Victory! Victory! Ummah of Victory! The Return Convention Manila - Mufti Menk

  • čas přidán 24. 01. 2023
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Komentáře • 189

  • @angelaplatt4727
    @angelaplatt4727 Před rokem +121

    As Salamu Alaykum from Las Vegas, Nevada. My new muslim / married name is Khadijah Laidi Ma Sha Allah , Al hamdu lillah, Subhan Allah. Thank you Mufti. I listen to you everyday. You keep me moving forward closer to Allah. I'm a married revert as of August 2022 in Morocco 🇲🇦 😎 ☺️ May Allah always bless you. Thank you so much Mufti. Peace and blessings upon you Mufti.

    • @haleemasadia6314
      @haleemasadia6314 Před rokem +3

      Ma sha Allah

    • @abdulazeezadam1210
      @abdulazeezadam1210 Před rokem +2

      Masha Allah

    • @dhiaulhaq5958
      @dhiaulhaq5958 Před rokem +4

      May Allah taala protect you my dear sister!
      May He grant you success in this transient life and the eternal hereafter. Ameen!
      Allahuma salli alaa Muhammad wa alaa aalihi wa sahbihi wa baarik wa sallam.

    • @breathtakingpalms
      @breathtakingpalms Před rokem +1

      Love and duas🌸💞🌸💞

    • @ansermehmood3137
      @ansermehmood3137 Před rokem

      Ma SHA Allah

  • @enzzz9411
    @enzzz9411 Před rokem +33

    I seriously love this man whenever I'm in a chaotic situation he came up with his beautiful Bayan✌️🌝❤️‍🔥

  • @daniellatucker6566
    @daniellatucker6566 Před rokem +18

    All praise is due to Allah!!!!

  • @aisham1057
    @aisham1057 Před rokem +11

    May الله help us all to do the best that we can and humble ourselves moving forward! امين 💙💚

  • @intetanncastaneda5907
    @intetanncastaneda5907 Před rokem +4

    Welcome to our humble country, Mufti Menk!☺️🇵🇭 My favorite motivational speaker who also helped me become a better version of myself in this life and Insha’Allah in the next life…🤲🏻✨
    Gabayan nawa tayong lahat ng “Nag-iisang Lumikha ng lahat.”✨🤲🏻💙✨

  • @MarYam-gx2lo
    @MarYam-gx2lo Před rokem +31

    Im from philippines 🇵🇭working in 🇴🇲 oman.. everyday listening to him while im in the kitchen at work. Im born catholic but i love listening his lectures/sermon.

    • @marliahardy7755
      @marliahardy7755 Před rokem +1

      May Allah guide you to the truth Ameen Ya Rabb
      "Jesus as God"
      Some Christians claim that "Jesus is God" or part of a trinity - that he is the incarnation of God on earth, and that God took on a human form. However, according to the Bible, Jesus was born, ate, slept, prayed and had limited knowledge - all attributes not befitting God. God has attributes of perfection whereas Man is the opposite. How can anything be two complete opposites simultaneously?
      Islam teaches that God is always perfect. To believe that God became a man is to claim that God is or was (at some point in time), imperfect. A Christian must ask him/herself, does the idea of a god who was once a weak helpless child, one who could not survive without food, drink or sleep, be the same Almighty God described in the Old Testament? Surely not.
      One may ask, "If God can do anything, why can't he become a man?" By definition, God does not do ungodly acts. God does not do anything that would make Him, something other than God. If God became man and took on human attributes, he would, necessarily, no longer be God.
      Some ambiguous verses of the Bible can be applied erroneously to show that Jesus is in some way divine. But if we look at the clear direct verses of the Bible, we see again and again that Jesus is being referred to as an extraordinary human being and nothing more. The Bible contains many verses in which Jesus speaks and behaves as if God is a separate being to himself. For example:
      Jesus "fell on his face and prayed." (Matthew 26:39) If Jesus was God, then would a God fall on his face and pray? And who would he be praying to?
      The Bible calls Jesus a Prophet (Matthew 21:10-11), so how could Jesus be God and be God's Prophet at the same time?
      Jesus said, "I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than me." (John 14:28)
      Jesus said "I ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God, and your God." (John 20:17) If Jesus was God, then why would he say, "to my God, and your God," and who was he ascending to?
      If Jesus was God, he would have clearly told people to worship him, and there would be clear verses in the Bible stating this; yet he did the opposite and disapproved anyone worshipping him: "And in vain they worship me." (Matthew 15:9)

