Ramesh Balsekar - The Only Reality

  • čas přidán 2. 09. 2019
  • Ramesh Balsekar - Gut Schermau Talks - 2000-08-02

Komentáře • 123

  • @anishgurung1077
    @anishgurung1077 Před rokem +9

    For me Ramesh is the greatest sage that has ever lived. For this mind-body organism. Although there were other sages who have had a tremendous impact on my way of thinking, Ramesh's words went straight to my heart. So simplified so easy to understand is the teaching.

    • @kevinjoseph517
      @kevinjoseph517 Před rokem

      nonsense..his teacher was nirsag

    • @anishgurung1077
      @anishgurung1077 Před rokem +2

      @@kevinjoseph517 who is the teacher who the disciple. It was already there.

  • @evenzero
    @evenzero Před 2 lety +13

    listening today for the first time, absolute treasure

  • @ZehNettoOficial
    @ZehNettoOficial Před měsícem +1

    I came to him through Sri Nisargadata Maharaj. He was one of his translators. Wonderful!

  • @veradowns2736
    @veradowns2736 Před 3 lety +19

    “Don’t make a choice.” Powerful!!!

  • @rebeccarich7112
    @rebeccarich7112 Před 3 lety +17

    Thank you 🙏🏻
    It’s funny, I had to wait more than 30 years to get the answers to my questions. I remember being 11 years old and asking these questions about free will to the Rabbis - never got an answer that felt right.

    • @johnretired8213
      @johnretired8213 Před 2 lety +1

      Rabbis probably answered you but you weren’t ready to understand . Now you are.

    • @hs0022
      @hs0022 Před rokem

      @@johnretired8213 absolutely

  • @vinayakprabhu7935
    @vinayakprabhu7935 Před 3 lety +10

    This brilliant lecture answers some of the very important and worrying questions of human mind, like 1. Why God has created this world of tragedies, calamities and of precarious state of happiness ?
    2. FATE is alright, but do human beings have any trace of FREE WILL, wherein one can confidently say: " I SHALL DECIDE HOW I LIVE?"
    3. Does a Sage get desires?
    4. Responsibility
    Many other queries, which might have botherd you and me for a lifetime.

  • @susannahkelpyotter5595
    @susannahkelpyotter5595 Před 4 lety +34

    Sat at his feet in Mumbai twenty years ago. God's will was that I watch this today.

    • @TheWorldTeacher
      @TheWorldTeacher Před 3 lety

      There’s only one TINY little problem with what you wrote above, Sue.☝️
      There has never been, nor will there ever be, even the SLIGHTEST shred of evidence for the existence of the Godhead, that is, a Supreme Person or Deity.‬🤓
      It is high time for humanity to awaken from all INANE superstitions such as the belief in a Personal God which created the Universe, would you not agree, Slave? 😩

    • @pvgopiabnle
      @pvgopiabnle Před 3 lety +1

      @@TheWorldTeacher just replace the word GOD with SOURCE.. or THAT.. or X.. Y.. Z.. or Potential energy..or any word or alphabet. Problem is solved no?. And we dont know what one mean by using the word GOD no?And finally it is a concept no? 😂😂😂

    • @TheWorldTeacher
      @TheWorldTeacher Před 3 lety +1

      @@pvgopiabnle, NO.

    • @pvgopiabnle
      @pvgopiabnle Před 3 lety

      Read your essay chapter completely. I could not find anything new which is not discussed by Ramesh in his talks and books. Please correct me if iam wrong🙏

    • @TheWorldTeacher
      @TheWorldTeacher Před 3 lety

      @@pvgopiabnle, you’re INCORRECT, Mataji. ☝🏼

  • @catmoon2009
    @catmoon2009 Před rokem +4

    one can't make a mistake Ramesh the Gentleman Guru tanks for posting

  • @ivellisserivera5474
    @ivellisserivera5474 Před rokem +2

    Llegué a Ramesh Balsekar por recomendación del español, Borja Vilaseca. Leí algunos libros, pero su enseñanza en libros jamás se compara a escucharlo hablar. No puedo imaginar la dicha de esos que pudieron interactuar con él

  • @prabhatkumarbehera7473
    @prabhatkumarbehera7473 Před 3 lety +20

    Never seen such a wonderful person speaking so simply about spirituality.

