Ten Shekels and a Shirt - by Paris Reidhead

  • čas přidán 17. 08. 2011
  • This probably the most listened to sermon of all time (outside of those of Jesus). Not the most famous, but the audio is out there and heard by many. Many say that it touches them - few really ACT on it.
    More at www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com

Komentáře • 91

  • @MsMot5
    @MsMot5 Před 10 lety +3

    This is part of our homework and to write a paper on What God speak to me after listening to this sermon (and reading also) I cried while I was driving home from work and a Scripture came in which I owned it personally Galatians 2:20. WOW. 2nd time I heard it again, I cried again and finally left me empty. G_D Yahweh increases, I decreases to not. HE IS G_D and I am not. He is worthy of all Praise and it is Him who holds all the universe's future. What will I give up for HIM? I even felt I'm not worthy of this & yes that this life that i live now is not mine, it's HIS now. Thank YOU LORD G_D here I am LORD use me w/YOU in me.

  • @jorgemendoza4329
    @jorgemendoza4329 Před 11 lety +1

    when i heard this on sermon index it made me cry soo much and just thank God and give him glory. I cried and just lay my head on the soaked part of my bed with tears in till it dried for two hours,

  • @davidgarrettrivington7121

    Perhaps the greatest sermon that I've heard in my lifetime. I first heard it in 1978 and have listened to it many times since. It has had a profound impact on my life and ministry.

  • @madamoisele1
    @madamoisele1 Před 13 lety

    This is one of the best, if not THE best, sermons I've ever heard. I'm posting it to my FaceBook page and emailing it out to those I hope can be bothered to listen to it. (Unfortunately, most won't dedicate an hour to listening to anything on the internet, much less preaching)

  • @leftthegame8039
    @leftthegame8039 Před 5 lety +1

    i am no longer a christian but i still enjoy this sermon... Thank you for posting it ! thumbs up !!

    • @fotm1
      @fotm1  Před 5 lety +1

      Thanks. Would you please take a moment and read my letter of apology to you? It's here - www.fellowshipofthemartyrs.com/articles/42-fotm-articles/80-apology-to-the-world-doug-perry You may think that this isn't personal because I didn't write it JUST to you, but if you were standing here in front of me, I would offer it to you with tears and ask you to please forgive me for what we did to you. I do mean it. I'm sorry.

  • @chuckymcchuckface8768
    @chuckymcchuckface8768 Před 5 lety +1

    This is a sermon that changed my life. I've found a nugget of truth! I just wish i could understand it all...

  • @leanneg6017
    @leanneg6017 Před 9 lety +1

    ...Wow... Praise the Lord! That was just wonderful. Thankyou for posting my friend and my brother in Christ Jesus.

  • @arkadyrenko8684
    @arkadyrenko8684 Před 10 lety +3

    I really needed to hear this. And I think I'm going to listen to if a few more times, possibly more.

  • @alexandrugriorescu
    @alexandrugriorescu Před 8 lety

    Excelent sermon, very edifying, God bless you Brother.

  • @lisakinsey8768
    @lisakinsey8768 Před 11 lety

    Great message! Really needed in our day.

  • @niiloaallonpituus7999
    @niiloaallonpituus7999 Před rokem +1

    I have mixed humanism and christianity together. I am so sorry everyone. This woke my eyes i ain't gonna touch that narcissism again. I have done horrible things to the work of God.

  • @jls0037cslewis1
    @jls0037cslewis1 Před 13 lety

    Maybe my favorite sermon ever. Made a preacher of me...

  • @AlwaysAiken
    @AlwaysAiken Před 11 lety +1

    Amen! So good! So true!