    • @marliahardy7755
      @marliahardy7755 Před rokem +1

      "Son of God"
      Some Christians claim that Jesus is the Son of God. What does this actually mean? Surely God is far removed from having a physical and literal son. Humans have human children. Cats have kittens. What does it mean for God to have a child?
      Rather than being taken literally, we find the term "Son of God" is symbolically used in the earliest biblical languages for a "righteous person", and has been used for David, Solomon and Israel - not exclusively for Jesus: "...Israel is my firstborn son," (Exodus 4:22). In fact, anyone who is righteous is referred to as God's 'son' : "All who are led by God's Spirit are God's sons and daughters." (Romans 8:14)
      "It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. He is Perfect and Flawless! When He determines a matter, He only says to it, 'Be' and it is."Quran 19:35
      "Father and Lord"
      In the same way, when the word 'Father' is used to refer to God it shouldn't be taken literally. Instead, it's a way of saying God is the creator, sustainer and supreme master of all. There are many verses for us to understand this symbolic meaning of the word 'Father', for example: "One God and Father of all." (Ephesians 4:6)
      Also, Jesus was sometimes called 'Lord' by the disciples. This term is used in the original languages of the Bible, for God as well as for people who are held in high esteem. For example, in the Greek New Testament, the term kyrios is used for both 'Lord' as well as to name the owner of the vineyard (Matthew 20:8), and the master who beat the disobedient servant (Luke 20.42-47).
      In other parts of the Bible, Jesus is even called a 'servant' of God by the disciples: "The God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus." (Acts 3:13) This clearly shows that when 'Lord' is used to refer to Jesus, it is a title of respect, not of divinity.
      Attempts are made to explain the complexity of the above issues of the nature of God and the nature of Jesus, which can be quite confusing or unsatisfying. However, the key point to ponder is: Why would God make it so hard to understand? How do these complicated teachings compare with the simple, clear and pure teachings of the concept of God in Islam?

    • @marliahardy7755
      @marliahardy7755 Před rokem

      Jesus: The Prophet
      In Judaism, Jesus (peace be upon him) is denied as the Messiah. This is in stark contrast to Christianity where he is worshipped as a deity, or the son of God. Islam takes the middle ground and acknowledges Jesus as an honourable Prophet and Messenger of God, as well as the Messiah, but Muslims do not worship him - as worship is for God alone who created Jesus and everything that exists.
      "(Jesus) said, 'Indeed, I am the slave of Allah (God). He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet.'"Quran 19:30
      Miraculous Birth
      According to the Quran, the Angel Gabriel was sent to Mary, the noble virgin, in the form of a man, informing her of a child who was to be born miraculously without a father.
      "He (Angel Gabriel) said, 'I am only a messenger of your Lord to announce to you the gift of a righteous son.' She said, 'How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?' He said, 'Thus (it will be). Your Lord says, "It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter already decreed." "Quran 19:19-21
      Some claim that his miraculous birth is evidence of Jesus' divinity. However, Jesus was not the first to come into existence without a father, as Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) before him had neither a father nor mother. God says:
      "The likeness of Jesus before God is as that of Adam; He created him (Adam) from dust, then said to him: 'Be', and he was. This is the truth from your Lord, so be not of the disputers."Quran 3:59-60
      If Jesus is worshipped due to having no father, then surely Adam is more deserving of worship since he was created without either parent.
      Miracles of Jesus
      Jesus was miraculously conceived with no father and also performed great miracles by the will and permission of God. He spoke as a baby in the cradle to defend his mother against the people who accused her of fornication. The Quran also states that Jesus gave life to the dead, cured the leper and the blind - all by the will of God.
      The fact that Jesus (peace be upon him) performed miracles does not mean that he was anything more than a humble servant of God. In fact, many Messengers performed miracles, including Noah, Moses and Muhammad (may peace be upon them all) and these miracles only took place by the permission of God, so as to demonstrate the authenticity of the Messenger.
      Message of Jesus
      The Prophets of the Old Testament such as Abraham, Noah and Jonah never preached that God is part of a Trinity, and did not believe in Jesus as their saviour. Their message was simple: there is one God and He alone deserves your worship. It is not logical for God to send Prophets for thousands of years with the same essential message, only to suddenly change it, claim that He is now a part of a trinity, and to stipulate the belief in the divinity of Jesus to be saved.
      The truth is, Jesus preached the same message as all the Prophets in the Old Testament. There is a passage in the Bible that really emphasises this core message. A man came to Jesus and asked, "Which is the first commandment of all?" Jesus answered, "The first of all the commandments is, 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.' "(Mark 12:28-29) So, the greatest commandment, the most important belief according to Jesus, is that God is one. If Jesus was God he would have said, 'I am God, worship me.' Instead, he merely repeated a verse from the Old Testament confirming that God is One.
      This aligns with the mission of Jesus, as taught in Islam, where Jesus was sent to the Children of Israel to confirm the message of the past Prophets - to believe in the One True God.
      "And when Jesus brought clear proofs, he said, '… Indeed, God - He is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him alone. This is the only Straight Path.' "Quran 43:63-64
      As an honourable obedient Messenger of God, Jesus submitted willingly to God's commands. As such, he was a "Muslim" - which refers to anyone that submits to the will and commandments of God.
      Jesus in Islam
      Jesus was as an honourable Prophet sent by God to call to the worship of God alone. This is evident in the Bible and confirmed by the Quran. The Islamic belief about Jesus explains who the real Jesus was, whilst maintaining the pure belief about God and His complete Greatness, Uniqueness and Perfection.
      We invite everyone to look further and investigate Islam. It is not just another religion. It is the same message preached by Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad - may peace be upon all of them. Islam means 'submission to God' and is a natural and complete way of life that encourages one to give due attention to their relationship with God and His creation. Islam teaches that God is the All-Just and All-Merciful and does not need to sacrifice himself to forgive sins nor is anyone "born into sin". God judges everyone based on their own deeds and everyone is accountable for their own actions.
      Islam teaches us to love and respect all the Prophets of God, but loving and respecting them does not mean worshipping them because worship is due only to God.

