Wolin Battle 2005

  • čas přidán 11. 01. 2007
  • I found this video on internet.
    Here you can download it in full quality. Have fun while whatching!iis.pwsz.elblag.pl/~st0/bin/D6...

    Slawa & Hails!

Komentáře • 121

  • @vargmetallisk
    @vargmetallisk Před 14 lety +2

    I see this video everyday , maybe someday i could do something like this.
    Congratulations from Brazil.

  • @Numira
    @Numira Před 14 lety +1

    man i feel myself so proud and sad when i heard the music and saw these warriors like in old days. fight hand in hand against theyre enemys. not with guns, with weapons and smell the breath of your oponnent.
    are these feelings deep from my celtic roots, which flows in my blood?
    i want to join them man!
    hail slavs, celts, germans, skandinavians. we should be one unit against our foes.
    odins bless

  • @lordaltair
    @lordaltair Před 13 lety

    So amazing! These live battles are more fun to watch than any staged movie!

  • @_Curanes_Rex
    @_Curanes_Rex Před 3 lety

    That guy at the end... still standing and searching for a challenge. Respect.

  • @Yukisiek
    @Yukisiek Před 16 lety

    Ja jeżdżę tam już od 5 lat i zawsze jest super :) już nie mogę się doczekać następnego

  • @skjaldborg
    @skjaldborg Před 17 lety

    That was SO COOL!! What an awesome battle that would be to take part in. Looks like alot of fun!

  • @UnclePutte
    @UnclePutte Před 16 lety

    I agree. I've followed the big guy's videos and sometimes I think he's propably a shipmate of Erik the Red who fell into a river, froze, floated to the midwest and thawed out only some years ago. He's that much of a viking.

  • @germanspear6294
    @germanspear6294 Před 11 lety

    This is one of the most fuckin' epic videos about reenactment-battles.

  • @pawelekpawelekpawele
    @pawelekpawelekpawele Před 16 lety

    Zgadzam się. Jedna 2 lata temu pogoda była do bani... Oby za tydzien dopisała:D

  • @rorik84
    @rorik84 Před 17 lety

    m4rekb: do you have the original high quality video?
    The year 2005 was great, especially for us Hungarians. Good to see our flag at the and of the video. :)
    Hope to meet this year. It seems to be an extraordinary festival, because summer solstice will be on that weekend... :D

  • @Buchemann
    @Buchemann Před 16 lety

    Great video and great music

  • @Dementrius
    @Dementrius Před 17 lety

    wolin 2005! great battle, great video!

  • @soundsystem9
    @soundsystem9 Před 12 lety

    Thanks! Also for higher quality :) !

  • @SergeKaleyeu
    @SergeKaleyeu Před 13 lety

    @DelTevynes :-) just read info section of the group and think a bit.

  • @boyrichboy
    @boyrichboy Před 15 lety

    best video ive seen so far. and the music is perfect for it :) wish i was there :(

  • @AceVendetta
    @AceVendetta Před 14 lety

    Thank you for the straight out reply.

  • @richierich9835
    @richierich9835 Před 5 lety +3


  • @gabri3u
    @gabri3u Před 12 lety

    Thanks man! :)

  • @emu4286
    @emu4286 Před 17 lety

    Awesome video. I'm going to have to check out some more Epidemia now. Vikings/Slavs kick ass.

  • @pawelekpawelekpawele
    @pawelekpawelekpawele Před 16 lety

    Hehehe, oby nie;) Przy 30-to stopniowym upale iść na słońce w przeszywie i kolczej to średnia przyjemność. Może być pochmurno, byleby nie padało. W zasadzie w niedziele to pogoda jest mi już obojętna, wszyscy się zbierają i generalnie od rana to pakowanie... A kruca, turyści to czasami potrafią być nieznośni; np. jak się gotuje żarcie w kociołku a jakiś typek zagląda Ci do niego...

  • @yme4me
    @yme4me Před 16 lety

    very good movie.Good editing.Above is conversation in Polish ...

  • @autonoos8
    @autonoos8 Před 16 lety

    It's great!!!maybe one day we organise something like this in my country ,Greece!!!!

  • @coniaric
    @coniaric Před 17 lety

    It was the time, when the
    English, German, dutch, swedish, norwayan and danish languages were one language: general germanian.
    It was the time, honour did count.

