Komentáře •

  • @maxpowertastic
    @maxpowertastic Před 6 měsíci +79

    In the past people were seen as being successful for more than just their bank account. We need to bring back being considered a success if you have a positive impact on those around you and your community.

    • @emkhet7924
      @emkhet7924 Před 6 měsíci +1

      You’re a very wise man for this comment.

    • @Xairos84
      @Xairos84 Před 6 měsíci +3

      I was gonna comment about individuality and selfishness but you nailed it.
      There is little buy-in for people to care about their community. They just give up and seek it out online.

  • @shahdrah
    @shahdrah Před 6 měsíci +36

    As a man and father. Moral integrity.

  • @bungalowlogic7676
    @bungalowlogic7676 Před 6 měsíci +16

    I figured something out long ago:
    When people say over 50% of marriage fail. There's a missing factor. For every Elizabeth Taylor who marries and divorces 7 or 8 times. It seriously skews the data. Versus my parents who married once and never divorced.

    • @armandvega2752
      @armandvega2752 Před 6 měsíci

      The 50% divorce rate is a myth. That stat has been tossed around since the 80’s. The only time in history when the divorce rate hit 50% or higher was when No Fault Divorce was established in the 70’s. The actual divorce rate is around 38-40%. Which is still high don’t get me wrong, but it’s a significant drop from the 50% stat that’s constantly being spewed.

  • @algreen1
    @algreen1 Před 6 měsíci +20

    In the US laws need to change around marriage, alimony and child support. Men should be able to keep the kids more than 2% of the time in case of divorce. In general, divorce should not be "profitable" or incentivised. Also prenups should become more iron-clad.

    • @bigglyguy8429
      @bigglyguy8429 Před 6 měsíci

      Just go back to patriarchy. In the event of divorce the kids stay with the father. Period. The entire point of civilization is that it's not natural. Giving kids to the mother is natural, and brings us back to pre-civilization.

    • @icestationzebraassociates2460
      @icestationzebraassociates2460 Před 6 měsíci +5

      Oh, it's not just the party that receives support that's incentivized. If you look at the social security act, it provides bonuses to states for child support ordered, collected, etc. It's like five different metrics they receive bonuses from the federal government for. Doesn't seem real ethical, to me.

    • @rosered6876
      @rosered6876 Před 6 měsíci +3

      Have you ever been through a divorce? It's a grueling process, and no one comes out better off. Child support barely covers clothing. The one with custody is paying the bulk. What world are you living in?

    • @txLALA
      @txLALA Před 6 měsíci

      A woman can only birth one child a year, unless she has multiples, but a degenerate male could impregnate dozens if not hundreds, so how about we give all the kids to the male. Being primarily or exclusively responsible for their offspring would likely instantaneously stop all men from being reckless with their sperm.

    • @coolbreeze2.0-mortemadfasc13
      @coolbreeze2.0-mortemadfasc13 Před 6 měsíci +6

      @@rosered6876Oh please. Women are LITERALLY having divorce parties. Cut the BS that people are devastated by divorce. You want a divorce because you “want to be happy” aka “I’m bored and I think I can do better.” And yes, I have been through it. She, of course, tried to come back but I declined.

  • @garethwatkins6347
    @garethwatkins6347 Před 6 měsíci +43

    Zuby is a very wise man ❤

  • @threeriversforge1997
    @threeriversforge1997 Před 6 měsíci +12

    This is what I've termed "Tending Your Garden". Zuby was right to say that what you do today will ripple down through the ages, and most people just don't get that concept. Tending Your Garden is just that, putting in the work, tending the ground, fencing things off, removing things that shouldn't be there. It's a lot of work and you'll have to make some tough calls. People will call you mean names. There will be snakes in the grass whispering bad ideas that sound good in the moment. But if you want that bountiful harvest at the end of the season, you have to be willing to stand firm. You have to Tend Your Garden. Be that your own body, or your family, or your neighborhood, or your state, or your nation. They all require conscious work on your part, and that means you have to be willing to say no to a lot of things.
    Contrary to popular thought, nobody has a time machine, and that means you cannot go back to fix what turns out to have been a really bad idea. This is why cultures around the world always held strong to their religion, heritage, and traditions. It wasn't that they were backwards and didn't know better, but that they could look back and see what worked. Only a fool jumps forward with both feet, no regard to where he'll land. If your grandfather tilled the soil, and your father tilled the soil, you know that tilling the soil will work. And when someone comes along talking about how you shouldn't till the soil... you need to take that with a grain of salt. If you hold to the tradition of your ancestors, you know how it will turn out. But if you fall for the slick words of the stranger, no matter how educated he might seem, there's no chance for you to go back in time and till the soil so you can get that bountiful harvest.
    The problems we're seeing today started some 100+ years ago. There's no one Patient Zero because it's a complex issue with a dozen or more things coming together. To see things more clearly, you only have to follow things back through the histories to see where they came from, who was pushing them, etc.
    If you think of it like Grandma's favorite recipe that you loved dearly, you cannot change the recipe and expect the food to turn out as good as Grandma made. Even if that's adding an extra pinch of salt, you have to admit that the outcome will be different than you're used to. When applying this to a meal or a change in your personal life, the negative ramifications will be minuscule and you can always stop doing that thing once you find out for sure that you don't like the new way of things. But when you allow people to pass laws that change a community, whether that's a new tax or regulation or policy, the potential damage is too great and too far reaching. You might not see the damage for 20 years, and then have gotten used to the "new normal". The people who knew what it was like before might all be dead, or the younger generation might not believe them when they talk about how bad things are now. You can't unring the bell. And we have hundreds of examples of exactly this in just my lifetime.

    • @johannakunze3300
      @johannakunze3300 Před 6 měsíci +1

      This is called Chestertons Fence.

    • @threeriversforge1997
      @threeriversforge1997 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@johannakunze3300 Basically. Though I think Chesterton didn't take it far enough or explain in detail. Folks don't see the problem unless you really lay it out for them, and even then they'll fight about it because they don't want strictures on their 'fun'.

