Fable Anniversary cheats at BLACKJACK knowing what is in the deck 2020 04 13 18 16 29

  • čas přidán 12. 04. 2020
  • I've noticed a pattern where the game lures you into making bad choices because the game cheats against the player by knowing in advance what a sane person would do under normal circumstances, and pre-stacks the top few cards for "dealing with" the unfortunate player.
    The only way to circumvent this cheating is to do a game save prior to the first game, then saving the game only if you win, then reloading every time that you lose a round. Typically the dealer has a slight advantage in games, but this advantage is HUGE.
    When the dealer "needs" a whole bunch of smaller value cards in the deck, every time miraculously the "deck" complies with the dealer's needs, and bam!--every card needed to beat the player comes up nicely. When the opposite is the case and the player needs smaller card values to come up, sure enough HUGE value cards come up and you're defeated a very large percentage of the time. Yesterday I had to play many consecutive hands before I ever won ANYTHING. What a waste of my time?
    In this game I do not do a card hit from the deck and stand on what I've been dealt.
    When the dealer uncovers "his" card, "he" has already beaten me by 1 and has come closer to 21 than me, but if the game were unrigged then they should not do a card deck hit for another card when they've already beaten me and "risk" that a big value card does not come up to put them well over 21.
    Here I let stand 15, dealer gets 16, then does a card deck hit risking a 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King. Remember that the dealer has already won and need not take "unnecessary" risks of busting out over 21 (this should only happen in case I had tied with "them"), but does so anyway BECAUSE IT IS RIGGED and already knows that small value cards are next to be taken off of the top of the deck rather than a 6 thru King that would bust it out of contention for winning.
    In my estimation the game is letting the player win or lose based on other unseen factors that influence which way the fixed game rigging shall go.
    I won 3 of 4 games just prior to this and went from about 9,980 to 20,676 as seen when I sit down with already 1,000 up as my prior bet from the prior game session that I had won. I need about 58 thousand gold for the best Master Great Sword that some vendors sell at retail price that has a value of about 37,500 or so dealer cost.
    It was time in the game's scheme of things to make me the player lose, et, voila, I did lose, but in a way that no sensible player would do unless they already knew the cards to be dealt ahead of time.
    So, just to let you know, the game is NOT playing fairly because it already has inside knowledge about everything that is going on.

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