Curses are Real

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • Sophistication and denial do not remove the reality of forces in one's life that cause problems such as constant failure, proverty, "bad luck", cancer "running in the family and so on. Curses are very real and still affect people today.​

Komentáře • 93

  • @josephlouis5395
    @josephlouis5395 Před 4 lety +4

    I have a neighbor who the Lord showed me made a death wish when his daddy left him behind when he left his wife and children for a younger woman. The Lord told me to ask him last summer what his boyhood was like? When I told him Jesus told me to ask him, he broke down a cried right in front of the woman he's living outside of matrimony with. Since that time, the Lord helped me have discerning of spirits and a word of knowledge that he and his mother made a death wish after his dad left his family behind. She just died last year, from a black spot on her brain. The whole family prayed with me and God healed her of terminal cancer. Last month the neighbor was diagnosed with the same black spot on his own brain. I tried to get his mother to take walks with me to help her get some exercise to help move her blood stream to strengthen her body, but she refused. Said she just wanted to lay on her bed all day and read her Bible. Finally, she died last year. The Lord told me this last month when I was fasting and praying for his healing of the black spot on his brain. The Lord told me he and his mother both made a death wish many years ago and slowly but surely they're both being oppressed by the same demon spirit. Yesterday the ambulance took him to the hospital. He said it was because he was bleeding from his rectum. Because they postponed brain surgery due to Covid-19 garbage. He said they tested his colon and want to send him to San Francisco Memorial for surgery, next week. Amazing, with all the sophisticated modern equipment doctors can't discern an evil spirit in a patient. according to 1 Corinthians 2, beginning at verse 9. So how would you deal with ministering to this person before they can kill him on an operating table?

  • @kalisamaes5818
    @kalisamaes5818 Před 5 lety +7

    To my brothers and sister though Lord Jesus I ask you to please PLEASE pray for me. I am under attack and persecutions everyday, people treat me like crud for no reason, my own family tells me to my face and behind my back they wish I would lay down and die. I have been shat on by my whole family since I was little, always the escape goat, always the patsy, always at fault. I only have my Grandpa and sister left in my family, everyone else is dead from drugs or alcohol, I once was slipping on drugs at one point but I got saved and baptized and I love God and doing good, I am nice and kind and can not seem to understand why someone who is always there to help out, someone who loves to be a servant to God, someone who would never betray you..could be hated so much. I am depressed everyday but still praise the Lord though these storms, I have multi pains but still I love God and want to serve Him. To be honest though, I wish I could just lay down and die, nothing would make me more happy then to go home. I tried suicide before and no matter how many times my heart stopped, I came back.. I learned though the people who told me God would understand if I killed myself were lying and yet somewhere deep inside I knew they were but wanted to believe the lie but I could never believe lies no matter how badly I wanted to. My whole family told me I was a burden, worthless, stupid, ugly, talked horrible to me even as a small child, the beatings. it's just too much, I feel I can not keep going like this. I no longer have desires to eat, drink, sleep..just vanished one day but for the best im sure since I once use to weight 550lbs and now I am almost to my natural weight, 80% of all my health problems vanished within the last 6 months and people tell me I have changed for the better, that I am no longer the same person, my voice, demeanor, my looks and attitudes all changed for the better and I am gaining more self control but these storms are getting bigger and stronger and I am weak, I am only 1 woman who needs much prayers for I believe now since I have come so far that my voice, my prayers may not be strong enough. Prayers are Always stronger when there is more then 1. I am suffering so much anymore, all alone, no friends, no one. I just want to die and go home but I have to wait, it is getting to much for me, my tears soak the keyboard as I type this. Please, please pray for me my brothers and sisters and even if you dont I still will for you, I will forgive you and though I have not met any of you, I love you all. God Bless you ALL

    • @hannahmelissa333
      @hannahmelissa333 Před 5 lety +4

      Pray against the spirit of Rejection and go on a fast.

    • @lubasamoluk8024
      @lubasamoluk8024 Před 4 lety +3

      Dear sister, I pray for you! May our dear Father give you strength, and let his love keep you! Much love!

