You don't know how to build a Muldrotha deck | Muldrotha EDH Deck Tech

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 32

  • @xboxgamer474246
    @xboxgamer474246 Před 7 měsíci +5

    Animate Dead is incredibly impactful. It doesn't just target your graveyard, it targets any graveyard. If someone wipes the board to remove a value engine or lethal threat, you are free to yoink it for 2 mana.

    • @aegisgamingofficial2178
      @aegisgamingofficial2178  Před 7 měsíci +2

      Not in this deck. We don't have the reanimation targets we really want, which means you're gambling on your opponents having something you would want *more than the cards you brought in your own deck.* Enough decks have very narrow strategies that the chance something they have contributed more to your strategy than what you were able to plan for by bringing your own cards for *your* strategy diminishes with every set release.
      If we had better reanimation targets, *maybe* this would be a better inclusion. But as is, I can't justify that card slot.

  • @ethanpascoe1540
    @ethanpascoe1540 Před 7 měsíci +8

    It feels super irresposible to only have one combo in a muldrotha deck, there are so many ways to lose your graveyard or oppents to shuffle theirs back you have to have backups. A Phyrexian Altar Kukusho combo, Ashnods for another sack outlet, Lab man or thassa's oracle to mill yourself for the win, as mean as it is Mindslaver for those 1 v 1 scenarios. I also really like the idea of potentially recurrable control even into the late game if you aren't finding some of your combo pieces, they get exiled, etc. Sheoldred, Whispering One, Dictate of Erebos, and Archfiend of Depravity are great at keeping combat decks at bay and if you get them into your graveyard early using a Kaya's Ghostform, Reanimate or Animate Dead on them is huge value.
    I feel like redundancy is extremely important for Muldortha to surive the early game and get to it's combos and the more reanimation spells you have the better. I think removing Perpetual Timepiece, Animate Dead, Secrets of the Dead, and Underrealm Lich in particular are mistakes. Perpetual Timepiece isn't just to mill you it also protects your graveyard, Animate Dead allows you to cheat out creatures early like Sheoldred or Archfiend, and Underrealm Lich can help you dig through your deck extremely fast especially once you recast draw spells same goes for Secrets of the Dead. I also think Baleful Strix is a really solid creature to detur your oppents from attacking you as they dont want to lose their things to deathtouch.
    I think the deck you presented is fine, for sure fun to play still, but it could definetly be stronger.

    • @aegisgamingofficial2178
      @aegisgamingofficial2178  Před 7 měsíci

      Agreed. Graveyard hate is very low cost to include in a deck. Your opponents are heavily incentivized to include *something* to hit this, and frankly, that's the cost of playing with a zone that acts like a second hand with no max hand size. But as for graveyard shufflers, I'll reiterate what I've said in other comments on inf mil combos:
      - In a scenario where you have access to infinite mill, there is *some number* of times you can mill them that will make that card go to the bottom of their deck (or at least the bottom remainder of their deck size when divided by 6+1, which is at most 6). Just shortcut this process to that step of the combo and proceed from there (where the worst case scenario is that they end up with a graveyard shuffle creature and 5 random cards from their deck as their library).
      - You can still mill yourself. You now have access to as many cards in your deck as you want to go to the yard, and can cast them without regards for permanent type (or even card type, since Founding the Third Path lets you cast your nonpermanents).
      As for Thoracle or Lab Man, this really isn't that kind of deck, and their inclusions are likely to signal to opponents that it *is* that kind of deck. If Thoracle is in the deck, frankly it'd be silly to not also have DC alongside it. That's just a cleaner combo.
      As for Mindslaver, again I think I agree. It would be irresponsible to only have the one combo, and Mindslaver is very low opportunity cost to include, but I exclude it *for personal philosophies.* It's not really about how mean it is as much as the fact that it's a "combo" that takes a loooong time to resolve in full, and even then doesn't win you the game. It's mean, yes, but what's worse is that it's mean with no exit strategy. It'd be exactly like taking 6 extra turns with no exit strategy- Some people might scoop, yeah, but in that scenario if you have no way to close it from there you really didn't deserve to win (though it should be said that the advantage amassed from such is significant). Displacer Kitten would be a very easy upgrade to slot in though; turning on infinite mana with Lotus petal, and even upgrades the existing combo a fair bit as well since you can mill yourself and take it from your yard. Now you can cast your whole deck. But it's not here because I didn't feel like the redundancy was worth that price point, though you may disagree and I wouldn't fault you for it.
      Excellent points all around. Thanks for watching!

