"Russian Folk Music" 1973 part 1

  • čas přidán 31. 07. 2008
  • 22 Minute Documentary on Russian Folk Music
  • Hudba

Komentáře • 58

  • @00Shinkar00
    @00Shinkar00 Před 14 lety

    Ochin spasiba!! thanks to much !!!!

  • @floydyopz
    @floydyopz Před 10 lety

    What culture! What songs! What spirit! What girls! I love it!

  • @pauljmeyer1
    @pauljmeyer1 Před 14 lety +1

    What a happy discovery , thank you Cinemartini.
    I love these songs and documentary material of this quality has been hard to find.
    It seems the impossible has happened, things have got worse for ordinary folk.
    It almost breaks my heart to think how dear Russian people have such rotten government.

    • @adamhercia3243
      @adamhercia3243 Před rokem

      They're prolly Ukrainian forced to live in Russia after ww2..

  • @GwLDS
    @GwLDS Před 14 lety

    pritty smiler to north east Scotland folk melodies

  • @GermanSack
    @GermanSack Před 16 lety

    muy bueno! very good!

  • @alexeyeglazov
    @alexeyeglazov Před 14 lety +1

    I am russian. I live in Moscow.
    This is very strange video. Till 2:28 it lokks like standard Russian church. Priest is singing in old-russian (church) language without slightest accent.
    After that the girls appear. They have very strong accent. It is not the accent of other nations of Soviet Union. Perhaps Europenean accent. And faces are like in Azerbajan or Armenia or ...
    Perhaps they are starovers ("old-believers") - isolated groups escaped from church reformes about 300 years ago

  • @ksushka
    @ksushka Před 12 lety

    @svetlanaprekrasnaya I totally agree with the first part of your message and everything you said only could be explained if the film was made somewhere in North or South America.
    Regarding the uncovered heads - in russian orthodox churches abroad it's ok not to cover your head. I think it started in the 50th. At least for the OCA churches.

  • @00Shinkar00
    @00Shinkar00 Před 15 lety

    somebody know about the name of song in 5:44 min

  • @wublili
    @wublili Před 14 lety

    @GwLDS yes

  • @drm857
    @drm857 Před 13 lety

    @maxrocks1 V uruguae? Pochemu tam?

  • @drm857
    @drm857 Před 13 lety

    @maxrocks1 Правда?? Я не знаю. Спасибо! Вы знаете почему в юругуае?

  • @kavaldzhia
    @kavaldzhia Před 14 lety

    Понял ! (А церьков тоже эмигрантская, между прочем.) Будти Здоровый !

  • @maczilski
    @maczilski Před 13 lety

    Good ethnografic film. It is Russian songs, be sure! Yes, girls dressed like gypsies and really have heavy specific southern accent. May they are from some of southern regions or even from Moldova. )) No wonder.

  • @Vanosun1
    @Vanosun1 Před 13 lety

    после церкви в 1-й части идёт песня курской обл.причём традиция по реке Псёл распростроняется,а это почти граница с украиной и наигрыш "Тимоня" в 3-й части оттудаже,Суджанский р-он,с.Плёхово,например....вот блин и думай теперь....

  • @arktikgraywolf
    @arktikgraywolf Před 12 lety

    @ksushka umm, im pretty sure i've made my point in the three comments that i posted in a consecutive order, commenting both on the video and multiple user comments, have i not?
    And about ethnic groups: i see wikipedia is your friend ) I've lived in Russia, and ethnic groups along with Russian culture are dying everyday. The numbers are much lower, because working age population of these has moved to large cities and urban areas, leaving the elderly behind.

  • @alexeyeglazov
    @alexeyeglazov Před 14 lety

    Конечно, лица нерусские. Никто не спорит. А акцент такой, что не заметить невозможно.

  • @acefreaky
    @acefreaky Před 12 lety

    Old Russia the Russia of faith that at one time stood alone against the nazis against all odds ,against Communism .they were Russian full stop and don't be misled by the headscarf , not Muslim , deeply orthodox people of this vast and impoverished land .Far apart and yet one ,they're identity is fixed , Russian !

