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  • @ct92404
    @ct92404 Před 6 lety +14

    No. Way too many doctors try to dismiss EVERYTHING as being psychological now. Their favorite one is to say that everything is from "anxiety." I have an autoimmune disease and I kept trying to tell a doctor that something was wrong - I had extreme fatigue, joint pain, severe headaches and short term memory loss, my feet were getting freezing cold and my toenails were turning purple. I also tested positive for ANA. But he STILL refused to say that there was anything wrong with me and wouldn't refer me to a rheumatologist. I finally ended up going to another doctor and she could tell right away that I had an AI disorder. She referred me to an endocrinologist and a rheumatologist. It turned out I had hypothyroidism AND Sjogren's Sydrome with Raynaud's and neuropathy. So I guess it wasn't all in my head, huh doc?
    "Malingering." Bullshit.

  • @ophenia1925
    @ophenia1925 Před 6 lety +21

    I was just diagnosed with functional neurologic disorder (or conversion disorder) but for years I think doctors thought it was malingering. Then I started having extreme tremors and involuntary muscle movements, like really rapid fluttering of muscles in my face, that no one I know can intentionally replicate. I will also get eye pain that's so severe that one eye will just be streaming tears. And my pupils won't dilate. I think only then were the doctors like "Idk if anyone can fake this." It's actually been a nightmare. But somehow I'm relieved it's come to this so people will believe me now, because it is the most terrifying thing to not have control of your body and be in so much pain but no one believes it. I stopped asking for relief a long time ago, because no one believed I wasn't looking for drugs, and I just started begging to figure out the cause. I can't wait until they find out more about treatment for this disorder.

    • @iceinmyveinsx1149
      @iceinmyveinsx1149 Před 4 lety +1

      I've been diagnosed with it too back in April. My head twitched from left to right and my right eye hurts every time it happens. I can't even see out of that eye. I'm currently looking for help as I speak it's frustrating for me I'm only 21 why, why me?

    • @ophenia1925
      @ophenia1925 Před 4 lety +2

      @@iceinmyveinsx1149 I'm so sorry. That was genuinely one of the worst times in my life. I don't know if this will help you, but most of my symptoms have stopped. I'll get head and face twitches and temporary Bell's palsy if I'm under a lot of stress. My doctor told me that my brain was trying to physically remove me from a stressful situation. Fortunately, I knew exactly what it was and removed myself from the situation. I know not everyone can do that. I was also diagnosed with OCD around this time and found a therapist that specialized in CBT. It's definitely not as easy as I'm making it sound. I was very messed up for at least 6 months. But it can get better.

    • @iceinmyveinsx1149
      @iceinmyveinsx1149 Před 4 lety

      @@ophenia1925 thank you 🙏

    • @tonjemjelv
      @tonjemjelv Před 3 lety

      @@ophenia1925 Thank you for talking about your experience with FND. I feel like a lot of people just talk about it like its some strange thing or that everyone is faking it. Even in this video I kind of got that vibe, as malingering isn't always conscious either, and the lines are much more blurred. Either way, I'm glad more people talk about their own experience with this.

  • @ohheythere5263
    @ohheythere5263 Před 6 lety +15

    I know you did in the video but it's really important to emphasise that conversion is not faking or malingering.
    It's interesting to hear that lots of people suffer from conversion symptoms- however, when they cause significant disability it is important to get onto treatment as soon as possible. Longer prognosis= longer recovery.
    I know someone with dystonic movements (jerky tremor in upper body, curled fingers and toes) , functional seizures daily, stuttering speech and unusual gait. They have been this way non-stop gradually progressing for more than a year now. Psychotherapy alone is not enough, this needs to be done in conjunction with physiotherapy, neurology and OT.
    This condition can be just as debilitating and even more rapidly progressive than organic neurological problems like parkinson's and MS. Fun fact: MS originally was thought to be psychogenic before the MRI was created.
    Support and treatment is necessary for these patients, especially when it is a potentially reversible condition.

    • @brandiglass2983
      @brandiglass2983 Před 6 lety +2

      True,I have conversion disorder and it's very real

    • @LuckyPineapple
      @LuckyPineapple Před 4 lety +3

      This video actually made me mad because I have CD and it’s not anything remotely close to “my arm hurts and I’m unconsciously saying it to get attention”. Nothing makes my symptoms worse than calling attention to it and fussing over me while I’m having a fit. There is no gain from conversion disorder. I have symptoms and full on episodes even when I’m alone (it actually happened this morning while I was alone at work). It pisses me off that someone in the medical field is making videos spreading false information about a disorder that is already so hard to get taken seriously..especially saying it’s for attention one way or another! 😠

    • @MrApplewine
      @MrApplewine Před 3 lety +2

      Conversion disorder is when the doctor fakes their critical thinking ability, medical knowledge and ability to diagnose.

