medusa hijaked this reading (fckn seriously, this message was so weird)🐍

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 352

  • @coneighscauldron
    @coneighscauldron  Před 20 dny +27

    (channeled song linked in this comment) In this I misspoke and said deities and gods/goddesses are separate but that was my fault! They are the same thing. Oopsie. Oh well. 😅
    MEDUZA: Lose Control:

    • @ionescupopa2293
      @ionescupopa2293 Před 13 dny +1

      don't worry, sister, its a focal point and what we used to know as dark and even some parts of evil went in different directions: some saw the truth in the most ingenuous way, others wait for confirmations to go on and others simply feel apprehension. much fewer than before remain truly evil, and they usually don't try to scare you, but to trick you. i wish you well.

    • @AshleighJane-nd2qx
      @AshleighJane-nd2qx Před 10 dny

      @ionescupopa2293 yeah, I have had those... you have amazing power, just let me guide you. I can unlock it for you, you won't have to be in pain again etc fn etc from 17 when I left home, reiki and acupuncture groups turned out to be sharing pets? And I went to the pagan picnic for the first time... business by fast day, suits and ties, blue green eyes, but nothing covers that creep vibe.

  • @AndreaLikesMusic
    @AndreaLikesMusic Před 19 dny +15

    I’ve been reading the comments and am feeling so very grateful to be part of this collective. We’re all doing our best and I love that we find help and healing with each other, even if- and particularly when- it comes in very mysterious ways! ❤❤❤

  • @dannierae23
    @dannierae23 Před 20 dny +19

    I just did my own tarot a couple hours ago and they were telling me there is something missing before moving on. To wait, go within, pay attention, listen to intuition, follow steps.
    There was also guidance about hermit time, reflection, getting clarity on a stagnant job or relationship to move onward. Connect with people/things thst make me happy. I will emerge from these energies of the FULL Moon shift with abundance and on path. Must reconnect with self and realign with purpose without any further delays.
    Now, time to watch your reading!

    • @GutsGloryLegend
      @GutsGloryLegend Před 20 dny +2

      You sound like head on right there are no measures to belief ,i bet you can visualize your bestest dreams be real!

  • @Katthecontrarian
    @Katthecontrarian Před 19 dny +14

    "I know I can be destructive. All I ask from you is patience." 🙋‍♀️ yes that resonates. I'm getting there... I've made so much progress...just that little bit more....

  • @GwendolynRSchepker
    @GwendolynRSchepker Před 19 dny +1

    😮 I just went through a situation that put me DAB SMACK into a seriously intense dramatic timeliness and sailed through it actually

  • @chrisnichols9876
    @chrisnichols9876 Před 12 dny +1

    🎵Oceans apart💚Day after day💙And I slowly go insane🎵 I WILL BE RIGHT HERE WAITING FOR YOU🎶💖

  • @catastrophoria
    @catastrophoria Před 19 dny +8

    So, I've never come across your channel, until this evening. I've been working very hard on myself over the last five years. About two weeks ago, I confronted a childhood abuser to stand up for my inner child. I was terrified and thought at first that I might have made a mistake to do this, until it was over. The tables flipped and he was terrified, just as he made me terrified when I was little. I know that I have a lot to process this and have so much trauma that I've been wanting to shed somehow. I've been feeling stuck, but the last week, I've been having dreams of little snakes biting me over and over. I'm not afraid of them or anything and I keep telling those that witness it that I'm okay, that they're helping me and not hurting me, that we'll be best friends or something to that affect. Snakes have been in several dreams. It's been wild. I have a dragon that appears in my dreams that brings storms and flooding and scares everyone but me in my dreams. I'm always walking toward it. It's so intimidating and It's so very powerful, but my curiosity and just utterly being in awe, overrides my fear. I'm really not even sure why I decided to click this video, but here I am and appreciated it. Gratitude

