Good Questions Real Answers | Episode 36 | Lion and Lamb Ministries

  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 60

  • @Old-Path
    @Old-Path Před měsícem +11

    I absolutely loved Monte's response to Ariella! What a true and honest encouragement.

  • @boblam03
    @boblam03 Před měsícem +1

    thank you once again for sharing the truth ❤

  • @johanswart1730
    @johanswart1730 Před měsícem +3


  • @lauriegoin
    @lauriegoin Před měsícem +1

    Shabbat Shalom brothers and sisters.

  • @Merrill-o5x
    @Merrill-o5x Před měsícem +2

    I don't mind being told I am wrong, not at all. It creates thinking, none of us are always right none of us are always wrong. What is right always is the Word of our Father the Scriptures. When someone calls me on sin I am grateful when they call me on it sometimes we do not realize especially at first that we had sinned. Those are lessons for us and they humble us and if we cannot humble ourselves before men we certainly cannot humble ourselves before the Great One. So when you say none of us I disagree, as I don't mind being told I am wrong at all. What I do mind is when someone calls you to the point with name calling, that is where I draw the line !

    • @HerbertPrince
      @HerbertPrince Před měsícem +1

      Brother, I've been wrong more than a few times, and will again I'm sure.
      I saw a sign many years ago, which said, 'Once I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken '. Glad I don't think like that.
      Shabbat Shalom

  • @andyguillory7810
    @andyguillory7810 Před měsícem +2

    Paul discusses 7 laws, God's Law, the law of sin, the law of sin and death, and four others. 6 in Romans and 1 in Corinthians. The Torah and the entire Word applies as it can. Blessings and Shalom to you all in the mighty name of Yeshua Hah Mashiach our Lord and Savior

  • @nobama3468
    @nobama3468 Před měsícem +1

    Happy Sabbath Day

  • @janetkelly1146
    @janetkelly1146 Před měsícem +2

    Love this ❤

  • @billclyde7805
    @billclyde7805 Před měsícem +1

    Shabbat Shalom from Arkansas

    • @alchemistkingdickinson2256
      @alchemistkingdickinson2256 Před měsícem

      Christ was born 3/15/66 Pine Bluff Arkansas Christ grew up in Monticello Arkansas// Christ has been severely crucified this incarnation in Arkansas!

  • @Son0fTMH
    @Son0fTMH Před měsícem +1

    Shabbat Shalom family

  • @mikeandi3643
    @mikeandi3643 Před měsícem

    Thanks so much for the q & a
    Can you explain the noahide laws.

  • @adeliaesperanza6537
    @adeliaesperanza6537 Před měsícem +2

    Hope to hear reply of my question thank you Monte

    • @jamesdavidson7604
      @jamesdavidson7604 Před měsícem

      Your question was already answered by Jesus... it is in red, black and white. Easy to smell a rotten egg, harder to lay a good one. Dive in the word and you'll see your question show the lack of study. All in love. Shabbat Shalom

    • @adeliaesperanza6537
      @adeliaesperanza6537 Před měsícem

      @@jamesdavidson7604 what a comment … that’s not love at all hypocrisy at best! Actually this is a question an acquaintance asked and I just want him to hear/read others answers too. He’s not a Bible reader yet just slowly opening up to the ancient roots that we should go back to instead of the many mixture of pagan teachings in christianity.

  • @johetheridge5319
    @johetheridge5319 Před měsícem

    Arielle what we share is like a pebble in a pond have we ever had the ability to count the rings? Yet we know the rings go on and on.

  • @raditian2
    @raditian2 Před měsícem +1

    Not to dispute Monte Judah. I also am led to believe Paul was referring to "under the law" as referencing Mat 23:4 the traditions of Judaism, through the expression "lay them on men shoulders" meaning we are not under the burdens of men but the grace of god

    • @Old-Path
      @Old-Path Před měsícem +1

      This is exceptional insight and makes total sense. Thank you for this.

    • @raditian2
      @raditian2 Před měsícem +2

      @@Old-Path All the glory to our father: Amen.

