"Dispelling the Myth: Anu's True Connection to Yahweh, Not Enlil"

  • čas přidán 12. 10. 2023
  • Explore the intriguing debate between #Anu and #Yahweh in this comprehensive CZcams video. We dissect the historical, linguistic, and theological aspects to unravel the mystery. Join us for a deep dive into mythology and religion, and let's separate fact from fiction.
    #BaldysThoughts, #MythologyDebate, #AnuAndYahweh, #ReligiousMyths, #DebunkingTheMyth, #DivineIdentity, #SumerianDeity, #AbrahamicGod, #TheologicalContext, #HistoricalParallels, #ReligiousAnalysis, #LinguisticComparison, #GodsOfThePast, #ReligiousNarratives, #TheologyDebunked, #AncientMyths, #ReligionExploration, #MythBusters, #AnuVsYahweh, #DivineTruth, #ReligiousStudies

Komentáře • 58

  • @BaldysThoughts
    @BaldysThoughts  Před 9 měsíci +1

    📚 Thanks for watching our video on #Anu and #Yahweh! If you found this discussion on #ReligiousMyths and #MythBusters intriguing, make sure to check out our related content on #MythologyDebate and #AncientMyths. Don't forget to hit the like button, subscribe, and share your thoughts in the comments below. Let's keep the conversation going! #ReligionExploration, #DebunkingTheMyth, #SumerianDeity, #AbrahamicGod, #TheologicalContext, #LinguisticComparison, #GodsOfThePast, #ReligiousNarratives, #TheologyDebunked, #DivineIdentity, #ReligiousStudies 🌟

    • @ready1fire1aim1
      @ready1fire1aim1 Před 9 měsíci

      The Bible is a contradictory mess.
      Sam Harris and the reason project found near 70,000 contradictions (man-made errors) between the canonical Greek New Testament and the Masoretic Text version of the Torah.
      Do you think the Bible is supposed to be that way?
      Here's what generated the contradictions:
      During the Babylonian captivity the "harlot of Babylon" syncretized God's biblical titles, those being El, Elah and Elohim, to all simply mean "God".
      So from 500-600bc to this day El still means God, which is cool, but Elah also just means God... and Elohim...yep, just means God. "Majestic plural" or some nonsense.
      Anyone think that creates a lot of contradictions in the Bible? Apparently it creates near 70,000.
      The Church even made it heretical to call Yahweh Elohim from Genesis 2 the bad guy of the Old Testament. This spawned "apologetics" (for the Devil).
      They did this because the Septuagint just said Theos everywhere that El, Elah and Elohim should be. So, the Greeks thought Yahweh was introduced as "Theos" in Genesis 2.
      The Vulgate does the same thing it just says Deus in all the places El, Elah and Elohim should be. Also, the Latin people thought Yahweh was introduced as "Deus" in Genesis 2.
      Modern English Bibles still do this with removing God's titles. Most just say God and LORD God everywhere.
      Try using the NOG translation it's on Bible Gateway and also there's a free App on your phone. Doesn't remove God's titles or the name of the created being Yahweh Elohim from Genesis 2.
      1. the Bible introduces Yahweh as "Yahweh Elohim" in Genesis 2.
      2. the vast majority of the time Yahweh himself says "I am Yahweh your Elohim" but does call himself a/an El on rare occasion.
      3. Yahweh’s followers frequently confuse these titles. Here's an example:
      Exodus 15:2
      Names of God Bible
      Yah is my strength and my song. He is my Savior. This is my El, and I will praise him, my father’s Elohim, and I will honor him.
      Remember to use a different language when you want info on God's titles. Hebrew is forever syncretized. "The Names of God are too Holy to be read or spoken aloud"...El, Elah and Elohim are titles, not names btw. 🤦‍♂️
      Anyone with a name was given a name, a created being. God's got titles since he's not a created being.
      The Latin counterparts to the Hebrew above are Deus "God", Dea "Goddess or feminine title of God" and Dei which has two uses one plural "gods" and one possessive "God's" based on context.
      Genesis 1 is the possessive context for Elohim (Deity).
      True Elohim.
      Genesis 2 is the plural context for Elohim (Deity).
      False Elohim.
      BAM! No more contradictions in the Bible. Cohesive story :)