    • @TheWorldTeacher
      @TheWorldTeacher Před 3 lety +2

      Everything, both perceptible and imperceptible - that is, any gross or subtle OBJECT within the material universe which can ever be perceived with the cognitive faculties, plus the SUBJECT (the observer of all phenomena) - is to what most persons generally refer when they use the term “God”, since they usually conceive of the Primeval Creator as being the Perfect Person, and “God” (capitalized) is a personal epithet of the Unconditioned Absolute. However, this anthropomorphized conception of The Absolute is a fictional character of divers mythologies.
      According to most every enlightened sage in the history of this planet, Ultimate Reality is, far more logically, Impersonal Absolute NOTHINGNESS (otherwise called “The Tao”, “The Great Spirit”, “Brahman”, “Pure Consciousness”, “Eternal Awareness”, “Independent Existence”, “The Ground of All Being”, “Uncaused Nature”, “The Undifferentiated Substratum of Reality”, “The Unified Field”, et cetera).
      In other words, rather than the Supreme Truth being a separate Blissful, Supra-Conscious Being (The Godhead Himself or The Goddess), Ultimate Reality is Eternal-Existence Limitless-Awareness Unconditional-Peace ITSELF.
      Because the Unmanifested Absolute is infinite creative potentiality, “it” actualizes as EVERYTHING, in the form of temporary, cyclical universes. In the case of our particular universe, we reside in a cosmos consisting of space-time, matter and energy, without, of course, neglecting the most fundamental dimension of existence (i.e. conscious awareness - although, “it” is, being the subject, by literal definition, non-existent).
      Just as a knife cannot cut itself, nor the mind comprehend itself, nor the eyes see themselves, The Absolute cannot know Itself (or at least objectively EXPERIENCE Itself), and so, has manifested this phenomenal universe within Itself for the purpose of experiencing Itself, particularly through the lives of self-aware beings, such as we sophisticated humans. Therefore, this world of duality is really just a play of consciousness within Consciousness, in the same way that a dream is a person's sleeping narrative set within the life-story of an 'awakened' individual.
      APPARENTLY, this phenomenal universe was created with the primal act (the so-called “Big Bang”), which started, supposedly, as a minute, slightly uneven ball of light, which in turn, was instigated, ultimately, by Extra-Temporal Supra-Consciousness. From that first deed, every motion or action that has ever occurred has been a direct (though, almost exclusively, an indirect) result of it.
      Just as all the extant energy in the universe was once contained within the inchoate singularity, Infinite Consciousness was NECESSARILY present at the beginning of the universe, and is in no way an epiphenomenon of a neural network. Discrete consciousness, on the other hand, is entirely dependent on the neurological faculty of individual animals (the more highly-evolved the species, the greater its cognitive abilities).
      “Sarvam khalvidam brahma” (a Sanskrit maxim from the “Chandogya Upanishad”, meaning ‘all this is indeed Brahman’ or ‘everything is the Universal Self alone’). There is NAUGHT but Eternal Being, Conscious Awareness, Causeless Peace - and you are, quintessentially, that!
      This “Theory of Everything” can be more succinctly expressed by the mathematical equation:
      E=A͚ (Everything equates to Infinite Awareness).
      HUMANS are essentially this Eternally-Aware-Peace, acting through an extraordinarily-complex biological organism, comprised of the eight rudimentary elements - pseudo-ego (the assumed sense of self), intellect, mind, solids, liquids, gases, heat (fire), and ether (three-dimensional space). When one peers into a mirror, one doesn’t normally mistake the reflected image to be one’s real self, yet that is how we humans conventionally view our ever-mutating forms. We are, rather, in a fundamental sense, that which witnesses all transitory appearances.
      Everything which can be presently perceived, both tangible and immaterial, including we human beings, is a culmination of that primary manifestation. That is the most accurate and rational explanation for “karma” - everything was preordained from the initial spark, and every action since has unfolded as it was predestined in ETERNITY, via an ever-forward-moving trajectory. The notion of retributive (“tit for tat”) karma is just that - an unverified belief. Likewise, the notion of a distinct, reincarnating “soul” or “spirit” is largely a fallacious belief.
      Whatever state in which we currently find ourselves, is the result of two factors - our genetic make-up at conception and our present-life conditioning (which may include mutating genetic code). Every choice ever made by every human and non-human animal was determined by those two factors ALONE. Therefore, free-will is purely illusory, despite what most believe.
      As a consequence of residing within this dualistic universe, we experience a lifelong series of fluctuating, transient pleasures and pains, which can take the form of physical, emotional, and/or financial pleasure or pain. Surprisingly to most, suffering and pain are NOT synonymous.
      Suffering is due to a false sense of personal 'doership' - the belief that one is a separate, independent author of one’s thoughts, emotions, and deeds, and that, likewise, other persons are autonomous agents, with complete volition to act, think, and feel as they wish. Another way of stating the same concept is: suffering is due to the intellect being unwilling or unable to accept life as it manifests moment by moment.
      There are five SYMPTOMS of suffering, all of which are psychological in nature:
      1. Guilt
      2. Blame
      3. Pride
      4. Anxiety
      5. Regrets about the past and expectations for the future
      These types of suffering are the result of not properly understanding what was explained above - that life is a series of happenings and NOT caused by the individual living beings. No living creature, including Homo sapiens, has personal free-will. There is only the Universal, Divine Will at play, acting through every body, to which William Shakespeare famously alluded when he scribed “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”
      The human organism is essentially a biopsychological machine, comprised of the five gross material elements and the three subtle material elements, listed above.
      The ANTIDOTE to all mental anguish is to firstly discern pain from suffering, then to achieve complete relief from that miserable state of existence, by abandoning the erroneous belief in personal authorship, and abiding in the primordial sense of being (the unqualified “I am”, which is one's core identity). This is the very same peace which is experienced each night during the dreamless phase of the sleep cycle. This 'resting imperturbably as Flawless Awareness' can be practiced on a regular basis, until it is fully assimilated and integrated into one's life.
      Every person, from time immemorial, has been either intentionally or unwittingly seeking such causeless peace, most commonly by practicing one of the four systems of YOGA (religion) delineated in the sixteenth chapter of this work, or else in creating wealth and the acquisition of material possessions, or in psycho-physical pleasures. That peace of mind is often referred to as “happiness”, “joy”, or “love”, and often presumed to be a temporal state, since many assume, incorrectly, that continuous peace is unavailable in this life.
      Fortunately, that is not the case - it is eminently possible to live one's life acquainted with unbroken peace of mind, if destined.
      Following DHARMA (frameworks of authentic religion and societal duties) is not guaranteed to achieve that desired tranquillity of mind, but even so, it is beneficial for individuals, since it establishes a structure which enables one to more easily elevate oneself beyond the mundane, animalistic platform (i.e. the base pursuits of eating, sleeping and mating). Intrinsic to dharma is the division of the adult male population into the four classes of society and the inherent role of girls and women in society, as fully elucidated in latter chapters of this Holy Scripture.
      So, now that you understand life, and the reason why we are suffering here in this (ostensively) material universe, you are now able to become liberated from all mental suffering, RIGHT?
      WRONG! It is imperative to approach an authentic spiritual master to assist you to come to the above realization, by slowly undoing your past conditioning. Just as you have been conditioned over an entire lifetime to think one way, you need to be re-conditioned to think another way (in alignment with your essential identity as The Divine). For one who has himself for a teacher, that man has a veritable fool as his teacher.
      Even if you adhere closely to the precepts of a competent teacher, you may still not come to a full understanding of life, but if you are sincere, humble and dedicated, you will definitely find more peace in your daily life - all of which was DESTINED to occur, of course.
      Furthermore, if you are suitably-qualified and it was ordained, you may be fortunate enough to receive discipline from one of the EXTREMELY rare fully-enlightened masters residing on earth at any given time (perchance even the current World Teacher himself), and subsequently realize the aforementioned fundamental concepts, by diligently studying authoritative doctrines (especially the most accurate and complete of all extant Scriptures, this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”), serving your guru with great reverence and devotion, and by deliberately avoiding undue harm to oneself, to other individuals, to society as a whole, and to the natural environment.

