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  • @VinceOfAllTrades
    @VinceOfAllTrades Před 3 lety +188

    "My stream's kinda like a talk show."
    *Looks up*
    "Sajam's Talk Show"
    Me: Checks out.

  • @limear
    @limear Před 3 lety +342

    they should've timed the farts with fang's attacks at least

  • @Virgil37160
    @Virgil37160 Před 3 lety +213

    Those were legitimately all of my thoughts as a grappler player.

    • @stonevicta
      @stonevicta Před 3 lety +15

      "but when I finally cornered him and got to put my hands on that coward prank, it felt sooooo good!"

    • @regensyscronos347
      @regensyscronos347 Před 3 lety +31

      VHStone connered. No where to run. Me press buttons. Feel good. Mix up. Feel good more. More. MORE

    • @bigmacmm5
      @bigmacmm5 Před 3 lety +6

      The fart noise... or..?

    • @gamingblack
      @gamingblack Před 3 lety +7

      Me Thunder player. Me do air dropkick. Dropkick hits. Me feel good.

    • @CJSmith30
      @CJSmith30 Před 3 lety

      Virgil, u play mk11, shao more specifically? Cause I remember ur name

  • @smurfyeah3744
    @smurfyeah3744 Před 3 lety +162

    They settled the issue. Psh, watch Capcom come back in a week and make them commentate the losers bracket.

  • @haughtygarbage5848
    @haughtygarbage5848 Před 3 lety +79

    i wish my anti-airs were impeccable as the summer sun ...

  • @bigredradish
    @bigredradish Před 3 lety +122

    calling eventhubs a "publication" is like calling a sprinkling of hay on a concrete floor a "bed"

    • @ciarankeirle-singer1036
      @ciarankeirle-singer1036 Před 3 lety +23

      to be fair they do publish, uh, things

    • @zaigar1243
      @zaigar1243 Před 3 lety +30

      At least those two things have something in common: you can sleep on them.

  • @enveritas4948
    @enveritas4948 Před 3 lety +60

    It’s a problem with niche hobby coverage in mainstream media. Articles only cover the extremes of good or bad. So people think the FGC is either Evo moment 37 or sexual assault allegations. Mainstream outlets looking for clicks won’t give a niche hobby the consistent coverage it deserves because it’s not profitable.
    The answer is to support the coverage you do like however you can by contributing or spreading the word.

  • @Rokkxl
    @Rokkxl Před 3 lety +208

    Like even if the game is boring, if your best way to entertain the audience during a set is to sit there and hit the fart noise button you probably shouldn't be commentating in the first place.

  • @RocketSlug
    @RocketSlug Před 3 lety +83

    Infil's netcode article did get publication on Ars Technica, which was pretty awesome, but that's also because that contributor is a big fighting game fan and tries to get articles on the FGC in there.

  • @bautistacardozo7092
    @bautistacardozo7092 Před 3 lety +25

    In terms of video creation, we have struck gold with Core-A's content. I highly doubt the same level of quality can be achieved by someone in writing. Gerald's mix of passion and talent is very rare, I would be extremely surprised if someone could recreate it in a written article

    • @lilacrain3283
      @lilacrain3283 Před 2 lety +2

      On top of Gerald from Core-A just being really passionate and articulate, I think video essays naturally lend themselves to talking about fighting games more than written articles do. For a basic example, something like frame data and plus/minus frames is much easier to demonstrate with video than purely through writing

  • @Tibazz
    @Tibazz Před 3 lety +52

    Omg man, thr grappler part made me laugh so hard on the commute XD That was gold Sajam

  • @shanerpressley
    @shanerpressley Před 3 lety +77

    Sajam's idea of a Zoner vs Grappler article is so good I question if he has a background in writing

  • @createprince2093
    @createprince2093 Před 3 lety +40

    I appreciate your more empathetic take on the farting thing - I think it's kind of a cop-out to point to the whole thing and instead say that people are just being "soft" about it. nobody wants that playing over their match lol

  • @El-Burrito
    @El-Burrito Před 3 lety +48

    It sounds funny from the tweet, but watching the footage it's not even tastefully done, it's literally just spamming the noise without any rhyme or reason. They could've at least synced the farts to certain moves or something!