    • @ready1fire1aim1
      @ready1fire1aim1 Před 9 měsíci

      Theology comes from combining two Greek words: Theos, meaning God, and Logos, meaning Word or rational thought.
      [The Word is Elohim from Genesis 1]
      (not to be confused with Yahweh Elohim, the false Elohim, from Genesis 2)
      Compare John 1: 1-5 with Genesis 1: 1-5:
      John 1: 1-5
      Names of God Bible
      The Word Becomes Human
      1 In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was already with God in the beginning.
      3 Everything came into existence through him. Not one thing that exists was made without him.
      4 He was the source of life, and that life was the light for humanity.
      5 The light shines in the dark, and the dark has never extinguished it.
      Genesis 1: 1-5
      Names of God Bible
      The Creation
      1 In the beginning Elohim created heaven and earth.
      2 The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep water. The Ruach Elohim was hovering over the water.
      3 Then Elohim said, “Let there be light!” So there was light. 4 Elohim saw the light was good. So Elohim separated the light from the darkness. 5 Elohim named the light day, and the darkness he named night. There was evening, then morning-the first day.
      [Anyone with a name was given a name, a created being]:
      Hebrews 11
      Names of God Bible
      3 Faith convinces us that God created the world through his word. This means what can be seen was made by something that could not be seen.
      Romans 1
      Names of God Bible
      25 These people have exchanged God’s truth for a lie. So they have become ungodly and serve what is created rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen!
      Genesis 2
      Names of God Bible
      2 Heaven and earth and everything in them were finished. 2 By the seventh day ELOHIM had finished the work he had been doing. On the seventh day he stopped the work he had been doing. 3 Then ELOHIM blessed the seventh day and set it apart as holy, because on that day he stopped all his work of creation.
      The Creation of Man and Woman
      4 This is the account of heaven and earth when they were created, at the time when YAHWEH ELOHIM made earth and heaven.

  • @rockyourpain4683
    @rockyourpain4683 Před 4 měsíci

    Great work! You've really tied a bunch of things together for me!

    • @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018
      @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018 Před měsícem

      Yes. If you look at the oldest mythology of Summer, you will see that Anu is named An. Like in real life, in All the world, he was not worshipped a lot. (Anu is still not the real Creator) The 1/1000 of truth in polytheistic mythology is told.😂

  • @jackhalloween7373
    @jackhalloween7373 Před 9 měsíci

    Very good, both the premise & the film. I enjoyed it.

  • @Thetruthisstrangerthanfiction
    @Thetruthisstrangerthanfiction Před 5 měsíci +3

    According to Zechariah Sitchin , Anu, Enlil, Enki , and all the Annunaki worshipped the Creator of All who was the true God

    • @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018
      @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018 Před měsícem

      The people that told to the scribes what to write in the polytheistic mythology (not the teachings of The Bible) were the pagan priests. Just think, and verify the history of religious, theses pagan sources can't be trusted: the textes told by the priests should NOT be
      trusted: for centuries, they were a lot worse than Catholic priests: not only there was a lot of them that were pedophiles but, they were also "forced" by their deities, to EAT humans. Twisted minds, should NOT be trusted.
      Theses are fake equivalents of God, Jesus and Satan.
      We have the names of who God choosed to write, exactly what God told them.

