How To Stop Falling Into Sexual Sin | 3 Reasons You Keep Struggling (Straight From the Bible)

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 220

  • @kacinicole
    @kacinicole  Před rokem +210

    Super encouraging verse to remember: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) 🤍 comment any others you can think of below!

    • @theexplorechanneluk7934
      @theexplorechanneluk7934 Před rokem +14

      Very true this verse shouldn’t be used as a licence to keep on in our sins. The holy spirt can aid us to help us not to sin.
      1 Corinthians 10.13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

    • @ivannakamil
      @ivannakamil Před rokem +2

      Hi Kaci! Did you and your husband had temptations or had to do practical ways to be pure and holy during your dating relationship? It would be very helpful! Thank you :)

    • @amydanae-
      @amydanae- Před rokem +3

      Can you address this same topic when dating after divorce? After having kids and being married for 10+ years. It has been super challenging area for me to navigate


      I mean I've fallen to sexual sin quite a lot for very long time can you give me a advice so that I can stop falling into sexual sin

    • @Am71919
      @Am71919 Před rokem

      @@JESUSISTHELIGHTOFTHEWORLD Sex is no big deal, christians make EVERYTHING hard, the solution to your problem is simple, find something constructive to do, think about it, how has sex benefitted you in the long term? did sex ever bring you wealth? A new house? A new car? Did all of your problems go away? Did all of your enemies suddenly start liking you? Did career opportunities start flying at you? No, so to put this into perspective, not only do you have to keep hanging your head in shame and repenting because of sex, but sex hasn't improved your finances or overall life in general, is it REALLY worth all that? Wouldn't it be a lot easier(and more fun) to learn a trade or use a talent you have to earn money, look, I know we all struggle with addictions of some kind, but outside of fentanyl, sex has got to be one of the most time wasting addictions someone can have(if you're not earning money, your wasting time). But in any event, Once you step outside of the sexual box, you'll see that there's so much more to life that can be yours, besides, sex is a vast sea of nothingness, if you've seen one naked body, you've seen them all, all women have two breasts, a butt and a vagina, all men have a penis and a butt, that's all, quit wasting time and find things to do that will occupy your time better

  • @ThisOrthodoxHome
    @ThisOrthodoxHome Před rokem +148

    It blew my mind when I realized some years ago that just because I have never had sex with anyone before, doesn't mean I am immune to sexual sin. If you are someone who struggles with watching, listening, or reading explicit content (lust is a beast and can trap you when you least expect it), here are some practical ways I have overcome lust/sexual sin:
    1. recognize that my desire for intimacy and sex are good desires, but are meant for a proper context. because I am still single, it can be hard to admit that we don't trust God with this part of ourselves because we think He is withholding a gift from us. it's tough to realize that we also have to give this good desire back to Him, because we think "if He isn't gonna provide for me, I'll provide in that area for myself." Girl....don't do it. FLEE!!!
    2. acknowledge the triggers in your life that are leading you to sin and cut them off completely! for me, I had to throw out spicy romance novels and replace them with Christian/Inspirational love stories that didn't center around sex, but centered around real, true LOVE!
    3. i stopped listening to music that was not created by or for Christians and/or i listened to more instrumental music (like classical, lofi, etc) that was not sensual in any way. pay attention to what you are consuming!!
    4. capture every thought and run it by the Holy Spirit! if you don't know where a thought came from it sounds sus, ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern!! He will do it, He is constantly interceding on our behalf
    5. lastly: pray and keep a close friend who can keep you accountable. Like she said in the video, FLEE!! DON'T TRY TO FIGHT IT!! Find yourself someone you can talk to and realize that this is going to be a good thing to work out and conquer, especially before marriage. purity does not suddenly happen upon you once you're married because you can now have sex. lust still destroys marriages just like it destroys singles and what do we know about the enemy? that he comes to steal, kill, and DESTROY! So don't let him. you already have the victory in Christ!
    We are more than conquerors in Jesus, we got this!!

    • @lehmyeni
      @lehmyeni Před 11 měsíci +7

      I struggle with lust and it's not easy to remain pure. Bt God has cleased us with his blood and this too we shall overcome.

    • @Unscripted_Truth
      @Unscripted_Truth Před 8 měsíci +3

      This is good! Thank you 🙏🏼

    • @seanlucas8812
      @seanlucas8812 Před 5 měsíci +2

      Thank you so much how can I have you as a friend to keep me a way from temptation??

    • @Emilianateicheira
      @Emilianateicheira Před 22 dny

      Just wanted to say your comment is very helpful dear 😘 thank u

  • @ShadeTreeKennyT
    @ShadeTreeKennyT Před rokem +110

    "If you can't control yourself in certain situations, control the situations you put yourself in." Great advice Kaci. I just saw your videos pop up in my suggestions so I watched this one and subscribed.

  • @lid2115
    @lid2115 Před rokem +30

    May I add to this advice: if you are dating someone, you need to tell the other where you stand on sexual immorality and discuss together if you both agree on this matter. If not, no matter how exciting the other person makes you feel, you may have to break up. Find someone who is like minded on this important matter.

    • @edi8333
      @edi8333 Před 11 měsíci

      I agree with you...

