This Place Has A Dark Past (German Nazi Death Camp) Auschwitz

  • čas přidán 2. 02. 2023
  • In this video I am located in a town called Oświęcim which is located in southern Poland. This town is mostly known for the Memorial and Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau, a former WWII concentration and extermination camp with ruins and preserved gas chambers. This is a place with a dark history. During Word War II Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime murdered over 1 million people. Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician who was dictator of Germany from 1933 until his death in 1945. Auschwitz concentration camp was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II and the Holocaust. It was the largest of the German Nazi concentration camps and extermination centre's. In the past over 1.1 million men, women and children lost their lives here at the Nazi death camp. It consisted of Auschwitz I, the main camp (Stammlager) in Oświęcim; Auschwitz II-Birkenau, a concentration and extermination camp with gas chambers; Auschwitz III-Monowitz, a labor camp for the chemical conglomerate and dozens of subcamps. The camps became a major site of the Nazis' final solution to the Jewish question.
    In May 1940, German criminals brought to the camp as functionaries, established the camp's reputation for sadism. Prisoners were beaten, tortured, and executed for the most trivial reasons. The first gassings-of Soviet and Polish prisoners-took place in block 11 of Auschwitz I around August 1941. Construction of Auschwitz II began the following month, and from 1942 until late 1944 freight trains delivered Jews from all over German-occupied Europe to its gas chambers. Of the 1.3 million people sent to Auschwitz, 1.1 million were murdered. The number of victims includes 960,000 Jews (865,000 of whom were gassed on arrival), 74,000 ethnic Poles, 21,000 Roma, 15,000 Soviet prisoners of war, and up to 15,000 other Europeans. Those not gassed were murdered via starvation, exhaustion, disease, individual executions, or beatings. Others were killed during medical experiments. As the Soviet Red Army approached Auschwitz in January 1945, toward the end of the war, the SS sent most of the camp's population west on a death march to camps inside Germany and Austria. Soviet troops entered the camp on 27 January 1945.
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Komentáře • 1,4K

  • @AndreTraveler
    @AndreTraveler  Před rokem +915


    • @fan_Tomasza
      @fan_Tomasza Před rokem +43

      German Nazi Death Camp. Remember. Cos some people trying false history speaking Polish Death Camp cos this camp build in Poland. Yes, in attacked Poland. Who build? Garman nazis (I dont sey everybody German people being nazis in this old day. Not everybody)

    • @isiahmaliklevantezimmerman6570
      @isiahmaliklevantezimmerman6570 Před rokem +3

      @@fan_Tomasza When exactly did someone tried to fake the camp's history? Can you name some examples?

    • @fan_Tomasza
      @fan_Tomasza Před rokem +14

      @@isiahmaliklevantezimmerman6570 Yes of corse. Please write in wikipedia - "Polish death camp" controversy . Here is write about this 👍

    • @isiahmaliklevantezimmerman6570
      @isiahmaliklevantezimmerman6570 Před rokem +4

      @@fan_Tomasza I see that now. But shoudn't Poles focus more on cultivating the memory of their own people who died in such camps, rather than this paranoia?

    • @leeandrew8987
      @leeandrew8987 Před rokem

      Watching from england mate

  • @ColonelRoseru
    @ColonelRoseru Před rokem +4466

    Thanks for outlining that it was German, too many people think it was Polish since the German built it on Polish land when they occupied it.

    • @sunderark
      @sunderark Před rokem +90

      Nobody really thinks it's Polish?

    • @marcguidetti3081
      @marcguidetti3081 Před rokem +118

      Dude no one on earth thinks it was Poland's fault, everyone knows it was the fault of the Nazi Krauts, so stop playing the victim

    • @izaa_a1222
      @izaa_a1222 Před rokem

      @@marcguidetti3081 then you have probably never seen uneducated people or those who spread propaganda. Fortunately, such people are becoming less and less, greetings

    • @expectopatronuum452
      @expectopatronuum452 Před rokem

      @@marcguidetti3081 dude there is literally a comment saying that it's also Polish fault in comments above, sadly there are such idiots

    • @marcguidetti3081
      @marcguidetti3081 Před rokem

      @@expectopatronuum452 blaming the Poles for what the Nazi Krauts did during WW2 is unbelievably stupid, that would be like blaming the Greeks for the Romans destroying and genociding Carthage. in other words 100% historically inaccurate and totally retarded

  • @michaskrzecz9761
    @michaskrzecz9761 Před rokem +2525

    you have no idea, how important is to name that German Nazi , not only Nazi and speccialy not "polish death camp" big respect to you Andre, you are true.

    • @adam_zs8292
      @adam_zs8292 Před rokem +21

      Man you got it right out of my mouth.👍

    • @adolfmaotsestalin8753
      @adolfmaotsestalin8753 Před rokem +18

      Over three million Jews died in Poland and Poles will not be the heirs of Polish Jews. We will never allow it (…) They will hear about it from us as long as Poland exists. If Poland does not meet the demands of the Jews, it will be "publicly attacked and humiliated" on the international forum. " Israel Singer secretary general of Jewish World Congress

    • @adam_zs8292
      @adam_zs8292 Před rokem +30

      @@adolfmaotsestalin8753 That shows their true intensions,alas.

    • @2MinuteHockey
      @2MinuteHockey Před rokem

      Germans to Polaks did this
      Poland WAS the Jewish capital of the world and the most tolerant country in Europe until it's barbaric neighbors changed that

    • @borowikrzulty1815
      @borowikrzulty1815 Před rokem

      @@adolfmaotsestalin8753 That's not true at all but we can talk with them if they stop exterminating Palestinians and will end up with occupation of their country. If they won't do that we are not willing to speak with terrorists and murderers.

  • @Gelawion
    @Gelawion Před rokem +2280

    Nazi Germans camp Andre, thanks to you for speaking the truth.

