Character Teaser - "Wanderer: Ashes" | Genshin Impact

  • čas přidán 2. 12. 2022
  • When we place our hopes in something that does not belong to us, we doom ourselves to despair.
    But if despair does not lead to destruction, something new will rise from the ashes.
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  • @kienphucnguyen2001
    @kienphucnguyen2001 Před rokem +9313

    For those who don’t know: the boy died of tatarigami. Scara burnt everything including the boy’s body into ashes. But there was no heart to be born at all. Just ashes. And scara felt betrayed.

    • @talaysia3831
      @talaysia3831 Před rokem +675

      That makes it even sadder 😭

    • @cynthia20475
      @cynthia20475 Před rokem +3

      Scaradouche deserves it, edgy criminal should just burn himself as well

    • @lunchboxsandwich9971
      @lunchboxsandwich9971 Před rokem +1151

      Maybe the toy he left behind was his heart

    • @bloodmoonlps
      @bloodmoonlps Před rokem +285

      I managed to hold my tears back through the video, but this comment broke me. :"l

    • @Eleesehn
      @Eleesehn Před rokem +181

      Is this the child mentioned in the Husk of Opulent Dreams' circlet description? Or another? 😭

  • @wendelilinon8041
    @wendelilinon8041 Před rokem +7094

    The story that the kid was telling scaramochue was based on Hans Christian Andersen's "The Steadfast Tin Soldier". The ballerina and the toy soldier were both burned in the original story which formed the heart.
    I love how Hoyoverse incorporated this story in scaramochue's teaser.

    • @ms.pirate
      @ms.pirate Před rokem +280

      And also the soldier had no leg instead of a heart

    • @Slater2113
      @Slater2113 Před rokem +31

      Getting Dressrosa flashbacks oh no

    • @ghpppst
      @ghpppst Před rokem +4


    • @livetochange974
      @livetochange974 Před rokem +12

      So basically copied a existing story because genshin writers are really bad? No wonder most of us skip the event stories. Most boring npcs ever lol

    • @jonathanleroy4912
      @jonathanleroy4912 Před rokem +137


  • @jadibdraws
    @jadibdraws Před rokem +4390

    The lore behind this character is so good my goodness such depth

    • @bimbam9487
      @bimbam9487 Před rokem +137

      The amount of effort mihoyo put into his lore is insanee

    • @mohdikhwanabdmalik882
      @mohdikhwanabdmalik882 Před rokem +10

      @@bimbam9487 fr

    • @vladimirbrevis656
      @vladimirbrevis656 Před 11 měsíci

      si usted lo dice, y sólo si usted lo dice, pero incluso si usted lo dice yo digo que no.

    • @setsukastan7004
      @setsukastan7004 Před 7 měsíci


    • @rirililili
      @rirililili Před měsícem +3

      ​@@vladimirbrevis656 No one cares really

  • @qfkex
    @qfkex Před rokem +4069

    These last lines, "I wish I'd never been born at all" and Wanderer saying "Is that really all you wish for?", it hits different after doing 3.3 archon quest, I just love all the details they put into some lines in game, and things in character demos and teasers that you can fully understand only after doing the quest. When I first watched it I just thought that it was Wanderer who changed the way he looks at the world and his life, but now it almost seems like an actual question...

    • @elaineyeh2532
      @elaineyeh2532 Před rokem +20

      can you care explain?

    • @Anonymous-ud6bz
      @Anonymous-ud6bz Před rokem +202

      @@elaineyeh2532 if im not mistaken, before scara erase himself in the irminsul, he wish to never been born at all so ppl who die bcs of him will have another chance. But ppl that already dead will never come back and he lose the memory about his past. i hope i answer ur question

    • @hiro2201
      @hiro2201 Před rokem +67

      no thats just Scaramouche Scaramouche will you do the fandango moment

    • @tenshi6767
      @tenshi6767 Před rokem

      @@hiro2201 lmao dude

    • @mikigirl18
      @mikigirl18 Před rokem +35

      You're right. Details that only make sense in the quest is perfect for a teaser trailer. Makes you excited. There's the part where "from the ashes was a tiny heart". Could be interpreted to Niwa's heart. And that same heart protected Kabukimono/Kunikuzushi from the fire of the furnace. Which would be referenced when he wished that he had died in that fire.

  • @ukisdoormat2111
    @ukisdoormat2111 Před rokem +8177

    This voice actor needs an award, the amount of emotion put into the Wanderers voice is amazing

    • @SebastianCastro-tp9vh
      @SebastianCastro-tp9vh Před rokem

      keep giving money to Hoyoverse that same money is used by the ccp to promote the woke agenda, destroy japan and invade taiwan.

    • @yoonwehn
      @yoonwehn Před rokem +10

      Wahh you’re username! Hello fellow stargazer hehe glad to see we both enjoy genshin too

