health checker page
    Cases, 63,923
    Deaths, 2,708
    Lifted many restrictions
    Rising number of cases
    Cafes (25%), clubs, gyms, theatres after more than three months of closure
    Mosques and churches were reopened (not for main services)
    Night-time curfew lifted
    Cases, 5,570
    Deaths, 94
    Oldest survivor
    Tilahun Woldemichael, aged 114
    Hospital for 3 weeks
    Oxygen and dexamethasone
    Ethiopia's health minister, recommends dexamethasone in patients who require ventilation or oxygen
    West Bank
    Bethlehem, 48-hour closure from Monday
    Hebron and Nablus were closed last week for a time
    Dominican Republic
    Cases, + 855 = 30,619
    Deaths, 718
    Face masks mandatory since 16 April
    Today, a strict curfew lifted after three months
    No limits on movements
    Population 4.9m
    Recent rapid reopening
    New infections increasing
    Growing infections in under 35s
    Cases, + 23 = 25,437
    Deaths, 1,734
    Cases, + 38,693 = 1,313,667
    Deaths, + 1,109 = 57,070
    Cases, + 17,000 = 528,859
    Deaths, 16,095
    Hospitals filled beyond capacity, turning patients away
    Hotels, wedding halls, an ashram and railway coaches, repurposed for coronavirus care
    Health experts are urging the government to prioritise keeping mortality down
    ‘Numbers are going to increase’, (Dr Manoj Murhekar, of India’s main coronavirus task force)
    Cases, 202,955
    Deaths, 4,118
    10 members of national cricket team tested positive
    Positive people arriving in England
    Cases, 311,739
    Deaths, 43,598
    New cases, 2,341
    If 5% (3.3m) of the UK population has been infected, IFR = 1.3%
    70% of the UK population =46,200,000
    For 70% of UK population at 1.3%, deaths = 600,600
    Results from these antibody tests provide information about past infections
    Liverpool, 15 arrested
    Two raves in London
    Pop-up bike lanes in central London and Leicestershire
    Imported cases
    Half of Britain’s imported cases, from Pakistan
    65,000 people since March 1 from Pakistan
    2 flights per day
    30 cases imported from Pakistan since June 4
    Some go to hospital as soon as arriving
    Emirates suspended flights out of Pakistan after positive passengers
    Concerns that the influx has led to localised clusters
    Risk of possible spread to Europe via air bridges
    Good outcomes

Komentáře • 1K

  • @davidjohnpaul7558
    @davidjohnpaul7558 Před 4 lety +25

    I live in Australia (I'm from Sydney, NSW)...the situation is this. Up until last week all our cases over the last 3 weeks or so were from returned travelers, just as the 3 in NSW today are returned travelers. In fact most of our cases have been from returned travelers, visitors & the cruise ship debacle. There's low levels of community transmission apart from 4 at the protests 2 weeks ago. VICTORIA - A security guard from one of the hotels where quarantines are in effect took the virus HOME, had a large party, despite not feeling the best, & the result is more than 100 cases in 3 days. The 7 suburbs affected are undergoing blitz testing & there is a possibility those 7 suburbs will be put under lockdown as tracing is becoming slightly difficult, despite the huge increase in testing. The military has been called in. LESSON - it only takes 1 irresponsible idiot to undo all the hard work & sacrifices Australians have made....It is hoped we will soon identify all new cases & they will enter quarantine & we see no more new community spread at such high (for us) levels going forward...

  • @holaramirez
    @holaramirez Před 4 lety +8

    You're one of the few researchers I trust on CZcams. Thank you from US-where many appreciate your diligence in providing accurate and updated news.

  • @bevmoeller7488
    @bevmoeller7488 Před 4 lety +27

    So grateful for all your devotion, hard work, care, and concern that you have shown throughout these several months, now. Thank you so much! I will continue watching you from southern Indiana, USA. God bless you, Dr. John.

  • @donnam2012
    @donnam2012 Před 4 lety +3

    Please accept my continuing and unrelenting gratitude for your wonderful, motivating, reliable presentations. Your reminders to cycle and take Vit D are tremendously supportive. xx

  • @garp-cm7te
    @garp-cm7te Před 4 lety +63

    Your dedication to this crisis has been fortuitous for the rest of the world

  • @apuffin9545
    @apuffin9545 Před 4 lety +17

    Appreciate your work. Thank you very much from Australia

  • @mariocastro7379
    @mariocastro7379 Před 4 lety +28

    We watch you because we have no one here like you that gives a damn! Thank you!

  • @pamp1871
    @pamp1871 Před 4 lety +11

    First thing I do after making coffee is to see if Dr. John has posted a video! :)

  • @nomebear
    @nomebear Před 4 lety +16

    I have noticed that many families are now rethinking their needs/requirements, cutting back on cash outlays, and realizing that don't require as much money to get by. To my shock and dismay, the young boys next door planted a huge vegetable garden and are meticulous in tending to it. Personally speaking, I've been in recovery for many years and new people are flooding into the online meetings "and" they are staying. It's simply amazing. Friends in recovery who started meeting in halls are getting infected, and some are most ill. I'm staying in self isolation.

    • @williamswenson5315
      @williamswenson5315 Před 4 lety +7

      Dismay over young boys starting a vegetable garden? Really?

    • @fullofhope2222
      @fullofhope2222 Před 4 lety +1

      this first phase rolled out worked well. Global fear and obedience. This is killing less than a bad flu season - but to protect yourself if you are high risk then i suggest
      Liposomal Vit C (not ascorbic acid) huge amounts - Vit D3 double daily dose, Zinc and Chaga Mushroom capsules (anti viral developed for AIDS) - good health is your best chance as eventually we will all get it - there is a DNA insert in the virus - (not a mutation) but an actual insert making it lethal for lungs.
      Critical thinking:
      1, masks (reducing oxygen and recycling CO2)
      2. stay at home only go out for 1 hr (drastic decrease in Vit D for immune system)
      3. social distancing - attack on mental health. Solidarity confinement is not a prison punishment for no reason
      4. when i was tested my throat swab and nose swab went to two different places making it a double count. ?
      5. at first only N95 would work - now make your own out of a t shirt?
      If this helps you feel less unsettled please copy and share
      I advice a channel much better than this
      I suggest you better spend your time catching up on Dr Colemans sage advice.
      best wishes.

    • @beaconarmsapartments7079
      @beaconarmsapartments7079 Před 4 lety

      @@fullofhope2222 ROBOT

  • @cvideomathala
    @cvideomathala Před 4 lety +10

    Thanks for all the updates Dr.John.

  • @mariatorres9789
    @mariatorres9789 Před 4 lety +14

    My great great grandma Sebastiana, from Mexico, lived to be 109. Her first doctor record was from when she was 2 yrs old, so they said she was 107. She took care of herself, even after becoming blind.

  • @eriknystrom5839
    @eriknystrom5839 Před 4 lety +39

    I’m glad that Dr Campell is promoting fresh air. In the beginning of the pandemic, there was a lot of recommendations to “stay at home” and many people interpreted that as “stay indoors “. Indeed in some cities you were only allowed to go outside for shopping, short exercise , walk your dog...Of course if you live in the center of a crowded city, that makes sense, but for the majority of the people there should not be any problem taking long walks and still keeping social distance. As for myself living outside Stockholm, I spend 1 - 3 hours outdoors every day if it’s not raining. I’m 73 yo and very healthy, I do my shopping when the shops are almost empty and I do wear a homemade mask when shopping . Unfortunately very few people are using masks In Sweden. I also visit my children with family including grandchildren but we only meet outside in the garden and always try to keep 2 meters distance. 10 μgrams vitamin D/ day, I might increase to 20 μgrams/ day in September depending on the weather.

    • @carolwilliams8511
      @carolwilliams8511 Před 4 lety +4

      Wonderful example. If only all people were this sensible!

    • @adriana7144
      @adriana7144 Před 4 lety

      Absolutely. I am so fed up hearing people excusing the poor behaviour of huge numbers of British people in recent days because ‘they have been locked inside for months’. Aside from the very small number of people shielding, nobody was locked inside, I went out walking around my neighbourhood everyday and have done 10k a day without fail. If people chose to sit on the sofa and do nothing they only have themselves to blame and their health, both mental and physical has probably suffered due to laziness.

    • @charlestoast4051
      @charlestoast4051 Před 4 lety +1

      Your vitamin D dose seems ultra-conservative, even at 20mcg

    • @dementedmonkeyfish
      @dementedmonkeyfish Před 4 lety

      @@charlestoast4051 I've been taking 55ug a day but I don't get much natural sunlight.

