18 Minutes Of Cliffe Knechtle Debating Muslims (Is Jesus God?)

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024
  • Experience intense intellectual exchanges as Cliffe, a dedicated Christian debater, engages in separate discussions with two Muslims on matters of faith, theology, and worldview. In these compelling clips, witness the clash of perspectives as fundamental beliefs are scrutinized and defended. From theological intricacies to philosophical ponderings, these debates offer profound insights into the intersection of Christianity and Islam. Whether you’re seeking to understand different faith perspectives or enjoy stimulating intellectual discourse, this video promises thought-provoking content that challenges and enlightens. Join us for an enlightening journey through Cliffe’s engaging debates with two Muslims. If you enjoy, make sure to like and subscribe. Comment future video ideas you’d like to see! Clips are all from ‪@givemeananswer‬ . Check out Give me an Answer for more Cliffe Content! #cliffeknechtle #Jesus #muslim

Komentáře • 5K

  • @whitemei
    @whitemei Před měsícem +1193

    My mom and dad are Muslim, but since my high school years, I’ve always been intrigued by Jesus. It felt like He was calling me to believe in Him, but I fell into a void and became an atheist. Early last year, I finally couldn’t resist and started reading the Bible. The Lord saved me. Thankfully, I’m a Christian. Jesus is God. Hallelujah! ✝️

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Před měsícem +27

      If someone started to believe that Jesus was God, then obviously he has not read the Bible. And logically cannot be a Christian.
      Jesus has ONLY Disciples. Not worshipers.
      (John 13:35) By this all will know that YOU ARE MY DISCIPLES-if you have love among yourselves.”

    • @gijsvanderzanden3465
      @gijsvanderzanden3465 Před měsícem +13

      Why you always lying

    • @carolhauber8412
      @carolhauber8412 Před měsícem

      Read the Bible..God even Jesus NEVER SAID THAT..mark12vs29 Deut6vs4 Neh9vs6..
      God wants that we Believe and Confess His Son..
      1John5vs1 Whoever Believes that Jesus is the Christ is Born of God, and everyone who loves Him who begot also loves him who is begotten of Him.
      Who is Born of God??
      5 Who is he Who Overcomes the world, but He Who Believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
      Who overcomes the world..NOT he whoes believes Jesus is God or the Father God..
      He who believes Jesus is the Son of God overcomes the World, Right..
      9-13 If we receive the witness of men, THE WITNESS OF GOD IS GREATER; For This Is The Witness Of God WHICH HE TESTIFIED OF HIS SON. 10 He who Believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself; he WHO DOES NOT BELIEVE GOD HAS MADE HIM A LIAR, because he has not Believed the Testimony That GOD Has Given* of His Son. 11 And this is The Testimony: that GOD HAS GIVEN US ETERNAL LIFE, (John3vs16) and This Life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 13 These Things I Have WRITTEN To You Who Believe in the Name* of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to BELIEVE IN THE NAME OF THE SON OF GOD. PHIL2VS9-11
      Jesus means God SaveS
      CHRIST Means The Anointed.

    • @carolhauber8412
      @carolhauber8412 Před měsícem

      Matt23vs39 for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who Comes in the Name* of the Lord!’ ”
      Phil2vs9 Therefore GOS ALSO HAS H8GHLY EXALTED HIMJC AND GIVEN* HIMJC THE NAME* Which Is Above Every Name, 10 That At The Name* of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, To The Glory Of God the Father.
      Paul said Eph3vs14
      For this Reason I Vow mMy Knees To The Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
      John5vs43 I Have Come in My Father’s Name* , and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.
      Men and angels are called Gods in scripture. The word “God” just means “Mighty One”. It’s a title describing someone. So Jesus being called God or Mighty God doesn’t make him the almighty God. Jesus was made Lord of all, so in a way he is like God over everything in creation. Of course Yahweh the Father is the one who gave Jesus all of his authority, and so Jesus is not equal or above the Father at all according to Paul(1st Corinth 15vs27).
      This does not mean that for us Jesus does not function as though he is God. Not at all. For in him ​“dwells all the fullness of the Deity bodily”​ and when we see Jesus we see God, when we hear Jesus we hear God (​Col. 2vs9; 2 Cor. 4vs6,​ etc.).
      To see Jesus and to hear Jesus is to see and to hear the Father as Jesus himself said. To obey Jesus is to Obey God. To fail to hear Jesus is to fail to believe God. Absolutely. This is because Jesus Perfectly Represents and is Perfectly Authorised By God His Father to be His agent and To Act Fully On His Behalf.
      Luke24vs39 Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.”
      John4vs23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the True Worshipers Will Worship The Father in Spirit and Truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those Who Worship Him Must Worship in Spirit and Truth.”
      25 The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things.”
      26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.”=> The Messiah
      Immediately he preached the Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God.
      “GOD, Who Made the World and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands.
      31 because HE HAS APPOINTED a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by THE MAN=JC WHOM HE= GODTHEFATHER HAS ORDAINED. He has GIVEN***assurance of this to ALL By Raising Him From The Dead.”
      Acts10vs38 How GOD Anointed Jesus of Nazareth With the Holy Spirit and With Power, who went about Doing Good and Healing ALL who were oppressed by the devil, for GOD WAS WITH HIM.

    • @Uh65Hu5g7
      @Uh65Hu5g7 Před měsícem +6

      I tried to believing u 😂,But unfortunately I couldn't 😔 😂...wt a liyer...I can proof ur liy...by asking u just one Q u can't find the answer in the Internet...😊😅

  • @Duby122
    @Duby122 Před měsícem +325

    Its weird when people say they respect all religions but when it comes to Jesus they get mad and try to fact check one another. This does not add up

    • @SaerdnaOoOoo
      @SaerdnaOoOoo Před 19 dny +3

      In teh western world yes but they go to war against each other on different opinions about Allah.

    • @skrrtgod8088
      @skrrtgod8088 Před 15 dny +4

      its a debate... isnt fact checking what a debate is?

    • @user-cr2np8gd7v
      @user-cr2np8gd7v Před 14 dny +4

      This is the beginning of persecution of Christians but don’t lose hope….hope is Jesus

    • @xxno_namesxx
      @xxno_namesxx Před 12 dny +2

      @@Duby122 bro what. YOUR comment does not add up.
      1. Muslims respect Jesus, they said he isn’t God, that’s not disrespectful.
      2. Fact check isn’t “disrespectful”.
      3. Isn’t this called a debate? What do you think debates are?

    • @xxno_namesxx
      @xxno_namesxx Před 12 dny

      @@SaerdnaOoOoo really? In what dream? Can you give evidence? Or is it a lie too.

  • @89bayarearaised
    @89bayarearaised Před 2 měsíci +2262

    There’s only one tomb that is empty and his name is Jesus 🙏🏼

    • @EternalFaithh
      @EternalFaithh  Před 2 měsíci +108


    • @KeorhLero-fv5lh
      @KeorhLero-fv5lh Před 2 měsíci +32


    • @mikehawk4714
      @mikehawk4714 Před 2 měsíci +9

      There is only one tomb? 😂😂😂😂

    • @UltimatumDemon
      @UltimatumDemon Před 2 měsíci +12

      So Jesus didn't die for your sins? Lmao

    • @ItsPainnz
      @ItsPainnz Před 2 měsíci +47

      @@UltimatumDemon you didnt listen! *facepalm* he ressurected with historically honest eyewitnesses to watch him. The word is God through jesus

  • @yc4881
    @yc4881 Před 28 dny +72

    Pastor Cliffe,you will be richly rewarded for standing by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    • @egyptianballack4716
      @egyptianballack4716 Před dnem

      Very much rewarded in hell I am sure. 😅

    • @miniepyron4899
      @miniepyron4899 Před 17 hodinami

      @@egyptianballack4716 How so? The bible tells us to preach his word and gospel so this doesn't seem to add up to why he would be in hell.

  • @Joshua39-w7j
    @Joshua39-w7j Před 2 měsíci +1194

    Here’s some of the things I’ve noticed when debating Muslims:
    1. They’ll cherry pick verses out of context from the Bible while ignoring the entire passage. They choose what fits their narrative. For example, they say Jesus never claimed to be God. All the while ignoring such verses as John 10:30, John 8:58, John 1:1-4, John 20:28, Matthew 10:40. They’ll mention that the word trinity is not in the Bible. While ignoring what Jesus actually said in Matthew 28:18-19.
    2. They claim that Christian scriptures are corrupted. Even though Muhammad (during his time) confirmed the authenticity of the previous scriptures (Torah and Gospel) in 2:87, 3:3, 5:44, 5:46, 10:94-94, and 16:43 of the 2:31 Quran.
    3. They’ll say Jewish and Christian scriptures have been corrupted. When I ask what the Gospel is according to Islam. It’s a vague description of “What was revealed to Jesus”. Okay, how do I know what’s been revealed then? You won’t find it. Because there’s no description of what the Gospel is at all in the Quran. Despite the Quran saying it’s a “detailed explanation of all things” in verse 12:111.
    4. When I ask the question of why Jesus is referred to as Messiah in the Quran. You’ll receive a vague answer. Because the Quran doesn’t provide the purpose or description of the Messiah.
    5. When I ask specifically why Jesus was the only prophet born of a virgin according the Quran, and more unique than any of the other prophets you’ll receive a vague answer of “It’s because Allah wanted to show forth a miracle”. Despite the fact that our “corrupted scripture” explains why he was born of a virgin 🤷‍♂️.
    What you’ll find when debating with them are:
    1. They don’t know their own scriptures most of the time.
    2. They’ll make stuff up that isn’t in the Quran or the Hadiths.
    3. Most have never read the Bible, or even attempted to (in context).
    As for the language issue. That just becomes an illogical argument once they feel cornered. As if Allāh requires everyone to know Arabic to properly understand the Quran. If that’s the case, then this young man knows more about Arabic to English translation than some of the best Islamic scholars to ever exist!!!
    Let me first point out that the word Injeel is a Greek word, and it doesn’t exist in the Arabic language. Most Muslims don’t realize this. Which means that the Arabs instituted a word of Greek origin into their texts.
    The Bible was primarily written in Greek because the Greco-Roman world during that time was the largest audience to the Gospel. The Apostle Paul grew up in Tarsus (Turkey) and was familiar with the Greek language and culture, and he also spoke Hebrew. So it would make sense for Paul to be the one helping spread the Gospel.
    Considering that Israel was under Roman rule. It would’ve been reasonable to suggest that trade and communication from the shipping lanes going from Rome, through Greece, and on to Israel that Greek would’ve been a common language for communication between all three cultures. The New Testament wouldn’t have been published primarily in Aramaic or Hebrew considering a majority of the Jews continuous rejection of it.
    As for the Quran being “Directly from Allah”. That’s simply not true, or at least there’s no evidence to prove otherwise. What we do know about the Quran is that it was primarily oral for decades.
    I’m sure this young student is ignorant of the fact that during the compilation of the Quran most of the men who memorized it died in battle, and Uthman, who was the final authority of the Quran even admits to burning specific pages of it. Now with that being known. Suggesting the Quran comes “directly from Allah” is nothing more than a baseless claim.