    • @justusmwine
      @justusmwine Před 6 měsíci +1

      Absolutely love this comment

    • @threeriversforge1997
      @threeriversforge1997 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@justusmwine Thank you for that. The 'Garden' analogy helps people visualize the issue in a way that makes sense to them. You will be called all sorts of horrible things if you try to fence off your garden. You'll be vilified if you refuse to give your harvest away to the "needy", even if those 'needy; are only 'needy' because they refused to tend their own garden.
      As we see in the scriptures, there are great challenges laid before the smallest of people.... and it's always taking the easy way out that causes the most problems down the road. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, right? Look at all that we complain about today and research where they came from, how they were sold to the voters, and you'll almost always find that the issues were always couched in a way that made people feel good about themselves and what they were doing. The politicians and advocates always tug at the heartstrings and appeal to emotion. It's always about "good intentions" even if people don't want to admit it.

    • @vidalrichardson9337
      @vidalrichardson9337 Před 6 měsíci +1

      You are well spoken.. and this is a comment worth memorizing

  • @whiskeyshots
    @whiskeyshots Před 6 měsíci +61

    You're 37, Zuby. If you're going to bring kids into this world, you need to get started. Sure, you can physically have kids whenever, but you need to be around to raise them and teach them your values. Believe it or not, the clock is ticking, brother.

    • @Rensune
      @Rensune Před 6 měsíci +5

      I waited too late.
      I'm not much older, but had to start taking care of my parents.
      You never know when your time is up.

    • @mattn9349
      @mattn9349 Před 6 měsíci

      First, as he pointed out, we need to completely overhaul the 1-sided contracts called marriage that instantly makes men beholden to every whim of selfish, demanding, disloyal, untrustworthy, irrational, emotionally unstable, entitled 'to everyone else's money/time/attention' partners who initiate:
      1. 100% of false accusations for the love of money (not the kids as single m0ms are the worst parents) and
      2. 80-90% of divorces where they fight men for years to deny them a fair shared custody agreement (again, for money).

    • @1murkeybadmayn
      @1murkeybadmayn Před 6 měsíci

      No it's not bro stop pretending men are women. De niro just had a baby at 80. Sit down lol about ''time is ticking''.

    • @johannakunze3300
      @johannakunze3300 Před 6 měsíci +6

      Little kids are so! demanding. You don't want that when you're older.

    • @icestationzebraassociates2460
      @icestationzebraassociates2460 Před 6 měsíci

      This is not really true. The older men get, the more likely their sperm is to produce a child with a developmental disability. That's not something you want at 30, much less, 60.

  • @martinc.4699
    @martinc.4699 Před 6 měsíci +142

    Remove welfare, child support.

    • @ryansmith522
      @ryansmith522 Před 6 měsíci +10


    • @j.clements2093
      @j.clements2093 Před 6 měsíci +11

      As a woman, I don’t necessarily disagree. My dad was absent. Yes my parents were married. She never put him on child support. If not for public housing and at times food stamps we would have really struggled. So what do you do when the father is irresponsible and/or abusive?

    • @martinc.4699
      @martinc.4699 Před 6 měsíci +38

      @@j.clements2093 by removing the government as the the alternative “father” provider. Woman will be forced to make a better decision when selecting a mate.

    • @MrBenji1059
      @MrBenji1059 Před 6 měsíci


    • @mattn9349
      @mattn9349 Před 6 měsíci +8

      Suggesting on a respectable (ie. non-mainstream) show that fathers left the table when women initiate 80-90% of divorces and intentionally get pregnant by non-committed (often young) males to collect welfare or child support is seriously messed up. Isn't the point of such podcasts to speak frankly and call a spade a spade.
      I'll grant that this is just a clip, and they may have properly addressed the issue in
      the minutes before this clip or on other episodes, but part of the problem is glorifying and not sufficiently villifying bad behaviours.

  • @cullenkehoe5184
    @cullenkehoe5184 Před 6 měsíci +9

    Remove welfare and it would end overnight. But that would never happen. It would have to be a govt collapse to get rid of welfare.

    • @carmeld45
      @carmeld45 Před 6 měsíci

      Only 35 percent of women are on Welfare. Do you know why historically welfare was implemented? Why do you want to force women to be with a man.

  • @DJPapzin
    @DJPapzin Před 6 měsíci +8

    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
    00:00 The *importance of incentivizing fathers to be in the home.*
    01:04 Most *marriages, both in the US and globally, last a lifetime, contrary to the idea that marriage is a failed institution.*
    01:45 Addressing *the issue of fathers not being present in families is a complex, long-term challenge.*
    03:08 Making *it "cool" to be a responsible father is essential for promoting family values and fatherhood.*
    05:12 Considering *the role of incentives in empowering men and women in different aspects of life.*
    08:27 Reflecting *on the long-term consequences of individual actions on family and future generations.*
    09:36 Balancing *freedom with the responsibility to maintain certain standards, such as health and fitness.*
    Made with HARPA AI

    • @stephenwatkin18
      @stephenwatkin18 Před 6 měsíci

      Unfortunately, he has not gathered the real statistics of failed marriages, that include legal theft in divorce courts.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      This whole conversation is the typical TradCon *intellectual dishonesty*
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor female choices and behavior.
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline. 💊

  • @stacyliddell5038
    @stacyliddell5038 Před 6 měsíci +4

    @5:46 Great point Zuby. The average OnlyFans page makes $150 to $180 a month. Only the top 1% make over $100K a year. Surprise, surprise the pareto principle rears it's head again. It's almost as if it's a law of nature...

  • @ceecee6679
    @ceecee6679 Před 6 měsíci +2

    I work in a downtown building that has an underground tunnel to the high end theatre 'of the day' Many an elite man was missing during intermission.

  • @thefabulousunorthodox6331
    @thefabulousunorthodox6331 Před 6 měsíci +4

    selective breeding… only create a family with a MAN who wants a family & most importantly… to be a FATHER. & yes… remove incentives… i agree!

    • @PipersGrip
      @PipersGrip Před 6 měsíci

      I agree. Women need to be way more selective with whom they choose. The biggest turn off is a woman who has had too many men. It shows they are weak and poor decision makers, lacking judgment. If women chose better, it would raise the bar for men. Women made it too easy for scumbags to get what they want, and they ruined themselves while doing that. If people waited for marriage, it would solve most of these problems. Waiting for marriage would basically get rid of abortions, fatherless children, and even poverty- since most impoverished people are single parents. Waiting would also force men to get their act together and grow up.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      No marriage for females who aren't virgins and until laws change.
      And if you want selective breeding, I'm all for it, but the *Patriarchy* gets to decide that, not females, because _clearly_ when left to your own devices, yall have been making poor decisions for the last 100 years since.