  • @christinecameron5702
    @christinecameron5702 Před 5 lety +3

    They say nowadays that mental illness stigma has drastically improved which in some ways yes, however there's still much more improvement to be made. Being chronically/life threateningly ill since the age of 11, from my experience in general, the "decrease in stigma" for these psych conditions is not an even ratio whatsoever. The diagnoses that are improved with awareness are mostly just the standard anxiety, depression, etc. Everything else like munchausens, conversion, etc are still a sensitive topic/condition and are frequently misunderstood and almost "hated upon" by the world/public and even doctors which more times than not leads to improper/uncompassionate care. People preach for mental health awareness, but if you don't have the standard/common issues, you're just "crazy". This mans video just shows how behind our system is in those areas. I was one of almost all "rare disease patient" individuals who were very early on, labelled as conversion & munchausen because all testing coming back seemed normal which is also common in people like myself, all because the ignorant doctors couldn't figure it out after just plain standardized testing, instead of testing for rare conditions once the first round came back "perfect". Because I mean..... If they can't figure you out, it HAS TO BE your fault and in your head, not their fault because they weren't ordering the proper tests. Due to the ignorance and medical neglect I received all of those years before FINALLY being diagnosed, I will be mentally/emotionally scarred for the rest of my life.

  • @beautybushcraft1205
    @beautybushcraft1205 Před 6 lety +8

    These should not be put together in the same video. It's bringing the two together in a way and can confuse people watching. I have functional neurological disorder and I am on a lot of pills for both that and PTSD non of which I want to be on. I can't walk and I am in crippling pain (full time wheelchair user) and I will ask for help with my pain and some medications do help

  • @squarepeg418
    @squarepeg418 Před 3 lety +1

    Two months after being rear ended, I had SEVERE unrelenting pain in my lower right arm and hand and my hand would get stuck in position like I was pointing a gun and it would turn red, white and blue. The pain coincidentally started after my dog hyper extended my elbow. I had a T Spine plain film at the ER a month after the accident that was negative so my doctor diagnosed me with RSD, attributing the pain to the dog and not the MVA which would make more sense, because I had a pre existing bipolar diagnosis. I lost my career of ultrasound over this injury and fired 40 doctors across NC seeking an answer until I saw a DO who did OMT and a rib was out. My whole posture changed. I was in pain management on fentanyl with a PM who believed my pain had an undiagnosed physical cause and I was able to come off the meds. I know, being a vascular sonographer, I had thoracic outlet syndrome all those years and because films were normal and doctors suck at diagnosing clinically, they milked my mental illness instead of admitting incompetence. I have some PTSD from the medical abuse I endured. I also had serum negative Lyme disease that finally came up positive on the fifth test in 2 years that caused an incredibly dramatic movement disorder I was told was a result of having bipolar disorder, but they put conversion disorder in my chart. Not saying a ton of people don’t fake it because I’ve been called out of bed at 4 am for pain med seekers myself as a sonographer, but Y’all should work on your clinical skills. You can’t imagine the abuse I endured over four years from doctors who, for lack of a better way to put it, treated me like scum for being mentally ill and left me for dead without a second thought. As a result of those bad doctors, I found some awesome doctors with great clinical skills and the ability to admit they don’t have an answer without the injury to their ego that the diagnosis of conversion disorder seems to absolve.

  • @casc0006
    @casc0006 Před 5 lety +7

    As the person who may have a family in the car behind you, Dr. would you please keep your hands on the steering wheel while you are sharing your professional expertise? Thank you.

  • @LuckiinMedicine
    @LuckiinMedicine Před 6 lety +4

    Conversion disorders are discussed on the psych section of the MCAT, so this is a great real world example! Thanks!!

  • @KristiContemplates
    @KristiContemplates Před rokem +1

    There's going to be a neurophysiological basis to the Conversion Disorders.
    We just haven't found it, YET!
    I have hope for the future research and thinking

  • @christasstory4306
    @christasstory4306 Před 6 lety +1

    Hi there I been diagnosed with conversion disorder which drs are trying me on other meds if it was up to me I wouldn't take them but I have documented my illness on my CZcams it has changed my life and also I've had many heart attacks since I was 19 which I can deal with but this no I can't I can't even walk .. and I still think it's something else. But drs are taking it seriously thank God ..just wanted to share my story , and too I can not work anymore which sucks been at a job for 10 years and others always worked ..

