Why I Converted from Christianity to Islam | My Revert Story

  • čas přidán 23. 07. 2022
  • Assalam o alaykum everyone!
    Sharing with you all my journey to islam.
    Alhamdulillah for the guidance that Allah SWT has blessed me with.
  • Krátké a kreslené filmy

Komentáře • 294

  • @kofo218
    @kofo218 Před 2 lety +23

    Inspiring revert story, mashaallah..

  • @amyts337
    @amyts337 Před 2 lety +13

    I am very glad and proud of your efforts in islamic dawah

  • @miked6652
    @miked6652 Před rokem +6

    We are Muslims, though you made us more proud to be after listening to your words

  • @192ali1
    @192ali1 Před 2 lety +36

    You are a heavily blessed person. You speak from your heart and it seems like Allah (Azzawajal) may have filled your heart with his love and your mind with his remembrance. Your good hijab clearly indicates your piousness and devotion to the practice of Islam. I beg Allah (Azzawajal) to grant you a good life partner who will also be in your companionship in the Jannah.

    • @michaelart4878
      @michaelart4878 Před 8 měsíci


    • @johnzuma4688
      @johnzuma4688 Před 7 měsíci

      So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all if islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived.

  • @hameedkatoor7469
    @hameedkatoor7469 Před 2 lety +15

    Dawah is the duty of All Muslims in the world May Allah bless us always Ameen Love from kerala India

  • @michayatoni
    @michayatoni Před rokem +9

    Thank you so much for sharing your story sister! 🌸💞❤️

  • @lelaabdalla6454
    @lelaabdalla6454 Před 2 lety +4

    الحمدلله رب العالمين اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد الحمدلله الحمدلله الحمدلله على نعمة الاسلام ألف مبروك

  • @khalidcheema7295
    @khalidcheema7295 Před 2 lety +7

    You are right sister.Sinning is not private or a personal matter,it affects the society as a whole.

  • @MuslimRevertStories
    @MuslimRevertStories Před rokem +17

    Masha-Allah. This was a really nice video. You have eloquently told your revert story ✨. So happy for you ! May Allah increase you in emaan and use you as a light to guide others to the straight path.

  • @owsompawsom
    @owsompawsom Před 2 lety +27

    Alhamdulillah to you, sister. May Allah keeps you steadfast in the religion of Islam..,

    • @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388
      @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 Před 2 lety

      One has eternal life only through Jesus Christ.
      That’s why He came from no earthly father to redeem mankind. Good works have no life in itself to help us conquer death, takes life to do so. Comeback to The Father Who is waiting with open arms to receive us back. I too fell for the deception of Islam being the truth, until Truth Himself pulled me out of the deception.

    • @michaelart4878
      @michaelart4878 Před 8 měsíci

      The Jordan, Euphrates, Bow and EL-bow are all rivers 🙌 ALLELUIA 🙌 A-men' 🌹

    • @miningproductions319
      @miningproductions319 Před 8 měsíci

      @@proud4577wow you are Christian. Did you not read the 29 filthy dirty and sexually explicit bible stories?
      it is no hidden secret that the Bible contains some of the most perverted, gross and indecent stories of sexual decadence in history
      It is very pornographic.
      Here are just a few: 1) Then went Samson to Gaza, and saw there an harlot, and went in unto her. - Bible : Judges (16) : 1.
      (2) And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. - Bible : Genesis (19) : 33 - 36.
      (3) And it came to pass, when Israel dwelt in that land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father’s concubine: and Israel heard it. Now the sons of Jacob were twelve. - Bible : Genesis (35) : 22.
      (4) And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her. - Bible: Genesis (38) : 2.
      (5) And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother’s wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother’s wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. - Bible : Genesis (38) : 8 - 9.

    • @miningproductions319
      @miningproductions319 Před 8 měsíci

      @@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 If Jesus Never Called Himself God, How Did He Become One?
      During his lifetime, Jesus himself didn't call himself God and didn't consider himself God, and ... none of his disciples had any inkling at all that he was God. ...
      You do find Jesus calling himself God in the Gospel of John, or the last Gospel. Jesus says things like, "Before Abraham was, I am." And, "I and the Father are one," and, "If you've seen me, you've seen the Father." These are all statements you find only in the Gospel of John, and that's striking because we have earlier gospels and we have the writings of Paul, and in none of them is there any indication that Jesus said such things. ...

    • @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388
      @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 Před 8 měsíci

      @@miningproductions319 He is The Word made flesh, IS always even before the beginning
      check the first verse of Mark too

  • @arzeminahusovic6270
    @arzeminahusovic6270 Před 2 lety +6

    MashaAllah!May Allah Svt give all what you want to you.Amina jaRabi!

  • @tanwirshihab9234
    @tanwirshihab9234 Před rokem +3

    What a purposeful journey to Islam. This young lady was actually blessed with a beautiful heart that yearned for a peaceful life through association with Islam. Unlike some of her age group she had her priorities of life well articulated and understood quite wisely that Islam was against waywardness. Islam gives us an understanding about Allah presence that heals the hole in our consciousness. Hope she is blissfully married and carrying-on with the purpose of life alongside her spouse and children.

  • @ibrahimmohamedali1695
    @ibrahimmohamedali1695 Před 2 lety +3

    اللهم إنا نسألك حبك وحب من يحبك ياالله 🤲🤲🤲

  • @faragsalhin8171
    @faragsalhin8171 Před 2 lety +12

    Masha Allah sister May Allah grant you knowledge and wisdom

  • @rehmanqureshi4303
    @rehmanqureshi4303 Před 2 lety +33

    AllahuAkbar! Very inspirational! May Allah bless you and keep you and us steadfast on the deen, sister.

