An example of Christian contradiction, derived from belief in free will.

  • čas přidán 23. 06. 2024

Komentáře • 36

  • @ambassadorofconciliation

    This is a contradiction:
    Jesus died for our sins, but you are still condemned by your sins until you believe .
    What did Christ dying for sin accomplish if sin still condemns you?
    What this really is an example of, is the hypocrisy of false expressions:
    1Tim 4:1-2: "Now the spirit is saying explicitly, that in subsequent eras some will be withdrawing from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and the teachings of demons, in the hypocrisy of false expressions, their own conscience having been cauterized;"
    Also, I believe every passage of judgement in the scriptures and yhey ate all perfectly congruent with the eventual slavation of all.
    See this for more info:
    What happens to unbelievers if all are saved?

    • @thevulture5750
      @thevulture5750 Před 18 dny

      John 3:18-19
      18¶ He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
      19And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  Před 18 dny

      You forgot:
      John 3:17: "For God does not dispatch His Son into the world that He should be judging the world, but that the world may be saved through Him."
      "That the world may be saved through Him", and we know that it will be, because Christ was successful.
      John 3:18-19: "He who is believing in Him is not being judged; yet he who is not believing has been judged already, for he has not believed in the name of the only-begotten Son of God. Now this is the judging: that the light has come into the world, and men love the darkness rather than the light, for their acts were wicked."
      So where in this passage does it say anyone is forever condemned? Nowhere.
      A. E. Knoch, from his commentary on vs. 17 says this:
      "While it was not the mission of Christ to condemn, yet, being of the Light, He exposed the darkness. The priests and Pharisees were judged by their hatred of the Light."
      The context of this passage is eonian life, and specifically eonian life during the coming eon, the 1000 year kingdom of Israel ruling in the earth. Those judged for hating the Light will miss out on the 1000 year kingdom, no more, no less.
      John 3:15-16: "that everyone believing on Him should not be perishing, but may be having life eonian. For thus God loves the world, so that He gives His only-begotten Son, that everyone who is believing in Him should not be perishing, but may be having life eonian."

  • @Norman.Labelle
    @Norman.Labelle Před 18 dny

    What a great video. I most definitely agree with your teaching, every word of it. 👍❤️

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  Před 18 dny +1

      Thanks for watching Norman. I hope this helps some to recognize the contradictions christianity teaches. ♥️

  • @JoyceKreis
    @JoyceKreis Před 18 dny

    Great video...thank you for the truth...Amen❤❤❤

  • @TheGreatUnfoldingRobWile

    I see the "especially of believers" as being significant to God's choosing us before we were born ( Before The Disruption- i.e sin) entered the Universe. So there is nothing we contribute to that Choice. Thank you Janssen for expounding on the Truth.

  • @Doyathinkurfunny
    @Doyathinkurfunny Před 19 dny

    Well said!!! God is the saviour of all, through Christs faith, 2000 years ago at the cross.
    Being a believer gives MORE than salvation . A believer obtains the righteousness of God , through Jesus Christs faith (Romans 3:21) and enters into the glory or Christ Jesus as a member of his beloved body.
    Great video 😎

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  Před 18 dny

      Thanks for watching! Yes, being a believer is a special salvation beyond the guaranteed salvation from sin and death because of Christ's cross. ♥️

  • @SandraHallman
    @SandraHallman Před 18 dny


  • @Time_Bandit6000
    @Time_Bandit6000 Před 18 dny

    Isn't it funny we are still toiling and being reproaced for this same message after all these years?

  • @move_i_got_this5659
    @move_i_got_this5659 Před 17 dny

    Everyone is going to heaven.
    For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all. - Romans 11:32

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  Před 16 dny

      Yes. God has an eonian plan, and believers are a part of this. Believers in Paul's evangel will work with Christ in reconciling the celestial realms over the next two eons. Believers in the evangel of the Kingdom (Israelites and proselytes) will rule and reign on the earth during the next eon, the 1000 year kingdom.
      After the next two eons, (the 1000 year kingdom and then the new heavens and new earth) all will be resurrected into immortality, this being with God forever.
      The truth is actual good news!

    • @move_i_got_this5659
      @move_i_got_this5659 Před 16 dny

      There won't be a separation of people, we'll all be equals.
      The laws and how God's mysterious ways are to shape our character and teach us right from wrong.
      It's a humble beginning that we all share in the experiences of others.
      Take Judas, for example.
      The devil entered him, and then Jesus said, "What you're about to do, do it quickly."
      The Bible says the disciples didn't understand why Jesus said that.
      Most blame Judas, and some blame the devil, but it was God who did this and it is a mystery to solve.
      Why? Why would God do it that way?
      Why are disciples kept from knowing certain truths, at least for a while?
      If you see a good prophet, remember that Jonas was forced to do what he did, and Paul said, "Woe unto me if I don't preach the gospel."
      Which I assume means Paul would end up like Jonah. 🤣

