US Farmers Harvest And Process 773 Million Pounds Of Raisins This Way


Komentáře • 413

  • @holaduckstein
    @holaduckstein Před 27 dny +5

    Gratitude overflows for the abundant harvest, a testament to natures generosity.

  • @dianacoux
    @dianacoux Před 23 dny +4

    Ah, the aroma of freshly harvested grapes is simply intoxicating!

  • @chantoyato
    @chantoyato Před 27 dny +5

    Harvesting fruits represents a labor of passion for countless farmers.

  • @briannae1an97
    @briannae1an97 Před 6 dny +1

    Supporting local grape farmers means enjoying the freshest, most flavorful raisins.

  • @lanicata
    @lanicata Před 27 dny +5

    Berry picking embodies a labor of love. Deep appreciation for the farmers enduring dedication.

  • @nightronald47
    @nightronald47 Před 27 dny +3

    Natures bounty on full display! Gratitude for the farmers who cultivate and harvest.

  • @ellieeqmh
    @ellieeqmh Před 27 dny +1

    Hats off to farmers whose dedication ensures our access to fresh, delectable berries.

  • @angeleadau
    @angeleadau Před 6 dny +1

    Raisins are like little nuggets of sunshine, bursting with natural sweetness.

  • @maleah5ado
    @maleah5ado Před měsícem +2

    Its amazing how a simple grape can bring so much joy and nourishment.

  • @amritasigmund
    @amritasigmund Před 27 dny +2

    The sweetness of freshly picked strawberries is unmatched.

  • @galvinan97
    @galvinan97 Před 23 dny +1

    The simplicity of the process really lets the natural flavor of the grapes shine through.

  • @uladuong30
    @uladuong30 Před 27 dny +2

    Lets recognize the unsung heroes of agriculture, whose dedication feeds us all.

  • @bombardolanica
    @bombardolanica Před 6 dny

    Raisin lovers unite! Theres something undeniably comforting about a handful of plump, juicy raisins.

  • @KathleenWright-gv3io
    @KathleenWright-gv3io Před 6 dny +1

    The dedication of American grape farmers shines through in every sweet, sun-dried raisin.

  • @jasonkanti
    @jasonkanti Před 6 dny

    The aroma of raisins baking in the oven fills the house with warmth and nostalgia.

  • @AnnBanasiewicz
    @AnnBanasiewicz Před 6 dny

    American grape farmers are the unsung heroes behind our favorite raisin treats.

  • @bug6l4420
    @bug6l4420 Před 27 dny

    The bounty of natures harvest is a thing of beauty, appreciated by all.

  • @anthonyjayliah
    @anthonyjayliah Před 23 dny

    The process of harvesting and drying these grapes must be a true art form, resulting in raisins that are pure perfection.

  • @lancelotrobinson46
    @lancelotrobinson46 Před 27 dny +1

    Strawberry harvesting holds a special place in our family traditions.

  • @zeldanakedra
    @zeldanakedra Před 23 dny

    Harvesting grapes seems like a labor of love, considering how each raisin carries the essence of that effort.

  • @leahjclr
    @leahjclr Před 27 dny

    Lets throw our support behind farmers who champion fair labor practices.

  • @carolineellis89
    @carolineellis89 Před 6 dny

    As I enjoy my morning oatmeal with raisins, Im grateful for the farmers who make it all possible.

  • @nguyenbuffy
    @nguyenbuffy Před 27 dny

    Gratitude swells for the farmers whose hard work brings us these juicy delights.

  • @virginiaanthony60
    @virginiaanthony60 Před 27 dny

    A marvel of teamwork and efficiency on display during berry-picking season.

  • @ellakayla33
    @ellakayla33 Před 27 dny

    Lets take a moment to appreciate the tireless efforts of all farm laborers.

  • @Ashleydoan-ud3wx
    @Ashleydoan-ud3wx Před 6 dny

    Raisins are a testament to the beauty of simplicity - just grapes and sunshine.

  • @poppetfreeman
    @poppetfreeman Před 6 dny

    Every raisin tells a story of hard work, patience, and the beauty of natures bounty.

  • @victoriamitsis
    @victoriamitsis Před 27 dny

    Experiencing the rewards of labor firsthand! Grateful for the chance to assist on the farm.

  • @PearlScott-bh1zu
    @PearlScott-bh1zu Před 6 dny

    The simplicity of raisin production highlights the beauty of natures processes.

  • @lilliejerry
    @lilliejerry Před 23 dny

    The thought of enjoying a handful of these raisins with a glass of wine is just heavenly.

  • @AnatoleValerie-im7fv
    @AnatoleValerie-im7fv Před 6 dny

    The process of transforming grapes into raisins is a testament to human ingenuity and tradition.

  • @ducksteinxfl7
    @ducksteinxfl7 Před 6 dny

    Raisins are a testament to the power of preservation, capturing the essence of grapes in every bite.