  • @TheCitizenRemy
    @TheCitizenRemy Před 6 měsíci +7

    Change the FAMILY COURT policy. Counties and States recieve financial incentive when a single parent(mother) is created, specifically TItle IV-D which controls the budget of incentives to states for Child Support and Family Court. All under Executive Branch control. Incentive for award of Child Support is $1 to State for $1 Ordered in Child Support/month. Solution, end Custodial Parent legal scam, where mothers are given this title which triggers the TItle IV-D grant payments.

    • @TheCitizenRemy
      @TheCitizenRemy Před 6 měsíci +2

      And the type of grant it is, the revenue to the state doesn't show up on the annual budget, located in the Federal Grant assets. The monies go into the trusts of the high level judicial staff and strategic political people. Solution, force the change in policy through Health and Human Services in the executive branch.

    • @r.walker7986
      @r.walker7986 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Alimony and child support are not a financial incentive. Most people are married to people who have nothing to take and what you get is far less than what you have access to staying married.

    • @TheCitizenRemy
      @TheCitizenRemy Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@r.walker7986 It is a financial incentive to the state and counties. Its called Title IV-D, thats that law. For every $1 ORDERED in child support, $1+ is given to the state every month paid annually. This is the reality. The only way to create a demand for Child Support, which the Supreme Court says is a financial program for the Counties and State, is to create a designation on one parent as the Custodial Parent. You don't know what you're talking about. Prove me wrong.

    • @icestationzebraassociates2460
      @icestationzebraassociates2460 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@TheCitizenRemy That's not exactly how it works - There's an incentive pool with the amount linked to CPI that is for each state. The payment is calculated with a percentage based on certain metrics like performance ie. if they get 80% of support orders to pay, they get 100% of that portion of the incentive pool. SSA section 458.

    • @r.walker7986
      @r.walker7986 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@TheCitizenRemy Child support is the usually man's choice. It is only ordered when it is asked for and that is usually becasue the man is not voluntarily agreeing to pay for his responsibilities... Its not mandated... If you are paying child support its usually due to the quality of the relationship you chose to get into and your inability to co parent without legal intervention.

  • @georgeford6439
    @georgeford6439 Před 6 měsíci

    I ❤️ this man..... along with Dr Thomas Sowell, they explain things in an intelligent and logical way that all can understand. To paraphrase Dr. Sowell, life is hard, but if you graduate HS, get a job, and get married before having kids, you have a 90 to 95 % chance of living comfortably and not ending up in poverty.

  • @joaopedrobaggio4475
    @joaopedrobaggio4475 Před 6 měsíci +12

    My father is very important for me, i am 35 years old now, but my father and i still have a very strong relationship, i feel very for children who grow up without a father. These single mothers epidemic i blame the feminist ideology for it.

    • @raesully2615
      @raesully2615 Před 6 měsíci +4


    • @killshotcodx9446
      @killshotcodx9446 Před 6 měsíci

      ​@@raesully2615most kids growing up with single moms have to deal with problems just as bad.

    • @edenbreckhouse
      @edenbreckhouse Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@raesully2615 your point has no validity and in no way negates what was stated by the OP.

    • @joaopedrobaggio4475
      @joaopedrobaggio4475 Před 6 měsíci

      @@JenniferJohnson-ub3gt feminists like Glória Steinen promoted the idea that men are useless, and women doesn't needs men for nothing.

    • @fatmonkey4716
      @fatmonkey4716 Před 6 měsíci

      ​@@JenniferJohnson-ub3gtFeminism says be independent, and that ideal leads directly to single mother households.

  • @michaelwalton2084
    @michaelwalton2084 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should 👏

  • @keithjames8590
    @keithjames8590 Před 6 měsíci +9

    I absolutely love Zuby!!

    @SUPERCJJOHNS87 Před 5 měsíci

    I grew up without a dad I craved discipline but never got it I ended up with nobody to teach me right from wrong I ended up on drugs in prison. I've turned my life around now I have kids and I'm there for them everyday and will be for the rest of their lives.

  • @Xairos84
    @Xairos84 Před 6 měsíci +1

    4:20 this is an interesting point. Zuby seems proud of his upbringing but, I would wager that he isn't fully sold on it as he is a global traveler who is a artistic creator, unmarried nearing 40.
    He seems like he's unsatisfied with a small slice of that life that he came from.

  • @juicebowl
    @juicebowl Před 6 měsíci +4

    Zuby made a very revealing point. Someone 100 years from now could be watching something that was discussed in this period.
    We, as in the people living in our time don't want to be the ones leading them astray. You don't know under what context they could be consuming this content.

  • @ccourt46
    @ccourt46 Před 6 měsíci +10

    The top 10 states for highest divorce rates in the US are Nevada, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky. Mississippi, Tennessee. Hmmm... what do these states have in common?

    • @NickM_FirstofHisName
      @NickM_FirstofHisName Před 6 měsíci +2

      Lifetime alimony?

    • @markaurelius61
      @markaurelius61 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Not sure. What do you think is the uniting feature?

    • @bromack3
      @bromack3 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Hmmm.....you think people need to "shack up" more?

    • @sofiabravo1994
      @sofiabravo1994 Před 6 měsíci +7

      Less people are getting married , progressive states are either shacking or just sleeping around casually and the cycle of single motherhood continues…not sure if your take is as profound as you thought.

    • @markaurelius61
      @markaurelius61 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Is that divorce per head of population, or divorce per marriage?

  • @TheFloNTheMo
    @TheFloNTheMo Před 6 měsíci +8

    Bring back God 🙏
    The government has become the provider and families have been destroyed

  • @matthewjohnson1643
    @matthewjohnson1643 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Both men and women need to be intentional with their dating and really work on who they are having kids with

    • @mht5875
      @mht5875 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Better yet, no dating at all and a return to Courtship.

    • @marlonmoncrieffe0728
      @marlonmoncrieffe0728 Před 6 měsíci

      ...The difference being, ​@@mht5875???