    • @criticalthinker8007
      @criticalthinker8007 Před 2 měsíci +24

      and christians don't cherry-pick from the bible!!

    • @Joshua39-w7j
      @Joshua39-w7j Před 2 měsíci +92

      @@criticalthinker8007 They might, but I don’t.

    • @user-in6od4zs6d
      @user-in6od4zs6d Před 2 měsíci +9

      ​@@Joshua39-w7jyes, you just did

    • @Joshua39-w7j
      @Joshua39-w7j Před 2 měsíci

      @@user-in6od4zs6d Explain then.

    • @marvelstark3797
      @marvelstark3797 Před 2 měsíci

      all the bible verses that any muslim used are part of their script. the first guy in the video clearly using their dawah script without understanding its context.
      and the irony of that, muslim uses some bible verses to support their argument but they are the same muslims who always claim that the bible was corruptd.
      muslims mentality doest make any sense.

  • @Greggers1516
    @Greggers1516 Před 2 měsíci +656

    She assumed he brought up Iran or Iraq because he thinks she’s from there, but they’re just on the topic of free speech in a “Christian” country and Muslim countries. Omg the victim mentality

    • @memestar22
      @memestar22 Před 2 měsíci +31

      That whole section was pissing me off and go to that campus hopefully cliffe returns

    • @HealedInChrist
      @HealedInChrist Před měsícem +21

      Yea, but please keep this scripture in mind: „You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain“ Exodus 20:7“
      I only urge you in love, because that is what we are called to do as brothers and sisters in Christ! 🙏🏻🤍God bless you.

    • @classicfanatic
      @classicfanatic Před měsícem

      More than 63% of Iranians are NOT even muslims, don't trust your media, their depiction of middle east as a whole muslim region is a joke...
      I know because I live here...

    • @Greggers1516
      @Greggers1516 Před měsícem +8

      @@HealedInChrist I said oh my gosh, so I didn’t use it in vain

    • @FarahNathanna
      @FarahNathanna Před měsícem +7

      ​@@HealedInChrist the scripture has more to do with people using the name of the Lord to justify their wickedness than it has to do with calling on His name in situations that are seemingly mundane and irrelevant

  • @JUSTJESUS8059
    @JUSTJESUS8059 Před měsícem +66

    I am in awe of how patient God is.........
    With all of us.....

  • @jehrizzz
    @jehrizzz Před měsícem +356


    • @michaelhuckabay739
      @michaelhuckabay739 Před měsícem +7


    • @alexyan7245
      @alexyan7245 Před měsícem +2

      so how people who live before jesus born, to who they comes for the father?

    • @ViperKing86
      @ViperKing86 Před měsícem +1

      Allah is one

    • @jehrizzz
      @jehrizzz Před měsícem +3

      @@alexyan7245 read the bible bro...we have old and new testament right?;)

    • @carolhauber8412
      @carolhauber8412 Před měsícem

      @@jehrizzz It Doesnt mean u must Denied GodtheFather.. GodtheFather Sent His Son 2Cor5vs17-21
      To Reconciled With HimGodtheFather Himself..IF He dont Sent Jesus is No SaViour At All..
      God was In Him.Col2vs9 Bodily!!! JEsus Has His Own Will Hebr10vs7 and must Obeyed also the Father Hebr5vs8.
      Hebr12vs2 John17vs4 Jesus Finished Gods Work Order..Rev3vs21
      To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne..

  • @VilicusVII
    @VilicusVII Před měsícem +371

    I genuinely get confused when people try to have a debate between Islam and Christianity, and then proceed to interrupt someone who’s trying to debate with you it genuinely baffles me people have no respect for others
    "One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say."

      @TRUTHALWAYS66 Před měsícem +3

      Both faiths are actually Christianity. They both believe in Jesus.

    • @giftedmind7068
      @giftedmind7068 Před měsícem +27

      ​@@TRUTHALWAYS66 youre not a Christ-ian unless you FOLLOW christ.. not just merely believing he exists. If that was the only requirement Satan would be a better Christian than Muslims cuz Satan believes Christ is the son of god😂 atleast you had fun typing tho😂

    • @kring3l0rd
      @kring3l0rd Před měsícem

      ​@@giftedmind7068that s waaay beside the point he s making.
      Good thing i dont answer to your judgement :p

    • @isaiahfuery9327
      @isaiahfuery9327 Před měsícem +6

      ​@@kring3l0rdI think you read something wrong buddy😂

    • @lawrencemokone5435
      @lawrencemokone5435 Před měsícem

      @@TRUTHALWAYS66 they're not because there's difference between we don't believe he died because He never died for our sins everyone is responsible for his own actions, we don't believe in the story telling of his crucifixion we don't believe in the concerpt of Trinity

  • @davidarkis220
    @davidarkis220 Před 2 měsíci +595

    The first dude is a liar when he said he was a Christian and converted. He is a born muslim from the Middle East.

    • @miketysongay4022
      @miketysongay4022 Před 2 měsíci +37

      Not a sin this is takiyah permissible

    • @BadAdviceMomo
      @BadAdviceMomo Před 2 měsíci +102

      Lying is actually permissible in Islam.
      Sahih Muslim 2605a

    • @AlexReyes-lj1xw
      @AlexReyes-lj1xw Před 2 měsíci +67

      Revelations 9:8 & 21:8 talks about all liars have their part in the lake of fire

    • @mythrasmith
      @mythrasmith Před 2 měsíci +35

      Yeah i noticed that too he’s literally from pakistan

    • @kushsamtani3901
      @kushsamtani3901 Před 2 měsíci +18

      @@miketysongay4022 amazing religion lmao

  • @cc_celeste
    @cc_celeste Před 11 dny +15

    I’ve never been the religious type
    I didn’t grow up learning anything about any religion
    I would get offended anytime anyone would preach their beliefs
    However I have had painful experiences I have had bad health I have had life crises & I have been heartbroken and every single time I reached out to God but not knowing who or what God is
    One day I had a nightmare
    I was getting killed by a demon and the dream was so vivid I could feel & smell the blood running down my face
    Then a bright light like the sunshine appeared and it had the most angelic voice
    He said do not fear, nothing will happen to you
    I will protect you because you believe in me,
    Jesus Christ spoke to me and I woke up crying and I could feel His warmth
    I will always embrace Jesus Christ in my heart
    I aspire to learn the Bible and to teach my daughter
    Faith is a powerful thing

    • @noriannakassman9271
      @noriannakassman9271 Před 6 dny

      Don't worry there's a first time for everything, especially religion ❤ it's also good to feed your mind with some bible/scholar books if ever you encounter a religious conversation ❤

  • @PhalanxSpirit
    @PhalanxSpirit Před 2 měsíci +863

    99% of people that say "I read the Bible" didnt. They know some of the ideas in the Bible or maybe a story or 2 but they didn't read it. Because I was a hardcore Muslim apoligist, 3 days away from taking Shahada... Then I said "before i make a decision let me read this Bible" and after I was done with it.. Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth is King!

    • @mariah.444
      @mariah.444 Před měsícem +47

      Such an amazing testimony!! Glory to God 🫶🏼🛐

    • @Mano-k7c
      @Mano-k7c Před měsícem +16

      That's what I always say

    • @TheTruth75175
      @TheTruth75175 Před měsícem +14

      U were never Muslim 😂wich Bible version convinced u of paulianity

    • @makeytgreatagain6256
      @makeytgreatagain6256 Před měsícem +24

      @@TheTruth75175 its ok M0h@meddan we are still not sure of with Q you read, is it Haffs? Warsh or Doori?

    • @PhalanxSpirit
      @PhalanxSpirit Před měsícem

      @@makeytgreatagain6256 they are not letting me post. i roasted this guy instantly when he responded. Which quran made you follow that child lover? One of the ones that Uthman burned, or the one he kept? love it when mohammadins act like they arent killing each other in islam over the different interpretations.

  • @quartermaster19k
    @quartermaster19k Před měsícem +120

    Every argument that second muslim woman uses can literally be easily turned back on her

    • @user-zh9st7dl4h
      @user-zh9st7dl4h Před 25 dny

      She is brainwashed by her religion . It baffles me how Women can worship a man that was having Sex with an 11 Year Old Girl, as a Prophet. It really Is like Chickens Worshiping KFC.

    • @Shirogami17
      @Shirogami17 Před 24 dny +6

      Right!? LITERALLY! LOL

    • @Dharmadhurai_35
      @Dharmadhurai_35 Před 20 dny

      2:08 is that blue tshirt guy in background his bodyguard ? Who's he?

    • @akaku6833
      @akaku6833 Před 20 dny +4

      It’s Stuart, his son, he also takes part in the debates sometimes

    • @keanamiller-wood4101
      @keanamiller-wood4101 Před 6 dny

      SOME FACTS!In the Kaaba the black cube they walk around and pray around IS JESUS CHRIST,MOTHER MARY,BUDDHA,SHIVA,DIONYSUS. In the front is Jesus and his mother.Check what's inside!They are hypocrites! There is no Mohammed!!!

  • @hees0009
    @hees0009 Před měsícem +361

    A Muslim who recites the Quran is a good Muslim. A Muslim who understands the Quran is an ex-Muslim.

    • @sufyanEllahi-gg2bm
      @sufyanEllahi-gg2bm Před měsícem +18

      I challenge u read all Quran and then understand it then give me your answer

    • @0gPalkia
      @0gPalkia Před měsícem +22

      @@sufyanEllahi-gg2bmforced order and no free will, not hard to understand

    • @Adam-kj8zn
      @Adam-kj8zn Před měsícem +18

      So untrue 😂😂😂😂 may Allah guide you to the right path, ask god to guide you to the right path and see where you end up 🤍☝️

    • @0gPalkia
      @0gPalkia Před měsícem +23

      @@Adam-kj8zn lead me out of Islam and back to Christianity

    • @Adam-kj8zn
      @Adam-kj8zn Před měsícem +1

      @@0gPalkia what do you mean please?

  • @Streetfighter1423
    @Streetfighter1423 Před měsícem +266

    When i was down .... very, very down ... I seek help from Jesus Christ.... I talk to Him alone and start reading the Bible... Every time I open pages of the Bible ... He answered all my questions, and I was surprised because I understood every line written in the Bible. He is like communicating to me and answers through the Bible that I am reading. Until now, I followed Him. He is always here in my mind, in my soul and in my heart. I can say my life is happy. I trust Him and let Him lead my life. Always ask Him, "Don't leave me". He is my protector and thankful for the life and chance for me to live on this Earth. ❤

    • @polandsprings21
      @polandsprings21 Před měsícem +5

      😢it's like i wrote it🙏🏾

    • @BeholderGuard
      @BeholderGuard Před měsícem +1

      Jesus (pbuh) is Muslim. And he was NOT sent for you!