  • @cheymeow9784
    @cheymeow9784 Před 5 lety +25

    My parents speak evil...curses...slander...gossip...lies...about me and other people. My dad is 81 years old...he has been swearing in God's name for many years...He is ALWAYS ANGRY...MY mother things porn is ok...she read 50 shades of grey...she HATES CHRISTIAN RADIO... they speak curses upon me. My kids and other people...i pray those all curses ARE BROKEN IN THE NAME OF JESUS. I PRAY for delivrance for us...i pray that God delivers my parents USED TO ATTEND CATHOLIC church many years ago.. now they are Hostile to preachers like Billy Graham and similar pastors... they instilled critism. Negativity.. self pity...i pray agaisnt the demons..against the curses and the power of the devil MUST BE BROKEN...IN THE precious name of Jesus. Amen

    • @MichaelsPaintingChannel
      @MichaelsPaintingChannel Před 5 lety +4

      Break the spells all the time for yourself and i am sorry to tell you - forgiveness till there are no buttons left to push. Its a hard way

    • @manchestermission909
      @manchestermission909 Před 5 lety +2

      Sounds like a very difficult situation for you, never give up, go on forgiving and asking the Lord to guide you, the Holy Spirit to put the right prayers in your mouth.. it's not all your responsibility to sort it all out, just pray in faith, God is with you x

    • @lynny5510
      @lynny5510 Před 5 lety +2

      Amen. My parents and my husband parents and siblings did and still do the same thing. Obviously you are saved and strong in the Lord!!! I am praying with you!!! I wanted you to know you are not alone. There are a lot of us out there with family like this.

  • @kennybanya4903
    @kennybanya4903 Před 7 lety +22

    This stuff is so real its scary. Thankyou brother.

  • @carriej9332
    @carriej9332 Před 5 lety +9

    Sir, You are such a blessing !!!
    This is so needed to set us free !!

    • @erickayanda8702
      @erickayanda8702 Před 3 lety +1

      Do you have the link of the prayer he was talking about

    • @carriejohn7665
      @carriejohn7665 Před 3 lety

      @@erickayanda8702 .
      No I don’t Eric K, but maybe try contacting him.
      Bless you.

  • @MaryAllenjj
    @MaryAllenjj Před 7 lety +23

    This can really explain why I can't accomplish anything with anything I put my mind to. I came from a very narcissistic family which is why I had to break away from them. My mother is the head narcissist in my family and the root of all evil. She had separated my sisters from me and there has been years of strife between me and them. I often sense that no matter how hard I work towards my desires in life that I have never succeeded in reaching my goals of becoming a professional bowler and work in the medical field in which it has been 3 years since I have graduated with honors. I had several job interviews and no job offers along with lots of e-mail job rejections. I strongly believe that either someone in my bio family or the whole family has put me under a curse to make sure that I don't succeed in life. I would love so much to want to know to break those curses that has been put upon me!

    • @conchettam6861
      @conchettam6861 Před 5 lety +3

      Mary Allen. the same here with my mom and my 2 SISTER'S...

    • @wiebeelisa
      @wiebeelisa Před 5 lety +2

      Mary Allen, same here, well both of my parents, my Mom always told me what a dirty girl I was since I was 11 years old. Now I suffer with servere what they call OCD, I just can't function as a normal person.
      She told me no person would ever like me and I would never make a good wife and the list goes on and on.
      She has managed to isolate me from my siblings. It's a very lonely world.

    • @soupergiffy
      @soupergiffy Před 5 lety +8

      A&B Counseling on CZcams helped me more in depth. I broke soulties with my mother, cancelled all family curses and all negative things said over me by the blood, i repented of all my sins, cast demons out, closed doors and asked Holy Ghost to teach me more or anything I missed. Health got better, strife left, i obeyed how God told me to react inspite of others... This works, I’m still realing from the joy. Prayed for y’all

    • @MaryAllenjj
      @MaryAllenjj Před 4 lety

      @@Deliverance-Childrens-Bread The thing is that I forgave them but they chose not to forgive me.