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@mht5875Can't, too many ♀ used goods now, aint nobody about to court a female that _isn't_ a virgin and gave herself away for _less_ than marriage, but is *now* demanding marriage. 🤣

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      This whole conversation is the typical TradCon *intellectual dishonesty*
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor ♀ *CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR.*
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline.

  • @jimbojimbo6873
    @jimbojimbo6873 Před 6 měsíci +3

    Damn 35% of first marriages end in divorce?
    That’s insane

    • @umiluv
      @umiluv Před 6 měsíci +1

      That’s better than what it was before which was 50%.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@umiluvIt's lower because men are getting married _less_

  • @theadventurekidz-scienceho843
    @theadventurekidz-scienceho843 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Reward married couples (tax breaks)…yes, I know we have some but it does not benefit high income families. America’s history tells me that as a collective, they can care less about fatherless homes.

  • @lemax4277
    @lemax4277 Před 6 měsíci

    OK now I’ve seen the full video. I’d have to agree that people have forgotten that money wasn’t always the main value in life it’s how you spend it. Because I was raised Catholic in half of my childhood I had some ground principles that I still follow till this day in having a stable lifestyle, especially in marriage. I may not be as wealthy but I’m not dirt poor either. I’m not trying to say that your morals should come from only religion I’m just saying that it was a good guiding compass since my Faith was mostly in my parents not religion.

  • @georgeharvey3062
    @georgeharvey3062 Před 6 měsíci

    It’s plan and simple for good relationships to last. Each partner needs to do their part. Period. Our vows are sacred and need to be adhered to. Men and women both have responsibilities. A man to a woman and a woman to a man. This includes both for the children. My ex wife thought I was the only one with responsibilities. When asked she could not give me one single responsibility that was hers. Not one! I on the other hand took mine very seriously. I am not naive to think all men are like me but for God sakes any honest woman can recognize a good man. Do what is asked of you in a relationship.

  • @gnarlantlers70
    @gnarlantlers70 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Change family court. Simple as.

  • @DarylDavid-tc6kc
    @DarylDavid-tc6kc Před 6 měsíci +2

    Sadly have to say, Pandora's box has been opened, enjoy the decline, the statistics are out. We are not getting out of this. But great talking points and great entertainment.

  • @Rob-me8vp
    @Rob-me8vp Před 6 měsíci +1

    If only fans is ok where do you draw the line of what is acceptable in order to financially raise your children? Is prostitution ok then?

  • @IDKL2000
    @IDKL2000 Před 6 měsíci

    He doesn't have to knowledge and most importantly the experience to talk on a subject. His opinion is his opinion. I deal with people expreinencing divorce and not having a father and experienced both sides. He clueless and I'll smoke him on this topic with facts and experience.

  • @charlesislaw
    @charlesislaw Před 6 měsíci +1

    Give custody to men after 5 years old.

  • @jasonrix3691
    @jasonrix3691 Před 6 měsíci

    Made to look cool! Do you know where the phrase “ Don’t mess with Texas” came from? It was from an ad campaign! In Texas they found that it was the young male throwing garbage out of their car/ truck that was the major contributor to garbage along road ways! So instead of using guilt and shame…. They appealed to pride! And that’s where, Don’t mess with Texas came from! Zuby is on to something here….but you also have to change the family court laws at the same time!

  • @Sab_MJsMama
    @Sab_MJsMama Před 6 měsíci

    Every culture is going to have to deal with the problem of fatherless home differently. Because the problem is more pervasive here in the west, I think more creative solutions would have to be implemented. But because the culture doesn't seem to want to address this issue head on and come up with solutions I don't think it will get resolved. It just doesn't seem to be an important issue that hasn't been prioritized. Or else specific communities will have to take this problem on from a grass roots level. I don't know how this looks but I'm sure there are example globally to examine for ideas. Essentially, what Zuby is saying.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      This whole conversation is the typical TradCon *intellectual dishonesty*
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor ♀ *CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR.*
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline.

  • @CaptZenPetabyte
    @CaptZenPetabyte Před 6 měsíci +2

    Think about this too, if the dating market wasnt ruined by women chasing ever-increasing levels of hypergamy (thence hitting the wall at 30yrs old and blaming it on men) then more men would have relationship opportunities as women would be less delusional ("We're *all* 10/10 queeens!") there would be *way fewer* simps and your OF argument vanishes in a generation.

    • @eunicebediako4986
      @eunicebediako4986 Před 6 měsíci +3

      Both Parties Play are Role into the Mess, we are now facing! Both parties need to stop blaming each other and just humble ourselves and start figuring better solutions!"

    • @r.walker7986
      @r.walker7986 Před 6 měsíci

      its not. Most women marry brokies... The reality is centuries of men having control over the mating process has produced a bunch of men women dom not want, and now that women are independent they no longer feel compelled to settle with any of them just to survive. The women are not delusional, they are just going after who and what they really want becasue they can. How downbad do you have to0 be to not want a woman who genuinely wants to be with you... this is an offshoot of rape culture, wanting to force yourself on women who don't really like you by limiting their resources and ability to survive on their own>>> make choices... its creepy.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@eunicebediako4986 No dumbo, we don't split the blame because *_in real life_* the blame isn't to be split
      he's 100% , the problem is *biological ♀ hypergamy*
      There was a _reason_ mankind controlled them to begin with.
      The *only* solution is to control them again, otherwise, kiss your society goodbye.

  • @chrisanthony61
    @chrisanthony61 Před 6 měsíci

    We stopped being judgemental and here is the outcome.

  • @raesully2615
    @raesully2615 Před 6 měsíci +4


  • @personnesenki4521
    @personnesenki4521 Před 6 měsíci +11

    Force any man who sires a child out of wedlock to pay 2x or more in child support if he doesn't get a vasectomy. The burdens of child support for siring children out of wedlock are clearly not severe enough to get guys to reconsider siring children out of wedlock.

    • @sp123
      @sp123 Před 6 měsíci +2

      The issue is that the government doesn't care to determine paternity

    • @edenbreckhouse
      @edenbreckhouse Před 6 měsíci +2

      Women decide if a child gets born. A man has no say.

    • @personnesenki4521
      @personnesenki4521 Před 6 měsíci +6

      @@edenbreckhouse sure he does. He can wrap up his equipment. But I don't care. We have decades of empirical data that show that children raised by unwed mothers have terrible outcomes compared to children raised in families. We also know that it's a small percentage of men siring these children. We should do everything we can to minimize this problem.