    • @ahoj4480
      @ahoj4480 Před rokem +25

      nobody is lying abut that place

    • @patykwwh9308
      @patykwwh9308 Před rokem +2

      @@ahoj4480 Some German say that the camps were "polish"

    • @llamuseq5272
      @llamuseq5272 Před rokem

      @@Attila_14 Only nazis are talking this

    • @RossoNero1987
      @RossoNero1987 Před rokem +81

      @@ahoj4480 some people do

    • @isiahmaliklevantezimmerman6570
      @isiahmaliklevantezimmerman6570 Před rokem +38

      @@RossoNero1987 yeah but it actually hurts me more that more people care about calling these camps German, than calling their victims Polish or Slavic. Almost no one talks about how they were the victims in these camps, everyone focuses on the Hebrew people.

  • @rafalus87
    @rafalus87 Před rokem +447

    Brawo dla tego pana! Nazywa rzeczy po imieniu! To były niemieckie obozy zagłady, a nie polskie jak głoszą niektóre kłamliwe źródła. W tych obozach ginęli nie tylko Żydzi, ale też Cyganie, Polacy czy Rosjanie.

    • @bobsonq3Elite
      @bobsonq3Elite Před rokem +22

      Śmieszy mnie jak się mówi o zmarłych żydach w obozach... To co oni nie mieli wtedy narodowości? Nie ma takiego narodu jak żyd i większość z nich miała polskie obywatelstwo więc zginęli tam Polacy a nie jacys Żydzi

    • @rafalus87
      @rafalus87 Před rokem

      @@bobsonq3Elite istnieje hipoteza, że zdecydowana większość tych Żydów, którzy po wojnie uciekli do Izraela miała sporo na sumieniu. Uciekli przed wymiarem sprawiedliwości głównie byli członkowie żydowskiej policji kappo, którzy swych własnych braci w wierze zapędzali do bydlęcych wagonów, a następnie do komór gazowych - współpracowali z Niemcami żeby ochronić własną skórę. Niektórzy, co poszli do partyzantki mordowali Bogu ducha winnych mieszkańców polskich wsi, w tym kobiety i dzieci. Dzisiaj to głównie tacy ludzie oczerniają Polskę i Polaków na arenie międzynarodowej. Póki żyli jeszcze bezpośredni świadkowie tamtych wydarzeń (np Władysław Szpilman) dementowali tego typu oszczerstwa. Teraz trwa to w najlepsze niestety.

    • @artcia3186
      @artcia3186 Před rokem

      @@bobsonq3Elite byli jednocześnie Polakami i Żydami, ale w obozach zginęli też Żydzi przywiezieni przez Niemców z innych krajów europejskich.

    • @TheShadoou
      @TheShadoou Před rokem

      @@bobsonq3Elite Nazistowskie Niemcy uważali Żydów za źródło problemów świata i nie miała tu znaczenia ich narodowość. Żydzi jako tako nie mieli wtedy swojego miejsca, które mogli nazywać swoją ojczyzną, byli rozsiani po całym świecie, choć oczywiście nie wszędzie byli mile widziani. W Polsce relatywnie bezpiecznie się czuli, stąd dużo Żydów przybyło przed wojną do naszego kraju, uciekając przed represjami w innych miejscach. W obozach ginęli nie tylko Żydzi, ale to oni byli głównym celem i specjalnie dla nich wymyślono sposoby hurtowej eksterminacji tzw. "rozwiązanie kwestii żydowskiej". Polacy też nie ginęli tylko dlatego, że byli Polakami, a dlatego że Słowianie jako całość etniczna byli uważani przez nazistów za podludzi, którzy w przyszłości mieli zostać zastąpieni przez Aryjczyków. Trzeba być ignorantem, by stwierdzić, że nie ginęli tam Żydzi, a tylko Polacy.

    • @RogFrog397
      @RogFrog397 Před rokem +23

      @@bobsonq3Elite to, że nie mieli państwa nie znaczy, że nie byli narodem, po prostu żyli w rozproszeniu na całym świecie, analogicznie Polacy byli narodem mimo, że nie mieli państwa do 1918.

  • @paradoksalnie2348
    @paradoksalnie2348 Před rokem +729

    Fajnie ze pokazałeś. Niech świat zobaczy jak to dziś wygląda. Pozdrawiam.

    • @marysiamikulska1093
      @marysiamikulska1093 Před rokem

      o czym ? o tej propagandzie żydowskiej nienawiści do Polaków ? powielanie żydowskich bredni by ci mogli w Palestynie , grabić, mordować i gwałcić kobiety, dzieci i starców ? W dobie powszechnej wiedzy i internetu aż boli rozum taka skala prymitywnej głupoty.

    • @UltraRambo
      @UltraRambo Před rokem +1


    • @kontanek988
      @kontanek988 Před rokem +3

      byłem tam

    • @piescwichru4414
      @piescwichru4414 Před rokem +38

      @@UltraRambo google translate exist bro

    • @Wzejun
      @Wzejun Před rokem +4

      @@UltraRambo nie

  • @otkaczalkawariatka
    @otkaczalkawariatka Před rokem +71

    Thank you for indicating that it was German nazi camp. I'm from Poland and it really hurts when so many people claim it was Polish only because Germans built it on our land. My country was a victim of this barbarians and we struggle with the consequences up to this day.

  • @Squemee
    @Squemee Před rokem +411

    Bardzo podobała mi się Twoja powaga do tego materiału.. jest to straszne miejsce, muszę się tam wybrać pozdrawiam Polaków moich kochanych i Ciebie Andre

    • @uszak84
      @uszak84 Před rokem +11

      Racja. Szacunek. Często tam bywam służbowo i widzę że niestety wielu zwiedzających zachowuje się jakby byli w lunaparku. Przykry jest taki widok, dlatego szacunek za powagę i zrozumienie.