  • @danielledantz1657
    @danielledantz1657 Před 5 dny

    I like running Lord of Extinction in my Muldrotha deck.

  • @ameliasmith858
    @ameliasmith858 Před 7 měsíci +2

    As a Muldrotha player myself, I have a lot to say about this video.
    My primary problem with your deck is that it only has a single combo in it. In my deck I include a displacer kitten for infinite mana through lotus petal. Phyrexian altar gives you infinite mana with Kaya's Ghostform. If one of your opponents is playing a shuffle eldrazi or any other card that shuffles itself back into their deck you would just kinda sit there looking for a way to win after going infinite. Additionally I actually do play secrets of the dead since when going infinite with lotus petal it can draw you into a win condition that you didn't even have on the table. Heck I play some other 0 mana artifacts like bauble and tormod's crypt so that with secrets of the dead or river kelpie on the table as well as displacer kitten, I can draw until I find lotus petal to give infinite mana as well.
    When deckbuilding, I did consider playing a copy of exploration, but ultimately decided against it playing life from the loam instead. I primarily went with artifact based ramp and birds and elves. I may try a more land based strategy in the future, especially seeing as I'm playing all the fetches. It might be an avenue worth exploring.
    I wasn't playing baleful strix before watching this video, but now that you've reminded me that it exists, it does belong in the deck as a strict upgrade to deadly recluse. I play a number of just cheap deathtoucher's because you need it to survive against more combat heavy decks. Since you largly won't have anything bigger than a 3/3 until you cast mulrotha on turn 5, having a tiny poisonous insect can be quite handy.
    Four mana draw 15 cards: Jace, the Perfected Mind
    Brain Freeze: It's Ancestral Recall, with storm
    In general I think your Muldrotha deck is a 5/10 but it sure gave me some deckbuilding ideas.
    Also you did successfully manage to convince me to drop like 2 evoke creatures that have been underperforming in my deck and really needed out. Maybe they're what I'll trade out for exploration.

    • @aegisgamingofficial2178
      @aegisgamingofficial2178  Před 7 měsíci +1

      Thanks for watching! I'll try to engage with all of this concisely.
      Respectfully, still a hard disagree on Secrets. When going infinite with Lotus Petal and Altar of Dementia, you already have access to every card in your deck- just mill it. Secrets is 3 mana to do nothing at every stage of the game except the stages when you don't actually need it. If the only time you've found it especially useful is when you already have infinite, that should be a mark against its inclusion, not for it. It needs to earn its place *outside* of the combo before it earns its place alongside it.
      As for deathtouchers, I won't argue against how good they are at deterring attacks, but frankly, a better removal package would serve even better by disabling their attacks against you entirely. Blocking doesn't win games. You're not going to take out their Drannith Magistrate by hoping they attack your deadly recluse with it...
      Displacer Kitten (and other infinite mana combos) gives you infinite mana, *but what then?* You can empty your gy of its permanents, which is a lot of value, but you still haven't won yet. You've still got all your work ahead of you. (It's still really good, mind you, I just can't call that a finished thought). Winding up infinite mana without a way to leverage that into a win is a great way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. More on that later.
      I won't dispute the point on graveyard shuffle creatures, but I need to add two things to that thought.
      - In a scenario where you have access to infinite mill, there is *some number* of times you can mill them that will make that card go to the bottom of their deck (or at least the bottom remainder of their deck size when divided by 6+1, which is at most 6). Just shortcut this process to that step of the combo and proceed from there (where the worst case scenario is that they end up with a graveyard shuffle creature and 5 random cards from their deck as their library).
      - This version of the combo nets you as many cards from your deck as you want to find in your graveyard, and since we've placed so much of an emphasis on ramping through lands, we have the mana to cast a winning suite of cards from there, unrestricted by permanent types (or even card types, since Founding the Third Path will cast our nonpermanent spells). Think of it as the difference between infinite mana with a full, but very fixed hand, and having a turn with your whole deck in your hand and all the mana you built up to that game. It's still a more complete win line than infinite mana and nothing to do with it besides sit on my hands and hope my opponents run into Baleful Strix (Notably, including DK here and making it something to find in your gy with this line gets you all your cards *and* infinite mana, as an easy upgrade). If there were other ways to enable the same combo/outcome, those lines would be welcome additions to the deck, but I haven't seen any that would also synergize well with what we're already doing in the deck.

