HOUSE FLIPPER 2- Whisperingwood cottage

  • čas přidán 9. 06. 2024
  • @wabs1
    Once upon a time, nestled deep within an enchanted forest, there stood a whimsical cottage like no other. This was not just any ordinary dwelling; it was a self-sufficient haven shaped like a perfect hexagon. Each of the six sides boasted charming features, all harmoniously blending with the natural surroundings.
    The walls of the hexagon cottage were crafted from sturdy, golden-hued timber and handcarved stone, enchanted to withstand the whims of nature. Delicate ivy and vibrant flowers cascaded down from the roof, forming a living curtain that swayes gently in the breeze. The roof itself was a marvel, fashioned from old driftwood- that merges with the forest surroundings.
    At the heart of the cottage, a magnificent stone fireplace stand as the central pillar, providing warmth and a cozy glow that filles the entire home. Each room radiated from this central hearth, with wide, open livingspace that invited exploration.
    One side of the hexagon on the outside is a dedicated garden, where sunlight streames through, nurturing an array of herbs, vegetables, and fruits. A magical irrigation system, fueled by a watermill wheel that uses the bubbling spring beneath and around the cottage, ensured that the garden flourished year-round.
    Another side featured a quaint bellow ground kitchen, where shelves lined with jars of preserves, baked goods, juices and ciders, reached up to the ceiling. A rustic wooden shelf filled with all you would need throughout the week/month, ready for hearty meals prepared with the bounty from the garden.
    The bedroom, on another side, is a serene sanctuary. A canopied bed, draped with gossamer curtains, promised restful slumbers. Soft, handmade quilts and pillows adds to the room's inviting warmth.
    The bathroom is a true marvel, featuring a cozy shower with a view. The water, heated by an ingenious system of solar panels, inviting long, luxurious showers infused with fragrant oils and herbs from the garden.
    Plush chairs and a cushioned window seat provided perfect spots for reading or daydreaming. Shelves filled with books and trinkets from far-off lands lined the walls, each telling a story of its own.
    Surrounding the cottage is a circular path, adorned with flowering plants that attracted butterflies and hummingbirds and bees. The air is filled with the sweet scent of blossoms and the melodious songs of birds, creating a peaceful symphony that lulles the cottage into a gentle, perpetual calm.
    And so, in this hexagon cottage, self-sufficient and brimming with charm, the witch who built it lives in perfect harmony with nature, finding joy and contentment in the simple, enchanted beauty of their fairytale home

Komentáře • 2

  • @GamerNans
    @GamerNans Před 16 dny +1

    Thinking outside the box is the best! Great music footsteps, yay! Great build!!!

    • @Wabs33
      @Wabs33  Před 16 dny +1

      Thank you! This build took alot of patiens, but was all worth it in the end 🌸