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite Před rokem +1

      Is the God of the Bible (the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) and Allah of the Qur’an really the same God? Don't be deceived. Allah of the Qur’an claims (QS 29:46) to be the God of the Bible (the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) but the claims they make about themselves are so HOSTILE to each other for them to be the same God (even though they both call themselves GOD and declare that they are ONE and created the earth and the universe). Yet there can only be one true God and creator of the earth and the universe, not two.
      The following are obvious examples of why it would be dangerous to believe that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Allah of the Qur’an are the SAME God.
      1. About sinning, God said:
      “For I am the LORD your God; sanctify yourselves therefore, and BE YE HOLY; for I am holy..”
      Leviticus 11:44 Tanakh Hebrew Bible
      But Allah of the Qur’an says:
      By Him in whose hand is my soul, if you did not sin, Allah would replace you with people who would sin and they would seek forgiveness from Allah and He would forgive them.
      Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2749, Grade: Sahih
      2. About adultery, Jesus said:
      “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: but I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
      Matthew 5:27‭-‬28
      Muhammad said
      Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Apostle as saying:
      “Verily Allah has fixed the very portion of adultery which a man will indulge in, and which he of necessity must commit.The adultery of the eye is the lustful look, and the adultery of the tongue is the licentious speech,the heart desires and yearns, which the parts may or may not put into effect.”
      Why does Allah of the Qur’an fix the very portion of adultery which a man will indulge in, and which he of necessity must commit??
      God is a God of holiness and HATES sin! Why does Allah of the Qur’an despise those who seek after holiness and encourage his believers to sin??
      The effect of sin is that it creates enmity and hostility between God and men.
      "But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear."
      Isaiah 59:2
      Why would the true God encourage you to sin when sin creates enmity between you and God?
      The above instructions from Allah of the Qur’an are the best example of corruption. They are disturbing and CLEARLY CONTRADICT the values of the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
      Which of the two is the true God who is speaking the values you identify with?
      If you still choose the 7th century Allah of the Qur’an over the God of the Bible (the true creator of the heavens, earth, seas and fountains of water), you are knowingly choosing CORRUPTION over HOLINESS and HELL over HEAVEN.
      Praying 5 times a day to a false god in the direction of the idolatrous and abominable Kaaba and hajr e aswad will certainly lead you to the devil's false illusion of heaven-Jannah of 72 virgins an ever erect penis and rivers flowing with wine. Beloved, it DOESN'T EXIST because there is no eating or sex in heaven but JOY, PEACE and HOLINESS.
      The world underestimates the power of Satan to be a force of both good and evil inorder to deceive. He is the master of corruption. God cast Satan to the earth because he corrupted his own wisdom (Ezekiel 28:17). Satan is the father of deception, corruption and lies (John 8:44)
      Do beloved Muslims know that Satan is the deceptive angel that God cast down to the earth or that 600 years before the SERVANT of Allah met the mysterious ANGELIC being in the cave , the apostles had warned believers at Corinth:
      "And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an ANGEL of LIGHT. So it is no surprise if his SERVANTS, also, disguise themselves as SERVANTS of RIGHTEOUSNESS. Their end will correspond to their deeds".
      2 Corinthians 11:14‭-‬15
      "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!"
      Galatians 1:8
      The Qur'an preaches a message other than the prophecies of the prophets of old and preaches a message other than the Gospel preached by the apostles about the Messiah who would lay down his life for the sins of many (Isaiah 53, Psalm 22 and Mark 10:45 and John 20:26-29) and is the Son of God (Daniel 7:13-14, Isaiah 9:1-6, 2 Samuel 7:12-14)
      Satan has been successful in introducing a religion of "righteous deeds": praying (to him as God), giving money to the poor and warning against sin. But he has deceived billions away from worshipping the true God and into committing idolatry by worshiping a false god! Don't be deceived by a religion declaring itself a religion of "righteous deeds", for Satan mixes good with evil inorder to deceive. Satan's religion is an imitation of and deceptively similar to the religion of the true God. A fake $100 bill must look like the original for it to have any chance of deceiving the receiver. Don't be deceived, Satan calls himself God and is ONE too. Satan is the master of deception and is disguised as the one God, not Satan (Isaiah 14:12-14) and desires to be worshipped (Matthew 1:9). It makes sense that Satan will disguise himself as God and even warn against himself inorder to deceive you and hide his true identity. Satan has deceived billions away from worshipping the true God and into committing idolatry by worshipping him instead.
      Beloved Muslims, "seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near."
      Isaiah 55:6

    • @hameedkatoor7469
      @hameedkatoor7469 Před rokem +1

      ​@@proud4577from darkness

    • @dan_p3398
      @dan_p3398 Před rokem

      ​@@hameedkatoor7469back to darkness

    • @michaelart4878
      @michaelart4878 Před 8 měsíci

      The Jordan, Euphrates, Bow and EL-bow are all rivers 🙌 ALLELUIA 🙌 A-men' 🌿

    • @johnzuma4688
      @johnzuma4688 Před 7 měsíci

      So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all if islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived.

  • @AmirjanAlizadeh
    @AmirjanAlizadeh Před 19 dny +1

    God bless you Sister be strong. Everything is easy. You are on the right path. I wish you all the best. Amir From Austria 🇦🇹

  • @mypetsworld3433
    @mypetsworld3433 Před 2 lety +5

    Mashallah sister Allah bless you and give you strength in your Iman may Allah always give you rewards in this world and after life 💖

  • @norzilahaziz6695
    @norzilahaziz6695 Před rokem +2

    Msy Allah bless n reward this sister Mary n guide her n all of us to the right path..xamiin

  • @_.manahil
    @_.manahil Před 2 lety +15

    Loved it!✨💗

  • @ahmedalshalchi
    @ahmedalshalchi Před 2 lety +6

    May Allah bless sis Mary and fix her on the straight path ...

    • @proud4577
      @proud4577 Před 2 lety +1

      🤣👉wow that's nice, your chose islam. You were christianity, But if you were christianity, did you not read, 🤣Genesis Chapter 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Did you not read this?
      3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And GOD called
      the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Gen 12: 1 Now the
      LORD had said unto👉 Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
      Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Gen 12:3 And
      I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. You did not read about AM
      GOD change his name. Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Gen 17:2 And I will
      l make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
      Gen 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, Gen17:4 As for ME, behold
      my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
      Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be 👉Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
      Gen 17:64 I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. GOD change her name, Gen 17:15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call 👉her name Sarai, but 👉Sarah shall her name be.
      Gen 17:16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Gen 22:7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
      Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
      Gen 22:9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
      Gen 22:10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
      Gen 22:11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
      Gen 22:12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
      Gen 22:13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Gen 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Did you not read, Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The 👉LORD our God is one LORD:
      Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,👈 and with all thy👉 soul, and with all thy👉 might.
      Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: Joh 1:4 👉 In JESUS was life; and the life was the light of men. Did you not read about Lovely JESUS is the life, JESUS is the truth, JESUS is the way to the heaven?
      Joh 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
      Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys 👉 of hell and of death. 😂😂 But why did you But why you liar, you are free? say for the sake of the man, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the wife, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the food, I have become a Muslim. You were not with GOD, don't say GOD, say allah. can you explain me, what have you read from quran and gave you happy? Have you been lying to people all the time? You are from darkness to darkness. Do not lie, it's a shame.in quran, in allah, in muhammad, not life and not ligjt and truth, sad sad😩👈

  • @dazzlinghands9883
    @dazzlinghands9883 Před 2 lety +11

    MashaAllah..luv ur story sister. Alhamdulillah..may we all stay steadfast in Islam & may Allah grant u and all of us Jannah in the hereafter..amin..