    • @personnesenki4521
      @personnesenki4521 Před 6 měsíci +6

      @@sp123 I agree that there should be mandatory paternity tests for ever birth.

    • @OsakaJoe01
      @OsakaJoe01 Před 6 měsíci

      Love how the burden is put on the man to get a vasectomy but not on a woman to close her legs or get her tubes tied.
      I'm guessing you're an entitled woman?

  • @stephenterry6993
    @stephenterry6993 Před 6 měsíci

    He doesn't ve solution.But I agree it's going take agentaration to correct to fix

  • @ISosaaaa
    @ISosaaaa Před 6 měsíci

    Something that is not spoken about is that when a father is in an actual relationship with the mother the chances of the father leaving drops exponentially. The problem is some women are not requiring marriage, the are having one nighters or confusing seggsual access with a relationship. Some Women are not even requiring relationships anymore for sexual access so it’s not that the men leave. They were never there. Also for women that break the family, govt assistance needs to be stopped, only given temporarily for working family units. And the praise for single moms needs to be stopped.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      This whole conversation is the typical TradCon *intellectual dishonesty*
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor ♀ *CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR.*
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline.

  • @corystarkiller
    @corystarkiller Před 6 měsíci +5

    First, I don't care about the divorce stats in India, as that's on the other side of the world. The only stats that matter are the ones of my country.
    Second, you're never going to stop people who only think about the short term, to care about the long term. There's a biological component to it. If your dad skipped town, and your mother is easy, then you'll be doing the same thing.
    The only people who can be convinced, are the ones who have some long term thinkers as parents and grandparents. Those kids are the only ones who you'd be able to get through to.
    You're never going to get through to a short term thinker.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      Dads don't "leave" this is a myth and the stats don't support it.
      This whole conversation is the typical TradCon *intellectual dishonesty*
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor ♀ *CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR.*
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline.

  • @triforcelink
    @triforcelink Před 6 měsíci +1

    People are too self centered.

  • @BeTeK11
    @BeTeK11 Před 6 měsíci +4

    They don't say elephant in the room. Women are incentiviced to leave with kids because of alamony and child support. Women are most of the time who leave from relationship so I think onus is for women, not men, to change this.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      Well that's because if they say *that* they'll piss off the ♀ if they don't constantly shift the blame on the men.
      We all know it's _their_ fault for *single mother homes* because its *THEIR* choices of men and *THEIR* choices of divorcing.
      This whole conversation is the typical TradCon *intellectual dishonesty*
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor ♀ *CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR.*
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline.

  • @carmenlajoie2719
    @carmenlajoie2719 Před 6 měsíci

    Create family friendly policies like Universal Healthcare Pharmacare-Maternity Paternity leave. Great public housing-education.. China & Russia have done it +poverty alleviation CGTN The Point-Hub-Heat, RT International Telasur Aljazeera Middle East Eye amazing journalists..

  • @chipdouglas9349
    @chipdouglas9349 Před 6 měsíci

    Even if 50% of marriages end in divorce, the offspring have more stability and better outcomes in life on average than offsping that have no foundation of a married mother and father.
    Not to mention it has been a basic building block of society for thousands of years… but suddenly “doesn’t make sense”.

  • @pt5728
    @pt5728 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Just stop this “my body my choice” nonsense. Because it gets nit picked, if it’s “my body my choice” then you’re responsible for your situation.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      They're responsible for it no matter what, it's *their* fault because it's *their* choices.

  • @OsakaJoe01
    @OsakaJoe01 Před 6 měsíci

    There are two sides to the story; fathers who leave, and fathers who have been KICKED OUT and KEPT out by bad mothers.
    It may be "cool" for some fathers to have many baby's mommas, but it's also "cool" for many mothers to have many baby's daddies, collecting child support. Some women like having "power" over men, keeping kids from them etc.
    So here's are some things that need to change:
    1. Men need to be able to opt out of supporting a child. Or better, they need to opt in in order for women to be entitled to child support.
    The concept has been called "male abortion." Abortion advocates love to tout "my body, my choice" for the woman, and that's all fine and good, but she holds all the cards. She has the "choice," and she would be making different "choices" in life, if she knew that getting pregnant didn't automatically mean she gets child support should the father walk out.
    Well, abortion is here to stay, and as long as it is, I think that men should be given the power to opt in or out of a child's life. The woman has the choice to kill or let live, father has the choice to support or not. If the father does not want to support, then the other has to make the decision to abort or raise the child on her own.
    Methinks that, without a guaranteed meal ticket, mothers would choose not have the child, or be more careful about contraception so as to not conceive. I guarantee, women would be a lot more careful who they sleep with, and vet their partners more carefully.
    Conversely, a father who has signed the dotted line has officially committed and has incentive to stay around for the child he's promised to support. Some would call this "buy-in." If the father has officially "bought in" to help support and raise a child, he is more likely to stay.
    2. Related to above, but cut child support.
    The only time a mother should be entitled to child support is when a father has signed the dotted line that yes, he wants to be in the child's life. Otherwise, mom has to raise that child on her own.
    Conversely, unless he pays child support, e.g. he's signed the dotted line, he can't see his kids. This incentivizes the father to pay child support and stick around should they couple get a divorce.
    Also, if the father signs and pays child support, a mother legally can't deny the father access. This takes care of controlling, abusive mothers who want to keep children from their fathers out of spite.
    In my mind, knowing a woman is not guaranteed a meal ticket from a baby's daddy would incentivize women to abstain, or choose sexual partners more carefully. A woman has the power and choice to use contraceptives or get an abortion should she conceive. She has the choice over her body, and he has the choice to stay or leave.
    But once the decisions have been made to:
    A) support the child by the father and
    B) to have the child by the mother
    there's no turning back. Father MUST pay child support in the case of divorce and mother MUST allow access legally.
    Paternity tests should be stipulated to prevent cuckoldry. No man wants to pay for a child that isn't his, nor should he be obliged to; it's up to the mother to watch who she sleeps with.
    I can't think of other ways to incentivize or hippify fatherhood or motherhood, but I think the measures above would come a long way in 1, incentivizing women to watch who they sleep, be actively engaged in preventing unwanted pregnancy and looking for men who want to commit to sticking around, and 2, incentivize fathers sticking around by having them buy into their own children and be legally guaranteed access to the children they father. I hear of too many cases where fathers genuinely want to be with their kids, but the mothers are the ones keeping them away; that does not help incentivize a father to stick around.