    • @hoxton7056
      @hoxton7056 Před rokem +7

      @@uszak84 niestety w barakach gdzie mieszkali więźniowie są popisane ściany, drewna typu " Jarek tu był " " XDD " zapewne wycieczka szkolna tam była i nie uszanowała takiego miejsca... szkoda bo jak byłem i to widziałem to mi się serce załamało, że mimo tamtejszej tragedii ludzkiej młodzież nie potrafiła uszanować takiego miejsca...

    • @chimerameduza
      @chimerameduza Před rokem

      Ja nie jestem w stanie przekroczyć bram tego niemieckiego obozu śmierci. ☠️🇩🇪
      Nie wiem, dlaczego tak mam.

    • @zmeczoneoczyjackaopor3612
      @zmeczoneoczyjackaopor3612 Před rokem +3

      @@hoxton7056 podczas mojego dzieciństwa nie bylo żadnych tagów, ale pokolenie 2000 wrzód na dupie społeczeństwa

    • @hoxton7056
      @hoxton7056 Před rokem +1

      @@zmeczoneoczyjackaopor3612 Ja jestem 2000 rocznik ;d ale mi nigdy do głowy by nie przyszło żeby tam cos pisać, malować

  • @ameliaharris6679
    @ameliaharris6679 Před rokem +5

    Andre, this's still fresh. This can never be forgotten. This's a very big lesson for all word leaders. I'm wishing from Liberia 🇱🇷

  • @TheTupi4able
    @TheTupi4able Před rokem +155

    My Grand grandfather was in Auschwitz, fortunately he survived it to tell the story. He was also a part of the Resistance (AK), before going there. Much respect, and thank you for covering the topic.

    • @wachcik8311
      @wachcik8311 Před rokem +3

      Can you tell this story?

    • @Maymusha
      @Maymusha Před rokem +3

      Yeah I wondered too can you tell his story ?

    • @TheTupi4able
      @TheTupi4able Před rokem +10

      Don't know the details, as I haven't met him - my grandfather told me some bits, but he was a messenger for Polish resistance, and was caught by Germans on one of his trips. He lived in Chorzów, which is in Silesia region aswell as Oświęcim, where the camp is located and he got sent there. He lived through the horrors of Auschwitz from 1940 to 1945 and he got his freedom back when the camp was freed by the communists - pretty much all i know.

    • @TheFifhtEye
      @TheFifhtEye Před rokem +3

      @@TheTupi4able It's amazing how similar are the stories of our grandfathers. My grandfather was - just like yours - a messenger for the AK (łącznik) in Warsaw. He was in the "Kryska" grouping, absorbed by the "Radosław" battalion after the Warsaw's Downtown fell in the uprising. After the Uprising he was sent to Auschwitz where he spent a month to be later transferred to the Flossenburg Death Camp. He survived by sheer luck (he contracted typhoid just before the Germans evacced the camp because the US Army was advancing to their positions, so they left him for dead but the US troopes found him and managed to rescue him). The only difference between us in fact is that I was lucky enough to meet him and spend many years with him and so I had a chance to write his memoirs.
      All the best, brother

    • @TheTupi4able
      @TheTupi4able Před rokem

      @@TheFifhtEye Pozdrowienia, niestety mój pradziadek nie żył już kiedy przyszedłem na świat, ale pamięć o bohaterach pozostanie na zawsze w sercu. Dużo zdrówka.

  • @NDRain
    @NDRain Před rokem +217

    Szefie dobrze że zaznaczyłeś czyje były te obozy. Pozdrawiam !

  • @arturjakubik2766
    @arturjakubik2766 Před rokem +108

    Super ! Nesmíme zapomínat na zvěrstvá nacistů - NĚMECKÝCH ! ! !

  • @MordeKajzer
    @MordeKajzer Před rokem +84

    Bardzo szanuję cię za powagę podczas tego materiału pozdrawiam cię Andre

  • @tomaszlepiochin3697
    @tomaszlepiochin3697 Před rokem +105

    André, My name is Tom. I'm Polish living in UK. I just wanted to thank you in the name of Pols, for showing this sad place in Poland, just you didn't forget to name of the Nation who's responsible for those Tragedy... Thanks André.

  • @dr00g35
    @dr00g35 Před rokem +260

    I was there during my school trip (am Czech btw). Really strong and sad atmosphere. It makes you think and remember the atrocities of human on human violence. I remember holding back tears when we walked through a particular section of the camp. Horrible. Also there was a group of Jewish people walking around with Israel flags. Cool video André, hope more people will visit this place.

    • @patrykstarfish274
      @patrykstarfish274 Před rokem +9

      Nazist also done many cruel things to your Country.

    • @dr00g35
      @dr00g35 Před rokem +8

      @@patrykstarfish274 Yes, like what happened in Lidice for example.

    • @wisnia367
      @wisnia367 Před rokem +1

      Tam zginęło więcej Polaków niż Żydów i pierwszymi ofiarami byli Polacy Rumuni Czesi Bułgarzy

    • @logiic8835
      @logiic8835 Před rokem +5

      Why zionist have to bring their flag

    • @patrykstarfish274
      @patrykstarfish274 Před rokem +1

      @Dr00g yes what happend there showing how insane this MotherFcker was.
      They was a disease of society

  • @zeddos
    @zeddos Před rokem +187

    Everyone should visit this place atleast once in their life. To understand.

    • @walsjell
      @walsjell Před rokem

      to understan what? jews are doing the same thing today to palestine and palestne ppl! and world give a S! the same with the red sickness from russia! how many slavs were killed by this ideology? and what ? NOTHING! russian like this red sickness!