  • @KulaMarga
    @KulaMarga Před 16 dny

    I just have to say, after my long rant last night🤣 that what was revealed in this reading gave me a huge epiphany. But I had to marinate on it all night, and I received another attack in the night. It felt like my third eye was being targeted.
    ( I was told from spirit, I would receive important information from Spirit) … and I recognized my third eye needed to be open to receive it. So it was maddening that I kept getting my third eye targeted.
    But then this morning, I remembered what you said… the key is in the darkness and the darkness is in the fear, and then I was contemplating what I’m afraid of, and that led me to what beliefs gave birth to the fear. And then that led me to recognizing that I am in advertently attracting attacks to myself, so that I will be perpetually suspended from moving forward, bc of my limiting beliefs.
    Imagine a circle, ⭕️
    Worry>attack>result of attack> emotional response- feeling things are out of control- victim mode>dark attacks again ….. repeat. The beliefs I had conflicted with receiving the information I was to receive. Like opposing frequencies that repel not attract. So I could never receive the information I was to receive because I couldn’t utilize it until I healed what I needed to heal, first. So ya …putting the cart before the horse.
    I also had an epiphany pertaining to the personal relationship issue that I need to address. 🙏
    And all of this brings me to a place of extreme gratitude for you and what you offer. A lot of what Lightworkers offer is out of sheer, blind faith, and trusting ones intuition and downloads, and this one was particularly fascinating. And it’s amazing to watch you connect the dots. And in evaluating the situation with the personal relationship with my friend that you had mentioned spirit is saying needs to be discussed, it occurred to me. This person only wants to rely on herself and on her spirit downs and not on anybody else and especially not on me. And anytime she acts like she needs me. I think it’s just so she can appear humble. When really she’s kind of fighting her ego. We have to be humble, truly authentically in order to be servants to the collective. And part of that being part of the collective is working like a mechanism and a machine collectively together part is more important than the other, but all are absolutely necessary for the machine to function. And when people are fighting with severe insecurities, which a lot of us have insecurities because we’ve been attacked and diminished and demean most of our lives because we’re light workers and we are different and we don’t fit into the mold.
    But part of honoring our own gifts is also equally honoring the gifts and information from source that comes from others because sometimes we’re blocked from receiving information for ourselves because of our fears because of our beliefs that we haven’t fully healed. We perpetuate not being healed by not looking at what needs to be healed by skirting over it and acting out of ego. I recognize, I need to fully heal what has not been healed with my relationship with her before we have this conversation, as you eluded to in this reading. It really is crazy …all of the layers that are unseen , buried in the dark. That need to be rediscovered and illuminated in order to move forward. Thank you so much for your insight, and for being a conduit of knowledge for others! 🙏💗

  • @averystewart6086
    @averystewart6086 Před 16 dny

    This is my first time viewing your videos, and I am SO GRATEFUL for this message. Thank you for continuing to push through the reading even when it may have seemed ungrounded, metaphorical, and even though Medusa can be intimidating. If you’re curious I am willing to share my story- everything lines up with this reading. EVERYTHING. Dragons, Unicorns, Medusa, Hecate, snakes, a pending rebirth, it all lines up with me in very synchronistic ways, and i’m so grateful for your guidance ❤️

  • @AshleighJane-nd2qx
    @AshleighJane-nd2qx Před 20 dny +33

    People are strange, when you're a stranger

    • @EyeC_33
      @EyeC_33 Před 19 dny +7

      Familiarity isn’t a prerequisite for genuineness or compassion. Just as strangeness isn’t a prerequisite for integrity or the “golden rule”.
      Our society is crisis. We are truly in need of a Prophet because too many people are benefiting monetarily or satisfaction off of the misery of others. It’s disgusting. And it has been showing up more during this presidential race. Exposing more people by the day of their hidden bigotry. All 💚 from a True Believer 👳🏾‍♂️🕋

    • @DanielleKauric
      @DanielleKauric Před 18 dny +3

      Faces look ugly, when you’re alone
      Great song hahah

    • @AshleighJane-nd2qx
      @AshleighJane-nd2qx Před 17 dny +1

      Don't be a stranger, face the distortions and start a conversation with your shadows.