    • @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018
      @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018 Před měsícem

      That Guy put his confidence in the people that wrote the Sumerian mythology.
      It was the priests who told the scribes, what to write.
      Theses priests, were the human sacrificators, infants and even babies... Truly wicked people are not to trust.
      Would you trust what a man says that kill every year, a lot of babies?
      There were not authorized to be married (Catholics like Ba'al priests!?). As priests, they had to practice the antique cult of sex... animals, siblings, parents, childs...
      Would you trust a zoophile pedophile that sacrifice humans... babies?
      Zechariah Sitim trusted theses sources of information. Would you trust someone's that trust pedophiles, zoophililes and babies killers?!
      The "Annunaki", (except for the fake Jesus[Enlil]), do you know what is their true identities?
      Deities that pushes their worshippers to sacrifice babies each year at the Queen of Heavens: Ishtar (also named Astaroth, Isis...) Would you want to do a search, for yourself about 'Ishtar eggs'?
      Deities that also push people to practice sex with their parents... (Enlil and Anu are fakes God and Jesus) they do not act like God and Jesus so... they cannot be them!)
      Annunakis were encouraging human to do the worst things on the world... including their priests that were obliged, some times, to eat human sacrifices?
      Theses God's that appears like statues are identified in The Bible as demons. Do you think it is possible that, pedophile lovers, cannibal lovers, baby assassin lovers coud be... demons?

    • @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018
      @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018 Před 26 dny

      I hope that you will verify what I am saying. A belief must be true. If it is not true, then, do not believe it ; you will let the lie corrupt the way you see things.
      The problem with the polytheistic religions, is that their stories are not adding up, they totally contradicts themselves.
      The Annunakis were beings that came in person, like astronauts. Theses stories contradicts totally the older stories about theses gods.
      Don't you want to compare the Enuma Elish with the Eridu Genesis?
      You will see that the existence of Marduk contradicts everything that came before.
      The ONLY connection between The Living God {cause' God (Yahweh) is not a thing, like Anu (the skies), is the identity but only in the older myths. In the older myths, there was no god before Anu (YHWH is Eternal), Anu was identified as the Judge of the universe (YHVH is The Most High).
      At that time, people were worshipping things. Yes. There was NO solar god...almost all the earth believed that the sun itself was a god, the moon was a god, each planets were gods, anything that they saw in the skies, was a god...
      We know that they are not.
      The people of that time imagined that, because the sun was ''a spirit", it should have a form.
      Every nation were worshipping the sun itself, so... Rà(the sun), Baal (the sun), and ANY other ''solar deity", was the same thing: the sun. The shape and name just fitted languages, an culture.
      It means that Anu, was THE skies itself {earth sky, space sky and spiritual skies.
      The history of the religions, will tell,you that.
      Enlil was the earth. Is the earth a god?
      I know that even if you would have 300 IQ, you could be fooled ; anyone can easily be fooled.
      Today, wears in the age of information... too much confusing information.
      Enki was the waters. H2O. If the waters were a spirit ; it would not be made of atoms. A spirit does not have a physical body, so, its nature is spiritual, not physical.

  • @iambeingnumber9
    @iambeingnumber9 Před 9 měsíci +5

    I have been channeling Yahweh for over a year now. The first time He came I asked Him who He was and He said, “I am I am” then He said I am Yahweh, I am El. As our conversations progressed He told me He was also Anu. Seeing this video made me smile. Spot on 👍🏽

    • @BaldysThoughts
      @BaldysThoughts  Před 9 měsíci +3

      Wow, thank you, reading your comment just made me smile and you made my day.

    • @toddstacey6385
      @toddstacey6385 Před 9 měsíci


    • @kryptonite7936
      @kryptonite7936 Před 2 měsíci +2

      You don't know who you were channeling, only to what you are told and what you believe. You could be channeling any being and you would not know!

    • @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018
      @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018 Před měsícem

      Also Anu...
      Satan and his demons rules the world, since Satan convinced Adam and Eve that they could be better if they were not ruled by God...
      It takes time to prove that we, humans, are not able to rule over ourselves.
      (On decades, we will be destroyed by the nature)
      have a supernatural intelligence. No matter how intelligent we are...(500 IQ...) We can easily fooled.
      That is a fact.
      I ll give you The Bible point of view about "communicating directly with God".
      Do you want it?
      Awnser me please to talk about that.
      Demons that were angels, are deceivers. They can communicate by visions, by supernatural signs, by spiritism. They have the capacity to take any form (ghosts... anything, anyone, any face, any voice)
      The worst is that, is, as ex-angels, their real apperance, is the SAME as angels! God, or an angel of God would NEVER identify himself with a pagan name, an idol (Anu). You are talking to a demon who takes a false shape.