    • @pvgopiabnle
      @pvgopiabnle Před 3 lety +3

      @@TheWorldTeacher 😂😂😂😂for a simple natural wholehearted comment from mr. Prabhat.. Such a long essay🙄Ramesh himself was more than enough to him in simple dialogues.. I felt🙏

    • @narayanabhandary3797
      @narayanabhandary3797 Před 3 lety +1

      @@pvgopiabnle Nice... Good evaluation.... With all humility... Am recalling a few crazy people of childhood... were so happy in their own world.. Expecting nothing.. Drowned in their own world.. Never asking anything from anybody nor averse to take if offered... May be the ultimate happy one, one may find on earth.. Feel@71... Do Pardon, should read this🙏🙏

    • @pvgopiabnle
      @pvgopiabnle Před 3 lety

      @@narayanabhandary3797 🙄sorry could not understand.. What you mean..dear sir.Can you please clarify if you dont mind?🙏

    • @one4320
      @one4320 Před rokem +1

      @@TheWorldTeacher longest comment I've never read. Just saying.

  • @Mojito99
    @Mojito99 Před 9 měsíci +2

    This is a wonderful talk on Truth.
    This is why the Buddha said to everyone do not get caught up in debates and arguments if there is a God or not. Because the question is irrelevant to the objective of ending ones own unsatisfaction or suffering. Whether it is Gods will or not Gods will, all phenomena is impermanent, not-self and can not be relied upon for permanent satisfaction.

  • @marciosoller3183
    @marciosoller3183 Před 4 lety +15

    Thank you so much for these pearls! Wonderful!

  • @Vivianne1124
    @Vivianne1124 Před 2 lety +5

    Thank you for posting this. Very grateful. Wow, this is so clear. The basics is that « the question is asked by a created object. How can a created object understand the mind of the creator? » Blows me away

  • @tripthy
    @tripthy Před rokem +2

    *तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय 🌻🌿

  • @muralitangirala1048
    @muralitangirala1048 Před 4 lety +9

    Absolutely brilliant. He is so clear, precise and simple.