  • @nickmolonlabe5780
    @nickmolonlabe5780 Před 4 lety +42

    The WHO needs to watch Dr. Campbell they could learn a lot.

    • @feleciawallace8420
      @feleciawallace8420 Před 4 lety +5

      Some people believe the WHO is useless and worthless, should be defunded.

    • @goneby30
      @goneby30 Před 4 lety +2

      The WHO needs to pay Dr. Campbell a salary :)

    • @gsxs8425
      @gsxs8425 Před 4 lety +2

      Felecia Wallace it is facts that The WHO is corrupt

    • @neuromancer5703
      @neuromancer5703 Před 4 lety

      @Foof valve Clearly they are! LMAO! 🐑🐑

  • @paulbicknell4192
    @paulbicknell4192 Před 4 lety +7

    Hi John we have been watching you every day since Feb and found your information much more useful than the official sources. We live in Melbourne Victoria Australia. Currently we are living with a daily upsurge of daily cases here in a number of hot-spots. The state government is in the process of increasing testing and door knocking whole suburbs in an attempt to contain these outbreaks. They are considering re introducing lock-downs of different suburbs if they don't get the numbers down.
    In Australia we still don't have mandatory wearing of masks which we think is the way to go in public places - we find this very frustrating and don't understand why masks are discouraged in Australia when the evidence is clearly for the wearing of masks to lower the rate of infection. In fact the official advice stated that the wearing of masks will INCREASE the risk of infection. Thanks for your great Podcasts, from avid viewers. Paul & Yvonne

  • @hollyk7466
    @hollyk7466 Před 4 lety +3

    Thank you for all your wonderful videos. We rely on you so we know what’s going on.

  • @kimironside8880
    @kimironside8880 Před 4 lety +5

    Excellent as always John. By the way, do you ever sleep!! :)

  • @carlvincent3462
    @carlvincent3462 Před 4 lety +15

    From Australia; a lot of the problems in Aus and especially Victoria has resulted from poor community control and especially around the quarantine hotels. poor control of people in the hotels and some very poor (either selfish or stupid) behaviors of people who were asked to self isolate. given Vic is the most left wing govt in Aus and they tried for some time to not discuss the ethnic backgrounds of the areas where the hot-spots are i suspect there were mistakes made by not willing to be strict for fear of seeming racist.
    I hope NSW does the right thing and closes borders with Vic until they get it under control. school hols are about to start and that means the vics will be on the roads in droves heading north to get to warm weather

    • @kbal1451
      @kbal1451 Před 4 lety

      The hotspots are in less affluent areas, it's large family gatherings that seem to have been the main problem at the moment. Very little physical distancing at a large family gathering in the middle of winter. Army medics have been sent to those suburbs, door knocking and corner testing stations. Winter school holidays people will be staying at home. BTW it's not a leftwing nor rightwing issue, we are going to have outbreaks, it's to be expected. The main thing is that hospitals don't get overloaded and that people are cared for.

    • @katetaplin
      @katetaplin Před 4 lety

      Apart from the deaf translator, I wonder just how much information is actually made available to the ethnic communities in their native language. I bet you not a lot. I'm from Melbourne.

  • @travelwell6049
    @travelwell6049 Před 4 lety +60

    [31:45] Yes, I have been buying more locally. There is a little farm shop I've been going to, to avoid the busy supermarkets. Most items are nice fresh produce picked within a few days. As I am sitting all day, working from home, and moving around far less I thought I would put on weight, but in fact, I've lost about half a stone (7lbs) because I'm ONLY eating fresh fruit and veg. No junk food and no ready-meals.

    • @briangriffiths114
      @briangriffiths114 Před 4 lety +6

      Similar experience here. Two local fruit and veg growers/suppliers deliver the bulk of my fresh produce nowadays and I will continue this after the pandemic is finally over. Despite starting with a low BMI, I have still lost a pound in weight due to the lack of coffees out which I don't miss.

    • @alunjones3860
      @alunjones3860 Před 4 lety +1

      @@briangriffiths114 What do you mean by low BMI? If it goes too low, then it's not good and is actually more unhealthy than being a bit overweight. Losing a pound is probably nothing to worry about though.

    • @TB1M1
      @TB1M1 Před 4 lety +1

      @@briangriffiths114 Coffee generally increase weight loss. It increases metabolic rate.

    • @briangriffiths114
      @briangriffiths114 Před 4 lety

      @@TB1M1 Agreed, but the odd half scone or cake that I share with my wife obviously has a cumulative effect.

    • @briangriffiths114
      @briangriffiths114 Před 4 lety

      @@alunjones3860 Within the range for my height but at the lower end and, as I have been training with weights for decades, there is no loss of muscle mass.

  • @briankennaborst8795
    @briankennaborst8795 Před 4 lety +2

    Thank you for all your hard work and keeping us updated here in the US, Wyoming.

  • @gregortidholm
    @gregortidholm Před 4 lety +2

    Amazingly fantastic work you are doing with this videos!!

  • @soggymoggytravels
    @soggymoggytravels Před 4 lety +89

    I had noticed that there have been daily flights from Pakistan landing in Birmingham throughout the whole outbreak, and it just demonstrates once again the complete inconsistency and incompetency of the UK's approach. (This comment is not meant to be a criticism of Pakistanis.)

    • @deniseg-hill1730
      @deniseg-hill1730 Před 4 lety +4

      All those dual Pakistani/British citizens coming back.

    • @parlabaneisback
      @parlabaneisback Před 4 lety +7

      I wonder if it's a large enough factor to have skewed the national figures for infections by ethnicity.

    • @steinarnielsen8954
      @steinarnielsen8954 Před 4 lety +24

      Those Pakistanis who travel while sick definitely should be criticized

    • @rijamor
      @rijamor Před 4 lety +18

      No-one's ever cared about the TB being bought into the UK from Pakistan?

    • @jaywalker6834
      @jaywalker6834 Před 4 lety +13

      @@keithbadrick8496 The airports never closed, people have been arriving by Air and Sea some legally others not so since the commencement of the lockdown.. seems UK Gov isn't too concerned about UK citizens health, a prime example - UK hotels appear to be a dumping ground for immigrants awaiting asylum or citizenship UK Gov appears to believe Social distancing doesn't apply in these cases (otherwise hotels would be open business as usual)

  • @Nell3810
    @Nell3810 Před 4 lety +39

    I’m in Victoria, Australia. We’ve had double digit increases for the past 10 days. What is concerning them is the spread of community transmission. 6 suburbs have been identified as ‘hot spots’. I’m in one of them. There were 2 cases at a primary school and 1 at a childcare centre that I know of. The spread started with a worker at a quarantine hotel where overseas travelers are required to spend 14 days when they enter Australia. Apparently the workers there were not practicing proper hygiene and PPE. We then had Eid, and 3 large families got together including the infected person. That’s how it started. Anyway, they’re talking about locking down the 6 places till they get on top of it. I’m quite grateful for the way Austria’s reacted to the virus. Most states now have 0 cases for many days.

    • @macmcleod1188
      @macmcleod1188 Před 4 lety +1

      Covid-19 is explosively infectious and a normal human environment. I think that the are not is well over five. There are too many cases where people infect 35, 55, 100-plus people.

    • @AndrewFishman
      @AndrewFishman Před 4 lety +4

      In Canberra, we wouldn't know there was anything happening in the world lol. It is just as dead as ever, but that is nothing new. No face masks, just some really annoying barriers in shopping centres and stuff. But not one community case. And none at all at present.

    • @Smegoff84
      @Smegoff84 Před 4 lety +12

      You forgot the 10k protesters in Melbourne.

    • @jenpen7888
      @jenpen7888 Před 4 lety +4

      Our increases are mainly coming from overseas .... they’ve had plenty of time to get home ....why is the govt still letting them in..... half Victoria’s cases have come from overseas .... I repeat why is our govt still letting them in and keeping the rest of us in lockdown .particularly country areas where there are no cases .... what is their motive .... I don’t believe anymore it’s about health ....

    • @therealarchstanton3343
      @therealarchstanton3343 Před 4 lety +3

      @@Smegoff84 the cases are not linked to the protests

  • @paulbork7647
    @paulbork7647 Před 4 lety +4

    Thanks, as always, John. Good to see this and plowing through your books - great stuff there, I recommend them on Amazon to all readers. As well done as your videos, in terms of helping me understand part of the opaque medical world. Thanks again.