  • @anthi_
    @anthi_ Před 15 lety

    Russian is my favourite folk music. No wonder why the russians are so nacionalists, or why russian classical music (Tchaikovsky, Korsakov) was so "russian".

  • @cyrill81
    @cyrill81 Před 15 lety

    это заграницей богослужение. там менее суровые требования к головным уборам.

  • @alexeyeglazov
    @alexeyeglazov Před 14 lety

    The dresses and style of singing is very Russian!!!
    Don't mix it up with fakes from popular modern russian folk groups.
    These girls preserved REAL old russian style

  • @ksushka
    @ksushka Před 12 lety

    @arktikgraywolf Hummm... i'm sure you are unaware that there are more then 150 ethnic groups in Russian Federation alone.
    USSR consisted of 15 republics not ethnic groups.
    But let's leave the numbers to statistic. What was your point?

  • @RussianEngineer
    @RussianEngineer Před 13 lety

    Эмигранты про агрономов не поют. Песни чисто советские.

  • @monikino4ka
    @monikino4ka Před 15 lety

    Кто пишет, что это армяне, либо татары, либо азербайджанцы и т.д. Откуда такие познания? В России то были вообще??!!

  • @u238nik1
    @u238nik1 Před 13 lety +1

    Это снимали не в России. В православной церкви нельзя женщинам находится без головного убора.

  • @ksushka
    @ksushka Před 12 lety

    @RussianEngineer Ну уж что им дали, то они и выучили. :)

  • @user-dq4hx6ml7m
    @user-dq4hx6ml7m Před 8 lety

    почему я половину не понимаю слов в песнях..хоть я и русский...где этот ролик снимали?

    • @ilya_rusin
      @ilya_rusin Před 8 lety

      после церкви в 1-й части идёт песня курской обл.причём традиция по реке Псёл распространяется,а это почти граница с украиной и наигрыш "Тимоня" в 3-й части оттуда же,Суджанский р-он,с.Плёхово,например....вот блин и думай теперь....

    • @user-dq4hx6ml7m
      @user-dq4hx6ml7m Před 8 lety

      IPiminov этоне Россия..по ощущениям это заказной ролик что-бы выставить русских в плохом свете..в Русском и старорусском таких слов нету, ряженые.

  • @20tat10
    @20tat10 Před 13 lety

    Perhaps this is recollection of URSS, not Russia

  • @arktikgraywolf
    @arktikgraywolf Před 12 lety

    @arktikgraywolf On the other hand, :D women in orthodox church wear head covers, and for as long as i live, i have never heard of a conductor in an orthodox church! :D I must admit, it does kinda seem funny, must be shot somewhere in nyc with russian speaking Jewish immigrants from USSR. American propaganda? Lets go to part 2 :D

  • @arktikgraywolf
    @arktikgraywolf Před 12 lety

    @arktikgraywolf Meaning that it is a matter of years until the group becomes instinct. The most prominent of all is probably old believers, but they too, get swiped away with their hundreds of years of traditions and culture.

  • @arktikgraywolf
    @arktikgraywolf Před 12 lety

    @arktikgraywolf After part 3 im convinced that it is an improvisation, and a rather bad one.

  • @svetlanaprekrasnaya
    @svetlanaprekrasnaya Před 13 lety

    @ksushka yep! don't forget it was shotted in 1973 ))) women look like... NOT Russian )))
    Girls look so weird with two braids )))) in old Russia, girls braided there hair, but only in one braid, that meant - she's single. Young unmarried woman were allowed to keep there head uncovered.
    and Why women on choir didn't cover there heads?

  • @svetlanaprekrasnaya
    @svetlanaprekrasnaya Před 12 lety +1

    @aenglot only Russian can recognize another Russian... If we are talking about russian Russians/Slavic Russian, then those women in the video are NOT Russians )))) even NOT Muslim Russians... my close friend in Russia is muslim, I have bunch of muslims in my neighborhood... Those women look like Albanians or Hungarians, or Bulgarians....

  • @00Shinkar00
    @00Shinkar00 Před 14 lety

    That are filmed in Cold War era. Probaly filmed in UK or another west coutry from EMIGRERS. Tha girls is probally not russians, probally jews or tatars or from caucasus emigrers live in anothr coutry.