    • @ebenezerndanyuzwe9292
      @ebenezerndanyuzwe9292 Před měsícem +4

      Glory to God, keep feeding yourself with the word of God🙌🏾♥️

      @CHRISTISKING412 Před měsícem +3

      God bless u my friend, the bible is beautiful and Jesus made me a better humanbeing, when there was firsty angry emotions, now im a calm and wise human who has forgivenis in me, Christ is King.❤

    • @BeholderGuard
      @BeholderGuard Před měsícem +2

      The Bible is beautiful, you said?
      LOLdoes that also include the multiple cases of: incest, rape, murder, infanticide, contradictions, scientific blunders, and historical inaccuraccies?
      If you find all of THAT beautiful, then I strongly suggest that you go get your head checked up...

  • @Nualiini
    @Nualiini Před 6 dny +5

    A wise man once said
    Over 3000 religions, but one empty tomb.

  • @AlexReyes-lj1xw
    @AlexReyes-lj1xw Před 2 měsíci +208

    After reading the quran anyone who continues to put their faith is because of family religious upbringing and pride. Their is a stronghold spirit on the Muslim religion and they need to receive the truth. To know the truth will set them free. I pray and hope for their salvation in Christ Jesus ❤

    • @brokeboiacey5674
      @brokeboiacey5674 Před 2 měsíci +4

      Jesus never preached salvation but Paul did

    • @hex4569
      @hex4569 Před 2 měsíci +17

      Matthew 28:16-20
      John 14:1-14
      The Gospel means the good news. What is the good news of the Gospels? Do you even know?

    • @Ali-bo3yu
      @Ali-bo3yu Před 2 měsíci +8

      So all these people who try and disprove Islam through reading the Quran and then become Muslim is because of pride? The amount of people who ended up becoming Muslim through just reading the Quran with an open mind and heart is crazy. It’s the fastest growing religion

    • @hex4569
      @hex4569 Před 2 měsíci

      @@Ali-bo3yu only because muslims have 5-15 children while the majority of families in the west have 1-3 kids on average. Islam is growing because of birthrate, not because of conversion.
      Have you seen the increased apostasty rate of Islam? Bet it'd be significantly higher if more countries didnt kill their apostates.

    • @AlexReyes-lj1xw
      @AlexReyes-lj1xw Před 2 měsíci +8

      2 Timothy 2:26
      and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.

  • @diamondjewelry3969
    @diamondjewelry3969 Před měsícem +150

    may God always protects Cliff in his mission..may all evil chains be broken down and the name of Jesus is glorify

    • @MrBeen992
      @MrBeen992 Před měsícem

      Why Americans focus on evil and Satan ? They rarely talk about good and God

    • @divinefavour8296
      @divinefavour8296 Před měsícem +1


  • @janlammers1000
    @janlammers1000 Před 2 měsíci +258

    The way this guy still talks with passion about Jesus without getting mad

    • @UltimatumDemon
      @UltimatumDemon Před 2 měsíci +10

      Did you even watch the video?
      He gave up with the first guy after realising he lost

    • @snaggymoplug5234
      @snaggymoplug5234 Před 2 měsíci +43

      @@UltimatumDemonlost what? Lol you Muslims never fail to make me laugh. Yall take scripture from a pdf file while we take scripture from the way, truth, and life. That alone is victory

    • @janlammers1000
      @janlammers1000 Před 2 měsíci +14

      @@UltimatumDemon nah nah, he didnt lost… this guy is not accepting the truth and he just stopped talking, because he understood it wouldnt help and it would get escalated

    • @hex4569
      @hex4569 Před 2 měsíci +7

      ​@@UltimatumDemon your profile mustve been named after "the angel" that revealed the quran to mohammed, correct?

    • @teejay4312
      @teejay4312 Před 2 měsíci +19

      ​@@UltimatumDemon losing isn't stopping when someone just wants to say no. If I say 2+2=5 and you correct me and I keep saying no. You're giving up at some point. Not losing. It's ignorant to think arguing with a different religion will change anything if they aren't open minded. CLIFF literally tells people you have to read things and figure out what you see if right. Don't just believe me or blindly follow. That is how much faith and trust he has in Christ

  • @nolimetangere2680
    @nolimetangere2680 Před 23 dny +9

    If the Muslim really 💕 love our Christ lord Jesus they should follow the teaching of Jesus Christ.
    Love & Peace No hatred & Terrorism.

    • @Kkrt609
      @Kkrt609 Před 20 dny +1

      Then u don't follow him right even, why he didn't say clearly that he is God like be for real for a sec God is much greater for human being mind to get it like if he was God how did he died even??? God has no beginning or end Jesus's is a prophet and we really do love and respect him but to not have clear holy bible written right then why should we follow things had been written with people instead of God's real words? If u read quran trust me u gonna be mind blowing for the facts u will find there

    • @MoneyThingOnline
      @MoneyThingOnline Před 17 dny +1

      34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.
      Matthew 10:34-36
      Now tell me what you learn from that.

  • @nathanielpatterson1896
    @nathanielpatterson1896 Před 2 měsíci +422

    I’m laughing so hard rn😂 she is all over the place. She has a habit of assuming and playing victim. She’s not hearing him

    • @thetabletopskirmisher
      @thetabletopskirmisher Před 2 měsíci +24

      She clearly has NO idea what she's talking about 🤦🏻

    • @Moyaiville_Productions
      @Moyaiville_Productions Před měsícem +12

      That girl irritates me so bad.. 😒

    • @hassanabdulmalikodunayo2701
      @hassanabdulmalikodunayo2701 Před měsícem

      Girl is bringing up how illogical man is. But it's the girl that's all over the place😂😂😂.. thank God for wisdom. It's your hearts that's blind so I'm not shocked anyways😂😂

    • @hassanabdulmalikodunayo2701
      @hassanabdulmalikodunayo2701 Před měsícem

      @@thetabletopskirmishernope you're the brainwashed person here who can't see the rationality in what the girl is saying. The girl is as logical as possible. But you guys are so programmed to believe anything otherwise what's stuck in your head is a lie. You need wisdom. 😂

    • @melissaculpepper7663
      @melissaculpepper7663 Před měsícem

      She isn’t interested in learning…she wants to dominate.

  • @jakebrown3526
    @jakebrown3526 Před 2 měsíci +210

    Why are you here “to introduce people to my closest friend Jesus Christ “ thank you cliff !

    • @syedgaming2644
      @syedgaming2644 Před měsícem +3

      Contradiction #1
      Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel? (a) God did (2 Samuel 24:1) (b) Satan did (1 Chronicles 21:1).
      Contradiction #2
      In that count how many fighting men were found in Israel? (a) Eight hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9). (b) One million, one hundred thousand (1 Chronicles 21:5).
      Contradiction #3
      How many fighting men were found in Judah? (a) Five hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9). (b) Four hundred and seventy thousand (1 Chronicles 21:5).
      Contradiction #4
      God sent his prophet to threaten David with how many years of famine? (a) Seven (2 Samuel 24:13). (b) Three (1 Chronicles 21:12).
      Contradiction #5
      How old was Ahaziah when he began to rule over Jerusalem? (a) Twenty-two (2 Kings 8:26). (b) Forty-two (2 Chronicles 22:2).
      Contradiction #6
      How old was Jehoiachin when he became king of Jerusalem? (a) Eighteen (2 Kings 24:8). (b) Eight (2 Chronicles 36:9).
      Contradiction #7
      How long did he rule over Jerusalem? (a) Three months (2 Kings 24:8). (b) Three months and ten days (2 Chronicles 36:9).
      Contradiction #8
      The chief of the mighty men of David lifted up his spear and killed how many men at one time? (a) Eight hundred (2 Samuel 23:8). (b) Three hundred (1 Chronicles 11:11).
      Contradiction #9
      When did David bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem? Before defeating the Philistines or after? (a) After (2 Samuel 5 and 6). (b) Before (1 Chronicles 13 and 14).
      Contradiction #10
      How many pairs of clean animals did God tell Noah to take into the Ark? (a) Two (Genesis 6:19, 20). (b) Seven (Genesis 7:2). But despite this last instruction only two pairs went into the ark (Genesis 7:8, 9).

    • @samuelolaitanjames2087
      @samuelolaitanjames2087 Před měsícem

      That was indeed power

    • @MaftyAE
      @MaftyAE Před měsícem

      ❤❤❤ That was so Real🥺

    • @melmel8745
      @melmel8745 Před měsícem +2

      These demons are working overtime.But Jesus is King❤

    • @wansuria8854
      @wansuria8854 Před měsícem

      Why that's crist run away from first parts??? 😅

  • @mayday8143
    @mayday8143 Před 2 měsíci +263

    I hate how they argue that the Bible is invalid because it’s been translated, it’s just not a good argument

    • @Umami911
      @Umami911 Před měsícem

      Bible is invalid not only because of translation. Its invalid bcz of multiple reasons. For example, anonymous authors, contradicts, no manuscripts from the time Etc.

    • @delcastle5518
      @delcastle5518 Před měsícem +15

      lol it’s a laughable argument no true scholar would care about that

    • @jongomez9826
      @jongomez9826 Před měsícem +8

      It’s an issue when you have only the translations and no original to go back to, so you can’t even be certain exactly what’s true or what has lost its true meaning over time

    • @stephanievalencia3824
      @stephanievalencia3824 Před měsícem

      @@jrmaximuslike what?

    • @Mdsoyabaktar25
      @Mdsoyabaktar25 Před měsícem +1

      Worshipping anyone except Allah is an unforgivable sin - (Quran 4:48, 4:116).
      (That means if someone don't repent to Allah before their dying moment and before their death then it's unforgivable sin).
      Of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evil, until death faces one of them, and he says, "Now have I repented indeed;" nor of those who die rejecting Faith: for them have We prepared a punishment most grievous.
      - (Quran 4:18).
      La ilaha illallahu Muhammadar rasulullah - (There is no deity but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah).
      Allah forgives all sins if anyone repents to him - (Quran 39:53).

  • @Mark_106
    @Mark_106 Před měsícem +38

    when ppl that are Muslim and say "I use to be a Christian..." They was Never a true christian, same as the catholics that profess to be legit christians, ppl call themselves christians for the sake of it. Anyone that has given theyre life over to Christ submitted 100% and accepted him as Lord/Saviour/God and in a unbreakable loving relationship....would Never abandon and turn theyre backs on Christ. Because you read the bible, went to sunday church with family and brought up in christian family...doesn't make one a christian. To be Born again christian is someone who has repented of their sins and turned to Christ for their salvation, and as a result has become part of God's family forever. I know Cliffe doesn't really touch on it when it comes to compareing Christ to Mohammed, but yes Christ led a Sinless life (Never Sinned) performed miracles, walked on water and raised the dead, but Mohammed whose whole religion is based on an encounter he alledges he had with an angel in a cave (no witnesses) led a life of many many Sin. Had many jews beheaded....and created wars. Also committed Adultery and worst of all in his 50's he married a 6yr old child, had sex with her when she was merely 9, can you imagine the pain she endured etc If there is a Hell, you can gururantee it that man is there. citations reveal that there is a general consensus among Islamic scholars that Allah was a pagan deity before Islam developed. He was only one god among a pantheon of 360 gods worshipped by the Arabs. Even if he was at times viewed as a "high god," this does not mean he was the one true God. A pagan Moon God.