    • @kienphucnguyen2001
      @kienphucnguyen2001 Před rokem +13

      Please give this man an oscar

    • @gabv3742
      @gabv3742 Před rokem

      🩸 🩸🩸Hoy puedes entregarle tu vida a Cristo la palabra manda a que TODOS se arrepientan emos ido en contra de Dios de sus estatutos mandamientos ,decretos TODOS emos echo lo malo , por qué tu y todos en el mundo necesitan la salvación ?? Y ser salvos?
      Por que la palabra declara que cada ser humano ha pecado en Romanos 10:11-14 dice “””NO HAY JUSTO NI UNO ;No hay quien entienda,
      No hay quien busque a Dios.TODOS se desviaron, a una se hicieron inútiles;No hay quien haga lo bueno, no hay ni siquiera uno.13 Sepulcro abierto es su garganta;Con su lengua ENGAÑAN
      Veneno de áspides hay debajo de sus labios;
      Su boca está llena de MALDICIÓN y de AMARGURA “””También en : Eclesiastés 7:20
      Dice: 20 Ciertamente no hay hombre justo en la tierra, que haga el bien y nunca peque. Y en
      hebreos 9:27 dice “ y de la manera que está establecido pra los hombres que mueran Una sola vez y después el juicio”””hay un día de juicio para cada persona tú tienes un día que estarás en el juicio de Dios y hay un día que se llama el gran día de la ira donde Dios desatará su ira sobre la tierra Dios salvará solo a los que hayan aceptado la salvación, Dios mismo se hizo carne hombre y hábito entre nostros Emanuel Dios con nosotros y vino para llevar acabo el plan de salvación para el mundo Dios tomó la forma de un ser humano en la persona de Jesús a fin de salvarnos!!, por amor al mundo Dios envió a su único hijo unigénito “”””para que todo aquel que en él cree no se pierda más tenga vida eterna Juan 3:16”” Jesús tomó tu lugar Dios derramo su Ira sobre Jesús la cual mereces tú y la llevo el yderramo su sangre 🩸 sin mancha el nunca peco para limpiar el pecado del mundo, y murió y resucitó el dio su vida y la tomó de nuevo pues tiene el poder y esa sangre ahora limpia a las personas del pecado dice su palabra que todos emos pecado Romanos 3:23 dice “”” por cuánto todos pecaron están destituidos de la gloria de Dios “”” ósea todos están manchados de pecado están inmundos todos an pecado Dios es santo santo santo nadie puede estar en su presencia manchado de pecado . Dios es perfectamente justo, así que Él no puede permitir que el pecado y la maldad queden IMPUNES
      entonces los que aceptan la salvación son limpiados con la sangre de ese sacrificio humano con la sangre de ese cordero que fue ultrajado su cuerpo entero fue llagado dice “Isaías 53:4-6
      “””Ciertamente llevó él nuestras enfermedades, y sufrió nuestros dolores; y nosotros le tuvimos por azotado, por herido de Dios y abatido. Mas él herido fue por nuestras rebeliones, molido por nuestros pecados; el castigo de nuestra paz fue sobre él, y por su llaga fuimos nosotros curados. Todos nosotros nos descarriamos como ovejas, cada cual se apartó por su camino; mas Jehová cargó en él el pecado de todos nosotros “”””Jesús tomó el castigo que nosotros merecemos, a fin de salvarnos de un horrible destino eterno, la justa consecuencia por nuestro pecado. Por Su gran amor por nosotros, Jesús puso Su vida .
      entonces todo aquel que le recibe por que Dios no obliga a aceptar la salvación unos la rechazan y no la quieren y pagarán sus pecados en el infierno y otros si lo reciben y se salvan !! Jesús salva a todos los que reciben Su regalo de salvación. Jesús salva a todos aquellos que confían total y únicamente en Su sacrifico como el pago por el pecado el sacrificio de Jesús fue perfectamente suficiente para pagar por los pecados de toda la humanidad, Jesús sólo salva a aquellos que personalmente reciben Su regalo más preciado y solo por su gracia seremos salvos si la aceptas por que no todos son hijos de Dios Juan 1:12
      “””Mas a todos los que le recibieron, a los que creen en su nombre, les dio potestad de ser hechos hijos de Dios;””””
      y Dios estipuló solo 1 camino para que la gente pudiera salvarse del infierno todo aquel que muere y no acepto la salvación ,no le entregó su vida a Jesús, no confesó a Cristo como seaseñor y Salvador y no se arrepintió y Jesús no lo lavo se va al lugar de tormento y de ahí no puede salir y no está en la gloria no está descansando no está en el cielo esa persona su alma está en un lugar peor de tormento y después será lanzada al lago de fuego y pagará todos sus pecados en el infierno, nadie más puede salvarte nadie más puede limpiarte del pecado solo Jesús , las religiones no salvan las estatuas no salvan tu estas lleno de pecado y solo Cristo puede lavarte con su sangre solo si tú das el paso de fe Todo aquel que le entrega su vida a Jesús confesándolo con su boca haciendo una oración de fe inmediatamente Cristo te perdona todos tus pecados ,te sella ,te liberta de la esclavitud espiritual de satanas y te salva te liberta de las maldiciones generacionales que trajo a su vida el pecado y empieza a manifestarse en tu vida , te hace su hijo y ahora eres parte del pueblo de Dios , por que cuando estas sucio de pecado el pecado crea una barrera entre Dios y los hombres y Dios no puede tener comunión contigo por que Dios es santo y él no se acerca al pecado abomina el pecado , pero al ser limpio travez de Cristo Jesús (solo el perdona y lava el pecado ) atravez de Cristo puedes ahora tener comunión con Dios por que te lava , solo Cristo intercede por nosotros, No intercede maria No interceden los santos ninguna persona que aya vivido y viva puede interceder por ti pues todas las personas an pecado nadie puede interceder por ti solo Dios que se hizo hombre “Jesús “; entrégale hoy tu vida se salvo la salvación es gratuita nadie puede comprar su entrada al cielo por medio de obras por más bueno que te creas no puedes comprar a Dios con tus obras el dice que todos son malos y que todos an pecado , solo podemos entrar por medio de Cristo al creer en él y entregarle nuestra vida hoy puedes ser salvo por que un día morirás y solo Cristo puede salvarte de ese juicio donde si no entregaste tu vida hoy a Cristo serás hallado culpable si no aceptaste la salvación Jesús dijo YO SOY el camino la VERDAD la VIDA nadie llega al padre (a Dios ) si no es atravez de mi (Juan 14:6) hoy Cristo está tocando tu puerta para que le entregues tu vida no endurezcas tu corazón el fin de acerca donde los cielos u la tierra pasarán y todo lo qué hay en ella serán quemadas dice : 2 Pedro 3:10-12 dice
      “”Pero el día del Señor vendrá como ladrón en la noche; en el cual los cielos pasarán con grande estruendo, y los elementos ardiendo serán deshechos, y la tierra y las obras que en ella hay serán quemadas. Puesto que todas estas cosas han de ser deshechas””” mucha gente prefiere vivir para esta vida dejando a Dios se sacrifican por esta vida se esfuerzan pero a Dios lo an olvidado Dios mandará juicios a los que rechazaron la salvación él quería salvar al mundo pero el mundo no lo acepto no le creyó y muchos rechazaron la única manera que él puso para ser salvos , no es la que tú y yo creemos o la que los hombres creen , Dios dejo solo un camino de muchos que existen “Jesús “
      Dios solo dejo una verdad de muchas que inventan “Jesús”y solo a travez de él tendremos el regalo de la vida eterna con cuerpos glorificados solo hay 2 caminos Cristo y la eternidad o el lago de fuego el juicio y la ira de Dios , Dios te de hoy un corazón blando y habrás las puertas de tu corazón a Cristo déjalo pasar pídele que entre a tu vida que la gobierne entregársela haciendo la oración ⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸señor te pido que quien lea este mensaje puedas traer convicción de pecado a su vida señor que doblegues su corazón que le muestra que a pecado que se arrepientan de todos sus pecados y puedas abrir sus ojos espirituales quitar la venda de sus ojos para que vea que necesita que tú la salves o lo salves señor que el tiempo se agota,tu palabra dice en Isaías 55:6 “Buscad a Jehová mientras puede ser hallado, llamadle en tanto que está cercano. 7 Deje el impío su camino, y el hombre inicuo sus pensamientos, y vuélvase a Dios , el cual tendrá de él misericordia”””” después No podremos hallar a Dios después será tarde !!! señor permite que esta perosna entregue hoy su vida a ti señor que pueda hacer la oración con su boca 👄 y restaura su vida bendícela señor salva su alma de infierno en el nombre poderoso que es sobre todo nombre en el nombre de Jesús Amén amén !!!! “”””””””””””””Hechos 4:12 dice Y en ningún otro hay salvación; porque no hay otro nombre bajo el cielo, dado a los hombres, en que podamos ser salvos.”””” Y Juan 1:12 dice “”Mas a todos los que le recibieron, a los que creen en su nombre, les dio potestad de ser hechos hijos de Dios””””
      Y Romanos 10:10 dice Porque con el corazón se cree para justicia, pero con la boca se confiesa para salvación.” Jesús mando a los que ya aceptaron a Jesús en sus vidas a predican la salvación al mundo a predicar la verdad que está escrita en su palabra Jesús cambio mi vida yo quiero que cambie la tuya es la verdad del mundo dice Marcos 16:15-18
      “”15 Y les dijo: Id por todo el mundo y predicad el evangelio a toda criatura.(A) 16 El que creyere y fuere bautizado, será salvo; mas el que no creyere, será condenado””
      confiesa hoy a Jesús como tú señor as la pequeña oración con tu boca creyendo y arrepintiéndote : “”” cierra los ojos ahí donde está y dile ”señor reconozco que son una pecadora o pecador me arrepiento de todos mis pecados creo que viniste moriste y resucitaste en aquella cruz por mi por mis pecados hoy te confieso como mi señor y Salvador te entrego mi vida cámbiame transfórmame lávame límpiame y te pido que envíes a tu Espíritu Santo a vivir dentro de mi y que escribas mi nombre en el libro de la vida en el nombre de Jesús amén”””””””

    • @Siriuslab1111
      @Siriuslab1111 Před rokem ...

  • @Dani_727
    @Dani_727 Před rokem +26064

    The emotion in his voice omg his VA did such an impeccable job

    • @Dani_727
      @Dani_727 Před rokem +124

      @@renmuyu ikr they're so annoying😭 I wish I could delete them but all I can do is report them :/

    • @asu_meii
      @asu_meii Před rokem +153

      patrick has always been on point with the sheer emotion…goddamn this trailer made me wanna cry

    • @TheOneTrueAemondz
      @TheOneTrueAemondz Před rokem +43

      The bots gives so much emotions too in the replies

    • @MxSae
      @MxSae Před rokem +5

      @任慕语 fr

    • @MxSae
      @MxSae Před rokem +56

      @@asu_meii ikr? I can’t think of a better voice actor for him, he did so good for Scara. Almost cried for this one ngl

  • @user-wy7jg7fe4w
    @user-wy7jg7fe4w Před rokem +838

    Being born as Kunikuzushi, reborn from hatred and rage as Scaramouche, and blooming with a new life as Wanderer

    • @enk335
      @enk335 Před 8 měsíci +50

      Actually, he wasn't named at birth. It's a part of his lore. He was called Kabukimono by the bladesmiths at Tatarasuna, which has Japanese cultural background and basically means "Wandering Eccentric." Kunikuzushi is what he renamed himself when he joined the Fatui, meaning "Country Destroyer."

  • @sensennsen
    @sensennsen Před rokem +2377

    The Wanderer has enough reason to be evil, somehow. The three betrayals depict how he lost his faith in the kindness of people.
    1. First Betrayal- existential. He must have thought "Why did you even create me if you're just going to throw me away like trash!?"
    2. Second Betrayal- psychological. "I can't believe that someone who I trust would kill an innocent person. This heart in my hands plucked by a murderer!"
    3. Third Betrayal- emotional. "Why am I always left out? Everything is being plucked away from me!"