  • @anybodydivvy
    @anybodydivvy Před rokem

    Best ever

  • @MsMot5
    @MsMot5 Před 10 lety +1

    I just prayed to G_D in Christ Name that I will not be like Jonah who was upset when people got saved; where as what if people knew the Gospel & don't care, non-receptive & cold (results seems dead end) yet continually serve doing it for HIS sake who suffered, died for the world; then it is not vain. Then I don't have to worry about the result. God will see to it that this mission of outreach is for HIM. It's like farming, plant the seed, i care and weed the garden with TLC, God waters and sunshines on it, I weed the plant some more with Words, actions & deeds *by faith* under HIS authority & obedience and not worry about a thing. Result comes after a season, If the plant dies and refuse the ground that it's been planted, refuse the care and words spoken and all the TLC (being there for them each visit) as God wanted me to be (there) is worth it? And what IF it lived, because it received the word (nourishments) which may resulted of growth and fruit, OF course it is worth it! The Labor is for HIM, the mission is about HIM, the desire is about HIM and the result is for HIM, whether it is vain or not; it is worth it because all that I do NOW is about HIM. To GOD BE THE GLORY, great things HE Hath done...I don't want to be like Jonah at the end that he didn't like the idea of them being saved because they were evil... yet they repented, GOD help me for you are GOD WHO IS WORTHY to be PRAISED and be served, even if I feel that there's no hope for that person, I will keep on telling him/her Jesus Loves you, He is the way, the truth and the LIFE. Repent and come home!
    If the person say NO, then move on to the next person, until Jesus Returns.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety +1

    @Progamble Technically, I'm actually trying to speak peace & look for the way of CHARITY. Some people want to break fellowship over it - or cast TIcToc aside as heretics - but I'm going to stick to this being a secondary issue. I think it's goofy to assign a gender to the Holy Spirit & can't find a scriptural basis to call Holy Spirit a HE. As for FinalCall07, I've talked to him on the phone, watched his videos - and a self-confirming DREAM by someone I know is a bubble off doesn't convince me.

  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest Před 11 lety

    My brother, God (Jesus) loves you. He does not want you to go to hell because you are His son. You were created in the image of God Himself. Jesus was sent to rid the curse that was brought from Adam, all you have to do is diligently search for Jesus, and He will find you. Pray, and He will listen, and examine your heart. He goes by your heart, and how you really feel. If you wat to be with our creator, in heaven, for all eternity, then repent, and allow Jesus to come into your life. God Bless.

  • @holzmann-
    @holzmann- Před 5 lety

    I do not trust ANY pastor, but Paris is one of the few who is very close

  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest Před 11 lety +1

    Yea, its kinda simple, either you are saved through our King Jesus Christ, or you go to hell. You have to follow Him, and actually DO what he Holy Word says. All roads do not lead to our creator.. Matt 7:13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. God Bless.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble Did you not see the advice on this very thread AGES ago to delete your comments & block you? Did I? No. Is this not PUBLIC enough for you? How can you say I'm shying away from this when I DID make a video about it? I was NEVER on Monica's "side" about this - I've consistently said it was DOPEY & best avoided and I've said that she has a scriptural basis ENOUGH to show that it's not something we can settle. You ask me to rely on TRADITION and I wil not. SCRIPTURE is not on your side.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety +1

    @Progamble Matthew 7:6
    You build your altar and I'll build my altar and we'll see which catches fire first.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble WHAT?! I differ with the JW, but I'm in common?!
    20 Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets: 21 She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying, 22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? Prov 1:20-23 (KJV)
    Where's the confusion?! SHE, HER, SHE, SHE, HER. I don't BELIEVE, I READ.

  • @heekim2617
    @heekim2617 Před 11 lety +1

    Wow the argument really got out of hand. I actually don't know the poster (fotm1) and his ministry. Nor do I know anything about Monica, tic toc, or Hetgow. However, it is my personal opinion, from my limited biblical understanding, that whenever these type of disagreements occur, one may present their case, possibly gently admonish, using as much scriptural information as possible, but then simply let God handle the rest. Whether fotm1 or programble is "right" or "wrong" is irrelevant, no?

  • @clarkewi
    @clarkewi Před 11 lety +1

    The fact is that YOU don't know who is not going to heaven. Just worry about how YOU are going to get to heaven. Don't worry yourself with apostates and their lies. G-d himself will take care of that.

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @blazinbudsbitch U still havent answered my previous question. If God the Holy Spirit revealed Himself as a feminine personality how would that affect your relationship with God? Why did the first two persons of the trinity chose to reveal themselves as masculine persons, the "FATHER" & "SON." Why masculine? How is a masculine personality different from a feminine one? Can a feminine personality in Hebrew culture "teach" (John 14:26), and "lead"? (Romans 8:14). Please think this through.