    • @pdxholmes
      @pdxholmes Před 3 lety +9

      Yeah, this is how I felt. It sounded funny from the tweet, but seeing the video it was super disrespectful and not funny or tasteful or timed well. He was just mashing the fart noise button.

  • @loogatdisdood
    @loogatdisdood Před 3 lety +44

    article series called "did you see that shit?" that just goes over sick shit that happened in fighting game matches in a semi analytical, mostly fan boy, tone.

    • @themustardthe
      @themustardthe Před 3 lety +1

      can you link it? i cant find it anywhere

    • @nahhh5284
      @nahhh5284 Před 3 lety +1

      Link it

    • @loogatdisdood
      @loogatdisdood Před 3 lety +17

      @@themustardthe i wasn't saying it exists, i was saying it SHOULD exist. my bad y'all, didn't mean to get anyone hype

    • @LoserHands
      @LoserHands Před 3 lety +2

      Nice idea

    • @djhero0071
      @djhero0071 Před 3 lety

      Got any moments you can think of that aren’t moment 37?

  • @H2A_23
    @H2A_23 Před 3 lety +55

    Sajam do a hairstyling tutorial

    • @wanpokke
      @wanpokke Před 3 lety +10

      Hairstyle tier list when

    • @steveng6721
      @steveng6721 Před 3 lety +4

      Gotta be 2 minutes though

  • @HighLanderPonyYT
    @HighLanderPonyYT Před 3 lety +122

    That fart spam is pathetic and lame af... Then again, I've come to not expect much from Reddit.

  • @Chanse1989
    @Chanse1989 Před 3 lety +79

    Imagine playing F.A.N.G. and NOT having fart noises played in the background.

  • @elliotterodriguez
    @elliotterodriguez Před 3 lety +13

    It's pretty funny. I don't like seeing Jesus sad, the dude is so nice

  • @justwungo
    @justwungo Před 3 lety +11

    I can definitely agree with Sajam's feelings on FGC publications, they've never felt as fulfilling as anything from CoreA or Hold Back To Block

  • @ozmaff9
    @ozmaff9 Před 3 lety +10

    Stopped reading Kotaku the day they did the "Agressive Juri made me afraid to come out being gay" article. Some of the most ridiculous shit ever put on a website.

  • @Anken93
    @Anken93 Před 3 lety +1

    9:49 I'm so in for this and damn your examples at 10:35 KILLED ME SO HARD!!! :D :D :D

  • @FightersRecap
    @FightersRecap Před 3 lety +2

    I'm not exactly sure when I stopped hunting down FG articles. All I remember is that those that I'm really interested in only numbered a few: in-depth interviews with high level players(not just the current issues/drama), the history of the FGC that I missed out on(learned about the community around 2016-ish), and tournament staff members that rarely get the spotlight. Wish there were more of those.

  • @Giraffinator
    @Giraffinator Před 3 lety +9

    I don't read articles because most of them don't include pictures of people touching their hair.

    • @egrassa1480
      @egrassa1480 Před 3 lety

      Or they talk about things that you already know about, so it's not very interesting to read

    • @Giraffinator
      @Giraffinator Před 3 lety +4

      It's really just the hair thing for me

  • @Fatlord27
    @Fatlord27 Před 3 lety +7

    I'd be down for more strategy articles written from the perspective of fighting games. One of my favorites is a series of Magic articles called "Beyond the basics" written by gavin verhey. A lot of the ideas behind the decision making he writes about translate well to fgs and really any 1v1 competitive game

  • @plutoburn
    @plutoburn Před 3 lety +2

    I'd read whatever articles Core-A gaming publish if they ever do. Their content are next level.

  • @mrpinguimninja
    @mrpinguimninja Před 3 lety +1

    Interviews are cool but more volatile, they're highly reliant on how well the reporter can write or how interesting is the person being interviewed. Imo the best kinds of fighting game articles are either recollections of historical moments or think pieces, like domination 101, machabo's or the magic player type ones. Tbh, what made me subscribe to your channel here on yt was that you kinda do that in the videos, there's always a short discussion sorta like a small podcast about fgc related stuff and I really enjoy that.