    • @TheWorldTeacher
      @TheWorldTeacher Před 3 lety

      Everything, both perceptible and imperceptible - that is, any gross or subtle OBJECT within the material universe which can ever be perceived with the cognitive faculties, plus the SUBJECT (the observer of all phenomena) - is to what most persons generally refer when they use the term “God”, since they usually conceive of the Primeval Creator as being the Perfect Person, and “God” (capitalized) is a personal epithet of the Unconditioned Absolute. However, this anthropomorphized conception of The Absolute is a fictional character of divers mythologies.
      According to most every enlightened sage in the history of this planet, Ultimate Reality is, far more logically, Impersonal Absolute NOTHINGNESS (otherwise called “The Tao”, “The Great Spirit”, “Brahman”, “Pure Consciousness”, “Eternal Awareness”, “Independent Existence”, “The Ground of All Being”, “Uncaused Nature”, “The Undifferentiated Substratum of Reality”, “The Unified Field”, et cetera).
      In other words, rather than the Supreme Truth being a separate Blissful, Supra-Conscious Being (The Godhead Himself or The Goddess), Ultimate Reality is Eternal-Existence Limitless-Awareness Unconditional-Peace ITSELF.
      Because the Unmanifested Absolute is infinite creative potentiality, “it” actualizes as EVERYTHING, in the form of temporary, cyclical universes. In the case of our particular universe, we reside in a cosmos consisting of space-time, matter and energy, without, of course, neglecting the most fundamental dimension of existence (i.e. conscious awareness - although, “it” is, being the subject, by literal definition, non-existent).
      Just as a knife cannot cut itself, nor the mind comprehend itself, nor the eyes see themselves, The Absolute cannot know Itself (or at least objectively EXPERIENCE Itself), and so, has manifested this phenomenal universe within Itself for the purpose of experiencing Itself, particularly through the lives of self-aware beings, such as we sophisticated humans. Therefore, this world of duality is really just a play of consciousness within Consciousness, in the same way that a dream is a person's sleeping narrative set within the life-story of an 'awakened' individual.
      APPARENTLY, this phenomenal universe was created with the primal act (the so-called “Big Bang”), which started, supposedly, as a minute, slightly uneven ball of light, which in turn, was instigated, ultimately, by Extra-Temporal Supra-Consciousness. From that first deed, every motion or action that has ever occurred has been a direct (though, almost exclusively, an indirect) result of it.
      Just as all the extant energy in the universe was once contained within the inchoate singularity, Infinite Consciousness was NECESSARILY present at the beginning of the universe, and is in no way an epiphenomenon of a neural network. Discrete consciousness, on the other hand, is entirely dependent on the neurological faculty of individual animals (the more highly-evolved the species, the greater its cognitive abilities).
      “Sarvam khalvidam brahma” (a Sanskrit maxim from the “Chandogya Upanishad”, meaning ‘all this is indeed Brahman’ or ‘everything is the Universal Self alone’). There is NAUGHT but Eternal Being, Conscious Awareness, Causeless Peace - and you are, quintessentially, that!
      This “Theory of Everything” can be more succinctly expressed by the mathematical equation:
      E=A͚ (Everything equates to Infinite Awareness).
      HUMANS are essentially this Eternally-Aware-Peace, acting through an extraordinarily-complex biological organism, comprised of the eight rudimentary elements - pseudo-ego (the assumed sense of self), intellect, mind, solids, liquids, gases, heat (fire), and ether (three-dimensional space). When one peers into a mirror, one doesn’t normally mistake the reflected image to be one’s real self, yet that is how we humans conventionally view our ever-mutating forms. We are, rather, in a fundamental sense, that which witnesses all transitory appearances.
      Everything which can be presently perceived, both tangible and immaterial, including we human beings, is a culmination of that primary manifestation. That is the most accurate and rational explanation for “karma” - everything was preordained from the initial spark, and every action since has unfolded as it was predestined in ETERNITY, via an ever-forward-moving trajectory. The notion of retributive (“tit for tat”) karma is just that - an unverified belief. Likewise, the notion of a distinct, reincarnating “soul” or “spirit” is largely a fallacious belief.
      Whatever state in which we currently find ourselves, is the result of two factors - our genetic make-up at conception and our present-life conditioning (which may include mutating genetic code). Every choice ever made by every human and non-human animal was determined by those two factors ALONE. Therefore, free-will is purely illusory, despite what most believe.
      As a consequence of residing within this dualistic universe, we experience a lifelong series of fluctuating, transient pleasures and pains, which can take the form of physical, emotional, and/or financial pleasure or pain. Surprisingly to most, suffering and pain are NOT synonymous.
      Suffering is due to a false sense of personal 'doership' - the belief that one is a separate, independent author of one’s thoughts, emotions, and deeds, and that, likewise, other persons are autonomous agents, with complete volition to act, think, and feel as they wish. Another way of stating the same concept is: suffering is due to the intellect being unwilling or unable to accept life as it manifests moment by moment.
      There are five SYMPTOMS of suffering, all of which are psychological in nature:
      1. Guilt
      2. Blame
      3. Pride
      4. Anxiety
      5. Regrets about the past and expectations for the future
      These types of suffering are the result of not properly understanding what was explained above - that life is a series of happenings and NOT caused by the individual living beings. No living creature, including Homo sapiens, has personal free-will. There is only the Universal, Divine Will at play, acting through every body, to which William Shakespeare famously alluded when he scribed “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”
      The human organism is essentially a biopsychological machine, comprised of the five gross material elements and the three subtle material elements, listed above.
      The ANTIDOTE to all mental anguish is to firstly discern pain from suffering, then to achieve complete relief from that miserable state of existence, by abandoning the erroneous belief in personal authorship, and abiding in the primordial sense of being (the unqualified “I am”, which is one's core identity). This is the very same peace which is experienced each night during the dreamless phase of the sleep cycle. This 'resting imperturbably as Flawless Awareness' can be practiced on a regular basis, until it is fully assimilated and integrated into one's life.
      Every person, from time immemorial, has been either intentionally or unwittingly seeking such causeless peace, most commonly by practicing one of the four systems of YOGA (religion) delineated in the sixteenth chapter of this work, or else in creating wealth and the acquisition of material possessions, or in psycho-physical pleasures. That peace of mind is often referred to as “happiness”, “joy”, or “love”, and often presumed to be a temporal state, since many assume, incorrectly, that continuous peace is unavailable in this life.
      Fortunately, that is not the case - it is eminently possible to live one's life acquainted with unbroken peace of mind, if destined.
      Following DHARMA (frameworks of authentic religion and societal duties) is not guaranteed to achieve that desired tranquillity of mind, but even so, it is beneficial for individuals, since it establishes a structure which enables one to more easily elevate oneself beyond the mundane, animalistic platform (i.e. the base pursuits of eating, sleeping and mating). Intrinsic to dharma is the division of the adult male population into the four classes of society and the inherent role of girls and women in society, as fully elucidated in latter chapters of this Holy Scripture.
      So, now that you understand life, and the reason why we are suffering here in this (ostensively) material universe, you are now able to become liberated from all mental suffering, RIGHT?
      WRONG! It is imperative to approach an authentic spiritual master to assist you to come to the above realization, by slowly undoing your past conditioning. Just as you have been conditioned over an entire lifetime to think one way, you need to be re-conditioned to think another way (in alignment with your essential identity as The Divine). For one who has himself for a teacher, that man has a veritable fool as his teacher.
      Even if you adhere closely to the precepts of a competent teacher, you may still not come to a full understanding of life, but if you are sincere, humble and dedicated, you will definitely find more peace in your daily life - all of which was DESTINED to occur, of course.
      Furthermore, if you are suitably-qualified and it was ordained, you may be fortunate enough to receive discipline from one of the EXTREMELY rare fully-enlightened masters residing on earth at any given time (perchance even the current World Teacher himself), and subsequently realize the aforementioned fundamental concepts, by diligently studying authoritative doctrines (especially the most accurate and complete of all extant Scriptures, this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”), serving your guru with great reverence and devotion, and by deliberately avoiding undue harm to oneself, to other individuals, to society as a whole, and to the natural environment.