    • @rebeccaringler1265
      @rebeccaringler1265 Před 12 dny

      @@kryptonite7936I have seen people go from Christianity to channeling alien saviors, while others still trust a government or political figure. Crazy here. I trust no one, but distinguish between good and evil.

  • @mbuhhh3605
    @mbuhhh3605 Před 3 měsíci +2

    I agree. I cannoth fathom why others often associate enlil with it instead of anu.
    Anu is clearly the correct one. He is also closest to olorun in yoruba religion (pantheon). All these Deities prefer seclusion, observing only from afar after creating their creations, all are associated with heavens, the kind of space, not sky, but space, in some mentions the heavens are called celestial heavens, which imply space, outside of earth or not terrestrial skies.
    However, it was not Anu who are against adam attaining divine knowledge, it was Enlil, at that time Anu merely choose to let destiny unfolds on its own. Only after the watchers (the igigi) rebel, and mate with humans, did Anu is forced to take decision, after many deliberation and contemplation by Anu and his divine councilors, they then vote to let the humans get drowned by flood, but even this, only humans that cannot be saved, the annunaki tries to save as many as they can, but cannot save all, so they had to choose.
    However even the flood is not of the annunaki making, it was natural celestial events. It's common misconception that Anu or in many cases it was said to be Enlil that create the flood, but the original eridu genesis and legend of adapa (Adam), specifically mention the flood is not of the gods making. The Annunaki are even said to mostly consider saving humans out of their growing fondness, but they cannot save all humans, so they save only those that can be carried by their celestial boats (spaceship??), they even lament those who cannot be saved, the one that are not with noah's ark, goes with some annunaki, depending on what annunaki faction these humans belong, e.g: follower of Enlil goes with enlil family, Enki's with his, etc, only Anu doesn't take humans because he is very far away, and cannot interfere directly. But it was his divine order, specifically to Enki and Enlil to save as many humans as they can.
    Enlil of course, begrudgingly accepts, Enki went with it happily.

    • @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018
      @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018 Před měsícem

      Beware of the texts that comes from polytheistic religions. Pagan priests, that told to the scribes what to write were notorious cannibals. History of religion tells that the word cannibal, comes from the Canaanite Cani Baal (Priest of Baal).
      (When you look at the Aztek version of paganism, you lol see that the priests were eating human flesh...) This kind of person should NEVER be trusted.

    • @AHLovv
      @AHLovv Před měsícem

      Makes sense, thanks.

    • @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018
      @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018 Před měsícem

      Weeks ago, I identified Enlil as "God because, for centuries, Enlil was Lord over the other gods. But, when we look at The Bible, we see a hierarchy were, we have Yehovah, or Yahveh (contemporain hebrew name of God), and after, we have only 1 Archangel: Mika-Èl, he is the chief of the angels ('Arc' means chief).
      The term God with a 'G' capital, is a unique title: only Yehovah have it. (In ancient hebrew, the Name of God could have been Yehovah, or Yahweh [the sound 'v' in Hebrew, was added centuries after the end of antiquity]).
      The term god, without the capital 'G', talks about really powerful celestial beings. So, many 'gods' (that we should not revere) are the angels/or the "demon gods" [it marks a difference between angels, and the fallen angels that became ultra evil, demons].
      The principal way to know Wich sources are more reliable is, the morality of the person's that give the informations: if a person does not care of he lies... his information will be a lot less reliable than, someone who feel remorse and shame, after he lied. I, myself, when I gave information, I was less reliable than today, because I did not care like I do today, to lie.