    • @kinginigo8007
      @kinginigo8007 Před rokem +8

      I agree 🙌🏼

    • @Smutnomir
      @Smutnomir Před rokem

      Or watch Gore videos from the third world

    • @thehuntermikipl1170
      @thehuntermikipl1170 Před rokem +1


    • @halfmaul2095
      @halfmaul2095 Před rokem +6

      Everyone should know that it is German,not Polish death camp.

  • @igloohq6300
    @igloohq6300 Před rokem +82

    Very sad place😭

  • @izaa_a1222
    @izaa_a1222 Před rokem +91

    right, the victims deserve a lot of respect, thank you for the serious and wise material and calling it a "german death camp" because it's true!

    • @agatastaniak7459
      @agatastaniak7459 Před rokem

      Germans simply nowadays don't know it, since Germany thinks yong minds are "too sensitive to learn about such atrocities". This is why if anyone in Germany who knows about them learns this during university studies in history. Yes, true story. How I got to learn this? From the history of a German graduate in histroy studies who only learned that " Nazi camps" where German Nazi camps and that some of them were actually based in Poland right before she applied to do a Phd in history of Holocaust and WWII. And this is how and why she decided to do her research and part of her Phd in Poland. As for Polish people, Poland was a nation of vicitms of this German idea that modern day youth is too sensitive too stomache. And somehow when I was a kid and in 6th class of primary school nobody has said about me being "too young an too sensitive" to have to visit this place in the middle of winter and I still vividly recall getting sick while hearing stories about people being taken outside of such premises in winter completely naked, tortured with pooring icy cold water on them and keeping them listening to some longish speach of a German officer and after this hoping to eat some grass that maybe somehow survived somewhere around the buildings. So for me, no wonder nobody in modern day Germany does not want anyone inside or outside of Germany to call it " Germany Nazi camps based in Poland" but rather simply " Nazi camps" or " Nazi camps in Poland". To my family it will always remain what it really historically was " German Nazi camps based in Poland". But no, it was not Polish idea. All nations have suffered there, if Germans themselves. Polish, Jewish, disabled people, gay people, mentally ill people, gypsies, socialists of all ethnicities. Anyone who in accordance with Hitler's idea of the perfect nation had no chance to ever be considered worthy of survival or who could not be turned into an avid supporter of his pure germanic blood white supremacy ideal of a true German citizen. And it's good that people like Andre visit such places. Learning about such places should make people realize why Poland unlike Russia does not support the idea of offensive wars and only chooses to fight defensive wars and why nothing is more further from the truth that thinking that majority of Polish people is racists. Poland got a morderous lesson in cruelty of the white supremacy concept from Nazi Germany times and have never forgotten about. Unlike Germans, we pass on knowledge about over the generations. And yes, this is why Polish people are allergic to tyranny and cruelty but show it in a different way than more fashionable and soft-spoken Western discurse of political corectness. We simply have our own history and our own traditions around such things. As for other places lieks this, Pomorska 2 in Kraków has equally dark history and what very few people know where modern day buildings in Nowa Huta are yes, there also was a German Nazi camp based in Poland but levelled due to decisions of Russian communist regime controling post-war creation of this district. As for other things, near Łódź there also was such camps only for kids, Małe Auschwitz- Little Auschwitz, very famous for its cruelty and post-war trial of its female superviser, probably one of the most cruel females living in Nazi Germany occupied Poland back then. Only why to survive that Little Auschwitz was being old enough to be transferred to some other camp, since even actual Auschwitz for adults was much better. So much for this stories I know from my relatives.

  • @matyasblaha5478
    @matyasblaha5478 Před rokem +22

    Visiting Auschwitz is one of my goals. The story behind this place should never be forgotten. Thank you, André

  • @karolinas9966
    @karolinas9966 Před rokem +22

    Thank you for saying tru. Greatings from Poland 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱

  • @ximhigh523
    @ximhigh523 Před rokem +10

    Im from Germany and think that this video is very important. Sure lot of things changed in Germany, but this horrible place stays in our mind. What our Grandparents or Grand grandparents did. is unforgiveble, but that is why we have to speak about it so it never happens again.

  • @traf7099
    @traf7099 Před rokem +29

    Lubię osoby które szanują powagę w takich miejscach

  • @arctickunno
    @arctickunno Před rokem +12

    I really respect you because of your behavior inside of the camp. Many people don't understand the frightening history of this place and treat it like an amusement park.

  • @fluzzerr
    @fluzzerr Před rokem +59

    It's weird. I've been on youtube for almost 14 years and watched all kinds of videos but I really enjoy your simple videos the most. Just walking around exploring a foreign country and eating some of their food is, visiting their villages is really relaxing to watch. Wish you the best.

  • @brodauk
    @brodauk Před rokem +99

    Dziękuję za ten film. To jest bardzo ważne dla przyszłych pokoleń. Niestety świat wie więcej o murze Berlińskim i o tym jak Niemcom było z tym ciężko a mało o tym obozie w Polsce który nie był Polski

    • @eurobeat_enjoyer
      @eurobeat_enjoyer Před rokem

      Well, Berlin wall is more recent and there are more people alive who remember this than WW2. But we shouldn't forget neither of these. Both were horrible regimes

  • @kihot6201
    @kihot6201 Před rokem +39

    Andre dziekuje ci ze pokazałeś innym jak wygląda ten Niemiecki obóz koncentracyjny!!!

  • @Wojtek_Ch
    @Wojtek_Ch Před rokem +22

    Byłem tam kiedyś na wyjeździe ze szkoły, pamiętam że była tam też grupa Żydów, też uczniów w podobnym wieku.
    Jak oni się tam zachowywali...
    Heheszki, robienie sobie fotek, przeskakiwanie obiektów bo nie chciało im się czegoś obejść niczym dzieci przechodzące przez płot na skróty.
    Normalnie czułem wstyd patrząc na to mimo, że w tym nie uczestniczyłem.