    • @marliahardy7755
      @marliahardy7755 Před rokem

      Allah (God), the Creator of the universe and everything in it, created humans for a noble purpose: to worship Him alone and lead a virtuous life based on His teachings and guidance. However, one cannot fulfil this purpose without receiving clear guidelines from Allah. Allah, the Most Merciful and Just, did not leave us to wander the Earth aimlessly. In order to inform us of our purpose, Allah appointed certain individuals to communicate and demonstrate His message to all of mankind. These individuals are known as Prophets, which include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad - may peace be upon them all.
      The Characteristics of Prophets
      All Prophets have common characteristics which make them exceptional human beings.
      Prophets receive revelation
      The main difference between an ordinary human being and a Prophet is that a Prophet receives revelation from Allah.
      Prophets have noble character
      Prophets never sought personal benefits such as wealth, high status or power - rather, they only sought the approval of God.
      Prophets were the best examples amongst their people in character and righteousness. They lived in obedience to God, with excellent morals and were always truthful in speech and conduct. For this reason, Muslims reject totally the false attribution of major sins to the Prophets, as appears in some scriptures of other religions.
      Prophets perform miracles
      Many Prophets performed miracles, usually in a field which their people excelled. For example, the people of Moses (peace be upon him) excelled in magic; therefore, Moses (peace be upon him) was able to perform miraculous acts which even magicians could not perform. The people of Jesus (peace be upon him) excelled in matters of medicine; therefore, Jesus (peace be upon him) was able to perform acts of healing beyond the skill of his own people. The people of Muhammad (peace be upon him) excelled in poetry; therefore, Muhammad (peace be upon him) delivered the Quran, containing such eloquent words which no poet could ever compete with. In addition, many Prophets conveyed truthful prophecies of future events. Such miracles were performed only with the permission and assistance of Allah, proving that they were human, and not divine.
      Prophets are not divine
      While Prophets are chosen by Allah Almighty, they are in no way divine and should not be worshipped. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was commanded to say, "I am only a man like you. It has been revealed to me that your God is One God." Quran 18:110 It is clear even from the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, that the Prophets were not divine, and would worship and prostrate to the One True God. "And he [Jesus] went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed..." Matthew 26:39 "And they [Moses and Aaron] fell upon their faces..." Numbers 16:22 "And Abram [i.e. Abraham] fell on his face: and God talked with him..." Genesis 17:3
      Prophets have necessary qualities
      Allah gave all Prophets certain characteristics in order for them to successfully fulfil their mission, such as persistence, courage, leadership, patience and wisdom.
      Some examples include:
      The persistence of Noah (peace be upon him) in calling his people to Allah, even though very few accepted.
      The courage of Abraham (peace be upon him) to singlehandedly confront his entire community regarding their false beliefs, while he was still very young.
      The leadership of Moses (peace be upon him) in directing the escape of his people from the most oppressive tyrant of his time - Pharaoh.
      The patience of Jesus (peace be upon him) in enduring the hardships and persecution imposed upon him by his people.
      The wisdom of Muhammad (peace be upon him) in uniting the many rival tribes of Arabia, who had a long history of conflict, into one peaceful community.