  • @perthyren4567
    @perthyren4567 Před 4 lety +22

    I wouldn't even dream of skipping a second of your video. You are a beam of light in the COVID darkness. PS Love from Sweden

    • @turntablez504
      @turntablez504 Před 4 lety +4

      @@incorectulpolitic Why are you spamming every comment with this nonsense? Everyone, report them for spamming

    • @mattizzle81
      @mattizzle81 Před 4 lety +5

      @@incorectulpolitic What kind of BS is this? The internet is such a toxic brew of pseudoscientists, conspiracy theories, and schizophrenic rants. I don't even know where to start with this, I have seen a lot of BS on the internet, but what kind of crap is this? Who are these so-called "M.D"'s that you are quoting and where did they get their credentials if they are even doctors at all? The flat earthers of the medical world. Insane.

    • @gordslater
      @gordslater Před 4 lety +4

      Nice work - their comments now invisible. So reporting is worth it

  • @richardross7219
    @richardross7219 Před 4 lety +75

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that only genius has limits.

    • @JamieD1298
      @JamieD1298 Před 4 lety

      The virus is similar to HIV

    • @fatbelly27
      @fatbelly27 Před 4 lety +4

      @@JamieD1298 Can't view this - it says 'This community is quarantined
      . It may contain misinformation or hoax content.'

    • @williamswenson5315
      @williamswenson5315 Před 4 lety

      And stupidity approaches infinity.

    • @sleepsmartsmashstress740
      @sleepsmartsmashstress740 Před 4 lety

      Then SARS Cov 2 virus which show no limits is not a genius

    • @mypointofview1111
      @mypointofview1111 Před 4 lety +3

      Never underestimate how stupid people can be

  • @freebirdh604
    @freebirdh604 Před 4 lety +10

    Bless you Dr C for ending us on a positive note 👍, mostly people I know are suffering from Covid exhaustion now and I am drained from ‘counselling’. 😉☮️

  • @gondola0969
    @gondola0969 Před 4 lety +1

    Thanks for your update, as always Dr. John 👍

  • @ashtweth
    @ashtweth Před 4 lety +9

    All of us viewers should put in and shout John a trip to NZ. Its the least we can do.

  • @deadpan666true
    @deadpan666true Před 4 lety +35

    No reporting about Scotland not having any deaths for 3 days running, John? Have also heard that if we carry on the way we're going up here, we could eradicate the disease by the end of summer, at least for a little while.....

    • @briangriffiths114
      @briangriffiths114 Před 4 lety +8

      I think that the involvement of Professor Devi Sridhar on the Scottish Government's scientific committee have helped formulate a cautious approach as any time I read her newspaper articles or Twitter feed it reminds me Dr John and Medcram's guidance on COVID-19. Let's hope that we can keep the virus suppressed here for as long as possible.

    • @albertamezzacapo4457
      @albertamezzacapo4457 Před 4 lety +8

      Scots are scoring so many wins these days, well done!!!

    • @naomimoran5564
      @naomimoran5564 Před 4 lety +10

      Australia had no deaths for a month until a bloke in Victoria passed the other day.
      I hope every country can get it under control, it's heartbreaking

    • @coreluminous
      @coreluminous Před 4 lety +5

      I hope that Scotland can eliminate community transmission within Scotland, and then closes the border.
      Until England follows suit. It is a policy choice - stop the spread or let it spread. Bozo Cummings is choosing let it spread. Idiots! Callous and cruel.
      Stop the Spread, Spread the Love!

    • @iamisaid2295
      @iamisaid2295 Před 4 lety +4

      Australia had no deaths for way longer, 30 days! Doesn't mean the disease is gone.

  • @monytarygameplays5963
    @monytarygameplays5963 Před 4 lety +30

    hi from mexico!! here is a madness , almost no one wear a masck and most of they thinks that covid is dosen´t exist, i take care and i stay in home. watching your videos since the beggining off the pandemia taking vitamin d and waiting everything past away. my thankyou for your valious videos

    • @williamswenson5315
      @williamswenson5315 Před 4 lety +7

      This is where applied intelligence saves the day...and probably your life.

    • @linmal2242
      @linmal2242 Před 4 lety +3

      Good for you Y Y Keep safe!

    • @technicallyobservant7888
      @technicallyobservant7888 Před 4 lety +4

      the quicker more people can get it the quicker it will be over .just take care of the old & weak,keep them away from the virus

    • @AilFarr
      @AilFarr Před 4 lety

      Cuídate mucho amig@

    • @bluemoon-pm5hv
      @bluemoon-pm5hv Před 3 lety

      Make sure to take K2 with your D3

  • @propertycare4117
    @propertycare4117 Před 4 lety +2

    Thank you Dr! I check for your video first thing in the morning here in Port Orchard, WA. Peace to you 🙏🏽💙🙏🏽

  • @abigailh2824
    @abigailh2824 Před 4 lety +29

    Vit D story: Had blood tests & My vitamin D was very low! Shortly after my father died & I have been shattered feeling weak & tired. Started taking vit D therapeutic dose 5000iu a day one week ago & I must say my body feels stronger. Could be coincidence but I have been through this before & I attribute the feeling stronger to the vitamin D

    • @1xstew
      @1xstew Před 4 lety +3

      VITAMIN D RULES . . It's the world's salvation. Why are people so stupid!

    • @fullofhope2222
      @fullofhope2222 Před 4 lety +2

      - this first phase rolled out worked well. Global fear and obedience. This is killing less than a bad flu season - but to protect yourself if you are high risk then i suggest
      Liposomal Vit C (not ascorbic acid) huge amounts - Vit D3 double daily dose, Zinc and Chaga Mushroom capsules (anti viral developed for AIDS) - good health is your best chance as eventually we will all get it - there is a DNA insert in the virus - (not a mutation) but an actual insert making it lethal for lungs.
      Critical thinking:
      1, masks (reducing oxygen and recycling CO2)
      2. stay at home only go out for 1 hr (drastic decrease in Vit D for immune system)
      3. social distancing - attack on mental health. Solidarity confinement is not a prison punishment for no reason
      4. when i was tested my throat swab and nose swab went to two different places making it a double count. ?
      5. at first only N95 would work - now make your own out of a t shirt?
      If this helps you feel less unsettled please copy and share
      I advice a channel much better than this
      I suggest you better spend your time catching up on Dr Colemans sage advice.
      best wishes.

  • @mrnice4434
    @mrnice4434 Před 4 lety +42

    I don't get it why flying is still a thing for non essential stuff.

    • @MUNRO13
      @MUNRO13 Před 4 lety +4


    • @lisadefries6718
      @lisadefries6718 Před 4 lety

      Agreed it doesn’t seem essential for most people flying is simply an excuse for a foreign beach. Obviously some people conduct business via flying too 😊

    • @mypointofview1111
      @mypointofview1111 Před 4 lety

      Food & medical supplies. We don't produce enough of either so we have to import.

  • @shivamchandok7826
    @shivamchandok7826 Před 4 lety +36

    Here in India🇮🇳, weddings halls, hotels, railway coaches have been converted to corona care centers but _*WHERE WILL YOU GET THE DOCTORS AND SUPPORT STAFF FROM???*_😕😑
    Hospitals have started providing home care packages starting from 20$ going above 100$ PER DAY.

    • @newyorkmedicalmarijuana4711
      @newyorkmedicalmarijuana4711 Před 4 lety +4

      What is in the package. ? What are they treating you with?

    • @ChiDraconis
      @ChiDraconis Před 4 lety +2

      हल्के मामलों के लिए किन तरीकों का इस्तेमाल किया जा रहा है?

    • @travelwell6049
      @travelwell6049 Před 4 lety +2

      Yes, they need to train staff to operate the ventilators.

    • @johnd2058
      @johnd2058 Před 4 lety +2

      @@newyorkmedicalmarijuana4711 Who cares? At that price, it's rich people medicine over there. The question is moot, like, "Whose face are we going to put on the new $1,000 bill?"
      I don't care, I'm never going to get to touch one, so it might as well be Harambe's.
      ... ooh, howabout a $5,000 note featuring a color CGI of Pocahontas on her knees blowing Custer? No complaints, no-one would see it.
      ... apparently, no-one even wants to draw such a scene:

    • @RAKITHA9
      @RAKITHA9 Před 4 lety +2

      Damn , pray for this nightmare to end soon , the virus has probably developed resistance to heat now I guess .
      Stay strong and safe - from Sri lanka

  • @1020LAStep
    @1020LAStep Před 4 lety +2

    Thanks for doing what you do for all of us!

