Andreas Raptopoulos: No roads? There's a drone for that

  • čas přidán 20. 11. 2013
  • A billion people in the world lack access to all-season roads. Could the structure of the internet provide a model for how to reach them? Andreas Raptopoulos of Matternet thinks so. He introduces a new type of transportation system that uses electric autonomous flying machines to deliver medicine, food, goods and supplies wherever they are needed.
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  • Věda a technologie

Komentáře • 210

  • @pyrrho314
    @pyrrho314 Před 10 lety +10

    I was thinking of this for disaster areas like in the Philipines... drones should fly around taking small amounts of food and water while search parties are working.

  • @Oberonjames
    @Oberonjames Před 10 lety +14

    Frankly, I'd use this to automate the postal service. Postal workers would maintain the system and deliver large parcels until the system were capable of delivering those as well. We'd gain a massive amount of efficiency an the mail would never be late again. Also, we'd need considerably fewer staff to run the entire department.

    • @gorkonyan
      @gorkonyan Před 10 lety +3

      And the people that will be relieved, with what money will they feed their children? If someone invents something that will let you out of work what will it happen to you? That if you are old enough to work but seeing how easy you talk about efficiency, proves you either are too young or too naive to understand how money works.

    • @Justplanecrazy25
      @Justplanecrazy25 Před 10 lety +3

      gorkonyan While I agree with some of your statements, drones will end up being a thing of the future. In fact, the reality is kind of already here. Legislation is just trying to hold it back. Things like pizzas and packages could very well be delivered by drones. Drones don't need to wait in traffic so you could shave off a lot of your delivery times. Will it lay of certain workers? Of course. What advancement in efficiency hasn't laid off workers? The thing is that while people are laid off, it also opens the market to new fields. Someone is going to need to fly the drones for one. What about production or maintenance? My point is that we need to consider the picture as a whole. If we stopped advancement simply because people lost their jobs, we'd still be banging rocks together. The great thing about humanity is that we are able to adapt. The person who lost their postal delivery job may very well be rehired to deliver postage via drone the next week.

    • @Justplanecrazy25
      @Justplanecrazy25 Před 10 lety

      Hahaha it's funny you mention shooting them down. Supposedly Texas is working on or has passed a drone hunting season.

    • @drspangle13
      @drspangle13 Před 10 lety +4

      Clearly we should be paying people to dig holes and other people to fill the holes in. Or else what will those people do to feed their children?

    • @Jayremy89
      @Jayremy89 Před 10 lety

      Lol, saves the animals i guess...

  • @k1dicarus
    @k1dicarus Před 9 lety +4

    To all the people thinking it would be that easy to shot down the drone or take it other wise:
    I encourage you do fly a drone for yourself, take it to its maximum altitude of the signal range (which the ones in the video dont have, more a physical flight hight limit) and try to follow it with your eyes. You dont need extreme hights to be save from gunshots. And if the landing station is a big enough area. you can fly them pinpoint over them, still having the save altitude and then just decelerate. Even if you shot it, it will land in the "save" landing zone. It´ll be no more than vandalism.
    I would be more concerned about technical malfunkction. But that all vehicle suffer from the same.

  • @MaDnessIV
    @MaDnessIV Před 10 lety +4

    There are also airships being developed to fly using little energy, carry lots of cargo, and can land/take off vertically without a runway or even landing pad. Can be used similarly on a larger scale where there are no reliable roads.

  • @holdmybeer
    @holdmybeer Před 10 lety +1

    Just what earth needs, more people.

  • @qaswedfrewq717
    @qaswedfrewq717 Před 3 lety +1

    1. How to keep those stations safe?
    2. How to prevent people shooting those drones down and selling them
    3. Many developing countries don't have big electric grid so you would have to build a new one just to get some power to stations (Solar panels can be solution but they are very likely to get stolen and you would need big battery bringing the cost even higher)
    4. Developing countries are very poor so how can they pay the price of delivering, at the start it is very expensive
    5. Swapping battery will be very challenging and what about if there comes next drone when the battery is not full
    6. cost was not realistic (way too low) expect drone
    7. Why haven't we heard about this? Probably because this never made it and those are one of the reasons

    • @georgekoukoulis5002
      @georgekoukoulis5002 Před 2 lety

      Lol but it did make it, YOU just havent seen it… being implemented nation wide in uae

  • @MattSpaul
    @MattSpaul Před 10 lety +8

    I think it's hard to keep the individual landing zones secure and safe. A very nice concept, but perhaps has some drawbacks. I think it could be scaled up above 2kg and be more secure and effective.

