4k60p 世界遺產 山西雲崗石窟Shanxi Yungang Grottoes NHK 雲岡石窟的造像氣勢宏偉,內容豐富多彩,堪稱公元5世紀中國石刻藝術之冠,被譽為中國古代雕刻藝術的寶庫。

  • čas přidán 19. 08. 2022
  • 中國雲岡石窟的造像氣勢宏偉,內容豐富多彩,堪稱公元5世紀中國石刻藝術之冠,被譽為中國古代雕刻藝術的寶庫,按照開鑿的時間可分為早、中、晚三期,不同時期的石窟造像風格也各有特色,早期的“曇曜五窟”氣勢磅薄,具有渾厚、純樸的西域情調。中期石窟則以精雕細琢,裝飾華麗著稱於世,顯示出複雜多變、富麗堂皇的北魏時期藝術風格。晚期窟室規模雖小,但人物形象清瘦俊美,比例適中,是中國北方石窟藝術的榜樣和“瘦骨清像”的源起。此外,石窟中留下的樂舞和百戲雜技雕刻,也是當時佛教思想流行的體現和北魏社會生活的反映。
    The statues of the Yungang Grottoes in China are magnificent and rich in content. They can be called the crown of Chinese stone carving art in the 5th century AD, and are known as the treasure house of ancient Chinese carving art. The style of the statues in the caves also has its own characteristics. The early "Tanyao Five Grottoes" are imposing, with a strong and simple Western atmosphere. In the middle period, the grottoes are famous for their elaborate carvings and gorgeous decorations, showing the complex and magnificent artistic style of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Although the scale of the caves in the later period is small, the figures are thin and handsome, and the proportions are moderate. In addition, the music, dance and acrobatic sculptures left in the grottoes are also a reflection of the popularity of Buddhist thought at that time and a reflection of the social life of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

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