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @fotm1 HETGOW seems to think that they all apply to u.

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @fotm1 PART 1: REPLY. The doctrine of the Trinity is a CORE ESSENTIAL of the Christian faith. It is not a minor doctrine, but a key Biblical truth which must never be compromised. I BELIEVE IN CHARITY when it comes to non-essential doctrines like e.g. end times, style of worship, spiritual gifts, etc... But when it comes to core-essential doctrines I unashamedly am intolerant of any deviation from the historic Christian beliefs, which have been taught through out the centuries by many Godly men.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Domodeath Yeah, I'm sure. I see God in them. "Soldier of the Cross" is not on there for a reason.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @acushnet22 Well, now, I don't know how to feel about that. I mean, I like Paris, and it's a wonderful sermon and very anointed. But it's not "my" video! :-| I'll have to pray about how to feel about that.

  • @shucksful
    @shucksful Před 13 lety

    SUMMARY: Doug Perry FINALLY takes down annoying FLY by calling him COWBOY!

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety +1

    @fotm1 Remember what u said about essentials and non-essentials? Self-defense or capital punishment are NOT the core-essential truths of Christianity, but the Trinity is. At least Hetgow has a correct understanding of the trinity, and he does not defend the absolute heretical teaching of Tic Toc ministries. If I have to make choice between who I believe (i.e. you or Hetgow) I believe Hetgow, at least he is orthodox in relation to the core-essentials.

  • @shucksful
    @shucksful Před 13 lety

    @madamoisele1 ........

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @fotm1 So u dont think that the nature of God is a salvation issue? Then would u say that Mormon teachings on God are also non-salvation issues? Should we accept them as being brothers & sister in Christ? If u say "no" because they have a totally distorted view of God, then my question to u is how distorted does it have to be? A little or alot? Can u give me a SCRIPTURAL answer as to when does ones understanding of the nature of God affect salvation? How wrong does a person have to be?

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @blazinbudsbitch Dude! I was just kidding around! I'm not insecure about what I do. I know that it's all just the Lord anyway.

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @fotm1 By the way, I am happily married, I love my wife, I highly value and esteem her as God's partner and I treasure her contribution to my life. I have no problems with woman at all.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble By the way, can I point out that I'm NOT saying the Holy Spirit is a girl. My great sin in your eyes is NOT crucifying someone that disagrees on the Trinity. So you're not actually comdemning me for disagreeing with you about the Trinity. YOU are making a SALVATION issue out of whether or not I condemn someone. I'm a heretic in your eyes because I won't call someone else a heretic & excommunicate them. So you have raised THAT to a salvation issue. This isn't a Trinity argument at all.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble For some Predestination IS a core doctrine and they relegate me to hell for disagreeing. For YOU, questioning the masculinity of the Spirit is a damnable offense. I have NEVER disputed the Trinity in ANY of this! That's not the point at all! I've said you're not loving enough, you're not charitable enough - that THOSE are abominations (Prov. 6:16-19) that God hates. And I've shown you that this SPECIFIC thing we're discussing IS NOT "settled centuries ago." NOR is it damnable.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble None of those apply to me. I've never been married to more than one person at a time and all my relatives are provided for. Nobody going hungry in my family. In fact, I have 70 relatives living in my house and about 5,000 a month being fed by what the Lord provides through me. I'm not obligated to provide financially for relatives that don't need it or want it (or that don't consider themselves "relatives".)
    It's clear you're just devolving now into petty ad hominem attacks.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble I will not be bribed or threatened. Keep your money. I did not endorse Monica's statements. I simply expressed that I believe she is my sister. You don't know what conversation I've had with Monica in private about this topic. I HAVE expressed my opinion on it to her and her husband. And I have asked YOU repeatedly to show me in the Bible WHERE it says the Holy Spirit is a boy. You cannot.
    I WILL NOT stand on the tradition of men. That is why we have cathedrals & pharisee clergy.

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @Domodeath Mr Perry doesnt care too much about God the Holy Spirit being a "female" as taught by tic toc ministries, he actually defends them!

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @fotm1 In response to Matthew 7:6 , plz read these Scriptures and think about how they apply to u.
    "Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but ONE wife...." (1 Timothy 3:2).
    "A deacon must be the husband of but ONE wife and must manage his children and his household well..." (1 Timothy 3:12).
    "If anyone does not PROVIDE for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever (1 Timothy 5:8).