  • @veliaktolan8162
    @veliaktolan8162 Před rokem +3

    İslam'ın güzelliğine hoş geldiniz Selamlar

  • @mahin8_
    @mahin8_ Před rokem +2

    May Allah keep all of us steadfast on his religion islam ameen💙

  • @herisubagiyo729
    @herisubagiyo729 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim Masyaa Alloh Allohumma sholli alaa Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad

  • @uralbekbaev1319
    @uralbekbaev1319 Před rokem +3

    May Allah bless you in this world and hereafter!

  • @ahadkhan9195
    @ahadkhan9195 Před rokem +2


  • @cocuk_adam401
    @cocuk_adam401 Před 2 lety +6


    • @proud4577
      @proud4577 Před 2 lety

      🤣👉wow that's nice, your chose islam. You were christianity, But if you were christianity, did you not read, 🤣Genesis Chapter 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Did you not read this?
      3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And GOD called
      the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Gen 12: 1 Now the
      LORD had said unto👉 Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
      Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Gen 12:3 And
      I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. You did not read about AM
      GOD change his name. Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Gen 17:2 And I will
      l make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
      Gen 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, Gen17:4 As for ME, behold
      my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
      Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be 👉Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
      Gen 17:64 I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. GOD change her name, Gen 17:15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call 👉her name Sarai, but 👉Sarah shall her name be.
      Gen 17:16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Gen 22:7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
      Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
      Gen 22:9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
      Gen 22:10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
      Gen 22:11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
      Gen 22:12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
      Gen 22:13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Gen 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Did you not read, Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The 👉LORD our God is one LORD:
      Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,👈 and with all thy👉 soul, and with all thy👉 might.
      Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: Joh 1:4 👉 In JESUS was life; and the life was the light of men. Did you not read about Lovely JESUS is the life, JESUS is the truth, JESUS is the way to the heaven?
      Joh 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
      Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys 👉 of hell and of death. 😂😂 But why did you But why you liar, you are free? say for the sake of the man, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the wife, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the food, I have become a Muslim. You were not with GOD, don't say GOD, say allah. can you explain me, what have you read from quran and gave you happy? Have you been lying to people all the time? You are from darkness to darkness. Do not lie, it's a shame.in quran, in allah, in muhammad, not life and not ligjt and truth, sad sad😩👈

  • @MS-xb3qd
    @MS-xb3qd Před 2 lety +3

    Mashallah this is very motivational statement. May Allah bless you my sister. Love from dubai

  • @ibrahimmohamedali1695
    @ibrahimmohamedali1695 Před 2 lety +3

    الله أكبر الله أكبر ♥️♥️ الحمدلله على نعمة الأسلام

  • @mahin8_
    @mahin8_ Před rokem +2

    MashaAllah Tabarakallah ✨💗

  • @zohakamran4634
    @zohakamran4634 Před 2 lety +3

    Mashallah good choice. You have chozen the right way ie islam. We all love you and pray for your health wealth and prosperity. Allah help and bless you

    • @proud4577
      @proud4577 Před 2 lety

      🤣👉wow that's nice, your chose islam. You were christianity, But if you were christianity, did you not read, 🤣Genesis Chapter 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Did you not read this?
      3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And GOD called
      the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Gen 12: 1 Now the
      LORD had said unto👉 Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
      Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Gen 12:3 And
      I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. You did not read about AM
      GOD change his name. Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Gen 17:2 And I will
      l make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
      Gen 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, Gen17:4 As for ME, behold
      my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
      Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be 👉Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
      Gen 17:64 I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. GOD change her name, Gen 17:15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call 👉her name Sarai, but 👉Sarah shall her name be.
      Gen 17:16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Gen 22:7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
      Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
      Gen 22:9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
      Gen 22:10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
      Gen 22:11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
      Gen 22:12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
      Gen 22:13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Gen 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Did you not read, Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The 👉LORD our God is one LORD:
      Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,👈 and with all thy👉 soul, and with all thy👉 might.
      Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: Joh 1:4 👉 In JESUS was life; and the life was the light of men. Did you not read about Lovely JESUS is the life, JESUS is the truth, JESUS is the way to the heaven?
      Joh 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
      Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys 👉 of hell and of death. 😂😂 But why did you But why you liar, you are free? say for the sake of the man, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the wife, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the food, I have become a Muslim. You were not with GOD, don't say GOD, say allah. can you explain me, what have you read from quran and gave you happy? Have you been lying to people all the time? You are from darkness to darkness. Do not lie, it's a shame.in quran, in allah, in muhammad, not life and not ligjt and truth, sad sad😩👈

  • @amusementvideochannel7149

    Assalamu Alaikum my sister. Ramzanul Mubarak. Greetings from BANGLADESH.

  • @Morro44
    @Morro44 Před 2 lety +2


  • @salemsalem8987
    @salemsalem8987 Před 8 měsíci

    اللهم ثبتها وثبتنا على دينك دين الحق .. وأقبضنا أرواحنا وأنت راضا عنا ...

  • @believertv786
    @believertv786 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Only Allah guides whom he wants especially those who wants to be guided. Pleased to see sisters like yourself have reverted and submitted to Allah swt, Mashah Allah you are blessed wit 9:14 h a clean new life..Please keep us in your prayers with the rest of the Ummah. May Allah swt keeps us guided, Aameen. Peace to you Salaam.

  • @abdulshukkoor4916
    @abdulshukkoor4916 Před 2 lety +2

    Mashallah Allah Swt bless always 🤲

    • @proud4577
      @proud4577 Před 2 lety +1

      🤣👉wow that's nice, your chose islam. You were christianity, But if you were christianity, did you not read, 🤣Genesis Chapter 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Did you not read this?
      3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And GOD called
      the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Gen 12: 1 Now the
      LORD had said unto👉 Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
      Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Gen 12:3 And
      I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. You did not read about AM
      GOD change his name. Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Gen 17:2 And I will
      l make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
      Gen 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, Gen17:4 As for ME, behold
      my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
      Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be 👉Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
      Gen 17:64 I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. GOD change her name, Gen 17:15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call 👉her name Sarai, but 👉Sarah shall her name be.
      Gen 17:16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Gen 22:7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
      Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
      Gen 22:9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
      Gen 22:10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
      Gen 22:11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
      Gen 22:12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
      Gen 22:13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Gen 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Did you not read, Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The 👉LORD our God is one LORD:
      Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,👈 and with all thy👉 soul, and with all thy👉 might.
      Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: Joh 1:4 👉 In JESUS was life; and the life was the light of men. Did you not read about Lovely JESUS is the life, JESUS is the truth, JESUS is the way to the heaven?
      Joh 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
      Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys 👉 of hell and of death. 😂😂 But why did you But why you liar, you are free? say for the sake of the man, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the wife, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the food, I have become a Muslim. You were not with GOD, don't say GOD, say allah. can you explain me, what have you read from quran and gave you happy? Have you been lying to people all the time? You are from darkness to darkness. Do not lie, it's a shame.in quran, in allah, in muhammad, not life and not ligjt and truth, sad sad😩👈