    • @ameliasmith858
      @ameliasmith858 Před 7 měsíci

      @@aegisgamingofficial2178 I appreciate the feedback and am willing to admit that I was a little harsh. Although I would like to say that in playtesting I've rarely ever been in a position where I've had all the pieces required for infinite mana and not won the game that turn
      Also you've earned a sub from me

  • @mikeroach9224
    @mikeroach9224 Před měsícem

    Great Video! I'm looking to upgrade a dusty old Muldrotha deck, and this video definitely helped me find some fun stuff to add. Thank you!

  • @colbykeel4942
    @colbykeel4942 Před 3 měsíci +1

    How am I just finding you

  • @mportillo78
    @mportillo78 Před 5 měsíci

    Animate Dead, Lion's Eye Diamond, and Phantasmal Image is a Muldrotha infinite mana combo. Underrealm Lich with Sylvan Library is insane. Definitely need more than one wincon/combo imo. I didn't notice if you mentioned this was a budget build. My bad if so. I would definitely consider this a 5-6.

  • @jonathanlee4166
    @jonathanlee4166 Před 7 měsíci +3

    How do graveyard decks in general get around grave hate? I know grave hate isn't in all decks, but most people seem to run one or two pieces as a "why not" sort of thing, like Bojuka Bog, and those would quite heavily impact Muldrotha's plan while costing the opponent barely anything.

    • @aegisgamingofficial2178
      @aegisgamingofficial2178  Před 7 měsíci +1

      Agreed. That's the cost of playing with a zone that's effectively a second hand with no maximum hand size- there's a lot of vulnerability at no cost from your opponent. Counterspells protect against a lot of it, but Bojuka Bog won't be affected by this. Octavia in particular is vulnerable to gy hate because you kinda have to be all in on her strategy just because it's so resource intensive.

    • @jonathanlee4166
      @jonathanlee4166 Před 7 měsíci

      @@aegisgamingofficial2178 I'm trying to get a The Mimeoplasm deck built (because Muldrotha seems to get a load of hate on sight), what would you say is a reasonable amount of interaction to include to protect your graveyard and board in general?
      I read through your Muldrotha list and I noticed not too much in the way of counterspells. Do you usually face very minimal amounts of graveyard hate?

    • @aegisgamingofficial2178
      @aegisgamingofficial2178  Před 7 měsíci +1

      Despite advocating for it in my playgroup, sadly yes, minimal gy hate. Though I've recently moved and am trying out new LGSs, so that may change. Bojuka Bog in particular has disappointed more often than not. Counting it as a land drop means when it's drawn early (when you most want lands) is also when it doesn't have many targets. Entering tapped also incentivizes you to play it earlier, but again, that's when yards aren't very full. Often it just plays like a tapped land, and that's significantly worse than other lands in that slot. What I've really been happy with is Stone of Erech as gy hate.
      Imo the amount of counterspells should be flexible to a player's meta. If I've loaded it down with counters from the start, it becomes hateful to play against, and really, that's how I'd prefer for people to see these decks- as guidelines that you can modify to fit the needs of your playgroup.
      But even with more counters, like I said, that wouldn't stop BB, which is still one of the most played gy hate pieces. If I were in a meta more hostile to graveyards, I'd probably swap out a handful of the mill effects for it. As long as you've got graveyard tutors, some of your millcount can relax a little, but you still need ramp, draw, and interaction.