    • @AshleighJane-nd2qx
      @AshleighJane-nd2qx Před 17 dny +1

      @EyeC_33 I'm South African, not following the election, but I'm thinking of you during these trying times.
      I also feel that the time for prophets? May be near an end, we have to look within
      We are all connected, directly to the source

    • @WhaleCommunicators
      @WhaleCommunicators Před 16 dny +2

      @@EyeC_33 Excellent response to the fallen angel.

  • @rhawniegonzales7568
    @rhawniegonzales7568 Před 16 dny

    cancer, scorp, aries here. this is the first ive seen of your channel, and youre very good! I just wanted to leave a supportive comment since you said this message felt weird to you. water and fire energies in a person can often make sense of chaos, which you no doubt have been doing, but its also why you got medusa. your unicorn horn /sword piece was communicating WISDOM as a guidance tool. you will likely be working with deep wisdom archetypes soon, although i suspect theyre coming in already for you. This read was very helpful for me, so BIG THANKS. the unraveling over time is no joke, and exhausting af. most I did on my own, but the Wisdom is to find the support spaces, hence me finding you, and this read. maybe its the astrology similarities, but you read and speak closer to how i do so it resonated very deeply. again, BIG THANKS, and you do have a very lovely voice. (Aries usually do).

  • @Mr.RazorRamon
    @Mr.RazorRamon Před 10 dny +1

    Making a snake in to a dragon was a dream

  • @terriprugh7686
    @terriprugh7686 Před 19 dny

    OMGosh, that is powerful.. I have goose pumps all over. I just broke open a shadow and used it to be something positive.

  • @Conductoroflight
    @Conductoroflight Před 18 dny

    Achieving wholeness is accepting both light and shadow of one's past.

  • @adventuresofasinner1557

    I Love the way you sing through channeling. The energy comes through music much clearer for myself. ❤️

  • @chorofompilaaa
    @chorofompilaaa Před 14 dny

    GIRLLL this reading kept popping up on my recommended videos and I'm so thankful I clicked on it, the message is so precise and clear!! also I was watching another reading that said basically the same thing, I feel like there really is something I might need to know here, this is crazyy
    tysm for posting this!

  • @MrFloydChannelings
    @MrFloydChannelings Před 19 dny +1

    Grateful for the message and the messangers 🙏😇🤗🔥🌞💜❣️

  • @curiouscreature23
    @curiouscreature23 Před 11 dny

    this is interesting because I have been trying for awhile to clear out the negativity that has been destructive in my romantic relationship and I've been trying to do a lot of healing work but it has felt like a neverending battle. Last night I spiraled and had a really bad panic attack that made my partner feel attacked and villainized. Today I meditated on it asking my higher self what is truly going on with me and the word "saboteur" popped in my head. I googled it and learned that it's an archetype and a term used in psychology to describe a self sabotaging mechanism within our psyche that is really just trying to protect us. So today I started to take on a new approach of befriending the saboteur and talking to it with love and understanding rather than seeing it as an enemy. This message was a confirmation that this is a good approach 😊 also you mentioned 111 which is my birthday and I watched a Scorpio tarot reading recently that had multiple snakes come through (one being held and another making an infinity symbol)

  • @nikj5215
    @nikj5215 Před 19 dny

    This randomly popped up on my feed and I got goosebumps listening. Wow. So spot on with what Spirit has already been telling me to do. Thank you.

  • @IMAEJ166
    @IMAEJ166 Před 18 dny

    Medusa has been taking things over in my life since about a week before I listened to this reading and I’d say has doubled the intensity since the reading. Right down to product selections online - it’s all related to her or her descriptions or images. It’s been so mind blowing, I just had to loop back to share this with you!!!