    • @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018
      @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018 Před měsícem +1

      I the following text, I am describingwhat kind of things, that you have to look, to verify, how much reliance the sources of informations. It helps to, at least, to better know, who is less liar, the less reliable source of information.
      The Logic of the Bible is "saying", that God ' inspired' his prophets to write His thoughts, His Words ; like a Director says to his secretary what to write. The, the secretary will write what his boss is saying, in his own style. But, the Author is the Director, because in the letter, we see the thoughts of the Director, not the secretary.
      So, The Author of The Bible is God himself and, his human writers that wrote The Bible, were God's prophets.
      The personality of the ones that wrote The Bible, we see it, in The Bible. The personality of the Author YHHW (Yahweh or Yehowah), we se ilt in the Bible.
      When we compare the personality of "Gang of God, and its leader (God), that wrote The Bible, with the ones who wrote the Sumerian mythology...
      There is a "canyon", of différence in morality.
      The Bible is saying that, there is a lot of writings "inspired by demons"... (Make your choice later to believe it or not).
      So the priests were "inspired by demons". But, when you look to the history of religions, the priests of the polytheistic cults... were the sacrificators: it was the priests that sacrificed animals for their gods ... and also human sacrifices!, killings also a lot of infants and a lot of babies...
      Already, even if it can be difficult to believe that the summerian mythology was "inspired by demons", the ones that told to the scribes what to write, the priests who killed babies, and encourage the people to grow their infants in "sacred 🔥"... I hope that you understand that, they cannot be trusted.
      For instance, Moses that wrote the first books of The Bible, when he started at 80 to write it, (during the Israel Exodus), when we look at his behaviours, he was truly , a holy man. Ok, he was not perfect, especially when he was 40 [•••] God does not hide the bad sides, of his prophets. Also, the priests of The God that we see in The Bible, is the ONLY one, that forbids totally, the human sacrifices.
      The priests of the other nations of Israel put their trust In their gods (pagan God's that asked to sacrifice humans)...
      Just, think about it.

  • @user-fj4ql2gg6t
    @user-fj4ql2gg6t Před 9 měsíci +1

    Enlil is yahweh. When you trace the gods, specifically the annunaki You trace personality , abilities, and mythology of that civilization . I've traced all of them myself to every empire/ civilization. Im highly disappointed everyone is a sheep although its not their fault. Handed something through generations but as adults is up to us to research
    What we're devoting our lives to. Thank you for trying to
    Wake people up.❤

  • @oneheartworldwide3626
    @oneheartworldwide3626 Před 9 měsíci +1

    Még jó hogy minket nem érdekelnek a titulusok és nevek.

  • @MikeInHalifax
    @MikeInHalifax Před 9 měsíci +5

    Yahweh is The god of Israel who came from Egypt. This is not The Creator God, personified through Jesus.

    • @hermeticascetic
      @hermeticascetic Před 9 měsíci +1

      Yahweh existed before Israel, both the person and the place.
      Don't make things up

    • @ixisinvestigator6009
      @ixisinvestigator6009 Před 2 měsíci

      @@hermeticascetic proof he does existed before israel? and jesus is the true deceiver

    • @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018
      @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018 Před měsícem

      To identify the false equivalent of God in pagan religions, we have to look at the oldests myths: there was less lies in them
      So, in the Canaanite religion, the Only god that was eternal and uncreated, is El.
      God, created the angels. If Yahweh is the Son of El (God), he is the "equivalent" of Jesus. And Baal, is the "equivalent"of Satan.
      Jesus is the one that execute God's Jugements. God gave the Power to Jesus, so he could execute the Egypt's 10 plagues.
      The word "God", with a capital "G", came from the hebrew 'El', that means The Powerful One. (Almighty)
      The word god without the capital ''G", refers to the powerful celestial beings:
      -The word Archangel means: chief (Arc) of the angels. The Bible talks about one only: Mika-Èl. (Named Yahweh in the Canaanite religion). The name Mika-Èl in hebrew means:'Who is like God?"
      The other "archangels", comes from sources that contradicts The Bible; they does not appear in the 66 Canonical books.
      1 Archangel (AKA Jesus before his life was transfered to Mary [Look in the book of The Philippians]
      The Annointed Cherubin
      (Satan, in the Book of Ezechiel)

    • @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018
      @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018 Před měsícem