    • @jazzezekiel954
      @jazzezekiel954 Před 11 měsíci +161

      Tbh it's all misunderstanding and Dottore's fault, I hate that guy I hope wanderer will get his revenge soon

    • @missinguser_31988
      @missinguser_31988 Před 11 měsíci +100

      Dottore: Four betrayals,kid.

    • @ChimeraLotietheBunny
      @ChimeraLotietheBunny Před 10 měsíci +52

      its saddening how both Childe and Scaramouche connects to the fatui in looking back...I like how Collei and Kazuha indirectly move on with their new life (and in Iradori Festival...I have a feeling maybe someday its a test if Kazuha kept his word that he doesn't vow vengeance to what scaramouche as Kunikuzushi has done)

    • @phrinus
      @phrinus Před 8 měsíci +23

      These are also simultaneously not betrayals at all. Ei's intent was never to harm him, but to set him free. (I'm not saying it shouldn't have affected him at all. His feelings of worthlessness afterwards are totally justified. It's just... such a difference in perspective)
      All the other "betrayals" are just grave misconceptions or just him being purposefully told a lie. Even Dottore's actions aren't betrayal, because they were never friends. You really think Fatui Harbingers trust each other? There never was a trust to betray.
      And, of course, the last one. I suppose at that point even if Scara has grasped the concept of human mortality, what he didn't understand was that we die of old age or illness. He definitely understood what murder or manslaughter was. But, it was always due to external or internal wishes (like Katsuragi's sacrifice or Niwa, "killing his subordinate" to give Scara the heart) So, then, when faced with a chronic illness, he was never introduced to the lack of free will when it comes to death of old age, accident or, once again, a disease.
      So, in turn, in his mind, this read as purposeful abandonment due to how disgusting the puppet's existence was. It's as if the child didn't want to live with him anymore, so, um, he... left.
      At least, that's how I partially understood it.

    • @ssummerdew
      @ssummerdew Před 7 měsíci +6

      actually, the 1st betrayal is ei,
      2nd is the kid in the video who died and left him behind,
      3rd is the guy at tatarasuna who allegedly indirectly made scara a sacrifice (no spoilers). that was what ultimately made scara become scara of the harbingers.
      the 4th betrayal/lies is by the doctor which he didn't know about till thousands of years later.
      these betrayals are in scara's perspective, not the full truth that we as travelers understand.

  • @_undrtd_usrnm_
    @_undrtd_usrnm_ Před rokem +46339

    The absolute “emotion” put into the Wanderers voice is supreme

    • @D1EN0
      @D1EN0 Před rokem +144


    • @Lucilius_Sama
      @Lucilius_Sama Před rokem +189

      He still looks like a child though. But his simps will take this as an insult because character insult is a personal insult to them
      Edit: Bringing the short male card against me is irrelevant when not all short males look like a child.

    • @hazelnuts
      @hazelnuts Před rokem +907

      @@Lucilius_Sama bruh what does this have anything to do with the original comment? lmao

    • @Lucilius_Sama
      @Lucilius_Sama Před rokem +35

      @@hazelnuts Nothing really. I just said he looks like a child. A 12-13 year old to be exact.

    • @Ansgelical_
      @Ansgelical_ Před rokem +518

      @@Lucilius_Sama that has nothing to do with what the original comment said-

  • @Lexamere
    @Lexamere Před rokem +3724

    His voice actor DESERVES AN AWARD
    The emotion put into this animation
    Scarmouches backstory is just 😭😭

    • @SebastianCastro-tp9vh
      @SebastianCastro-tp9vh Před rokem

      keep giving money to Hoyoverse that same money is used by the ccp to promote the woke agenda, destroy japan and invade taiwan.

    • @cupid_livvy
      @cupid_livvy Před rokem +3


    • @gianna526
      @gianna526 Před rokem +1

      @@SebastianCastro-tp9vh who said anything about giving money to them?

  • @starri_skiies6520
    @starri_skiies6520 Před rokem +2671

    Bro...this gave me emotional damage x1,000,000,000. I absolutely sobbed during this, no joke. Give Scara's VA an Oscar, PLEASE. I just wanna isekai into Genshin and give Scara a million hugs. This little dude needs therapy, really bad.

  • @gzuzumaki2
    @gzuzumaki2 Před 9 měsíci +36

    7 months later and I’m STILL crying 😭

    • @wildflashover
      @wildflashover Před 3 měsíci +1

      2024, not playing GI but still here for the bgm and this shed me some tears

    • @praskova29
      @praskova29 Před 26 dny

      I'm still crying😭

    • @gzuzumaki2
      @gzuzumaki2 Před 26 dny

      @@praskova29 2024 and we are still shedding liquid from our eyes

    • @meshinumar
      @meshinumar Před 20 dny

      @@gzuzumaki2ik I’m crying like a b-

  • @nemuim
    @nemuim Před rokem +5025

    Patrick did such an amazing job voicing this character. The raw emotion he puts into scaramouche makes me feel like crying every time I hear his voice.

    • @mastergamerandredditor6066
      @mastergamerandredditor6066 Před rokem

      Genshin is trash, I will personally destroy anyone who likes Genshin for liking an objectively bad game. My gaming choices are superior.

    • @pixu1ar
      @pixu1ar Před rokem +45

      @@mastergamerandredditor6066srsly, all you have to do is bash on people’s opinions, how sad do you have to be

    • @BudgetKlee
      @BudgetKlee Před rokem +16

      I knowww everytime I hear his voice or see him I need to cry..

    • @kairugonbe5275
      @kairugonbe5275 Před rokem +11

      Patrick Star is voicing the Wanderer?

    • @pixu1ar
      @pixu1ar Před rokem +17

      @@kairugonbe5275 he always has been voicing the wanderer/Scaramouche in the ENG dub

  • @cloverinthewind3411
    @cloverinthewind3411 Před rokem +4354

    Love the bohemian rhapsody references shown throughout his character as well as in the trailer (I think).
    “I don’t want to die, sometimes I wish I’d never been born at all”
    Now it’s time for the wanderer to ‘carry on, like nothing really matters’

    • @LPS-me3jj
      @LPS-me3jj Před rokem +186

      You bet I will be pulling while listening to BoRhap

    • @arixlxra
      @arixlxra Před rokem +83

      Literally I was looking for a comment like this! I too will be listening to Bohemian Rhapsody while I pull for this boy

    • @charlesr.8159
      @charlesr.8159 Před rokem +1

      He will fandango soon

    • @EmeraldCrocodil
      @EmeraldCrocodil Před rokem +108

      ...and the potential for references is still there:
      "I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy"
      "Any way the *wind blows* doesn't really matter to me"
      " *Thunderbolts and lightning,* very, very frightening me"
      "He's just a poor boy from a poor family, spare him his life from this monstrosity"
      "Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia, let me go, *Beelzebub* has a devil put aside for me"
      "Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here"
      "Nothing really matters, anyone can see"
      basically, all of Bohemian Rhapsody can be applied to Scaramouche)

    • @azzy1130
      @azzy1130 Před rokem +13


  • @teenyweenyfettuccine3532
    @teenyweenyfettuccine3532 Před rokem +646

    the strings from 00:50 onwards and the trill at 01:30 give me such unreal goosebumps - the instruments are literally wailing with/for each respective character, it's so tragically beautiful

    • @PvtDiny
      @PvtDiny Před rokem +39

      1:28 actually utilizes a very particular stock harmonic progression called the “lament bass”. It’s used very frequently in classical music for tragic scenes like this.

    • @teenyweenyfettuccine3532
      @teenyweenyfettuccine3532 Před rokem +18

      @@PvtDiny ah thank you for the information, i didn't know that's what it was called in english!

  • @PanDeSal.28
    @PanDeSal.28 Před rokem +152

    "Mama, i don't want to die. Sometimes I wish I'd never been born at all..."
    - Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)
    This is amazing, everything about his character, even down to Raiden Shogun being his mama screams bohemian rhapsody. The very frightening thunderbolts and lightning.

    • @Composerk_
      @Composerk_ Před 11 měsíci +6

      It said ei's god name (beelzebub) in the song too.

    • @tariqwazir09
      @tariqwazir09 Před 7 měsíci +5

      They also say scaramouche and fandango

  • @mushroom3584
    @mushroom3584 Před rokem +2693

    i love how everything about him keeps coming back to bohemian rhapsody, 'i wish i'd never been born at all' 'Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me' 'scaramouche' literally you could line up the whole song with his lore its awesome

    • @vladprus4019
      @vladprus4019 Před rokem +354

      Also, he was announced as playable on the anniversary of "Bohemian rhapsody" release.