  • @rhemahill7083
    @rhemahill7083 Před rokem +49

    I’ve been struggling with sexual sin. I lost my virginity when I was just out of highschool. I wish I could take it back but I know I can’t. So I’m starting over and waiting until marriage. That doesn’t bring my virginity back. But dwelling in it and my past won’t help me either

    • @cd4playa1245
      @cd4playa1245 Před rokem

      Yeah don’t dwell on your past and don’t believe any lies that say, “Well it doesn’t matter now.” If you are staying abstinent now then that will not only shun away all of the men that just want sex but it will also be more attractive to Christian men that are looking for a wife. Also you’ll be able to pair bond and fall deeper in love with your future husband the less sexual partners you have. Don’t give in to hookup culture. It’s destroying our country.

    • @gugushabalala1691
      @gugushabalala1691 Před rokem +8

      Our God redeems, if you have repented trust that God has cleansed you and you are a new creation in Christ.

    • @yehovahyirehmylord
      @yehovahyirehmylord Před 11 měsíci +3

      satan will remind you of your sin again and again and will not let you go back to Christ.... it is wonderful that you realized and all you need to do is talk to Christ NOW... he forgives and takes you in again... you are beloved and he will surely forgive you.... GOD BLESS YOU

  • @icecoolguita
    @icecoolguita Před rokem +30

    The focus on fleeing rather than fighting, that's such great advice. Thank you for posting this.

  • @nicole_b_koekemoer
    @nicole_b_koekemoer Před rokem +26

    I thought that marriage was going to cure my sexual temptation but it didn’t. I’ve been eaten up by guilt and wondering why I still struggle with this sin… The 3rd point - flee don’t fight really stood out to me. My new prayer is for God to give me the strength to run like Joseph did from any sexual temptation. I will also need to memorise the Corinthians scripture you shared to help me in these situations. Thank you Kaci. God has really blessed your channel to reach women that really needed it ❤️

    • @Edward-1990
      @Edward-1990 Před rokem

      Don't give up! I know you can over come it!

  • @tanishaward114
    @tanishaward114 Před rokem +87

    Thank you Kaci, I needed this video. I have been quite burdened with carrying the guilt of watching porn and masturbaiton and really wanting to stop. I just went ahead and got some block software on my phone, hopefully that helps with the access point of view. I would love to speak to someone about it but I have not been able to really find someone I feel comfortable enough to speak to and not feel like I would be judged or it would be kept confidential. I do pray that I find a Godly person like that to speak to and I may get rid of this for good. I am keeping myself for marriage and have abstained for many years but it does get quite tough. Thanks again for your encouragement 🙏

    • @blum3141592
      @blum3141592 Před rokem +3

      Block software, never thought of that. Thanks for sharing. I’m going to do that now

    • @tanishaward114
      @tanishaward114 Před rokem

      @Aaron Blumberg yes I downloaded an app called Blocksite and it seems to work to block the sites I don't want to access. It's just to remain committed to breaking the habit. Happy to help, God bless you 🙏

    • @arletheapressley391
      @arletheapressley391 Před rokem +3

      I really relate to your comment. I have struggled with those very same issues to the point were I literally threw away my tablet. This video was exactly what I needed. Thank you Jesus.

    • @TienKhaiTH
      @TienKhaiTH Před rokem +12

      Been struggling with this sin since I was not converted and still struggling with it up until now. We should pray for each other
      Father, thank you for bringing us together to encourage each other. I pray, Father in heaven, that, by bringing this sin into the light and helping each other, all of us will over this sexual sin together. Help us, Lord. In Jesus's name. Amen

    • @tanishaward114
      @tanishaward114 Před rokem +1

      ​@@TienKhaiTH Amen, thank you

  • @rosie6
    @rosie6 Před rokem +11

    If one cannot control themselves, they can never ever be anything, or anyone. I’m grateful for sexual sin, it makes me learn self control the hard way, discipline. It’s a hidden gift. Good luck fellow soldiers, and remember, if you can’t fight it, flee from it x

  • @stevealex9845
    @stevealex9845 Před 17 dny +2

    Beautiful video, one thing that comes into the 1st category "Bring it into the light" is that when u fall into sin dont let that guilt stop u from coming to God for forgivness. Regardless if u fall 100 times in one day always run back to God without hesitation and just confess ur sins and he'll happily forgive u according to 1 john 1:9. Dont be fooled that u need to cry and ask for forgivenss otherwise God wont forgive u, thats a lie from hell, bible says that if we just "confess our sin Hes faithful to cleanse us of all unrighteous"..... also remember proverbs 24:16 that a "righteous man will fall 7 times but rise again" just goes to show u that were made righteous not by our works but by Jesus on the cross and even if we fall 1 million times a righteous person is someone who will rise again and who WILL fall!!! So dont worry God love and power is with u ❤️