  • @ermintrudennt2
    @ermintrudennt2 Před 27 dny

    Farming is a noble calling, sustaining communities through hard work under the sun.

  • @LynneOnlynneoni
    @LynneOnlynneoni Před 6 dny

    Exploring the nuances of different grape varieties is like embarking on a flavorful adventure.

  • @iowakiele
    @iowakiele Před 6 dny

    Grapes are such a versatile fruit, and the process of turning them into raisins adds another layer of appreciation!

  • @esperanzameliora
    @esperanzameliora Před 6 dny

    The artistry of raisin production is a testament to the timeless connection between humans and the land.

  • @belindativka
    @belindativka Před měsícem +1

    The diversity of American crops is awe-inspiring.

  • @hubertzelda48
    @hubertzelda48 Před 6 dny

    Its incredible how raisins can transport us back to cherished memories with just one bite.

  • @Marthatran-re7md
    @Marthatran-re7md Před 6 dny

    Learning about the history of raisin production adds depth to every bite.

  • @AndrewValerie
    @AndrewValerie Před 27 dny

    Harvesting grapes fills me with a sense of seasonal delight.

  • @teresatruong73
    @teresatruong73 Před 27 dny

    Farming is an act of love, each harvest a testament to dedication.

  • @goldwinf8sd
    @goldwinf8sd Před 6 dny

    Theres a sense of nostalgia that comes with biting into a raisin, reminiscent of childhood snacks and grandmas baking.

  • @amitybarret
    @amitybarret Před 6 dny

    The process of drying grapes to make raisins is a delicate balance of time, temperature, and expertise.

  • @farrah6vp803
    @farrah6vp803 Před 6 dny

    The versatility of raisins makes them a pantry essential for any home cook.

  • @StephanieBonita-hy1ep

    From vine to table, the journey of grapes to become raisins is truly remarkable.

  • @KellyAmrita-iw4ss
    @KellyAmrita-iw4ss Před 6 dny

    Its inspiring to see how innovation has enhanced the efficiency of raisin production over the years.

  • @ellaaidan82
    @ellaaidan82 Před 6 dny

    Raisins are like little jewels in the culinary world, adding sparkle to every dish.

  • @esperanzahalona
    @esperanzahalona Před 6 dny

    I never knew there was so much to learn about raisin production until I delved into it!

  • @quachjean
    @quachjean Před 6 dny

    Raisins are not just a snack; theyre a symbol of tradition and heritage.

  • @rayleeto
    @rayleeto Před měsícem +1

    The impact of farm laborers extends into every aspect of our lives.

  • @brendyl8bg
    @brendyl8bg Před 6 dny

    Raisins are a reminder that even the smallest fruit can have a big impact on our taste buds and our hearts.

  • @quackersjackson
    @quackersjackson Před 27 dny

    Farm life is a tapestry of rewards, connecting us to the land and its abundance.

  • @ambardxrr
    @ambardxrr Před měsícem +1

    The dedication and passion of grape farmers shine through in every frame.

  • @caliana3pxj
    @caliana3pxj Před 6 dny

    Raisins are a pantry staple, always ready to elevate recipes with their rich flavor and texture.

  • @bonitacatori
    @bonitacatori Před 6 dny

    Raisins are natures perfect snack - convenient, nutritious, and delicious!

  • @gracewalker65
    @gracewalker65 Před 27 dny

    Berry-induced bliss! Thankful for the farmers unwavering commitment.

  • @amritakelis
    @amritakelis Před 6 dny

    As I enjoy my afternoon trail mix with raisins, Im reminded of the journey each little fruit took to reach my snack bowl.

  • @esperanzausuu
    @esperanzausuu Před 23 dny

    The color of those raisins is so vibrant, its hard to believe theyre all natural!

  • @TecnologiaAvanzadaComoLoHacen

    El bienestar animal es una prioridad creciente en la ganadería moderna. Implementar prácticas que aseguren una vida digna para los animales no solo mejora su salud y productividad, sino que también responde a las demandas de consumidores cada vez más conscientes y responsables.

  • @quackersjjh0
    @quackersjjh0 Před 6 dny

    Raisins add a touch of sweetness to my salads, creating a perfect balance of flavors.

  • @zaneduong27
    @zaneduong27 Před 6 dny

    Im always amazed by the skill and precision involved in grape harvesting.

  • @leilaniamity
    @leilaniamity Před 23 dny

    Imagine the burst of flavor in every raisin, concentrated from the sun-kissed grapes.

  • @jasondarling31
    @jasondarling31 Před 27 dny

    The fruits of hard labor are evident in each succulent berry. Inspired by the farmers dedication.

  • @marleethomas43
    @marleethomas43 Před měsícem

    Farming connects us to our land and heritage.