    • @marliahardy7755
      @marliahardy7755 Před rokem

      The Message of the Prophets
      "And certainly We sent to every nation a Messenger (saying): 'Worship Allah and avoid false gods.' "Quran 16:36
      Since all Prophets were sent by the One True God, they all conveyed the same message and had the same mission - to remind and educate their people of the purpose of life.
      Their message was to:
      Clarify the true concept of God and reject false beliefs
      Teach the true purpose of life
      Demonstrate how Allah should be worshipped
      Convey Allah's definition of righteous and sinful conduct, and advise people accordingly
      Describe the rewards for obedience (Heaven) and warn of the punishment for disobedience (Hell)
      Explain commonly misunderstood issues such as the soul, angels and spirits, the afterlife and fate
      "And We sent not a Messenger except with the language of his people, in order that he might make (the Message) clear for them..."Quran 14:4
      The main focus of all the Prophets was to clarify the concept of God: that He has no partners or equals, and that all worship should be directed exclusively toward Him. In the Quran, there are numerous examples of Prophets proclaiming this message:
      Noah (peace be upon him) said [Quran 7:59],
      "O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other gods besides Him."
      Abraham (peace be upon him) said [Quran 21:66],
      "Do you worship besides Allah, things that can neither bring you benefit nor cause you harm?"
      Moses (peace be upon him) said [Quran 7:140],
      "What! Shall I seek for you a god other than Allah even though He has made you excel (all) created things?"
      Jesus (peace be upon him) said [Quran 3:51],
      "Indeed Allah is my Lord and your Lord: so worship Him (alone): this is the Straight Way."
      Muhammad (peace be upon him) said [Quran 18:110],
      "It has been revealed to me that your God is One God. So whoever expects to meet his Lord then let him do good deeds and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord."
      This message was consistent throughout the generations, and highlights the importance of having the correct belief in God.
      Every Nation was Sent a Prophet
      "And for every nation there is a messenger."Quran 10:47
      Muslims believe that thousands of Prophets were sent periodically by Allah, at least one to every nation, as a mercy to mankind for their guidance. In certain circumstances, the message of the Prophets was lost, corrupted, forgotten, neglected, or denied by the people. These were some of the reasons why a new Prophet would be sent to re-convey Allah's message.
      Muslims believe in and respect every Prophet sent by God. Muslims also believe in all of the divine books which were revealed to the Prophets, mindful of the fact that none of these books exist today in their original form, aside from the Quran. "It is He (Allah) Who has sent down the Book (the Quran) to you (Muhammad) with truth, confirming what came before it. And He sent down the Torah and the Gospel." Quran 3:3
      Why Doesn't Everyone Receive Direct Revelation?
      Allah created life and gave humans free will and intellect, as a test to see who will willingly follow His path and who will deviate. If every person received direct revelation, life would not be a true test of faith. The real test of one's faith is in using one's intellect and reason to contemplate and recognise God's signs, rather than being spoken to directly by God, which would not require any effort, and would render belief meaningless.
      Although Prophets received direct revelation, this did not exempt them from life's tests, as Prophethood brings with it many difficulties and trials.

  • @johnpaulopingol4949
    @johnpaulopingol4949 Před rokem +6

    MashaAllah! Im so blessed that i joined that day. I’m late due to traffic but still Alhamdulillah!

  • @Design.unveiled
    @Design.unveiled Před rokem +7

    Masha Allah 😍🥰

  • @azizabouchenouf5049
    @azizabouchenouf5049 Před rokem +5

    Thank you brother for this powerful speech. May Allah swt grant you the highest heaven.

  • @ilirahmetaj7234
    @ilirahmetaj7234 Před rokem +5

    U are a fact: Allah Subhanahu wata ala have stil mercy on us. Wallah when I hear u, my heart is in Jannah. Mashallah... Allah bless u infinit Brother.

  • @innocentmawa4965
    @innocentmawa4965 Před rokem +7

    When I listen to you,it's like am listening to my biological father..
    Allah called him back home
    May he be one one of the men in janatul firdaus😢😢 🤲🤲

  • @erastusiyambo5613
    @erastusiyambo5613 Před rokem +9

    Wallahi ! I love this brother for the sake of Allah! Allah had charged my life thru listening to Mufti Menk and I will forever remember for that. I pray that the Almighty Allah reward him with the highest level in Jannah and bless his family.Ameen Ya Allah

  • @lizawakweya5574
    @lizawakweya5574 Před rokem +8

    U know how Allah love me i use to smoke,drink and clubbing doing very hard drugs and hanging out with bad friends and I always regret the next day after I done it but I started beginning Allah please I don't like what I do take me out of this my lord Allah is merciful he let me quit all those drugs, alcohol, clubbing and he cut all those bad friends that I have hanging out with for 20y ....look turn to My lord Allah he is merciful amazing God if he forgive me he will forgive anyone...know I pray 5 times a day go to mosques 🕌 ppl who knows me and my family are very surprised so my brother and my sister turn to Allah before it's to late .... Alhamdullha 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @patrickthomas6142
      @patrickthomas6142 Před rokem +2

      I agree relate to you. I’ve been there, been a prison on hard drugs. He is merciful.