    • @lauriee5364
      @lauriee5364 Před rokem +173

      and when u see him (in the delusion factory ibthink?) the ost that plays is “Ominous fandango “

    • @RuneKatashima
      @RuneKatashima Před rokem +15

      @@mshpls Yeah, though he could have still been electro for many reasons too. Anemo is fine I suppose. It's cool that because of it we get a flying character. Just can't help but think he's occupying the same space as Xiao though.

    • @jaspen9694
      @jaspen9694 Před rokem +36

      he needs to shoot a man and tell his momma, maybe he kills someone later in the lore and meets up with his mom as a result

    • @rhuooh
      @rhuooh Před rokem

      @@lauriee5364 so he did the fandango with music

  • @madenna100
    @madenna100 Před rokem +1095

    While this teaser was very heart wrenching, I can't help but notice that "I wish I had never been born at all" is a Bohemian Rhapsody line.

    • @pastelk
      @pastelk Před rokem +253

      His entire character is practically a bohemian rhapsody reference

    • @108turquoise
      @108turquoise Před rokem +48

      Yes! I was thinking the same, I love the details related with Bohemian Rhapsody 👌

    • @SosiCreatesArt
      @SosiCreatesArt Před rokem +37

      Yeee😂 the BR references just don’t stop

    • @mysticknight1494
      @mysticknight1494 Před rokem +19

      i can't believe i didn't catch that myself

    • @ForteFaiey
      @ForteFaiey Před rokem +13

      It's amazing and I'm not sure if it's okay that I find this funny

  • @simplyxrainbowcloud
    @simplyxrainbowcloud Před 7 měsíci +22

    Wanderer: I’d wish I’ve ever been born that all
    Collei: please kill me
    Dude they are way to similar to each other💀

  • @snowyemirichan
    @snowyemirichan Před rokem +621

    As someone who has survived a suicide attempt and has experienced repeated bullying and betrayals, Scara just resonates so much with me. I experience my emotions in extremes and so does he. (Also, the nutcracker and ballerina story is one of my favorites because I’m a figure skater, so all this together just really resonates with me)!

    • @aquatic3710
      @aquatic3710 Před rokem +45

      Hey, I hope you're doing okay:) I care for you! You're amazing and worthy!!❤️

    • @racosen3204
      @racosen3204 Před rokem +21

      Hope you're doing ok now! While I haven't tried, the thing, yet, I also feel Scara's story so much. But, like how he's managing to start healing his wounds together, I hope you get to heal yours to. Like Scara, please never forget that you aren't worthless. You are worth the world and more hehe (oh and being a figure skater is SOOO cool like WOW, HOW HAHAHA)

    • @lanceelopezz223
      @lanceelopezz223 Před rokem +4

      Believe in Jesus Christ

    • @nemokys
      @nemokys Před rokem

      @@lanceelopezz223MF 😭😭😭

    • @aelisme.111
      @aelisme.111 Před rokem +29

      @@lanceelopezz223 doesn’t work for everyone

  • @bskzbsmsbsmsjz
    @bskzbsmsbsmsjz Před rokem +1982

    That "Nothing left but ashes" hit hard. No matter how much someone tries to romanticize their pain, there are no roses that bloom from your body and paint the ground with their beautiful colors. Blood is just blood.

    • @Zarozian
      @Zarozian Před rokem +43

      Except if you are Signora.

    • @ms.pirate
      @ms.pirate Před rokem +51

      @@Zarozian "not even ashes will remain!"
      Beidou: "To ashes!"

    • @mastergamerandredditor6066
      @mastergamerandredditor6066 Před rokem

      Genshin is trash, I will personally destroy anyone who likes Genshin for liking an objectively bad game. My gaming choices are superior.

    • @thenandtherefore
      @thenandtherefore Před rokem +7

      New one is scara featuring "its just ashes"

    • @cynthia20475
      @cynthia20475 Před rokem

      Thats just an edgy backstory of him. Nothing beautiful about a criminal like him. He should've burned himself alive

  • @raunaksandhu2382
    @raunaksandhu2382 Před rokem +1512

    When he said
    " what a joke ,it's just ashes ,nothing left but ashes "
    I felt a chill run down my spine , amazing teaser , nice to see they will give him some sort of redemption arc ,can't wait.

    • @zeth479
      @zeth479 Před rokem +34

      Tbh he doesn't even need redemption. We love him the way he is hahahaha

    • @mariejuana8246
      @mariejuana8246 Před rokem

      What a loser

    • @bor445
      @bor445 Před rokem +3

      I hope they dont. There is no way to redeem him of his crimes.
      What they need to do is humanize him. And they are indeed doing a much better job at that.

    • @Lightningstrike1220
      @Lightningstrike1220 Před rokem +7

      @@bor445 I think having him bear his sins and go on living as an agent for Nahida/Kusanali to exact revenge on the Fatui (especially his hatred for The Doctor) as well as safeguard Sumeru from further Fatui attacks.
      That's enough of a redemption to me.
      But I want him to finish The Doctor off, his entire life was ruined by that guy, and everything that happened to him was HIS fault.

    • @captive8670
      @captive8670 Před rokem

      Signora mains take it personaly

  • @dunameya3398
    @dunameya3398 Před rokem +146

    The emotion in his voice is incredible, amazing job by Patrick. Also the animation and artsyle is peak. And scara has been through so much, the fact that we'll see his story, play him and everything feels so surreal to me.

  • @eugenelozano7623
    @eugenelozano7623 Před rokem +180

    "Maybe.. but what if hearts can be born into ashes?"
    The first thing that came to my mind was 'Signora?'💀
    But for reals, Hoyoverse did a great job coming up with his story, had me in tears.

    • @alix3123
      @alix3123 Před rokem +70

      scara’s voiceline about signora: “nothing remained in her ashes” he called her heartless lmao

    • @zetsuboumoment
      @zetsuboumoment Před 11 měsíci +6

      i'm still on copium and hopium for rosalyne to come back during natlan since the name of the chapter is "ode of resurrection"

    • @user-ti7me6yv7w
      @user-ti7me6yv7w Před 10 měsíci +1

      Nah, she’s alive again this plot just doesn’t feel exciting anymore, cause no one dies

    • @somerandomartisthere
      @somerandomartisthere Před 5 měsíci +3

      ⁠@@user-ti7me6yv7wOne, Signora is dead, she ain’t back, and two, as of right now they did just kill off Focalors, so, they definitely can kill characters off alright.

  • @high_up_in_the_sky
    @high_up_in_the_sky Před rokem +1873

    The pain through his voice and the message behind the soldier and ballerina story... Perfection. Literal perfection.

    • @recitationtohear
      @recitationtohear Před rokem +3

      Here is the full Clip : Genshin new update

    • @staranise870
      @staranise870 Před rokem +31

      The story really exists : it’s « The Steadfast Tin Soldier » by Christian Andersen

    • @arroba193
      @arroba193 Před rokem +18

      Has anyone noticed that the child's doll is scaramuche crying?

    • @cyc20976
      @cyc20976 Před rokem +6

      Don't forget the accompanying music, a masterpiece! Hoyoverse never disappoints with the combination of storytelling, animation and orchestral music.

    • @SebastianCastro-tp9vh
      @SebastianCastro-tp9vh Před rokem

      keep giving money to Hoyoverse that same money is used by the ccp to promote the woke agenda, destroy japan and invade taiwan.

  • @athernine
    @athernine Před rokem +3693

    His voice actor did so well. The emotion and the pain, it was as if someone I knew was talking to me about something harsh. This va deserves so much man. This vid was so sad but immaculate.

    • @Call_Upon_YAH
      @Call_Upon_YAH Před rokem +3

      Jesus Christ is the propitiation for the whole world's sins. They that believeth and are baptized (with the Holy Spirit) shall be saved; but they that believeth not shall be damned. Those led by the Holy Spirit do not abide in wickedness. 👍🏾
      *God is ONE manifesting himself as THREE;* the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Bless him! *For these three are one.*
      As I am led by the Holy Spirit, nothing I state is a lie, but the truth of God. Anyone who tells you differently is misinformed or a liar. They do not know God, nor led by him.
      Anyone who *claims* to be a Christian and is against what I am doing, and where I am doing it; the Holy Spirit does not dwell within them, they lack understanding. They know not God, read his word, and their religion is in vain. Do not hear them, they will mislead you, the lost cannot guide the lost.