    • @senatorjosephmccarthy2720
      @senatorjosephmccarthy2720 Před 15 dny

      The Torah, Laws, of the Almighty Creator are still 100% in affect Today and apply to every human on earth Today and will Always be in affect for Eternity. "Till Heaven and earth pass away" is a figment of speech because they are never going to pass away: Yeshua is going to be King of kings and Master of lords on earth for ever and ever.
      The Laws were not given directly to every nation, but the nations were to be educated by the Israelites, who still are not doing so.

    • @Old-Path
      @Old-Path Před 15 dny

      @@senatorjosephmccarthy2720 Are you saying that the traditions of Judaism are Torah?
      Or that the first 5 books of Moses (Torah) are still valid today?

  • @linak7155
    @linak7155 Před měsícem +2

    Could someone offer some perspective on one of the topics discussed here this morning about the role of women in the Body? Did I hear correctly that women can be pastors? I heard the lady say that a woman was Paul's pastor?
    My understanding, according to 1 Corinthians 11:3, is that there is an order. What does 'head' mean?
    'For the husband is the head of the wife, as Messiah also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body'Eph 5:23
    I agree that in the kingdom, both men n women will be co equal in His service. In this age, though, we have distinct roles that complement rather than divide. Women are not in any way lesser. We have given roles which are to be enjoyed.

    • @Old-Path
      @Old-Path Před měsícem +1

      Im a man and i find it important to say that, so the perspective can be understood. It is my opinion that women should not be Pastors. I do not see any scripture saying that they were traditionally or should be. With that said, women have a huge influence in the family and community as a whole.
      Proverbs 14:1 "Every wise woman has built her house, But the foolish breaks it down with her hands"
      Men have a very important family role as well. But its women that are the glue (sometimes not) of the family. Within the family structure, the women rule the home.
      1 Timothy 3:4-5 "One who rules his own house well, having his children in subjection with all reverence, for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how shall he look after the assembly of Elohim?"
      Behind every good man (or good leader) is a good woman. You could be the best man ever. But if you married a foolish woman, your house would not be in order. Thus disqualifying you from any form of leadership position. Which wouldn't be because you are a poor leader. But because you have a foolish wife.
      If anything, it is women who teach their husbands. Then their husbands teach the assembly.

    • @linak7155
      @linak7155 Před měsícem +1

      @@Old-Path I appreciate your response and stance. Thank you!! 🙏

  • @adeliaesperanza6537
    @adeliaesperanza6537 Před měsícem +3

    Got a question about unclean food … what make them unclean?

    • @MaPerkins-uz2ow
      @MaPerkins-uz2ow Před měsícem +4

      God's Word😊

    • @linak7155
      @linak7155 Před měsícem +6

      The God who made our bodies knows how they function best.
      Leviticus 11 delineates what food is
      and what isn't.
      Frankly, staying within HIS rulings in this area is the easy part. The hard part deals with the issues of the heart. Galatians 5

    • @HerbertPrince
      @HerbertPrince Před měsícem +1

      Let me ask you a few questions. 1) Do you believe in Jesus? 2) Do you believe Jesus is God? 3) Do you believe God can save you from your sins and for you to be born again?
      If you answered 'Yes' to all 3 questions, then I ask you 'why' ?
      The correct answer is, because He is God. So, why is unclean foods really unclean? What makes them unclean? The answer is, because God is God. Why should you question God about why He says something ? God is the Creator of all things, all things on the earth, and of the universe. So why do you need to know why God said something ? Maybe because He loves us, enough that He gave His own son to die for everyone who believes in Him. If you want to know more, pray to God and ask Him.