  • @durrcodurr
    @durrcodurr Před 15 dny

    This video was recommended to me by CZcams. Today, I had a very bizarre run-in with one of my coworkers. Ever had the impression that a situation had some kind of supernatural characteristics? It was like that, we argued over some insignificant stuff, and it felt very unnatural at least to me. In my last 3 employments (including this one), there was always one person I couldn't get along with at times, and which those kinds of unnatural situations happened. So, perhaps my inner self keeps putting me into these situations so that I learn to handle them. What these people don't know consciously (the one today does seem to fear me for some reason), is that I have a dark, uncontrollable side within me, that has never fully come to the surface (it would probably be homicidal in nature -- I believe that everyone has a dark side to them that could turn them into homicidal maniacs. I don't know if that belief in itself is the cause of this). I put some clarifying info where I hope they will find them (which I hope will help deflate the situation). I'm not good at this, I usually get along with everyone, unless someone hits a very particular button (which only happens from very specific people, as I pointed out). In my country, psychology sessions are extremely hard to get (some people wait for years for an appointment), so perhaps I'll have to find a remote one. I want to avoid triggers, but in these situations I mentioned, I cannot seem to control my reactions. Also, I don't know if that's actually a good thing that I might have to keep / put up with. Only a century ago, wars were a pretty common thing, and you had to have a warrior mode. But in a peaceful society, these things can be problematic.

  • @DivinePinkLotusMessages

    Thank you so much for this message! It is so crazy because I have a Medusa necklace and was called to connect with her by wearing it yesterday. I know this message is definitely for me and it makes perfect sense.❤

  • @MiauxCatterie
    @MiauxCatterie Před 19 dny

    i listen to these on x2 speed and your singing is still really beautiful at that speed. i saw a beautiful medusa painting earlier tonight. she was braiding her teal hair and the ends were turning into the snakes. then i listened to a celtic scrying video that also mentioned medusa. so of course i had to click this one. i was going to save it for another day.

  • @beeekaaaay
    @beeekaaaay Před 20 dny

    I have been feeling emotions for the last day or two that I can't seem to resolve or get rid of. You described the situation perfectly. I'm afraid that if I can't deal with the pain of separation, I will allow myself to be misused again. I'm glad you clarified that I should not allow myself to be swayed by these feelings because they do cause me to doubt my decision. I kind of thought of the serpent as Serpent Medicine. And I guess it would be a very bright awareness and recognition of the facts, even though so doing brings me pain. How would I learn to trust someone again if I didn't know that I could handle any amount of pain in order to separate from them, if it turned out they were doing me wrong? So, patiently sitting with the pain until I am no longer afraid that it can push me around is absolutely the right thing to do. Thank you. Interestingly, I was practicing Tong Lin, earlier, which is a lot like the serpent medicine. And, it kind of brought to mind the image from the movie Apocalypse Now, when Colonel Kurtz, explaining how his mind broke in the Vietnam war, offers the image of a snail moving along a razor's edge. You can't move forward unless you bring with it the memory of the pain that was caused you by your bad habit of whatever you did to get into the situation this is about. I need to know I'm in control enough to take a risk again, and that means I have to be perfectly in control of my own desires as well as other things that crop up, like trauma bonding. I have to be able to pull out of a trauma bond, cold turkey, as soon as I feel it is happening. And, doing that is like ripping off the front half of your aura. It really hurts for a while and knowing I can handle that is the serpent medicine, I guess. ❤

  • @EDWARD-ot5qp
    @EDWARD-ot5qp Před 20 dny +29

    I am breaking a friendship of 50 years and no longer serves me our friendship we grew up together and walked the same streets. Hung out with the same friends.

  • @stephaniel8452
    @stephaniel8452 Před 12 dny

    I have serpents in my dreams, and I understand, feel, Medusa’s song, a victim/ cursed, but having too find my way through life. Relationships destroyed, and i’m starting over each time. I confirm…

  • @Jensenplayslive444
    @Jensenplayslive444 Před 12 dny

    7:05 Synchronicities in real time. That was so cool lol

  • @tiffanif9113
    @tiffanif9113 Před 19 dny

    I knew she was going to pop out! I was just looking at the sticker and thinking of ways to honor, connect, and work with her. Then her card came out. Then you said phoenix rising. I've always resonated with the Phoenix due to all the trials I've been through and overcome. I have a tattoo of a Phoenix on my left ribcage.

  • @Mr.RazorRamon
    @Mr.RazorRamon Před 10 dny +1

    When I didn't tame it I lost the war of the universe dark vr light .