    • @Call_Upon_YAH
      @Call_Upon_YAH Před rokem +1

      Another truth many have been deceived of:
      When you trust in God and cast your cares (worries, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts) upon him, they will be NO MORE!
      Know that there is power in the name Jesus Christ! His name casts out demons and heals!
      The world is wicked, evil, and of the devil.
      I too, was a wicked sinner of the world before I opened my heart to God. I am living proof of God's work and fruitfulness! He is an active God who hears the prayers of his! God's children are set apart (holy) and righteous. The devil is a liar that comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy; that includes your relationship with God!
      Open your heart to God, repent of your sins (he will forgive you), and let him direct your path. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands and purify your heart, lest you walk with the devil and follow him to hell.

    • @justajely7372
      @justajely7372 Před rokem +24

      @@Call_Upon_YAH nobody asked dear

    • @meez3947
      @meez3947 Před rokem +1

      lol stop the cap bruh

    • @akira9050
      @akira9050 Před rokem


  • @sailorrinn6134
    @sailorrinn6134 Před rokem +57

    I love the detail of the ashes on his cheek mimicking ei's beauty mark. Especially when it's in the same place that he wipes his face just before he grabs his vision. Really great parallels

  • @stuhlcool
    @stuhlcool Před rokem +73

    I love how the beginning is most replayed.
    It means so many people went back to beginning to play the whole video again😭❤

  • @sweetiedropsesteam3438
    @sweetiedropsesteam3438 Před rokem +2688

    The story about the toy soldier is a pretty popular fairytale in my country and seeing the parallels with Scara’s story is just 😭

    • @kitsune776
      @kitsune776 Před rokem +14

      Where do you live?

    • @fpartist3821
      @fpartist3821 Před rokem +123

      It is Hans Christian Andersen's tales, yes?

    • @margi_an
      @margi_an Před rokem +45

      I had a book as a child with a few of Andersen's stories. I used to read it every night, I never got bored! ❤

    • @g1g3l
      @g1g3l Před rokem +25

      @@fpartist3821 Yes. The steadfast tin soldier

    • @The1andonlysharpshooter
      @The1andonlysharpshooter Před rokem +36

      I was super surprised to hear it here! I already knew about it as I heard it when I was a kid but I think it was because I used to read a lot of “fairytale” books.

  • @petrichorrs
    @petrichorrs Před rokem +3361

    God this was so painful, the last few lines hurt. I really love Scara. His story, his character depth, his complexity, there's just so much to appreciate in his character. And his teaser is undoubtedly my favourite. Patrick did once again an incredible job voicing Scaramouche.

    • @Shiokishisan
      @Shiokishisan Před rokem +23

      For a character that started as a pathetic wimp he rly came a long way. And the emotions portrayed in the trailer rly hit.

    • @Orcinus_Architeuthis
      @Orcinus_Architeuthis Před rokem +2

      I like your profile picture, just scara and Sister? Both? Idk at this point the raiden family is weird. The only thing I know is that his aunt is now the sacred sakura tree, tree aunty.

    • @womanfacechilde
      @womanfacechilde Před rokem +7

      his last lines remind me of Queens song, bohemians rhapsody

    • @lemonadeenjoyer7111
      @lemonadeenjoyer7111 Před rokem +1

      @@Shiokishisan off I just read boy's abyss got sad saw a new video on genshins channel watched and got sad again, why us jt so similar😢

    • @tayschannel2695
      @tayschannel2695 Před rokem

      @Nоt RiскrоII 🅥 Lalalalalalalalalallala

  • @F0XZEN
    @F0XZEN Před měsícem +3

    everyday I come to revisit this, knowing full damn well I have a crazy ahh obsession over him since his appearance in Mondstadt and Inazuma. won't forget the outrage people had when he got his me outfit

    • @unalivescara
      @unalivescara Před 27 dny

      me fr, he helped me go through everything, he still does

  • @CraftFoxy
    @CraftFoxy Před rokem +24

    0:50 i cried when they played this part of the song during the scene where nahida took his gnosis

  • @Vrienne
    @Vrienne Před rokem +3121

    The voice acting is FANTASTIC. Hats off to Patrick, he did everything right and it's an absolute gift.
    Also please give the employee that decided to base Scaramouche around Bohemian Rhapsody a raise, they deserve it.

    • @recitationtohear
      @recitationtohear Před rokem +4

      Here is the full Clip : Genshin new update

    • @arsena5209
      @arsena5209 Před rokem +95

      he's been absolutely amazing at voicing Wanderer ever since the very first appearance as Scaramouche, I never liked the game character and I haven't even been playing the game for that long, but all I've heard from him in youtube videos and in the game has been incredible, genuinely one of the best voice actors out there, perfect for Wanderer

    • @clementine5366
      @clementine5366 Před rokem +50

      there are also a few hans christian andersen references! (ex. the story of the toy soldier and the ballerina)

    • @arsena5209
      @arsena5209 Před rokem +3

      @@clementine5366 that's the first thing I noticed about the video lmao it's great, very nostalgic for those who have read or heard the story in their childhood

    • @CitrusRex
      @CitrusRex Před rokem +11

      ok i was thinking i was the only person who noticed
      “sometimes I wish I’d never been born at all”

  • @ariiwash
    @ariiwash Před rokem +2199

    I can't believe his VA isn't in more stuff. The raw talent.... the raw EMOTION he was able to put into this. I wanted to cry in the first 2 seconds.

    • @boo435
      @boo435 Před rokem +46

      Release the rainbows.

    • @SnowFrostTFP
      @SnowFrostTFP Před rokem

      me too..

    • @Cinnashiba
      @Cinnashiba Před rokem +11

      I did cry but I was already sad to begin with today.

    • @steeljaw19
      @steeljaw19 Před rokem +11

      @@Cinnashiba Hope your day gets better! Are you pulling for Wanderer?

    • @fumiforsaken
      @fumiforsaken Před rokem +11

      FR!!! im pretty happy he's a voice for 2 characters that are fun in another game i play(brawl stars, scaramouche and gus)

  • @kimphungnguyen6822
    @kimphungnguyen6822 Před 7 měsíci +4

    I love Wanderer

  • @ari.c123
    @ari.c123 Před 3 měsíci +5

    guys the description of the video...
    I'm crying right now...

  • @t.k.000
    @t.k.000 Před rokem +2760

    Lore wise, he will always be one of my favourite characters ever. the emotion put into his voice by the VA too is just amazing

    • @recitationtohear
      @recitationtohear Před rokem +1

      Here is the full Clip : Genshin new update

    • @The_Antiquary
      @The_Antiquary Před rokem +2

      Lore-wise the 'Wanderer' is a murderer who belongs in prison, even moreso than Childe. Nor do I like Mihoyo raising parallels with 'Wanderer' to the Traveller.

    • @0ki108
      @0ki108 Před rokem +22

      @@The_Antiquary lol, as if characters in genshin are saints. they'd all be in prison, even tsaritsa, lorewise.

    • @ultimateanarchist7040
      @ultimateanarchist7040 Před rokem +8

      @@The_Antiquary A villainous character can still be fun and relatable. No sense adding a character as playable unless there fleshed out.

    • @unnamed6509
      @unnamed6509 Před rokem

      Why? Is he not that good in gameplay? Just asking cuz I'm new.

  • @eloofant
    @eloofant Před rokem +2305

    I absolutely love how when the little boy is telling Wanderer the story of the solider and ballerina, he is illuminated by the sun while the Wanderer is in the shadows where the light doesn’t touch.❤

    • @koichiyagure3106
      @koichiyagure3106 Před rokem +76

      I almost came to tears when hearing that. I used to read that same story asa child but with more details. The soldier fell out of the childs room full of toys. He had went through the sewers, before a fish ate him. That fish was brung to the same house he was in. They threw him in the fire. All was left of him was a heart of iron.

    • @wilbenportuguez2961
      @wilbenportuguez2961 Před rokem +15

      @@koichiyagure3106 The little tin soldier. One of the childhood stories I grew up with.

    • @MultiFunkyjunk
      @MultiFunkyjunk Před rokem +2

      the light is literally touching him

    • @bleaktree3946
      @bleaktree3946 Před rokem

      Light literally touches him

    • @koichiyagure3106
      @koichiyagure3106 Před rokem

      @@wilbenportuguez2961 exactly

  • @sushiQwQ
    @sushiQwQ Před rokem +66

    After playing the quest I for once feel like I can fully understand a fictional character it feels like I can finally understand scaramouche and what he desires and now I just feel so bad for him his voice acting is also good it shows the emotion scaramouche is feeling very well

  • @Bubble7046
    @Bubble7046 Před rokem +16

    the way he said it hurts rlly got to me:(

  • @BrokenGhost117
    @BrokenGhost117 Před rokem +3420

    I love the incorporation of the story of the Steadfast Tin Soldier. Not many people know of it (at least where I live), and it’s a perfect way to describe how Scara felt with the boy, and how lost he was. The voice actor was amazing! The emotion out into the voice made him sound like he really went through those events. You can feel the loss and self-loathing through his voice.