  • @kinginthenorth1437
    @kinginthenorth1437 Před 3 lety +40

    The unfortunate thing about mainstream gaming 'journalism' is due to the way Google works; the big sites like IGN and Kotaku that aren't well informed or represent what the community actually thinks are the ones with the biggest reach and what gets to make a first impression on people outside the community.
    Fighting game players know IGN's coverage of their game is worthless, general gamers don't trust IGN but your family member seeing IGN pop up on their feed thinks IGN is a reputable information source. It would be nice if the most front facing journalism actually represented the games better but that seems to not be the way things are for reasonably niche hobbies.

    • @kevl0rneswath
      @kevl0rneswath Před 3 lety

      Isn't Ian, the guy that wrote that fart article, part of the FGC? I don't like the guy but that doesn't mean that he isn't well informed about the FGC.

    • @kinginthenorth1437
      @kinginthenorth1437 Před 3 lety +1

      @@kevl0rneswath No clue, never heard of him but the FGC is a big community so it's possible. (I'm not a Street Fighter person).
      But Sajam brought up the overall coverage of the FGC in mainstream media and I thought I'd share my thoughts on it.

    • @kevl0rneswath
      @kevl0rneswath Před 3 lety

      @@kinginthenorth1437 He used to write a lot of articles for Shoryuken.com back in 2016 which is why the name was so familiar to me. He is the only guy writing articles about the FGC for Kotaku as far as I know so it's not like they don't have someone with knowledge of the FGC.

  • @damiancarr168
    @damiancarr168 Před 3 lety +3

    I feel the exact same anytime I go on the forum boards for D&D. People with years of experience complaining "Wizards are overpowered because their prepared for anything" and I look at my group full of people that can 1-shot enemies twice their level as a fking pole vaulting fox shape monk or soulless gaze antipaladin that causes even mindless creatures to cower in fear. I can't imagine them trying to DM my group to any level of success. With a level of system mastery so off the board they often have more feats then levels and auto-pass God teir skill checks at level 5. I truely feel like we are playing two different games when I hear them talk about the "strength" of certain classes.

  • @tafkat1229
    @tafkat1229 Před 3 lety +4

    Writing and fighting games make up my entire personality and for some reason I've just never thought trying to blend the two. I kind of want to write something on the development history of Them's Fighting Herds now since it's A) interesting as hell and B) not exactly a well known title outside of the FGC.

  • @FlakManiak
    @FlakManiak Před 3 lety +2

    What I'd want would be talkshows that focus on in-depth gameplay stuff, and history. Stuff about how, well, ten years ago, this player was like this, and this previous game was like that. Well, in these GGXX games it was this way, and here's how Xrd's different and that's why we see this current trend, etc. etc. etc.

  • @tzera_rhuon
    @tzera_rhuon Před 3 lety +1

    I do hope you write that article series, it sounds hilarious.

  • @spacepurp420
    @spacepurp420 Před 3 lety +3

    damn when does the Horse Armor DLC for Zoners drop?

  • @garethmagis
    @garethmagis Před 3 lety +40

    About the first part, i think it's absolutely ridiculous that you would have 2 top 200 players in the semifinals of your tournament and be so unprofessional and so disrespectful as to play fart noises over it. Even if it's a somewhat small tournament it still had 80 entrants and these are still some of the best fang players in the country.
    As for the journalism part i think sajam really missed the point that people are upset about. He kept referring to kotaku as a fighting game news site and that's not what it is at all. It's far more of a overall video game news website that many people from other communities visit on a daily basis for there news. If all the news stories Coming out are talking about how unprofessional the scene is or all the sexual assault allegations or the pedophilia that went on eventually it begins to sour other peoples opinions of the scene.
    We don't want the casual league of legend fan hearing the name SFV and correlating it with how unprofessional those people are. In direct contrast just think about how people think of SGDQ people who barely even know that speedrunning exists tune into sgdq every year because of all the positive coverage it gets. The FGC could really use more "FGC is raised X ammount of money for Y"

    • @GawainSSB
      @GawainSSB Před 3 lety +5

      Who cares what kotaku readers think about the fgc haha

    • @garethmagis
      @garethmagis Před 3 lety +12

      @@GawainSSB Because you want the scene to grow so that in turn we get better games and larger tournament scenes and viewership and increased payouts.

    • @GawainSSB
      @GawainSSB Před 3 lety +8

      @@garethmagis I don't think bending over for Kotaku is going to result in any of that.