    • @halfmaul2095
      @halfmaul2095 Před rokem

      Żydzi są jednym z głównych ośrodków myśli liberalnych i lewicowych we współczesnym świecie. Okropnym jest, że ginęli tam ludzie ale akurat narodu żydowskiego mi za cholerę nie szkoda (nie mówię o zwykłych ludziach którzy trafili tam bo Hitler ich nie polubił)

    • @TheSpimpero
      @TheSpimpero Před rokem +4

      To ja z kolei widziałem wycieczkę Żydów, którzy nie byli wstanie tam wytrzymać. Męczyli się strasznie w tym miejscu, płakali i krzyczeli.. bardzo ich to dotykało..

    • @halfmaul2095
      @halfmaul2095 Před rokem

      @@TheSpimpero Fajnie, spotkałeś rzadkich przedstawicieli tej okropnej rasy

  • @jehovovovo
    @jehovovovo Před rokem +66

    Do Osvětimi jsem se dostal jako slepej k houslím, na střední škole jsme dělali maturitní projekt 3D model tábora pro muzeum v Osvětimi. Jeli jsme tam na prohlídku aby jsme vše viděli, dokonce nás pustili i do budov které jsou normálně zavřené a nikdo tam od války na nic nešáhl - až tam člověk zažil tu pravou atmosféru kde mu šel mráz po zádech. Poškrábané zdi a různé čmárance na nich, palandy nahňácené úplně na sobě všude špína... Silný žážitek.

    • @mastermasterra7047
      @mastermasterra7047 Před rokem

      Since the war? No, when Stalinism appeared in Poland, Auschwitz was used to kill people who were against communism. This was abandoned after Stalin's death

  • @Ewa.Z
    @Ewa.Z Před rokem +19

    I was there when I was little and I also saw personal items stolen from prisoners. I'm not sure if they are still shown to public, but at that time they were. There were piles of glasses, purses, shoes... And there were also piles of hair, which Nazis used to produce fabrics. And those fabrics were displayed as well. All of that was really creepy and I'm not sure if I should have been taken there at that age. Thank you for this film, this point in our history was tragic and it should be remembered, so we don't do it again.

    • @pati6015
      @pati6015 Před rokem +2

      Te przedmioty nadal sa ale w muzeum auschwitz,tam gdzie jest ta charakterystyczna brama z napisem arbeit macht frei i zwoedza sie rozne bloki itp

    • @azjatysalceson
      @azjatysalceson Před rokem

      Byłem tam w wieku 15lat. Dla mnie też za wcześnie, w ogóle nie ruszyło mnie to co się tam działo, cieszyłem się z wolnego od lekcji..

    • @pati6015
      @pati6015 Před rokem

      @@azjatysalceson faktycznie to za wczesnie..chociaz mysle ,ze duzo tez zalezy od podejscia..niektórzy dorosli zachowuja sie gorzej od nastolatkow i traktuja to jak wycieczke do disneylandu..

  • @kamilsz6748
    @kamilsz6748 Před rokem +33

    Respect for this place for these people. 🥲 We will never forget R.I.P Thank you for showing such an important place for Poles

  • @patshes1951
    @patshes1951 Před rokem +67

    Horrible memory's left behind by the Germans.

    • @bartomiejm1898
      @bartomiejm1898 Před rokem

      Left? Hahaha so just why they never pay reparations for Poland?

  • @walbrzych9975
    @walbrzych9975 Před rokem +11

    Very respectfully done Andre,

  • @SigynRegn
    @SigynRegn Před rokem +6

    Thank you for visiting this place and sharing our history in proper way. You're a good person.

    • @AndreTraveler
      @AndreTraveler  Před rokem +5

      I appreciate that

    • @TheGuy-vz3km
      @TheGuy-vz3km Před rokem

      If it was in a really proper way and true way he could have been in jail by now. Too too many times this lie was told to muggles.

    • @johnramos8703
      @johnramos8703 Před rokem

      @@TheGuy-vz3km are you ok ? Do you believe the men you interact withy on 4chan want what’s best for you ?

  • @denislempart2455
    @denislempart2455 Před rokem +12

    I am Polish and I want to tell you - Thank you

  • @icekhali9328
    @icekhali9328 Před rokem +8

    Thank you for sayin the truth. Because It's not a polish camp. The germany killed my great-grandmother. My grandparents remember everything and they lost many friends in this camp. My grandmother (she is the only one who is still alive) is still shaking when she hears german language. This is history, but I know that everything what they have is only because they robbed us. The war teached polish people a lot and I am very proud of my ancestors because they won our freedom and the truth is that no one has such a terrible war history as we do.

  • @kamilm.7650
    @kamilm.7650 Před rokem +15

    it is very important that you gave the real name of the camp. much respect for that

  • @arturmachnik4657
    @arturmachnik4657 Před rokem +16

    Grate Work Bro, sad place 😢

  • @PawelGlab-dx3ml
    @PawelGlab-dx3ml Před rokem +5

    Thank u for this Andre BIG RESPECT 💪🏿🇵🇱♥️

  • @eloine8087
    @eloine8087 Před rokem

    Thank you for your visit Andre :) Greetings from Poland!

  • @ziemianin4987
    @ziemianin4987 Před rokem +1

    Thank you André for this video. For showing people how it looked.

  • @dsoctober1804
    @dsoctober1804 Před rokem +4

    2 things about prisoners' "life" in those barracks I would like to bring up:
    1. a quote from an old book on this subject "The real hunger is when you look at another person as a food."
    2. Those pyjamas-like clothes were ALL that they had so they would put sand and cement ment for "work" inside them for thermal isolation.
    Thank you so much for stressing that the camp was German. It really means a lot to me as a descendant of people who's lives were deeply affected by this horror.