  • @caffeinejones3513
    @caffeinejones3513 Před 4 lety +1

    I'm not awake early in the US; I work nights. You have helped me be safer at work. Thank you! ♥️

  • @stevenee1ply
    @stevenee1ply Před 4 lety +16

    I've been to Mumbi. I have no clue how it didn't infect everyone in a single day. The amount of people is truly amazing.

    • @eggshen27
      @eggshen27 Před 4 lety +1

      Needs media hype to get the numbers up. Come on people more infection and more deaths or we won’t get Trump out of office.

    • @IMSiegfried
      @IMSiegfried Před 4 lety +8

      @@eggshen27 is trump president in mumbi? not everything is about him.

    • @martinda7446
      @martinda7446 Před 4 lety +2

      @@IMSiegfried Well said Angela.

    • @eggshen27
      @eggshen27 Před 4 lety +2

      Martin D A Trumpers 😡

    • @markfcoble
      @markfcoble Před 4 lety

      Seems to bely the narrative?!

  • @perthyren4567
    @perthyren4567 Před 4 lety +29

    Every time I hear "Young adults" my thoughts wanders towards "The young ones" - best comical series ever produced ! It also tells me - oh, we are so screwed!

    • @Campbellteaching
      @Campbellteaching  Před 4 lety +16

      Old adults were also good on Dads Army

    • @bazstrutt8247
      @bazstrutt8247 Před 4 lety +1

      keirfree senior

    • @twelvesmylimit
      @twelvesmylimit Před 4 lety +1

      @@Campbellteaching 'You stupid boy!' 😄

    • @musicalneptunian
      @musicalneptunian Před 4 lety +3

      Neil would offer to crucify himself as a sacrifice to stop Covid 19.

    • @bazstrutt8247
      @bazstrutt8247 Před 4 lety +2

      Musical Neptunian
      “And the punks and rastas and skins will gather. And the parents will ask why are they crying? And they will say Rick is dead. The people’s poet is dead”

  • @lisadefries6718
    @lisadefries6718 Před 4 lety +4

    Thank you 😊 nice to hear the ONS take on positive elements to lockdown. My brother who is in his 30’s said to me week or so back that he is positively enjoying lockdown. He has two lovely little girls and has enjoyed spending time with them instead of flying all over world due to his job. I think this situation has made some people reassess their priorities in life which can be a positive life changing experience.

  • @williamswenson5315
    @williamswenson5315 Před 4 lety +10

    You can get up real early when you're properly motivated.

  • @kazaanhelmandollar4527
    @kazaanhelmandollar4527 Před 4 lety +7

    Thank you.

  • @jenniferbate9682
    @jenniferbate9682 Před 4 lety +28

    So this evening, Simon Calder on LBC is suggesting people book a flight and go on holiday! Am I on the wrong planet?

    • @williamswenson5315
      @williamswenson5315 Před 4 lety +5

      Is Mr. Calder leading by example, or is he just a self-justifying bag of hot air?

    • @120453y
      @120453y Před 4 lety +1

      According to the Wikipedia article on him, his favourite places are; Norther Ireland, Yorkshire, and Hadrian's Wall... Where does the plane come in...?

    • @gavinparks5386
      @gavinparks5386 Před 4 lety +1

      @@williamswenson5315 In early March Mr Calder was telling people to keep travelling at all costs , it was so good for expanding the mind.

  • @joankmatlock9479
    @joankmatlock9479 Před 4 lety +1

    Thank you for continuing to work so hard to bring us the news

  • @1969Escobar
    @1969Escobar Před 4 lety +2

    Morning from Colombia South America; big fan of your channel, D.C is Washington D.C, cheers an thanks.

  • @Msdodify
    @Msdodify Před 4 lety +7

    Greetings from Sweden. Thank you Dr. Campbell for keeping us informed. Sweden is lost when it comes to C-19, poor information, poor "strategy" (i.e. no strategy) and very high death rates. And still no mandatory mask wearing. And, as late as this Thursday (25th of June) finally the Authorithy in charge change their recommendations for staff working in elderly homes: They should wear masks together with visor (all this time it was only visor!). I guess no one can be surprised that Sweden has the situation we have. So sad with all these losses.

    • @caroltopalian593
      @caroltopalian593 Před 4 lety +3

      Very sorry for your losses. I describe Sweden as the ass of Scandinavia whenever the subject comes up online, but I feel for people that are stuck there. I'm also critical of my own country (Canada): they are weak on masks, and courting disaster!

  • @brendanmarsh4523
    @brendanmarsh4523 Před 4 lety +22

    Ireland: recent cases are not increasing, quite the opposite. Most days of last week cases were below 20, and some days below 10. Yesterday, Saturday, was 23 cases, while today, Sunday, cases are 3. There is an ongoing problem with weekend case reporting in Ireland, its unclear why. We will not know really if cases will continue to fall or if they are increasing until maybe midweek.

    • @nmarbletoe8210
      @nmarbletoe8210 Před 4 lety +4

      if we did random sample testing we'd actually know something

    • @intrepidtomato
      @intrepidtomato Před 4 lety +3

      What can't help is that Ireland has a common travel area with the UK and that British people are now going on holiday over there (without quarantine, of course). My in laws are in a high risk group, they're less than happy about it

    • @marie-laure.
      @marie-laure. Před 4 lety +1

      Don't worry, most countries have a Sunday reporting issue. Basically most labs are closed and also reporting line ppl may be on weekly break. The real figures usually pop out on Tuesday 😉

    • @dianeodify
      @dianeodify Před 4 lety

      @Stephen Morris Some brand testing kits are unreliable, but others aren't.

  • @shashimoghe3920
    @shashimoghe3920 Před 4 lety +7

    Thanks dr Campbell for this valuable latest update on corona good wishes 28/06/2020

  • @jayvdb
    @jayvdb Před 4 lety +18

    Dr John, I would love to hear your take on news of Barcelona sewage samples from early 2019 containing Corona virus.

    • @bridgetnorfolk6707
      @bridgetnorfolk6707 Před 4 lety +2

      Great point I have thought exactly the same thing, the UK's response is just a series of mistakes I'm in Thailand and comparing the 2 countries is pretty stark, you think they are going to do voluntary quarantine anyway I don't think so it needs to be state quarantine or forget it!!!

    • @richplant2205
      @richplant2205 Před 4 lety +1

      John did a video on this a day or so ago

  • @paulavandenbroeck1333
    @paulavandenbroeck1333 Před 4 lety +9

    Just wondering if closing the curtain would help with the focussing issue. Heat refraction can affect autofocus. Your recent video filmed at night stayed in focus - the lighting was more balanced. Or you could switch to manual focus and give yourself sufficient depth of field by narrowing the aperture as much as the light allows.

    • @morganhatfield1283
      @morganhatfield1283 Před 4 lety

      I get the feeling Dr John isn't as concerned with how he looks vs the info he's trying to get out. Good info though.

  • @scaldon2
    @scaldon2 Před 4 lety +54

    Everyone remember to take your Vitamin D. Please do it now .

    • @sharonsloan
      @sharonsloan Před 4 lety +1

      Already done.