    • @pvgopiabnle
      @pvgopiabnle Před 3 lety

      Is this not a detailed explanation for Rameshs concept ? I felt so. Could not find here any point not discussed by Ramesh in his talks and books.Thanks a lot for such an essay🙏

    • @TheWorldTeacher
      @TheWorldTeacher Před 3 lety

      @@pvgopiabnle, are you VEGAN? 🌱

    • @pvgopiabnle
      @pvgopiabnle Před 3 lety

      @@TheWorldTeacher why you need an answer for that dear sir?😄

  • @bilimoriafirdaus
    @bilimoriafirdaus Před 4 lety +9

    Thanks so much for these lovely vdos...I can go on listening for ever...I am a fan of Eckhart and Rupert....so nice & equally refreshing to listen to an Indian Guru.🥀🧡...would like to know more about Ramesh & his life especially since I stay in mumbai.

    • @krishnapartha
      @krishnapartha Před 10 měsíci

      He has a student named Gautam Sachdeva. Go visit him. Same teaching. ❤

  • @mabo4848
    @mabo4848 Před 4 lety +4

    Brilliant , thank you for upload

  • @tencups2778
    @tencups2778 Před 4 lety +6

    Thankyou so much!! Lot of things are cleared today.

  • @sajithstephen9166
    @sajithstephen9166 Před 3 lety +3

    Thank you ☺

  • @sangeeta963
    @sangeeta963 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Nisarga dattas THAT I AM another great Master..❤

    • @ZehNettoOficial
      @ZehNettoOficial Před měsícem

      ​@AlexandriaqpAnd he was one of Nisargadata 's translator!

    • @ZehNettoOficial
      @ZehNettoOficial Před měsícem

      ​@AlexandriaqpAnd he was one of Nisargadata 's translator!

  • @narayanabhandary3797
    @narayanabhandary3797 Před 3 lety +3

    Ultimate..... To be stupid is really a bliss and should be the humility is ultimate guide 🙏😇

  • @rumiqadri7045
    @rumiqadri7045 Před 3 lety +4

    This is the truth How simply he makes you realise and feel you that you are literally shit

  • @lucapuliti7663
    @lucapuliti7663 Před 4 lety +7

    Thank you for posting,it was very appreciated.
    If you have other Ramesh seminars would be nice.

  • @muralitvtv4105
    @muralitvtv4105 Před 4 lety +3

    Very nice🌺🙏

  • @lll8533
    @lll8533 Před 4 lety +7

    Just Wonderful!!! Listen, there is one glitch in the video early on at about 3:21 minutes in. It looks like he starts to quote.."through which the Noumen (then cut-out) ...Doer there of". I think he started to say, "through which the Noumenan acts." Then it jumps to I think the Buddha qoute he often uses, "Events Happen. Deeds Are Done. But there is no individual doer thereof." Anyway for what it's worth if it seemed abrupt. Peace.

    • @NI000NoIdentity
      @NI000NoIdentity Před 3 lety

      Glitches only appear in the phenomenal world, nothing exists that is known. Absolute IS. Glitch is an illusion.

  • @ZehNettoOficial
    @ZehNettoOficial Před měsícem

    In my humble opinion, humor is fundamental and he has this touch! A little like Moogi...

  • @sangeeta963
    @sangeeta963 Před 6 měsíci +1

    I was just thinking I'm so unripe,i went to the source,there was nothing..but in the next second was an intuitive knowledge that there's every thing coming from here..in am nothing..
    When breath came back
    I was really puzzled and sad..
    If there's no one what are we doing ..
    Today I got this answer..
    I guess one's got to be a witness in source many times in order to completely be egoless ..ego disappears in love for Guru n i cried n cried ..for him that's when Thus life force rose up n shot up to the third eye..
    ❤thus then the unrest and fighting the terrorists are all the will of The creator.
    We are only the witness. Everything comes from the Source 😮

  • @marcianascimento2393
    @marcianascimento2393 Před rokem


  • @allandnothing5987
    @allandnothing5987 Před 3 lety +2

    Crystal clear!