      No flesh can survive to the Face of God, so, he has to do things at a great distance with his Holy Spirit. His Almightyness would destroy all the matter that exists around him (unlimited power).
      I hope that you will sender me and enjoy, the knowledge of God (NOT mine).
      When you understand the real power of the spirits... you can see that ALL the superheroes that we know, are weak!😂
      Spirits are not made of matter ; they have a spiritual body. So, if a spirit, God, angels or demons have a spiritual body, they are unaffected by the Laws of Physics...
      No weapon builded of matter can affect them!😂
      For example, they are not limited by the Speed of Light... (Too slow for them!)
      We see in The Bible that, angels are superior to demons (logically they are not enhanced by God).

    • @ixisinvestigator6009
      @ixisinvestigator6009 Před měsícem

      @@philibertpatricebeausoleil4018 you understood it all. glory to ba'al ! no more jesus !

  • @shadow3746
    @shadow3746 Před 29 dny

    Cool, except even in Deuteronomy it tells you that El the most high divided the nations of the earth according to the number of his children. Yahweh inherited the nation of Israel as his inheritance. How can the most high inherit what is already his? Yahweh was a son of El, and thus not the creator or most high. There's also the issues between Yahweh and Hadad (Baal), who both had similar abilities and titles (lord).

  • @NathanFatchett
    @NathanFatchett Před 9 měsíci +2

    Needa check your facts and source. Anu is enlils and Enkis father. Enlil is yehweh and sa-tan and enki is lucifer and Thoth according to the lost book of enki

    • @tisheamendoza3266
      @tisheamendoza3266 Před 9 měsíci

      Can any show this in any document that Yahweh is e lil?

    • @NathanFatchett
      @NathanFatchett Před 9 měsíci

      @@tisheamendoza3266 says it in the lost book of Enki. Sumerian legends, enuma elish. The sumerians called enlil Satan or the evil one. God said he regretted making humans right? That was after the fall of Egypt, when he repented from tryna control us.

    • @NathanFatchett
      @NathanFatchett Před 9 měsíci

      @hersonalexander according to the civilization that sprang up after the great flood, which is where we got the story of the great flood, it's yehweh. Also enlil and also satan. Fyi, their language can't be traced back to any origin on earth. This has been pier reviewed by scholars across the world

    • @NathanFatchett
      @NathanFatchett Před 9 měsíci

      @hersonalexander the great flood didn't flood the whole world. Just the whole known world. You must not have seen the evidence of it

    • @NathanFatchett
      @NathanFatchett Před 9 měsíci

      @hersonalexander yehweh was satan bruh. Enki aka Lucifer became known as the serpent when enlil found out what he did.

  • @verderriscursey
    @verderriscursey Před měsícem

    Enlil, yahweh, saturn, kronos, amun-ra, God in the bible....all the same entity

  • @CharlieAlexander-dd3pu
    @CharlieAlexander-dd3pu Před 8 měsíci +1

    Yahweh doesn't accept the existence of deitys. Try again, nor images.

    • @BaldysThoughts
      @BaldysThoughts  Před 8 měsíci +2

      We must believe what we chose to believe in what somebody else said that somebody else said, Thank You for Watching

    • @myklejones1289
      @myklejones1289 Před 4 měsíci +1

      Good answer^

  • @mikeokrepka5046
    @mikeokrepka5046 Před 4 měsíci

    deuteronomy 32 8-9 El Elyon is the Most High and therefore ANU not yahweh. Yahweh is Enlil.

  • @EstherChidinma-ho8hv
    @EstherChidinma-ho8hv Před 29 dny

    Una just confuse me d more

  • @Flashgordon1960
    @Flashgordon1960 Před měsícem


  • @toddstacey6385
    @toddstacey6385 Před 9 měsíci +2


    • @BaldysThoughts
      @BaldysThoughts  Před 9 měsíci +2

      Thank you for watching and thank you for enlightening me on that. I don't really know, I am not an expert on the subject but I will do my research and again I want to thank you for giving me an idea for another video