  • @bessamalouet7008
    @bessamalouet7008 Před 2 lety +4

    Salam Sister macha Allah May Allah guide you and bless you from Algiers with love welcome to the right path of Islam

    • @proud4577
      @proud4577 Před 2 lety

      🤣👉wow that's nice, your chose islam. You were christianity, But if you were christianity, did you not read, 🤣Genesis Chapter 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Did you not read this?
      3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And GOD called
      the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Gen 12: 1 Now the
      LORD had said unto👉 Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
      Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Gen 12:3 And
      I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. You did not read about AM
      GOD change his name. Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Gen 17:2 And I will
      l make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
      Gen 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, Gen17:4 As for ME, behold
      my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
      Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be 👉Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
      Gen 17:64 I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. GOD change her name, Gen 17:15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call 👉her name Sarai, but 👉Sarah shall her name be.
      Gen 17:16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Gen 22:7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
      Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
      Gen 22:9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
      Gen 22:10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
      Gen 22:11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
      Gen 22:12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
      Gen 22:13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Gen 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Did you not read, Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The 👉LORD our God is one LORD:
      Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,👈 and with all thy👉 soul, and with all thy👉 might.
      Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: Joh 1:4 👉 In JESUS was life; and the life was the light of men. Did you not read about Lovely JESUS is the life, JESUS is the truth, JESUS is the way to the heaven?
      Joh 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
      Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys 👉 of hell and of death. 😂😂 But why did you But why you liar, you are free? say for the sake of the man, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the wife, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the food, I have become a Muslim. You were not with GOD, don't say GOD, say allah. can you explain me, what have you read from quran and gave you happy? Have you been lying to people all the time? You are from darkness to darkness. Do not lie, it's a shame.in quran, in allah, in muhammad, not life and not ligjt and truth, sad sad😩👈

    • @bessamalouet7008
      @bessamalouet7008 Před 2 lety +1

      @@proud4577 God is only one god no partner no son jésus is only messenger of God

    • @proud4577
      @proud4577 Před 2 lety +1

      @@bessamalouet7008🤣 Mat 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
      Mat 1:22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was 👉spoken of the Lord by the prophet, sayin. Mat 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
      Luk 1:26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,
      Luk 1:27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.
      Luk 1:28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
      Luk 1:29 And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.
      Luk 1:30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.
      Luk 1:31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
      Luk 1:32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest:👈 and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
      Luk 1:33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.
      Luk 1:34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
      Luk 1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. 👈👈
      Luk 1:36 And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. JESUS is the light, JESUS is the life, JESUS IS THE TRUTH, JESUS is the way to heaven, JESUS son of GOD, JESUS light of men. JESUS light of Worlds. JESUS king of king. What is about allah?
      Verily, 👉Allah and His angels pray (yusalloona) for the prophet. O ye who believe! Pray for him (salloo) and salute him with a salutation!' - Surah 33:56 Who does Allah pray to?
      Al-Lat was also called as a daughter of Allah along with the other two chief goddesses al-'Uzza and Manat. According to the Book of Idols, the Quraysh were to chant the following verses as they circumambulate the Kaaba: By al-Lat and al-'Uzza, And Manat, the third idol besides.What abot muhammad
      Why did Muhammad say he doesn't know where he goes after death?And do you where are going after death? The majority of traditional sources state that Aisha was betrothed to Muhammad at the age of six or seven, but she stayed in her parents' home until the age of nine, or ten according to Ibn Hisham, when the marriage was consummated with Muhammad, then 53, in Medina.

    • @bessamalouet7008
      @bessamalouet7008 Před 2 lety

      @@proud4577 thanks game over

    • @miningproductions319
      @miningproductions319 Před 8 měsíci

      @@proud4577 How many 'Sons' does God have?
      Jacob is God's son and firstborn: "Israel is my son, even my firstborn" Exodus 4:22. Solomon is God's son "He shall build an house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever. I will be his father, and he shall be my son": 2 Samuel 7:13-14. Ephraim is God's firstborn: "for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn" Jeremiah 31:9 (who is God's firstborn? Israel or Ephraim?). Adam is the son of God "Adam, which was the son of God" Luke 3:38. Common people (you and me) are the sons of God: "Ye are the children of the LORD your God" Deuteronomy 14:1. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God" Romans 8:14. "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believe on his name" John 1:12. "That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;" Philippians 2:15. "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: ... now are we the sons of God" 1 John 3:1-2. "When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" Job 38:7. "Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD," Job 2:1. "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD," Job 1:6. "when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men," Genesis 6:4. "That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair" Genesis 6:2 As we can see, the use of the term "son of God" when describing normal human beings was not at all an uncommon practice among Jesus' people.

  • @syedahmed8015
    @syedahmed8015 Před 2 lety +5

    Subhan Allah ❤️

    • @proud4577
      @proud4577 Před 2 lety

      🤣👉wow that's nice, your chose islam. You were christianity, But if you were christianity, did you not read, 🤣Genesis Chapter 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Did you not read this?
      3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And GOD called
      the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Gen 12: 1 Now the
      LORD had said unto👉 Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
      Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Gen 12:3 And
      I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. You did not read about AM
      GOD change his name. Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Gen 17:2 And I will
      l make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
      Gen 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, Gen17:4 As for ME, behold
      my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
      Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be 👉Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
      Gen 17:64 I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. GOD change her name, Gen 17:15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call 👉her name Sarai, but 👉Sarah shall her name be.
      Gen 17:16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Gen 22:7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
      Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
      Gen 22:9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
      Gen 22:10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
      Gen 22:11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
      Gen 22:12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
      Gen 22:13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Gen 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Did you not read, Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The 👉LORD our God is one LORD:
      Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,👈 and with all thy👉 soul, and with all thy👉 might.
      Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: Joh 1:4 👉 In JESUS was life; and the life was the light of men. Did you not read about Lovely JESUS is the life, JESUS is the truth, JESUS is the way to the heaven?
      Joh 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
      Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys 👉 of hell and of death. 😂😂 But why did you But why you liar, you are free? say for the sake of the man, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the wife, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the food, I have become a Muslim. You were not with GOD, don't say GOD, say allah. can you explain me, what have you read from quran and gave you happy? Have you been lying to people all the time? You are from darkness to darkness. Do not lie, it's a shame.in quran, in allah, in muhammad, not life and not ligjt and truth, sad sad😩👈

  • @abdulmoqeet8732
    @abdulmoqeet8732 Před rokem +1

    Mashallah ❤

  • @maherdeabas7833
    @maherdeabas7833 Před 2 lety +2

    جزاكي الله خيرا اختاه وبارك الله فيكي اللهم امين 🤲

  • @mohamedmahi44
    @mohamedmahi44 Před rokem +1

    السلام عليكم رمضان مبارك اللهم تقبل الصيام الله ابرك فيك و يحفظك انشاء الله الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام صحا صياكم و فتورك تبارك الرحمن