  • @marcincieg3381
    @marcincieg3381 Před rokem +5

    I remember when I was a kid I was there for a school trip. Still remembering the elderly woman being carried by the small track by some guys. She was crying describing things to the others. The was like 90 years old

  • @bartekwu7082
    @bartekwu7082 Před rokem +2

    Great channel my friend, hope you enjoy Poland

  • @gia248
    @gia248 Před rokem +2

    As a child I went there, I do not remember how old I was but I thought it was the worse trip I ever had it has a huge impact on my health, I remember crying a lot and couldn't sleep for weeks.

  • @martalisowskaa8457
    @martalisowskaa8457 Před rokem +4

    I'm from Poland, thank you very much for calling Auschwitz a German camp in Poland, not a Polish camp, it's still a tragic mistake in the world, especially since many Poles died there, as well as many other nationalities who, according to the Germans, were not a race above people ❤️ love from Poland

  • @kaqu1607
    @kaqu1607 Před rokem +30

    Poland always Remember and take only true 💔

    • @Valik-ez4cq
      @Valik-ez4cq Před rokem +5

      sadly Polish people forgot, look at Bandera goverment in Ukraine.

    • @karl-heinzgrabowski3022
      @karl-heinzgrabowski3022 Před rokem

      @@Valik-ez4cq "Bandera government" with a jewish man as the head of state? Nonsense

    • @llamuseq5272
      @llamuseq5272 Před rokem +4

      @@Valik-ez4cq What? Bandera gov?

    • @Valik-ez4cq
      @Valik-ez4cq Před rokem

      @@karl-heinzgrabowski3022 I meant Kiev goverment supports Bandera movement, the man which sided with nazis and is responsible for killing over 100k polish people.
      lot of UA soldiers wearing openly nazi patches, bandera flags. then you got Azov, Kraken, Right sector, all of them recognized as neo nazis by west. Azov almost got recognized as terrorist group by USA.
      Lot of high ranking politicians are Bandera lovers and support genocide.
      Their military leadership are Bandera lovers
      General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces posting selfies of him with Nazi UA flag
      After Ukraine officially loses territories I am afraid that lot of nazis from ukraine will seek asylum in Europe, with little violence.

    • @ewalipka2484
      @ewalipka2484 Před rokem

      @@Valik-ez4cq ????

  • @ZwyklyGrajekManiek
    @ZwyklyGrajekManiek Před rokem

    Thank You very much Andre for this video 👍🤝👍

  • @Polandish3.1415
    @Polandish3.1415 Před rokem

    Bro so important these days , to name things for what they are. Thank you and keep it up.

  • @waldziuxddd3488
    @waldziuxddd3488 Před rokem +70

    fajnie ze nawet obcokrajowiec zna sie troche na histori polski i wie ze to nie bylo polskie

    • @Mickos25
      @Mickos25 Před rokem +7

      Wnioskuję po komentarzach, że wcześniej w tytule było "Polish" zamiast "Nazi". Dziwne, że tak napisał. Może dla sensacji tak jak już to miał w zwyczaju robić w pewnym filmie (targ "rasistów") ale w takim razie dziwne, że tak szybko zmienił.

    • @hiszpanbravo5629
      @hiszpanbravo5629 Před rokem +4

      Kolego On wiedział Tyle Ile Przeczytał na Ilustracjach, Jakby Wiedział choć Trochę więcej nazywał By Rzeczy Po Imieniu nie Nazi a German

    • @RossoNero1987
      @RossoNero1987 Před rokem +1

      @@Mickos25 na początku był też na miniaturce Hitler i znaki zapytania w dymku

    • @Renatka12
      @Renatka12 Před rokem

      @@RossoNero1987 fajny ma tatuaz na nadgarstku 😉

    • @TMKDBN666
      @TMKDBN666 Před rokem

      @@Mickos25 Dokładnie ten typ robi tak specjalnie

  • @lucyfer1299
    @lucyfer1299 Před rokem +9

    Very sad place. Thanks for video and for respect

  • @jezusziomowski8659
    @jezusziomowski8659 Před rokem +1

    Thank you for this video! Dzięki bro!

  • @korneliuszlewandowski9886

    André tkank you for visit this dramatic and very sad place in history of Europe. My grandpa was suvivor of Buchenvald concentration camp.Thank you for your respect. Greetings

  • @antymonkrakuski7854
    @antymonkrakuski7854 Před rokem +5

    Dziękuję za prezentację naszej ważnej historii/Thank You for presenting our important history :)

  • @robertk5522
    @robertk5522 Před rokem +6

    When I was in Birkenau, I was able to climb up to the tower by the main gate. There is a view for whole vast camp.

  • @JV01470
    @JV01470 Před rokem +2

    One of the most confronting experiences I've ever had was visiting Auschwitz. Yet still I saw some people taking happy selfies in front of the gate as if it was in front of the Eiffel Tower or something, chatting very loud and laughing while inside the domain, truly insensitive behaviour. I can't wrap my head around how such a dark place, where you feel all the sadness and pain it caused, you can be so cold. But either way, if you have the chance, you should go and visit, but just try to behave please.

  • @joelgoldsmith4747
    @joelgoldsmith4747 Před rokem

    Your face alone Andre, depicts the emotional compassion that you hold for
    the injustices of mans inhumanity to his fellow man!!!🥺😢

  • @Ruoja71
    @Ruoja71 Před rokem +5

    I always knew it's a grim place, but I never realized this place is so huge... The scale of it makes it even scarier.

  • @burdakrystian7771
    @burdakrystian7771 Před rokem +5

    Dzięki Stary za głoszenie prawdy!!! leci subik za to co robisz :DDDD Pozdrawiam

  • @angelikaanna7502
    @angelikaanna7502 Před rokem

    Dziękuję za ten film ! Polecam również odwiedzić Sztutowo - tam też jest zachowany obóz

  • @lynde6017
    @lynde6017 Před rokem

    Thank you for sharing.