  • @rickschneider3887
    @rickschneider3887 Před rokem +14

    I am 50+ years old and I was introduced to pornography in grade school. I saw images that an innocent mind should never see. It created an unhealthy curiosity in me before puberty took place. At age 12 I was introduced to masterbation and I became addicted to unhealthy sexual arousal and orgasms. I started with swimsuit magazines and ladies lingerie catalogs. When I became a Christian I wanted to stopped looking at pornography and I did for years but I still kept masterbating and entertaining lustful fantasies. As A Christian I went through the stages of temptation, sinning then immediately repenting only to repeat the same cycle for many years and it got worse when I relapsed and started buying playboy magazines and eventually started going to adult bookstores because when you’re addicted you always want more and more. I believed the biggest lie that masterbation was helping me release sexual tension and that it was therapeutic for me even though it was clearly a sin against Gods purpose for sex. I married 3 times hoping that would “cure” me but it didn’t. I had trained myself to have a polygamous sexual appetite and my wife only became a physical partner along with other partners in my fantasy world. I wanted to be free but just felt helpless to break free from that cycle. One day I read the book “Every man’s battle “ by Fred Stoker and a lightbulb went on. For the first time I realized that I was not relieving myself at all or satisfying my sexual appetite… I was only making it burn worse just like scratching athletes foot takes away the itch only a moment but makes it burn even worse. I realized that I had allowed myself to love the pleasure of sexual sin more than Jesus and it was a bitter pill to swallow. I had to learn to hate my sin so I asked God to help me hate my sin give me the strength to stop sinning sexually. As I began my long journey of abstaining from masterbation I noticed my sexual cravings got progressively less and I felt stronger to not give in. My desire to satisfy myself sexually eventually disappeared and I have not had the desire to masterbate for over 8 years now even with no sexual outlet!! I was a chronic masterbater doing it several times a day sometimes. If God can give me the strength and power to overcome that he can do it for ANYBODY who’s willing to!! I recommend these Utube postings to watch:
    “Getting unstuck from sexual sin” by James MacDonald
    “Freedom from Lust and Impurity” by Robert Morris
    “Lust & Self Control “ The Porch ministry

  • @annsheridan331
    @annsheridan331 Před rokem +15

    I know I've struggled with this for a long time I would just get desires not even being around a man and just get turned on by lustful thoughts, God made that too but wants it to be a special spiritual union where a husband and wife gives themselves to eachother completely. I just came out of a relationship hoping to marry this man but him not being a Christian had to let him go, and I had to repent of some things in this area that we had done... I just don't even know how all this happened cause I overcame this I feel at one time, you know lustful desires! I think you have to just see this as a spiritual union between a husband and wife only.

  • @user-nn9dp7ee3m
    @user-nn9dp7ee3m Před 9 dny

    I am Brazilian, my country is difficult to fight against this, here we have the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah. But I have sought advice up to here, because our God is the same, and in every language he is the same God, thank you for the advice, God bless you.

  • @kaitlynnespivey5189
    @kaitlynnespivey5189 Před rokem +7

    I’m ashamed to say I’m re saving myself. but I’ve been struggling w it it’s seems like all I wanna do. thanks for this video needed it so much.

    • @jawshhuh
      @jawshhuh Před rokem

      You can’t save yourself only Jesus can

    • @gracebingham6713
      @gracebingham6713 Před měsícem +1

      @@jawshhuhthey meant resaving their selves for marriage! not as in their salvation

  • @anjalisartistry870
    @anjalisartistry870 Před rokem +7

    Attraction isn't wrong but acting upon the wrong is wrong..❤

    • @rhemahill7083
      @rhemahill7083 Před rokem +1

      “For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world.”
      ‭‭1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭16‬ ‭

    • @anjalisartistry870
      @anjalisartistry870 Před rokem

      @@rhemahill7083 yes. I know u understood my comment. We are humans

  • @JayDaDon24
    @JayDaDon24 Před rokem +7

    My favorite point was when you said “bring the sin to light and how mold only grows in dark places also, not to fight the ever unfair battle of sin by my lonely but to find /get accountability thank you! 🙏🏾

  • @leeannsmith_
    @leeannsmith_ Před rokem +9

    Such great advice and soso true, all of it! Thank you for this x I think the hard part comes in when our desire to sin sexually becomes greater than our desire to obey God. It’s easy to say that’s not the case but actions speak louder than words. And dealing with that is a whole new conversation😆

  • @lucyjabaley8925
    @lucyjabaley8925 Před rokem +11

    I don't know if anyone will see this but I am struggling with this one so bad right now it is probably the sin that keeps tearing me away from God because I feel as though I want it so badly that I don't need him as awful as it is. No matter how many times I repent I still go back because a part of me wants this so badly that I keep going back because I am so weak and don't know how to stop the thought from my brain and all the lustful thoughts. If anyone can help me with this it would be amazing it is my biggest struggle right now that and just continuously falling into temptaion.

    • @bridget3163
      @bridget3163 Před rokem +2


    • @promiseego2401
      @promiseego2401 Před rokem

      I hv a solution

    • @TruthseekerNKAWTG707
      @TruthseekerNKAWTG707 Před 7 měsíci

      I hear ya! Really, we all deal with sexual lust. I have fallen to temptation too. But Jesus dealt with this issue. He is the help, the solution!

  • @KatelynMS15
    @KatelynMS15 Před rokem +9

    Thank you for sharing this! For the first time I don't feel judged for dealing with this sin. This is great advice that I have and will continue to keep in practice.

  • @Aper-re1xh
    @Aper-re1xh Před rokem +7

    Thank you for teaching and caring so biblically. This sin has been making life unbearable. It's hard when you don't have anyone to confide in but I will hang on to your words and the truth. Thank you.

  • @waterbaby_princess
    @waterbaby_princess Před rokem +4

    God led me to your channel and to the Enduring Word Commentary. Thank you so much for this channel and resources. God bless you in all your endeavors and your marriage 🙏

  • @kristabrewer6736
    @kristabrewer6736 Před rokem +7

    I've been having filthy thoughts for months now (although it's gotten better), but I have no idea how they even STARTED. I'm not married; I don't have a boyfriend, nor do I even WAT a boyfriend. The only relationship I want, and have always wanted is with Jesus. I don't even DESIRE to have a boyfriend, which is why I don't get where these thoughts are even COMIG

    • @adrianteo2421
      @adrianteo2421 Před rokem

      That's because you are suppose to be married and desire a BF. Society these days are trying to normalise being single which is BS.