  • @asukamore888
    @asukamore888 Před 15 dny

    This resonated on an eerie and enlightening level. Thank you so much

  • @ayahod
    @ayahod Před 20 dny +13

    Hello my dear ❤ just a few weeks ago there was a very big and rare astrology event with a conjuction between Uranus and Algol (known also as "Medusa's head"). So I was not surprised that it came in. It was as allways a very important messages. Thank you.
    I love your singing a lot😊

  • @gypsumstardust111
    @gypsumstardust111 Před 19 dny

    Beautiful message, beautiful voice! I’m totally pickin’ up what you’re puttin’ down, sister! ❤🙏🏼 Thank you!

  • @willowwallowstarot
    @willowwallowstarot Před 19 dny

    I love your specific light, so so beautiful 🥰 Thank you for sharing your gifts with us 💓🙏

  • @davinealigns6780
    @davinealigns6780 Před 15 dny

    So right on time ! Thank you for allowing spirit to work through you darling ! And your voice is so sweet and soothing ! Definitely keep singing ! 😄💕💕👑💐💐✨

  • @CrestoneShines
    @CrestoneShines Před 14 dny

    Appreciate your bravery to connect with this energy. Thank you.

  • @LunaRae888
    @LunaRae888 Před 19 dny

    I am a follower of Medusa 🙌🏻 (Lilith and Anubis) and I listen to that chant during rituals 🙌🏻 Medusa came through my reading last night. Also, I have the same moon notebook as you! 🥰 The ouroboros card came out in my reading last night. It was a heavy reading that brought me to tears because of major releasing going on. You used the reference to holding the key lol spirit is amazing! In my chakra deck I pulled the recovery card and it’s about taking your past and transforming it into a key to unlock a new path 😮 I also got the justice & the temperance card. So on point, thank you!

  • @stacyrae5027
    @stacyrae5027 Před 16 dny

    I stumbled onto your channel on Monday and enjoyed your style and the singing (your voice is some Aaliyah vibes). Today, this reading just popped right up. I've always been a fan of Medusa. Based on this, I guess she's a fan of me too. I need to go ahead and do what I've known I needed to do for a little bit. Will there be fall out? Absolutely. I'm done with being afraid of what COULD happen b/c what will happen is what's needed and for the highest good of all parties involved.

  • @melissamouse70
    @melissamouse70 Před 19 dny

    This resonates deeply. Thank you! You showed up on my feed. 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼💛

  • @terriprugh7686
    @terriprugh7686 Před 19 dny

    I luv luv luv your voice. I get goosebumps and feel so at peace. Thank you sweetie.

  • @DikediChristopher-vl4fe
    @DikediChristopher-vl4fe Před 20 dny +14

    I get it. What is perceived dirty by the generality is a state of mind not necessarily true if it gives you some sense of satisfaction, happiness or relief. As long as it doesn't bring any pain to anybody, that is including yourself, feel free to embrace it without judgement.

  • @leslietylersmith430
    @leslietylersmith430 Před 16 dny

    Loved this reading! Deeply resonates. Really appreciate your unique intuitive gift!❤🎉

  • @marrwise
    @marrwise Před 19 dny

    This definitely resonated with me so thanks!!! Also love your singing!!!!

  • @Tutulli899
    @Tutulli899 Před 11 dny

    I just finished Medusa artwork and came across this reading…thank you

  • @maryshannon262
    @maryshannon262 Před 20 dny

    Thankyou Coneigh- ⚘ Really helped to see the fears as serpents and taming them, through a sense of objectivity in seeing them as a pattern- inc. the ebb and flow of life. 👍🤗✨💜

  • @lindaohanraha-hanrahan2817

    Sing your souls our sister. I use song to soothe me and who knows what else. Thank you beautiful.🙏🏼💐🇨🇦