  • @_.manahil
    @_.manahil Před 2 lety +3


    • @proud4577
      @proud4577 Před 2 lety

      🤣👉wow that's nice, your chose islam. You were christianity, But if you were christianity, did you not read, 🤣Genesis Chapter 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Did you not read this?
      3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And GOD called
      the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Gen 12: 1 Now the
      LORD had said unto👉 Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
      Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Gen 12:3 And
      I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. You did not read about AM
      GOD change his name. Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Gen 17:2 And I will
      l make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
      Gen 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, Gen17:4 As for ME, behold
      my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
      Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be 👉Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
      Gen 17:64 I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. GOD change her name, Gen 17:15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call 👉her name Sarai, but 👉Sarah shall her name be.
      Gen 17:16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Gen 22:7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
      Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
      Gen 22:9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
      Gen 22:10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
      Gen 22:11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
      Gen 22:12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
      Gen 22:13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Gen 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Did you not read, Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The 👉LORD our God is one LORD:
      Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,👈 and with all thy👉 soul, and with all thy👉 might.
      Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: Joh 1:4 👉 In JESUS was life; and the life was the light of men. Did you not read about Lovely JESUS is the life, JESUS is the truth, JESUS is the way to the heaven?
      Joh 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
      Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys 👉 of hell and of death. 😂😂 But why did you But why you liar, you are free? say for the sake of the man, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the wife, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the food, I have become a Muslim. You were not with GOD, don't say GOD, say allah. can you explain me, what have you read from quran and gave you happy? Have you been lying to people all the time? You are from darkness to darkness. Do not lie, it's a shame.in quran, in allah, in muhammad, not life and not ligjt and truth, sad sad😩👈

  • @mdAbdullah-rw9pi
    @mdAbdullah-rw9pi Před 8 měsíci

    Mashallah. Jajakhallhu khairan.. May Allah bless you.I am proud of Allah because I was bron in Muslim . I want to pray for you near to Allah.Allah has shown you the right path and given you guidance, Alhamdulillah.

  • @mitaabalabdallah5613
    @mitaabalabdallah5613 Před 2 lety +2

    Mashallah willcome to Islam Sister,
    أَوَمَنْ كَانَ مَيْتًا فَأَحْيَيْنَاهُ وَجَعَلْنَا لَهُ نُورًا يَمْشِي بِهِ فِي النَّاسِ كَمَنْ مَثَلُهُ فِي الظُّلُمَاتِ لَيْسَ بِخَارِجٍ مِنْهَا ۚ كَذَٰلِكَ زُيِّنَ لِلْكَافِرِينَ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ
    122 Is he who was dead, then We gave him life, and made for him a light by which he walks among the people, like he who is in total darkness, and cannot get out of it? Thus the doings of disbelievers are made to appear good to them.

  • @faraalrafi2130
    @faraalrafi2130 Před 8 měsíci

    May bless and guide this sister and all of us to the path of light.

  • @ahmedcelik9788
    @ahmedcelik9788 Před 11 měsíci +1

    MasaAllah barakAllah.

  • @krishar8291
    @krishar8291 Před 2 lety +5

    Thankyou. Very inspiring

  • @abushahamaahmad7644
    @abushahamaahmad7644 Před rokem +2

    Allaho akbar

  • @ProphetMohammed-69BBC
    @ProphetMohammed-69BBC Před 9 měsíci

    Mut'ah is the way ,truth and life. Smashallah ❤️

  • @azamsiddique3312
    @azamsiddique3312 Před rokem +1

    Mashaa Allah

  • @brunodangue6425
    @brunodangue6425 Před rokem +2

    Slm m'y sister mashAllah long life inch.. ! 😮❤❤❤

  • @dr.eng.alial-qayem9960
    @dr.eng.alial-qayem9960 Před rokem +1

    Mashaa Allah, very beautiful story very amazing sister, I hope for you a very successful life and very successful family and may Allah make it easy to perform Ummrah and Hajj Aameen 🤲🤲💕

  • @akrambetar1503
    @akrambetar1503 Před 9 měsíci

    Mashaa Allah la quays ills bilAh sister your face shine with imman May Almighty Allah gives the knowledge you are seeking and reward you with Alfirdaws alaalla 🤲🤲🤲

  • @mehmetozkan6510
    @mehmetozkan6510 Před 2 lety +3

    Masallah sister, welcome to İslam

  • @user-mb4xq5cj1e
    @user-mb4xq5cj1e Před 7 měsíci

    MASHAALLAH.. may ALLAH save you in your life and herafter..,,

  • @jamalodinsarip6571
    @jamalodinsarip6571 Před rokem +1

    ALHAMDULILLAH and Congratulations sister.

  • @rafeekbuhary7704
    @rafeekbuhary7704 Před rokem +1

    Congratulations and best wishes Sister Welcome to the Peaceful Religion ISLAM may Allah bless you and your family and Guide you on the Correct path

  • @arifullaharifullah9335
    @arifullaharifullah9335 Před 8 měsíci

    Welcome to the fold of Islam. My sister Allah bless you.

  • @janojecelxusen
    @janojecelxusen Před 8 měsíci

    ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن

  • @ainulhaq3333
    @ainulhaq3333 Před 9 měsíci

    Maa Shaa Allah!Alhmdulillah

  • @MegaZindaDil
    @MegaZindaDil Před 11 měsíci +1

    Thanks 🎉🎉🎉🎉 for sharing 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @drabdirahmanmuse552
    @drabdirahmanmuse552 Před 2 lety +2

    Absolutely very much appropriate your convert to islam you're welcome thanks🌹🌹🌹👍

  • @abdlhakfatmi5091
    @abdlhakfatmi5091 Před 9 měsíci

    Blessed be the Most Gracious, God willing

  • @carinebizindavyi9013
    @carinebizindavyi9013 Před 2 lety +1

    Mansha'Allah tabarak. Islam choices me Alhamdulillah.