    • @kristabrewer6736
      @kristabrewer6736 Před rokem +2

      ​@@adrianteo2421 " Society these days are trying to normalise being single"
      You're JOKING,?
      (thanks, but I'm quite happy being single)

  • @ginacompton7750
    @ginacompton7750 Před rokem +5

    Thank you Kaci for this video! This is such a helpful source and great advice. I just gave some of the exact pieces of advice to a friend yesterday and supplementing them w/prayer is powerful and encouraging. I love when you advises to flee and not fight and reinforcing that it is not a weak thing to flee instead of fighting.

    • @tabitharoberson3575
      @tabitharoberson3575 Před rokem

      I know my husband does it. He keeps denying it and is very secretive.

  • @luismuzquiz
    @luismuzquiz Před rokem +1

    In my case your third advice is going to sleep early. I am way more tempted when I am very tired. It's almost funny how something so simple as going to sleep early helps. I also relate to what you say don't fight it. For years I used to have this dreams when I fought against horrible insects and disgusting creatures. In a way it was kind pride in my heart, that I alone could defeat those horrible creatures. I guess those creatures represented sexual sin. Also I relate to your first advice. Since I confess my sin to my best three friends everything has changed. I began to saw the light at the end of the tunnel sort of speak. I don't feel ashamed anymore. And I have been making great progress, obviously by the power of God. Reading the psalms aloud in my house also helps a lot. Glory to the Father. Glory to The Son, Glory to The Holy Spirit. Amen!

  • @JoeFay_Tech
    @JoeFay_Tech Před rokem +10

    Thanks Kaci but God helped me to defeat my sexual desires in a different way +100 Days without Watching Porn or masturbation and counting.
    now all what keeps me busy is Praying and Reading Bible and My Hobbies.
    "An Idle Mind is The Devil's Playground"

  • @gibby2212
    @gibby2212 Před rokem +5

    Make it your policy to not even DATE an ungodly person who is not in agreement with God’s values. It is impossible to follow these principles with a nonChristian who follows the World rather than God. You will fail and end up in sorrow if you carry through with such a relationship. I speak from experience.

  • @vikkinech
    @vikkinech Před 6 měsíci

    This was such an encouraging video! Thank you so much! I’ve been recently struggling and commuting sexual sin and I'm absolutely not proud of myself. For me it’s this cycle of relapsing; I don't do it for several weeks but then I do it. This pattern has been really bothering me and nagging at my conscience. The third reason really stood out to me: “instead of fighting, flee your temptations.” This is really hard to learn but I’ll confess my sins and ask to help me with this

  • @Jbutler63
    @Jbutler63 Před 3 měsíci

    I just saw your video on sexual sin,for many years I was delivered from sexual sin until recently I feel back into it and it really brother's me after I do it, thanks for sharing

  • @mieshiamiller5649
    @mieshiamiller5649 Před rokem +3

    Yaaaasss, sis!! That was good. Thanks for sharing those 3 reasons they were all helpful!

  • @Niqueman1989
    @Niqueman1989 Před 8 měsíci

    When you said flee sin my immediate thought was Joseph, so it was comforting to see that was your thought too. I keep trying to fight sexual sin and like you mentioned the spirit is willing, but the flesh is so weak. It feels like when I'm trying to stop is when I'll randomly get tempted. I need to learn how to run.

  • @katarinagreer
    @katarinagreer Před rokem +2

    flee it don't fight it! so good!!

  • @phililesebeela
    @phililesebeela Před rokem +1

    I have been struggling with this for a long time since l was young l was introduced to this through social media and friends. I lost hope in that l will never be able to over it now but listening to you gives me the hope l need

  • @lestleylewis2355
    @lestleylewis2355 Před měsícem

    I like the metaphor of halting on the breaks right before needing to stop; been there. Definitely burrowing that. Keep up the good works!

  • @christineruthlalata2074
    @christineruthlalata2074 Před rokem +3

    Had been listening to a lot a videos years back about this topic and you’re the most comforting person but practical in sharing her insights. Thank you and more powerful videos to share ✨💕

  • @brizzle799
    @brizzle799 Před rokem +1

    The 2nd and 3rd points were really helpful for me! I've always tried to fight it , not flee!

  • @coolfreshguy
    @coolfreshguy Před rokem +2

    Very encouraging video. I lost a promising 3 year relationship and didn't heed to some of these principles. The calling for sexual purity has definitely become a priority so I don't make the same mistakes again. Thank you for sharing!

  • @Hannah-gj2vb
    @Hannah-gj2vb Před 6 měsíci

    This!!!! This is so good. I've wasted many hours watching countless videos full of empty knowledge with no foundation of scripture. In all of these other videos I've watched, the women (whose intentions are good) always turn to the sacredness of marriage and just how awesome it is to experience sex within marriage. I get that, but it's not helping me now, and they flaunt it while being married themselves, which only rubs it in! I've been fighting so hard and losing every time. Thank you for teaching with such grace and humility, and for sharing such powerful scripture in a way that I can relate to. I immediately sent a message to a friend asking for weekly accountability checkups. Thank you also for giving actual practical tips rather than lofty opinions!