    • @jeterank9847
      @jeterank9847 Před měsícem

      Catholics are wolfs in sheep cloths 😔

    • @custodialfatherintexas9362
      @custodialfatherintexas9362 Před měsícem +3

      True Christians can lose their faith and find it again. Some true Christians can lose their faith and not find it again.
      This is the blessing in curse of having free will.
      I'm not saying these two Muslims were actually Christians at any point. I'm right with you doubting it. But don't say that no true Christian can ever doubt and fall. That's the path to falling

    • @Velaldo-nw7ve
      @Velaldo-nw7ve Před 29 dny

      Well said

    • @Nxtib
      @Nxtib Před 28 dny

      You mean catholics are not true Christians?

    • @baconestt
      @baconestt Před 28 dny

      Bro what how are catholics not christian 😂 lemme guess you gonna say they worship Mary

  • @simpletine
    @simpletine Před měsícem +145

    I am not religious but if I thought any religion would be the right one to follow would be Christianity.

    • @alli.vibezz2324
      @alli.vibezz2324 Před měsícem +18

      God bless you,you don’t have to be religious to believe in Jesus 🤍

    • @JemimaAroosh
      @JemimaAroosh Před měsícem +1


    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Před měsícem +2

      Jesus is going to disown many who call themselves Christian. Matthew 7:23.
      Logically a person has to be the correct Christian.
      Which ONE United group fits the criteria given at John 13:35?

    • @AmmarReus
      @AmmarReus Před měsícem +1

      Yup you should follow 1+1+1=1

    • @Batmanrobocop
      @Batmanrobocop Před měsícem

      ​@MacDonald321I do

  • @DrBird-kp5wd
    @DrBird-kp5wd Před 2 měsíci +324

    11:19 "FOLLOW ME TO SCIENTOLOGYYYYY!!!" Bro that was perfect comedic timing 😂

    • @teejay4312
      @teejay4312 Před 2 měsíci +22

      That group of people need help lol

    • @Kamisato-Ayato69
      @Kamisato-Ayato69 Před měsícem


    • @Samiharoun
      @Samiharoun Před měsícem +8

      @@teejay4312 why, they are respectfully debating religion. some thing we as humans did for a really long time by now.

    • @greater83
      @greater83 Před měsícem

      ​@@SamiharounOk try say you are a man or woman you have another one too
      So should we ban speach then?? 😂

    • @user-zu6ts5fb6g
      @user-zu6ts5fb6g Před měsícem +1

      @@Samiharoun yes and also killing each other over it, for a really long time now.

  • @annatjiepeschel5228
    @annatjiepeschel5228 Před měsícem +35

    One day their eyes will see Jesus return. And then they will know the truth. But then it will be to late 😌

    • @Boltkiller96
      @Boltkiller96 Před měsícem +2

      i will see jesus return and rule the world for 40 years then die

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Před měsícem +2

      Actually no human will see Jesus ever again (1 Timothy 6:16).
      People who have rejected the truth will feel his wrath though.
      Sadly, all the members of the various churches could be recipients of Jesus' wrath.
      (Matthew 7:23) And then I will declare to them: ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’

    • @Glockk00
      @Glockk00 Před 5 dny

      @@Boltkiller96yea you would die not Jesus 😂

    • @Boltkiller96
      @Boltkiller96 Před 5 dny

      @@Glockk00 I would die and Jesus(PBUH) shall also die
      He is not God!

  • @messiman9461
    @messiman9461 Před 22 dny +4

    I have a Christian mother and a Muslim father i’m a Christian I was baptized as a baby and grew up in catholic schools all my life but at 2:35 he mentions terrorists being a primary source of information about Muhammad and that to me is hypocritical because we have priests now in church’s wearing pride scarfs being a primary source of information for jesus christ even though the bible says homosexuality is a big sin you can’t judge a whole religion based on bad testimonials yes i’m Christian but il still stand up for my muslims brothers and sisters✝️x☪️ ❤

  • @Greggers1516
    @Greggers1516 Před 2 měsíci +130

    Jesus spoke Aramaic and Greek and Hebrew. He needed to know hebrew to read the Torah, he needed to know greek to engage with fishermen and people in trade and commerce. As Peter and other apostles were fishermen and tax collectors. He knew all three

    • @meritnoah4013
      @meritnoah4013 Před měsícem +6

      Good ones brooo

    • @meritnoah4013
      @meritnoah4013 Před měsícem +15

      This is great knowledge thousand of Christian never knew Jesus spoke three languages

    • @enamullah4796
      @enamullah4796 Před měsícem +2

      😂😂😂😂 WTF ?
      with google Translation?

    • @APR4JC
      @APR4JC Před měsícem +12

      bro Jesus speaks every single language there is. not just those. but he used those because of that time. Jesus is almighty.

    • @Baby_aisha1
      @Baby_aisha1 Před měsícem

      He 😂😂😂😂 spoke arabik in the kuran , it's must be very stupid to believe that cult book

  • @sonnyaquino2640
    @sonnyaquino2640 Před měsícem +338

    A lot of people are lost because they don’t have Faith in Jesus.

    • @markwillhite9200
      @markwillhite9200 Před měsícem +3

      We do the things of God because we have faith in them. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Have you ever read the bible? Any bible dictionary will tell you that faith starts with faith in God's precepts and commands. You are listening to people who have eliminated 35 percent of the bible, and cannot possibly know God.

    • @AdventuresWithYHWH
      @AdventuresWithYHWH Před měsícem


    • @jeyaseelan1975
      @jeyaseelan1975 Před měsícem +1

      They don’t have proper theological knowledge about bible

    • @Mdsoyabaktar25
      @Mdsoyabaktar25 Před měsícem +1

      Of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evil, until death faces one of them, and he says, "Now have I repented indeed;" nor of those who die rejecting Faith: for them have We prepared a punishment most grievous.
      - (Quran 4:18).
      La ilaha illallahu Muhammadar rasulullah - (There is no deity but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah).
      Worshipping anyone except Allah is an unforgivable sin - (Quran 4:48, 4:116).
      (That means if someone don't repent to Allah before their dying moment and before their death then it's unforgivable sin).
      Allah forgives all sins if anyone repents to him - (Quran 39:53).

    • @999.9finegold
      @999.9finegold Před měsícem +1

      We have God. We don't need middlemen. Jesus is an unnecessary mediator. Speak straight to God. He always listens to you. You don't need Jesus

  • @deecee4904
    @deecee4904 Před měsícem +20

    Thank you Cliff for sharing Jesus with a world that needs Him!

  • @bryangaldamez790
    @bryangaldamez790 Před měsícem +18

    islam is false and im following Jesus Christ the son of God until my last breath.

    • @thankyoujesus2836
      @thankyoujesus2836 Před měsícem

      What does it mean to truly follow Jesus?

    • @bryangaldamez790
      @bryangaldamez790 Před měsícem

      ​@@thankyoujesus2836do u truly want to know?

    • @thankyoujesus2836
      @thankyoujesus2836 Před 26 dny

      @@bryangaldamez790 I think I know and it terrifies me I’ve done it before I don’t know if I can do it again

    • @lovemxoxo8435
      @lovemxoxo8435 Před 21 dnem +1


    • @derekjohn4412
      @derekjohn4412 Před 19 dny

      It is a scam perpetrated by Satan on mankind.

  • @tyquandoe3490
    @tyquandoe3490 Před 2 měsíci +107

    Muslims: we love the prophets but read nothing they said or wrote. 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @ultraninja1151
      @ultraninja1151 Před měsícem +19

      "We love Jesus but never follow him"
      Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. "

    • @danielandrows8019
      @danielandrows8019 Před měsícem +1

      Word of God is a sword. You must have a knowledge to use it otherwise. With that sword, you can cut your self down
      Read the content, what Jesus was referring to as 2 masters
      Matthew 6:24:
      This verse says, no Man can serve 2 masters that is (holiness or sin, goodness or bad, righteous or unrighteous, truth or lie, love or hate, obey or disobey)
      Above mentioned list of items are the Man's masters, who is ruling Man every day
      - A Man has free will to choose a master
      You too have free will to choose your master (truth that gives eternal life or a lie that resists truth to lose eternal life)

    • @flower_topia
      @flower_topia Před měsícem

      tell me you know nothing about islam without telling me you know nothing about islam. classical gulliable christians believing anything handed to them. dont be so narrow minded

    • @zoharahman2796
      @zoharahman2796 Před měsícem +2

      Please educate yourself on Hadith. Hadith is a huge part of Muslim faith, which are teachings and words which come from the last prophet. To say Muslims don't read anything what a prophet said or wrote is extremely false.

    • @tyquandoe3490
      @tyquandoe3490 Před měsícem

      @@zoharahman2796 what did the other prophets, not named Muhammad, teach?

  • @mike1967sam
    @mike1967sam Před měsícem +79

    Brother Cliffe, I love you as a fellow Christian, nevertheless you must prepare yourself better when proving that the Gospels are true and are the inspired word of God. God bless you.

    • @sophiamarianneterano5870
      @sophiamarianneterano5870 Před měsícem +9

      He kinda lost these two discussion.

    • @Kvovovpvpbovo
      @Kvovovpvpbovo Před měsícem +15

      @@sophiamarianneterano5870LMAO no he didn’t😂

    • @Wakeful23
      @Wakeful23 Před měsícem

      @@Kvovovpvpbovohe did but okay

    • @eldorado111
      @eldorado111 Před měsícem +2

      He's used to mostly preaching in Universities to young athiests. Muslims (the type with hardened hearts) are seemingly impossible to preach to.

    • @HaruQF
      @HaruQF Před měsícem

      These are two rather old clips from him. Although, preaching to muslims is the equivalent of throwing your pearls before swine. They do not care about facts, logic, or historical consistency. They curse the Living God and have hardened hearts.

  • @zealot777
    @zealot777 Před 2 měsíci +106

    Cliff has the patience of a saint. Truly doing God's work with the right words.

    • @khaledmar
      @khaledmar Před měsícem +4

      Patience of Satan 😂

    • @HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings
      @HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings Před měsícem

      Mind Begs the Question:
      ▪︎If Jesus worshipped God in Aramaic
      ▪︎Aramaic word for God is Allah
      ▪︎Muslims worship Allah
      ▪︎Jesus,Muslims worship to same,no?

    • @epicboiee6176
      @epicboiee6176 Před měsícem +1

      ​@@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeingsAllah merely is synonymous of God, all words never are full in its basic definition, but rather are interpreted in its context, subjectively, just like God and Allah. God bless you

    • @ThomasMathewVTarak
      @ThomasMathewVTarak Před měsícem

      Not at all he just refused to engage with the first group and didn't know how to respond. It's almost like he gave up at the sign of proper resistance

    • @ThomasMathewVTarak
      @ThomasMathewVTarak Před měsícem

      ​@@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeingsAramaic word for God is Elah. Hebrew word for God is Elohim or El. The Jews worship Jehovah/Jahweh specifically, not just any El or God. Muslims possibly also worship Jehovah and refer to him as Allah.