    • @sarahbosch9660
      @sarahbosch9660 Před rokem +106

      i thought so too! its so interesting to think about the things they changed from the original story. like the tin soldier in the original story was missing a leg -> scaramouche was missing a heart
      also the ballerina was thrown into the fire with the soldier -> scaramouche wished to die along with his friend
      aaaaah son interesting!

    • @arsena5209
      @arsena5209 Před rokem +40

      I'm surprised that not many people would know about it because I remember reading it as a child along with a bunch of other similar tales and it's super nostalgic to me personally

    • @Coeurlarme
      @Coeurlarme Před rokem +18

      @@arsena5209 yeah, feels fairly well known to me, but idk i was really into andersen as a kid. I'm going to assume in China it's not as well known though.

    • @SebastianCastro-tp9vh
      @SebastianCastro-tp9vh Před rokem

      keep giving money to Hoyoverse that same money is used by the ccp to promote the woke agenda, destroy japan and invade taiwan.

    • @BrokenGhost117
      @BrokenGhost117 Před rokem +5

      I read it as a kid as well, but from my experience whenever I ask people, they usually have never heard about it. I don’t know if it just became less popular as time went on or if it’s just the place I live that hasn’t heard of it.

  • @krazyartistwriter
    @krazyartistwriter Před rokem +1443

    Words cannot express how much I LOVE Patrick's performance with Scaramouche. He seriously does such an amazing job

  • @Sansy69
    @Sansy69 Před 10 měsíci +7

    I cry every time I see this 😭

  • @lonely-weeb6929
    @lonely-weeb6929 Před 2 měsíci +8

    Ironically his “heart” did get born from ashes. The most human experience is love and loss. His betrayals are what made him human and serve proof of his humanity. In order to be able to feel loss, you need to love first. And in those betrayals he did. He only experienced them because he already has a heart. So in a way his “heart” was born from the ashes of his loss.

    • @MiyuKawasaki
      @MiyuKawasaki Před 19 dny

      But he loved BEFORE he lost so the heart must've come before the ashes no?

  • @ericyang1401
    @ericyang1401 Před rokem +2082

    Fun fact: In the song Bohemian Rhapsody, the line before the "I see a little silhouetto of a man,
    Scaramouch, Scaramouch, will you do the Fandango!" is "I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all.", which is the second last line in this trailer.
    They really are taking tons of inspiration from that song huh.

    • @jeder655
      @jeder655 Před rokem +52

      yes i love it

    • @tama2774
      @tama2774 Před rokem +282

      Don't forget his drip marketing was exactly on the day the song was released almost 50 years ago. That song basically his entire biography

    • @utopes
      @utopes Před rokem +63

      Even in the song I believe it’s “Scaramouche” with an e

    • @vesperious
      @vesperious Před rokem +66

      also "thunderbolt and lightning" reminds me of scaramouche and his mama

    • @longlivethedragon
      @longlivethedragon Před rokem +51

      Thunderbolt and lightning
      Very very frightening me

  • @xixixianaaa6257
    @xixixianaaa6257 Před rokem +1390

    The way he said "It hurts.." breaks my heart like what the hell why are you doing this to me
    His english VA, Patrick, never fails to hurt me everytime.. I can feel scara's emotions vividly. That's how good he is.

    • @mastergamerandredditor6066
      @mastergamerandredditor6066 Před rokem

      Genshin is trash, I will personally destroy anyone who likes Genshin for liking an objectively bad game. My gaming choices are superior.

    • @ms.pirate
      @ms.pirate Před rokem +10

      I wanna cry in bed because of this! Its so good!

  • @kurokuma4753
    @kurokuma4753 Před rokem +13

    1:24 "so you think you can love me and leave me to die"

  • @Tutefloop
    @Tutefloop Před rokem +13

    Sh!tting tears right now 😭 they really got the best voice actor

  • @tete3762
    @tete3762 Před rokem +1555

    So excited! The VA did a great job conveying Wanderer's anguish.

    • @ghostyp4wz..
      @ghostyp4wz.. Před rokem +2


    • @Zak-tk8wv
      @Zak-tk8wv Před rokem +16

      Patrick really made the hype even greater by his performance!

    • @tomquinto1164
      @tomquinto1164 Před rokem +2

      @@Zak-tk8wv he can also play the mayonnaise

    • @akiyo6607
      @akiyo6607 Před rokem

      @@tomquinto1164 LMAO😂

    • @WillTheWise04
      @WillTheWise04 Před rokem +1

      Yeah, his voice actor always does an amazing job with him!!

  • @k_chan.19
    @k_chan.19 Před rokem +1325

    Hoevers did a very good job on the animation and voice acting. I managed to feel all the pain and all the emotions that Kunikuzushi experienced

  • @alarice8975
    @alarice8975 Před 5 měsíci +8

    İt breaks my heart how he says "What a joke... İt's just ashes, nothing left but ashes." after hearing the "Maybe... But what if hearts can be born from ashes?" Since it means there wasn't a heart born from ashes in his story after the flames. İt was just ashes, nothing left but ashes.

  • @VidyadharaOnline
    @VidyadharaOnline Před 4 měsíci +9

    Who’s coming back after the concert? 🥲

  • @lavenderdreamss
    @lavenderdreamss Před rokem +1218

    Bro, I was doing so well at holding back my tears but the moment he said that he wished that he burned to death and that he wished he was never born at all, it was over.
    Patrick did an AWESOME job here, he captured Scaramouche's emotions so well.
    This was such a wonderful voice performance!

    • @georgerobins4110
      @georgerobins4110 Před rokem +25

      Right? He does such an amazing job bringing Scara’s emotions to life, which is especially important for such a complex character. Hats off to him

    • @cynthia20475
      @cynthia20475 Před rokem +3

      Crying over an edgy criminal? Grow up

    • @bogchamp5627
      @bogchamp5627 Před rokem

      According to my shatishticsh, it turnsh out genshin impact ish acshully better than BOTW

    • @georgerobins4110
      @georgerobins4110 Před rokem +10

      @@cynthia20475 can you really call someone “just edgy” if they genuinely want to die? Do you call suicidal people irl “edgy” too?
      And why are you watching his teaser if you hate him so much lmfao

    • @lavenderdreamss
      @lavenderdreamss Před rokem +3

      @@georgerobins4110 Nahh fr.

  • @_Ash_98
    @_Ash_98 Před rokem +1287

    I will never grow tired of Scaramouche content. Ever since the beginning, I’ve been interested in his character. For whatever reason, even without much content of him, I was drawn to him and his character. Now that we’re getting so much more of him, an actual and *detailed* backstory, I feel such an immense joy.

    • @uberneint3297
      @uberneint3297 Před rokem +2

      It's time to end tonight's foolish theatrics. Right now, you bots have no captive audience.

    • @cynthia20475
      @cynthia20475 Před rokem

      What to see from an edgy criminal like him? Even his backstory is shallow and emo

    • @uberneint3297
      @uberneint3297 Před rokem +3

      @@cynthia20475 His story is anything but shallow, lmao

  • @rion.x
    @rion.x Před 7 měsíci +5

    I actually think this teaser is what happened in his mind as he entered into irminsul.

  • @Haydn_is_that_girl
    @Haydn_is_that_girl Před rokem +27

    literally crying this is so good. His voice actor deserves a reward for this.

  • @IronGiant2790
    @IronGiant2790 Před rokem +1861

    0:09-0:14 Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. The five stages of grief all represented so clearly in this quick animation as he's losing the gnosis. Also, mad props to the voice actor Patrick Pedraza for bringing such emotional nuance to the voice!

    • @orange-5282
      @orange-5282 Před rokem +8


    • @minky2610
      @minky2610 Před rokem +1

      fr, i really miss it

    • @livetochange974
      @livetochange974 Před rokem +2

      He looks so cute

    • @dimyell
      @dimyell Před rokem +2

      I was skeptical but then I rewatched it and you're on the mark.

  • @yagsikir
    @yagsikir Před rokem +1449

    god I love scaramouche’s voice so much, his voice actor does such an amazing job putting so much emotion into the lines

    • @ranranranaway732
      @ranranranaway732 Před rokem +11

      I’ve been a fan ever since he voiced Sandy of Brawl Stars!!!