    • @djhero0071
      @djhero0071 Před 3 lety +3

      I’m pretty sure Kotaku has had FGC charity articles. Specifically, I found they had one a few months ago about a Street Fighter tournament that was for Black Lives Matter. They also used to do articles on competition when they had this one Compete thing on their website (not exclusive to FGC tho). Overall, you’re right that they could do better. Probably every one of the big publications could. Still, I think for Kotaku’s already niche audience, they do okay.

    • @ilexyellowdog
      @ilexyellowdog Před 3 lety +2

      Kotaku (and Ian Walker specifically) does write plenty of positive articles about the FGC. The problem is that no one in the FGC reads them and instead everyone just gets mad about the articles covering negative stuff in the FGC because it's fun to complain about Kotaku/game journalists.

  • @AnthonyTheManiac
    @AnthonyTheManiac Před 3 lety +1

    I think there should be more articles about FGC lore and history, like the cool videos that document tokido vs daigo

  • @CGoody564
    @CGoody564 Před 3 lety +17

    It's a cyclical problem. The audience for fighting game articles isn't large enough/is too niche to begin with for larger publications to put more resources in to writing good articles about them, but at the same time that lack of resources being put towards those articles stops any audience growth from happening.
    There aren't enough of us interested for them to make content for, and they won't make more/improve the content because not enough of us consume it.
    If we want better articles, we need to show that we will consume content if they are willing to make it it, because they aren't going to improve it if we aren't consuming it to begin with. As much as it should, it isn't going to start with them.

    • @kevl0rneswath
      @kevl0rneswath Před 3 lety +5

      Considering that even major newspaper and news stations struggle to attract an audience without the click-baity and drama stuff, i don't think the size of the market matters.

    • @CGoody564
      @CGoody564 Před 3 lety +4

      @@kevl0rneswath that is only the case in modern times due to the availability of alternatives which do a much better job, hence why they get the people coming to them. That is a relatively modern occurrence. The issue with newspapers/outlets isn't the lack of market; it's the market becoming disillusioned with their nonsense while having more reasonable solutions right in front of them.
      The fgc doesn't seem to have many of those alternatives suited towards the more dedicated members yet, and even when those alternatives exist, the small market almost makes it not worth it.

  • @blgdoesthings4122
    @blgdoesthings4122 Před 3 lety +2

    He won't leave me alone... I only played it once and now he wont leave...

  • @guga5708156
    @guga5708156 Před 3 lety +35

    Yeah, fart sounds on a tournament is kinda disrespectful, for the player and for the people that is watching this seriously.

  • @AdamJorgensen
    @AdamJorgensen Před 3 lety +1

    Tells you something that Ars Technica chose to cover the Infil article :-)

  • @MichaelOfCainhurst
    @MichaelOfCainhurst Před 3 lety

    You didn't have to call me out like that in the grappler part...

  • @jacobstalls1159
    @jacobstalls1159 Před 3 lety +2

    I would definitely like there to be something like AsumSaus, but for every fighting game. A website or CZcams channel that just covers weird interactions and tech.

  • @Evergladez
    @Evergladez Před 3 lety +1

    Fighting games lean more towards videos maybe if the site was linked to a youtube channel that way you could watch or read. I'm not sure how hype you can type moment #37 was in a way that captures just watching it, but dev interviews would be fun.

  • @proto303
    @proto303 Před rokem

    ngl I'd love to read that archetype article series

  • @wolflance64
    @wolflance64 Před 3 lety

    Loved the nod to medieval warfare at the end

  • @EX-Flashkick
    @EX-Flashkick Před 3 lety +1

    I think Eventhubs has at least 1 banger every other day

  • @raychangalarza179
    @raychangalarza179 Před 3 lety

    The article of the Rushdown, Grappler, and Zoner write it for the option select 😄

  • @Kool212
    @Kool212 Před 3 lety

    Is posting whenever desk makes a new video content, is posting every pros new tier list content?

  • @gman8D1
    @gman8D1 Před 3 lety +1

    That grappler spoke to my soul.

  • @paz8723
    @paz8723 Před 3 lety +10

    Fantasy Strike is held back by its creator, dude is just too weird

    • @HighLanderPonyYT
      @HighLanderPonyYT Před 3 lety +15

      He has some good ideas but seems to think he's above criticism. I went to the Discord and hinted at some issues, all of which was met with ghosting and gaslighting. Echo chamber vibes with some hive mind feels ontop.