    • @oliverkent8429
      @oliverkent8429 Před 2 měsíci

      yes it's irritating that the married can have as much sex as they want whilst the reluctantly single, those abandoned by divorce and the widowed suffer in silence

  • @adiawaters4681
    @adiawaters4681 Před 10 měsíci

    Thank you for letting God use you to make this video. I was praying for a solution and didn’t know where to start. God led me here.😊

  • @reneamuir
    @reneamuir Před rokem

    i loved the "fleeing over fighting" portion, it's so biblically sound and it's one that i have heard before but from a different perspective. my understanding is that if we are free in Christ that means we're no longer slave to sin or temptation, rather we are free to say "no" and run. like most things centered around Christ, this is a radical mindset and so counter to what society says. while society says that you can do what you want, God says that we should surrender to His lordship because what we want can destroy us. saying "no" to temptation is just one of the various spiritual disciplines we must cultivate.
    i'm a new subscriber and i have been so blessed by your videos recently!

  • @monicakincaid1942
    @monicakincaid1942 Před rokem +2

    This is so true. Not having accountability is key🙏🏾

  • @jaybelle1909
    @jaybelle1909 Před 4 dny

    Definitely don't confess to any one who goes to church as you will forever be judged and mistreated my them no matter if you overcame 100%... The number one reason people struggle is loneliness and loneliness is only increasing in the world...

  • @michaelwiebe4282
    @michaelwiebe4282 Před rokem +5

    Thanks Kaci, your Bible study videos and practical applications are such a blessing!

  • @ghostrebel8207
    @ghostrebel8207 Před 28 dny

    “Don’t fight it flee it”

  • @user-im9nj6gd6o
    @user-im9nj6gd6o Před 11 měsíci


  • @ScottRachelson777
    @ScottRachelson777 Před rokem

    "If regeneration is nothing more than persuading a person to be good, then no new, real, supernatural strength has been conferred on the soul, though prejudices may have been removed from the mind. According to this teaching, man has no need to such supernatural power, because he has been able by his own power, the power of his own will, to overcome his depraved, sinful, corrupt nature, remove all errors and prejudices from his mind and bring himself to such holiness of life as to make himself wholly acceptable to God. This is the power of free will which some have believed and taught. Such people deny that man must first be born again before he can do anything pleasing and acceptable to God."

  • @smflyboy
    @smflyboy Před rokem +4

    Great advice here thank you. I sometimes wonder if this issue can be different for men and women. I am a Christian man, married for 20 years, love my wife very much, have never had a sexual relationship outside of my marriage (meaning since I got married) or even an inappropriate friendship. But I feel like for men, at least for me, there is a physical drive, a sexual urge, almost an inflammation if you will, that is constantly messing with you. And I can push it down for months at a time, but I always feel like it lurks just beneath the surface, building up pressure both physically and mentally until I eventually lose control and just need to release it. Do women experience this too? And the idea of fleeing from it is a good one except that the problem is not on the computer, or on tv, or in a risky situation. The problem is inside of me and I can’t flee from myself. I’m going to try your advice though. Even though I am able to control it for long periods of time mostly, I would really like to be completely free from it. I want to live a pure life that is pleasing to God. Thanks again! Ps. That story with Joseph didn’t exactly end right there with him just fleeing haha! He goes to prison after she lies and claims he tried to rape her. Of course, it all worked out well eventually for him.

  • @TryingToFollowChrist37
    @TryingToFollowChrist37 Před 2 měsíci

    The Lord helps those who calls for his help. Say a little pray when the feeling of lust inappropriately appear. I also went 8 day in row to mass with confession when need, and Eucharist every time (In my opinion the Eucharist helps the most, as you have to have confessed your sins before taking it and after I would be deep mournful prayer asking our Lord for help). I Stop consuming a lot secular media, I don't listen to any secular music anymore. I listen to chanting of Psalms in Latin or Greek or even Syriac and Arabic, in fact I found some in English from American eastern orthodox very cool when you don't have to read the subtitles, or any Christian music that praises God.

    • @TryingToFollowChrist37
      @TryingToFollowChrist37 Před 2 měsíci

      Also see it as a good workout for the non material muscle that's called the Will to train it and get it stronger. God bless everyone and may the Lord answer your prayer to be free sexual sin. I ask this in the Holy NAME of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen

  • @tomshelbay1023
    @tomshelbay1023 Před rokem +12

    Hey. I have a partner of 5 years and 3 children. I am new in my personal walk with God and this is some thing that weighs heavily on me. I know I need to engage and marry my partner and I very much want to. In the meantime I don't want to be sexuallly impure, but it's just hard after leading a very intimate relationship over the years. I try so hard to keep that boundary, but my partner can take it personally and not quite understand (as if I've just lost interest in her). And when we do cross those boundaries I feel so condemned like I've voided my chance for the day of getting close with God

    • @carinrichardson
      @carinrichardson Před rokem +5

      I was in the same situation. I was living with my longtime boyfriend and when I started my walk with God, he had to move out in order to protect my purity. It would be much harder if we had kids. Consider getting married ASAP, even if it is in the courthouse.

    • @kitty21elly
      @kitty21elly Před rokem

      @@carinrichardson did you marry each-other or break up in the end?

    • @kitty21elly
      @kitty21elly Před rokem +2

      you’re not alone ❤ so many of us in similar situations right now.

    • @rochelleperry2242
      @rochelleperry2242 Před rokem

      @@kitty21elly yes but what if we were born again and a Pastor daughter an was nothing like this and attacked spiritually and no armor or warning. I wasn't this way I feel i blaspheme and the HOLY GHOST Grieved and these People spiritually abused me. I was NOTHING LIKE THIS

    • @LoqusPocus
      @LoqusPocus Před rokem +2

      Justy marry her brother. You can do the celebrating party later

  • @judyholder5129
    @judyholder5129 Před rokem +4

    How does a woman handle the situation where the man in the relationship wants to get more physical, but the woman doesn't, without pushing him away or ending the relationship?