    • @jamesdavidson7604
      @jamesdavidson7604 Před měsícem +1

      Torah specifies very simply. One, is it clean or unclean. That refers to the type of animal. Noah knew the difference before there was a Torah as he brought 2 of each unclean and 7 of the clean. Second, is it fit and proper, this is the process that makes it food. Was it slaughtered properly according to the prescribed methods in Torah... that is what makes it "food".
      Is a living cow food? No. Is a cow a clean animal? Yes. If the cow is made fit and proper is it now eligible for being food? Yes...
      Is pig a clean animal? No. Could it be made fit and proper, slaughtered properly. Yes. Does that make it food? No. Because it was unclean to start with. Therefore, clean animals must be made fit and proper for food. Unclean animals are not eligible for being made into food... i.e. cats, dogs, horses, humans, pigs etc.
      You see...simple. We know that we love God’s children by this-when we love God and obey His commandments. For this is the love of God-that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. 1jn5:2
      Saved by Grace; Blessed through Obedience. Shabbat Shalom

    • @jamesdavidson7604
      @jamesdavidson7604 Před měsícem +1

      Jesus said if you love him you will obey His law, He also said that His doctrine is not His own but His who sent Him. John said those who claim to know Jesus but don't keep His Torah are liars and the truth is not in them. Jesus said many will say on that day, we preached in Your name and healed in your name, cast put demons in Your name and Jesus said I will tell them I never knew you, depart from Me YOU who practice lawlessness... which law? Torah. Jesus said not one Jot or Tiddle will pass from the Law, heaven and earth will pass before the Law does, He concluded with, anyone who teaches the Law is not to be followed will be least in the kingdom... check your faith... ask yourself, what do you believe and why... then ask your self what is faith, then ask... does it line up with what Jesus said. Of you do this... you won't make such statements.... the only hindrance to The Truth is thinking you already have it.... keep searching and learning and growing in His Torah... the Way, the Truth, the life...
      Saved by Grace Blessed through Obedience.

  • @ForagingForGod
    @ForagingForGod Před 24 dny

    I have a concern about your teaching on women being teachers/pastors in the church. I believe there is a God appointed hierarchy. I appreciate your encouragement in regards to the value of women. However, I am not so sure about your assessment of Phebe. The Bible indicates she was a Sister in Christ, a servant of the church. It does not say she was Paul's pastor. (Romans 16:1) Any clarification would be appreciated. (i.e. source of information in regards to the statement about Phebe being Paul's pastor).

  • @user-ws3zh9zh8q
    @user-ws3zh9zh8q Před měsícem +1

    I absolutely understand not being accepted by either the Jewish community or the Christian community
    Being Jewish by blood and accepting Christ as my savior
    The Jewish community won’t accept me unless I refuse Christ and the Christian community won’t accept me if I continue to hold my Jewish bloodline in reverence and deny the Jewish faith
    I have isolated to dismiss the hateful views on both sides but I know this also is incorrect

    • @adeliaesperanza6537
      @adeliaesperanza6537 Před měsícem +2

      @@user-ws3zh9zh8q you should stand proud of your bloodline and the faith that you have found in the Messiah. There is no distinction between gentile and a Jew when you accept your Savior YESHUA Baruch hashem

    • @HerbertPrince
      @HerbertPrince Před měsícem +1

      Brother, it gets better, so hold on to what you have and keep pressing forward. Hopefully soon, all of Israel and the rest of us will know our Messiah when He returns ! He will teach Torah to all of us. 🖖