    • @proud4577
      @proud4577 Před 2 lety

      🤣👉wow that's nice, your chose islam. You were christianity, But if you were christianity, did you not read, 🤣Genesis Chapter 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Did you not read this?
      3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And GOD called
      the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Gen 12: 1 Now the
      LORD had said unto👉 Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
      Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Gen 12:3 And
      I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. You did not read about AM
      GOD change his name. Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Gen 17:2 And I will
      l make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
      Gen 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, Gen17:4 As for ME, behold
      my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
      Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be 👉Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
      Gen 17:64 I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. GOD change her name, Gen 17:15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call 👉her name Sarai, but 👉Sarah shall her name be.
      Gen 17:16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Gen 22:7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
      Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
      Gen 22:9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
      Gen 22:10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
      Gen 22:11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
      Gen 22:12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
      Gen 22:13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Gen 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Did you not read, Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The 👉LORD our God is one LORD:
      Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,👈 and with all thy👉 soul, and with all thy👉 might.
      Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: Joh 1:4 👉 In JESUS was life; and the life was the light of men. Did you not read about Lovely JESUS is the life, JESUS is the truth, JESUS is the way to the heaven?
      Joh 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
      Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys 👉 of hell and of death. 😂😂 But why did you But why you liar, you are free? say for the sake of the man, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the wife, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the food, I have become a Muslim. You were not with GOD, don't say GOD, say allah. can you explain me, what have you read from quran and gave you happy? Have you been lying to people all the time? You are from darkness to darkness. Do not lie, it's a shame.in quran, in allah, in muhammad, not life and not ligjt and truth, sad sad😩👈

    • @acruise8697
      @acruise8697 Před 2 lety

      @@proud4577 all that you wrote is a bunch of nonsense. We feel ultimate peace with Allah alone

  • @kapand7547
    @kapand7547 Před rokem +1

    maşhaallah... barakallah.. congratulations wellcome and much blessings for lucky honest truthseekers finders sharers teachers... brothers and sisters proudly what happy..... interesting search approuchment lucky stories... alhamdoulellah... thats actuell samples for whom honestly search and seek truth and they should pray as ou the real ghod show us the straight righty way... ehdinassiratel moustakiym verse which passes also in holy qoran.. only whollyprotected last updated lighty message source from Allah...

  • @user-dl2ky6kp8x
    @user-dl2ky6kp8x Před 7 měsíci

    Welcome sester evry one in eslam mashalah besmeallah mebrook eslam to you

  • @zamalbaksh6328
    @zamalbaksh6328 Před rokem +1

    Salaam may allah bless you my sister

  • @reanbarazi6615
    @reanbarazi6615 Před 2 lety +2


  • @parayadesh
    @parayadesh Před 10 měsíci

    All the best of this world and in hereafter In Sha Allah

  • @user-A.J.Cam.
    @user-A.J.Cam. Před 8 měsíci

    Ma sha Allah...tabarakALLAH...

  • @TahirKhan-ez4dj
    @TahirKhan-ez4dj Před 2 lety +2


    • @proud4577
      @proud4577 Před 2 lety

      🤣👉wow that's nice, your chose islam. You were christianity, But if you were christianity, did you not read, 🤣Genesis Chapter 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Did you not read this?
      3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And GOD called
      the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Gen 12: 1 Now the
      LORD had said unto👉 Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
      Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Gen 12:3 And
      I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. You did not read about AM
      GOD change his name. Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Gen 17:2 And I will
      l make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
      Gen 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, Gen17:4 As for ME, behold
      my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
      Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be 👉Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
      Gen 17:64 I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. GOD change her name, Gen 17:15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call 👉her name Sarai, but 👉Sarah shall her name be.
      Gen 17:16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Gen 22:7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
      Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
      Gen 22:9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
      Gen 22:10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
      Gen 22:11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
      Gen 22:12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
      Gen 22:13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Gen 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Did you not read, Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The 👉LORD our God is one LORD:
      Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,👈 and with all thy👉 soul, and with all thy👉 might.
      Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: Joh 1:4 👉 In JESUS was life; and the life was the light of men. Did you not read about Lovely JESUS is the life, JESUS is the truth, JESUS is the way to the heaven?
      Joh 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
      Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys 👉 of hell and of death. 😂😂 But why did you But why you liar, you are free? say for the sake of the man, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the wife, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the food, I have become a Muslim. You were not with GOD, don't say GOD, say allah. can you explain me, what have you read from quran and gave you happy? Have you been lying to people all the time? You are from darkness to darkness. Do not lie, it's a shame.in quran, in allah, in muhammad, not life and not ligjt and truth, sad sad😩👈

  • @MH_Raees
    @MH_Raees Před 7 měsíci

    Just amazing journey ❤

  • @muhy6249
    @muhy6249 Před 2 lety +2

    We ask God the almighty to bless you and to protect you.

    • @proud4577
      @proud4577 Před 2 lety

      🤣👉wow that's nice, your chose islam. You were christianity, But if you were christianity, did you not read, 🤣Genesis Chapter 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Did you not read this?
      3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And GOD called
      the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Gen 12: 1 Now the
      LORD had said unto👉 Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
      Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Gen 12:3 And
      I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. You did not read about AM
      GOD change his name. Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Gen 17:2 And I will
      l make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
      Gen 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, Gen17:4 As for ME, behold
      my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
      Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be 👉Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
      Gen 17:64 I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. GOD change her name, Gen 17:15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call 👉her name Sarai, but 👉Sarah shall her name be.
      Gen 17:16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Gen 22:7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
      Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
      Gen 22:9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
      Gen 22:10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
      Gen 22:11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
      Gen 22:12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
      Gen 22:13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Gen 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Did you not read, Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The 👉LORD our God is one LORD:
      Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,👈 and with all thy👉 soul, and with all thy👉 might.
      Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: Joh 1:4 👉 In JESUS was life; and the life was the light of men. Did you not read about Lovely JESUS is the life, JESUS is the truth, JESUS is the way to the heaven?
      Joh 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
      Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys 👉 of hell and of death. 😂😂 But why did you But why you liar, you are free? say for the sake of the man, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the wife, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the food, I have become a Muslim. You were not with GOD, don't say GOD, say allah. can you explain me, what have you read from quran and gave you happy? Have you been lying to people all the time? You are from darkness to darkness. Do not lie, it's a shame.in quran, in allah, in muhammad, not life and not ligjt and truth, sad sad😩👈

  • @know3976
    @know3976 Před 8 měsíci

    Inspiring story. Thank you

  • @mustdiekat
    @mustdiekat Před rokem

    Maasha Allah. A lovely story. May Allah bless you Insha Allah

  • @user-sn4kw4gf5w
    @user-sn4kw4gf5w Před 10 měsíci

    Dear sister you are very lucky to become Muslim may Allah bless you with Jannathul Firdouse Ameen.

  • @mmubeen3318
    @mmubeen3318 Před rokem +1

    marvelous dear sister in Islam, marhaba , you can be a motivation to my daughters Maria... The unfortunate part for oriental people is that they imitate the Western & American lifestyle . They have cultural commitment to Islam while, as .... You people have natural commitment.... That is fact of life doctor Assad's book Road to Mecca and Islam at the cross road do speak the same thing blessings

  • @mahabubhossain8775
    @mahabubhossain8775 Před 7 měsíci

    Our Loving Lord Is Allah The One .We Muslim Has One Arabic Quran And Different Translations Of The Quran . Love you Mr. Johnzuma And All Of You .