    • @thewriteinpresident
      @thewriteinpresident Před 4 lety

      The Show must go on.?.?.?.?
      You can flood the roads with cars when I am driving, but it does not PROVE a population… You can make TV shows for all to watch and see, but you can no longer make me believe in your lies, or illusions, or delusions for I am free… I know` I am not the last of my kind, but in a SIMULATION such as this where WAR IS MURDER, and the people all seek to kill, and harm one another, I know this is not my home… In these END OF AN AGE we all see, you are not the only one with needs... How I wish I could absolve you of your madness, but in your mind, you are only A MACHINE… For a Real Person, and A Real Human would learn too care, and share, and no longer live the DARE of Death, and Damnation, and I WILL FIGHT FOR MY NATION!!! True too this, I see A FLAG is only A Flag, and it has always been a CORPS of the DEAD CORPORATION, and in this Video Game of PURGATORY` The FLAG has never represented A nation, A People, or A Way OUT of “the madness” of Slavery to the OWNERSHIP of Others…
      For those of you’m how have found, and kept, and taught THE BOOK OF NONMASON, THE BOOK OF PUZZLES, THE BOOK OF RIDDLES that you so now read, you are [my people] +=+ no matter your blood type, your skin tone, or the mysterious REFLECTIONS “you see” in them Mirrors when you try to stare at {The Pupils} [{**}] of your eyes for I have been your God, Your King, and your Brother, and you’m have been my lover, my lost, and my sadness that I as A Person among Persons could not SAVE this world… As MUD FLOODS Come, and The Great Nuclear Hydrogen Wars go on, we see these 5G TOWERS are weapons of “Eugenics” that will destroy ALL BIOLOGICAL LIFE cause that is the lesson (of this) /-\ Holographic Dastardly SIMULATION of a People gone mad, and then A People that kept getting DELETED till no man, no wombman, and “no child” [{*}] could remain’ for this place must ONE DAY END…
      I thought if I just wrote the right and perfect words, all the people would one day be free, but when we see THE LEADERS be they Trump the Chump to Putin The Scooten to THE EMPEROR of China Xi are nothing more [then remembrances] /_\ of why this CELESTIAL SPHERE, and these Celestial Beings did all die out for THE PEOPLE had {lost their way} / * \ in their pursuits of frivolous manifestations of GRAVEN IMAGES called the Moving Photos on their 2D FLAT SCREENS in their hollow empty lives… Wilt it matter what happens to you once I The MALE Oracle born of a Dead Wombman dies???? Will you even continue to CEASE TO EXIST once I am gone???? How long can The Machine of A.I. Artificial Interfaces “continue to present” this ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE when I no longer care to play THE GAME of Fools folding into their own damnations, their own curses, and too know (them) whom do WAR IS MURDER shall for all time “be trapped” here as The FORSAKEN…..
      If you are reading this, I was not THE LAST HUMAN to leave… If you can see the people are all gone, and only so few of you remain, and you are hunted by THE MACHINE of BUG EYED PEOPLE, PERSONS, and Populations you know then’ how to carry on for I wrote these works you now so read, so “you’d know” Whom you are, Where you are, and What you are, and if it be the Will of the Spirits when you die too your Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Body Temple Avatar……., may I meet you in the Cross roads of INTERDENOMINATIONAL Passage Ways in the ESOTERIC Interstellar space, and give you A Hug, A deep emboldened Kiss, and may [we talk] for a TIME….., and know “this place” was PURGATORY……., and WE THE PEOPLE whom learned Redemption, Reconsideration, and Reconciliation found our WAY HOME as {Immortal Immaterial} Corporeal Beings in the ESOTERIC Realities, for none should have to live forever [and ever] with no way out….
      Johnny Exodice
      You Are in Purgatory, and you will pay for it all, You’m whom do WAR IS MURDER cause “Murder” is against THE RULE OF LAW...

    • @thewriteinpresident
      @thewriteinpresident Před 4 lety +1

      @LordGroyper That is because you can not READ BIG Words Machine Person, you are not one of my human spirits... The Commander~ [///|||\\\]

    • @Justlookin958
      @Justlookin958 Před 4 lety +2

      Yes all the healthy people snap up all the vitamin D so those with deficiencies are unable to get any.

    • @lisadefries6718
      @lisadefries6718 Před 4 lety +1

      Good point I almost forgot. I am back to work in morning as my library will be opening next week. So extra important I take my vitd3 😀

  • @petetboncore6591
    @petetboncore6591 Před 4 lety +1

    Another wonderful production Dr John, and hey, Guinness, sould not be to difficult to get there! Cheers to you!

  • @chrismullan7191
    @chrismullan7191 Před 4 lety +4

    Just wanted to write something about life these past 12 weeks, i live in Wembley been my home now 36 years, just going to tell you about my street, when the lockdown started on 23 march, the first day was very scary, in life you meet people that you know from the off you will get on with, my lovely neighbour died from covid-19 in April, someone who i would chat to most days, she was only 45, went to work one day came home and felt very ill, could not breath went into hospital and died two days later, then other neighbour only 51 also died, any way on my road 5 neighbours died from covid-19, the oldest being 95, each time i would put wee note into neighbours doors to let them know, so we could all say goodbye, a few neighbours i would get shopping for and you have that worry you could bring the virus back to them, what i am trying to say here, this nightmare for many will be long lasting, my mental health is not good, its very hard to put in words how this time has truely been, another neighbour who is due to have a baby in July just walks up and down the garden, her husband told me how fearful he feels, another neighbour looks after his wife who is 87 and just feels so lost trying to keep things going, people think everything will just get back to normal fast, but i know it wont, never in a million years would i think 43, 000 people would die from a virus in such a short time, vaccine might come, but we all know thats still a long way off, as a gay man in the 80s i seen many dear friends die from AIDS, and remember almost 40 years on no vaccine, the drugs are good, but took years to find, and AIDS has killed more than 30 million around the world, Look please just be careful coronvirus is real and does kill, stay save.

    • @jasp1316
      @jasp1316 Před 4 lety +3

      Thankyou Chris for sharing your story, your neighbours are lucky to have you near by. take care of yourself and try and focus on the positive things that people like yourself are doing. The flowers in regents park are beautiful at the moment.
      it's big enough to avoid the busier areas, or sit and watch people walk by in there finery.

    • @chrismullan7191
      @chrismullan7191 Před 4 lety +1

      @@jasp1316 thank you for that, thats strange you say about the flowers in Regents park, as every year i always go to see the roses in the rose garden, myself and late Aunt would go every June, such a wonderful park to visit.

    • @marymale-bowers5424
      @marymale-bowers5424 Před 4 lety +1

      I am so sorry. I know it is difficult, but please don’t let this get you mentally down.

    • @KiwiGirl1111
      @KiwiGirl1111 Před 4 lety +1

      Thank you for sharing your story Chris. You sound like a very nice, kind person. You’re not alone - we are all in this together and it’s normal to feel some worry and fear for the whole world - friends, family, neighbours and ourselves. It’s still like a nightmare I’m not waking up from since early February lol! I often think about new year 2019 and would never, in my wildest dreams have imagined the world would be in this state. I guess we all have to accept this new normal, stay strong, focus on the “good” in the world (so many negatives raising their voices. - they are still asleep and in denial) - look at the beauty in the world (roses as mentioned ;-) “be kind” (my country NZ’s mantra) and let’s not catch it! Lol! Keep being strong and keep watching Dr John - education is important :-)

  • @charlesmclaughlin9236
    @charlesmclaughlin9236 Před 4 lety +31

    If you don’t stop all flights and ports where people come into the country then insist that they all go into lockdown for 14 days in a secure place, I’m in Ireland and don’t want people from anywhere coming here to holiday until they can get a test passport

    • @bazstrutt8247
      @bazstrutt8247 Před 4 lety +5

      Agreed 100%
      I can’t believe how many people are still travelling around the world without checks during a pandemic

    • @macmcleod1188
      @macmcleod1188 Před 4 lety +3

      You also need to quarantine the people who work on those places. One mistake, as happened in Victoria, and the worker from those quarantine areas can spread the disease to dozens of other people before they realize they're sick.
      Humans make mistakes. They fail to wash their hands. Or without thinking about it they reach up and scratch the edge of their eye.

    • @dutchcourage7312
      @dutchcourage7312 Před 4 lety +3

      Sad thing is, there is no way to be sure ... see if people have been infected at the airport where they left, they will not have incubated the virus yet, so when they arrive they will have a negative outcome for the tests (which ever you let them take), then 3 days later they might still get ill... or worse they turn out to be asymptomatic and continue to spread it... having nobody come in is likely the best situation for all involved... because such passport things don't proof a thing unfortunately :( ... (well there is one group you can let in i guess! The people that test positive for the late time antibodies, as they will have already had the virus and recovered from it)

    • @jenniferbate9682
      @jenniferbate9682 Před 4 lety +1

      Charles Mc laughlin YES! IF ONLY THEY WOULD.

    • @sheilakirwan9462
      @sheilakirwan9462 Před 4 lety

      Dutch Courage To go to Thailand, they are saying that you need a covid negative test from 3 days before your flight and proof of this ...this plus other airport checks and possible quarantine too

  • @gordslater
    @gordslater Před 4 lety +6

    ### FOCUS PROBLEMS - could be caused by camera being confused by bright light in window in upper right of shot. Pull curtain over a foot or so on that side of window to tone down overexposure to see if that helps. Seems to be OK earlier in this vid, but gets brighter/worse later.
    A net curtain may diffuse the light enough if this is proven to be the problem - choose one with a very open weave, like a window flyscreen fabric (self-adhesive on velcro from Aldi/Lidl in summer, or Ebay) if you can to avoid blocking too much light overall. Quick to put up and take down for vids.
    Wearing a striped or sharp-patterned shirt can help focus problems too.
    Also check you have no smears or dust on the lens - clean very gently with a fresh disposable glasses cloth or soft kitchen roll torn into a strip and rolled up into a brush shape - with extremely light pressure and some damp breath on lens to wet it. Use a brushing -away motion not wiping-in, if you see what I mean ###

  • @llm5095
    @llm5095 Před 4 lety

    Thank you Dr Campbell.