  • @kavaldzhia
    @kavaldzhia Před 14 lety

    Ну Альюша, ... как говорили на родину - "Федот, ...но не тот ..." они все явно американусы или старый эмигранты из Польшый или Белоруссий... но я не вижу россиян.

  • @svetlanaprekrasnaya
    @svetlanaprekrasnaya Před 13 lety

    long story shortly, they sing with a HUGE accent )))) there are only couple of real russians.

  • @david128122
    @david128122 Před 11 lety

    Russia only have Muslims in Chechnya and they hate other Russians. and yes the scarfs are what they mainly wear in churches the Headscarf in the older generation

  • @TenorDmitry
    @TenorDmitry Před 15 lety

    They are not Russians. I can see it and they have a very strong accent as well.
    The way of singing is also not Russian.
    But they don't looks like Jews as well.
    More like south Asian Muslim republics (Uzbekistan, Azerbaydzhan or Armenia).

  • @cossack207
    @cossack207 Před 14 lety

    @00Shinkar00 plain americans

  • @ksushka
    @ksushka Před 12 lety

    @aenglot Russian muslims in orthodox church... you're kidding right?

  • @alexeyeglazov
    @alexeyeglazov Před 14 lety

    Но вот одеты они и поют вполне нормально, как и положено. Именно так и пели всякие бабки старые в деревнях. А то, что мы сейчас называем "русской народной музыкой" - это все современное.
    Интересно, что это за люди снимались. Общины эммигрантские, староверы, еще что-то?

  • @arktikgraywolf
    @arktikgraywolf Před 12 lety

    @ksushka Umm, im sure you probably unaware, but Soviet Union consisted of not just Russia, but of 15 or more different ethnic groups. Not only is there uncorrect title, which Should of been (folk music of USSR), uneducated commenters who do not make any sense should go back to school. Aeonglot, really? Moslims? Im sure "mosloms" like to sing in a church full of icons. WTF is wrong with people?

  • @owtatowttowt
    @owtatowttowt Před 11 lety

    that's where you're wrong. their in Dagestan, Tatarstan, most of the caucasus, parts of Siberia. do you know nothing? Chechnya isn't the only Muslim part of Russia. plus, in europe there are indigenous Muslims... Pomaks & ethnic Turks in Bulgaria, Gorani in Serbia, Albanians & Bosnian Muslims, Polish, Belarussian, Lithuanian & Finnish Tatars... Islam has been in europe for centuries. & headscarves were worn in my part of the world (Scotland) withing living memory. please think before you type...

  • @alexeyeglazov
    @alexeyeglazov Před 14 lety

    Russian Jews. There is nothing strange in it. President Medvedev is a person of this sort. There is a lot of such exmples

  • @TenorDmitry
    @TenorDmitry Před 14 lety

    Нет это явно не Русские, и манера не та.
    И платки кстати повязаны скорее как у мусульманок чем у наших.
    Жалко просто, что незнающему зрителю ЭТО выдают за Русскую народную песню....

  • @user-dq4hx6ml7m
    @user-dq4hx6ml7m Před 8 lety

    цыганкам заплатили

  • @alexeyeglazov
    @alexeyeglazov Před 14 lety

    Так и я про тоже - лица нерусские и акцент какой-то - такого в СНГ ни о кого нет.
    Ой, черьйомюшка, ти густенкий кусток.
    По акценту вроде американцы

  • @alexeyeglazov
    @alexeyeglazov Před 14 lety

    Their faces are not Russian for sure.
    They look like Jews or Armenians.
    But the way of singing is very-very Russian.

  • @Varangianguest
    @Varangianguest Před 15 lety

    Развесистая клюква! Да где они таких девок нашли? В Грозном?
    Только не надо мне шовинизм вешать. Женщины всех наций хороши!

  • @Valentiy
    @Valentiy Před 11 lety

    Где нашли этих клоунов? Почему в церкви с непокрытой головой?
    Пипец, а потом цыганки как русские. Платки повязали, а косы торчат. смех да и только.

  • @drm857
    @drm857 Před 13 lety

    @maxrocks1 Правда?? Я не знаю. Спасибо! Вы знаете почему в юругуае?