    • @patrickthomas6142
      @patrickthomas6142 Před rokem +2

      May the Almighty protect, us and thank you again

    • @patrickthomas6142
      @patrickthomas6142 Před rokem

      I wish I had someone to help me to learn me the five day prayers

    • @lizawakweya5574
      @lizawakweya5574 Před rokem +1


    • @zainabfuseini895
      @zainabfuseini895 Před rokem +1

      Wow I’m inspired thanks for sharing

  • @nadirajames4267
    @nadirajames4267 Před rokem +5

    This was a beautiful beneficial video and talk you gave Shaykh Ma shaa Allah Allahu Akbar 🤲🏾🤲🏾

  • @nickstephens7046
    @nickstephens7046 Před rokem +6


  • @fazil_dine
    @fazil_dine Před rokem +6

    All praise is due to Allah 💚

  • @firozabuksh5187
    @firozabuksh5187 Před rokem +1

    Jazak Allah hu Khairan sheikh May Allah bless you
    Give you long healthy life to
    Serve the umma..
    We need honest
    Encouraging person like you

  • @elvirawidyatiofficial8333

    All Praise is due to Allah
    Our prophet,
    Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam🤍

  • @marcandmaryvlogs07
    @marcandmaryvlogs07 Před rokem +1

    Thank you mufti you were in our native land Philippines to share the goodness of Allah... I'm working in Hongkong and I'm happy to see u lecturing always

  • @bethmahusay
    @bethmahusay Před rokem +1

    Al Hamdulillah 🤲♥️ I always listen to You Shiek Mufti Mink,,,May Allah subhana Wa'taa Allah always guide,protect and bless♥️🤲

  • @monerahdaud.1111
    @monerahdaud.1111 Před rokem +1

    Maa Shaa Allah and Alhamdulillah.i really admired Sheikh Mufti Menk.and to all the preachers of Islam.May Allah Subhaana Allahu Taallah Protect you.☝☝☝Allahumma Ameen

  • @noraisaesmail5767
    @noraisaesmail5767 Před rokem +5

    May Allah forgive our sins and accept our good deeds Aameen

  • @hijaraabangad4555
    @hijaraabangad4555 Před rokem +3

    Alhamdulillah, I was one of the lucky persons whom ALLAH s.w.t chose to witness this blessed event happened in Le Pavillon, Manila Phillipines.
    Hoping that tha tasbih my husband gave reached Mufti through the kind personal guard who was assigned right at the doorstep of his room at the backstage.

  • @thewitchergaming4647
    @thewitchergaming4647 Před rokem +5

    Alhamdulillah 🥰🥰

  • @KakarotsonGOKU2
    @KakarotsonGOKU2 Před rokem +3


  • @awi3884
    @awi3884 Před rokem +5

    Dear brothers and sister. Currently im in extreme physical pain due to health problems until the point that i cant sleep. It would mean a lot to me if you could help and pray for me so i can get through this though time. Thank you so much and may Allah bless you for your kindness.

  • @nilufaayub5505
    @nilufaayub5505 Před rokem +2


  • @jantongmalano2174
    @jantongmalano2174 Před rokem +1

    Subhanawataallah alhamdulillah lailahaillallah allah akbar. Ameen sukran yah shieck.

  • @farhanaanis8382
    @farhanaanis8382 Před rokem +7

    Wa alaikum salaam wa rahmathullahi wa barakhathuhu bro. Aameen Aameen ya Rabbal Aalameen to all of your prayers.
    All praise is due to ALLAH SWT... in all conditions. MASHA ALLAH... 👌👍🙏❤️Fantabulous n lovely lecture with empowering guide lines. Loved it very much. MAY ALLAH SWT forgive us and guide us and makes us to deserve for HIS ALLAH SWT love n mercy. 🤲🙌🙏ALLAHUMMA Aameen YA RABB.🤲🤲

  • @sanijamuric6482
    @sanijamuric6482 Před rokem +4

    Ja samo allahu sedzdu cinim

  • @ghaniasohail
    @ghaniasohail Před rokem

    Mufti Menk, may Allah give you health and a long long life for you to keep being the Zariya of guidance for us.

  • @nadirajames4267
    @nadirajames4267 Před rokem +2

    SubhanaAllah!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing this with us all Shaykh Ma shaa Allah TabarakAllah May Allah ta’A’la Reward you the best in this life and Akhirah Aameen and all the Muslims/Believers Aameen🤲🏾🤲🏾🫶🏾

  • @juliusrecio9779
    @juliusrecio9779 Před rokem +1

    Im christian but i cry and thankful Allah he use you for teaching all people about the words of Allah thank you so much alhamdullilah i hope to see you sir