    • @a-t5380
      @a-t5380 Před 6 měsíci

      Well put sir! loved the random "methinks" in the middle of a well thought out explanation lol

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      This whole conversation is the typical TradCon *intellectual dishonesty*
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor ♀ *CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR.*
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline.

  • @Jointknight
    @Jointknight Před 6 měsíci

    technology. after that it's biology.

  • @arthurjacksonjr6432
    @arthurjacksonjr6432 Před 3 měsíci

    Men should not have to pay alimony for more than 5 years!

  • @25Soupy
    @25Soupy Před 6 měsíci +1

    1:07 minutes of the video: Zuby says, "Most marriages last a lifetime." Except for the 50% that don't. We're not talking about India we're talking the West. You tell me the incentives I'll tell you the results. If you get more benefits for divorcing your man then staying married what do you expect is going to happen? To answer the woman's question is marry your baby's daddy because a 2 income household will be above the poverty level.

  • @SailorMoon37
    @SailorMoon37 Před 6 měsíci

    Maybe pay men a wage they can hold down a household.

  • @specialk5340
    @specialk5340 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Why do people like dancing around the actual issue? Nobody has ever talked about marriage being a problem around the world, the problem has always been western culture, so there was absolutely no point of bringing up India, also 65% is good? Come on now, and let’s get down to the actual issue, it’s women I know somebody is gunna get their panties in a bunch, but when you exclude men from marriage i.e lesbian relationships they have the highest divorce rate and domestic violence surprisingly the lowest is gay men, so if anything we need to check the female culture in the west.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      Because everyone wants to blame men and not hold ♀ accountable, but at the same time considers them "equal"
      Fact is
      This whole conversation is the typical TradCon *intellectual dishonesty*
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor ♀ *CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR.*
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline.

  • @rosered6876
    @rosered6876 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Gotta love seeing people who have no kids and have never been married acting like they know what the issue is. 🙄 marriage is hard work. Raising kids is hard work.

  • @TreeE30VeRT
    @TreeE30VeRT Před 6 měsíci +4


  • @marlonmoncrieffe0728
    @marlonmoncrieffe0728 Před 6 měsíci

    Reform welfare and abolish no-fault divorce and all else follows.

  • @116cowboy
    @116cowboy Před 6 měsíci +2

    It's cool to be a baby daddy and it's even more cooler to be a single mom

    • @carmeld45
      @carmeld45 Před 6 měsíci

      Do you know when society created the nuclear family, and why shame is used only on women?

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@carmeld45Because those animals need to be controlled, otherwise they will do exactly what is happening to society right now, it's their *biology* that's the problem, _their nature_

  • @lemax4277
    @lemax4277 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Okay I haven’t fully watched this video yet but when the guy said that marriages keep children at there best I just kind of wonder does that include unstable marriages as well because they don’t explain that in their statistics do they?
    I can understand if a healthy marriage keeps a child at there best.
    My mother is the best example of benefiting from her parents divorce when her father was literally leading them to debt and was also cheating on my grandmother. Most children usually don’t like divorces but my mother was different she saw it as something healthy as long as she still had a relationship with her father somehow she grew up just fine. But she may have been a anomaly.

  • @8darktraveler8
    @8darktraveler8 Před 6 měsíci +5

    Make marriage important again legally, remove no fault divorce, remove the benefits for divorce etc and the problem will disappear. If you know you can't pick a good partner then it's time to return to arranged marriage for those people. I don't need laws or a skydaddy to behave in a civilized manner, I even return the shopping trolley when I'm finished with it, I don't speed etc. Rules are for people who can't control themselves and need someone else to do it for them with threat of legal punishment.
    But who knows, maybe not solving the problem, will solve the problem over a long enough period of time.

    • @oleandra3759
      @oleandra3759 Před 6 měsíci

      You sound like a child who’s snuck onto a seat at the adult’s table. Arranged marriage is a solution for a lack of an ability to choose a good partner?? Who gets to do the arranging and what makes them qualified to pick a good partner? Why don’t you move to Saudi Arabia, sounds like you’d be very happy there.

    • @r.walker7986
      @r.walker7986 Před 6 měsíci

      So basically force people to stay in loveless, abusive, unfulfilling relationships to model disfunction for the next generation? Got it...

    • @vardaainur-michaelmas5462
      @vardaainur-michaelmas5462 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Civilization came bc of sky daddy. So there. You can think yourself a model of morality all you like, but that morality was gleaned from the effects of Judeo-Christianity over thousands of years. You are not a singular creature removed from the history of human kind. Dispute, ridicule and deny it all you like, but sky daddy was and is the source of the civility and morality you hold so dear.

    • @8darktraveler8
      @8darktraveler8 Před 6 měsíci

      @@vardaainur-michaelmas5462 lol "SO THERE", yeah true mate, your collective imaginary friend isn't too bad. Although, god father and savior son thing has been a recurring story throughout the history of man.
      Abrahamic religion is just the new kid on the block, Over 200,000 years of modern human life and you think positive moral behavior started 2000 years ago?
      As for how or why we have positive moral behavior? It is the result of what we are, a herd species.
      We think and feel in a way that is beneficial to the species, when we are in control of ourselves. An unruly child will know immediately when they have done wrong, religion had nothing to do with the guilt they feel after they break something or hurt someone.
      We can identify good and bad the second we see it, the grey area is where debate, the law, and culture come into play.
      Spoken history, was how ancient peoples recorded their lessons, debates on morality etc and they were in the form of stories that best conveyed their meaning. Real events were also recorded in this manner, the lines between truth and reality are blurred and before you know it, a religion unique to that region has been born.
      But hey, I get it, I get defensive about my favorite anime and manga too.

    • @vardaainur-michaelmas5462
      @vardaainur-michaelmas5462 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@8darktraveler8 🤣laughable. Zenith of creation you are. New, bright, never disproved thoughts you have there.

  • @Name-zo3fm
    @Name-zo3fm Před 6 měsíci +2

    It is absolutely a simple answer. STOP PUNISHING MEN.