  • @JamesAwokeKnowing
    @JamesAwokeKnowing Před 10 lety +4

    They need to switch to drones that can transform to "winged" mode. and this cover much greater distances. That would make all the difference.

  • @coolpinkone
    @coolpinkone Před 10 lety

    Outstanding presentation and solution.

  • @AndrewMilner
    @AndrewMilner Před 10 lety +1

    This is a pretty cool idea! I hope it works out.

  • @PatrickVedlog
    @PatrickVedlog Před 10 lety +1

    Such a great idea. I hope this become a reality.

  • @pickitup1
    @pickitup1 Před 10 lety +2

    I fly drones and wish this would work but there are many things not mentioned when he says the cost of a flight is a few cents. Batteries are expensive and have limited life, bearings go bad, propellers break, birds of pray have attacked mine in NYC where there isnt much wild life, curious people will be hurt by moving propellers and people will steal a $3000 multirotor.

    • @generico366
      @generico366 Před 8 lety

      I asume they will be working of rechargable battery packs.

  • @Q8Police777
    @Q8Police777 Před 10 lety +3

    That was a fantastic talk btw, but he didnt really mention any drawbacks to this idea, for example a very big problem could be piracy, counterfeit, stealing etc.

    • @amitsci
      @amitsci Před 10 lety

      I think the point is to deliver goods to institutions. It would be as safe as(if not safer than) a postman. These drones have GPS so any misdelivery would be registered. And 400feet up they'd be pretty hard to reach for any tampering.

  • @GeorgeWofford
    @GeorgeWofford Před 10 lety +37

    The message is good and everything, but they really need to adjust his mic. I can hear every single smack of saliva in his mouth.

  • @amitsci
    @amitsci Před 10 lety +1

    So long bike messengers! You had a good run but, this is faster, cheaper and safer.

  • @925shah
    @925shah Před 10 lety

    Wow this is totally awesome I think it's a brilliant idea !

  • @JonMulligan12
    @JonMulligan12 Před 10 lety

    It's an interesting concept. The most important part will be creating an open, yet secure 'air traffic controller' rather than a completely closed one. At this stage, a single organisation could quite easily create a closed system and dominate the airways with no competition.

  • @Frankie14Theo
    @Frankie14Theo Před 10 lety

    Awesome idea.. My Respect !!

  • @clark_cant
    @clark_cant Před 10 lety

    Brilliant idea!

  • @AbhishekKumar7
    @AbhishekKumar7 Před 10 lety

    This is an interesting idea, a transport network based on automated drones and fixed peer-to-peer base stations. The only problems are security and prevention of theft, which essentially renders these drones useful for only highly specific goods of less generic value, such as medicines.

    • @franklouuu
      @franklouuu Před 10 lety +1

      So you think it is easier to catch a drone in the air than a postman?

    • @AbhishekKumar7
      @AbhishekKumar7 Před 10 lety

      frankist Do you think it easier to steal your wallet while its in your pocked than from a drone flying over deserted terrain?

  • @Zoza15
    @Zoza15 Před 10 lety +1

    And so it begins, sky traffic in cities.

  • @shankapalsurendrarao2912
    @shankapalsurendrarao2912 Před 10 lety +1

    One of the biggest challenges in highly congested cities is moving patients to hospitals using ambulance. Is it possible to have a combination of drones and hot balloons, so that we can move the patients using gps locations? Whether already such ideas exist?

  • @B0GlES
    @B0GlES Před 10 lety +4

    Interesting talk. The only thing that bugs me is the constant sound of saliva sloshing around in the speakers mouth... Urh...

  • @DahBjorn
    @DahBjorn Před 10 lety

    This is an awesome idea. Delivering medicine and samples is obviously the best use for this right now, but just imagine having small things you buy online delivered to you within hours by a network of these things! :)
    I do see some problems though: The drone it self is worth $3K, add the value of what the drone is transporting, and then the fact that people don't trust drones in the first place. These things WILL get hijacked, either by hacking or simply by people shooting them down for the goods they carry/for fun (by assholes)/because "drones are evil"
    If you could get a security system for them that actually works though (apart from mounting guns on them), I'm all for this!

