Francisco Araiza for Rame Lahaj I RLIOF 2023

  • čas pƙidĂĄn 2. 08. 2023
  • What an honor to have Maestro Araiza grace our festival with his presence! His time spent in Prishtina, working with RLIOF students has been truly invaluable. Not only did he enhance our festival, but he also contributed to the blossoming Kosovar opera tradition. 🎭
    Maestro Araiza was captivated by the unique voices of the RLIOF masterclass students, recognizing their exceptional talents. It's heartwarming to witness the impact of such an esteemed artist on our young talents' journey in the world of opera.
    Thank you, Maestro Araiza, for your dedication and passion in nurturing the future of opera in Kosovo. Your visit will forever resonate in the hearts of all those who were fortunate enough to be part of this musical experience. đŸ‡œđŸ‡°đŸŽ¶
    Nder i madh ta kemi Maestro Araizan nĂ« festivalin tonĂ«! Koha qĂ« ai ka kaluar nĂ« PrishtinĂ« duke punuar me studentĂ«t nĂ« kuadĂ«r tĂ« festivalit RLIOF, ishte vĂ«rtetĂ« e çmueshme. Jo vetĂ«m qĂ« ia ka shtuar vlerĂ«n festivalit tonĂ«, por ai ka kontribuar edhe nĂ« lulĂ«zimin e traditĂ«s operistike kosovare.🎭
    Maestro Araiza Ă«shtĂ« mahnitur nga zĂ«rat unikĂ« tĂ« studentĂ«ve tĂ« MasterklasĂ«s nĂ« RLIOF dhe ka vlerĂ«suar jashtĂ«zakonisht shumĂ« talentin e tyre. ËshtĂ« emociunuese tĂ« jemi dĂ«shmitarĂ« qĂ« njĂ« artistĂ« kaq i mirĂ«njohur po ka ndikim nĂ« udhĂ«timin e talentĂ«ve tanĂ« tĂ« rinj drejt botĂ«s operistike.
    Faleminderit Maestro Araiza, pĂ«r pĂ«rkushtimin dhe pasionin nĂ« ndriçimin e sĂ« ardhmes sĂ« operĂ«s nĂ« KosovĂ«. Vizita juaj do tĂ« rezonojĂ« gjithmonĂ« nĂ« zemrat e atyre qĂ« patĂ«n fatin tĂ« bĂ«hen pjesĂ« e kĂ«saj pĂ«rvoje muzikore.đŸ‡œđŸ‡°đŸŽ¶

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