    • @trollcreativestudios1084
      @trollcreativestudios1084 Před rokem

      Then the whole enjoyment gets ruined by paimon screams

    • @mastergamerandredditor6066
      @mastergamerandredditor6066 Před rokem

      Genshin is trash, I will personally destroy anyone who likes Genshin for liking an objectively bad game. My gaming choices are superior.

    • @FattyKung
      @FattyKung Před rokem

      @@mastergamerandredditor6066it's fun to see ya try

  • @Real_Leader
    @Real_Leader Před 7 měsíci +3

    I read the soldier story when I was kid

  • @sparemaddie
    @sparemaddie Před rokem +1361

    I love the subtle references to bohemian rhapsody everywhere in his story. The “sometimes wish I’d never been born at all’ line really got to me.😭😭😭

    • @roymustang5850
      @roymustang5850 Před rokem +55

      I thought I was the only one who get the reference, so glad other also noticed it

    • @Corusame
      @Corusame Před rokem +46

      Nearly every line of that song is Scaramouche's story. It's not that subtle at all lol

    • @sparemaddie
      @sparemaddie Před rokem +4

      @@roymustang5850 Yes me too!!! It’s such a minute detail I’m glad I noticed it.

    • @sparemaddie
      @sparemaddie Před rokem +7

      @@Corusame I guess so…the name drop wasn’t making it hard at all lol💀💀💀

    • @cacaaesthetic
      @cacaaesthetic Před rokem +3


  • @haku9713
    @haku9713 Před rokem +1389

    The animation. The VA's performance. The emotions. 100/10.

    • @mastergamerandredditor6066
      @mastergamerandredditor6066 Před rokem

      Genshin is trash, I will personally destroy anyone who likes Genshin for liking an objectively bad game. My gaming choices are superior.

  • @JohnFromTheSwan
    @JohnFromTheSwan Před rokem +39

    Scara has been so interesting, so intense since I stated the game and I'm loving him getting the spotlight now. VA is incredible every scene

  • @user-kc3lc6os2k
    @user-kc3lc6os2k Před 8 měsíci +4

    This hits different when you have Scaramouches character and he’s your main so you listen to his voice everyday

    • @ganyui
      @ganyui Před 8 měsíci

      yeah! i just chuckle hearing him call me useless although its sad too

  • @Mita_Art
    @Mita_Art Před rokem +875

    I literally released a tear when he said "what if the heard is created from the ashes?" Because I understood that, it meant that Scaramouche is going to change and gain a "heart" when he burns away, and reborns as a phoenix.

  • @emmawiley2452
    @emmawiley2452 Před rokem +784

    I think this is truly the first teaser that’s made me cry. The art is beautiful, and the metaphors and Patrick’s voice acting make it so heart felt.
    You can really feel the pain that Wanderer has gone through in just a few little lines

  • @Fishing_Master86
    @Fishing_Master86 Před 8 měsíci +2

    This was in my playlist right after the 611 anthem 💀

  • @anitapecuh8095
    @anitapecuh8095 Před rokem +8


  • @yelan3590
    @yelan3590 Před rokem +3482

    Without a doubt, Scaramouche is one of the best written characters in genshin.
    Also,Patrick (scara's va) did an incredible job with scaramouche.
    Edit:The replies have gone crazy.

    • @Oneiroi0
      @Oneiroi0 Před rokem

      Patrick the Ashbringer?

    • @sidgonnamakeit428
      @sidgonnamakeit428 Před rokem +1

      bro i thought the sameee

    • @jasonx2539
      @jasonx2539 Před rokem +7

      Without a doubt, this is one of the biggest caps I’ve ever read

    • @SilentlySilver
      @SilentlySilver Před rokem +26

      @@jasonx2539 out of curiosity who do you think is better written? Or, why do you think scara isn’t one of the best written characters? Just out of curiosity!

    • @The_Antiquary
      @The_Antiquary Před rokem +8

      These are the broadest of strokes with most of Genshin's characters - and this is a portrait of a grossly immoral and narcissistic character.

  • @lulubautista916
    @lulubautista916 Před rokem +542

    The fact that while he was falling, he was remembering his conversation with this child. And it’s heartbreaking to know that he was suicidal during this time. I wonder if things would’ve changed had the kid been able to grow up with him or if he still would’ve gone down the same path had he died. I’d like to believe he wouldn’t have because what he needed was guidance and understanding of his own emotions.

    • @neoe5970
      @neoe5970 Před rokem +15

      I don't wanna sound like an edgelord but this reminds me of my teenage years lol

    • @TheJamesAraujo
      @TheJamesAraujo Před rokem +6

      @@PROVENT_ANIMS yes

    • @lulubautista916
      @lulubautista916 Před rokem

      @@TheJamesAraujo Mood

  • @derpity-moons3575
    @derpity-moons3575 Před rokem +4

    Sobbing screaming crying

  • @Kyuri_gachz
    @Kyuri_gachz Před 11 měsíci +6

    2:07 HE IS SO PRETTY ❤❤❤

  • @keitoriii
    @keitoriii Před rokem +746

    Somebody please give an award to his voice actor, the emotion he put into EVERY line was just.... Im out of wordsss

    • @recitationtohear
      @recitationtohear Před rokem +1

      Here is the full Clip : Genshin new update

    • @foxyroxy404
      @foxyroxy404 Před rokem +1

      Согласна 😭

  • @Lizzy_boo72
    @Lizzy_boo72 Před rokem +475

    Scara VA deserves all the praise. It's so emotional and vulnerable in this scene I just can't help but want to cry. Fantastic work honestly 👏

    • @bari9566
      @bari9566 Před rokem +6

      you want? I cried 😭

  • @chihiro_chan
    @chihiro_chan Před 9 měsíci +2

    i just watched it again and i’m crying

  • @misaki____
    @misaki____ Před měsícem +3

    I cant explain how much this physically hurts me

  • @srslychristy
    @srslychristy Před rokem +858

    this actually brought tears to my eyes. it is a stunning teaser. his story has developed beautifully since the very beginning.

  • @xingqiu1090
    @xingqiu1090 Před rokem +815

    I can't stop watching this. The visuals, the voice acting, the story.. It's all so amazingly made. Scaramouche is a character I love dearly and seeing more into his life and his thoughts in this teaser breaks my heart. It's sad to see that he's so suicidal and lost after the kid died.

    • @zeth479
      @zeth479 Před rokem +5

      And the music always on point

    • @nuIlsky
      @nuIlsky Před rokem +3

      They always make the music so good too! Its kinda likr harry potter soundtracks, theyre always either magicsl or mysterious

    • @TAUrn7true
      @TAUrn7true Před rokem

      shiteater, pls

    • @andrefarfan4372
      @andrefarfan4372 Před rokem


    • @andrefarfan4372
      @andrefarfan4372 Před rokem

      @@zeth479 ok

  • @gohan4534
    @gohan4534 Před 4 měsíci +3

    I've been in love with him ever since version 1.1 when he first appeared. I honestly thought it was just a phase and it'll disappear after some time, but here I am, a literal year later, still bawling my eyes everytime I watch this trailer and I still keep spending a lot of money for this man. I ain't complaining though, his VA, pat, really has a way to make me cry and be hooked with his talent.

  • @loomeen0
    @loomeen0 Před rokem +5


  • @serenagoddi3782
    @serenagoddi3782 Před rokem +849

    "Never been born at all... Is that all you wish for?"
    In the end they did it, I'm crying over a character teaser for the first time. I love his story so much, and those words at the end hits really hard.

  • @r4mvne
    @r4mvne Před rokem +919

    The Genshin team really went above and beyond for this animation and the animators really did a good job animating this piece and scara’s va really did amazing too, and of course everyone who participated in this work of art did amazing🫶I really hope he comes home

  • @emaqme
    @emaqme Před rokem +7


  • @ayu6150
    @ayu6150 Před rokem +6

    Wow Scara story makes me forget our mission as traveler, i really want to cuddle him

  • @valenpam_
    @valenpam_ Před rokem +1682

    Dude this has to be the most PHENOMENAL character teaser, and just overall character genshin impact has made. The story is amazingly written, it all had such a well pace, and he’s one of my favorite characters of all time. His story really touched me with the struggles of dealing with grief, and the way he struggles to process emotion but only feels anger and has no hope for things. After so long I’m so happy he’s playable! The devs, artists, and animators did amazing on this and they deserve a gold star! Sending all other wanderer wanters luck, and I hope you succeed on your pulls!

    • @Saga_Anserum
      @Saga_Anserum Před rokem +6

      Good luck with your pulls as well!