  • @isamelbousserghini
    @isamelbousserghini Před 10 lety

    Good thinking

  • @27182818284590452354
    @27182818284590452354 Před 10 lety

    About damn time.
    *pats his decker gear*

  • @sirlarryoflondon
    @sirlarryoflondon Před 8 lety

    We can use this technology to transport patient samples between campuses at the Medical Center in Houston, TX. 1:58 forward...

  • @Wifi_Cable
    @Wifi_Cable Před 10 lety +4

    Most technological advancements are usually intended for great reasons, but sadly get implemented for evil means first. I fear people will misunderstand what these advancements mean, thus causing these to only be delayed pointlessly.
    I honestly wonder how many people will die who could have been saved because 'others' fear what they don't know and misconceive.

    • @MarkProffitt
      @MarkProffitt Před 10 lety +1

      The pattern of technological advancements happening with military devices occurs in the USA, it does not happen in Japan. This is also why Japan has advanced technologically more quickly than the USA. New technologies tend to start out with major limitation or are very expensive. New technologies are first adopted by extreme users, people who have a need or desire that they don't mind paying "too much" for the new technology.
      US military can spend extreme amounts of money and don't care about comfort or certain levels of danger. Japan looks at the problem differently. They put new technology into toys. The problems with new technologies don't matter as much in toys so they can start selling the new technology long before it is ready for other uses. This approach makes new technology affordable much more quickly and with lower investment than the military approach.

    • @Wifi_Cable
      @Wifi_Cable Před 10 lety

      MarkProffitt That is an approach I never thought of, granted I believe it may have drastically fewer applications than we may want it to. Though you are right, implement the new technology in toys or smaller devices to gather the niche profit in an environment that is not does not need it to be perfected.
      Interesting approach.

  • @meneeredwin
    @meneeredwin Před 10 lety

    Good concept for unreachable areas. Would become a bit noisy though in a megacity with all the drones flying past your window.

  • @kdanagger6894
    @kdanagger6894 Před 10 lety

    Dramatic improvements in battery technology are needed to make these things useful beyond a mile or two.
    Energy density is always the problem...

  • @darkcynite
    @darkcynite Před 10 lety +1

    This is great.
    There is a German effort for a small multi rotor helicopter like human transport. I wonder if these efforts could be combined?

  • @iviewthetube
    @iviewthetube Před 10 lety

    Years ago someone thought about using UAV's to deliver pizzas. However, currently they are not legal for most commercial uses in US. Apparently, that is about to change.

  • @Groaznic
    @Groaznic Před 10 lety

    @Christine Hansen, we were also not "designed" to use a keyboard and a mouse to have this conversation. Or to build an international space station, to carefully place it in our planet's orbit and to have people live in it for months at a time. Also I'm pretty sure we weren't "designed" to be able to cycle while having our groin sustain all our body weight. I hope you see where I'm getting at (honestly I just drank a lot and can't find my words to concoct the conclusion so I really hope you get it without me wording it :D).
    Apparently you disabled replies to your post...

  • @ExclusiveManual
    @ExclusiveManual Před 10 lety

    Soon as people get over their fears, these things will make one hell of a difference in the world. But for now we must wait patiently because I'm pretty sure making a point on the internet about how unrealistic is it to fear drones will not make any difference.

  • @jack_elliott
    @jack_elliott Před 10 lety

    Just implement this everywhere for next hour delivery

    • @MaDnessIV
      @MaDnessIV Před 10 lety +6

      We're talking to you Amazon

  • @EddyProca
    @EddyProca Před 10 lety

    Roads? Where we're going, we need drones.

  • @Mautorres97
    @Mautorres97 Před 10 lety

    I would totaly steal one of those drones!!

  • @stephennielsen8722
    @stephennielsen8722 Před 10 lety

    Is it possible that huge, ultra stable quad copters could be used as a form of mass transportation?

  • @SavageHoax
    @SavageHoax Před 10 lety

    Imagine a drone that can deliver hot food to your door. Imagine a drone that can deliver vital supplies to a village.
    My body, is ready.

  • @doctorbhanu
    @doctorbhanu Před 10 lety

    Interesting. This is the better side of the coin, for drone technology.

  • @generico366
    @generico366 Před 8 lety +25

    I keep getting distracted by the fact that the microphone picks up every little smack of saliva in his mouth.

  • @darrenflips
    @darrenflips Před 10 lety

    There is only one drone in the sky in my city and it is mine. I see this changing very soon.

  • @Philly1cheasteak
    @Philly1cheasteak Před 10 lety

    This would be extremely useful, especially if you could have the battery-changing places solar powered.