    • @josephlouis5395
      @josephlouis5395 Před 4 lety +4

      The entire Christian world seems to believe the same nonsense. . Naming a Jezebel spirit, narcistic. When will Christians seek the Father to teach them the truth? Dear, you need to do something Jesus explained to his disciples one day when they couldn't get a demon spirit of epilepsy out of a young boy. The spirit kept making him fall into the fire to burn him and into the water to drown him. Jesus stated, some only come out by fasting and prayer. Just before He kicked the demon out of the boy, He said, "Oh faithless generation. How much longer do I have to put up with you?" You need to ask God to send you on at least a 3 day fast and prayer to break the curse your mother has sent into your life. The fasting helps us mean business when we fast and pray for supernatural strength to accomplish what seems to be the impossible. . It's worked in my life. Jesus said, "when we pray ro our Father it requires us to believe He will answer. The fasting helps us humble ourselves before God and build our spiritual strength. That's what Daniel did in chapter nine and ten. In ten, the angel Gabriel said," the day you began to humble yourself. I was sent with the answer, only because the kingdom of darkness withstood him for 21 days. Until Michael helped him break through. Then he finally arrived with the answer from God. In the past, the Lord always set me on a 3 day fast for breakthroughs in peole's lives, He wanted me to seriously pray for. He always answered those prayers combined with fastings. One year, He placed me on a 10 day fast and on the 7th day, used me to cast every evil spirit out of the women running the church I got saved in. I didn't know that was partly why He wanted me to fast for 10 days. He surprised me, when I saw them all flying past me. I wrote that story in one of the chapters of a book I've been trying to get enough money to have published one of these days.When He tells you to fast, He will also give you discerning of spirits to know what you're really up against. The devil always tries to look invisible, which he is to the natural senses. That's why Paul tells us to learn the wiles of the devil. He always tries to deceive people into believing anyone who gets discerning of spirits is cracked or fanatic. Be careful how you talk to other people regarding this sort of stuff.

  • @hevoskouluttajataru
    @hevoskouluttajataru Před 3 lety +1

    AMEN, I have been delivered from many demons. Thank You. God Is GOOD!

  • @iamchosen5888
    @iamchosen5888 Před 7 lety +11

    I believe in curses, thank you for the information

  • @treypierce74
    @treypierce74 Před 7 lety +11

    Truly the wisdom of God. We are riddled with these type of things in America. And the attitude is, "Now that I'm a Christian the curses automatically leave and the blessings automatically come." So far from the truth.

  • @marthaokelley9360
    @marthaokelley9360 Před 5 lety +5

    you speak of evil. so did Jesus. God bless your heart, your wisdom, your ministry! 2019 . . . . A MIRACLE year as the Holy Spirit guides and talks to my HEART what to do to defeat my enemy . . My own sisters witchcraft. I am completely alone. she has stolen my daughter and my grandchildren. It stops THIS YEAR. I confront and do not FEAR.

  • @raptureangel5409
    @raptureangel5409 Před 7 lety +14

    Pastor Derek Prince has several videos on youtube and he did exorcisms also. Russ Dizdar has done hundreds of exercism and have several youtube videos also

    • @MicahStephenBell
      @MicahStephenBell  Před 7 lety +9

      I knew Derek. We have been ministering deliverance for almost 40 years.

    • @noxpen8710
      @noxpen8710 Před 5 lety +2

      @@@MicahStephenBellI just fund your materials today thanks so much I can see still got a lot to learn, I was exposed to deliverance through Derek Prince and I learned a lot and now recently found Robert Clancy his prophetic utterances bring harmony to my soul.

    • @Nicole19803
      @Nicole19803 Před 5 lety +1

      Micah Stephen Bell Micah Stephen Bell Thank you so much for your videos. I discovered Derek Prince on CZcams four months ago and bought his books from Amazon, and a month ago I discovered you. I want to come one day with my husband to Texas to meet you if it’s possible...God Bless You!

  • @elisabethjordahl
    @elisabethjordahl Před 5 lety +5

    I just love this man / message

  • @Mdzo250
    @Mdzo250 Před 5 lety +2

    Yes and some curses go out only by fasting and prayer

  • @lynnv8501
    @lynnv8501 Před 5 lety +2

    There's much truth in this. A pastor explained it to me like this: We are saved if we believe in Jesus Christ. And being saved is the beginning. It's like being at a buffet and we are hungry. We have to put the food on our plate and eat in order to be filled. Same thing with being a Christian. We need to go to the buffet table so to speak, and take action by 'appropriating' the food on the buffet. We must appropriate praying, reading the bible, casting out demonic influence, breaking spells and familial curses, etc....