    • @backcountryFLcyclist
      @backcountryFLcyclist Před rokem +13

      Be direct and firm about boundaries. If he doesn't respect them, move on.

    • @pisicacutecat4869
      @pisicacutecat4869 Před rokem +4

      I agree, be firm. If he doesn't respect your boundaries, maybe it's time to move on. Praying for you both. 🙏

  • @gamkuyicabiben9372
    @gamkuyicabiben9372 Před rokem

    Lovely you are blessing to our generation, keep it sharp for truth to reign in our heart fleeing is the best for we can't fight our feeling. Lord be with us.

  • @stopbigspending3289
    @stopbigspending3289 Před 3 dny

    I have been with my boyfriend over 20 years and have struggled with sexual sin for a long time. I know it’s wrong but I haven’t done anything to stop it. I fear I will go to hell if I don’t get it stopped.

  • @backcountryFLcyclist
    @backcountryFLcyclist Před rokem +3

    Your husband is definitely blessed Prov 18:22 "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord."

  • @leratomaselwane9454
    @leratomaselwane9454 Před 6 měsíci

    This was sooo beautiful I’m so glad God led me here.❤️

  • @niveditaaapatil
    @niveditaaapatil Před rokem +3

    Hey Kaci! I stumbled on this video of yours. I've been struggling with this myself. Honestly in my relationship I don't think we have anyone who could hold us accountable without judging. And honestly the guilt is very heavy. I am very disheartened and sad as I write this. I don't know how to how to get over with this guilt after all a man reaps what he sows and even after crossing all these boundaries I'll never be ready to face the consequences of my actions. I know I am an impure woman but this shame is too heavy to carry

  • @brandonlist9332
    @brandonlist9332 Před rokem +3

    You are absolutely awesome!! Blessed and highly favored!!!

  • @ms.chocolatecandy
    @ms.chocolatecandy Před rokem +1

    Greetings! The term “sexual immorality” in Bible uses a Greek word called porneia, which is a term used in the Scriptures to refer to certain sexual activities forbidden by God. It includes adultery, prostitution, sexual relations between unmarried individuals, homosexuality, and bestiality. It is used figuratively in Revelation with regard to a religious prostitute called “Babylon the Great” to describe her consorting with the rulers of this world for power and material gain. (Re 14:8; 17:2; 18:3; Mt 5:32; Ac 15:29; Ga 5:19)​ So, if we can remember its’ figurative use for the Harlot, we can appreciate how we must reject all forms of sexual immorality.

  • @tyronpouncey5985
    @tyronpouncey5985 Před rokem +1

    Thanks, for me definitely storing gods word. I like how you say we should pray scriptures that has been helping me

  • @cayleedean1364
    @cayleedean1364 Před rokem +2

    You’re always a blessing, Kaci!! Praying for you and your sweet family🤍🤍

  • @1Ethiopia_Getahun.
    @1Ethiopia_Getahun. Před rokem +1

    I learned alot about my Bible through (GodLogic Apologetics) channel and (kaci Nicole) channel.Thanks God for the blessing of these channels .

  • @saramarangoni1252
    @saramarangoni1252 Před rokem +4

    I didn't wait for marriage, I've been in a relationship for the past 3 years and I've converted to Christianity in the last few months... My fiance has been supportive of my journey and he has shown interest in Scripture and Faith in general but I don't know what to do. We won't get married for the next two years because I'm studying away from his town, but plan to do so as soon as I get my degrees. What am I supposed to do? Sadly I don't have any christian mentors or older women to ask for advice in my life 😢

    • @kitty21elly
      @kitty21elly Před rokem

      i am in a very similar position as you 😔 it is so hard, i know. we’ve been together for 5 years and i came to faith last year. my partner has been accepting so far and we have talked about marriage, but it’s likely it won’t happen for at least another year or two. he doesn’t feel ready and i don’t want to put pressure on him, but whilst i know that marriage is not a cure for lust, it would help the situation as we already love each-other so much. i keep praying to God that our relationship is strong enough to get through this challenge and the outcome will be so worth the wait, but in the meantime i’m filled with fear and doubt everyday. know that you’re not alone ❤

  • @steaktooramen23
    @steaktooramen23 Před 7 měsíci

    Unfortunately not everybody has those mentores that are available and asks tough questions 😢 some parents claims when you their forever child is becoming an adult you must grow your mold in the dark alone. They don't want to be liable for giving you '' unsolicited'' advice.

  • @Laura-mi5de
    @Laura-mi5de Před rokem +1

    The enemy is a liar

  • @notaboutdes3262
    @notaboutdes3262 Před rokem +1

    Your words are always so helpful and refreshing!! Thank you for another great video!

  • @Simonsays..
    @Simonsays.. Před rokem +2

    Thank you for this video dear sister Kaci 😇🙏God bless you! 🙌💕

  • @mathsclassesbyomsir5092

    Hare Krishna hare Krishna Krishna Krishna hare hare
    Hare ram hare ram ram ram hare hare

  • @user-vs6jb1cb8l
    @user-vs6jb1cb8l Před 6 měsíci

    Thank you for your clear explanation and the scriptures.......