  • @birdseyetarot
    @birdseyetarot Před 20 dny +13

    this is so crazy. I mean, you, Andie, and Reem have given me the MOST bizarre synchronicities and just flat out in-my-face spiritual messages I've seen in a long time, if ever. This is a bit of a dump, so just a warning and no one is required to read it if you're not in the space to do so. But Reem mentioned something about this. In my reading yesterday, I mentioned something about this.TW, then a barber who did something I didn't say yes to last time I was there texted me, thinking I'll ever be going there again. All of this linking to my father who passed away years ago, who's trying to help me right now somehow. He appeared THRU Andie in my dream after she insisted for us to watch our dreams, then Reem the SAME day had the father reading, then you with Medusa all relating to wounds and persecution for things I couldnt' control in the past. And me trying to move away from this stagnant part of my life due to a lot of trauma I didn't know until recently how to start releasing. Moving away and accepting what happened in the past while energetically barring the energy of helplessness to come in again in my life. Andie had three readings that all wove together leading up to this the past week or so and I was called to watch signs I never watch for readings that were probably more relevant than they'd ever been. I DON'T know what's happening but I know it's intense and I know it's also ultimately a really good thing. So thank you all very much. 💚💚💚💚

    • @jendavis9875
      @jendavis9875 Před 7 dny

      I read your post, glad the volume is turning up. Just found this channel, very connected with Andie's messages, very curious, who is Reem?

  • @tiffanif9113
    @tiffanif9113 Před 19 dny

    I picked up this printed sticker in my room not an hour before this popped up on my feed. The sticker had Medusa on it. Second reading after this one is about the Oraborous, a symbol I've drawn several times this past month.

  • @tiahetrick3333
    @tiahetrick3333 Před 20 dny

    Good morning, i loved hearing your singing this morning 💗
    With my situation, i shared some yesterday, it mirrors my past from my addiction but im sober and just dealing with trauma and i know I have to have patience with this bc i know my truth and have the proof that I was clean and so I know this will clear up but its the patient part of the process that I am struggling with.

    • @tiahetrick3333
      @tiahetrick3333 Před 19 dny

      Thank you for the encouragement in the end bc I'm in tears trying to stay out of the fear side of this and gain the wisdom it holds overall.

  • @CandiJadeMoon
    @CandiJadeMoon Před 20 dny

    Your readings are the best, thank you.

  • @LuvDolphins1111
    @LuvDolphins1111 Před 7 dny

    Snakes 🐍 have been coming through all day. 🔥

  • @user-pu9xo2xu9v
    @user-pu9xo2xu9v Před 15 dny

    I had a moment in my home that seems haunted where I met Medusa and I froze.

  • @firehearttarot
    @firehearttarot Před 20 dny +13

    I connected intensely with Medusa this spring and also last week. Crazy enough, I listened to that specific song by Meduza on my way home yesterday as I had a breakdown. Old suffering resurfacing in a new situation that I made a choice about. Everything in this reading resonates. Medusa was,unlike her sisters, mortal so it makes sense that she wants to connect when it comes to human suffering. Thank you so much ❤

  • @davidnordahl7327
    @davidnordahl7327 Před 11 dny

    Beautiful voice! Great reading too!!

  • @im.notalive
    @im.notalive Před 6 dny

    I'm only four minutes into the video. I felt called and directed to this reading after the last one heavily resonated. Although I put off watching this one. Anyway, the song you mentioned is one that plays on the radio every noon when my mom decides she wants to listen to some music. She loves dance music, and while there is a variety since it's Music Choice we listen on, I recognized it immediately! Time to finish the rest of the reading..

  • @terriprugh7686
    @terriprugh7686 Před 19 dny

    Thank you Spirit for giving this message to my girl. I just had a connection that gave me an idea.

  • @claudiamdamm1212
    @claudiamdamm1212 Před 16 dny

    It helped a lot for my prayer practice today . ❤thank you so much dear chosen sister

  • @empressofjah
    @empressofjah Před 20 dny

    Your voice alone caused me to subscribe. Thank you for blessing us with your wisdom & personality🪻🩵

  • @Daretoknowofficial
    @Daretoknowofficial Před 18 dny

    Perfect reading thank you. Love your style

  • @edfishburn
    @edfishburn Před 17 dny

    thumbs up, . firstly for singing. .. and for being so open to go with the flow as it directs. ....... lots of love from Australia.