  • @willtality1320
    @willtality1320 Před měsícem +6

    May god fill cliffe‘s cup with patience till the end of time. Really hard to bear those debates 😅

  • @diamondjewelry3969
    @diamondjewelry3969 Před měsícem +45

    this lady only want to win she doesn’t want to really know who Jesus is. knowing Jesus as a prophet is enough for her . she just feels comfortable in her belief and not worry about her salvation. May the Holy spirit will touch this lady. amen

    • @vhagerty
      @vhagerty Před měsícem +1

      She's a right-fighter. She's never going to admit she's incoherent and doesn't know what she's talking about. 😊

    • @narvelancoleman8597
      @narvelancoleman8597 Před měsícem +1

      Cliff should ask her what the Quran says about the physical abuse Muslim women face from their men. Is the Quran in agreement with beheading a Muslim woman in public for showing her bare arms??

  • @reenagreen6644
    @reenagreen6644 Před měsícem +25

    Cliff , you are tirelessly doing God’s wish and plan ! May God bless you abundantly and may this be an inspiration for all others to share Yeshua with the world

  • @monicmarcial1824
    @monicmarcial1824 Před měsícem +51

    Those people called him crazy, but I tell you. In the 2nd coming of Jesus, you will say that I should believe in what this person was saying about Jesus. God bless you Cliffe Knechtle. It's not easy to share the gospel with these people, but you stand up and stick with your beliefs. God bless you always

    • @solomonledwaba6515
      @solomonledwaba6515 Před 26 dny +1

      He is wrong Jesus is not God

    • @Vrxll
      @Vrxll Před 25 dny +1

      ​@@solomonledwaba6515 may Jesus bless your day man

    • @othenz9966
      @othenz9966 Před 25 dny +2

      @@solomonledwaba6515 Correct, Jesus did not claim he is God. So many people quote John 8:58 to support that Jesus claim himself that he is God. The key to understand John 8:58 is verse 57, "You are not yet fifty years old," they said to him, "and you have seen Abraham!" This verse is very obvious that they Jews was talking about his AGE not his IDENTITY. And Jesus' response was also about his AGE or his Existence NOT his IDENTITY. A lot of bible translation like the NIV rendered John 8:58 about Jesus age or existence, "Very truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!"

    • @BK-jf1ye
      @BK-jf1ye Před 23 dny

      @@othenz9966 You're tattling on yourself. Obviously you have never read the whole Bible. Not only did Jesus claim to be God, He walked and talked as God. And I'll even take it one step further. The ENYIRE Bible from beginning to end is ALL about Jesus. If you know what to look for you can see it.

    • @othenz9966
      @othenz9966 Před 22 dny +2

      @@BK-jf1ye I can say the same words to you, "you're tattling on yourself, and obviously you have never read the whole Bible!"
      If you have read all the bible, answer this, "Where did Jesus claimed that he is God!!! Give me a verse if ever you can!!!???" I know you can't give any verse because I have read my bible. I also know that you did not read your bible because you claim above, in your comment, that Jesus claim He is God, which nowhere can be found in the whole bible!

  • @JesseReimer-dm1qp
    @JesseReimer-dm1qp Před 24 dny +11

    There is no way these Muslims won this debate. Look at this. Cliffe was patient with all of the questions that he was asked, but when he asked them questions, they were not willing to let him voice his questions. I truly believe that these Muslims know deep in their hearts that Cliffe is speaking truth. I have no stronger argument than this: if you want to respect other people, the best thing you can do is to let them talk and not interrupt them. I have not read the Quran, but i am quite sure that it tells these people in some way or another to have respect for all people. If so, these people are not listening. They are, in fact, trying to corner Cliffe in his own beliefs. I believe in Jesus as Lord!!

  • @G_Wanderer792
    @G_Wanderer792 Před měsícem +29

    "I am here to introduce to people, the closest friend I have that is Jesus Christ".
    Amen 🙏🏻✝️
    Jesus loves us more than anybody. He has knocked on my door many times and I have sinned to even listen until now.
    I pray for his mercy and his love and guidance and he shows me the way.
    The holy spirit is within you and to feel that is in the pit of your stomach.
    The truth will set you free
    Glory be to the father, the son and the holy spirit.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Před měsícem

      Does the TRUTH include an IMMORTAL God getting killed by his own creation? Thereby losing his immortality forever?
      Ever thought about that?

    • @carolhauber8412
      @carolhauber8412 Před měsícem

      1John1vs1That Which Was From the Beginning, which we have Heard, which we Have Seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life- 2 the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that Eternal life Which Was With the Father (1John5vs10-13)and was manifested to us- 3 that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and Truly our Fellowship is With the Father and With His Son Jesus Christ.

  • @JesusSavesTheLostBrokenConfuse
    @JesusSavesTheLostBrokenConfuse Před 2 měsíci +132

    Just alot of common sense, Cliffe handles himself so well.

    • @EternalFaithh
      @EternalFaithh  Před 2 měsíci +5


    • @djparsons7363
      @djparsons7363 Před 2 měsíci +2

      He knows nothing but lies, he has no grasp of the truth.

    • @Ctacobell
      @Ctacobell Před 2 měsíci


    • @Marz-sd4ps
      @Marz-sd4ps Před 2 měsíci +1

      Bro I I skipped to 10:50 watched a minute and found he said the most non sensical and unreliable thing I’ve ever heard. This guy said if he claim be prophet I have to see how he live his life and then determine he a prophet. This is one point of an indication to go on but not at all proofs or reliable factor of Prophethood. He loses to regular people. Tell Cliffe go against a muslim influencer Uthman , muslim lantern, Hijab, etc and he will get embarrassed.

    • @JesusSavesTheLostBrokenConfuse
      @JesusSavesTheLostBrokenConfuse Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@Marz-sd4ps If someone told me that God allows lying or that their religion allows me to lie then why in my right mind would I trust a book that tells me I can lie, how do I know the book is not lying to me? The Bible hates lying and its an abomination. Therefore only one religion is true, Jesus is the truth ✝️🙏 That goes for all religion, they can be easily tested to know if theyre from God or not.

  • @slevindroginuf6123
    @slevindroginuf6123 Před měsícem +18

    So hard for them to understand Quran is written by men 500 years after death of Christ. But they have no problem seeing the Bible written by Eye witnesses whom lived amongst Christ.!?
    Blind is the Followers of Quran

    • @NoxchiEdits2ndAcc
      @NoxchiEdits2ndAcc Před měsícem +1

      We will all see on the day of judgement.

    • @vimai8486
      @vimai8486 Před měsícem

      That point !

    • @我在這裡
      @我在這裡 Před měsícem

      `We will all see on the day of judgement`, you say, @@NoxchiEdits2ndAcc? Give me a reason to believe in Muhammad, that was born centuries after Jesus' death, please.

    • @NoxchiEdits2ndAcc
      @NoxchiEdits2ndAcc Před měsícem

      @@我在這裡 There's no need, since the truth will be seen on the day of judgement.
      May Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala guide us all.

    • @我在這裡
      @我在這裡 Před měsícem

      Instead of saying `May Allah guide us all`, just tell me the truth, @@NoxchiEdits2ndAcc. Why would I wait until the judgement day, for then getting to Hell (according to Islam) and knowing the truth only then? The living God revealed to me many times by answering my prayers; thus, either it was a coincidence, either Allah is not real.

  • @elizeerasmus
    @elizeerasmus Před měsícem +3

    You are very brave to stand up for Jesus en for Christianity. May you be blessed and may GOD give you the wisdom to keep on doing what you do.

  • @SavedByGraceNow
    @SavedByGraceNow Před měsícem +41

    He is the way, the truth and the light. No one gets to the Father but though Him!!

    • @othenz9966
      @othenz9966 Před 25 dny +2

      Correct, we can not get to the Father(Jehovah) but through Jesus Christ as he was the instrument Jehovah God to save us from the damnation of sin as our sacrificial lamb. Jesus is now sitting as the enthroned King by Jehovah God. Jesus is second in hierarchy to Jehovah God in the entire universe...

    • @xxno_namesxx
      @xxno_namesxx Před 23 dny +1

      @@SavedByGraceNow what is this? Aren’t God and Jesus “one”? Why do we have to get to the father when they’re both the same? Lol makes 0 sense.

    • @BK-jf1ye
      @BK-jf1ye Před 23 dny

      @@othenz9966 Obviously your information doesn't come from the Bible. Cuz that's not what it teaches.

    • @othenz9966
      @othenz9966 Před 22 dny

      @@BK-jf1ye as an advice to you, you have to deepen your bible understanding so that you will really know the truth, and so that you will be set really free, free from false doctrines and false hopes! If you want to have a respectful discussion, I will be glad to do it...

    • @Dharmadhurai_35
      @Dharmadhurai_35 Před 20 dny

      ​@@othenz9966If Jesus is the son of God then who is father God? Father god, son god, holy spirit god. How many Gods are there in Christianity? Educate me.

  • @DannyPodesta
    @DannyPodesta Před 2 měsíci +21

    Cliff, I love how you speak to the students and the knowledge you share with them. I also love your smile and quick funny come backs.

  • @nschlaak
    @nschlaak Před 2 měsíci +15

    This is the first time I've seen Cliff getting exasperated by people intentionally being obtuse and refusing to hear.

    • @enamullah4796
      @enamullah4796 Před měsícem

      cliff is just a douchebag and listen to himself

  • @TeekayGZ
    @TeekayGZ Před 21 dnem +1

    I respect Muslims but I’m a Christian, I love this guy he taught me a lot about Christianity

  • @probinsiyana8407
    @probinsiyana8407 Před 2 měsíci +118

    Jesus is the only in heaven ❤

    • @declansojka9588
      @declansojka9588 Před 2 měsíci +2


    • @kemalsucu
      @kemalsucu Před 2 měsíci +1

      I suggest you to learn Aristotle logic.

    • @GOD1stykit
      @GOD1stykit Před 2 měsíci +5

      @@kemalsucuI think they meant only Way to Heaven

    • @Plumbsss
      @Plumbsss Před 2 měsíci +1


    • @adamherman460
      @adamherman460 Před měsícem

      ​@@GOD1stykitjesus said I am way the truth and the life why because he is god that simple

  • @codymoore3893
    @codymoore3893 Před 2 měsíci +14

    Man I love watching these but this one was so hard I couldn’t finish it, I can’t believe humanity has gotten to this point, lord please be with us the end is coming soon, I’m so excited to meet the one true father

  • @neo7566
    @neo7566 Před 2 měsíci +60

    They won't be saying "Peace be upon him" when they meet him on JUDGEMENT DAY!

    • @Vibyxz
      @Vibyxz Před 2 měsíci +12

      @user-me3cr2qy1y Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
      John 14:6
      And too, why did Allah was wrong on the Trinity concept? Mary as a god too? Don't make me laugh

    • @Vibyxz
      @Vibyxz Před 2 měsíci +4

      @user-me3cr2qy1y Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
      John 14:6
      And too, why did Allah was wrong on the Trinity concept? Mary as a god too? Don't make me laugh

    • @AlexMkd1984
      @AlexMkd1984 Před měsícem

      ​@user-me3cr2qy1yyou are deluded by satan

    • @saidboujeddain523
      @saidboujeddain523 Před měsícem +4

      Jesus literally prayed to god, he was not praying to himself, that would be a false

    • @neo7566
      @neo7566 Před měsícem +4

      @@saidboujeddain523 Who is the Alpha & the Omega, the first and the last, well it's God and that's one of God's many titles, and who's claims that title in Revelation 22:13, JESUS, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.JESUS IS GOD PERIOD!

