The Last Of Us 1x9 FINALE REACTION!! Episode 9 Highlights | HBOMax

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 36

  • @Clink2000
    @Clink2000 Před rokem +12

    I agree with how she described Joel’s situation. He loves Ellie as a daughter, and see’s his own daughter in Ellie (which is why he say’s they would have gotten along and liked each other) so putting yourself in that position I feel like one can relate. If your child was potentially the “cure” for a disease on Earth, would you give up that child for the rest of the world’s future? I dont think a lot of people would. Which is why Joel did what he did, to protect her and keep her alive. It’s not justifying what he did, it’s just a perspective. And often times, this is qhat real life is. Most things in life are a gray area, and very seldom do we find ourselves in positions that are so black and white. Loved it, loved the games (yes, played both games long before the series came to a live action format) and i’m curious as to whats next. Will season 2 be like season where where it essentially follows part 2 of TLOU? Or will it create new stories and filler till we get to Part 2 of the game? That’s what i’m curious to know. Guess we’ll see!

    • @d3l3tes00n
      @d3l3tes00n Před rokem +1

      I'd hope that parents would respect their kid's wishes if they did choose to sacrifice themselves, though. I'd want mine to.

  • @Taewills
    @Taewills Před rokem +12

    Ellie was dealing with trauma by disassociating herself from the world w/ the exception of the giraffe and puns. Just goin through the motions until she could give her blood for the cure.
    Ofc she would feel disappointed to wake up to the same abysmal world.
    And she knows Joel isn’t telling the whole truth so I’m sure she’s disappointed in him too.

    • @PopJibberish
      @PopJibberish  Před rokem +4

      Right, no, we totally agree. 😅 I'm sure he'll be feeling guilty for a while after this.