    • @ingebjrgeilertsen
      @ingebjrgeilertsen Před rokem +4

      @Nоt RiскrоII 🅥 Plot twist: The full video is the one we just watched...yeah...that sounded way better in my head...

    • @biazacha
      @biazacha Před rokem +10

      Nahida, Ei and him are really build different when it comes to promotional material

    • @ingebjrgeilertsen
      @ingebjrgeilertsen Před rokem +2

      How did their channel name suddenly change to genshin impact??

    • @valenpam_
      @valenpam_ Před rokem

      @@recitationtohear LMAO HELP

  • @bubblesmvs
    @bubblesmvs Před rokem +372

    the "it HURts" part going high like he's holding back tears of agony sends me, the VA did an amazing job!

  • @luvleyt
    @luvleyt Před 8 měsíci +4

    Genshin, this is getting very personal

  • @enola.94
    @enola.94 Před rokem +8

    wanderer's VA is gold

  • @SandersCat_yo
    @SandersCat_yo Před rokem +783

    Replay, cry, then replay again.
    Amazing soundtrack.
    Simply phenomenal work from the VA. The way he delivers "How dare you die like this?" makes my heart break. These small shaky breaths that really sell that he's crying...
    HOYO really gave their all with this character.

    • @cynthia20475
      @cynthia20475 Před rokem

      Crying over an emo terrorist like Scaradouche?? Seriously?? lmao

    • @SandersCat_yo
      @SandersCat_yo Před rokem +7

      @@cynthia20475 you can hate him all you want. you can't deny how good this trailer is tho

    • @skeletonwar4445
      @skeletonwar4445 Před rokem +1

      @@SandersCat_yo I can.

    • @docen8894
      @docen8894 Před rokem +1

      yes that is exactly what I did

    • @arsena5209
      @arsena5209 Před rokem +1

      @@skeletonwar4445 I always hated Scaramouche and I still know this trailer and the voice acting is and had always been incredible. Sure you can, but you're still wrong lol

  • @soulcross
    @soulcross Před rokem +1023

    What an incredible voice actor Patrick is. Every trailer, every cutscene, he truly gives it his all. And what a payoff for it. We truly feel for Scara and understand why he did what he did. It doesn’t excuse it, but it is the reason, and that’s enough to start forgiveness.

  • @zlew6704
    @zlew6704 Před rokem +106

    I’VE ALREADY WATCHED THIS MANY TIMES BUT I ACTUALLY CAN’T STOP CRYING JESUS CHRIST 😭😭😭 thank you, dear voice actor of scara, for doing an amazing job. you touched a lot of hearts, that’s for sure

  • @ncegative
    @ncegative Před rokem +8

    I feel so bad for him. he went through so much and worked so hard just to have it all taken away from him.

  • @kayla7242
    @kayla7242 Před rokem +335

    The transition from the sarcastic smile to angry tears at 1:36 just kills me everytime

    • @Steven_12591
      @Steven_12591 Před rokem +14

      You know what else killed me? 2:03 I THOUGHT THAT WAS KAZUHA 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

  • @kekakistuff
    @kekakistuff Před rokem +968

    That was absolutely beautiful. This teaser really delved into Scaramouches past and made us understand him a little better. His feelings, his ambitions...Patrick Pedraza did a phenomenal job at voicing him once again. I got chills...the music and animation are beautiful as well.

    • @Call_Upon_YAH
      @Call_Upon_YAH Před rokem +1

      Jesus Christ is the propitiation for the whole world's sins. They that believeth and are baptized (with the Holy Spirit) shall be saved; but they that believeth not shall be damned. Those led by the Holy Spirit do not abide in wickedness.
      *God is ONE manifesting himself as THREE;* the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Bless him! *For these three are one.*
      As I am led by the Holy Spirit, nothing I state is a lie, but the truth of God. Anyone who tells you differently is misinformed or a liar. They do not know God, nor led by him.
      Anyone who *claims* to be a Christian and is against what I am doing, and where I am doing it; the Holy Spirit does not dwell within them, they lack understanding. They know not God, read his word, and their religion is in vain. Do not hear them, they will mislead you, the lost cannot guide the lost.

    • @Call_Upon_YAH
      @Call_Upon_YAH Před rokem

      Another truth many have been deceived of:
      When you trust in God and cast your cares (worries, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts) upon him, they will be NO MORE!
      Know that there is power in the name Jesus Christ! His name casts out demons and heals!
      The world is wicked, evil, and of the devil.
      I too, was a wicked sinner of the world before I opened my heart to God. I am living proof of God's work and fruitfulness! He is an active God who hears the prayers of his! God's children are set apart (holy) and righteous. The devil is a liar that comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy; that includes your relationship with God.
      Open your heart to God, repent of your sins (he will forgive you), and let him direct your path. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands and purify your heart, lest you walk with the devil and follow him to hell.

    • @user-hl2cw4ow8x
      @user-hl2cw4ow8x Před rokem +7

      @@Call_Upon_YAH christianity is fake

  • @Niko-ci8sw
    @Niko-ci8sw Před rokem +4

    1:55 That's a direct lyric from the Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen... There are quite a few hints about his character that come from the song, I really like that honestly

  • @anodaqo
    @anodaqo Před rokem +4

    no way a character teaser made me cry l

  • @Venoxbii
    @Venoxbii Před rokem +665

    I legit can’t the va of scara did such an absolutely good job like I can’t even explain it. The emotions and the pain I can feel it oozing from this entire teaser it’s just SOOO GOOOD!

    • @Raphael-gd4ht
      @Raphael-gd4ht Před rokem

      legit can't what?

    • @smirk5630
      @smirk5630 Před rokem

      @@Raphael-gd4ht he legit can’t 😂 Definitely one of the descriptions EVER.

    • @That1Weeb
      @That1Weeb Před rokem

      the xiao pfp here rlly proving xiao mains are all masochist pain lovers 💀

  • @aleixity
    @aleixity Před rokem +620

    Poor scaramouche is just a boy who I feel like craves love and affection by at least someone, by losing the people he cared for or getting abandoned hurts my heart. His voice really shows it. ❤️‍🩹

    • @TheUltraGuy101
      @TheUltraGuy101 Před rokem +36

      He's just a poor boy from a poor (relationship) family; he needs to be spare him his life from all of these monstrosities

    • @peak407
      @peak407 Před rokem +2

      And the facts that ei new voiceline from leak say who is scaramouch to yae is bruh 💀💀

    • @Sunrise20403
      @Sunrise20403 Před rokem

      overcare for him lol, he deserves it

    • @cynthia20475
      @cynthia20475 Před rokem

      lol no, terrorist like him is no different than ISIS terorist

    • @sixn6
      @sixn6 Před rokem +1

      he's just a poor boy, he need no sympathy,
      Because he's easy come, easy go,

  • @angry_goldfish
    @angry_goldfish Před 10 měsíci +3

    that tear drop got me crying and also whoever threw away that toy soldier, i will hunt you down

  • @samuelfraysse4209
    @samuelfraysse4209 Před 5 měsíci +8

    What I love about this character is not the edgy brat side but more the fact that he succeeded to get rid of his past and live freely, without aspiring to glory and the divine. Just roaming on the earth like everyone

  • @Axil0tl
    @Axil0tl Před rokem +958

    I really like how the lore is progressing further into something more emotionally touching like Honkai's lore. I know that Genshin had a more child-friendly tone to it's story at first but dang this is a lot better. Both the lore writers and scara's VA deserve a reward.

    • @recitationtohear
      @recitationtohear Před rokem +1

      Here is the full Clip : Genshin new update

    • @Uefeti
      @Uefeti Před rokem +62

      Thats the thing
      Genshin story is a little child like, but it’s lore and backstory, is extremely violent painful and tragic.
      Dev’s just dont show you the grey stuff

    • @ShadowCorvus9
      @ShadowCorvus9 Před rokem +33

      Yes exactly. Honkai’s dark lore was exactly why I preferred it over genshin. Now genshin is getting darker aswell, it’s more intriguing for me.

    • @Metallicamilo311
      @Metallicamilo311 Před rokem +20

      Child-friendly? Ruu, Albert, Stanley and many others have really hard to tell stories.

    • @cassiehomrey3816
      @cassiehomrey3816 Před rokem +26

      That’s the point. As we travel deeper into Teyvat, we uncover the ugliness of this world and the dark secrets behind it. But honestly, the lore was always dark. I mean, have you *been* to Enkanomiya? Or Tsurumi Island or anything really. It started getting dark after Mondstadt