  • @mimicanada1957
    @mimicanada1957 Před 4 lety

    Great update ! Thank you very much :)

  • @itsAhmedJamal
    @itsAhmedJamal Před 4 lety +21

    You know what ?
    I really hope all of that gets to an end and me and you sir get to have the chance of having some tea and crumpets together

    • @Campbellteaching
      @Campbellteaching  Před 4 lety +10

      Sounds good

    • @martinda7446
      @martinda7446 Před 4 lety +5

      Oooh I would like that too. I'll bring some doughnuts.

    • @rogerstarkey5390
      @rogerstarkey5390 Před 4 lety +1

      Mmmmm... Diabetes.

    • @zonnacowell6227
      @zonnacowell6227 Před 4 lety +2

      @@rogerstarkey5390 Come on. Live a little. One celebratory donut won't hurt. Or maybe a bagel?

    • @matrich1983
      @matrich1983 Před 4 lety +1

      @@rogerstarkey5390 "type 2" diabeties. Type 1, 2 and 3 are all completely different things. Type 1 has nothing to do with diet or sugar. You are thinking of type 2 :)

  • @SilvanaDil
    @SilvanaDil Před 4 lety +16

    Get up early in the States? Grow up, Doc -- we haven't been to bed yet! :-)

    • @donr416
      @donr416 Před 4 lety +1

      Speak for yourself, I was asleep before 9 and up at 4 Mountain Time.

    • @holaramirez
      @holaramirez Před 4 lety +1


  • @contentperfection
    @contentperfection Před 4 lety +1

    Dr. Campbell, Thank you so much for your dedication to delivering the facts on this virus. You are a wonderful teacher and a voice of reason and truth. 💗🙏🕉

  • @ibraheemahmedahmed8951

    Your work is very valuable thank you

  • @leemccurtayne9489
    @leemccurtayne9489 Před 4 lety +4

    I can say without fear of contradiction that Tilahan Woldenmicheal, was certainly glad he wasn’t treated in Sweden.

  • @kevinbyrne4538
    @kevinbyrne4538 Před 4 lety +6

    30:55 -- Thank you for that glimmer of light amidst the gloom.

  • @mariavaroukas4933
    @mariavaroukas4933 Před 4 lety +1

    It’s 3am in nyc and I’m up listening! Thank you !!!

  • @BrettonFerguson
    @BrettonFerguson Před 4 lety +4

    "Americans seem to get up early in the morning, and are watching in the US." We are still awake. We drink coffee not tea.
    Coffee is the key to American industrial production. Stop at any gas station in the US, you can buy an insulated cup that holds a pot of coffee. Keep the cup and you can get refills for $1.

  • @nemeczek67
    @nemeczek67 Před 4 lety +29

    Central Asia is also suffering. A WHO humanitarian mission has just returned from Tajikistan. Not too many offical cases but everybody over there seems to know a few covid victims. In the region bordering China the infection rate is estimated at 60%. As many areas are at very high altitude, even mild breathing problems can be lethal. In Turkmenistan there are no official covid cases and the goverment strictly controls the narrative. But they do acknowledge a wave of "lethal pneumonia".

    • @TheJugendstil
      @TheJugendstil Před 4 lety +3

      I would love to have a special episode on that region 👍

    • @Chahlie
      @Chahlie Před 4 lety

      I've wondered if the altitude is what affected Peru so much as well. I've never been but I understand much of it is mountainous.

    • @nicolasrivia1687
      @nicolasrivia1687 Před 4 lety +2

      Well its the same every where, every body seems to 'know somebody' with Covid, usually the friend of the husband of some cousin. Just as everyone has seen an ovni or the mothman. Its called popular mythology and its like wildfire.

    • @intrepid7490
      @intrepid7490 Před 4 lety +2

      @@nicolasrivia1687 I'm from Queensland Australia and I honestly don't know anyone who has got it

  • @vietnam1978
    @vietnam1978 Před 4 lety +25

    Cases 355
    Deaths 0
    Stephen Cameron, the British pilot who has since recovered, is expected to fly home July 12th.

    • @verdensrike9381
      @verdensrike9381 Před 4 lety +3

      Death rate in Vietnam is 0%.

    • @verdensrike9381
      @verdensrike9381 Před 4 lety +5

      So basically not the virus itself that dangerous but the underlying health conditions like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, etc etc makes it more dangerous.
      Looks like people in Vietnam much healthier than in UK.

    • @enduser63
      @enduser63 Před 4 lety

      @@verdensrike9381 no agendas, Boris has accepted billions from the murderer bill gates foundations.

    • @vietnam1978
      @vietnam1978 Před 4 lety

      Chris Baker definitely. I mean there were quite a few people in their 40s and 50s who were pretty serious, but having a young relatively healthy population helps

    • @Pacdoc-oz
      @Pacdoc-oz Před 4 lety +1

      Vietnam Reports from Communist Vietnam are as credible as from mainland China ie. zero!

  • @dianemainiero6760
    @dianemainiero6760 Před 4 lety

    Many thanks DR for vid 😊

  • @Belgarion2601
    @Belgarion2601 Před 4 lety

    John, do you have any more information on the situation in Chile atm? It's a country with a rather small population, ranking 8th in overall cases... more than double the cases per population in comparison to most other countries. I've never seen you talk in detail about them...

    @GOLEMUK Před 4 lety +19

    To be fair incoming and outgoing non-essential flights to the UK should have been stopped and suspended a mere *4 months* ago. So we can hardly expect the Government to have got to grips with it by now. Maybe nearer autumn and winter when the second wave hits they might get round to it. Since they are very clearly still struggling badly and incoherently with the first wave.

    • @Justlookin958
      @Justlookin958 Před 4 lety

      And people like you would have been in uproar if they did stop flights. The WHO told countries to NOT stop flights. Dr John balls up all is forgiven, government and their advisors make mistakes with a new virus and people like you can't help play politics . Take it elsewhere its not helpful here

    • @mjwilliamsb2676
      @mjwilliamsb2676 Před 4 lety +2

      @@Justlookin958 Hmm,, couple of flaws in your argument there; this government has and is continuing to make 'mistakes' (though I wonder if some of it is deliberate, there are so many, and can they really be that inept - worrying if it is ineptitude) but the difference is, they never, ever admit to their mistakes,they just spout lots of rhetoric when questions are asked. I'd have more respect if they came clean and said yea, we got it wrong, but now we're going to put it right. Not holding my breath though...

    • @GOLEMUK
      @GOLEMUK Před 4 lety +2

      @@Justlookin958 "And people like you would have been in uproar if they did stop flights." Complete and utter horsesh*t, if I might use an appropriate colloquiallism. There has been sustained and extremely vocal demands from actual public health experts (not the Government yes men and stooges) from at least March to suspend flights given that they are blatantly obvious and necessary response #1 to a *GLOBAL PANDEMIC.* Which the WHO declared back in March. Yet it *still* hasn't happened in a competent or effective manner. It is now the end of June in case you weren't aware.
      As for advice, advisors advise and politicians decide. If you somehow can't grasp that simple self-evident fact, then there is little hope for you. So again, pitiful deflection from the obvious truth that it was entirely a Governmental and POLITICAL choice. The Government was also taking advice (or not) from their OWN pool of advisors. The same ones who got it so badly wrong on the absurd repulsive Eugenic 'herd immunity' nonsense. SAGE also had no public health experts in it's makeup back then. That would be Zero. Bit of an oversight wouldn't you say?
      So what you actually mean is you're rightfully embarrassed and ashamed of an inept, incompetent, incoherent, Government response that has caused one of the highest death tolls in the world and a response that is *still* one of the worst examples from around the world. Which, to be fair, is entirely understandable.

    • @GOLEMUK
      @GOLEMUK Před 4 lety +2

      @@Justlookin958 "people like you can't help play politics . Take it elsewhere its not helpful here" So when John said, 'he was amazed by the continuing flights and he really thought it had stopped and in his view it should stop', do you think he should shut up, stop playing politics, that saying so is unhelpful and he should take it elsewhere?

    • @steinarnielsen8954
      @steinarnielsen8954 Před 4 lety +1

      @@Justlookin958 The WHO has proven itself useless. All they've done is licking China's arse.