  • @abdullahzayn1187
    @abdullahzayn1187 Před 2 dny +1

    its not your eyes are blind but your hearts are..... islam is the truth

  • @user-ru3vb1wy3p
    @user-ru3vb1wy3p Před 2 měsíci +33

    God bless you Sir for preaching the gospel of Jesus 🙏

    • @EternalFaithh
      @EternalFaithh  Před 2 měsíci +1

      All credit to Cliffe knechtle 🙏

    • @M1cha3lP
      @M1cha3lP Před 2 měsíci +1

      ​@@EternalFaithhI don't think the comment was directed at you.

    • @EternalFaithh
      @EternalFaithh  Před měsícem +1

      @@M1cha3lPYou’re correct. All credit to Give Me an Answer and Cliffe knechtle. 🙏

    • @bootybun
      @bootybun Před měsícem

      @@M1cha3lP Yeah. WE KNOW

  • @Shineriseyah
    @Shineriseyah Před měsícem +21

    11:20 "follow me to scientology!!!" Got me dying its funny💀"

  • @Angsabingbibliya
    @Angsabingbibliya Před 2 měsíci +27

    Let's read our Bible to gives us knowledge about the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ as the gift from God for our salvation🙏,

    • @EternalFaithh
      @EternalFaithh  Před 2 měsíci +1


    • @huzaifasaeed1636
      @huzaifasaeed1636 Před měsícem +1

      ​@@EternalFaithh😂😂cliff got exposed ""you are not listening to me". 🗿🗿🗿 Emotional christians 😭"Cliff exposed Muslims ".

    • @user-qf2ov8cx9i
      @user-qf2ov8cx9i Před 19 hodinami

      ​@@huzaifasaeed1636another juvenile clown💀

  • @LYNUS949
    @LYNUS949 Před 29 dny +1

    As Christian, we are here to be witnesses of GOD by applying in action the teaching of Jesus Christ. Read the Bible not only to teach but to live by the words, and God will manifest in us, and this will show non-believers that the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob is a true and powerful God❤🙏

  • @user-io5qb5kn9t
    @user-io5qb5kn9t Před měsícem +5

    @11:41 The way the Muslim woman looked at the camera after Cliffe said " No, I didn't", was so meme-worthy. XD

  • @ALX65
    @ALX65 Před měsícem +9

    Cliffe doesn’t mess around. He was full on debate mode the entire time. I’m Christian too but this video was so funny😂

  • @littlehepatitus10
    @littlehepatitus10 Před měsícem +14

    Amen, brothers, praised be to God.
    But that dude who ran in yelling "Follow me to Scientology" made me cackle

  • @fatboikilar27
    @fatboikilar27 Před měsícem +3

    @12:30 I believe a prophet is not only inspired by God but has fulfilled some prophecy’s and can communicate with God and God uses them to not only communicate back through that person but to also do hes work. 🙏🏾🙌🏾💯💜

  • @Allahis-the-greatest
    @Allahis-the-greatest Před měsícem +47

    We want a conversation between this man and sheikh Uthman bin faruq 🔥

    • @GhostAttack1
      @GhostAttack1 Před měsícem

      Yeah sheikh Othman will destroy this person in 5 minutes

    • @surahbarrett449
      @surahbarrett449 Před měsícem

      I was just thinking this . ❗️

    • @Horrorstorywithme1000
      @Horrorstorywithme1000 Před měsícem +9

      Nah man that's guy sheikh uthman bin Faruq is a very intelligent guy but this 🤡🤣 who don't know about his own holy book. If you are a brave man then go debate with sheikh uthman bin faruq☝️💯

    • @AsimSL2
      @AsimSL2 Před měsícem +8

      He would never debate the sheikh because he knows he could never win let alone reach common ground

    • @chriscardenas5860
      @chriscardenas5860 Před měsícem +7

      Your false teacher has already been destroyed in debates.
      Your Quran and "Holy" Books are unreabilable and historically inaccurate

  • @jijok1382
    @jijok1382 Před měsícem +10

    One and only god Jesus Christ God bless you all ✝️🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @iddrisuibrahim7600
      @iddrisuibrahim7600 Před měsícem

      I thought Christians believe in trinity; have you left out The Father and The Holy Spirit?

  • @AlwaysBeClosingShow
    @AlwaysBeClosingShow Před měsícem +27

    Without lies Islam dies

    • @Ahmedsalah-yb9jg
      @Ahmedsalah-yb9jg Před měsícem

      Stop copying people Islam dies 😅 go learn 😤 how to speak.

    • @MH-mj9jm
      @MH-mj9jm Před měsícem +2

      Just open your heart a little.
      Try to learn a little bit more about Islam and about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), not from non-Islamic sources but from Islamic sources.
      Do you think 2 billion people are following lies?
      And every day, many non-Islamic people are coming back to Islam only because they are learning from the right sources.

    • @LeenHawadi
      @LeenHawadi Před měsícem

      I've read it a million times..funny 😂😂Christian passion 😂

    • @LeenHawadi
      @LeenHawadi Před měsícem

      I don't want my God to be a white man, Honestly

    • @Kingxaero
      @Kingxaero Před 27 dny

      ​@@MH-mj9jmdid you listen to anything in this video?

  • @othenz9966
    @othenz9966 Před 25 dny +1

    So many people quote John 8:58 to support that Jesus claim himself that he is God. The key to understand John 8:58 is verse 57, "You are not yet fifty years old," they said to him, "and you have seen Abraham!" This verse is very obvious that they Jews was talking about his AGE not his IDENTITY. And Jesus' response was also about his AGE or his Existence NOT his IDENTITY.
    A lot of bible translation like the NIV rendered John 8:58 about Jesus age or existence, "Very truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!"

  • @gregariousguru
    @gregariousguru Před 2 měsíci +7

    Once they went to the ad hominem attacks, calling him crazy, you already know they lost the debate.

  • @ikanpaus5160
    @ikanpaus5160 Před 2 měsíci +7

    the fact is they don't want the answer, they want to confuse the minds of the people around them

    • @enamullah4796
      @enamullah4796 Před měsícem +1

      thats the problem with u missionary guys. when starting arguing u guys hiding like that coward

    • @este1ita
      @este1ita Před měsícem

      ​@@enamullah4796How lovely the respect you have to missionaries, dear brother in Christ. May God peace be upon you ✝️💛🙏

  • @macio413
    @macio413 Před 2 měsíci +14

    Galatians 1:8 in the Bible says, "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we [originally] preached to you, let him be condemned to destruction

    • @he729gtd61
      @he729gtd61 Před měsícem

      christians must read their bible again!

    • @lawrencemokone5435
      @lawrencemokone5435 Před měsícem

      You mean Paul said so not Jesus

    • @macio413
      @macio413 Před měsícem +1

      @@lawrencemokone5435 Matthew 7:15 jesus said Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves.

    • @he729gtd61
      @he729gtd61 Před měsícem +1

      @@lawrencemokone5435 you obviously don't know the Bible

    • @lawrencemokone5435
      @lawrencemokone5435 Před měsícem

      @@he729gtd61 how so because itself is a story telling book meaning whoever studied scriptures & scrolls wrote it on/at, in their own perspective of their own imagination & exaggerations & most of the churches are preaching & teaching following the books of Paul not so much on Matthew, John, Mark or Luke, the last of em they're following the teaching that're contrary to whats on the old testament, how many a laws that have been bridged or abolished from old testament since ever we living in a New intergrated democratic world dominated by Christian faith where you all hoping you're doing well & you're on way to heaven?!
      With or without You Islam wins, but you without Islam you'll lose!
      If only the words in the Bible comes from it's core characters & wrote by em it will have been the truth & authentic but if not bye bye you also can go study it review it & rewrite it & call it a rewrited version standard

  • @Dani4True
    @Dani4True Před 23 dny +1

    This proves to me exactly why Jesus said that only those who were chosen by the Father will come to Him.
    Some people just don’t get chosen and will not go to heaven. ❤🙏🏻

    • @robertgappy8411
      @robertgappy8411 Před 23 dny

      God the Father, will clarify God the Son Jesus by The Spirit of God the Holy Spirit, for anyone wants to know the truth.

    • @Dani4True
      @Dani4True Před 23 dny +1

      @@robertgappy8411 And not one of His sheep will He lose! He does amazing things! ✝️♥️🙏🏻

    • @robertgappy8411
      @robertgappy8411 Před 22 dny

      @@Dani4True Amen.

  • @gravedanger5771
    @gravedanger5771 Před 2 měsíci +36

    Lord Jesus prayed sitting, standing, kneeling, and in a prone position

    • @gabriel_of_spain
      @gabriel_of_spain Před 2 měsíci +1


    • @brokeboiacey5674
      @brokeboiacey5674 Před 2 měsíci

      We Muslims do all that as well😁

    • @gabriel_of_spain
      @gabriel_of_spain Před 2 měsíci +5

      @@brokeboiacey5674 That’s awesome and so do orthodox christians (before you guys, btw)

    • @brokeboiacey5674
      @brokeboiacey5674 Před 2 měsíci

      @@gabriel_of_spain we Muslims believe in one god like jesus did😁

    • @gabriel_of_spain
      @gabriel_of_spain Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@brokeboiacey5674 Christians believe in one God too

  • @user-fl6ye1ov5i
    @user-fl6ye1ov5i Před měsícem +26

    Do not forget what Jesus said no one get to the Father but through me Amen 🙏….

  • @StanleypeterDickinson
    @StanleypeterDickinson Před měsícem +8

    Thanks Cliff. Patience of the Job.😊

  • @Ags-c4y
    @Ags-c4y Před 10 dny

    All these folks debating the existence of Jesus. It's not in your head that you feel his presence it is in your heart. ALL of us are on our own journey to find Jesus. I pray for peace in this world so we can because it takes a lifetime to walk with Him.