  • @bryceduyvewaardt8136
    @bryceduyvewaardt8136 Před 7 měsíci

    Nice guide! I think I’ll avoid the creative card choices and opt for Gyruda as a companion, then cram every even cmc card that clones, ramps for 0-2 mana and fit Ormos Archive keeper in to try and turbo mill 😅

  • @jessianderson3959
    @jessianderson3959 Před 2 měsíci

    I like some of the main points you've made here but it seems to ignore how huge of a target Muldrotha is.
    Just about anyone new can plug her name into a search engine and discover that she is in the top 10 most popular commanders of all time, anyone who's played for a while just knows the BS she can enable.
    My point is she gets hit with a lot of removal and you will be under constant scrutiny for grave hate because that value is huge right on its front.
    Timepiece is often there because it gives your grave another chance to survive after the bog comes down, the mill is just incidental.
    One of Muldrotha's better self mill cards i rarely see mentioned is Hedron Crab. In this deck that ability may as well say "landfall-Ancestral recall" but better than that even is the fact that you can use Hedron Crab, Aftermath Analyst (or world shaper with a sac outlet) & Sylvan Safekeeper to also combo win in a way others probably won't see coming. Lotus cobra also helps this combo along, and every piece mentioned synergizes well here.
    Another power combo i like adding is Thran Vigil+ Pitiless Plunderer + Glen Elendra Archmage. Its a little less subtle than my other Combo because Plunderer SCREAMS combo piece, but again, none of the pieces are otherwise out of place as synergy in this deck. This does create some salt though seeing as its not a "win" so much as a "i can literally Counterspell EVERYTHING you own, so unless you have a stiffle, I'm the only one who can play." But in practice, its still less salt than repeated Mindslaver.

  • @chrislol4932
    @chrislol4932 Před 7 měsíci +1

    I'd love an episode on Zedruu the Greathearted :)

  • @Mexymack
    @Mexymack Před 6 měsíci +2

    Better name for this video is I dont know how to build. Muldrotha deck.
    In an attemp to build a diferent deck list than the usual(not a bad thing) you have alienated some of the better more versatile cards.Also I know its been mentioned but only one combo is just irresponsible.

  • @lorenzogarese9601
    @lorenzogarese9601 Před 6 měsíci

    Really cool deck, I have improved my deck quite a bit since I saw this. I think Animate Dead is worth it if you run a good target for it, I personally run razaketh.

  • @erosbronzo6518
    @erosbronzo6518 Před 7 měsíci +2

    This lasagna tastes like mud

    • @aegisgamingofficial2178
      @aegisgamingofficial2178  Před 7 měsíci +2

      I like to think it's got decayed bark for pasta and mud for cheese. Of course the sauce is swamp water...

  • @andrewjasonhilario
    @andrewjasonhilario Před 7 měsíci +1

    My request! Yay!

  • @mr.miluro1013
    @mr.miluro1013 Před 7 měsíci

    Wonderful as always

  • @willsola3412
    @willsola3412 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Titling the deck “You don’t know how to build this deck” (words to that effect) and then proceeding to claim that you should finish with 4 card combo that needs a 5th to actually kill with the infinite mana is kinda funny.
    Even with a restricted budget, this is a very lower power level strategy; and claiming that you know better than other deck builders while suggesting it comes across as both pompous and inexperienced.

  • @melkiyad2504
    @melkiyad2504 Před 7 měsíci

    I'd love a Myra izzet deck :D

  • @impadimprixie
    @impadimprixie Před 4 měsíci

    Mfw I'm watching this video after putting mulldrifter, secrets of the dead, world shaper, underrealm lich, and perpetual timepiece in my deck.
    (Will not be removing timepiece however thanks to my entire playgroup running at least one graveyard hate effect LMAO)

  • @Redfizh
    @Redfizh Před 4 měsíci

    It's a She?

  • @dennywaters1943
    @dennywaters1943 Před 4 měsíci

    The most lame video ever!