  • @FormVoltron
    @FormVoltron Před měsícem +1

    Circumcision is doing the Law and Paul said don’t do that! Period! It was not a condemnation or judgement but a requirement of the Law.
    Paul also said not to let anyone judge you in whether you keep Holy days or Sabbath’s or New Moon, what we eat or don’t eat because many Jewish converts were trying to force the Gentiles to do all the above…and then some.
    This is the reason they accused the Apostle Paul over and over again of preaching and teaching against the Law. That being they truly never understood the Gospel to begin with or what the Lord Jesus brought in the New Covenant.
    The Word’s of God that Israel was commanded to hear and obey through the One that God promised through Moses that would eventually come to Israel is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    If the Law was what Jesus Christ was going to instruct His followers to remain under it was already given in the Old Covenant and there would have been no need of further information/instructions.
    Also the Apostle Paul would not have commanded his followers to not obey the Law of circumcision or say that his followers may eat anything or eat a certain diet or celebrate the Holy days or not, as their conscience leads them to be convinced.
    Neither would God have given Peter the command to kill and eat what was forbidden to Jews in the vision. Which had to do with fellowshipping with Gentile believers. That included entering their home, staying with them for a few days, eating and drinking their food which is why Peter had to defend himself against the Jewish converts that argued with him about doing such.
    It is also why the Apostles Paul and Peter had an argument when believers from Jerusalem came on the scene and the Apostle Peter stopped eating and drinking with the Gentiles because the Jewish converts still believed that they were under the Law.
    The Lord Jesus makes it perfectly clear that we are to obey His commands as He obeyed the Law of God the Father!
    John 15:10 (GNT)
    If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love.
    And the Apostle Paul made the same distinction here……
    1 Corinthians 9:19-20 AMP
    [19] For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to everyone, so that I may win more [for Christ]. [20] To the Jews I became as a Jew, so that I might win Jews [for Christ]; to men under the Law, [I became] as one under the Law, though not being under the Law myself, so that I might win those who are under the Law.
    And the Lord Jesus grew up and lived under the Old Covenant so of course He taught the Law. It would have been sin not to obey and teach it under the Old Covenant.
    The New Covenant began after His death and resurrection.
    So we are to obey the Gospel of Christ as the Apostle Paul said which does not violate, but fulfills what God truly desired His people to encompass under the Old Covenant.
    Which is??
    Matthew 12:7 (CSB)
    If you had known what this means, I desire mercy and not sacrifice, you would not have condemned the innocent.
    Matthew 9:13 KJV
    But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
    The parable of the good Samaritan is the desire of God’s heart.
    All of this is summed up right here….
    Romans 13:10 AMPC
    Love does no wrong to one's neighbor [it never hurts anybody]. Therefore love meets all the requirements and is the fulfilling of the Law.
    Galatians 5:2-6 KJV
    [2] Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. [3] For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. [4] Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. [5] For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. [6] For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.

    • @WayofYahushua
      @WayofYahushua Před měsícem +1

      Praying Yahuah opens your eyes and heart to his Way.

    • @FormVoltron
      @FormVoltron Před měsícem

      He did! It’s called the Gospel!
      It’s the New Covenant that was promised long ago by God through Moses, concerning the One that was to come. And that is Jesus Christ and His Gospel.
      His Gospel is the Word of God that God told Israel through Moses, would be in His mouth.
      The Apostle Peter admitted that neither they nor their ancestors had been able to keep the Law outside of the sacrificial system, representing the future fulfillment of the work of Jesus Christ, which revealed the FAITH of the Old Testament “Righteous” which was accepted by God the Father.
      Acts 15:10-11 AMP
      [10] Now then, why are you testing God by placing a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we have been able to endure? [11] But we believe that we are saved through the [precious, undeserved] grace of the Lord Jesus [which makes us free of the guilt of sin and grants us eternal life], in just the same way as they are."
      But it is clear that after 2 thousand years absolutely nothing has changed.

    • @volugebrands8659
      @volugebrands8659 Před měsícem +1

      You are no longer under the penalties of breaking the law but the law still remains.
      If the law is “done away with” then go lie, go steal something, go commit adultery, go worship another God, go break the sabbath (Matthew 24:20/Hebrews4)

    • @FormVoltron
      @FormVoltron Před měsícem +1

      Paul did not say the Law was done away with but rather we have died to the Law in death with Christ.
      To be reborn you must first die!
      And just as a woman that is married to her husband the Law applies, she cannot marry another husband while he is alive. But when her husband die’s, she is no longer under the constraint of the Law and may marry another.
      That is how the followers of Jesus Christ have died to the Law in Christ. And now?
      We are free to obey His Gospel.
      Which by the way, dose not violate what the Law stands for in any way. The Gospel is given by the same God, come in the flesh. Nevertheless, Christ told us to OBEY HIS commands EVEN as HE obeyed GOD the FATHER’S (LAW).
      That is ALSO how God’s people have moved into the NEW Covenant and OUT of the OLD Covenant.
      Do you not understand that you cannot dwell in two marriage covenant’s at the same time?
      And NO ONE is FREE from the CONSEQUENCES of living in REBELLION against GOD! Not in the Old Covenant and not in the New Covenant either. If so, why did the Lord Jesus warn us over and over again about not falling away from Him, or say that sinners will not enter into the Kingdom?
      The Apostle Paul makes all those things perfectly clear as well as informing God’s people that they have died to the Old Covenant and dwell in a New Covenant.
      So it is ridiculous for you to say…..
      “Well, go sin if you want to.”
      You really do not understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
      And neither did the Jewish religious leaders that put the Lord to death or many of the converts in the church of Jerusalem. That is why they said that the Apostle Paul preached and taught against the Law.
      They did not understand the truth and many today are in the exact same boat.

