Application Of Remote sensing, Remote Sensing Part 2, type of Remote Sensing platforms

  • čas přidán 9. 06. 2021
  • Platforms
    The base, on which remote sensors are placed to acquire information about the Earth’s surface, is
    called platform. Platforms can be stationary like a tripod (for field observation) and stationary
    balloons or mobile like aircrafts and spacecrafts. The types of platforms depend upon the needs
    as well as constraints of the observation mission. There are three main types of platforms,
    namely 1) Ground borne, 2) Air borne and 3) Space borne.
    1. Ground borne platforms: These platforms are used on the surface of the Earth. Cherry arm
    configuration of Remote Sensing van and tripod are the two commonly used ground borne
    platforms. They have the capability of viewing the object from different angles and are
    mainly used for collecting the ground truth or for laboratory simulation studies.
    2. Air borne Platforms: These platforms are placed within the atmosphere of the Earth and can
    be further classified into balloons and aircrafts.
    a. Balloons: Balloons as platforms are not very expensive like aircrafts. They have a great
    variety of shapes, sizes and performance capabilities. The balloons have low
    acceleration, require no power and exhibit low vibrations. There are three main types
    of balloon systems, viz. free balloons, Tethered balloons and Powered Balloons. Free
    balloons can reach almost the top of the atmosphere; hence they can provide a platform
    at intermediate altitude between those of aircraft and space craft. Thousands of
    kilograms of scientific payloads can be lifted by free balloons. Unless a mobile
    launching system is developed, the flights can be carried out only from a fixed
    launching station. The free balloons are dependent on meteorological conditions,
    particularly winds. The flight trajectory cannot be controlled. All these make extremely
    difficult to predict whether the balloons will fly over the specific area of interest or not.
    6The Association for Geographical Studies
    In India, at present, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, has set up a
    National balloon facility at Hyderabad. Teethered balloons are connected to the earth
    station by means of wires having high tensional strength and high flexibility. The
    teethered line can carry the antenna, power lines and gas tubes etc. when wind velocity
    is less than 35 km. per hour at the altitude of 3000m., sphere type balloon is used.
    When the wind velocity is less than 30 km per hour, natural shape balloons are
    restricted to be placed. Tethered balloons have the capability of keeping the equipment
    at a fixed position for a long time and thus, useful for many remote sensing
    programmes. Powered balloons require some means of propulsion to maintain or
    achieve station over a designated geographic location. These can be remotely
    controlled and guided along with a path or fly above a given area within certain
    b. Aircrafts: Aircrafts are commonly used as remote-sensing for obtaining Aerial
    Photographs. In India, four types of aircrafts are being used for remote sensing
    operations. These are as follows:
    DAKOTA: The ceiling height is 5.6 to 6.2 km and minimum speed is 240 km./hr.
    AVRO: Ceiling height is 7.5 km and minimum speed is 600 km./hr.
    CESSNA: Ceiling height is 9 km. and minimum speed is 350 km./hr.
    CANBERRA: Ceiling height is 40 km.and minimum speed is 560 km./hr.
    The following special aircrafts are being used in abroad for remote sensing
    operations in high altitude photography.
    U-2: Ceiling height is 21 km. (for strategic photographic). Minimum speed is 798
    ROCKELL X-15 (Research Craft): Ceiling height is 108 km. and speed is 6620 km./hr.
    The advantages of using aircrafts as remote sensing platform are : high resolution
    of data recorded, possibility of carrying large pay loads, capability of imaging large
    area economically, accessibility of remote areas, convenience of selecting different
    scales, adequate control at all time etc. However, due to limitations of operating
    altitudes and range, the aircraft finds its greatest applications in local or regional
    programme rather than measurements on global scale. Besides all these, aircrafts have
    been playing an important role in the development of space borne remote sensing
    7The Association for Geographical Studies
    techniques. Testing of sensors and various systems and sub systems involved in space
    borne remote sensing programme is always undertaken in a well equipped aircraft.
    3. Space borne platforms: Platforms in space, i.e. satellites are not affected by the earth’s
    atmosphere. These platforms move freely in their orbits around the earth. The entire earth or
    any part of the earth can be covered at specified intervals. The coverage mainly depends on
    the orbit of the satellite. It is through these space borne platforms, we get enormous amount
    of remote sensing data and as a result Remote Sensing has gained international popularity.

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