  • @CAsnowman
    @CAsnowman Před 3 lety +1

    My father told me he saw me as the junkie behind the grocery store that you see in the meth commercials because I was smoking weed and spice and drinking as a young kid and years later I did become that junkie and heroin/meth had ruined my life. I’m in the process of recovery now and trying to get rid of all the crap that came with that lifestyle

  • @mrskellta4684
    @mrskellta4684 Před 7 lety +7


  • @myadior787
    @myadior787 Před 4 lety +1

    Thanks for the Enlightment.

  • @dwellinj1513
    @dwellinj1513 Před 5 lety +1

    Very concise and clear teaching on curses. Thank you, I really appreciate it!

  • @Firepixey777
    @Firepixey777 Před 7 lety +2

    You're videos are such a blessing. Thank you and your wife for the kindness.

  • @sngoff00
    @sngoff00 Před 7 lety +3

    Dear Brother,
    You have helped me so much shake off many of the incorrect beliefs that I grew up with. I thank you so much for your obedience in sharing this powerful message. I do have one question though. If u do not believe that the old Law is done away with, why r the dietary laws not for today?

    • @amk1689
      @amk1689 Před 5 lety +1

      8 plates hi, i’m no expert, for sure. but it seems to me that the law of Moses was an ornate set of things one had to do, like keeping kosher, sacrificing this particular animal for this particular sin, etc. whereas the things from Deuteronomy that bring curses (echoed in galatians 5:19 works of flesh we will avoid if we are led by the Spirit) are true sins against God we are commanded not to do. Jesus said “if you love me you will keep my commandments” we do not earn salvation by keeping the commandments, but we keep the commandments in love. commandments does not include the law of moses which Paul referred to “the curse of the law” if we try to go back to the mosaic law, we are cursed. don’t know if this helps at all...?

  • @daschundloverable
    @daschundloverable Před 7 lety +3

    When I tried to click on the prayer, it didn't do anything. Just thought I would let you know. Thank you for enlightening me ................ my mother always said I was cursed.

    • @daleburrell6273
      @daleburrell6273 Před 7 lety

      daschundloverable It didn't work when I tried it either-!

  • @semsomilia
    @semsomilia Před 5 lety +2

    Brother ! May God bless you for delivering this mesaages! I have cone to see many things in my life that need to be dealth with but I don't have anyone in my aeria that knoes how to deal with such things.I am in Germany.Me ,my husband and my vhildren need deliverance.Please help us!

  • @lisavillarreal6251
    @lisavillarreal6251 Před 5 lety

    I do believe in this all though i have broken the chains by not allowning any curses to continue with my children. I pray every day 🙏🙏💙Amen

  • @Heartspacecreations
    @Heartspacecreations Před 6 lety +2

    Really am taking a lot out of tgese video's keep it up thank you in advance

  • @gailcarpenter7647
    @gailcarpenter7647 Před 5 lety +1

    Words are powerful

  • @spiderjump
    @spiderjump Před 4 lety

    In Singapore, all guys have to serve compulsory military service. I served in the late 80s for 2.5 years. In my company, there was this officer also a conscript, who was a bully . So let’s call him B. B would find excuses to conduct mass punishments. During a one mass punishment , ( PT till late at night) , he singled out this guy. A few days later , the guy was in the company office and a sergeant was telling him B was a jerk and not to take it personally. I remember the guy was listening and bitching And the sarge was saying the usual platitudes. Then the guy said B will get hit by a car and die. He repeated a few times almost like a chant . He did not shout but there was such venom and malice in his voice . I remember the sarge just stopped talking and stared at the guy . Even as I recall it now , I feel the hairs on my neck and forearms stand. A few years after B finished his service he died in a RTA.
    He was at most 26 years of age and was still in University.
    Coincidence? Who knows?
    As a Christian, I believe It was a curse.
    Like a flitting sparrow , a curse without

  • @annnelson1723
    @annnelson1723 Před 5 lety +1

    My father cheated on my mother with a woman who was in witchcraft and cursed me while my mother was pregnant. She may have tried to curse my mom or both of us. And I’m 28 years old now and my life has been a living hell. Horrible things nonstop...I don’t know where to go what to do. I need help. Someone please help me.