  • @JJ-bx9gy
    @JJ-bx9gy Před rokem +16

    Not nazi - German.many people think that this camp was polish just because Oświęcim belongs to Poland . Even some english newspaper called it "polish deathcamp" not so long ago. but calling it polish deathcamp its very common in germany .. ...

    • @thefruit
      @thefruit Před rokem +6

      I grew up in Austria and in school, media, private life, everyone always knew it was a Nazi German Concentration camp. Also in Germany this is agreed on widely. A lot of polish jews have been brought to Auschwitz and it would be false and disrespectful to claim it was a polish camp.
      If anyone states that anyways, you can assume they have personal reasons for falling for nazi propaganda, even in 2023.

    • @llamuseq5272
      @llamuseq5272 Před rokem +6

      No, it's not common in germany :)

    • @llamuseq5272
      @llamuseq5272 Před rokem +4

      ​@@karl-heinzgrabowski3022 I think you missunderstood or i did it, dude said " but calling it polish deathcamp its very common in germany" so i think he says it's common in germany to call Death Camps Polish

    • @llamuseq5272
      @llamuseq5272 Před rokem +2

      I mean its NOT COMMON in germany to call it Polish Death Camps

    • @marcguidetti3081
      @marcguidetti3081 Před rokem +3

      Dude no one on earth thinks it was Poland's fault, everyone knows it was the fault of the Nazi Krauts, so stop playing the victim

  • @kamilsliwinski5133
    @kamilsliwinski5133 Před rokem +3

    Bardzo dobra robota. I właściwy tytuł.

  • @DrEmilYoo
    @DrEmilYoo Před rokem +1

    I have to say, I have big respect for you André...
    Wish you all the best...

  • @wbpm6677
    @wbpm6677 Před rokem +1

    Thank You André !!!

  • @maciejkozowski1096
    @maciejkozowski1096 Před rokem +5

    Miło zobaczyć w czasach fakenews 'ów materiał oparty na prawdzie. Dziękuję za rozpowszechnianie prawdy o niemieckich obozach śmierci w Polsce André.

  • @JanuszWniemczech
    @JanuszWniemczech Před rokem +11

    Dobra robota !

  • @tmsztrsz
    @tmsztrsz Před rokem +1

    very good way of presenting - respectable, calm, sensitive. thanks for the material. awful place btw, i was sick for 2 days after visiting

  • @dorota6328
    @dorota6328 Před rokem +1

    It must be remember. Thanks for this film.

  • @marcinzielinski3637
    @marcinzielinski3637 Před rokem +3

    Never have seen your channel before - Clicked just to thank you as soon as i saw that you outlined these camps were german not Polish, thanks!

  • @-dany-3374
    @-dany-3374 Před rokem +12

    Great that you went there. it's a very important place.

  • @SCZaraZ
    @SCZaraZ Před rokem

    I really like your respect for this drastic events. I'm flattered you talk about it like it was. Thank tou and sorry for my poor english.

  • @mariuszostanek4766
    @mariuszostanek4766 Před rokem

    PoZdrawiam Cie serdecznie i dziekuje za ten materiał 👍

  • @ramirez862
    @ramirez862 Před rokem +19

    hi andre. There are 2 camps in oswiecim. you added the movie from Brzezinka. you must see the camp which is typical in oswiecim. you have a lot of complete buildings there. human bone soap shown. human hair and clothes and many more

    • @Piixel222
      @Piixel222 Před rokem +2

      For sure, the main part of Auschwitz is much more heart breaking place to see and that's right, Andre you should visit this place.

    • @matejkuka797
      @matejkuka797 Před rokem +2

      @@Piixel222 you cant film in second camp

    • @Piixel222
      @Piixel222 Před rokem +3

      @@matejkuka797 however, it's worth visiting.

  • @mrfisherfisher1303
    @mrfisherfisher1303 Před rokem +3

    Top job mate..

  • @fala6982
    @fala6982 Před rokem

    Realy good video. You have realy good voice to films like that.

  • @cojawidze5792
    @cojawidze5792 Před rokem

    Dziękujemy Andrzej!

  • @chistitan9066
    @chistitan9066 Před rokem +4

    It's interesting to see people coming there from all over the world and there's me living about 60km away from Auschwitz and yet I have never been there

    • @samsara4085
      @samsara4085 Před rokem +1

      I've never been there too. It is too painful. I know the story. There is literally no family in Poland not affected by the WWII this way or another.

  • @angelikas2815
    @angelikas2815 Před rokem +6

    Thank you Andre for visiting there. I was there as a teenager, and after 20 years I still remember this terrible atmosphere… 😢you didn’t show that, but there is also a place, where all personal belongings was, like hats, glasses etc. I still have picture of it in my mind… These poor people were sure, they are going somewhere for good life so they took everything with them 😢terrible and extremely sad place, but everyone should visit there to see and understand what Hitler did to us…

    • @alsonalsoon5552
      @alsonalsoon5552 Před rokem

      nie pokazal, poniewaz rzeczy osobiste, buty i wlosy sa w strefie, w ktorej prosi sie o brak fotografowania :)

  • @maltorro2005
    @maltorro2005 Před rokem +1

    Very good video. Thanks.

  • @grimmjowespada2422
    @grimmjowespada2422 Před rokem

    You got a thumbs up from me for the episode title
    small thing, but it makes me happy.

  • @Warga.
    @Warga. Před rokem +4

    Dobrze ze mówisz prawdę ze był to Niemiecki obóz zagłady a nie Polski, a pro po tego, byłem w Oświęcimiu trzy razy i za każdym razem czułem taką pustkę i bezradność w sobie, i takie dziwne uczucie jak tam spacerowałem, sama myśl o tym ze ludzie którzy byli tam ściągani w setkach tysięcy pociągami ginęli w koszmary nie ludzki sposób, to człowieka dobija

  • @malkontentniepoprawny6885

    Andre, you have to visit Wieliczka salt mine.It's realy great place.