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  Před 16 dny

      All will be vivified and equal after the eons yes. But we can't throw God's eonian purpose out.
      Read this for some great info:
      God's Eonian Purpose:

  • @ken.wyd_
    @ken.wyd_ Před 18 dny +1

    "If anyone teaches otherwise and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching,
    they are conceited and understand nothing. They have an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions"
    You make salvation sound so much more difficult than what it is. smh

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  Před 18 dny

      If that's what you think, you didn't listen. I am sharing that your (and everyone's) salvation from sin and death has already been accomplished, by the work of Christ Jesus on the cross, and his resurrection by his Father, God.
      It doesn't get easier than having to do nothing, which is the truth.
      Christianity is the religion that makes salvation hard, does not agree with sound teaching, is conceited (they think only they will be saved) and understand nothing.
      Leave Christianity.

  • @77saint77posttrib
    @77saint77posttrib Před 17 dny

    Unfortunately you are incorrect!! It's very humanitarian to want this scripture to mean that everyone of mankind is saved without repentance without faith and without putting trust in what Jesus did ( using free will) your mistake is trying to isolate one verse without using other scriptures to clarify!! For instance Jesus paid for everyone's sins IF they come to Jesus! But Jesus did not pay for 1. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. 2 taking the mark of the beast 3. The free will to reject Jesus. Note: once a person has become reprobate in one of these they are CONDEMNED ALREADY!! Scriptures for you to see; John3: 18, 19. Luke9:23-26. Matt12:31,32. Rev14: 9-12.

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  Před 17 dny

      Free Will is a lie.
      If Jesus didn't save you at the cross, and you have to exercise your "free will" to be saved, you effectively saved yourself. It's called salvation by will power. It's nonsense and unscriptural.
      This message is first and foremost what God says will happen, not because I wish it to happen. Though God could be called the Ultimate humanitarian, because He planned to save all, sent His Son to die for all, and will save all. Just like the scripture I used in this video said.
      If you have a free will, this scripture is false:
      Rom 11:32: "For God locks up all together in stubbornness, that He should be merciful to all."
      You anyone had a free will, God couldn't lock them up in stubbornness.
      We have wills, they just aren't free. Our wills are coerced in ways you and I are completely unaware of.
      These scriptures are true, and throw the lie of human free will in the dumpster.
      Read my pinned comment at the top, there isn't a passage in the scriptures that contradicts the salvation of all.

    • @77saint77posttrib
      @77saint77posttrib Před 17 dny

      @ambassadorofconciliation I noticed that you made no comment on the scriptures I gave you??? Your stubborn claims have no scriptures!! Your lost and your trying to make others lost with you!! repent!! Unless you address the scriptures I gave you... stay home with your WEAK fantasies!!

    • @77saint77posttrib
      @77saint77posttrib Před 17 dny

      @ambassadorofconciliation also you use romans 11??? Really??? Are you familiar with romans11: 14??? If all saved, then why would Paul use the term " save some of them" ??? You can not just take a scripture here and there and makeup your own personal fantasy!! Repent!!

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  Před 17 dny

      The scriptures you posted are addressed in my pinned comment. That's why I said to go read it. But just realized I was thinking about a different videos pinned comment, I have updated it. Sorry about that.
      You didn't read far enough.
      Rom 11:26: "And thus all Israel shall be saved, according as it is written, Arriving out of Zion shall be the Rescuer. He will be turning away irreverence from Jacob."
      All Israel will be saved, not just some of them. You don't understand the difference between Paul's evangel (evangel of the uncircumcision) and the Evangel of the kingdom (evangel of the circumcision) Gal 2:7-8.
      Rom 11:13-14: "Now to you am I saying, to the nations, in as much as, indeed, then, I am the apostle of the nations, I am glorifying my dispensation, if somehow I should be provoking those of my flesh to jealousy and should be saving some of them."
      You are completely missing the point here. Paul is saying he wishes to provoke some Israelites the jealously and cause them to believe his evangel now. This doesn't change the fact that all of Israel (as well as all of humanity) will be saved.
      Stop accusing me of fantasizing and cherry picking scriptures. If what I believed was not congruent with all of scripture, I wouldn't believe it.
      Don't ignore the fact that Romans 11:32 (as well as Romans 9 proves free will utterly false.

    • @77saint77posttrib
      @77saint77posttrib Před 17 dny

      @ambassadorofconciliation I see you have given a different definition for this statement " ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED" . I refer you to branches that were cut off! This means that even though they are hebrew descendants, they are no longer israel!! And the branches that were grafted in are now apart of Israel. One new man hebrew believers and gentile believers are ALL OF ISRAEL! UNFORTUNATELY those that are in unbelief hebrew or gentile are NOT saved!! The true definition of ALL Israel will be saved!! I refer you to rev20: 14, 15. Obviously these are not saved!!!