    • @myboy_
      @myboy_ Před 3 lety +6

      Shouts out to yandev

    • @WraxTV
      @WraxTV Před 3 lety +3

      The Skull Girls problem.

    • @HighLanderPonyYT
      @HighLanderPonyYT Před 3 lety +2

      @@WraxTV Hm, could you elaborate? I'm not in the know.

    • @Shabadaba1216
      @Shabadaba1216 Před 3 lety +1

      @@WraxTV The difference is Mike is enough of a creep for him to get removed from the team so the devs can work without him. Sirlin on the other hand is just a loser so he'll likely stay in charge of development.

  • @kenmastersX
    @kenmastersX Před 3 lety

    Guy on horse vs Spiderman wasn't a matchup I was expecting to hear

  • @MurasakiBunny
    @MurasakiBunny Před 3 lety +4

    Kotaku is only out for sensationalism, they only want the clicks, not to give actual game information.

  • @RealPrismsword
    @RealPrismsword Před 3 lety +3

    As someone who is a writer for Dot Esports (currently covering Legends of Runeterra, League of Legends, Hearthstone, and other games) and this was definitely an insightful look into potential extra coverage I could do for Project L and other FGC related content.
    I already dabbled a bit in Project L writing since currently it's mostly hopes and dreams for the game, guesswork/estimation, etcetc at the moment. I always look to expand and improve my craft so it's nice watching this video and feeling like I'm on a proper path right now going forward.

  • @myboy_
    @myboy_ Před 3 lety +8

    Im curious what you guys would consider a "casual" in the fgc. Anyone who doesn't compete in locals or tourneys? Someone whos real low rank? Someone who just plays for fun and doesn't grind to improve? what about someone who isn't great at playing, but is really involved in watching and learning about competition?

    • @aementl3387
      @aementl3387 Před 3 lety +21

      I suppose someone who isn’t interested in the competitive scene.

    • @mindmaster323
      @mindmaster323 Před 3 lety +5

      A casual fan would be someone who doesn't really engage with the scene much or maybe plays the game maybe a few times a week. It could be someone who only watches tournaments but doesn't play. Basically someone who knows enough to be interested in reading news but not deep enough into the scene that they would already be following accounts like HiFight or really be engaging with people in the scene.

    • @BrianBrown-vd1vv
      @BrianBrown-vd1vv Před 3 lety

      I'd say I'm fairly casual. I love fighting games but I'm not great at them, so I end up watching tournies on CZcams mainly instead of playing. I own a lot of different games but it's uncommon if I get more than say twenty hours play time on one particular fighting game unless I really enjoy it, and then it is almost exclusively single player. That being said, even I know not to pay attention to ign/polygon/Kotaku when it comes to fighting games, or really any games at this point.

    • @charliericker274
      @charliericker274 Před 3 lety +1

      It's a broad term and relative. There are "casual" players who are good and play a lot but don't watch any tournaments and don't watch youtube stuff about the FGC. There are casual players who do watch tournaments and youtube but don't really play that often and never got that good. As for relativity, someone who is ranked gold and watches tournaments and youtube and is into the scene might seem like a "serious" player but compared to someone who is in the top rankings and plays locals and maybe even attends and competes in majors that first player is more casual.

  • @JaredC.
    @JaredC. Před 3 lety

    The kinda thing with articles happens all the time in card games as well, most lesser known games get content creators that have no idea what they are talking about competitively.

  • @jasonrock3278
    @jasonrock3278 Před 3 lety +1

    LOL dude that grappler and zoner joke.

  • @dickstarrbuck
    @dickstarrbuck Před 3 lety +7

    Kotaku is a 'pop culture' website.
    they care about articles that will draw eyes, not about articles of change. They post articles that are one and done and trendy. There articles are for GENERAL people, not a specific group of people.
    They arent writing for FCG fans who like BBCT. They write articles about EVO. They write very general articles they can essentially make money from.

  • @torormseth
    @torormseth Před 3 lety

    I think it's weird that you didn't talk about the old srk stuff like domination 101. Not to mention a bunch of fgc people (even ol' save dirlin) have written entire books about fighting games and competition. You'd think that there would be a lot to talk about

  • @ninjacouncilguild
    @ninjacouncilguild Před 3 lety

    The zoner article was actually poetic.