  • @MegaZindaDil
    @MegaZindaDil Před 11 měsíci

    Alhumdulillah 🎉

  • @rfatcanpolat2626
    @rfatcanpolat2626 Před 7 měsíci

    Maşallah tebrik ediyorum. Hosgeldiniz İslama ve ebedi gerçek kurtuluşa.

  • @TitaMariamSaladBowlC02

    Masha’Allah. Mostly I learned from many reverts are those who are seeking the truth and those who asked Allah Subhanah wa ta’Allah for guidance. Alhamdulillah for guided us to Islam.

  • @mdsyedali7293
    @mdsyedali7293 Před rokem

    Assalamu alaikum. Your believe is beautiful and you are beautiful. May Allah bless you.

  • @user-bn7de7by2m
    @user-bn7de7by2m Před 2 lety +2

    ما شاء الله
    سبحان الله وبحمده
    سبحان الله العظيم
    سبحان الله
    الحمد لله
    لا إله إلا الله
    الله أكبر
    ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
    رب اغفرلي ولوالدي

    • @proud4577
      @proud4577 Před 2 lety +1

      🤣👉wow that's nice, your chose islam. You were christianity, But if you were christianity, did you not read, 🤣Genesis Chapter 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Did you not read this?
      3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And GOD called
      the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Gen 12: 1 Now the
      LORD had said unto👉 Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
      Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Gen 12:3 And
      I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. You did not read about AM
      GOD change his name. Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Gen 17:2 And I will
      l make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
      Gen 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, Gen17:4 As for ME, behold
      my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
      Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be 👉Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
      Gen 17:64 I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. GOD change her name, Gen 17:15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call 👉her name Sarai, but 👉Sarah shall her name be.
      Gen 17:16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Gen 22:7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
      Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
      Gen 22:9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
      Gen 22:10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
      Gen 22:11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
      Gen 22:12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
      Gen 22:13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Gen 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Did you not read, Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The 👉LORD our God is one LORD:
      Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,👈 and with all thy👉 soul, and with all thy👉 might.
      Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: Joh 1:4 👉 In JESUS was life; and the life was the light of men. Did you not read about Lovely JESUS is the life, JESUS is the truth, JESUS is the way to the heaven?
      Joh 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
      Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys 👉 of hell and of death. 😂😂 But why did you But why you liar, you are free? say for the sake of the man, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the wife, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the food, I have become a Muslim. You were not with GOD, don't say GOD, say allah. can you explain me, what have you read from quran and gave you happy? Have you been lying to people all the time? You are from darkness to darkness. Do not lie, it's a shame.in quran, in allah, in muhammad, not life and not ligjt and truth, sad sad😩👈

    • @olancatipon1448
      @olancatipon1448 Před 2 lety

      @@proud4577 , Well obviously she didn’t read our Bible my friend.. 🙏🙏🙏 And obviously she didn’t read the Quran…. Yet… 🙏🙏🙏

    • @miningproductions319
      @miningproductions319 Před 8 měsíci

      @@olancatipon1448we have read the bible and unfortunately it contains over 1000 CLEAR CONTRADICTIONS AND ERRORS.
      Here are just a few: Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel?
      (a) God did (2 Samuel 24: 1)
      (b) Satan did (I Chronicles 2 1:1)
      In that count how many fighting men were found in Israel?
      (a) Eight hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9)
      (b) One million, one hundred thousand (IChronicles 21:5)
      How many fighting men were found in Judah?
      (a) Five hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9)
      (b) Four hundred and seventy thousand (I Chronicles 21:5)
      God sent his prophet to threaten David with how many years of famine?
      (a) Seven (2 Samuel 24:13)
      (b) Three (I Chronicles 21:12)

  • @allove1961
    @allove1961 Před 2 lety +1

    Mashallah so lucky

    • @proud4577
      @proud4577 Před 2 lety

      🤣👉wow that's nice, your chose islam. You were christianity, But if you were christianity, did you not read, 🤣Genesis Chapter 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Did you not read this?
      3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And GOD called
      the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Gen 12: 1 Now the
      LORD had said unto👉 Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
      Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Gen 12:3 And
      I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. You did not read about AM
      GOD change his name. Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Gen 17:2 And I will
      l make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
      Gen 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, Gen17:4 As for ME, behold
      my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
      Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be 👉Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
      Gen 17:64 I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. GOD change her name, Gen 17:15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call 👉her name Sarai, but 👉Sarah shall her name be.
      Gen 17:16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Gen 22:7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
      Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
      Gen 22:9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
      Gen 22:10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
      Gen 22:11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
      Gen 22:12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
      Gen 22:13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Gen 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Did you not read, Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The 👉LORD our God is one LORD:
      Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,👈 and with all thy👉 soul, and with all thy👉 might.
      Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: Joh 1:4 👉 In JESUS was life; and the life was the light of men. Did you not read about Lovely JESUS is the life, JESUS is the truth, JESUS is the way to the heaven?
      Joh 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
      Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys 👉 of hell and of death. 😂😂 But why did you But why you liar, you are free? say for the sake of the man, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the wife, I have become a Muslim, or say for the sake of the food, I have become a Muslim. You were not with GOD, don't say GOD, say allah. can you explain me, what have you read from quran and gave you happy? Have you been lying to people all the time? You are from darkness to darkness. Do not lie, it's a shame.in quran, in allah, in muhammad, not life and not ligjt and truth, sad sad😩👈

  • @tariqtariq804
    @tariqtariq804 Před 8 měsíci

    Masha Allah you are so lucky

  • @mohamedbouzid182
    @mohamedbouzid182 Před 2 lety +1


  • @amnahahmad1012
    @amnahahmad1012 Před 8 měsíci

    Yes sister u can talk with God.u got hidayah .Allah bless u.islam is true religion .cont your dakwah .

  • @mohamedenebeh6564
    @mohamedenebeh6564 Před 10 měsíci

    May Allah bless you, sister.

  • @mahabubhossain8775
    @mahabubhossain8775 Před 8 měsíci

    Mashaa Allah , Mar haba , Allahu Akbar , Ya Habibi .

    • @johnzuma4688
      @johnzuma4688 Před 7 měsíci

      So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all if islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived.

  • @AsSa-kt7ue
    @AsSa-kt7ue Před rokem

    ما شاء الله عنك انت انسانة محترمة تتمتعي بالشجاعة والجرأة والذكاء والصدق بارك الله فيك اتمنى لك يا اختي التوفيق والنجاح والسعادة والاستقامة تحياتي لك

  • @habeeburrahman6317
    @habeeburrahman6317 Před 8 měsíci


  • @lokmansahin4567
    @lokmansahin4567 Před 8 měsíci

    Welcome to the family sister

  • @Mdsherrkhan.
    @Mdsherrkhan. Před 8 měsíci

    Masha Allah sister

  • @khanofcaledonia6413
    @khanofcaledonia6413 Před 2 lety +2

    Incredible comparison between Christanity and Islam.