  • @Balddi7
    @Balddi7 Před 15 lety +1

    nope, I'm not joking, it's realy Iron Maiden's song

  • @TemenosL
    @TemenosL Před 16 lety

    :38 was funny, I like to see that kind of enthusiasm

  • @TheSigtyr1
    @TheSigtyr1 Před 13 lety

    die musik passt voll dazu find ich.wolin ist einfach nur das geilste was es gibt!

  • @amandeis
    @amandeis Před 12 lety

    Klasse Job,....aber wie hast du die vielen Perspektiven gefilmt.
    Von oben unten links rechts und mittendrin????

  • @pawelekpawelekpawele
    @pawelekpawelekpawele Před 16 lety

    Z tym, że w niedziele znaczna większość się już zwija do domów, bo muszą zdążyć do roboty w poniedziałek:D Nie no, zobaczymy jak będzie; jeszcze 5 dni:P

  • @Kondotier
    @Kondotier Před 17 lety

    It's written in the end- it's Epidemia

  • @Godrik09
    @Godrik09 Před 15 lety

    The reproduction of the clothes are nearly authentic. Participants are one of europes most respected reenactment group. One who is studied in history must sum up that this is a really professional and historic authentical reproduction of the viking era.
    But byrnies were very rar among vikings. It's a mood point wether the vikings produce their own but only for the richest leaders or capture in raids. All up it's very authentic particulary in consideration of the most other medieval festivals.

  • @uktena1
    @uktena1 Před 17 lety

    naprawde niezle, jestem pod wrazeniem, widze ze wolin to naprawde fajne miejsce i zlot :) - 15 wieczny bohurtowy blaszak

  • @xjacquiex
    @xjacquiex Před 15 lety

    Wolin. It is island on baltic sea. North-West Poland near border with Germany and Szczecin city. In X century Wolin (probably Jombsborg) was one of greatest cities (probably it was greatest) on whole batltic sea.

  • @TemenosL
    @TemenosL Před 16 lety

    Who gave this user a thumbs down? Nothing's wrong with this comment. *thumbs up* Awesome video.

  • @Yukisiek
    @Yukisiek Před 16 lety

    oj byłą.. ale tylko w jeden dzień z tego co pamiętam chyba w sobote bo w niedziele już byłam normalnie :D
    a pogoda będzie.. upał pewnie

  • @SonOfGodOfThunder
    @SonOfGodOfThunder Před 14 lety

    @lakishajenkins its totally safe, the weapons are blunt and the armor you're wearing protects you well enough. I've been doing this for quite a long time, and i'm in one piece :) got a few scratches of course but not serious injuries. (of course its not unlikely to break an arm in "battle" if you dont pay attention, but its still fun :D) and as i know NOONE died in reenact battles like this so far (hope that stays this way :P)

  • @Loxley81
    @Loxley81 Před 16 lety

    Super video, bardzo mi sie podoba! :)

  • @JamesEarlCash
    @JamesEarlCash Před 16 lety

    It hurts sometimes ;) Depends on power of your enemy blows. It's a hobby with fun(you may also call it sport ;P) but there are always some guys who swings too powerfull ;)

  • @KostekButter
    @KostekButter Před 15 lety

    it`s like a game , one hit you`re dead simple :)

  • @Balddi7
    @Balddi7 Před 15 lety

    actualy it's a cover of Iron Maiden - Fear of the dark

  • @Shamrocknroll25
    @Shamrocknroll25 Před 15 lety

    I understand, I know the feeling. But hey, adrenaline's good :D
    keep doing what you're doing

  • @user-hw5we1ko9s
    @user-hw5we1ko9s Před 4 lety

    Это - Прекрасно!

  • @wojo46
    @wojo46 Před 15 lety

    A ja wiedziałem, że to rosyjska kapela Epidemia tak pięknie przygrywa :)

  • @lakishajenkins
    @lakishajenkins Před 16 lety

    How many people die or actually get hurt at these battles? I mean, it's aweseome to see them using real weapons and armour and going at it, but is it safe?

  • @SergeKaleyeu
    @SergeKaleyeu Před 13 lety

    @DelTevynes This article of the Statute of the GPL 1588 in contemporary Belarusian: А пісар земскі мае па-руску літарамі і словамі ўсе лісты, выпісы і позвы пісаць, а ня іншым языком і словамі. Only the word "язык" has another equivalent in the modern Belarusian language and nowadays used with another meaning.