  • @lineoflight1111
    @lineoflight1111 Před 19 dny

    Whoa I was also promoted to read the inside of the lid yeaterday

  • @BlairLoganDance
    @BlairLoganDance Před 19 dny

    Thank you so much for this beautiful message, especially "to find stillness within and to root ourselves back into our choice and to remember we can have what we're asking for" -- this resonates so greatly, especially in relation to the last message I heard you bring through, involving Ouroboros (I have a tattoo of this) and I'm so grateful for this guidance 💜 p.s. I love all of your you have these listed out somewhere, I'd love to have a closer look at some of them especially!

  • @KassandraWalsh-vk6qj
    @KassandraWalsh-vk6qj Před 19 dny

    I have been avoiding writing a book to hopefully help others to heal from their past based off of my experience in healing myself. I have been avoiding it because it's hard to put myself in the spotlight. I also do spiritual art in partnership with the universe. So I'll have to really show the world who and what I am.

  • @mekylieme
    @mekylieme Před 19 dny

    Okay, highly resonated with this weird message. Thank you for this!! I have worked with Medusa in the past but briefly. This is a needed message for sure. Blesskings!!!

  • @monicatriant1207
    @monicatriant1207 Před 19 dny

    Totally relate to this message and medusas message. I swear I wake up sweating every night. This is my first time seeing your channel as well.

  • @sugarfree1894
    @sugarfree1894 Před 19 dny

    I played Medusa in a school play 45 years ago. Natural role!

  • @CharlieWilliams-m6r
    @CharlieWilliams-m6r Před 15 dny

    The only thing weird about all of this is the fact that you are clarifying some intel I had received a good while back..... ❤❤❤

  • @Innercompass2022
    @Innercompass2022 Před 16 dny

    Thank you! Very insightful!

  • @TimTheEnchanter0
    @TimTheEnchanter0 Před 19 dny

    Right ear was popping and ringing too 🔥🐍💀

  • @stela-wl8de
    @stela-wl8de Před 19 dny

    Thank you for the beautiful and very helpful insights you are giving us with every readings 💜

  • @EpikPink
    @EpikPink Před 19 dny

    Thank you so much. I can’t explain all the things that have happened but this is very real. 💚

  • @user-ix4rg7vv6q
    @user-ix4rg7vv6q Před 16 dny


  • @genaskugstad2904
    @genaskugstad2904 Před 20 dny

    You are breath of fresh air I must say. I feel like we connected because I am a I am a lone wolf and learning as I go so I'm very grateful when I find a cosmic friend or sister or whatever peace lovely we appreciate you

  • @Mr.RazorRamon
    @Mr.RazorRamon Před 10 dny

    14.41 I hear you clear ly thank you . I have my power back and I have my energy alined.

  • @VirginiaWoolfWouldUnderstand

    I had sleep paralysis last night. It was a particularly scary episode. But today I feel like I’ve had sooo many downloads. As strange as this reading is it resonated so much.

  • @alyssaleatham8544
    @alyssaleatham8544 Před 19 dny

    Well, seeing as I just said, "There's something I'm missing." , maybe you're right.

  • @Oroseborose
    @Oroseborose Před 19 dny

    She's one of my very beloved guides, thank you for the message 🖤

  • @annaolsson5441
    @annaolsson5441 Před 18 dny

    Darn, point taken. Also the oeroborus that means going back to something I did before and finish what I started but I got scared;scarred from old shit.

  • @melindamcdaniel2479
    @melindamcdaniel2479 Před 17 dny

    8:57 I have experienced much regarding the energies of wanting to make things right with others in some way, but one or the both of us not being willing, or the time just not being right. A friend I fell out with some time ago and I have been back in touch, and such has been right and comfortable enough to allow me the healing of apologizing. It was reciprocal compassion without judgement, both expressing we thought we broke the other's heart a little. I guarantee I did not expect that. But what a warm balm over all my bodies! And hope and other information regarding steps forward in other areas of life seem to be coming; or I seem to be able to hear and heed it now where maybe it was there before, but I couldn't. 22:24 Also, I do have something going on that at times doubt has been.l creeping in. Thank you for thr acknowledgement that yes I did make the right decision.

  • @Camillio
    @Camillio Před 19 dny

    This was very on point with the energy I have been working with. And it’s crazy how I randomly was talking about Medusa a few weeks ago. A coworker and I randomly were googling her instead of working one day 🥴
    I don’t want to put myself as a victim, but I do feel like I was treated like Medusa. I guess I’m still trying to find a way through this confusing situation.