  • @step-by-step5941
    @step-by-step5941 Před 10 lety


  • @musFuzZ
    @musFuzZ Před 10 lety

    This is a really good idea. Hope that some investors are willing to go ahead with this.

  • @LeonidasGGG
    @LeonidasGGG Před 10 lety

    Great idea... I see an app for that.

  • @secondjoint
    @secondjoint Před 10 lety

    I want my Chinese food delivered like this.

  • @RobertoRiveraPR
    @RobertoRiveraPR Před 10 lety +1

    Yes! The future looks bright! :D

  • @Curixq
    @Curixq Před 10 lety +2

    I am quite pro technology.
    But it sounds a bit as if investing in roads is not worth the effort ( 6:06 ).
    Roads tend to have other uses than sending packages of 2 kg.

  • @aFRoFx
    @aFRoFx Před 10 lety

    4:50 "wen you life depending on this packet... sum ware in Afrika ... or NYc after Sunday" xD

  • @drackar
    @drackar Před 10 lety

    Perfect. "what do you mean continent covering surveillance system? It's just for delivering medication". Flying over private residences, at low altitudes, with cameras.

  • @user-fk8st3ji4z
    @user-fk8st3ji4z Před 8 lety

    good drone!!!

  • @MichaelBlanding
    @MichaelBlanding Před 10 lety

    Love it

  • @adamthornton7880
    @adamthornton7880 Před 10 lety

    So um, when can we have people sized versions?

  • @Fovlight
    @Fovlight Před 10 lety

    My react: 3:49 eyebrow-raising! It's amazing idea.

  • @Ruffhouse789
    @Ruffhouse789 Před 10 lety

    I'd like to see larger, more robust, longer range vehicles so as to reduce the need for stations at all potential sites. You could massively reduce the infrastructure costs. The number of needed stations would decrease as a square of any increase in the range of the vehicle (assuming uniform distribution of target sites) so money invested in better range for the vehicles would pay back in spades.

  • @MarkHidden
    @MarkHidden Před 10 lety +1

    This is what I am talking about

  • @dzjad
    @dzjad Před 10 lety

    Hmm. Extrapolating those costs, that is ~$19 for a ~500 mile trip. So that really tells you what it will be used for (which are what he mentioned...) emergency stuff, and stuff where there really are no other modes of transport.

    • @pseudonym4893
      @pseudonym4893 Před 10 lety

      I doubt it would scale so neatly. Assuming these UAVs are electric, there are technological restraints on their range. Battery technology needs to improve dramatically for this to be used on a large scale.
      Either that or they need to use glider style drones rather than quad-copters, which use a lot of power to maintain lift. That means the landing stations would need to be a little more complicated, but it would be worth it for the extended range.

    • @dzjad
      @dzjad Před 10 lety

      John Kanu True. It probably could be made cheaper with something SIMILAR FlexRotor or Insitu does for limited area for takeoff and land. FlexRotor is doing a VTOL, then forward flight where-as Insitu is doing a catapult launch, then 'crane capture' system. (Both systems designed by the same guy). Both of these systems are way more expensive than the quadrotor system presented as well as much larger.

    @LKFMYLF Před 5 lety

    wow. !! it was 2013 .11. great ..
    but still ...

  • @Zopdoz
    @Zopdoz Před 9 lety

    Cool technologies that were once reserved for science fiction are invading our reality!
    This one is already a reality, it just needs proper funding & further examination.
    Love it !!

  • @AtlantisArch
    @AtlantisArch Před 10 lety +2

    here comes the next bubble, the drone bubble. Oh, I just forgot they are not out of hydrogen. I guess that would be the version 2.0.

  • @willofone2120
    @willofone2120 Před 10 lety

    we should do this.

  • @georgechristou7982
    @georgechristou7982 Před měsícem

    24 cents for 2 kgs for 10km is an extortionate price when the income of people there is less than a dollar per day

  • @roidroid
    @roidroid Před 10 lety

    Multirotors are too inefficient for long distances though, you want fixed-wing UAVs. There are some fixed wing UAVs that can take off vertically just like a multirotor, that's the way to go.
    The $3000 price tag is a bit rediculous, i'd think it could be built for less than $500.

  • @tyfriot
    @tyfriot Před 10 lety

    Give that man some water please.