    • @sweetginger222
      @sweetginger222 Před rokem

      Dear sweet and humble person, Islam stresses the notion that God is able to and forgive all sins, if a person truly repents and then refrains from repeating it. God does not need any blood sacrifice for that, let alone descend in the form of man himself and die for every mans sins. Rather, God‟s mercy extends to all creatures, believers and disbelievers alike. The door to forgiveness is open to anyone who seeks it.
      The Islamic view of Jesus lies between two extremes. The Jews, who rejected Jesus as a prophet, called him an imposter, while the Christians, on the other hand, considered him to be the son of God and worship him as such. Islam considers Jesus to be one of the greatest and most forbearing of prophets, in addition to Noah, Abraham, Moses and Muhammad, may God praise them. Jesus is also considered to be the Messiah as well. This is in conformity with the Islamic view of the Oneness of God, the Oneness of Divine guidance, and the complementary role of the subsequent mission of God‟s messengers.
      Muslims, like Christians believe that Jesus performed miracles. These miracles were performed by the will and permission of God, Who has power and control over all things.
      God sent all prophets with miracles specific to the nation to whom they were sent to prove the veracity of their message. These miracles were not performed of their own accord; rather, they were only manifest in their hands by Gods will. The miracles performed by Jesus were no different. The Jews were well advanced in the field of medicine, and the miracles which Jesus brought were of this nature, proving the truth of His message and in order to convince the Jews.
      Like Christians, Muslims believe that Mary was a chaste, virgin woman, who miraculously gave birth to Jesus. Jesus‟ birth in itself was a miracle in that he had no father.
      This fact, however, does not necessitate that Jesus is divine in essence or spirit, nor is he worthy of worship, for Adam‟s existence was more miraculous than that of Jesus. If his miraculous birth were a proof that Jesus was God incarnate or His son, then Adam would have more right over this divinity than him. Rather, both are prophets who were inspired with revelation from God Almighty, and both were servants to Him living according to His commandments.
      Throughout the Quran, Jesus is identified fundamentally as a prophet of God sent to the Jews who had over time deviated from the teachings of Moses and other messengers.
      Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, was the last in the line of Jewish prophets. He lived according to the Torah, the Law of Moses, and taught his followers to do likewise
      In the generations after Jesus‟ departure from this world, his teachings were distorted and he was elevated to the status of God. Six centuries later, with the coming of Prophet Muhammad, the truth about Jesus Christ was finally retold and preserved eternally in the last book of divine revelation, the Quran. Furthermore, many of the laws of Moses, which Jesus followed, were revived in their pure and unadulterated form and implemented in the divinely prescribed way of life known as Islam, while many other aspects and injunctions of the laws which had been brought by the earlier prophets were lightened or dropped. Consequently, the reality of the prophets, their uniform message, and the way of life which they followed, can only be found preserved in the religion of Islam, the only religion prescribed by God for man.
      Muslims today actually follow Jesus and his true teachings. Their way of life is much more in tune with the way of life Jesus practiced than any of the modern day “Christians.” Love and respect of Jesus Christ is an article of faith in Islam, and God stressed the importance of belief in Jesus in numerous places in the Quran
      The message of God to humanity, which is to worship God and God alone and to live according to His instruction, was revealed to Adam (peace be upon him), who passed it on to his children. All the subsequent revelations to Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and, finally, Muhammad are in conformity with that message.

  • @paparahjitv845
    @paparahjitv845 Před rokem +1


  • @aminahabdullah8195
    @aminahabdullah8195 Před rokem +2

    All Praises Due To Allah

  • @fowzia645
    @fowzia645 Před rokem +5

    Daily dhikr
    Hadith whoever remembers Allah Allah remembers you no matter how small it is
    Allahu akbar
    LAILAHA ilalahu Muhammadurasoolullah
    Allahumma ajirni minan naar
    Hasbunallahu wanimal wakeel
    LA quwata ila bila hil aliul Azim
    Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi Subhanallahil Azim
    LA ilalaha ilalahu Wahdahu LA sharikalahu walahul hamdu yuhyi wayumeetu biyadahil khair wahuwaala kulli shayin qadeer 3rd kalimah
    ayatul kursi

  • @marliahardy7755
    @marliahardy7755 Před rokem +1

    Mashaallah! May Allah bless you wherever you are Ameen Ya Rabb.

  • @abdulaziz3044
    @abdulaziz3044 Před rokem +3

    I'm happy to listen live . ❤

  • @pynkeetaladua6981
    @pynkeetaladua6981 Před rokem

    When I listen to you I felt thankful that you raise awareness to all of us

  • @sadiomahamed7472
    @sadiomahamed7472 Před rokem +2

    Mashaallah tabarakallah sheikh ☝️💖💖

  • @elvirawidyatiofficial6247
    @elvirawidyatiofficial6247 Před 9 měsíci +1

    Bismillah Alhamdulillah❤
    All praise is due to Allah

  • @mouhamadoudiakite6573
    @mouhamadoudiakite6573 Před rokem +3

    السلام عليكم ورحمة اللّه وباركه

  • @barkisabdurakib4459
    @barkisabdurakib4459 Před rokem

    Salam....thank u shaikh Allah will give u long life to lead all muslim to go to the right path.