    • @muthangyam
      @muthangyam Před 3 lety

      You need deliverance, not prayers. Okay?

  • @karencarlson8542
    @karencarlson8542 Před 7 lety +1

    💙💚💜 your messages!!!

  • @gissie391
    @gissie391 Před 5 lety +2

    yes I know I was told I would go to hell by my foster carer and my mum told me I was useless and hopeless all the time.

    • @khappy1286
      @khappy1286 Před 5 lety +4

      They lied. You are of infinite value.

    • @Lili-Benovent
      @Lili-Benovent Před 5 lety

      Gissie, it`s time for you to join the church of the Kodal where life is about fun and depravity, there is no Hell within our religion and everybody is free to do their own thing so you can drop old Jesus in the trash can and liberate yourself to a life of pure ecstasy.

    • @michaelskyline3835
      @michaelskyline3835 Před 5 lety +1

      Lili......Lies Lies Lies.....Stop with the lies Lili......Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven......Follow God Almighty not the Church of Kodal......Jesus Christ is The Truth.....The Way....and The Life.....No one comes to the Father except through him......Jesus Saves.....Seek Jesus (Love)

    • @lubasamoluk8024
      @lubasamoluk8024 Před 4 lety

      @@Lili-Benovent hell might be not in your religion but this doesn't mean it doesn't exist! It is real! Come to Jesus, He is the only Way!

    • @Lili-Benovent
      @Lili-Benovent Před 4 lety

      @@lubasamoluk8024 The KODAL is the new Messiah, the Emissary of Lord Ahriman, it is time for you to renounce Jesus and follow the Kodal to the new Nirvana of fun and free will. The aim of Kodalism is to lose all your guilt trips and hangups and become one with the concept of enjoying your life on Earth to the limit. Kodalism has as its basis the following five guidelines, 1 Do unto others before they do unto you. 2 You can have as many Gods as you like, the Kodal doesn`t care. 3 Coveting is natural and good, don`t go against your nature. 4 Always remember, you are the owner of your body and have the right to take it to the limit, enjoy your life and don`t listen to the Sad Sacks who want you to remain on the straight and narrow. 5 Your personality and imagination is your soul, you should take your soul beyond the limits of ordinary thought. Our people revere the writings in the 'Holy Book of Kodal' and copies will be given free on request. Members of the church of the Kodal are internationalists and as such do not have obligations to any other Church, State or Country, Within our communities we do not recognize any laws framed by people with different beliefs. Kodalism is a non profit organisation and there is not, and never will be any tithing. So get your children and teenagers interested in Kodalism and prepare them for the new world of hedonism and explain that in todays world they can do and say whatever they like, Anarchy is part of our creed. Make your requests to the Kodal for anything you need to complement your new lifestyle. THE HOLY BOOK OF KODAL.

  • @misskim2058
    @misskim2058 Před 5 lety +2

    My device won’t do the link, can you add it to comments or the description? Extra input for those with family who deliberately curse others daily?

  • @kaiyanablack3155
    @kaiyanablack3155 Před 5 lety +3

    Where is the prayer I don't see it can anyone help me?

    • @betsybarnicle8016
      @betsybarnicle8016 Před 5 lety +3

      I didn't see the link, either. But his web page that has the book with prayers is here:
      Also, Psalms 91 is great.
      Or Neil Anderson's "The Bondage Breaker".

    • @kaiyanablack3155
      @kaiyanablack3155 Před 5 lety

      @@betsybarnicle8016 thanks Betsy!

  • @robraver
    @robraver Před 5 lety +2

    Heres one for you Micah, many years ago I remember a dream where I clearly saw some figures that were very much like Papua New Guinea Tribesmen...bones through thier noses etc. They were in a huddle and were very very quiet. Does God show us things? Guessing that Witches practice curses and stuff too?

    • @user-kq5qp6dh8l
      @user-kq5qp6dh8l Před 2 lety

      God knows all things and he can give you the roots of a curse or generational problems

  • @cynthiaspencer6362
    @cynthiaspencer6362 Před 5 lety


  • @josephlouis5395
    @josephlouis5395 Před 4 lety

    Hi Micah, do you have a teaching on breaking a death wish spirit?