  • @level3xfactor
    @level3xfactor Před 3 lety

    As someone who has worked in games journalism for a few years now, and specifically in esports for a good chunk of that time, I really appreciate Sajam's thoughts on the matter. Especially since he's absolutely right about a lot of it.
    The problem with writing FGC content is:
    1. Fighting game articles do notoriously poorly. They just don't perform as well as articles on other genres, mostly for the reasons Sajam listed.
    2. Pitching articles about FGC stuff to your editors is really hard and a lot of the time it won't get a pass beyond just news.
    3. Even when you do write unique things, like interviews, (I actually interviewed Sajam at the SFV ELeague finals a few years ago) it very easily gets lost in the void and won't pick up traction.
    Being a writer who specializes in FGC content is very hard. Most people just don't seem to care.

  • @picilifedeath
    @picilifedeath Před 3 lety +1

    I would read those articles series

  • @regensyscronos347
    @regensyscronos347 Před 3 lety +1

    2:33 its evo moment LETS GO JUSTIN PTFF PTFF PTFF - Sajam

  • @time2sleep685
    @time2sleep685 Před 3 lety +2

    Valuable journalisms, was always a really a small drop in the ocean of tabloid pulp. Personally, I think there is a huge need on the market of some kind of valuable analysis of all those shenanigans around FG (general concepts, controller discussions, play style analysis, etc.)
    Considering how big thing e-sports becoming with each year seance people can legally betting the scores, and by that, how much money potential is on the table (look for last few marketing decisions of main players like RIOT, and response from all other companies around that topic) it is just a matter of time before "professional look from the inside" would be a thing
    Ps. May someone finally think about initiating some actions to prevent great footsies handbook. If everyone would just talk about how influential it is, and not do anything to actually protect all those media linked there (only one of the issues)

  • @Kriss_ch.
    @Kriss_ch. Před 3 lety

    That grappler article is fine with just that haiku LMAO

  • @blankspotato7848
    @blankspotato7848 Před 3 lety +2

    There should be an article about why Juri Han is best girl

  • @oldmanfran5523
    @oldmanfran5523 Před 3 lety

    When will we have a Fart Tier List. I think the "Shart" is A Tier, but the "Silent Assassin" is S Tier

  • @raddude4334
    @raddude4334 Před 3 lety +4

    0:26 I agree, from the perspective of someone not playing it’s fucking funny, but it must have sucked for the players.

  • @scarletsabbath9973
    @scarletsabbath9973 Před 3 lety +5

    As a Poison main, my writing has become

  • @Mad_Pretty
    @Mad_Pretty Před 3 lety +3

    3:10 You mean... the farticle

  • @CylonDorado
    @CylonDorado Před 3 lety

    15:14 I don’t know about articles, but it used to get heated when we got into Pathfonder vs D&D at the game shop. (I think Pathfinder sucks... even though I played it anyway since it was there).

  • @chkmte1304
    @chkmte1304 Před 3 lety

    I didn't know grapplers spoke in haikus

  • @h2_
    @h2_ Před 3 lety

    Man, how did MtG catch that lightning in a bottle and get so many knowledgeable players who were also talented writers? Was the scene hard carried by godlike editors, was it just a natural side effect of being a more cerebral game, or what?

    • @kinginthenorth1437
      @kinginthenorth1437 Před 3 lety +2

      I suspect a lot of it has to do with the business model of the sites publishing the articles.
      If you look at MtG the major article sites are stores like Star City Games, Channel Fireball, ect. The articles/videos drive players to the site which is also a store front for packs, singles, ect. So they get good cost/benefits on actually spending money on content, which gets good editors hired, players that can write get cheques big enough to incentive writing, ect
      Where as the news sites for the fighting game community aren't stores and at most get maybe some Google Ad Sense money if they can convince readers to turn off their ad block. So they don't pay as much and no one feels like putting in the effort.

  • @griffonsarcade
    @griffonsarcade Před 2 lety

    Sun sets... life bar diminish... no return.