  • @krishnapartha
    @krishnapartha Před rokem +1

    Okay. The truth has been spoken! ❤

  • @savitha59
    @savitha59 Před 4 lety +4


    • @TheWorldTeacher
      @TheWorldTeacher Před 3 lety +1

      Everything, both perceptible and imperceptible - that is, any gross or subtle OBJECT within the material universe which can ever be perceived with the cognitive faculties, plus the SUBJECT (the observer of all phenomena) - is to what most persons generally refer when they use the term “God”, since they usually conceive of the Primeval Creator as being the Perfect Person, and “God” (capitalized) is a personal epithet of the Unconditioned Absolute. However, this anthropomorphized conception of The Absolute is a fictional character of divers mythologies.
      According to most every enlightened sage in the history of this planet, Ultimate Reality is, far more logically, Impersonal Absolute NOTHINGNESS (otherwise called “The Tao”, “The Great Spirit”, “Brahman”, “Pure Consciousness”, “Eternal Awareness”, “Independent Existence”, “The Ground of All Being”, “Uncaused Nature”, “The Undifferentiated Substratum of Reality”, “The Unified Field”, et cetera).
      In other words, rather than the Supreme Truth being a separate Blissful, Supra-Conscious Being (The Godhead Himself or The Goddess), Ultimate Reality is Eternal-Existence Limitless-Awareness Unconditional-Peace ITSELF.
      Because the Unmanifested Absolute is infinite creative potentiality, “it” actualizes as EVERYTHING, in the form of temporary, cyclical universes. In the case of our particular universe, we reside in a cosmos consisting of space-time, matter and energy, without, of course, neglecting the most fundamental dimension of existence (i.e. conscious awareness - although, “it” is, being the subject, by literal definition, non-existent).
      Just as a knife cannot cut itself, nor the mind comprehend itself, nor the eyes see themselves, The Absolute cannot know Itself (or at least objectively EXPERIENCE Itself), and so, has manifested this phenomenal universe within Itself for the purpose of experiencing Itself, particularly through the lives of self-aware beings, such as we sophisticated humans. Therefore, this world of duality is really just a play of consciousness within Consciousness, in the same way that a dream is a person's sleeping narrative set within the life-story of an 'awakened' individual.
      APPARENTLY, this phenomenal universe was created with the primal act (the so-called “Big Bang”), which started, supposedly, as a minute, slightly uneven ball of light, which in turn, was instigated, ultimately, by Extra-Temporal Supra-Consciousness. From that first deed, every motion or action that has ever occurred has been a direct (though, almost exclusively, an indirect) result of it.
      Just as all the extant energy in the universe was once contained within the inchoate singularity, Infinite Consciousness was NECESSARILY present at the beginning of the universe, and is in no way an epiphenomenon of a neural network. Discrete consciousness, on the other hand, is entirely dependent on the neurological faculty of individual animals (the more highly-evolved the species, the greater its cognitive abilities).
      “Sarvam khalvidam brahma” (a Sanskrit maxim from the “Chandogya Upanishad”, meaning ‘all this is indeed Brahman’ or ‘everything is the Universal Self alone’). There is NAUGHT but Eternal Being, Conscious Awareness, Causeless Peace - and you are, quintessentially, that!
      This “Theory of Everything” can be more succinctly expressed by the mathematical equation:
      E=A͚ (Everything equates to Infinite Awareness).
      HUMANS are essentially this Eternally-Aware-Peace, acting through an extraordinarily-complex biological organism, comprised of the eight rudimentary elements - pseudo-ego (the assumed sense of self), intellect, mind, solids, liquids, gases, heat (fire), and ether (three-dimensional space). When one peers into a mirror, one doesn’t normally mistake the reflected image to be one’s real self, yet that is how we humans conventionally view our ever-mutating forms. We are, rather, in a fundamental sense, that which witnesses all transitory appearances.
      Everything which can be presently perceived, both tangible and immaterial, including we human beings, is a culmination of that primary manifestation. That is the most accurate and rational explanation for “karma” - everything was preordained from the initial spark, and every action since has unfolded as it was predestined in ETERNITY, via an ever-forward-moving trajectory. The notion of retributive (“tit for tat”) karma is just that - an unverified belief. Likewise, the notion of a distinct, reincarnating “soul” or “spirit” is largely a fallacious belief.
      Whatever state in which we currently find ourselves, is the result of two factors - our genetic make-up at conception and our present-life conditioning (which may include mutating genetic code). Every choice ever made by every human and non-human animal was determined by those two factors ALONE. Therefore, free-will is purely illusory, despite what most believe.
      As a consequence of residing within this dualistic universe, we experience a lifelong series of fluctuating, transient pleasures and pains, which can take the form of physical, emotional, and/or financial pleasure or pain. Surprisingly to most, suffering and pain are NOT synonymous.
      Suffering is due to a false sense of personal 'doership' - the belief that one is a separate, independent author of one’s thoughts, emotions, and deeds, and that, likewise, other persons are autonomous agents, with complete volition to act, think, and feel as they wish. Another way of stating the same concept is: suffering is due to the intellect being unwilling or unable to accept life as it manifests moment by moment.
      There are five SYMPTOMS of suffering, all of which are psychological in nature:
      1. Guilt
      2. Blame
      3. Pride
      4. Anxiety
      5. Regrets about the past and expectations for the future
      These types of suffering are the result of not properly understanding what was explained above - that life is a series of happenings and NOT caused by the individual living beings. No living creature, including Homo sapiens, has personal free-will. There is only the Universal, Divine Will at play, acting through every body, to which William Shakespeare famously alluded when he scribed “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”
      The human organism is essentially a biopsychological machine, comprised of the five gross material elements and the three subtle material elements, listed above.
      The ANTIDOTE to all mental anguish is to firstly discern pain from suffering, then to achieve complete relief from that miserable state of existence, by abandoning the erroneous belief in personal authorship, and abiding in the primordial sense of being (the unqualified “I am”, which is one's core identity). This is the very same peace which is experienced each night during the dreamless phase of the sleep cycle. This 'resting imperturbably as Flawless Awareness' can be practiced on a regular basis, until it is fully assimilated and integrated into one's life.
      Every person, from time immemorial, has been either intentionally or unwittingly seeking such causeless peace, most commonly by practicing one of the four systems of YOGA (religion) delineated in the sixteenth chapter of this work, or else in creating wealth and the acquisition of material possessions, or in psycho-physical pleasures. That peace of mind is often referred to as “happiness”, “joy”, or “love”, and often presumed to be a temporal state, since many assume, incorrectly, that continuous peace is unavailable in this life.
      Fortunately, that is not the case - it is eminently possible to live one's life acquainted with unbroken peace of mind, if destined.
      Following DHARMA (frameworks of authentic religion and societal duties) is not guaranteed to achieve that desired tranquillity of mind, but even so, it is beneficial for individuals, since it establishes a structure which enables one to more easily elevate oneself beyond the mundane, animalistic platform (i.e. the base pursuits of eating, sleeping and mating). Intrinsic to dharma is the division of the adult male population into the four classes of society and the inherent role of girls and women in society, as fully elucidated in latter chapters of this Holy Scripture.
      So, now that you understand life, and the reason why we are suffering here in this (ostensively) material universe, you are now able to become liberated from all mental suffering, RIGHT?
      WRONG! It is imperative to approach an authentic spiritual master to assist you to come to the above realization, by slowly undoing your past conditioning. Just as you have been conditioned over an entire lifetime to think one way, you need to be re-conditioned to think another way (in alignment with your essential identity as The Divine). For one who has himself for a teacher, that man has a veritable fool as his teacher.
      Even if you adhere closely to the precepts of a competent teacher, you may still not come to a full understanding of life, but if you are sincere, humble and dedicated, you will definitely find more peace in your daily life - all of which was DESTINED to occur, of course.
      Furthermore, if you are suitably-qualified and it was ordained, you may be fortunate enough to receive discipline from one of the EXTREMELY rare fully-enlightened masters residing on earth at any given time (perchance even the current World Teacher himself), and subsequently realize the aforementioned fundamental concepts, by diligently studying authoritative doctrines (especially the most accurate and complete of all extant Scriptures, this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”), serving your guru with great reverence and devotion, and by deliberately avoiding undue harm to oneself, to other individuals, to society as a whole, and to the natural environment.