  • @denisetankard3266
    @denisetankard3266 Před 4 lety +22

    In Ireland we didnt have a rapid re opening, it was very slow, we closed on the 16th March. Our opening was every 3 weeks so its been going on for 2 months. Pubs, cinemas, gyms, hair and beauticians ect are still closed and most people are following the advice. We didnt make mask wearing mandatory it is only mandatory on public transport. We have had very low cases for 9 weeks but I see today we have 23 and 25 cases. We have to wait until tomorrow to see why but mainly travel and meat factory related (possible protest but I dont know. The time frame would fit) . Our deaths are care home and medical facility related in most cases unfortunately and they said it was because it wasnt known there was no symptom spreading going on (A symptomatic). (Unfortunately our deaths are high because they are totally accurate and they are counted in all setting s hospital nursing homes, homes and also SUSPECTED.) This was unknown early and rectified with extensive testing in all these facilities. Thank you for reporting Ireland.

    • @fatbelly27
      @fatbelly27 Před 4 lety +4

      The Doc made a negative comment about Ireland's figures but I think he may have confused cases with deaths. Ireland is doing ok in comparison to its neighbours I think

    • @jeffryan8871
      @jeffryan8871 Před 4 lety +2

      @@fatbelly27 Let's see how it goes after the pubs reopen tomorrow 29th June

    • @breegemoyles969
      @breegemoyles969 Před 4 lety +2

      @@jeffryan8871 only pubs serving food,,2 more weeks till all pubs reopen,,glad im living here in ireland and not in England.

    • @fullofhope2222
      @fullofhope2222 Před 4 lety +1

      this first phase rolled out worked well. Global fear and obedience. This is killing less than a bad flu season - but to protect yourself if you are high risk then i suggest
      Liposomal Vit C (not ascorbic acid) huge amounts - Vit D3 double daily dose, Zinc and Chaga Mushroom capsules (anti viral developed for AIDS) - good health is your best chance as eventually we will all get it - there is a DNA insert in the virus - (not a mutation) but an actual insert making it lethal for lungs.
      Critical thinking:
      1, masks (reducing oxygen and recycling CO2)
      2. stay at home only go out for 1 hr (drastic decrease in Vit D for immune system)
      3. social distancing - attack on mental health. Solidarity confinement is not a prison punishment for no reason
      4. when i was tested my throat swab and nose swab went to two different places making it a double count. ?
      5. at first only N95 would work - now make your own out of a t shirt?
      If this helps you feel less unsettled please copy and share
      I advice a channel much better than this
      I suggest you better spend your time catching up on Dr Colemans sage advice.
      best wishes.

    • @fatbelly27
      @fatbelly27 Před 4 lety +2

      If there’s anything this pandemic should teach us, is that our faith should always be in science, because that’s the only thing that doesn’t have an agenda, and actually is able to lead us out of a crisis. For that, we need to come together, focus on the common goal, and not be subservient to the minority who claim they know better.
      Whenever we spread a conspiracy theory, chances are we have not discovered a missing truth, but we are actually pushing someone else’s agenda.

  • @antoniovillanueva308
    @antoniovillanueva308 Před 4 lety +2

    Everytime I have disagreed with the doctor, I have been wrong. I appreciate the correction.

  • @gingercox6468
    @gingercox6468 Před 4 lety

    John, what video did you do where there was a link for a graph showing different countries and the states.

  • @lindaborland76
    @lindaborland76 Před 4 lety +7

    What about Scotland? Only when the chief medical officer went to her second home did it warrant a mention and a shake of the head. No deaths for 3 days, cases in single figures, part of the U.K. but no mention???

    • @albertamezzacapo4457
      @albertamezzacapo4457 Před 4 lety +1

      Linda Borland Scotland has done incredibly well within the U.K.!!!

    • @fatbelly27
      @fatbelly27 Před 4 lety +3

      I heard the Scottish government are talking about eliminating the virus from Scotland. You'll have to stop the English and Irish from getting in.

    • @wyno9991
      @wyno9991 Před 4 lety

      @Stephen Morris is an "a gender" another of the lbgtq etc list? Asking for a friend.

    • @stevepirie8130
      @stevepirie8130 Před 4 lety +2

      All the four home nations sent ill elderly back to care homes sadly but what Scotland and Wales both did very well was closing holiday sites when thousands at start of lockdown travelled up. That likely saved a lot of problems in our areas with poor NHS coverage like the Highlands and Islands.
      Here in Dumfries and Galloway we had no deaths for a whole month or cases for two weeks out of almost 149k population until two weeks ago they reopened KFC, McDs, etc. No announcements in the news, none by the FM, why? Not as important enough obviously.

  • @caronprickett924
    @caronprickett924 Před 4 lety +17

    When you mentioned about the amount of deaths that might happen in the UK,do you take in consideration the drugs that are being used to help in the hospitals,blood thinners and steroid treatment. The hospitals now have learned a lot since the beginning of lockdown and hopefully that might prevent future deaths .

    • @Algorithm347
      @Algorithm347 Před 4 lety +8

      That’s what I thought , and you would have thought he would have also mentioned this . I fear a lot of his videos are almost scare tactics

    • @GOLEMUK
      @GOLEMUK Před 4 lety +9

      Improved treatments are certainly the best hope in the near to mid term. But they are still only having limited success as yet. They will eventually get better as more and more new and repurposed drugs move out of the study and RCT phases in the months ahead. It's important to realise though that when capacity gets stretched closer and closer to breaking point then the ability to even deploy such treatments effectively drops drastically as there simply isn't the time or available space to do so effectively for every patient. Continual monitoring and frequent testing of the most vital markers are essential for serious cases and critical care. So that too has a direct effect on the death rates and is also why treatment undoubtedly improved as the caseload went down.

    • @heidijanuary3286
      @heidijanuary3286 Před 4 lety +9

      @@Algorithm347 And yet, here you are🙄

    • @rogerstarkey5390
      @rogerstarkey5390 Před 4 lety +6

      It's all very well talking about treatment.
      IF the UK government (and others) had taken a sensible approach from day 1, *Prevention* would have greatly reduced the need for *treatment*
      That oath would have also helped prevent the second wave we will inevitably see.

    • @rogerstarkey5390
      @rogerstarkey5390 Před 4 lety +6

      The best hope is STILL to initiate *preventive measures*
      It's obvious that certain actions can greatly reduce both susceptibility and response to the Infection *before* hospitalisation/ treatment is necessary.
      Cheaper, more effective both short *and* long term.

  • @pepelemoko01
    @pepelemoko01 Před 4 lety +1

    The health checker software is so good, this is the time I have heard, and I live in Australia, thanks, Dr John.

  • @paultraynorbsc627
    @paultraynorbsc627 Před 4 lety

    Thanks John 👍

  • @lucyreeves3754
    @lucyreeves3754 Před 4 lety +36

    So sad I was the only one wearing a mask when I went into shop, everyone else looked at me weirdly

    • @markfcoble
      @markfcoble Před 4 lety +6

      Because you have been lied to. Read the science reports yourself.

    • @karenfitzpatrick6256
      @karenfitzpatrick6256 Před 4 lety +15

      Keep wearing your mask in public shops! If others looked at you "weirdly" it shows they are neither informed correctly or intelligent/responsible enough to take precautions that are KNOWN to give protection from getting the Covid 19 and to stop the spreading of it to others. Stay educated on what is happening in your community and stay healthy. Best wishes from Vermont, US!

    • @lisadefries6718
      @lisadefries6718 Před 4 lety +5

      It’s a pity others not wearing masks/face coverings. They work best with close to 100% uptake. If you wear a mask you protect me if I wear one I protect you. Maybe others in your community wish to wear them and will in next couple of weeks make that choice especially as you’ve led the way they will feel less self conscious. You are doing the right thing 😊 take care

    • @RGBEAT
      @RGBEAT Před 4 lety +4

      Hopefully you doing so will encourage someone else on the line about it to wear a mask next time. Some people are self conscious and peer driven and need a push. Wear it proudly!

    • @antimarxistza
      @antimarxistza Před 4 lety +6

      Because it makes no sense to ware a mask, which won't prevent the spread if you had symptoms, in which case you should not be out and about, and the vulnerable people who also should not be out and about, would have a false sense of security if everyone else are wearing masks.
      If you don't have symptoms, you are not spreading anything. If you don't want to risk getting infected, you should self isolate. Wearing a mask makes no sense, yet we are not allowed to enter any shop without warning a mask. The emperor has no clothes people! Look! The rules make no sense.

  • @susanshepard4688
    @susanshepard4688 Před 4 lety +18

    'Isn't Alcohol hard on the Immune System also, besides bars having so many reason's for being high transmission places

    • @lynnv8501
      @lynnv8501 Před 4 lety +1

      Alcohol is damaging on so many levels, when abused. A timely strong drink can be therapeutic after or during a high time of stress, I suppose more so if it makes a person laugh. But I wouldn't suggest it every day.