  • @mesi0r
    @mesi0r Před rokem +1

    I hope its just part of your visit and you did see the other place as well and made similar footage to this one. Been there as a teenager and how I felt there hearing those stories from guide is hard to describe. The other place is way more intimidating.

  • @KR-wo9kp
    @KR-wo9kp Před rokem +1

    actually i'm from poland and it is very strange to here this everything and see on yt from another country
    thank u very much for showing this here, it means much for history of poland ( i mean saying about that part of history )
    dziękuje ( thanks )

  • @herdek550
    @herdek550 Před rokem +7

    One of very few vlogs on the internet from Asuchwitz that is respectful of the horrors.

  • @ravorrr
    @ravorrr Před rokem +4

    Thank you for trying to make many people aware that this is a Nazi death camp, not a Polish one, as many claim to this day. I hope this film will make them realize that they are very wrong.

  • @mo7andraaa
    @mo7andraaa Před rokem +1

    Hello André I’m a fan, i watch all your videos, and i hope you visit Sanok its a beautiful small town in the Southeast Poland 🇵🇱 please come ❤

  • @javo2432
    @javo2432 Před rokem +2

    if you plan going there, i dont recommend going there in summer since there is hella of walking and you will run out of water faster than you think.

  • @kuba_2298
    @kuba_2298 Před rokem +5

    Dziękujemy za polskie napisy bro

  • @Demm92
    @Demm92 Před rokem +17

    Thank you Andre for showing this terribly true story, the west doesn't know it lies and displaces the signal from your channel will give them food for thought, good luck in further travels, visit Poland more often, kury and catchki 🖐🇵🇱🤜🤛 🙃

  • @xdxd7888
    @xdxd7888 Před rokem +2

    Ogromny szacunek za prawdziwy tytuł, wielu nie ma odwagi i zakłamuje rzeczywistość mówią ze te obozy były Polskie

  • @RapRiver
    @RapRiver Před rokem +1

    Thank you Andre, you are clever man!

  • @lewwer9707
    @lewwer9707 Před rokem +4

    Pozdrawiam tego Pana za obiektywne przedstawienie prawdy o tym strasznym miejscu

  • @richardsingh5827
    @richardsingh5827 Před rokem +1

    Good work, I feel sad to see this place.

  • @retrorafi6642
    @retrorafi6642 Před rokem +2

    Thanks to You for speaking the truth. Greets from Poland.

  • @mikoaj8391
    @mikoaj8391 Před rokem +47

    You should visit Lublin next, we have here local beer called Perła Lubelska and many other interesting stuff, hope to see you around :P

    • @tazu7884
      @tazu7884 Před rokem


    • @Mickos25
      @Mickos25 Před rokem +5

      and Majdanek death camp

    • @qudlik301
      @qudlik301 Před rokem +4

      w lublinie nic nie ma ciekawego xD

    • @chapeaubas9711
      @chapeaubas9711 Před rokem +3


    • @Mickos25
      @Mickos25 Před rokem +6

      @@qudlik301 w tych wsiach co on zwiedza też nic ciekawego nie ma a i tak się to ciekawie ogląda xD

  • @sweetfunnykittenscat1461
    @sweetfunnykittenscat1461 Před rokem +25

    Thank you for calling it German Nazi ( you got my love for that ) , because so far even Obama made a mistake and called it a Polish Concentration Camp, and because they ( there is more than 1) are in Poland and not in Germany people keep making mistakes everywhere, visit Stuthof camp (polish Sztutowo) when you are by the sea, that camp makes it worst I think, because outside the camp the whole area is very beautiful and it’s just sad to think that people were murdered in a beautiful place like this

    • @bogdantrzymaj
      @bogdantrzymaj Před rokem

      Maam!I have to correct you a bit. President Obama did not make mistake by calling this horrible place, a "Polish Concentration Camp". I don't buy it , sorry! This was intentional. Period!

    • @sweetfunnykittenscat1461
      @sweetfunnykittenscat1461 Před rokem +2

      @@bogdantrzymaj intentional or a mistake, that is debatable, but it is a mistake to call them Polish in first place, that was my main point

    • @adolfmaotsestalin8753
      @adolfmaotsestalin8753 Před rokem +3

      "Over three million Jews died in Poland and Poles will not be the heirs of Polish Jews. We will never allow it (…) They will hear about it from us as long as Poland exists. If Poland does not meet the demands of the Jews, it will be "publicly attacked and humiliated" on the international forum. " Israel Singer secretary general of Jewish World Congress

    • @sweetfunnykittenscat1461
      @sweetfunnykittenscat1461 Před rokem +3

      @@adolfmaotsestalin8753 the facts are : in 1939 and after most of the Jews were Poles, born in polish soil, speak the language know the culture, all good.... well.... propaganda and forced literature changed the public notion on who is who and then divisions came into play, hence why they always separate the number of Jews from number of Poles, where it shouldn’t be separated because at the time of WW2 and because we are on the subject; inside gas chambers 99% all you could hear was the language of Polish people calling for help

    • @adolfmaotsestalin8753
      @adolfmaotsestalin8753 Před rokem

      @@sweetfunnykittenscat1461 90% of Jews in Poland didn't speak polisj but Yidish. Poles.. lol

  • @wheatlycrab4868
    @wheatlycrab4868 Před rokem +1

    I live about 20km away from there, its kinda frightening thinking what happend so close to your home

  • @jansjejk4620
    @jansjejk4620 Před rokem +2

    Man. Thank you for this video. We as Poland country really need someone who speak about the true of German death camp

  • @maciejP1234
    @maciejP1234 Před rokem +3

    Like many others I want to thank you to name this place right because many people got it mistaken by the place it was build.