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @blazinbudsbitch ;-) How's that? :-)

  • @faithm
    @faithm Před 13 lety

    @fotm1 Focus some videos on Gods perfection, making it tangible.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble Interesting you should mention Luther. Do you think it was loving for Luther to burn people at the stake that disagreed with him? That's the same spirit you got, cowboy. I'm praying for you, too.
    Are we done now?

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble I have done a video on this. And again, my point is NOT that Monica is right. Frankly, my point is that you are BOTH two sides of the SAME coin. One demanding a penis & one demanding a vagina. I've told Monica that I think it's goofy and pointless and a useless quarrel to JAM the Spirit into EITHER male OR female human gender roles. I don't believe it's a salvation issue, I think there's a scriptural case to be made with way - like predestination / freewill. So best to drop it.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble I'm not going to apologize for the words of another. How much does "cowboy" really hurt your feelings? How bad is it to call someone a "heretic"? You sided with people that have done me real harm. You've inferred I prefer pagan religions over Jesus. You told me I'm unloving.
    Can't take some affliction? You're supposed to REJOICE (Matt 5). If words hurt u so much, then u better take a hard look at the words YOU are using. I'm going to stick with that u're not loving enough.

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @fotm1 PART 4: Mr Perry I am not wanting u to crucify tic toc ministries. But I would be extremely happy if u lovingly corrected Monica and urged her to repent of her doctrinal errors. This would show me, and all other people viewing your channel that u really are a man of God and that u really do love and support the Brethren. Then I would seriously consider making a financial donation to your ministry. Until this is done, I cannot in good conscience bless u. I am praying for u and Monica.

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @fotm1 So God the Father bore a Son through the HOLY MOTHER, the Holy MOTHER gives a new birth, and the HOLY MOTHER comes to comfort us and teach us. IS THAT WHAT U ARE SAYING? THATS PURE 100% HERESY!!!!!!!

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble I am NOT going to be the arbiter of who is and who isn't going to heaven. That's GOD'S job, not yours or mine. Again, you've called me a heretic when I DO NOT disagree with you about the nature of God. You've called me a heretic because I refuse to call someone ELSE a heretic. So, even though I agree with you on the nature of God, my unwillingness to point fingers the direction you want means I've lost my salvation. THAT is what I have a problem with. THAT CANNOT be a salvation issue.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble Nope.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble Here's what I've learned from 2000 years of church history - STOP FIGHTING OVER STUPID STUFF!!!! That's how we GOT to 41,000+ denominations! That's how we got so self-righteous, pompous & quick to stone people! God wants us to be ONE & to be known by our LOVE more than He expects us to be RIGHT about everything. I can absolutely assure you that you're a heretic for something. So what? If I see Jesus in you, then you're my brother and that's all there is to it! Stop devouring people!

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @fotm1 Has God spoken to u about the Trinity? Maybe the voices will shed some light? After all the Lord speaks to u about everything else like waking up, fasting, not taking medications etc... why not about something as so important as the Trinity? Would He want u to know the truth? Why not ask Him and see what He says. Let me know what the voices say. Ok?

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble I never said ANYTHING about a Holy Mother!! I said it's DOPEY to cram the Spirit into a GENDER. YOU'RE the one that keeps trying to make the Spirit a BOY. I have no problem with the SPIRIT OF GOD living inside of me NO MATTER HOW GOD WANTS TO DEFINE HIMSELF. Whether you or egyptians or pagans like it or not. GOD gets to be whatever and however GOD wants! NEITHER did I twist the Trinity.

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @fotm1 PART 2: REPLY. Love and TRUTH go hand in hand. U cannot seperate one from the other. True love rejoices in the truth. 1 Cor 13. Is it true that God the Holy Spirit has a female gender? Is that what the historic church believed through out the centuries? Is that what the Bible teaches? Finally, I am not sowing discord, if u read the comments carefully I was responding to comment made about me lying. I simply requested the person to view your video on tic toc ministries. I did this.....

