The Gabriel Show Gabriels See Fireworks 4th of July Alternative ending

  • čas přidán 4. 07. 2024

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  • @kidouyang6179
    @kidouyang6179 Před 4 dny +1

    Request: Team Umizoomi in Wow wow Wubbzy and Friends: Dedede's Big Takeover: Alternative Ending!
    King Dedede offscreen: HEY, WUBBZY!!! IT'S OVER FOR YOU!!!
    Wubbzy: (gasp) Who said that?!
    Milli: I don't know.
    Dora: Maybe it's the wind!
    Geo: I bet we know who that was. (Turns to the viewers) Do you know who spoke to Wubbzy?!
    (Cursor clicks "King Dedede")
    Geo, True, and Dora: KING DEDEDE?!?!
    King Dedede: (Chuckles) That's right! And I'm not giving up, EVER!!!
    Dora: Uh oh!
    Escargoon: It's the biggest, ULTIMATE scheme yet. And you'll NEVER beat him now! So you might just well give up...
    Wubbzy: Give up?! Pffff! I'll never fail to you. Remember that I beat you up 2 twice?!
    Tiff: Face it, you'll lose again and you know it!
    King Dedede: (Growls) OKAY BEAT THIS!!! WADDLE DEES, OPEN THAT BOX!!!
    (The Waddle Dees pull the rope which opens the box, summoning THIRTY King Dedede's from past Kirby games!)
    Wubbzy: I spoke too soon...
    (the THIRTY King Dedede's chases after them)
    (The Waddle Dees and the THIRTY King Dedede's runs after them)
    Geo: They're catching up.
    True: What are we gonna do, mommy?!
    Dora: Sweetheart, let's stop and thank! Take a deep breath in...
    (Deep breaths)
    Dora: & out...
    (Breaths out)
    Dora: Now, I have a plan to get away from King Dedede! We need too hide from King Dedede! Where should we hide before King Dedede find us?!
    (Cursor clicks "bushes")
    Dora: Bushes, right!
    True: But we better hurry, cause...
    Geo and True: HERE COMES KING DEDEDE!!!
    King Dedede: (Chuckles) I knew that I would win this once and for all!
    Bert: Oh, my god.... What on earth is this rampage all about?!
    Wubbzy: I guess King Dedede WANTS to get his true revenge on me since my arrival to Cappytown... What am I gonna do.....?
    Dora: I know, when there's a problem too solve, what do we say?!
    True: I know, we say I wonder, what if, let's try!
    True to the viewers: Say it with me. I wonder, what if, let's try!
    Everyone: I wonder, what if, let's try! I wonder, what if, let's try!
    Dora: I wonder if we can stopped King Dedede, once and for all.
    Annie: But they're all over the place.
    True: Not if with some help.
    Geo to the viewers: So what if you can help us. Will you help us put the end on King Dedede?!
    Geo: Great!
    True: Let's try! Team Umizoomi...
    Milli, Geo, Bot, True, Wubbzy, Annie, and June: It's time for action!
    Wubbzy: I'll stay with the rest of my friends to stop this nightmare.
    True: I need wish help. Mommy, Annie, Milli, Geo, and Bot, wanna come with me?!
    Dora: Sure thing sweetheart.
    Dora, Annie, and True: OH CUMULO!!!
    (Cumulo shows up)
    (They get on Cumulo)
    True: To the wishing tree please! (Turns to the viewers) Now say it with us.
    Dora, Annie, True, Milli, Geo, and Bot: GO! GO! CUMULO!!!
    Geo: Hold onto your helmets!
    Bot: To the wishing tree we go! Who's gonna stop King Dedede?!
    Dora, Annie, and True: They are, team umizoomi!
    Bot: Who's gonna stop King Dedede?!
    Dora, Annie, and True: They are, team umizoomi!
    Team Umizoomi: 🎶We're on the mission to save the day!🎶
    Dora, Annie, and True: 🎶Here they come!🎶
    Team Umizoomi: 🎶Were on our way!🎶
    Bot: Were gonna stop King Dedede!
    Team Umizoomi: Yeah! Team Umizoomi.
    (when suddenly Cumulo is running out of gas)
    Dora: Oh no! Cumulo can't fly up anymore because she's running out of gas.
    Geo: Were gonna fall.
    Dora, Annie, True, Milli, Geo, and Bot: WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
    (True's wish pack flies out off True)
    True: Oh no! My wish pack.
    Geo: It's flying away!
    Bot: Were falling, but look, were falling right into something!
    True to the viewers: What do you see something?!
    (Cursor clicks "Hatcher Palace Hotel")
    Dora, Annie, True, Milli, Geo, and Bot: THE HATCHER PALACE HOTEL!!!
    True: Oh no!
    (All screaming)
    (They crashes into the Hatcher Palace Hotel)
    Quincy: Oh, no!
    (Dora, Annie, True, Milli, Geo, and Bot's head bleeds off)
    Abby Hatcher: Oh no!
    True: We can't get too the wishing tree if Cumulo had run out of gas.
    Dora: That's not good!
    Annie: Your right Dora!
    True: & we can't stop King Dedede without wish help mommy!
    Milli: & now we are dead!
    Both: Uh oh!
    Geo: Now we're in trouble!
    Bot: I know it's right!
    (It fades to the black screen)
    (Wow wow Wubbzy and friends end credits)
    (Team Umizoomi end credits)