  • @yoadrienne5578
    @yoadrienne5578 Před 6 lety

    Great video! I think it's important to get the message out that mental health is just as important as physical health, and they are not separate. This is highlighted especially when talking about conversion and somatoform disorders. Mental health is often discounted because it's not as 'visible' as physical health. But there is a complex interaction between the two and they are equally important to treat seriously for wellness :).

  • @lisaturtle13
    @lisaturtle13 Před 6 lety

    I am not an MD but a PhD and I once had a patient on the unit claim that she was blind and could not see and was also paralyzed. One time I went into her room and she was on the phone laughing and rolling around in her wheelchair. She saw me and, looking right at me dead in the eyes, said “who’s there? I can hear someone is here.” She was my first intro to malingering and I have had a lot since then. You are right, it is more common than you would think. It creeped me out. The doctors spent tons of time and energy on this lady, and of course she was on Medi-Cal.

  • @navymed3
    @navymed3 Před 6 lety +1

    Dr. Buck, could you please make a video about your experience with PAs?

  • @laurieberry4814
    @laurieberry4814 Před 3 lety

    Love your video. You can be helpful to many. It is past twelve in the morning

  • @TOPHAT1966GS
    @TOPHAT1966GS Před 5 lety +2

    I remember in the early 90 trying to get doctors to listen to me about severe irregular heart beat A-fib doctors said I was having a "Panic Attack " that shit nearly cost me my life. I went through EKG, heart monitor for weeks at a time, as soon as I was unmonitored I'd go into A-Fib this went on for two years or more until I was in the ER one night for something unrelated and went into A-fib doctors came rushing in asking if I was ok and how much pain did I have at the moment. I would get tunnel vision and have all the symptoms and worse. It got so bad one night my brain sent an electrical signal to my heart while I was fully awake which reset my heart into synchronis rythm. I told the doctors what happened they looked at me like I was on crack. Until they saw it happen. Years of discredit turned assholes into believers. So don't let educated dumb asses bring you down. There are things that are not in the medical books unfortunately we have to pay the price of stupidity.

  • @brandiglass2983
    @brandiglass2983 Před 6 lety +4

    I'm sure Dr's hear a lot so can't blame your thought process but I have conversion disorder I don't have pain mine is seizures and paralysis and I assure you mine is very real it happened after a very tragic moment in my life I do see a psychiatrist but it has brought me no pain good luck I hope you do a little more research and try to get a little sympathetic towards others needs like I said before I understand that your doctor and you have heard everything under the sun so I don't blame you for that but I assure you my situation turn my life upside down I no longer work I cannot drive my car I can't do normal things and I'm not used to that I don't like it at all good luck on your journey

    • @campbell1570
      @campbell1570 Před 5 lety

      Brandi glass fuck u doc

    • @cinderellen7852
      @cinderellen7852 Před 5 lety +1

      This guy is too arrogant to realize how damaging his video is. You can’t talk to people like him. No point trying.

    • @LuckyPineapple
      @LuckyPineapple Před 4 lety

      Right?! Just spreading more bull about something we already have a hard time getting some doctors to take seriously. This video made me so mad!!!!

  • @nottoday9182
    @nottoday9182 Před 6 lety

    Still undiagnosed, but my doctors are entertaining this idea to explain my tremors.

  • @zzzcocopepe
    @zzzcocopepe Před rokem +1

    Conversion disorder sounds similar to when people have OCD issues with physical sensations. It's like a memory or something

  • @KristiContemplates
    @KristiContemplates Před rokem

    Thanks 👍

  • @testingtest3322
    @testingtest3322 Před 5 lety

    Keep your hands on the wheel!!!

  • @SnowsLife
    @SnowsLife Před 6 lety +5

    im trying to convince myself that I have conversion disorder. meaning im fighting to not feel the pain , but then again im sitting here and I have a shooting pain every few seconds going diagonally from thigh to knee. my MRI came out clean hence why im trying to "force" myself to not feel it.

    • @drbuckparker
      @drbuckparker Před 6 lety +2

      Look into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Can be a game changer!

    • @yoadrienne5578
      @yoadrienne5578 Před 6 lety

      How are you going now-did you try out CBT?

    • @LuckyPineapple
      @LuckyPineapple Před 4 lety

      Well as someone who actually has conversion disorder, pain is not really a symptom of it. (Though the convulsions and pseudo-seizures hurt from contracting muscles over and over!) You do not have CD....I don’t know or have any suggestions of what you might have, but it’s definitely not conversion disorder. The guy who made this video has no idea what he’s talking about when it comes to it!!!!

    • @MrApplewine
      @MrApplewine Před 3 lety +1

      @@drbuckparker I suggest you try some kind of therapy or self examination to treat your pseudoscientific beliefs that have resulted from projection of your own inadequacy to diagnose and/or lack of critical thinking on to your patients. You can cause a lot of harm with these false beliefs and should not be practicing medicine until this issue has been resolved. If it cannot be resolved your license should be taken away.