  • @roslimoksin7874
    @roslimoksin7874 Před 9 měsíci

    You're pretty much briliant girl couse at the age of teenagers you was converting to Islam the only truth religion for all mankind. May Allah blessed till Jannah. Ameen

  • @namio-tb4fi
    @namio-tb4fi Před 7 měsíci

    U are perfectly true, dear. Congratulation for the right decisions

  • @Kassalawy56789
    @Kassalawy56789 Před 8 měsíci

    God bless you sister, you sait well. As a moslem we always say tha Islam IS A WSY OF LIFE.. it's not just a daily or weekly rituals..
    Now that's you are a sister in Islam you have a bigger role to play by giving the message to your family & friends specially that you know the language & the bible... Make sure to teach your kids also because it's very important.... God bless you sister ❤❤❤❤❤

    • @johnzuma4688
      @johnzuma4688 Před 7 měsíci

      So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all if islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived.

    • @Kassalawy56789
      @Kassalawy56789 Před 7 měsíci

      Too bad for you man. There's only one Arabic Quran, many translations maybe but only one Arabic version.
      We are satisfied & happy with our Quran, have no issues with it.
      Read it with an open unbiased mind, hopefully you will see the truth.... Good luck

    • @johnzuma4688
      @johnzuma4688 Před 7 měsíci

      @@Kassalawy56789 Well my friend, I have two Arabic versions of the quran right here at home, so the evidence I hold proves your statement that there is only one Arabic version of the quran false my friend. But please my friend, do not believe me. God and buy a hafs quran and a warsh quran in Arabic and compare them. You do not even have to know much Arabic to easily see the many difference in MEANING between just these two qurans.
      You say that you are happy with your quran even though it is full of mistakes and contradictions as well as approving of evil such as raping women captured in battle (surah 33:50) and wife beating (surah 4:34) and child marriage (surah 65:4) which of course means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. Now might by happy with such evil, but I am not.
      I take you have not read any version of the quran my friend. And I have, which made me reject islam as a religion of GOD. And luck will not save you in judgemen day my friend.

    • @Kassalawy56789
      @Kassalawy56789 Před 7 měsíci

      Well, you can send screen shotof the same surah & the verses where you think they're different....that's shouldn't be difficult....

  • @nurudeenmusah8734
    @nurudeenmusah8734 Před 10 měsíci

    Stay blessed

  • @najibsabor2624
    @najibsabor2624 Před 10 měsíci

    What a Nobel decision
    Allah JJ blessed u

  • @YSBB
    @YSBB Před 2 lety +2

    Kim ki kendisinden başkalarıyla uğraşırsa, kendisinden başkalarıyla gezerse, başkalarının ayıplarını, kusurlarını, iyilerini, kötülerini görür de kendisini unutursa, bu ölüdür.
    Gelelim kendimizi, birliğimizi idrak etmek nasıl olacak?
    Sen, Hayat-ı llâhî'yi temsil eden deniz dalgası gibi bir dalgasın!.. Hayat-ı liâhi'nin külliyatından kabaran bir dalgasın!..
    Kendini altmış okkalık binan olan anasırın, gövden zannetme!..
    Sen sırrı ilâhî'yi taşıyorsun!..
    insan mevzuunu çözümlerken, Allah'la insanın bir olduğunu, insandan yetkisini, varlığını ifade ettiğini anlamamız gerekiyor.
    Şimdi gelelim Allah'la insanın bir olduğunu idrak etmek nasıl olacak?
    Bu gezgincimiz, esas kendimizdir!
    Gezginci dediğimiz ek bir şey! mi?.. Hayır işte o gezginci dediğimiz esas kendimizdir!..
    Meselâ şimdi başka diyara gitseniz. Trabzon, İstanbul vs. oralarda takıldığınız şeylerle oyalansanız. Yanınızda biri size bir söz söylese, işitir misiniz? Hayır. Çünkü orada değildiniz! Anlaşılır ki, işiten de oymuş!. Gövdemiz bir şey işitmeyeceğine göre; "ne idi o, anlamadım." demenizle iş ortaya çıkar ki, esas kendimiz o sırada orada değiliz!..
    O halde kendimiz demek, nefsimiz demektir. Tabi orayaburaya, varız ki gidiyoruz. Var olmasak gitmeyiz. Var isek nerden varız?
    - Temelimiz nedir?
    - Neyle gidiyoruz?
    - Nerden nereye gidiyoruz?
    - Her yerde hazır ve nazır olan Allah'ın başka bir yerine mi gidiyoruz?
    Kendimiz dediğimiz zaman; kafamız, beynimiz, aklımız, fikrimiz bununla ilişiği değil, çok hassas hisierimizle bunu takip edebiliriz.
    Görüyoruz ki; mevcudiyetimizin, yani kendimizin bu mevcut olan; ele, ayağa, göze, kaşa da ihtiyacı yok. Kendi kendine gidebiliyor değil mi gideceği yere? Hah, bu beşerle süsleniş, ona iltifattır!.. Yani bu beşerle süslenişimiz, kendimize bir iltifattır!
    Öyleyse, her şeyi kendi mevcudiyetimizde bulmak ve ihata edebilmek için, işte bu esas kendimizle can noktamıza, mukaddes yerimize rücu edeceğiz.
    Gönül evimizdeki radyo ile bütün kâinatı bile irtibatımıza alırız. Bu güzelim yaşamak, bu zevkli yaşamak, bu umumî yaşamak kendi mevcudiyetimizde mümkün iken, taşrada haberimiz olmayan hiçbir şey kalmaz. Eğer ibremizi hali hazıra çevirirsek, şu andaki bütün kâinatın muhaberatından haberimiz olur. Yani dünyadaki bütün olaylardan haberimiz olur.
    Pekâlâ derinliğimizde bu kadar yetki, bu kadar umumî yaşayış, bu kadar neşe, genişlik ve yaygınlık varken, neden kendi gerçek dünyamızdan ayrılıyor, geçici ve zahmetli dünyalarımıza dalıyoruz?
    Alıştığımız için yine tercih etmeyelim! Başkalarıyla hoşbeş edeceğimize, önce türediğimiz yerle hoşbeş etmeyi, orada aşklı durmayı talim edelim. O zaman alınan nefes, eğer biz aşk dikkatimizde isek, bize aşkların toplamını getirir, yaşatır.
    Çünkü artık Hayat-ı ilâhî'nin kudretli yerinde duruyoruz, kendimizi gövdemiz zannetmiyoruz. Bu halde, eğer ilim lazımsa, ilim gelir bulur bizi. Çünkü bunların hepsi, can noktasının merkezleridir. Kendimiz bunu yapacağız; gövdemiz, aklımız bunu yapamaz!..
    Abdülkadir Duru,,,,...