  • @0585janz
    @0585janz Před 2 měsíci +38

    When you show muslims that Jesus Christ claimed to be God.
    1.) Christ(Himself) Directly, Unequivocally and exactly claimed. I am God Revelation 21:6-7
    6 He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. 7 Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children
    2.) He who has seen me has seen God
    John 14:9
    9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
    3.) I AM The Almighty
    Revelation 1:8
    8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
    4.) I AM The First and The Last. Alpha and Omega( Rev 1:17, 2:8, 22:13)
    Revelation 1:17
    17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.
    Revelation 2:8
    To the Church in Smyrna
    8 “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write:
    These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again.
    Revelation 22:13
    13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
    5.) I AM The Truth
    John 14:6
    6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
    6.) I AM The Light
    John 8:12
    Dispute Over Jesus’ Testimony
    12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
    7.) I AM The Life
    John 11:25
    25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;
    8.) The Giver of Eternal Life
    John 10:28
    28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.
    9.) The Angel are His. (Matt 13:4, Rev 19:16)
    Matthew 13:41
    41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil.
    Revelation 19:16
    16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
    king of kings and lord of lords.
    10.) THE GREAT I AM. (Exodus 3:13-15, John 8:58)
    Exodus 3:13-15
    13 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”
    14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.[a] This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”
    15 God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord,[b] the God of your fathers-the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob-has sent me to you.’
    “This is my name forever,
    the name you shall call me
    from generation to generation.
    John 8:58
    58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

    • @EternalFaithh
      @EternalFaithh  Před 2 měsíci +1


    • @brokeboiacey5674
      @brokeboiacey5674 Před 2 měsíci +1

      No one is good except god alone

    • @connorhofmann5691
      @connorhofmann5691 Před 2 měsíci +3

      Well said, brother. 🙏✝

    • @Vibyxz
      @Vibyxz Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@brokeboiacey5674 Wait a minute, you don't know anything about the Trinity do you? Jesus is God too, the guy over here showed amusing evidence of that.

    • @LindaMiller-uj3wz
      @LindaMiller-uj3wz Před měsícem

      Amen 🙏

  • @vhagerty
    @vhagerty Před měsícem +4

    Do they always constantly interrupt? She reminded me of a child who keeps trying to interrupt you when you're on the phone, "Mom! Mom! Mom!"

    • @APR4JC
      @APR4JC Před měsícem

      yes. especially when their arguments are being debunked.

  • @CTE138
    @CTE138 Před měsícem +10

    Irresistible is the very word an Iranian student used when telling me of his conversion to Christ. Brought up to read the Koran, say his prayers and lead a good life, he nevertheless knew he was separated from God by his sins. When Christian friends brought him to church and encouraged him to read the Bible, he learnt that Jesus Christ had died for his forgiveness. ‘For me the offer was irresistible and heaven-sent’, he said and he CRIED to God to have mercy on him through Christ. Almost immediately ‘the burden of my past life was lifted. I felt as if a huge weight ..... had gone. With the relief and sense of lightness came incredible joy. At last it has happened. I was free of my past. I knew that God had forgiven me, I felt clean. I wanted to shout, and tell everybody.

    • @iddrisuibrahim7600
      @iddrisuibrahim7600 Před měsícem

      The fastest growing religion is Islam!
      So what you said is only a drop in the ocean compared to the growth rate of Islam.
      Islam is the most attacked religion (through media, falsely speaking shit about the religion to others who do not know, etc.), yet it is the fastest growing; isn't this a miracle?
      If we want a fair trial, suppose, the other religions faced same, what would happen?
      It's rhetorical: gone to the lowest of the low (respectfully).

    • @monsieurpatate1573
      @monsieurpatate1573 Před měsícem

      😂😂 no logic just irresistible. Human worshipping is irresistible yeah right

    • @iddrisuibrahim7600
      @iddrisuibrahim7600 Před měsícem

      @CTE138 Do you think these unconfirmed, potentially-doubtful claims would be taken?
      As a matter of fact and objective truth, Islam is the fastest growing religion so what u said is only a drop in the ocean compared to the growth rate of Islam (AlhamduliLLAH), and to be lenient and suppose what u're saying is true, that doesn't justify Christianity (even, the word "Christianity" doesn't appear in the Bible).
      Prove from your own Scripture if u're Truthful. Do you think you can easily trick people in these ages? (Even the ignorant can be exposed through the media nowadays)
      How do u defend the many, many blatant contradictions in the Bible?
      Trinity is an invention (the word never appears in the Bible); how can the main basis of the Christianity, Trinity, be formed after many, many years after Jesus Crist PBUH? So those who actually saw the teachings of Jesus Christ PBUH at the time Trinity never existed what (variant of) Christianity did they practice? If that belief is unambiguously clear, why do there had to be a meeting (First Council of Nicaea) to set it up? There is no unambiguous verse in the Bible where Jesus Christ PBUH himself says he is God, so he deserves to be worshipped.
      So, there is a boundary between the actual teaching of the Bible and the teaching of the Church.
      Christians accept Trinity only by the mention of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit in the Bible.
      For example, in reading the Book, "Oliver Twist", if one is told that Oliver (a young, male protagonist) and Nancy (a fully grown lady) are the same and one believes that unreasonable, not-verifiable-intext-wise claim, one would only convince oneself whenever one sees the two characters are together on a common course. Meanwhile, what is sufficient is that it must be proved from the novel!
      There must be a proof in the novel to prove that the characters bearing different names and different fundamental attributes are the same! (which would be absurd though)
      Thus, give a clear-cut, unambiguous statement that Jesus Christ PBUH himself says he is God, so he deserves to be worshipped (that someone who has never heard of Trinity would accept); for sure if the test is sufficiently passed, then one doesn't need the conclusions born from the conjectures from the First Council if Nicaea meeting.
      If u want us to talk about Trinity in detail, kindly inform me here (thank u!).
      We do not use guesses to establish divine faith; conjecture is not a substitute for the truth.
      Many do not know that the Bible uses God and Satan interchangeably; I would give the reference (to be truthful):
      Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel?
      God did (2 Samuel 24: 1).
      Satan did (1 Chronicles 21: 1)
      Honestly, u have a big problem to tackle!
      Respectfully, if you do arrogantly turn away (which is a possibility as per how u're expressing urself which is not really proving the Bible you believe in is not tempered, but giving an unverifiable testimony - in fact for Islam, we do not have to bring out those testimonies because Islam is the fastest growing religion: AlhamduliLLAH and it is a fact); the other Christian brothers and sisters who never knew this would be exposed to something critical they (perhaps) never realized in their whole lives!

  • @ShakeItUp-c5m
    @ShakeItUp-c5m Před 4 dny

    Cliff is amazing!! He has unbelievable holy spirit filled patience, grace and composure. 👌 👏 Wow!

  • @darayy6352
    @darayy6352 Před měsícem +6

    The "you're in our way" was a hilarious wholesome lil moment tho 😂❤️

  • @sebatinfo1904
    @sebatinfo1904 Před měsícem +12

    As Christian you don't need to argue with non belivers

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Před měsícem +1

      Depends on what people mean by Christian.
      People who can believe that Almighty God came in the form of a man and rode a donkey before his own creation killed him, cannot be Christians, can they.
      (John 4:24) God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.”
      Jesus pointing out that he was not God. Spirit beings cannot be killed. Jesus was.

    • @mayrajuarez9445
      @mayrajuarez9445 Před 23 dny

      ⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@@tongakhan230Christians are those whose faith is founded on Jesus Christ….Christ-ians.
      Jesus rode on the donkey as a sign of humility. I guess he could’ve been on a carriage covered in gold which would be more “God like” to humans but what would that teach humanity? Probably that Jesus exalted himself which would contradict his character.
      This verse you’re quoting is pointing out that worshiping God means there is a divine connection between your spirit and God’s spirit through your worship. We can sing, clap, or dance but will be meaningless if our spirit is not truthfully worshipping Him.
      Jesus was prophesied in the Old Testament. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6) Jesus was crucified and resurrected. After He resurrected and before He ascended to heaven, He said “make disciples baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). The New and the Old Testament are in agreement that the Father (God in Heaven), Son/Jesus (God in flesh), and Holy Spirit (God among us) are three in one.

  • @MongaConfidential
    @MongaConfidential Před měsícem +5

    8:50 LMAO that girl literally said the most funniest thing ever and actually is brainwashed to believe that wow

  • @fernandogarciamedina7108
    @fernandogarciamedina7108 Před 16 dny +1

    That's western countries democracy and free thinking. In Muslims countries you wouldn't even consider having this discussion in a public space.

  • @mimmiekgaditse1517
    @mimmiekgaditse1517 Před 2 měsíci +43

    The girl in the blue hoodie is impenetrable. She believes in Muhammad's propherhood but not Moses?

    • @ramonpooser2434
      @ramonpooser2434 Před měsícem +1

      She needs evidences that use the Quran and Bible to explain themselves. Jesus repeatedly doesn’t say I am God. He says things that people identify with God, that only God said. The things that the Quran says about science alone are big head shakers. We are left with the evidence to make up our minds.

    • @romankhan9120
      @romankhan9120 Před měsícem +1

      Muslims believs in all Prophets and miracles which God helped them to do miracles and muslim believing in all prophethood their missions messegs of ones about God allmighty.... Muslims beliefs about Jesus pbuh that he was mighty messenger of God who was born from virgin women Marry pbuh and Muslim respecting them all. So understand that Islam is the truth and about one God creator of heaven and earth he created everything. There is no trinity or father and son its all fake mixed from Greek/Roman Imperiors times Like Counsl snt of Nasea storys etc...

    • @andrewklados4096
      @andrewklados4096 Před měsícem

      Christ’s said It is written, I and the father am one when you have seen me you have seen the father his is the only tomb that is empty , end of discussion. it’s not rocket science very easy j

    • @romankhan9120
      @romankhan9120 Před měsícem +1

      @@ramonpooser2434 if he was God he would say i am God and shout your mout and i will rule here lol but in all his childhood mission till his end in earth he not single word used to say he was God and second think about how can God became a baby he him self put in to flesh and then beating by his creation on the cross naked ? Lol is that not stupid ? God allmighty makes fun of him self by his creation ? Baby born from virgin women and then died on the cross for ppl sin lol how about Hitler who killed many ppl on earth ? Thats why Islam is a clear sign of religion just One God and One Messeg and all prophets from Adam till Jesus Mohammed pbuh they came for the same messeg that God is one and no trinity !! Trinity is fake

    • @aya.491
      @aya.491 Před měsícem +1

      We Muslims have to believe in Moses prophethood. He was mentioned in the Quran several times. A lot more times then Muhammad

  • @user-ru3vb1wy3p
    @user-ru3vb1wy3p Před 2 měsíci +6

    Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.Perfect and most powerful.So, he knows all languages.If u believe like a mustard seed, you can tell the mountains to move from other place.Same as you believe in Jesus,that he is a true living God without seeing him by flesh🙏

  • @jessjess5828
    @jessjess5828 Před 2 měsíci +8

    ❤🎉 the best answer to our Muslim friend

  • @Gamerrgirl12380
    @Gamerrgirl12380 Před měsícem +1

    Galatians 1: 6-12 “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you let him be accursed. As we have said before so now i say again if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received let him be accursed”
    Some man 500 years later: “yeah an angel told me jesus wasnt God”

  • @_The_Traveler_
    @_The_Traveler_ Před 2 měsíci +4

    Yeah, I definitely don't have the patience to stand and take argumentative people just throwing up their ideology everywhere, constantly cutting you off and putting words in your mouth, making 9 arguments in one and leap-frogging from logical incoherency to logical incoherency...I just couldn't. God bless Cliffe and his son, they're simply built differently.

  • @OddFutureRebel
    @OddFutureRebel Před měsícem +4

    I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me! Jesus is King!

  • @uncagedzebra6941
    @uncagedzebra6941 Před 2 měsíci +13

    Pray for these students for they are lost. They can still come to know the true God who became flesh Jesus Christ ❤️

    • @enamullah4796
      @enamullah4796 Před měsícem +1

      i pray for u. to get some knowledge.