  • @spiritualspiritual
    @spiritualspiritual Před rokem +6

    She is not afraid she have doubts on him

  • @TomTomson81
    @TomTomson81 Před rokem +4

    Just my opinion. And it's a long one. 😁
    No one has to share or read it.
    Maria said to Ellie: "Be careful who you put your faith in. The only people who can betray us are the one we trust."
    That's what Joel is doing here. Any parent would try the same and so would I (but I wouldn't have lied), but Joel is not Ellie's father. He only considers himself to be so, but this is not based on reciprocity. For Ellie, Joel is her closest and only friend, but at eye level. And neither of them would change that. Ellie wouldn't limit her autonomy and independence and Joel wouldn't expect that from her. And then there would no longer be a relationship on the same level. In this respect, they have never called their relationship as father and daughter. Ellie also doesn't seem to like the fact that Joel constantly compares her to his daughter. This clearly comes through in addition to her depression.
    In this respect, he never has the right to do what he has done, NOR DOES MARLENE. But both know the answer Ellie would give. Why did Joel lie to Ellie in the end? Because he actually knew better and still acted out of selfishness. The hole Sarah has left in his heart has been filled by Ellie and at no cost he gives that back. Regardless of Ellie and the rest of the world.
    Marlene, on the other hand, did not tell Ellie what they would do with her so as not to scare her unnecessarily. Marlene doesn't need Ellie's consent either, she would do it against Ellie's will for the world. Therefore, the argument that many bring that Marlene would be afraid Ellie would say "no" is nonsens. This is not decisive for her. Marlene is simply doing the same thing as the Fedra officer in episode 1 did with the infected boy. She also says this in this sense. We didn't tell her anything, she won't be feel fear.
    Ellie knows that Joel is lying. Nevertheless, she chooses him over the lies. He means the world to her and all she has is him. Her greatest fear of ending up alone certainly plays a role. She means just as much to Joel. They love each other and would do anything for each other. Or is it rather dependency.
    An important difference to the game is the feeling you had when you freed Ellie. In the game, on the way to Ellie, you felt like a hero saving your daughter. Here in the series it becomes clear that Joel is not a hero. Supported by the score. Joel is the one who wipes everyone out and extinguishes the hope of saving humanity. Now there is no longer a resistance movement. He killed all the Fireflies. This means not only no cure, but also no more resistance against Fedra. So they can continue to starve and hang people in the future.
    I think it's good how this is presented here. How Joel is shown as he was for 20 years. Ruthless, unscrupulous, cold-blooded. And if for 20 years he had the reason to be like this so that his brother and Tess could survive, this is now replaced by selfishness. He has rolled through the hospital like a bulldozer. And that Ellie would have wanted this operation is not a question, after what she experienced and had to do. This was her chosen destiny after losing so many people to the fungus. She made a decision on the day Marlene told her about her imunity. Reinforced by the deaths of Riley and all after her. The first and only decision Ellie could ever make about her life. So far, others have always been determined over her live. Joel took that away from her. And not only that, he took away everything she fought for and what she went through. 3 weeks after Riley's death, which she had to cause, Marlene has given her a meaning that could have saved all humanity. Joel gave her a life with survivor guilt multiplied by all humanity. She has to live with the fact that all the people who died for her died for nothing.
    Marlene has another thing in common with Ellie. Ellie had to kill her friend and for her it must all have some value. The same goes for Marlene. She had to kill her best friend and for both applies it must not have been in vain. Both lost their friends to the fungus, both had to end their lives. So yes, Marlene understands Ellie very well and she knows what Ellie would have wanted. Joel knows that too.
    The argument Ellie is still a child and cannot make this decision is not. Ellie hasn't been a child in her head for a long time. She has made mature decisions several times. The last of these was to stand against Joel and go on with a very grown-up reason. She is the only one who can and should make this decision about her life.
    Nobody needs to come with the reason that it was not certain that the operation would succeed and that a serum could be produced. Everyone involved believed in it, including Joel. The motives of the characters counts. People like to invent ways that the show or game didn't bring in to justify Joel's actions.
    In fact, the only thing Joel said was "find someone else". So if it were up to him, another child could die instead of Ellie. Joel has accepted that Ellie brings the cure to the world as a fact.
    And even if there were other immunes out there, Joel also killed probably the only brain surgeon with that kind of knowledge who could have done such an operation. That was a decision he was not allowed to make for Ellie. No matter if he feels that way, he is not her father. And because Joel knows all this, he ends up lying to Ellie.
    And Ellie already knows at the moment that he is lying, when she asks for Marlene and he says nothing. She got the same answer when she asked if Joel had killed innocent people. He lies so that he can continue to be a Daddy without consequences for himself. So he takes another decision away from Ellie. Namely, whether she still wants to continue to be connected to him amicably, trustingly.
    But what is really shitty is that he interrupts Ellie when she wants to say him how she feels, and then gives her a piece of advice that he himself has just not followed. She wants to open up to him for the first time ever, share all the burden on her with him and he interrupts her in order to be able to justify his actions for himself.
    Regardless, I would like to point out a very interesting conversation that took place in the pilot episode between Tommy, Joel and Sarah. This was about love and dependence.
    Tommy comes into the kitchen and greets Joel and Sarah with a not so nice word.
    Sarah to Joel: "Oooh, he loves you"
    Joel: "He is dependent on me. It's not the same."
    Sarah: "I think it's the same"
    I think this conversation is very interesting in connection with the dynamic between Joel and Ellie.
    To what extent is this love.
    To what extent is it dependence.
    To what extent do the two things go together?
    And are Joel and Ellie even on the same page when it comes to that?
    Or confuse both love with dependence.
    Well, the authors of the game had not thought of a continuation of the game at that time. That's the advantage of the series. They can prepare much better for the upcoming season and thus make everything that comes in part 2 more comprehensible for everyone.
    This was an excellent but unfortunately much too short episode. The whole series was just great. I'm looking forward to the second season.
    Ellie not only has the knife from her mother, but also the jacket she lay in as a baby.
    The giraffe was real. Her name is Nabo or Nobu. Something like that.
    Ashley Johnson (OG Ellie) played Elli's mother.
    Laura Bailey the voice actor of Abby from TLOU2 was one of the assistant doctors.
    It has been confirmed that season 2 and 3 are ordered and both should include part 2 of the game. But with big changes. Which unfortunately makes me very skeptical when this change affects a certain major event. I think part 2 is the perfect game as a perfect sequel to the events of part 1. If this event is omitted, it will ruin the entire feeling. Then this would no longer be part 2 if the basis for it is taken away.
    I've played both games together 20 times and I love them. I love this series. The best I've seen in a long time. I love Joel and Ellie. I feel the need to play again now with the knowledge of what is now added by the series.

    • @d3l3tes00n
      @d3l3tes00n Před rokem

      I'm thinking that the big changes will be keeping certain characters around longer than they were in the game probably.