  • @vuongerin
    @vuongerin Před 6 dny

    Raisins are the perfect travel companion - compact, nutrient-dense, and delicious!

  • @quachbaldric97
    @quachbaldric97 Před 27 dny

    Witnessing the scale of berry harvesting is truly remarkable. Applause to the farmers!

  • @Shandaanshandadang
    @Shandaanshandadang Před měsícem

    This video deepens my appreciation for food.

  • @meadow8c1o
    @meadow8c1o Před měsícem

    While tough, farming offers immense rewards.

  • @glorahuynh
    @glorahuynh Před 27 dny +2

    A melodic blend of flavors! Kudos to the farmers for orchestrating this berry symphony.

  • @adelialinda49
    @adelialinda49 Před měsícem

    Im tempted to start my own little grapevine after watching this.

  • @maijoel
    @maijoel Před měsícem +1

    Many people who I know just hate them, but I love raisins.

  • @bombardoj2zx
    @bombardoj2zx Před měsícem

    Farming is integral to both our culture and economy.

  • @rozluu79
    @rozluu79 Před 6 dny

    I never realized how much goes into producing raisins until I learned about the intricate process.

  • @KaylinGreen-pu3yj
    @KaylinGreen-pu3yj Před 23 dny

    I can almost taste the depth of flavor in those raisins, knowing they come from such carefully cultivated grapes.

  • @dinhamari
    @dinhamari Před 23 dny

    I can almost taste the sweetness just by watching the harvesting process!

  • @edwardalida
    @edwardalida Před měsícem

    This video is a reminder of the interconnectedness of agriculture and our daily lives.

  • @arelibombardo
    @arelibombardo Před 6 dny

    Raisins are not just for snacking; they add a delightful sweetness to savory dishes too!

  • @flynny4qd
    @flynny4qd Před 23 dny

    I can imagine how versatile these raisins would be in cooking, adding depth of flavor to both sweet and savory dishes.

  • @PaigeNicholas-rr5qo
    @PaigeNicholas-rr5qo Před měsícem

    This video sheds light on an often overlooked profession.

  • @raymondzitkala
    @raymondzitkala Před měsícem

    I feel a sense of gratitude for the farmers who work tirelessly to bring us grapes.

  • @kriziatazanna21
    @kriziatazanna21 Před měsícem

    This video reminds me of the importance of supporting local farmers and agriculture.

  • @blyjoshua
    @blyjoshua Před měsícem

    Big shoutout to the tireless efforts of farm workers!

  • @conalvalerie
    @conalvalerie Před 6 dny

    The satisfaction of biting into a chewy raisin is unmatched.

  • @kennitaellen60
    @kennitaellen60 Před měsícem +1

    Grape farming isnt just a job; its a way of life for many.

  • @dieterbanasiewicz
    @dieterbanasiewicz Před 27 dny

    The scent of ripe apples fills the air during harvest time.

  • @ErasmusLucinda
    @ErasmusLucinda Před měsícem

    Gratitude is owed to our hardworking farm workers.

  • @ZacharyLynne-dw5jb
    @ZacharyLynne-dw5jb Před měsícem

    Grape farming seems like a labor of love, evident in every step of the process.

  • @arlannataylor
    @arlannataylor Před 27 dny

    Blueberry season marks the peak of summers delights.

  • @benquashavud9
    @benquashavud9 Před měsícem

    The simplicity and beauty of grape farming are portrayed so elegantly in this video.

  • @christophermg3e
    @christophermg3e Před měsícem +7

    These are the unsung heros of our country, I will never eat a bowl of Rasin Brand and not think about these men and women.

  • @jolisabrown18
    @jolisabrown18 Před měsícem

    Hats off to the dedication of those farmers working tirelessly in the vineyards.

  • @browneliam
    @browneliam Před měsícem

    This video perfectly captures American agriculture.

  • @huynhmissouri
    @huynhmissouri Před měsícem

    This glimpse into the grape harvest process is both informative and mesmerizing.

  • @hawrenley
    @hawrenley Před měsícem

    Kudos to those who turn humble grapes into such a variety of delicious products.

  • @WolfgangJohnson-pm6ym
    @WolfgangJohnson-pm6ym Před měsícem

    The dedication of farm laborers merits recognition.

  • @tieteirian
    @tieteirian Před 23 dny

    I can imagine the burst of flavor when you bite into one of those raisins.

  • @daop510
    @daop510 Před měsícem

    The artistry of grape cultivation showcased in this video is truly remarkable.

  • @hughesabigail46
    @hughesabigail46 Před 27 dny

    Fair compensation is a fundamental right for all involved in agriculture.

  • @CyrilThompson-vs8ol
    @CyrilThompson-vs8ol Před měsícem

    Grape farming is a delicate balance between science, art, and tradition.

  • @niabiakshita
    @niabiakshita Před měsícem

    Im captivated by the intricacies of the harvesting process.