  • @AlisterNox
    @AlisterNox Před 10 lety


  • @Ral9284
    @Ral9284 Před 10 lety

    The technology exist, the spirit to achieve it also exist, and the humanitarian input potential to help others to develop by themselves is uncanny. So, the only thing to make it real is the capital to found raise it, *Where can I help with that, TED?*

  • @0Dimac
    @0Dimac Před 10 lety

    Ahhhhhh! Attack of the drones!

  • @waaa9waaa9waaa9
    @waaa9waaa9waaa9 Před 10 lety

    Drones are too susceptible against sudden bad weather.

  • @volbla
    @volbla Před 10 lety +6

    What's with all the idiocy in the comments? Did you not listen at all? This could be a relatively cheap and reliable way of helping people in need. That is a great thing! The fact that there might be hurdles in the way is not a reason to abandon the idea, and i'm sure the people working on this are fully aware of any potential problems.
    If you're skeptical or didn't understand something it is really cool to voice your concern. Wanting to learn or trying to offer solutions is great. Just acting like an idiot is not helpful, though.

    • @Jayremy89
      @Jayremy89 Před 10 lety +3

      People have straw man issues with this.

  • @pyrrho314
    @pyrrho314 Před 10 lety

    suck it luddites, this is the sort of the thing we need for the future... there are solutions, we will make them.

  • @am_jaeger
    @am_jaeger Před 10 lety

    this is genius! also, i feel like this guy learned english from a computer's text to speech feature... cause thats what he sounds like.

  • @davidtripp7477
    @davidtripp7477 Před 10 lety

    I turned it off at leapfrog. Good phrase though.

  • @drtomr
    @drtomr Před 10 lety

    Now, post can be delivered by delivery drones!!!!

  • @mistergreenhat
    @mistergreenhat Před 10 lety +1

    Take that Apple!

  • @karebu2
    @karebu2 Před 10 lety

    There will be issues like drones dropping out of skies, bird strikes etc. why not bring back pneumatic tubes?

    • @Buildings1772
      @Buildings1772 Před 10 lety

      this issue of hitting birds and other objects can be easily solved with the addition of infrared sensors on the drones and a flight pathing system which can plot a path to avoid. i dont know why people cant seem to understand that there flight paths would not be fixed. also why would they fall out of the sky? pneumatic tubes are more expensive and less efficient and are confined to a fixed path.

  • @MarkHidden
    @MarkHidden Před 10 lety

    Hey that's is my idea, thanks for getting it off the ground...[off the gound] he he.

  • @specializedheli
    @specializedheli Před 10 lety +1

    I did the math, by pound per mile of cargo capacity, it's still cheaper to use real helicopters. And those are available today. Yet another great marketing ploy that sounds great but really costs more and is less effective. The wow factor is all he's got.

    • @britneystevens5990
      @britneystevens5990 Před 10 lety +3

      The difference with a helicopter is that it is only more efficient when delivering a large amount of goods. So if there is a small amount needed in a certain location then these drones will be cheaper. They are basically just small helicopters anyway; I don't see much of a distinction.

    • @franklouuu
      @franklouuu Před 10 lety

      With an helicopter you still need the pilot... And that would be a lot more expensive.

  • @12MineCrafter
    @12MineCrafter Před 10 lety +2


  • @dr-maybe
    @dr-maybe Před 10 lety

    Smacking noises make me uncomfortable. Nice concept, though. Would love to see this become reality.

  • @markk2917
    @markk2917 Před 2 lety +1

    Proper road infrastructure has still way more benefits than a network of drones. Medicine alone does not beat proper assessment at a specialist doctor’s consultation especially when dealing with emergencies. The drone network is also not cheap, so might as well invest into roads. Cool idea though, but not practical.

  • @etikins
    @etikins Před 10 lety +1

    Could there be bigger drones which could transport me (100 kg) for 10 km at cost of (24*50)= 12$ ?
    You have my curiosity. But then you would have my attention.

  • @michaeljuan98
    @michaeljuan98 Před 10 lety

    what about drone pirates, a three thousand dollar drone would tempting for people to steal.

  • @FirstDate08
    @FirstDate08 Před 10 lety

    This would totally kill the U.S. postal service...or...maybe save it? interesting to think about.

  • @james1569
    @james1569 Před 10 lety

    Think FedEx :) Consider it your Next Mail man! lol

  • @mskogly
    @mskogly Před 10 lety

    What will stop people stealing?

  • @jessienieto89
    @jessienieto89 Před 9 lety

    Don't let the cartel know ....