  • @Stingwraith
    @Stingwraith Před 16 lety

    I have been able to find those songs on limewire but they are corrupted :( i really want this song but like no one has it

  • @Stingwraith
    @Stingwraith Před 16 lety

    Whats the song of this vid its great^^ ive looked through all comments but i find just the band name in polish, would it be able that someone sent me it? PM me in that case...

  • @SergeKaleyeu
    @SergeKaleyeu Před 13 lety

    @DelTevynes did u read my comments?

  • @holzkopf1
    @holzkopf1 Před 17 lety

    great video! Why didn't you take a Manowar song like sons of odin?

  • @Balddi7
    @Balddi7 Před 15 lety +1

    gdyby byly calkiem inne to bym go nie podal, wstepniak jest taki sam co utwor z tym filmiku

  • @tbear116
    @tbear116 Před 13 lety

    oddly enough that looks like fun lol

  • @Sivarman
    @Sivarman Před 16 lety

    who is this song called?
    great music!great battle!

  • @orangetoes223
    @orangetoes223 Před 16 lety

    oh. Thanks!

  • @666s8en
    @666s8en Před 13 lety

    @FMLitsLeo if people get hurt they go to a paramedic who must be available on such big events and get treatment... Broken fingers, broken nose, nosebleed- these are common injuries.
    I had nose broken about 8 times, cannot feel anything in first finger of my left hand and got damaged spine :)
    I have XIV- XV century plate armor, not the nordic one :)
    yes, there are nords, slavic, vikings and so. even ancient rome factions, knights etc. almost all of times are reenacted, even WWII soldiers :)

  • @fisfred
    @fisfred Před 15 lety

    Hello everyone. I'd like to know how it is called this song.
    Thank you very much.

  • @IanHunedoara8
    @IanHunedoara8 Před 15 lety

    Is this reenactment of a battle between Danes and Obodzry Slav?

  • @Imonkillingspree
    @Imonkillingspree Před 17 lety

    whats the song

  • @deathandveryalive
    @deathandveryalive Před 13 lety

    @Iktheris60 well one place where u can come and join is Estonia theres a thing called mütofest :D

  • @Shamrocknroll25
    @Shamrocknroll25 Před 15 lety

    Great vid, but what was with the start of the battle? Badass advance with near perfectly formed shield wall, they stop 15 feet away from eachother, still cool, and then THEY BREAK LINES ENTIRELY!!! Mass melee, no great clash of shield walls in good viking style, but a mess of duels. WHY???
    (around 2 minutes in if you're wondering what I'm talking about)
    Still, good video. I think the battle looked great anyway, especially later on, it looked more cohesive.

  • @Explosionsgefahr
    @Explosionsgefahr Před 17 lety

    ich war 2001-2002-2003 da ich habe allerdings nicht mitgefochten da ich zu der Zeit noch nicht das alter dazu hatte... aber ich kann euch sagen das es einer der größten schlachten is die es gibt...

  • @Bonedalas
    @Bonedalas Před 16 lety

    Though you forgot the Frisians, I agree. :D
    But no room for nationalism, racism and so on. My friend is my friend, whether he/she is Dutch, Polish, Spanish, Jew or African; and no one is my friend just cause he lives in the same city.

  • @dndusanbnikolic
    @dndusanbnikolic Před 13 lety

    @FMLitsLeo yes

  • @BlashyrkhPwns
    @BlashyrkhPwns Před 15 lety

    holy sh1t!
    Epic stuff to death!

  • @Yukisiek
    @Yukisiek Před 16 lety

    no wiem przecież tam co roku jestem w niedziele.. XD ale aż tak bardzo od tej strony zwiedzającej nie widać XD znaczy że nie ma pustek ;) ano 5 dni dla mnie 6 :) i już nie mogę sie doczekać

  • @LTMLSkorpion
    @LTMLSkorpion Před 14 lety

    Awesome =)

  • @dndusanbnikolic
    @dndusanbnikolic Před 13 lety

    @FMLitsLeo yes maybe

  • @FreshDumbledoreNr1
    @FreshDumbledoreNr1 Před 16 lety

    thats pretty cool

  • @Iktheris60
    @Iktheris60 Před 14 lety

    where do they do it bacause i want to do it

  • @MrC-55
    @MrC-55 Před 16 lety

    what are the rules?
    Why do they get out of line?
    Why don't they charge at full speed?