  • @tonygermain8854
    @tonygermain8854 Před 5 lety +1

    curses only work if you believe they work, just like hypnotism its the power of suggestion, period.

  • @anaparada7219
    @anaparada7219 Před 5 lety

    I have sisters were in the occult or I should say now they're new age they live together they have children out of wedlock and they're very prosperous and they're very happy and they're at peace and they do not believe that Satan has his kind of power and control they choose to believe not and they know that the Bible says Jesus came to want it wants us to be God wants us to be prosperous and everything they don't believe everything is demonic and everything is evil so you see what I'm saying this is all it really a matter of opinion a lot of things are everybody has their own opinion on things

  • @musiqmommy2012
    @musiqmommy2012 Před 6 lety

    Where can we purchase the book?

    • @micahbell5226
      @micahbell5226 Před 6 lety +2

      Go to our website and click on Books. You can read, download or order out books. They are free.

  • @romanvansanchez1
    @romanvansanchez1 Před 5 lety +1

    Just read the bible all your answers are there, and www.Biblehub is useful tool and so is Strong's commentaries for the meaning of a verse, sometimes you have to use a few to get the meaning. One step at a time.Buy the Book of Jasper and The Lost Book of the Bible, you get more of the story what happen in the beginning, which they took out of the bible. That is a great start, pray to the FATHER IN HEAVEN, YAHOWAH IS HIS NAME. There are many Gods, and God is not a name! We all have names, that is why he show us an earthly thing to understand a heavenly thing. We all have a family name on earth, and his is YAHOWAH the father in heaven. YHWH

  • @lynyu5673
    @lynyu5673 Před 5 lety

    In the name of Jesus and by the blood of Jesus christ I break the curse of poverty in my family, in the name of Jesus I break the curse of high blood pressure in my family, in Jesus name I break the curse of diabetes in my family, in Jesus name I break the curse of drinking alchohol in my family, in Jesus name I break the curse of smoking cigarettes in my family, in the name of Jesus I break the curse of gossip in my family, in the name of Jesus I break the curse of fears of in my family, in Jesus name I break the curse of selfishness in my family, in Jesus name I break the curse of lust in my family, in Jesus name I break the curse of jealousy in my family, in the Jesus I break the curse of adultery in my family, in Jesus name I break the curse of homosexuality in my family, in Jesus name I break the curse of worshipping idols, in Jesus name I break the curse of Lying in my family, in Jesus name I break the curse of stealing in my family, in the name of Jesus I break the curse of bull7 in my family ,in the name of Jesus i break the curse of arrogance in my family, in the name of Jesus I break the curse of lacking of knowledge in my family, in the name of Jesus I break the curse of pre-marital sex in my family,in the name of Jesus I break the curse of evil thoughts in my family, in the name of Jesus I break the curse of saying bad words in family, in the name of Jesus I break the curse of hatred in my family, in the name of Jesus I break the pride in my family, in the name of Jesus I break the laziness in my family, in the name of Jesus I break the curse of being ungrateful in my family, in the name of Jesus I break the curse of being complaining in my family in Jesus name amen.

  • @damianwhite9058
    @damianwhite9058 Před 5 lety

    What about utter nonsensical jibberish and total lunacy? Have you been cursed by that Mister Micah?

  • @slickrick1900
    @slickrick1900 Před 6 lety +2

    Lord? God? Jesus? Do you not hear that you're using demonic pagan names? Using the names of evil pagan entities; you're uttering and teaching us to repeat this lie.

    • @slickrick1900
      @slickrick1900 Před 6 lety

      HIS names is not a backwards, 'dog' nor is the sons mane, Jesus. Lol. Those aren't the names that the father gives to his son or himself.

    • @valgatto5643
      @valgatto5643 Před 6 lety

      slickrick1900 shut up!

    • @gracegrace1036
      @gracegrace1036 Před 5 lety +1

      So what name are we supposed to use??

    • @anaanguiano6658
      @anaanguiano6658 Před 5 lety

      @@slickrick1900 what are the names He goes by?