    • @zonnacowell6227
      @zonnacowell6227 Před 4 lety +2

      @Vaccine Sheep What a great fatalistic attitude. Spoken like someone who doesn't have anything to lose.

    • @lynnv8501
      @lynnv8501 Před 4 lety +1

      @Vaccine Sheep it's about quality. For me I do best without a lot of alcohol. I have medical issues. For others I'm sure it's different.

    • @stevehathaway5331
      @stevehathaway5331 Před 4 lety +2

      Alcohol effects good judgement in decisions too.

    • @lynnv8501
      @lynnv8501 Před 4 lety +1

      @@stevehathaway5331 indeed.

  • @123456wasp
    @123456wasp Před 4 lety

    Thank you. 🇨🇦😷👍

  • @kadybee9649
    @kadybee9649 Před 4 lety


  • @katykat947
    @katykat947 Před 4 lety +27

    My aunt was sadly one of those deaths in the Republic of Ireland.

  • @meenakshisat
    @meenakshisat Před 4 lety +5

    sir in india it is now spreading even in rural side i get call from lot of places the number given is 10 times more

  • @adibbehroozitv6447
    @adibbehroozitv6447 Před 4 lety

    Thanks doctor

  • @leannewarren7997
    @leannewarren7997 Před 4 lety

    For children with Kowasaki (MIS-C) are they treating with IVIG? And could this treatment also be effective for adults?

  • @CrypTales007
    @CrypTales007 Před 4 lety +4

    we did buy localy from farms also before the pandemic, as online shopping. Is normal to spare time from supermarkets and support also local farmers. We buy fruits, veggies but also meat from local growers.

    • @joannehunt3729
      @joannehunt3729 Před 4 lety

      So do I and you can watch how they grow produce and see the dairy cows in the fields and the grass fed beasts if you want to (I don't) it's dificult without transport, but they all deliver except the dairy

  • @brendanh8193
    @brendanh8193 Před 4 lety +15

    Friday in Victoria, Australia, due to the uptick in cases, they did a testing blitz in particular hotspot suburbs, going street by street asking as many people as they could to volunteer to be tested, even if they had no symptoms. They completed 220,000 tests, with 41 cases found. That's 0.019% of tests showing positive results.

    • @486tomas
      @486tomas Před 4 lety +5

      What's worrying is the increase in proportion of cases of community transmission (large family gatherings) relative to returned travelers, and the potential asymptomatic spread being greater than expected. Also alarming was the news that some returned travellers (who stay in mandatory hotel 14 day quarantine) were refusing tests.
      Hopefully Melbourne can get it under control, it was so disappointing after having done so well and Australia being allowed to open up very safely (eg where the new cases are the odd returned traveller)

    • @kizzagaming6523
      @kizzagaming6523 Před 4 lety

      @@486tomas Was protests as well, not just the people flaunting the restrictions

  • @richplant2205
    @richplant2205 Před 4 lety

    John, I watch your stuff religiously, I love it. Can I ask where you get the 10x infected rate from in the U.K.? It’s really important as you’re calculating IFR numbers on this. I know it could be more infected, however a low IFR will give a false sense of security during the easing of restrictions

  • @ozstyl
    @ozstyl Před 4 lety +2

    The Australian/Victorian Government has quarantined the suburbs in concern, set up mobile testing sites - hired 1000 door knockers to door knock every house in the area to reach people who don't speak English - and set up testing in suburban streets so people can walk to the end of their street in their dressing down if need be to get tested. No excuses.

  • @gerardacronin334
    @gerardacronin334 Před 4 lety +9

    Irish pubs are still closed, John.

    • @gerardacronin334
      @gerardacronin334 Před 4 lety +2

      Annette Königsheim I am in British Columbia, Canada 🇨🇦 which is currently one of the safest places in the world. I am also an Irish citizen and I keep in touch with current events there. Family photos on social media currently show a lot of garden parties with social distancing.

    • @suedoyle4526
      @suedoyle4526 Před 4 lety

      Pubs are opening from today

    • @gerardacronin334
      @gerardacronin334 Před 4 lety

      sue doyle Yes indeed, provided they serve a meal costing €9, I think.

  • @enricol5974
    @enricol5974 Před 4 lety +9

    The pubs will open the 4th of July : a lot of drunken people and possible fights with the police in London, I am afraid.

    • @jwarmstrong
      @jwarmstrong Před 4 lety

      Fighting drunk hurts less but the next day Oh oh

    • @jenniferbate9682
      @jenniferbate9682 Před 4 lety +3

      enrico l bad decision by government....again!

    • @carolwilliams8511
      @carolwilliams8511 Před 4 lety +2

      Agree. We should not be opening these places yet. Let's hope they are wise enough to realise if they don't manage this safely, they will be shut down again. We cant' have a situation like Texas.

    • @stevepirie8130
      @stevepirie8130 Před 4 lety +2

      Govt caved into public pressure but we can’t hide forever. The police will certainly have excess trouble same as the NHS with the tidal wave of drunken numpties on top of having to test them.

    • @matrich1983
      @matrich1983 Před 4 lety +1

      I am staying well away.

  • @2phonesnelson
    @2phonesnelson Před 4 lety +2

    Choir of more than 100 people perform without masks at Pence event

  • @crazyeddy808
    @crazyeddy808 Před 4 lety

    Doc, some get up early , but others ? I live on big island of hawaii 5 to 6 hours behind
    new york? thank you for your videos. aloha

  • @cathalsheehan9596
    @cathalsheehan9596 Před 4 lety +7

    There isnt much of an increase in Ireland, 22 cases yesterday was the highest in nearly 3 weeks.

  • @SimonZerafa
    @SimonZerafa Před 4 lety +6

    The UK estimated deaths figures at 600,000+ does not take into account either excess deaths (of which some or many will be COVID-19 related) and arent included in that 43,000 deaths figure and it doesn't account for age demographics as it applies to COVID-19 mortality 😕

    • @stevepirie8130
      @stevepirie8130 Před 4 lety

      The growing trend due to our population growth was indeed over 600k deaths of all causes. What has dropped other causes was the lack of accidents on roads and at work, etc, as we closed the 4 nations for three months. If we hadn’t the deaths would be far higher but we’ll never know as we did lockdown.
      The lockdown proved we can protect the NHS so they were never overwhelmed like other nations. If or when cases rise again we’ve proven we can close down until under control again as Leicester might find out soon.
      If we had gone full on no lockdown then yeah you’d certainly have seen far higher deaths but people would react and hide away naturally. I deliver to many elderly ignoring the opening up of the nations. Don’t blame them, if vulnerable you only get one life.

  • @005AGIMA
    @005AGIMA Před 4 lety +1

    Keep in mind, in Australia we are now split into states with boarders CLOSED between them. So it really is a case of judging each state on it's own cases, and to a certain degree, assuming the community transmission in one state does NOT translate to a country wide problem. Here in Western Australia, we're pretty much back to normal. Pubs, cafe's, churches all open. But we have to keep a close eye on things and be ready to jump when things change.

  • @eternalfizzer
    @eternalfizzer Před 4 lety +1

    Nice to see stats on the upside of all this. I hope this has a lasting effect culturally and for community bonds. This is going on long enough for people to get into a new habit of existence that could improve lives, in spite of the tragic consequences of COVID-19.

  • @ZarlaTristan
    @ZarlaTristan Před 4 lety +4

    I was expecting more discussion on the Leicester situation, being the first teetering on the edge of returning to lockdown. Not sure how they will do this when the rest of the UK is about to relax a bit. Go on John, say goodbye once in a while..

  • @vollkerball1
    @vollkerball1 Před 4 lety +5

    26:30 and UK is thinking about refusing flights from Portugal....
    Its ironic

    • @jenniferbate9682
      @jenniferbate9682 Před 4 lety +1

      Ricardo Fernandes yes “thinking about”...too bad they spend too much time thinking and not “acting”!

    • @stevepirie8130
      @stevepirie8130 Před 4 lety

      Not heard that about Portugal

  • @rebeccawhite2582
    @rebeccawhite2582 Před 4 lety +2

    Yes, I feel more relaxed than I did before Covid 19. But I live alone, so very lonely sometimes. I am looking for a dog to adopt so I will feel less alone.

  • @joycesmith8354
    @joycesmith8354 Před 4 lety +1

    I am a scouser, and I am ashamed we pride ourselves on loving and protecting our family’s , but I’m ashamed to say our young ones do not have the same ideals. 😞 shame on you Liverpool,