  • @Navikoma
    @Navikoma Před 16 lety

    Ah.. at last I know where my chain armor with plate elements was being used :D on Wolin > Poland ;p

  • @tombry76wawa
    @tombry76wawa Před 15 lety

    Good fight.:)

  • @orangetoes223
    @orangetoes223 Před 16 lety

    That was awsome. How would you know who was freind or foe? it all looks random. Anyway, I want to know whaere I could find a reenactment group for vikings in indiana area. Anyonen have any suggestions?

  • @Spinne666
    @Spinne666 Před 16 lety

    This song is russian group "Эпидемия"

  • @Explosionsgefahr
    @Explosionsgefahr Před 17 lety

    ich war da als schausteller! einfach geil da...

  • @SergeKaleyeu
    @SergeKaleyeu Před 13 lety

    @DelTevynes All Grand Princes of Litva spoke Old Belarusian. All official ducuments are in Old Belarusian.
    "А писаръ земъский маеть по-руску литерами и словы рускими вси листы, выписы и позвы писати, а не иншимъ езыкомъ и словы." (A local scribe has to write in Rusian all words and letters, not in any other language and words.) The Statute of the GPL 1588. Part 4, article 1.

  • @TheLoransParkour
    @TheLoransParkour Před 9 lety

    wooow, sooo cool need to be there one time in my life :D

  • @EliNR300
    @EliNR300 Před 13 lety

    @m4rekb were exactly

  • @ARVNReEnactor
    @ARVNReEnactor Před 13 lety

    what is the armor at 3:00?

  • @roygbiv330
    @roygbiv330 Před 15 lety

    what was this? a festival?

  • @PegasusFR
    @PegasusFR Před 17 lety

    Name of the music , please ?

  • @minimlok
    @minimlok Před 13 lety

    what is a music?

  • @AceVendetta
    @AceVendetta Před 15 lety

    Guess when the medievel period was?

  • @DJ53151
    @DJ53151 Před 13 lety

    is there nords?

  • @dndusanbnikolic
    @dndusanbnikolic Před 13 lety +1

    suport from Serbia

  • @Sarie18
    @Sarie18 Před 17 lety

    nom, a wiesz moze co temu kolesiowi co z grodu spadl stalo sie w noge? ponoc zlamanie otwarte ?

  • @Evendur
    @Evendur Před 17 lety

    co to za muzyczka?

  • @AceVendetta
    @AceVendetta Před 14 lety

    What is the song name? (no joke)

  • @MrZuofil
    @MrZuofil Před 13 lety

    @EliNR300 oh my dude that's not larp ;/
    reenactment ofc but not rpg ;s

  • @xSatanisticx
    @xSatanisticx Před 16 lety

    My dream is to be like a one of Medieval knight

  • @snake8127
    @snake8127 Před 16 lety

    thats pretty cool and it didn't look crappy and fake
    what song is that?

  • @SergeKaleyeu
    @SergeKaleyeu Před 13 lety

    @DelTevynes "Belarussians" are like a hybrid of Balts and Slavs." :-) I love arguments of "simple" like u.

  • @EliNR300
    @EliNR300 Před 13 lety

    are the best LARPing battles made in europe or something

  • @coagsa
    @coagsa Před 16 lety +1


  • @joonte1010
    @joonte1010 Před 16 lety

    jaha Okej, Ja Vikingarna äger, Självklart^^

  • @pqdmoovies
    @pqdmoovies Před 16 lety

    des lied ist voll fear of the ark nach gemacht, aber des vid is geil

  • @hollywoodwerewolf
    @hollywoodwerewolf Před 17 lety

    Are those real weapons?

  • @OsamaBinLooney
    @OsamaBinLooney Před 16 lety

    ahhhhh the one thing we humans are best at........kiling eachother! But still that was pretty cool.

  • @ThePinkiePrince
    @ThePinkiePrince Před 14 lety


  • @Yukisiek
    @Yukisiek Před 16 lety

    haha XD no cóż rzeczywiście może być to denerwujące XD ale po to jest ten kociołek by go oglądać ;) no a zapowiadają takie upały... Nie no w niedziele tez się coś dzieje XD zawsze się coś dzieje od strony tego co zwiedza XD ale ja najbardziej lubię soboty tylko nie wiem ile wszyscy wytrzymają w takim upale :/

  • @SonOfGodOfThunder
    @SonOfGodOfThunder Před 13 lety

    @ARVNReEnactor leather lamellae

  • @DJ53151
    @DJ53151 Před 13 lety

    if there is nords faction