    • @pvgopiabnle
      @pvgopiabnle Před 3 lety

      @@TheWorldTeacher just for a comment " "wonderful"🙄🙄🙄This is not two much but three much😂😂

    • @TheWorldTeacher
      @TheWorldTeacher Před 3 lety

      @@pvgopiabnle, I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what you wrote, but in order to read the remaining twenty-nine chapters of “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, which are the most authoritative, accurate and complete spiritual precepts extant, Email:
      with the acronym “FISH” in the subject field.
      “The gateway to KNOWLEDGE is ignorance”.

    • @pvgopiabnle
      @pvgopiabnle Před 3 lety

      @@TheWorldTeacher No.. Thanks.. Ramesh is sufficient 🙏By the by i was mentioning about the comment by Savitha bhoote " Wonderful" for which you supplied your essay as a reply comment. Sorry for not making it clear in my first comment

  • @theiceman74
    @theiceman74 Před 3 lety +5

    This teaching consolidates all my enemies who neglected, abused, oppressed me since birth into One, aka God. He is the only culprit 😁 Now what ???

    • @bclarky12
      @bclarky12 Před 3 lety +5

      the idea is that there is no "you". your mind body organ just fulfills it's destiny, taking care of others and dies. the important thing is what happens to others, not you, because there is no "self" that is real. the "self" is just an illusion created by the mind. Just like a tree planted grows and then dies, all body-mind organs fulfill their destiny and die. you have free will to do whatever you want, but whatever you do is your destiny, which was the destiny of the body-mind organ from birth or even before.

  • @wulfmountainpath3719
    @wulfmountainpath3719 Před 4 lety +11

    Yep we just biorobots executing DNA and ego code. We can observe this and transcend most ego coding to awaken to the infinite consciousness.. or not. Just a option to center in choiceless untainted absolute awareness. To close on the Natural state, to evolve beyond our reckless destructive social coding, and perhaps prevent this coming extinction.

    • @hs0022
      @hs0022 Před rokem

      The thing to understand is that if one pursues his or her desires and keeps breeding more and more infinite desires along the way then there will have to be innumerable births or the illusion of them. The person being restless of the mind because of these desires and the need to pursue them, will keep appearing in more human bodies to wander aimlessly to satisfy them. One lifetime may not be enough.

    • @krishnapartha
      @krishnapartha Před rokem

      You comment gives me the creeps! But I somehow know you are right. ❤

  • @erickbedoya435
    @erickbedoya435 Před 4 lety +2


  • @nilderpereira2815
    @nilderpereira2815 Před 3 lety +2

    Legends in portuguese, If possible, please🙏🏻

  • @marcianascimento2393
    @marcianascimento2393 Před 3 lety +3

    poderia ter tradução para português.... 🙏🙏

  • @glenngreenstein4362
    @glenngreenstein4362 Před 3 lety +3

    Who is this ?
    He makes m sense than
    Many Guru s..