    • @volugebrands8659
      @volugebrands8659 Před měsícem

      You want to know something I’m circumcised.
      Does that mean I’m a trying to be justified by the law?? Because I don’t want additional skin in that area??
      You completely taken Paul’s words out of context.
      He said we cannot be justified by the law. Because we all have committed intentional sin, there was no sacrifice for intentional sin, only for unintentional sin.
      We dont keep the law to gain salvation. We keep the law because it’s the only way we know that we have sinned against God.
      If I’m not mistaking yeshua said it himself “I did not come to abolish the law. I have come to fulfill.”
      “Manny people will say to me. Lord lord did we not prophesy in your name. I will say depart you WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS”

  • @fetohephzibah-bondservanto4862

    “The inward man (spiritual man/new self/new creation/new nature) versus the outward man (the foreskin/the flesh and blood/old self/old nature)”
    The Body of Christ represents the bodies of each member of his One Body. Christ was born of a woman or thru human birth and became flesh, and so are the members of his Body. Because of human birth Christ died, because of the outward man or the flesh which is an image of the serpent. But Christ rose from the dead because of the Breath of GOD who created a new man inside that body of flesh. The inward man was born thru the Breath of GOD while the outward man was born thru human birth.
    The inward man is the Christ who is the image of the invisible GOD, while the outward man is the antichrist who is the image of the serpent. The Ruler of Christ is the Voice of GOD while the ruler of the antichrist is the serpent. Both Christ and antichrist are one body but has many members.
    As a member of the One Body of Christ, my outward man is already dead. I am now the inward man who was born when GOD breathed to me His WORD, when I accepted the WORD that HE revealed to me. His WORD is now the Ruler of my soul. This outward man, the seen flesh, is only my temporary dwelling until the first resurrection happens, when the Body of Christ will be revealed. The whole Body who proclaim the Name of the LORD, who proclaim the Words of GOD.
    All human flesh, without the Breath of GOD, is doom to destruction. Because the human flesh is the image of the serpent which will be destroyed forever. You must be born again in Spirit. Your outward man must be killed with the Sword, with the Words of GOD, so that an inward man will be born. In Matthew 24:40, it says that two men will be in the field, one man will be taken and one man will be left. Only those who have the inward man will escape the soon coming Wrath of GOD while the outward man will be left and will receive the fierceness of GOD’s Wrath. Only those who have the inward man will enter the Promise Land, because this is the only kind of body which will be multiplied as many as the stars in heaven, just like what GOD promised to Abraham.
    Are you part of the inward man or the outward man? Are you part of the One Body of Christ or a part of the one body of the antichrist. Did you received the Words which brings life or you stayed in the words of death of your flesh. The time is ticking. GOD is not slow in His promise as some count slowness, but HE is patient towards His people, that they should not perish. But if you still continue to do in your old evil ways following the beast, even after hearing the Words of TRUTH, you will also be destroyed. GOD will only preseve the inward man and will destroy the outward man. The time is at hand! Maranatha!
    All praises, all honor and all glory belong to the One and True Living GOD alone, forever and ever! Amen and Amen!
    Colossians (Col)‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬ ‭CJB‬‬
    13 You were dead because of your sins, that is, because of your “foreskin,” your old nature. But God made you alive along with the Messiah by forgiving you all your sins.
    Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
    9 Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices, and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him-”
    2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬-‭17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    ‭‭16 Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

  • @Lael1
    @Lael1 Před měsícem

    How many times that's right and yes was mumbled in response to almost all of Monte's sentences was a bit much

    • @Old-Path
      @Old-Path Před měsícem +3

      "We dont see the world as it is, We see it as we are"