    • @APR4JC
      @APR4JC Před měsícem +1

      some people are not meant to be saved. sad but true. especially most of these muslims can not be saved, and when it's judgement day, then they will want to change but then its too late sadly.

    • @APR4JC
      @APR4JC Před měsícem +1

      @@enamullah4796 sahih al bukhari 4:55:657 even says that Jesus will return to judge the world. so why are you worshipping muhammed?

    • @iddrisuibrahim7600
      @iddrisuibrahim7600 Před měsícem

      What was the purpose of becoming the "flesh"?
      Also, but...God doesn't change or?

    • @iddrisuibrahim7600
      @iddrisuibrahim7600 Před měsícem +1

      ​@@APR4JCIn Islam, we do not associate any partners in worship with the True Almighty God.
      A Muslim is someone who submits his/her will to the True Almighty God.
      So by definition, how can a Muslim not be saved?
      Respectfully, kindly do well and know the meaning of a word before making claims about it.

  • @OogawaysSpecialStudent
    @OogawaysSpecialStudent Před 15 dny +1

    I respect Christians but I'm personally Muslim & Allah doesn't want humans to get apart from each other. He wants all of us to be together & friends. Now having bullies that bully u on purpose then u cant do a lot of stuff.

    • @EggsRollie
      @EggsRollie Před 7 dny

      I'm Muslim too, I don't want other religions to be fighting just because we have different beliefs- I respect all of them ❤

  • @WilbertRamos777
    @WilbertRamos777 Před 2 měsíci +25

    Muslim says the Bible is corrupted but they said some stuff from the Bible they pick & choose the hypocrisy ia real..

    • @blessing21
      @blessing21 Před 2 měsíci

      Lies and hypocrisy is Islam other names. Even Mohammad was worst evil bad example.

    • @UltimatumDemon
      @UltimatumDemon Před 2 měsíci +3

      They don't believe in bible, they tell you you're wrong with your own book

    • @john318john
      @john318john Před 2 měsíci +3

      The next time someone says the Bible is corrupted, please ask them who corrupted it, where it was corrupted, and in what century. Do you or anyone know where the uncorrupted Bible is?

    • @blessing21
      @blessing21 Před 2 měsíci

      @@john318john Muslims can't answer those questions because they know Islam is lies hypocrisy.

    • @blessing21
      @blessing21 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@UltimatumDemon how is that hypocrisy you said. Lol
      Be honest look at Mohammad he had no confirmation of his so-called revelation. Yep Islam is lies hypocrisy indeed.

  • @kennethxavier6012
    @kennethxavier6012 Před 2 měsíci +19

    Why do muslims say peace be upon Him(Jesus) when they know He is still alive?

    • @RassebasBeats
      @RassebasBeats Před 2 měsíci

      Facts, I say this all the time

    • @SportBits21
      @SportBits21 Před 2 měsíci

      To show respect

    • @kennethxavier6012
      @kennethxavier6012 Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@SportBits21 but isa in Quran is not the same as Yeshua in the Bible

    • @UltimatumDemon
      @UltimatumDemon Před 2 měsíci +1

      Why do Christians say Jesus died for our sins, when you right there say hes still alive?

    • @Drewster4545
      @Drewster4545 Před 2 měsíci +10

      @@UltimatumDemon I see what you’re “trying” to say but your example was terrible. Jesus died for 3 days and resurrected. Just because he resurrected doesn’t take away the fact that he was in fact dead for 3 days. We even say it in modern day. Someone was “dead” for 5 to 10 minutes etc. But was resuscitated. Technically they still “died”.

  • @nikifahrtrad3556
    @nikifahrtrad3556 Před měsícem +5

    Right Jesus ist Not God, The Bible teach : When God sent his son, 1. he was not on earth himself, 2. when Jesus prayed, he did not talk to himself, but he spoke to his father.

    • @jordantheriverman6143
      @jordantheriverman6143 Před měsícem +1

      Christians are Trinitarians. God is one in being, three in person.
      The objections you raised show a misunderstanding of basic Christian doctrine.

    • @nikifahrtrad3556
      @nikifahrtrad3556 Před měsícem

      @@jordantheriverman6143 trinity =666

    • @我在這裡
      @我在這裡 Před měsícem


    • @carolhauber8412
      @carolhauber8412 Před měsícem

      Rev22vs18-19 dont adds things .!

    • @carolhauber8412
      @carolhauber8412 Před měsícem

      @@jordantheriverman6143 you cant find the Word Trinity or that Jesus said He is God, u only find that All the ppl believe and Confess He is the Messiah John4) and the Son of God not God the Son because Why said God Ps2vs2
      The kings of the earth set themselves,
      And the rulers take counsel together,
      Against the Lord and against His Anointed, Acts4vs24
      So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord and said: “Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them, 25 who by the mouth of Your servant David have said:
      ‘Why did the nations rage,
      And the people plot vain things?
      26 The kings of the earth took their stand,
      And the rulers were gathered together
      Against the Lord and Against His Christ.’
      27 “For truly against Your holy Servant Jesus, whom You anointed,
      For to which of the angels did He ever say:
      “You are My Son,
      Today I have begotten You”?
      And again:
      And He SHALL BE TO ME A SON”?
      6 But when He AGAIN brings the Firstborn into the world, He says:
      “Let all the angels of God worship Him.”
      Hebr5vs5So also Christ did not glorify Himself to become High Priest, but it was He who said to Him:
      “You are My Son,
      Today I Have Begotten You.”
      6 As He also says in another place:
      “You are a priest forever
      According to the order of Melchizedek”;
      Hebr5vs8 though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. 9 And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him, 10 called by God as High Priest “according to the order of Melchizedek,”
      HEBR10vs7 Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come-
      In the volume of the book it is written of M-
      To do Your will, O God.’”
      Rev3vs21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne..

  • @YoungApostle.official
    @YoungApostle.official Před 18 dny

    Amen,I like the way Stuart is just learning there from the back

  • @arshcritical9640
    @arshcritical9640 Před měsícem +6

    Jesus never said I am the lord worship to me, Jesus said my father greater than all, father means Almighty Allah one and only ❤

    • @rustyshackleford9557
      @rustyshackleford9557 Před měsícem +2

      Elvis never said, I am not a Martian".....show me where Elvis plainly said, " I am not a Martian".
      Some folks are so brainwashed, their logic is impaired.

    • @cbh_uzun
      @cbh_uzun Před měsícem +3

      Jesus also haven't said "I'm not god don't worship me"

    • @FunAlltime247
      @FunAlltime247 Před měsícem

      ​@@rustyshackleford9557But Jesus did say who the only true God is "the Father". What are you arguing about?

    • @rustyshackleford9557
      @rustyshackleford9557 Před měsícem

      @@FunAlltime247 Jesus clearly proclaimed, " I and the Father are one,"
      Folks just have a hard time understanding a multi dimensional God.
      To our limited mind a God who can be in more than one place at a time seems to our limited cognitive abilities to be multiple Gods..

    • @我在這裡
      @我在這裡 Před měsícem +1

      Jesus said that because the Father and the Son are not the same, but still, the Son is God. I know, It is confusing.

  • @warrr_machine
    @warrr_machine Před 2 měsíci +22

    0:02 you love a different Jesus. Paul knew what he was talking about when he wrote of a different Jesus

    • @ViperKing86
      @ViperKing86 Před měsícem +2

      Paul the deceiver

    • @Thefunnyguy3732
      @Thefunnyguy3732 Před 28 dny

      Muhammad the false prophet

    • @slothpawz9610
      @slothpawz9610 Před 25 dny +1

      @@ViperKing86How is Paul a deceiver?

    • @ViperKing86
      @ViperKing86 Před 25 dny +1

      @@slothpawz9610 Hmmm? Look I to your religion. Paulism!

    • @chershire2
      @chershire2 Před 24 dny +4

      ​@@slothpawz9610don't waste your time on idiots😅

  • @DheerajPdheeraj21nov
    @DheerajPdheeraj21nov Před měsícem +8

    MuhaMAD said allah has two right hands, what was he doing with two right hands😂😂😂

  • @Neskabengal
    @Neskabengal Před 24 dny +1

    They think that their laughing at Cliffe, but they truly are laughing at Jesus Christ

    • @Dani4True
      @Dani4True Před 23 dny +1

      John 6:65
      65 And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.
      Most of them were never chosen to be a part of the Kingdom anyway unfortunately. 🙏🏻♥️

  • @MaximCherkashin
    @MaximCherkashin Před 2 měsíci +7

    Jesus always speaks the truth but he never told that he is God!

  • @GiviKuchukhidze
    @GiviKuchukhidze Před měsícem +13

    I think Jesus Christ is the Son of God and God himself (Holy Trinity Thank You) I am a sinner guys

    • @GiviKuchukhidze
      @GiviKuchukhidze Před měsícem


    • @HaruQF
      @HaruQF Před měsícem

      correct yourself. "I KNOW Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and God Himself."
      Then read the book of James and realize that your Faith is justified through works, and you need to produce good Fruit for Christ to be welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven.

    • @GiviKuchukhidze
      @GiviKuchukhidze Před měsícem

      @@HaruQF Thanks! How to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? What is it? Tell me. God bless us ❤

    • @HaruQF
      @HaruQF Před měsícem

      In order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven you must:
      1. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior (He is God).
      2. You must Repent of your sins, and turn from them.
      3. You must go out and make disciples of all nations. Which means you must lead others to Christ.
      This is all proven by Scripture:
      1. Romans 10:9 "Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
      2. Acts 3:19, Acts 2:38
      "Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out,"
      "And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
      3. Revelation 20:12
      "And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done."

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Před měsícem +1

      People who do not know the difference between a SON and his FATHER should check. Dictionaries are there to help.
      (John 1:34) And I have seen it, and I have given witness that this one IS the Son of God.”
      IF Jesus IS God, wouldn't John have mentioned it? John knew who a son is. He was one.
      Mark 3:17 James the SONn of Zebʹe·dee and JOHN the brother of James

  • @johnharvey4448
    @johnharvey4448 Před měsícem +19

    Jesus Christ can heal you ; Muhammed can't.

    • @xxno_namesxx
      @xxno_namesxx Před 24 dny +1

      The opposite

    • @JMian
      @JMian Před 24 dny

      @@xxno_namesxx how bro😂. You are claiming Muhammed to be god. Are you stupid to do shirk?😂

    • @foxfrogandwalpuppet9716
      @foxfrogandwalpuppet9716 Před 23 dny

      Learn to respect other peoples religion 😠

    • @BK-jf1ye
      @BK-jf1ye Před 23 dny

      @@foxfrogandwalpuppet9716 I respect the people but I don't respect their religion. I don't respect ANY religion. But I'm IN LOVE with Jesus and my relationship with Him.

    • @johnharvey4448
      @johnharvey4448 Před 21 dnem

      @@xxno_namesxx Untrue.

  • @Febrezerr
    @Febrezerr Před 15 dny

    and this is why religion (cultures) has started so many wars. No one can get a grip.