  • @lindseysloan8735
    @lindseysloan8735 Před 4 lety

    Interesting! I would like to know your opinion on self diagnosis or sought out diagnosis for things like EDS or fibromyalgia. I have noticed, recently, a community on CZcams and comment after comment of subscribers asking where they can get an EDS/POTS or fibromyalgia diagnosis. I do believe these people do it for attention and empathy more than drugs. It's strange because I am use to seeing things like this in drug seeking behavior.

    • @KristiContemplates
      @KristiContemplates Před rokem

      Matthew Liberman book 'Social' might have insights you're looking for

  • @AnastasiaR
    @AnastasiaR Před 3 lety

    Just because you can point to a gain doesn’t invalidate their experience. We all do things to gain something. It’s not as if 100% of these people are stupid, lazy, and dishonest. Even the experience of an arm hurting where it doesn’t medically make sense can arise from the persons own medical knowledge being implemented in the manifestation or transference of the pain. They have some actual pain that is so confusing and decentralized that their brain is desperate enough to assign it a location just to reconcile the experience. They sometimes can be conscious of this happening and have a choice in it, sometimes not, and it really makes no difference either way. They are suffering.
    I am so sick of people acting like psychological symptoms can be dismissed when actually it is often more serious than a simple physical injury. (Not saying you’re doing that in this video, just adding to what you said) “it’s just in your head”- have we forgotten that the head is... wait for it.... part of the body.... lol 🤯

  • @AZ-wg3eg
    @AZ-wg3eg Před 6 lety +1

    I've known goobers doing this for years.
    On a lighter note,
    Your website is top-notch, I know you didn't get that on Fiverr, lol.
    Are you still working out of Kissimmee?

  • @nothingnobody565
    @nothingnobody565 Před 3 lety +1

    Don't drive while you are filming please care you

  • @Rainbowofthefallen
    @Rainbowofthefallen Před 3 lety


  • @laurieberry4814
    @laurieberry4814 Před 3 lety

    Yes. When I needed glasses no one believed me except for my best friend and myself. Then I went to the optometrist to find out that I needed glasses. This man is creepy and shows lack of empathy. He is the type who can be all for poor treatment. No, I would not want him for a friend. I tried to kill myself because I did not want attention so I could get away from it by ending it. I wonder if I was feeling like I let people down. My diagnosis was bipolar. Makes sense. I did get pretty high. No. He has empathy come to think of it

  • @Augusthasntthefoggiest
    @Augusthasntthefoggiest Před 2 lety +1

    Respectfully sir, you do not understand FND/CD at all. Please learn about it from a neurologist. You’re on the right track to understanding it, but you have a few things mixed up. I’m so grateful you are not my doctor. Best of luck

  • @ellen9664
    @ellen9664 Před 4 lety

    keep your hands on the wheel ffs

  • @samthesnowman666
    @samthesnowman666 Před 5 lety +1


  • @melissahall1531
    @melissahall1531 Před 2 měsíci

    Functional Neurological Disorder - education dear doctor. You are ignorant. A good place to start is the Mayo Clinic Rochester Dr. Jeffrey Staab.

  • @holycow8143
    @holycow8143 Před 5 lety +1

    Buck Rogers needs to concentrate on driving instead of making an F*cking video while you are driving in public.

  • @freakylizard9699
    @freakylizard9699 Před 2 lety +2

    I know this is a pretty "old" video, and I am sure you had hoped to stay on topic of how to tell when someone presenting is faking pain but you failed. I can only surmise since you handle prison patients that perhaps the rest of the time you are one of those "physicians" who deny insurance claims or treatment. What you really did was insulted part of your viewers and misinformed the others. I hope you have grown as a physician in the past 4 years to work past your confirmation bias because otherwise I can only see you as an MD who is convinced that all the residuals from severe sepsis, septic shock, delirium, covid, et al are malingering or Coversion Disorder. Your video is embarassing and insulting. I know malingering happens. I know conversion disorder is real. And I know that there are a whole lot of physical disorders/diseases/conditions that really are and sometimes take years to properly diagnose. In an average capacity, doctors cannot give the best patient care is they function as though everyone is a malingerer or suffers from conversion disorder until proven innocent. SMH.

  • @debkski6084
    @debkski6084 Před 2 lety +1

    You need a filter, dude. You say some really insensitive things which are off-putting. I was recently diagnosed with conversion disorder after going undiagnosed for almost a year and being mistreated by hospital staff who thought it was malingering. Besides, you're a SURGEON. Maybe you should just stay in your own lane.🤦‍♀️