  • @mrsha007
    @mrsha007 Před 10 lety


  • @PanayiotisMavrokefalos
    @PanayiotisMavrokefalos Před 10 lety

    Very good idea to get people connected but i am skeptical about the costs of this infrastructure. While it's not near the cost of building streets and buy trucks for the deliveries it doesn't mean it comes cheap. And charity as it's own cartel of making money. Clearly this is a pie waiting to be eaten but who wants to eat anything that is served in front of him? If you manage to succeed a range of 20km then the equipment costs will cut to at least 30%. It's good to hear that 10km will cost 24cents but that is if maintenance is not required at any time and everything works like charm which they never do. In fact if you use solar powered stations to charge the batteries it will be even less at some point. It's been estimated that there is a military drone crash every 100 000 hours of flight and that's in the military where the technology is far superior than civil technology which is the one your team is using. I could go on and find a million NO's on this project but can i really suggest something that can achieve better results in saving human lives in a rate that little portion of people has achieved in this field? If you have one then start talking and feel free to reject this. If not then embrace the one that Mr. Raptopoulos just suggested.

  • @suteners2111
    @suteners2111 Před 9 lety

    drones should be working right now, whats the delay?

    • @generico366
      @generico366 Před 8 lety

      Stupid people causing ethic debates.

  • @lukalcy18
    @lukalcy18 Před 9 lety


  • @onlyashadow1121
    @onlyashadow1121 Před 10 lety +1

    [Mouth Noises Intensify]

  • @sieonigh
    @sieonigh Před 10 lety

    "you wouldn't download a car?"

  • @SuperJuselius
    @SuperJuselius Před 10 lety

    Still the cost is too much. In poor countryes those will be broken/stolen in matter of minutes.

    • @jackmorris303
      @jackmorris303 Před 10 lety

      How? In the air model planes can reach speeds of up to 400 mph and helicopters at over 100 mph. At that speed unless you are actively hunting these things it would be gone before you could pick up a stone to throw at it!
      Even when you are able to have enough time to take a shot it would take a fantastic marksman a one in a million shot to take it down.
      On the ground, the stations can be protected the same way all property is protected: security gates and fences.

    • @SuperJuselius
      @SuperJuselius Před 10 lety +1

      Good point. Well meaby when it's landing or taking off.... or something

    • @jackmorris303
      @jackmorris303 Před 10 lety

      yeah but how long will a battery take to switch? probably 5 seconds or less and even then it sounds like these stations can be put anywhere so most of them will be in more remote areas so to get to them would take a while.
      I'm sure there are other logistical and security problems to be taken care of but by simply planning well they can be overcome because a system like this would be awesome!

  • @pumpkinghead15
    @pumpkinghead15 Před 10 lety +3

    I'm sorry but all I could think about during his whole speel was "what's to stop armed gangs in Africa from taking over the drop stations and ransoming the supplies to their intended recipient? Or selling them to the highest bidder?"

  • @JTProductions3
    @JTProductions3 Před 10 lety

    Now I want my noodles to fly to me! I WANT MY FLYING NOODLES CARN SARN IT!

  • @Spisire
    @Spisire Před 10 lety

    Just want to come back and say Amazon Prime Air.

  • @sososo9406
    @sososo9406 Před 6 lety

    Sorry mr. Raptopoulos? Where is the λέσχη?

  • @ortegayecid
    @ortegayecid Před 10 lety +3

    Nice Idea. Have you thought about drug smuggling or illegal merchandising transportation? There is a lot of corruption and I am saying this because in developing countries a drug lord may say: " I will pay the million dollars to support the hospitals" (but you can carry my weapons and drugs at the same time). Just thinking.

    • @2Critical4You
      @2Critical4You Před 10 lety +3

      Honestly while that would be sad it would still be an improvement compared to how it is now. Having cheap and accessible health care is essential in those countries.

    • @thewallstreetjournal5675
      @thewallstreetjournal5675 Před 10 lety +1

      Wow, big deal. You change some business models, and make addiction a health problem.
      It's not that technical to deal with the repercussions of this technology, in the third world.
      They don't have the same trade agreements, ideological impediments.

  • @amidaobscura
    @amidaobscura Před 9 lety

    One fly, moving around my ear is already annoying, having hundreds of these flying around, uff I prefer they focus on silencing them first before going to such scale.

    • @generico366
      @generico366 Před 8 lety

      They'll be flying at Heights where you can't even hear them from.