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble I'm not supporting heresy. I love Monica & am urging charity. YOU are the one urging me to disfellowship people & call them names. THAT is heresy, given that Jesus commanded that we love one another as HE loves US. And Jesus loves YOU, despite your short-sightedness and desire to be factious. And I say that in love, but you're stirring the pot. Read Prov. 6:16-19. You are sowing discord. Even if you think Monica is a witch, you're turning people against me because I won't crucify her.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble YES! A woman CAN - Proverbs 1:20-33 proves it. The Spirit of WISDOM is revealed by God as a woman who teaches, leads & reproves. You're still NOT using scripture - you're trying to convince people based on SOCIAL mores or based on Eastern twisted examples or based on your OWN problems with women. It makes NO DIFFERENCE to me that God created man AND woman in HIS image. It doesn't affect my relationship with the Spirit at all whether we use "it" or "he" or "she" in English.

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @blazinbudsbitch Unless u have working knowledge of the Greek & Hebrew languages u will have to read the writings of scholars & Bible translators in order to understand various terms in their original languages. There is nothing sinful or wrong with that. I am not suggesting that u rely on the writings of men over & above God's Word. What I am saying is that u will need external resources in order to understand the original languages properly and in their proper context.

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @blazinbudsbitch If u love, cherish, stand for the truth, u will humbly look at what scholars have taught on this through out the centuries. Then compare what Tic Toc ministries says on the topic. Dont just quote 1 source look at multiple sources. Then carefully think through what the ramifications are if the personality of the Holy Spirit is feminine rather than masculine. U will see that it is a very serious issue. It can lead to all sort of dangerous beliefs. I am sincerely praying for u.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble OK, you go get in bed with Hetgow. Welcome him into your house. See how that goes for you.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble How many denominations do we have now because of these "countless godly men"? How much false tradition? How many burdens they won't bear themselves? It is the way of the CATHOLIC death machine to use TRADITION as a defense.
    I have asked you REPEATEDLY to show me IN SCRIPTURE where it says the Holy Spirit is a boy. In fact, the Hebrew "Ruach" is feminine and the Greek "Pneuma" is neuter. You claim it must line up with SCRIPTURE, but you show me NONE that says the Spirit is MALE.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety +1

    @Progamble Hetgow thinks it's a sin to NOT kill someone that breaks into your house. That it's "depraved indifference" (lost salvation) if you don't defend your family - by killing another. You like "tradition." Do you want to talk about TENS OF MILLIONS of Christians that have gone before us & turned the other cheek & walked willingly to be slaughtered or refused to raise their hands, even in self-defense, like the Quakers? You side with Hetgow at your own risk. He's full of lies and ugliness.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble You retreat claiming it's a waste of time, when in fact, you have NEVER ONCE stated your case for the scriptural evidence of the maleness of the Holy Spirit. AGAIN, I think it's a dopey argument and a secondary issue. It does NOT affect faith in the Trinity or the headship of the Father. It is pointless and divisive - and I've told Monica as much. But YOU elevate it to a PRIMARY salvation issue. Along with countless other things you'll have a beef with me about, I'm sure.

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @fotm1 Do u think it was loving of Luther to stand against Roman Catholicism? U have a problem understanding that LOVE & TRUTH go together. U cannot love in the biblical sense of the word without acknowledging, embracing, & rejoicing in the truth (1 Cor 13). To love is to be truthful. I cannot agree with Tic Toc Ministries because it twists the truth. To agree would be UNLOVING. Their teaching is unloving & your willingness to embrace her & stand alongside of her is unloving. I am praying for u.

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @fotm1 Mr Perry why not do video on this topic? I suspect it would not be very helpful for your ministry. If u look at the outcome of tic toc's video on this topic, it really was a bomb! I suspect u would suffer in the same way by losing alot of credibility. I am not daring u, but I am suggesting that if u are so confident in your position why not go ahead and do a video on this topic?

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble So you'll side with an unloving, unforgiving LIAR whose trinity dogma you agree with. That's beautiful. But in the process YOU become a heretic by disobeying direct commands to "have nothing to do with such as these." Not to mention that if you don't love the brethren the love of God is not in you. You will side with a person doing some or ALL of the 7 abominations (Prov 6:16-19) over one trying to speak peace and charity. Thank you for making very clear to everyone where you stand.