  • @SidPhoenix2211
    @SidPhoenix2211 Před rokem +8

    The ending is essentially the trolley problem. And, in the words of the co-showrunner Craig Mazin, "the thing about the trolley problem is that it's a PROBLEM!"
    Some audience members really want to poke holes in the scenario in order to justify themselves being right. They're kinda deluding themselves a littlee:
    "Joel thought that humanity wasn't worth saving"
    "Well akshually in real life science there can't be a cure for fungus hur Durr" [in real life science, human fungus zombies also don't exist. It's fiction. If clickers can exist, so can an absolute outlier of a person who shows immunity to this fungus]
    "Who knows if the fireflies would even be able to distribute it hrrrmmmm."
    Fuck all that. Joel is not thinking about that any of that. He just doesn't want Ellie to die, simple as that.
    Is the Fireflies' decision murky? Yes. Is it serving a greater purpose? Also yes. Is Joel's decision murky? Yes. Is it serving a greater purpose? No. But he loves this kid and will absolutely not let any harm befall her. Did Ellie deserve a choice/to be informed? Yes. Did anyone give her the choice or inform her? No. Is she actually fit to make this decision? Who's to say, prob not. Would she have sacrificed herself? Yes. The entire situation is intentionally murky & grey & complex.
    Both sides having justifications for what they did is precisely what makes it so good. It's not meant to be a comfortable decision. And that is good.
    But if you were to ask Marlene or Joel if they would do what they did again... They'll say yes.
    And then there's the third side of Ellie & her situation. Everyone chose for her, no one told her. It is a tragedy through and through. Because Joel saved Ellie, but now their relationship is almost certainly affected by the lie Joel tells her.

    • @PopJibberish
      @PopJibberish  Před rokem +6

      Yes, to all of this. Arguments for hypothetical situations jn fictional properties always cause this type of debate. *lol* 🤣 but yes, everything you stated is true. And that's why this story is so friggin' dope. 🥰

    • @roastpork5437
      @roastpork5437 Před rokem +1

      @@PopJibberish if you think first game's story is dope, then be prepared for 10x more dope 2nd game story. season 2 + season 3 will knock your socks off and there will be fights on the streets, riots in cities, because there are so many ways to interpret who is right or who is wrong in that 2nd half of the story. It's about perspective and it's amazing storytelling.

    • @d3l3tes00n
      @d3l3tes00n Před rokem

      I'd love to know what the plan for the vaxx was going to be. How would they let the world know it exists & who would be in charge of it? In the wrong hands... it could be a big problem.

    • @cullenarthur8879
      @cullenarthur8879 Před 11 měsíci

      Yes, I agree. I like to put it like this, Marlene did the wrong thing (violating Ellie's bodily autonomy) for the right reasons, and Joel did the right thing for selfish reasons. A lot of people seem to think Joel was being heroic, but he simply could not lose another daughter. Remember the first words he said after Marlene told him about the procedure? "Find someone else." He didn't care about the ethical dilemma of doing an experimental procedure on a minor, he just didn't want it done to HIS adopted daughter. He has shown from episode one that he is at his core a selfish man who only cares about himself and those he considers family (he said as much himself). Marlene, on the other hand, has shown that she is willing to make hard decisions and sacrifices for the benefit of others. She gave her best friends daughter to FEDRA ( her enemy) because that's where she would be safest. She refused to allow Riley let Ellie join the Fireflies. Saying all of that, I do believe that nothing excuses the fact that they violated Ellie's bodily autonomy.

  • @forkless
    @forkless Před rokem +6

    I think we can boil it down to Joel being a good man, but a horrible human being.

    • @gailseatonhumbert
      @gailseatonhumbert Před rokem +1

      Or from a former special operations unit.

    • @PopJibberish
      @PopJibberish  Před rokem

      I know right, he was doing better than a lot of trained soldiers would have. But he's the MC though. 😅😅

    • @PopJibberish
      @PopJibberish  Před rokem

      Sounds about right. 😅

  • @SidPhoenix2211
    @SidPhoenix2211 Před rokem +6

    22:50 the decision marlene made is not one she made lightly. and in her mind, she has fulfilled her duty to anna: she sent ellie off to a place where she would be cared for and raised and be safe. she then sent her off with joel (just to the outskirts of boston, but that ended up going MUCH further ofc lol) and she knew that she would be safe with him & tess,
    she's fulfilled her duty. But marlene is also a leader of this group. a group that has been trying and fighting to figure out a cure for a LONG time. they've sacrificed a LOT. she also has a duty to this cause, and those who sacrificed so much for it.
    I ultimately come down on the side of: ellie should've been asked & informed (i get why the fireflies didn't do that, tho). since she wasn't, i am with Joel here. But he shouldn't have shot the doctor. and more importantly: HE SHOULD NOT HAVE LIED TO ELLIE (even though I get why he didn't).