  • @marthakhadijahngondo5970

    Subhana Allah 💞
    Jazakallahu Khair 💌 Sheikh you elevator my iman

  • @QuranWorldYT
    @QuranWorldYT Před rokem +3

    Allah ❤

  • @reyali9150
    @reyali9150 Před rokem +1

    Praise be to Allah!!! Glory be to Allah!!! Allah is the Greatest!!! Sallallahu alihay wa salaam!!!!

  • @elvirawidyatiofficial6247
    @elvirawidyatiofficial6247 Před 10 měsíci

    Mufti, you're my beloved teacher..
    It is a very big blessing to know you all this time
    Thank you for all the : lectures, kindness, love and care for us all and the ummah.
    Jazakumullahu khairan.

  • @itsmeyamenah2804
    @itsmeyamenah2804 Před rokem

    Guard your prayers, if you forget once, twice, prepare that you will forget it so prepare and guard it.

  • @IslamicMentality
    @IslamicMentality Před rokem +1

    الحمدللہ -All Praise is due to allah

  • @tashadainkeh9110
    @tashadainkeh9110 Před rokem

    Very powerful speech l just love to listen 👂 to you everyday when ever I was in sad mood your speech give me strength to be strong again and again thank you so much for giving us the word of the Alhmght Allah 🙏

  • @elmehdiatir5910
    @elmehdiatir5910 Před rokem

    Thank you so very much! very enlightening!

  • @yasminchattaroo4786
    @yasminchattaroo4786 Před rokem +1

    I am thankful to Almighty Allah that we have u to give such lacther which teach a lot as Muslims. Allahumdullh

    • @yasminchattaroo4786
      @yasminchattaroo4786 Před rokem

      @-muftimenk thanks I have got second life I am thankful to Almighty Allah I am widow from passed 35years n in foreign country .Allah bless me n gave courage Alhamdulillah that I worked. I was busy I didn't feel alone w my two boys but now I feel I am alone n widow. My boys have their life n mufienk gives me courage w all the lectures mashallah .I am on my own in Mauritius one is in uk dentist his wife is pakistani as I am by birth she doesn't like me to be in her house .my son is weak infront of her.i don't want to spoil things for them .2boy is Dr he is gone to Canada so he can keep me w him .please pray for my son he gets a girl who allowe me to stay with them .I have 3 grand children n I don't meet them often w I have been to uk it hurt my feelings .I am 66 I love kids .pray that younger son gets good family oriented girl Aameen .pray I get Canada visa Aameen.

  • @shemsiyamuhammed
    @shemsiyamuhammed Před rokem

    We'alekumu Selam Wr.Wb

  • @amiduumor6002
    @amiduumor6002 Před rokem +3

    Ameen 🙏🙏🙏

  • @maymendiamla5439
    @maymendiamla5439 Před rokem

    Alhamdulillah thank you for visiting us here in the philippines we need you my dear brother shiek may Allah bless you

  • @amarahkhan3665
    @amarahkhan3665 Před rokem +1


  • @lindatyler3372
    @lindatyler3372 Před rokem

    Thank you my Brother, I have learned so much from you, and I have never learned about patience, or Selfishness growing up till I became a Muslim. Learned the hard way in this, but I'm getting better. Thanks be to Allah Akbar 🥰. And Thank you again, you and your Family deserve so Much. I Hope Allah Blesses you with more of what ever you desire. 😃

  • @fatimalaba-ouro5920
    @fatimalaba-ouro5920 Před rokem

    Masha Allah may Allah bless 🙏🙏🙏

  • @dilrubaakhter2608
    @dilrubaakhter2608 Před rokem +1

    Allah is most favourite

  • @elvirawidyatiofficial6247
    @elvirawidyatiofficial6247 Před 10 měsíci

    Prophet Muhammad❤ sallalahu alaihi wassalam

  • @dhiaulhaq5958
    @dhiaulhaq5958 Před rokem +1

    Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum berahmatika astagheeth!
    (O Living O Eternal Maintainer! By Your Mercy I seek help!)
    Allahuma salli alaa Muhammad wa alaa aalihi wa sahbihi wa baarik wa sallam.
    Ameen Ya Mujeebasaaeleen!

  • @MarYam-gx2lo
    @MarYam-gx2lo Před rokem

    Thank you for coming...

  • @hossainasiya1241
    @hossainasiya1241 Před rokem +4


  • @elvirawidyatiofficial8333

    Robbana dzalamna anfusana wainlam taghfirlana watarhamna lanakunanna minal khosirin.. Aamiin

  • @ameelove6109
    @ameelove6109 Před rokem

    Alhamdulilah 🤲🏼🤲🏼

  • @kameelamadyun8782
    @kameelamadyun8782 Před rokem

    MashaAllah! Mufti Menk, you are very much appreciated. I have learned so so much about Islam through listening to your very first “Stories of the Prophets” series which I feel is the most important piece in bridging the gap of understanding from The Holy Bible to The Holy Quran.
    I have watched most all of your lectures in your playlist during the past 3 years which then lead me to many other different speakers. I appreciate them all. You are all amazing. However my journey definitely started with you.