  • @nicholaswheeler507
    @nicholaswheeler507 Před 3 měsíci

    This was very insightful and wise.

  • @celestevanegas7364
    @celestevanegas7364 Před rokem +1

    Thank you, i've been dealing with watching stuff and masturbaiton and i want to stop but i end up falling again, and that makes me feel so guilty and dirty, like i am disappointing God and playing with Gods forgiveness, i will be studying the Bible more and praying to be able to run when the temptation comes, please pray for me. If you need someone to pray for you just reply and i will pray for u

    • @christianreformationinitiative
      @christianreformationinitiative Před rokem

    • @chloemahaso5057
      @chloemahaso5057 Před rokem

      Please do. I'm at my wits end with this. I understand that my desires and longing for sex are not the issue. God put them there, but outside the right context (marriage) these areas are a no no.

    • @chloemahaso5057
      @chloemahaso5057 Před rokem

      I struggle with lust and masturbation. Ive never had sex but I'm 1000% straying from the path of purity in my singleness

    • @chloemahaso5057
      @chloemahaso5057 Před rokem +1

      This single walk feels like torture at times if I'm being honest

    • @Nothingbutdust_
      @Nothingbutdust_ Před rokem

      Could you please pray for me? I'm in this same situation. I'm 30 but never been in a relationship so far, I was unfortunately raped though at 18 and it haunts me sometimes. I just desire to be loved and to have a family to rid myself of this loneliness that I'm feeling. Especially now that my friends and relatives are getting married and having kids. I was also told this year that due to a medical condition I might not have much time left to have my own children... I'm really about to lose this battle. I'm just so tired 😭 I don't want to live alone anymore without any company, no family or no friends. It's really hurting my relationship with God because I don't know how long I can bare the pain of loneliness...

  • @user-ry3mf9zl9f
    @user-ry3mf9zl9f Před 8 měsíci

    Im a single Christian woman i love god with all my heart. But there are sometimes i think about a parter

  • @tiogaedc9510
    @tiogaedc9510 Před rokem +1

    Love the honesty!! Thank you

  • @user-ks5iq1lf7f
    @user-ks5iq1lf7f Před 9 měsíci

    Revelation 21 Verse 8

  • @rebekah7a
    @rebekah7a Před rokem

    🔥 Content Kaci. Thank you i needed this especially the 3rd point ♡

  • @tanyaserna5967
    @tanyaserna5967 Před rokem +2

    I have a question. Is drug addiction not a sin against our own body? Because that’s the sun I struggle with the most.

    • @rosie6
      @rosie6 Před rokem +1

      Yes, praying for you hope you get well soon ❤

    • @tanyaserna5967
      @tanyaserna5967 Před rokem

      Jesus is healing and sanctifying me. thank you for your prayers. @@rosie6

  • @johnmitchell7834
    @johnmitchell7834 Před rokem

    Thanks, that was very well time for me, And helpful

  • @user-oz3bx5yu8u
    @user-oz3bx5yu8u Před rokem

    Excellent video 🙏🏻🙏🏻👍👍👍👌👌👌👌

  • @dkveracity65able
    @dkveracity65able Před 2 měsíci +1

    If you KNOW you are ugly, short and fat and not blessed with looks or talent, is it sinful to wish to take yourself in marriage? And be true to only yourself?

  • @allenphillip_man623
    @allenphillip_man623 Před rokem

    Thank you and God bless you miss Nicole 🙏

  • @vijaykumarchetla
    @vijaykumarchetla Před 4 měsíci

    Thank you so much Sister

  • @jah-son2972
    @jah-son2972 Před rokem +1

    Thank you ❤

  • @jameskamal7650
    @jameskamal7650 Před rokem +1


  • @princess_lookbook
    @princess_lookbook Před rokem +1

    Completely off topic, but I wanted to ask about dancing. I really like dance, mostly hip hop, kpop, popping, etc. Is it a sin to dance to those stuff?

  • @ScottRachelson777
    @ScottRachelson777 Před rokem +2

    In struggling with any sin, even sexual sin, do we overcome sin by our own power and will, or does God fight our battles for us and overpower the evil forces compelling us to satisfy the lusts of our flesh? If the deliverance is God only, then what part do we play in overcoming sin? If the deliverance is us only, then where does God's part come into play? It seems if we fail to overcome our sins, we have either failed ourselves or God has failed us. If we desire to not sin but sin, then where was God in helping us not do what we desired not to do? Why doesn't God remove the desire if we ask him to? Is it within God's will for us to desire sex if we desire not to be attracted to things from which we cannot defer our immediate passions? The answers to these questions are never answered in the bible: The Bible only has a litany of generic answers to questions I could discover for $1.50 in late charges at the public library. The Bible just creates more questions and more confusion. In fact, the Bible is such a wonderful remedy to existential crises that the bars and pubs are more filled than the church pews and prayer lines. See, if something is so wonderful, it is never so hidden as to be nigh impossible to discover outside of some external source removing the blinders from the eyes that can't see. I can't see how a loving God punishes innocent animals for the sins of mankind. The Bibel doesn't provide the answer to this question or many others. I guess I am left with only believing that there are answers to these questions somewhere out in the netherworld, but I don't like traveling that far, especially with gas prices so high these days. This is the perspective of someone who grew up in the Assembly of God Church.

  • @verocimil
    @verocimil Před 2 měsíci

    Thank you!

  • @daniellekramer93
    @daniellekramer93 Před rokem

    Get Kaci to 100K!!!