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety +1

    @fotm1 Firsly, u sound a bit like Joel Olsteen, when pressed about whether Jews and Muslims were going to heaven he replied in exactly the same way. Secondly, I call u a heretic bcos u allow for feminization of God, which is what so many pagan religions do. Thirdly, I dont believe you have lost your salvation. My theory is that if u dont believe in the God of the Bible, as He has described Himself, then u worship a pagan deity, therefore u were never saved in the first place!

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety


  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble I never said ANY SUCH A THING! I said it was DOPEY to try to JAM the Holy Spirit into ANY gender. YOU are the one that insists that the Holy Spirit has a penis. YOU're the one being divisive, hateful, judgemental and unwilling to really study the TEXT of the SCRIPTURE! You WILL NOT look at the Bible to settle this. You're just reasoning it out based on your hatred of mystery religions.
    What is HERESY (school of opinion) is being willing to fight over this and divide the Body.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble You can't possibly be this double-minded, can you?! On one hand you say the Holy Spirit is male & that anybody that says different is a heretic. THEN you say that the Holy Spirit is NEITHER male nor female - which makes YOU a heretic! WHICH IS IT?! NOBODY is claiming the Holy Spirit has a physical body. I'm saying it's a dopey argument because YOU can't prove the Spirit is male - except by using the ENGLISH translation. The original text makes NO SUCH claim. You rely on TRADITION.

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @fotm1 I knew that u would publicly shy way from this topic. To do a direct video on this topic would be very, very damaging to your ministry, & u know it! I sense that u are slowly starting to shift the goal posts. A number of comments ago u were strongly on Monica's side, now I sense u are trying to enter a neutral position. Which is it Mr Perry? Do you stand alongside of every reputable Christian leader since the reformation or Monica? We both cant be right and/or wrong!!!!

  • @1984Pete359
    @1984Pete359 Před 13 lety

    @Progamble I have stopped. I have thought. The ramifications of MY "theology" lead me to this conclusion with attached commentary. Quit being a schmuck! There are MANY, non-speculative, SCRIPTURAL things that HAVE been trampled underfoot in your posts thus far, and you are ORDERING that Doug do likewise. With threats of not giving him money?!? ... Wow, dude. ... Progamble, please quit. What you are saying (right or wrong) and what you have done by those sayings are two REALLY different things

  • @Progamble
    @Progamble Před 13 lety

    @fotm1 Mr Perry u should no better! Do u actually believe that wisdom is a woman in Proverbs? Do u know that the Jehovahs Witnesses believe and teach that wisdom in Proverbs is really Jesus Christ? Which is it? Is it a woman or is it Jesus Christ???????? Sounds like u have a lot in common with the cults.VERY VERY, DANGEROUS INDEED!

  • @1984Pete359
    @1984Pete359 Před 13 lety

    Wow. Progamble, go become fluent in a non-natural-gender language, would ya? Let's play "Name the Language": A table is "he". Work is "she". A baby is an "it". Na, Deutsch naturlich. (My $.02)
    Doug, what I wanted to share is how this sermon shed some pretty substantial light (for me, anyway) on what you possibly/probably mean versus what I often took you to mean when you tell someone to say s/he is sorry to the Lord.

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble EVERY SINGLE "he" in those verses is NEUTER. The "him" in John 14:17 is translated "her" 242 times in other places! Along with 1679 other MISCELLANEOUS translations. I'm telling you, all the HE'S were placed there by the translators because to them it was a GIVEN that the Holy Spirit HAD TO BE a "he". They ARE NOT in the original text as such. They DO NOT prove your point. It would be MUCH more literal to translate "it" or "that" in John 16:12-14. Most of the "he's" are ASSUMED!

  • @fotm1
    @fotm1  Před 13 lety

    @Progamble You're lying. TWICE now you've lied about what I said. I NEVER said that "all previous generations of Bible scholars were pharisee clergy." Repent for your lies.
    I WILL NOT assume that tradition is right. SOME of the "clergy" that came before were the pharisees that MADE the "church" the mess that it is today.
    Yeah, do your own research. And start with THIS scholar - vvww (dQt) theology {dQt) edu / journal / volume3 / spirit {dQt} htm . Progamble you're being a JERK.