    • @PopJibberish
      @PopJibberish  Před rokem +4

      I TOTALLY agree. Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. THAT'S why it's such a great show. For this gray area. No one is ALL the way in the right. 😅

    • @Taewills
      @Taewills Před rokem +5

      This is my stance too. There was no way Joel could have respected Ellie’s body autonomy without wiping out the fireflies. Ofc that’s not why he did it but at the very least he still would have had to wreck them.
      But taking out the neurosurgeon (probably the only one left! 😭) was a step too far. He could’ve easily knocked the dude out That doctor brought a scalpel to a gunfight 🤦🏾‍♀️
      Regarding Marlene….. bruh you couldn’t ask more questions. Try non-invasive procedures first? Give Ellie & Joel time to process and say their goodbyes? She backed Joel in a corner ( really bad choice).

  • @diaphanouswaffle
    @diaphanouswaffle Před 3 měsíci +1

    Enjoyed your reaction to this show, thank you for the care and thought you put into your videos.
    Can't get enough of watching TLoU, at least this first season (not in a hurry for the next season, given how the tale takes a turn). The music, the sparse & economical dialogue, the scenic beauty, the sound design, not to mention the performances that had such nuance & contrast within the same character-mightily impressive tv masterpiece in my opinion (all the more so since tv shows/films based on videogames tend to be middling to awful-I didn't even play this game, am only taking it in as a viewer of the tv show-and it holds its own on that score).

  • @jboogie2212
    @jboogie2212 Před rokem +7

    I know y’all were arguing before filming this video lol love the reaction

    • @PopJibberish
      @PopJibberish  Před rokem +7

      *LOL* No, she was just EXTREMELY tired. It was 1AM and it was more of an experiment, but it wasn't viable. It'll just be me until she gets back in town. 😅

  • @tahirahshabazz50
    @tahirahshabazz50 Před rokem +1

    The Firefly image blocks the video. Straining to see much of anything.

    • @PopJibberish
      @PopJibberish  Před rokem

      Wish it could be view without it, but CZcams kept Copyright claiming it. It was the only way to get it posted. 🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @tahirahshabazz50
      @tahirahshabazz50 Před rokem

      @@PopJibberish Yeah but it takes away from the experience. Gotta find another way.

  • @TamaraMichella
    @TamaraMichella Před rokem +5

    She is not happy and clearly doesn’t want to be on camera right now

    • @PopJibberish
      @PopJibberish  Před rokem +2

      Yeah it was like 1AM *LOL* It was an experiment to see if the format would work...😔

  • @drewheller7400
    @drewheller7400 Před rokem +4

    Bad audio levels and bad screen layout

  • @KittysInu
    @KittysInu Před rokem +1

    Aint much of a reaction when you're just pretending to not know what was going on.
    You couldve been talking about whats different from the games instead, but hey, maybe campy fakeness works better in the algorithm 🤷‍♂️

    • @PopJibberish
      @PopJibberish  Před rokem +1

      I haven't played more than the first 45 minutes of the game, but I hear a lot of stuff from other sources. I've stated this in the comments of previous episodes, Shey doesn't know anything, and I know a bit. I keep it to myself as I don't know what's going to be adapted and what isn't. But your opinion is still heard. 👌🏾

    • @KittysInu
      @KittysInu Před rokem +1

      @@PopJibberish there were a lot of SPECIFIC comments like "wheres Marlene?" "Whats in his hand? (As hes carrying Ellie to the car)."
      Obviously we're all different, Shey probably doesnt care. But that kinda stuff never adds to the experience, it takes away from it at worst and changes nothing at best

    • @PopJibberish
      @PopJibberish  Před rokem +2

      @Drann Venoldo Point Made. Shey is used to me trying to predict what's going to happen. Didn't realize it was a problem. But they are reasonable questions. She was in any of the scenes when he was taking everyone down, "where is she?" She's the leader... also, it seemed weird she had her gun drawn, but he hadn't gotten shot, then he all of a sudden was driving away with Ellie? He must have shot Marlene. She was too far away, he wasn't giving Ellie up, etc etc etc. These things are obvious to me. So I call them out. It's like a game to see if I can guess correctly. No worries. There are a ton of reaction channels out there. If ours is not your cup of tea, it is all good. No harm, no foul. It's all love. ❤️