  • @seanlucas8812
    @seanlucas8812 Před 5 měsíci

    Kaci my problem is I was sexually assaulted at a young age. So I have only found out that formation was a sin a year ago when I watched the chosen. I struggle with it daily but I live alone and don’t have mentors to help me. Growing up my mum or dad never said it was a sin. I am drowning in sin. I pray to our Lord Jesus the Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost for his people my person. I know it in his time not mine his WILL not my will Can you suggest a way out. HELP!! I don’t want to die a spiritual death this is my FEAR!!

  • @lucygale336
    @lucygale336 Před rokem

    God bless you kaci 🫶

  • @audreyechols777
    @audreyechols777 Před rokem

    Thank you for this!!

  • @theonegrateful-leper
    @theonegrateful-leper Před rokem

    Loved this Kaci

  • @user-dr3ib9ku8t
    @user-dr3ib9ku8t Před měsícem

    Kaci some clarity on sexual sin two things sexual assault and parents not preventing you from fornication. Sexual assault happened at a very young age and parents didn’t stop it. I told my mum in my 20’s of the assault I don’t think she believed me. Can your 3 steps still help me? Sean

  • @KnotsByAngie
    @KnotsByAngie Před rokem +1

    God says to confess our sins to eachother. so i want to confess that sometimes i fall into sexual sin with my partner who does not belive in God like i do. he is confused in his identity just too give context. weve been together for 3 years and been sexual with eachother. since ive been trying to follow God sometimes we end up kissing and it turns into me touching him in sexual way (we havent had sex in a long time) i dont have anyone to talk too and i know probably youtube comment section isnt the best. i do struggle with my walk and i dont want to go to hell or send anyone to hell or cause them to sin. i want my family and my parnter to be saved. i ask if anyone can pray for me.
    thank you for anyone who reads this.

    • @rosie6
      @rosie6 Před rokem

      Praying for you ❤

  • @lizapiza1576
    @lizapiza1576 Před rokem

    So good!!!

  • @ELIZABETHmartinez-ft5bu

    You're amazing ☺️

  • @illbeyourhuckleberry6484

    Likely the reason is a spirit has gained power over you perhaps for having given in so much and not resisting the Devil so he will flee. Now you should be advised to treat anything that can lead to cycles of sin like a fasting item. Prayer and Fasting and resisting are likely then the way to recovery. Recovery can also hurt, as does being chained at the end of the fall. Many addictions and ignoring them isn’t gonna help you either. Of course seek the truth from God and Scripture no matter the source, even what I share. I’ve been lead to believe scripture puts fasting at the same level as prayer as well.
    Now many may think nature justifies a thing and the opposite sex is what missing in their life and heart. Yet that is the enemy who has misdirected everyone away from God. However those of the world are also likely stuck on a spiritual network of sorts preventing them from seeing and hearing. Just as any of us likewise had likely been on the same. Also their are those who can’t see the light. This seems to manifest as always picking the least of two evils as no option of light can be seen to them. Example: it’s your body and your choice to abort a child but it not you body and choice when it comes to a vaccine. Think about it.. Yet know all of us may have been like this, maybe like this or may have been set free from it. Try not to judge, loving God and treating others as you would want to be treated. So now have you been told, advised and warned. Blessing and Love

  • @jameshayworth6571
    @jameshayworth6571 Před 4 měsíci

    What if your wife refuses to admit that she has done anything wrong after confronted with evidence.?

  • @atari8603
    @atari8603 Před rokem +4

    I can't, I wanted this one guy so badly but, he rejected me and it got me into I don't wanna stop anymore until I am alive someone help😢

    • @Ang-s8f
      @Ang-s8f Před rokem +4

      Just Know that you are not alone..
      Many of us young and old single christians are struggling so badly...I pray that God will help us urgently and send us a life partner.🥺🙏🏼

    • @atari8603
      @atari8603 Před rokem

      @@Ang-s8f thanolk you

    • @christianreformationinitiative
      @christianreformationinitiative Před rokem

    • @rosie6
      @rosie6 Před rokem +1

      Remember the waves of depression after that momentary high. Not worth it. Ur future is more important

  • @marylee2672
    @marylee2672 Před rokem


  • @worldhistorys-md2rz
    @worldhistorys-md2rz Před rokem +1

    God bless!! ✝️❤️. y for this video I got a a question this type I struggle with lust my the eyes and the gym is one of the place that is hard form me I am single and I want to honor god and wait until marriage and to please god so with the gym do I have to cancel my membership?

    • @backcountryFLcyclist
      @backcountryFLcyclist Před rokem +2

      You can find victory in His Spirit to flee this temptation. It is a temptation of the mind and heart, canceling your gym membership won't make the struggle any better. 1 cor 6:20 "For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."

  • @AnthonyDingle-mk5mb
    @AnthonyDingle-mk5mb Před rokem

    All three

  • @onfire4Jesus2
    @onfire4Jesus2 Před rokem

    I thought in this video you said studying scripture is how you are transformed by the renewing of your mind but now I'm not seeing that in the video. Was that a different video where you said that?

  • @texaslocoman1
    @texaslocoman1 Před rokem +2

    It is not sexual sin, it's just sin. Our nature is prompted to sin

    • @rosie6
      @rosie6 Před rokem

      Nope, sexual sin is a major sin, as it often leads to other great sins such as murder, greed, etc. look at the amount of killings due to affairs or lust murderers. There is a reason most serial killers are deeply addicted to porn. It’s an especially terrible sin