  • @user-xj5zp3st2i
    @user-xj5zp3st2i Před 11 měsíci

    Masha Allah

  • @jalaliah1499
    @jalaliah1499 Před rokem

    Jazakallāhu Khayran🥺 Tabarakallāh

  • @elvirawidyatiofficial6247
    @elvirawidyatiofficial6247 Před 10 měsíci

    Jannah is our aim...
    with or without you
    Muhammad ❤sallalahu alaihi wassalam
    Our beloved Prophet
    We follow our Prophet

  • @elvirawidyatiofficial6247
    @elvirawidyatiofficial6247 Před 9 měsíci

    All Praise is due to Allah

  • @SabbirRahman-vo9eh
    @SabbirRahman-vo9eh Před rokem

    Aim from Bangladesh ❤️🌹

  • @amiduumor6002
    @amiduumor6002 Před rokem +2

    Alhamdulillah ❤🙏🙏🙏

  • @tanvirhossainsohel224
    @tanvirhossainsohel224 Před rokem +2

    Subahan Allah ❤❤❤❤🤲❤❤

  • @elvirawidyatiofficial8333

    All praise is due to Allah..

  • @elvirawidyatiofficial8333

    Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam

  • @victoriainniss1860
    @victoriainniss1860 Před rokem

    Talk my brother so true

  • @yasminsarah3454
    @yasminsarah3454 Před rokem

    Masya allah subhanalah alhamdulilah amiiiiiin ya robbal alamiiiiiin 🌹🤲🤲

  • @haulakyosaba5267
    @haulakyosaba5267 Před rokem

    I became a Muslim because of u mufti I was also attacked that am following prophet Muhammad am serving him but i said Allah knows me

  • @shaynieespadero1981
    @shaynieespadero1981 Před rokem

    all praise is due to Allah 🤲🏽🤲🏽

  • @badshabadsha5651
    @badshabadsha5651 Před rokem +1


  • @bulaklakgeorfo7390
    @bulaklakgeorfo7390 Před rokem

    All praises be to Allah

  • @Abdul-eu7dk
    @Abdul-eu7dk Před rokem

    Victory is for ummah of our prophet sallallahualaiwasallam and make ALLAH happy .. At the time Conquest of makka how much happy he sallallahualaiwasallam should have been

  • @dailyvlogandmixture
    @dailyvlogandmixture Před 11 měsíci

    ❤ Alhamdulillah ❤

  • @alisheransari2454
    @alisheransari2454 Před rokem

    "Insha" Allah"-If Allah Wills
    "Ma'sha'Allah"-As Allah has willed it.
    "Subhan'Allah"- Glory be to Allah
    "Alhamdulillah"-Praise be to Allah.
    "Astagfiru'Allah"-May Allah Forgive.
    "JazakAllah al khair"-May Allah reward you with good.
    Ameen-----------------------Worth of belief.

  • @kisanafuabu228
    @kisanafuabu228 Před rokem


  • @sadiomahamed7472
    @sadiomahamed7472 Před rokem +1

    Sheikh ☝️☝️☝️🙏🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲

  • @Younger_Boy1
    @Younger_Boy1 Před rokem +1

    Assalamu alaikum

  • @sittiemalang9186
    @sittiemalang9186 Před rokem


  • @vaishamarohombsar1252
    @vaishamarohombsar1252 Před rokem +1

    Alaikumi salaam...

  • @Abdul-eu7dk
    @Abdul-eu7dk Před rokem +1


  • @haliimasheamin7201
    @haliimasheamin7201 Před rokem

    Walekuusalam warahamadulahi wabarrakatu

  • @shemsiyamuhammed
    @shemsiyamuhammed Před rokem


  • @elvirawidyatiofficial8333

    Masya Allah Ta barakallah..
    Mufti🤍... You're amazing
    Anyway it's really a blessing to know you

  • @Aisha-ho5vh
    @Aisha-ho5vh Před rokem

    Subhan Allah Allahamdullila La illaha il Allah Allahu Akbar

  • @Nba-hunch
    @Nba-hunch Před rokem

    Alhamdoulilah 🙏🏽🙏🏽💃🏾

  • @awasarr1193
    @awasarr1193 Před rokem

    All prays is due to Allah

  • @sarahgarrett1850
    @sarahgarrett1850 Před rokem

    As-Salaam Alaikum.

  • @elvirawidyatiofficial6247
    @elvirawidyatiofficial6247 Před 9 měsíci


  • @elvirawidyatiofficial6247
    @elvirawidyatiofficial6247 Před 10 měsíci

    All praiise is due to Allah
    Alhamdulillahilladzi bini'matihi tatimush shalihat

  • @somunmridha8214
    @somunmridha8214 Před rokem

    Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