  • @emeraldempresstarotllc

    Yesterday I recorded and connected with my sisters snake!!! Which I never usually do!
    And i literally just told my bff I was loosing my patience of being houseless!

  • @ximmenitah
    @ximmenitah Před 11 dny

    Thank you Coneigh, I've been seeing your videos in a seemingly random order and they are all making sense right now. My energy was kind of stagnant and weird and I didn't know why. Thank you, thank you 💖

  • @skylark9450
    @skylark9450 Před 19 dny

    Your voice is so heavenly - wow 💜

  • @avoiceinthedarklorielliot2986

    dead on, I have been calling in Medusa this week. this helps

  • @9angelz
    @9angelz Před 17 dny

    My Lilith is in Aries- THANK YOU, for helping me find myself thru example. First reading I’ve seen on your channel. Your throat chakra is beautifully tuned 🪽💞🫂

  • @MsAndreaBenz
    @MsAndreaBenz Před 19 dny

    You helped me so much. Not going to go into the personal details but your reading was very enlightening to me. I think I know what I need to do so thank you for that !

  • @spiritualanarchy5465
    @spiritualanarchy5465 Před 12 dny

    Yep! My week has been all about Medussa. I channel. I just saw this. Please flow and do not apologize

  • @jayelbee444
    @jayelbee444 Před 19 dny

    When you started singing I almost started crying wtf haha

  • @daybyday6228
    @daybyday6228 Před 17 dny

    yes it makes sense you are so gifted

  • @Stefan111a
    @Stefan111a Před 19 dny +2

    The amount of synchronicities in this video is crazy -first off your voice is beautiful
    I know this is for me because I drew a picture of Medusa years ago in my sketchbook that was never finished and the past few days I started using the sketchbook for painting and I almost went to finish her piece but my guides said no I have to paint these other new pieces first. through these paintings there was so much inner turmoil coming up and it got to a point where I would have to take breaks from the emotional upheaval. Safe to say you were spot on and I have some reflecting and healing to do thank you so much 🤍✨💗

  • @JulitaJean
    @JulitaJean Před 19 dny

    Wow. Just wow. Speechless. Thank you🙏🏼✨

  • @Bodie-py2nc
    @Bodie-py2nc Před 18 dny

    Yes id imagine its just as weird for me and i wish it would stop for the evening

  • @C00lGuy27-c3w
    @C00lGuy27-c3w Před 12 dny

    Ok, i knew i loved u and then u brought up 13 Moons tarot.❤❤❤
    This was radically helpful, and when my mind recovers from being blown, I might share my story.
    WOW!!! Thank you SO much!

  • @mattlawson2244
    @mattlawson2244 Před 19 dny

    Thank you for sharing this. I know what this means to me. Love, love .

  • @Cosmiclove222
    @Cosmiclove222 Před 19 dny +1

    Beautiful voice ❤

  • @bird-of-hermes3385
    @bird-of-hermes3385 Před 20 dny

    Thank you! That was a very helpful message for me. Much appreciated. 💛

  • @genaskugstad2904
    @genaskugstad2904 Před 20 dny

    Thank you for being down to earth also and I feel that you are unconditional. Yes love the singing love it love it love it myself I'm more of a heavy metal 80s

  • @dockbailey5482
    @dockbailey5482 Před 11 dny +1

    😁...and never edit,just let it out!! You flame is eternal

  • @moovinflow
    @moovinflow Před 14 dny

    THIS IS AMAZING, you are amzing THANK YOU

  • @ceciliakruger4597
    @ceciliakruger4597 Před 19 dny

    Thank you this reading did resonated with my recent past and present, very accurate

  • @KarenMurray-b3s
    @KarenMurray-b3s Před 12 dny

    Omg! The 💯 most jaw-dropping message, girlfriend, you just blowed my mind. I am so blessed right now. Thank you. Your gift is truly amazing! Im 58, and you gave me answers to questions❤😊 thanknyou for your time. Much ❤