  • @pamelashields7136
    @pamelashields7136 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Women just need to stop picking losers!!!!!!

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      But they don't want to say _THAT_ part because then they'd have to hold them *accountable*
      This whole conversation is the typical TradCon *intellectual dishonesty*
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor ♀ *CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR.*
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline.

  • @tonymontez2358
    @tonymontez2358 Před 6 měsíci +7

    Until women go back to marriage before having kids and picking better men who actually want to be with them (like the ones who love them but they have in the friend zone) nothing will change

    • @eunicebediako4986
      @eunicebediako4986 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Both Parties Play are Role into the Mess, we are now facing! Both parties need to stop blaming each other and just humble ourselves and start figuring better solutions!"

    • @tonymontez2358
      @tonymontez2358 Před 6 měsíci

      @@eunicebediako4986 I just gave the solution get married before you decide to have children like it used to be back in the day. Most times nowadays people are dating for a few months they get pregnant then break up soon as the kids born and now the guy is paying child support and move on to co parenting it’s become so normalized now. Until people go back to dating for marriage and take it seriously nothing is going to change

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      And they _won't_ choose to do that because the problem is *their BIOLOGY* and they will keep _chasing chad_
      So until *men* have had enough and take back control, society will continue to *decline*

  • @notyet2345
    @notyet2345 Před 6 měsíci

    Do the women in India even have the right to divorce maybe that’s why the divorce rate is so low

  • @mogznwaz
    @mogznwaz Před 6 měsíci +1

    Remove the incentives to be a single mum

  • @dorout1
    @dorout1 Před 6 měsíci +6

    Let's be honest, I don't believe much at all was covered during this 10 minutes. We know exactly what is causing fatherless homes and it pains me to see the factual problems be danced on while the discussion is meaningless. No, I am not seeking an ego boost here, but I am pointing out the fact that what was discussed here is a parrot of what MSM grifters iterate. I think this is the first zuby video I have ever disliked.

    • @ashlibabbittcroakedit9108
      @ashlibabbittcroakedit9108 Před 6 měsíci +1

      What is causing fatherless homes ?

    • @r.walker7986
      @r.walker7986 Před 6 měsíci

      @@ashlibabbittcroakedit9108 men creating children with women they don't really want to be with long term... then getting into relationships and not being fully invested, and growing with their partners... gaslighting all women in to believing they must be mothers and that they will turn into pumpkins if they dont have babies by 30... the list goes on.

    • @carmeld45
      @carmeld45 Před 6 měsíci

      @@ashlibabbittcroakedit9108 Men

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci

      This whole conversation is the typical TradCon *intellectual dishonesty*
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor ♀ *CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR.*
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline.

  • @joshklaver47
    @joshklaver47 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Condoms and vasectomies.

  • @justifiably_stupid4998
    @justifiably_stupid4998 Před 6 měsíci +4

    Zuby dodges SO HARD. 'How can we empower women to act against their own interests?' Zuby: 'We live in an imperfect world'

  • @karlsinclair9285
    @karlsinclair9285 Před 6 měsíci

    “faith doesn’t pay my bills” says the covert 304
    run men..

  • @hashimthedream3581
    @hashimthedream3581 Před 5 měsíci

    Where did you find this Mamby Pamby? Just hollow words...No man can unlearn Divorce Rape!

  • @badassdahn654
    @badassdahn654 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Stay MGTOW fellas
    Long live men

  • @m6smitten
    @m6smitten Před 6 měsíci +6

    Defund long-term welfare, do not allow entitlements to women who do not name/document the father (s) of their children, tie welfare payments to academic success (grades) of their children and provide the (male version) birth control pill to young/unmarried men for free.

    • @cyberft
      @cyberft Před 6 měsíci +4

      Yep, love typing welfare payments to academic success, unfortunately this will never fly politically.

    • @joaopedrobaggio4475
      @joaopedrobaggio4475 Před 6 měsíci +1

      I have other suggestion, stop these feminist divorce laws that benefits women.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      - No welfare
      - No child support
      - No birth control
      - No abortion
      - No 'no-fault-divorce'
      One of the major issues is promiscuity, birth control in all forms need to be _banned_ . It has provided _NO_ benefit to society, sexual promiscuity isn't a benefit and there is no data to support that it is.

  • @jshadnot
    @jshadnot Před 6 měsíci +3

    You’d have to go back to a time where women don’t have sexual freedom. I don’t see that happening.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      Precisely, we all *KNOW* the solution, but tradCUCKS don't have the *balls* to support it, because at the end of teh day, even _they_ allow gynocracy.

  • @coolbreeze2.0-mortemadfasc13
    @coolbreeze2.0-mortemadfasc13 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Out of wedlock does not mean uninvolved. Tons of research on these issues is available, so if someone is still talking about old stereotypes it’s because they don’t read. The data is there.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      This whole conversation is the typical TradCon *intellectual dishonesty*
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor ♀ *CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR.*
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline.

  • @andreakrueger7851
    @andreakrueger7851 Před 6 měsíci +5

    What if you're the richest man in the world who believes in population growth? Elon Musk has 11 children, nine of whom are illegitimate, and created three single mother-head of households. Is Elon an acceptable role model?

    • @mattn9349
      @mattn9349 Před 6 měsíci +5

      Elon takes care of kids and ex's, and throughout hstory, women often choose harems over monogamous relationships with men of average means. Dating apps suggest that's still very much the case.

    • @thisguy7976
      @thisguy7976 Před 6 měsíci +5

      ​@@mattn9349How do you know he takes care of his kids? He supposedly sleeps in other people's houses when traveling and works 100 hour work weeks. How does he find time to take care of his kids? There is no way he can be a good and present father with that lifestyle.

    • @mattn9349
      @mattn9349 Před 6 měsíci

      @@thisguy7976 I meant financially, and since he remains friends with his ex's, it's hard to imagine that's possible without him making an effort to be in the children's lives through visits to his home, vacations... The absence of complaints in the era of me too aided in my assessment, and I imagine his ex's have new partners.

    • @manubishe
      @manubishe Před 6 měsíci +1

      Can anyone be Elon Musk?
      Sure, be the baby daddy of 11 children should be easier than bringing up a company of Space-X scale.

    • @thisguy7976
      @thisguy7976 Před 6 měsíci

      @@manubishe Not when everybody else is doing the work for you. Elon is a human and has human limitations. No way is he doing all of this at once. He's chief engineer in name only.