  • @70smebbin
    @70smebbin Před 3 lety

    the farticle was posted on kotaku

  • @tonyaldante1017
    @tonyaldante1017 Před 3 lety +1

    This is the acceptable eSports equivalent of thuggery

  • @yearslate9349
    @yearslate9349 Před 3 lety

    Amusingly, if someone were to write those articles on a blog, *then* Kotaku would write an article sharing those articles.
    News do be like that...

  • @sa1gon1
    @sa1gon1 Před 3 lety

    Is Sajam the Mark Rosewater of the FGC?

  • @pokemondude45
    @pokemondude45 Před 3 lety +1

    Ready to go Justin!!! *fart noises on each parry*

  • @poizonparfait
    @poizonparfait Před 3 lety

    I would shoot a bear for that three-way article

  • @lorentsenjr
    @lorentsenjr Před 3 lety

    Please write that article series

  • @Lady-V
    @Lady-V Před 3 lety +6

    When it comes to news you never see things like "we saved 20 puppies and kittens today; everything is going good." Instead you see "everything is terrible, and they're coming for you." This probably isn't different when it comes to fighting game news in gaming news websites.

  • @ianbarrow4087
    @ianbarrow4087 Před 3 lety

    Sounds like when you are describing what you would like to read you are just describing core a gaming but he makes videos

  • @lesleylindsay7871
    @lesleylindsay7871 Před 3 lety

    Sajam do the articles. we need better content for fgcu members that are intermediate level but not pro

  • @chungusamongus519
    @chungusamongus519 Před 3 lety

    Fang goes mo bamba in the corner.

  • @peachybear3807
    @peachybear3807 Před 3 lety

    I don't read any gaming articles anymore because it's usually just a wall of nonsense and a clickbaity title especially if it's from any mainstream publication, if someone who is passionate about the about a specific genre does a write a up then it becomes worth reading because there's actual content there like the netcode article by Infil.

  • @easygoingdude9990
    @easygoingdude9990 Před 3 lety

    I think games media's audience are mainly other people in games media

  • @eggsburst789
    @eggsburst789 Před 3 lety +1

    Big grapple no connect, big sad

  • @sohaibnk
    @sohaibnk Před 3 lety

    Me grappler player...me offended...me not sound dumb...me want only hug

  • @MildlySwanky
    @MildlySwanky Před 3 lety

    Grapplers know numbers?
    Me think not.

  • @ArsicPlays
    @ArsicPlays Před 3 lety +1

    At this point I'd rather Sajam get a man bun or a buzz cut. If you had to drink everytime he touched his hair in a video youd be dead of alcohol poisoning xD

  • @AkiRa22084
    @AkiRa22084 Před 3 lety

    The progamejournos mailing list kinda showed what kind of people they are...

  • @yurismgodzilla4866
    @yurismgodzilla4866 Před rokem

    Me struggle.

  • @kevincruz7958
    @kevincruz7958 Před 3 lety

    Don't forget all those cosplayers in event hubs.

  • @zacksthetics
    @zacksthetics Před 3 lety

    Literal whiff punish

  • @CrossfacePanda
    @CrossfacePanda Před 3 lety +1

    SRK used to write the kinds of articles Sajam (and a lot of other people like us) would probably be interested in.
    Then it died because there’s not enough people out there like us who actually reads stuff like that. Even when the writers were paid in peanuts they couldn’t make it financially viable.
    Eventhubs absolutely sucks, but it seems like you have to suck to be commercially viable...

  • @blackmanta2527
    @blackmanta2527 Před 3 lety +4

    This needs time stamps

  • @guga5708156
    @guga5708156 Před 3 lety

    Am I the only one baited here though fantasy strike ?

  • @ronanmg
    @ronanmg Před 3 lety +1


  • @whatevers31
    @whatevers31 Před 3 lety

    reddit, street fighter v, online tournament, fang mirror

  • @guga5708156
    @guga5708156 Před 3 lety

    Fucking zoner spams every move across the screen and teleports when you get near. Grappers eat everything until you are near , make 2/3 "reads" and is either equal to you or you are dead. Rush down just playa a single player game of comboing forever and pressing every button furiously . Yet, my favorite game genre.

  • @ElixirPresents
    @ElixirPresents Před 3 lety

    I would rather watch a video of players being interviewed rather than read an article, but then again I hate reading. I feel like drama articles would pull in the most readers tho.