  • @TheTaipan
    @TheTaipan Před 6 měsíci +5

    Why do we need to incentivise? We (men) should be embrasing, endorsing and enforcing the norms of being a responsible father, being a present father. Guys need to stop holding onto their adolesence. The more we (men) stop hailing these 40 year old teenagers as "cool" the less they will want to pursue that rubbish.

    • @edenbreckhouse
      @edenbreckhouse Před 6 měsíci

      Men are no longer in the position of being able to enforce a damn thing.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      See you don't even know the _problem_ lmao
      This whole conversation is the typical TradCon *intellectual dishonesty*
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor ♀ *CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR.*
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline.

  • @RexJacobus-bb1vw
    @RexJacobus-bb1vw Před 6 měsíci


  • @elyse443
    @elyse443 Před 6 měsíci

    So a grown needs it to be “cool” to love his kids??? Are you a psycho?

  • @jackpumkinhead9583
    @jackpumkinhead9583 Před 6 měsíci +1

    five minutes and I have to turn away. This guy is a fool and a liar. I’ll never get that five minutes back which makes me sad.

  • @carmeld45
    @carmeld45 Před 6 měsíci

    We need real fathers to care for their children, whether they are married or not. Women should not be forced to live with an incompetent man. Just take care of your kids.

  • @RealtyWebDesigners
    @RealtyWebDesigners Před 6 měsíci +15

    Remove a woman's right to remove the fathers.

    • @RexJacobus-bb1vw
      @RexJacobus-bb1vw Před 6 měsíci +1

      Remove her right to vote

    • @Melly16yr10
      @Melly16yr10 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@RexJacobus-bb1vw No

    • @RexJacobus-bb1vw
      @RexJacobus-bb1vw Před 6 měsíci

      @@Melly16yr10 Yes. Make it a household vote and in order to qualify you have to be married.

    • @Lalapizzle
      @Lalapizzle Před 6 měsíci

      @@RexJacobus-bb1vwgo back to trashy things podcast.

  • @markmansell
    @markmansell Před 6 měsíci +11

    Remove the vote from women- in time everything else will fall into place

    • @eunicebediako4986
      @eunicebediako4986 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Both Parties Play are Role into the Mess, we are now facing! Both parties need to stop blaming each other and just humble ourselves and start figuring better solutions!"

    • @Melly16yr10
      @Melly16yr10 Před 6 měsíci +1

      No That's Abusive

    • @markmansell
      @markmansell Před 6 měsíci

      100% men’s fault. We let the globalist finance empower women so they could be subverted and weaponized against us

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@eunicebediako4986Nope, This whole conversation is the typical TradCon *intellectual dishonesty*
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor ♀ *CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR.*
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      repeal 19th
      ban birth control
      ban abortion
      ban child support
      ban welfare state
      and thats a _start_

  • @Kaous10
    @Kaous10 Před 6 měsíci +3

    Take women's rights -TFM

    • @eunicebediako4986
      @eunicebediako4986 Před 6 měsíci

      Both Parties Play are Role into the Mess, we are now facing! Both parties need to stop blaming each other and just humble ourselves and start figuring better solutions!"

    • @Kaous10
      @Kaous10 Před 6 měsíci +2

      ​@@eunicebediako4986When you destroy the welfare state, that is what women will say you are doing anyway so it's best to desensitize oneself to that now. That would fix the fatherless homes issue. Now for the issue of every single western countries birth rates being under replacement rate and in decline.... If empowered women leads to de-population, to get a result of population growth what is the logical step? It is a solution, no one said everyone would like it.

    • @Melly16yr10
      @Melly16yr10 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Nope that's Domestic Voilence

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      ​@@Kaous10Yep, you're right, but to be clear...
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor ♀ *CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR.*
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline. ​

  • @mekareactsandreviews3026
    @mekareactsandreviews3026 Před 6 měsíci

    Only fans is a new phenomenal...Women have making their one moneys for decades now...Stop blaming OF for everthing...ur missing the freakin point...

  • @bigglyguy8429
    @bigglyguy8429 Před 6 měsíci +1

    1:47 It's not a hard question to answer; the answer is EASY. Go back to what worked. Patriarchy, where the father, not the mother, owns the children. You don't want patriarchy? OK, but without it you don't get the benefits of patriarchy. You know, those little things, like civilization. You can have patriarchy and civilization, or you can have whatever you call our current mess. Pick one?

    • @r.walker7986
      @r.walker7986 Před 6 měsíci

      Patriarchy worked for men. half the population, thats why it has had its teeth pulled...

  • @carmeld45
    @carmeld45 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Society removed womens rights so that she had to rely on a man. Why did you need to force women to attach herself to a man. Women are happiest single. The matrix is crumbling. Just let us live.

  • @Doofwarrior88
    @Doofwarrior88 Před 6 měsíci

    You can incentive fatherhood by giving full paid maternity leave for married couples.

    • @DTreatz
      @DTreatz Před 3 měsíci +1

      It's not about "incentivizing fatherhood"
      It's about _disincentivizing_ females from creating *single mother homes*
      This whole conversation is the typical TradCon *intellectual dishonesty*
      It's not _fatherlessness_ "problem"
      It's *SINGLE MOTHERHOOD* , they are using "fatherlessness" as a *euphemism* for it to subtly shift the blame onto *MEN*
      Blaming *MEN* yet again.
      To the uninitiated and low IQ it seems indistinguishable, but it's a _semantic_ game they're playing, as to not upset the _female_ base.
      You don't get to blame men for poor ♀ *CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR.*
      This intellectual dishonesty is why the traditional conservatives will _keep losing_ and _keep making the situation worse_ .
      Until you solve the _actual_ problem (hint: it's not the _men_ ) society will continue to collapse.
      Enjoy the decline.

  • @handyman1016
    @handyman1016 Před 6 měsíci +1

    "How do we get fathers back in the home"
    Take away the woman vote. Then they can't replace men with the state. Problem solved.

  • @baba.mkhulu
    @baba.mkhulu Před 6 měsíci

    well put. i know have the brain worm stuck in my head of my descendants being able to see everything i have posted/will post...for eternity. oh boy...ha ha. good thoughts, though. 🤔🙏🏽