  • @d.l.7399
    @d.l.7399 Před 3 lety +2

    Oh, my god, one of this teachers, who has understood 😂 intellectual..

    • @antonhanzel7232
      @antonhanzel7232 Před 3 lety

      What you mean ?

    • @d.l.7399
      @d.l.7399 Před 3 lety

      @@antonhanzel7232 can't you trust your heart, your feelings? Is it really so that you have to be blind? This man
      is phony, he 'tries' to give an understanding of ramana maharshi - but for whom? For those, which....

    • @alfreddifeo9642
      @alfreddifeo9642 Před 3 lety +1

      @@d.l.7399 He always says most all spoken words are concepts and these are my concepts

    • @d.l.7399
      @d.l.7399 Před 3 lety

      @@alfreddifeo9642 👍💭

  • @soumenpaul7544
    @soumenpaul7544 Před měsícem

    If one read chapter 2 of Bhagavad Gita, solutions to all these questions will be found

  • @moesypittounikos
    @moesypittounikos Před 4 lety +4

    David Carse in his great book says he sat with Ramesh in these early talks. I wonder if he is in this talk?

  • @lubosjanosik2219
    @lubosjanosik2219 Před rokem +1

    Its true ❤

  • @freeman669
    @freeman669 Před 4 lety +2


  • @subbannar7319
    @subbannar7319 Před 4 lety +1

    In which year this talk took place?

  • @ash9x9
    @ash9x9 Před 8 měsíci

    what did ramesh think of Osho? Interesting to know

  • @reee896
    @reee896 Před 2 měsíci

    When the desire comes why not follow it may be the god wants us to follow why does the sage stop himself from not pursuing the desire

  • @vivekam101
    @vivekam101 Před 2 měsíci

    Everything is based on god's will. So simple

  • @grahamtrave1709
    @grahamtrave1709 Před 3 lety +3

    God knows what he wants you to do. If it’s against gods will it won’t happen !,! You have no responsibility . If it’s gods will it will be happening .
    I love his joking as well. “ Why did you make her so stupid,? So she would love you “ so funny wasn’t he ?

  • @samikshachopra5361
    @samikshachopra5361 Před 4 lety +3


  • @allenmorgan4309
    @allenmorgan4309 Před 4 lety +5

    Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
    Romans 9:20 KJV

  • @tJnani-rg5rl
    @tJnani-rg5rl Před 3 lety +1

    Schade nur, dass man nicht auf deutsch seine Gespräche übersetzt.

  • @tJnani-rg5rl
    @tJnani-rg5rl Před 4 lety +1

    Schade denn verstehe nicht die englische Sprache. Wäre passend auf deutsch Ramesh Balsekar zu übersetzen dann könnte ich seine Gespräche mit Interesse anschauen.Namaste!

    • @antonhanzel7232
      @antonhanzel7232 Před 3 lety

      Lerne doch Englisch. Ich hab auch Deutsch gelernt 👍

    • @tJnani-rg5rl
      @tJnani-rg5rl Před 3 lety

      @@antonhanzel7232 Namaste Anton!
      Englische Sprache ist für mich viel schwerer und nicht so im Wortgebrauch effizienter meiner Meinung nach. 6 Bücher von Jnani Ramesh Balsekar habe ich auf deutsch schon gelesen. Genauso wie von Jnani Nisargadatta Maharaj, Siddharameshwar Maharaj usw.
      Namaste Anton!

    • @antonhanzel7232
      @antonhanzel7232 Před 3 lety

      @@tJnani-rg5rl ich habe auch mehrere Bücher von Ramesh und Nisargadatta gelesen IAM THAT.
      Wo in Deutschland lebst du? Ich wohne in Bayern. Namaste Prost!

    • @tJnani-rg5rl
      @tJnani-rg5rl Před 3 lety

      @@antonhanzel7232 Namaste Anton!
      Ich wohne seit 30 Jahren in NRW. Und habe auch paar Büchern von Jiddu Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi, Vimala Thakar und Osho gelesen.
      Namaste Anton!

  • @jordifalco5609
    @jordifalco5609 Před 3 lety +2

    Please, we need spanish subtitles!!!

  • @menemme
    @menemme Před měsícem

    1:07 sounds like francés lucille

  • @prof.manjeetsinghjcboseust9034

    In the whole conversation of Shri Ramesh he is wonderfully articulative and rational. But he has made a mistake and that “He talks about choice and free will of a man and hence accepting the entity ‘man’ or ‘personhood’”. But fact is the idea of being an individual person (personhood) is an illusion and hence all ideas or concepts of a person have no basis in reality; they are equally illusionary. Moreover, all phenomenal world is created by the movement in the consciousness which itself is a big fraud (called Maya) and hence it is correct to say everything is happening without any will of God or cosmic law or all is happening spontaneously like it happens in dream. But, one more things also here and that is Ultimate reality which remains separate from all drama of consciousness. Now question is from where this consciousness did come. Answer is “This consciousness is manifested aspect of the Ultimate reality, which spontaneously, without any reason, appears out of the Ultimate reality or Absolute”. Since it appears and and disappears and one can also conclude that there was some thing which was prior to consciousness and there will be something after dissolution of the consciousness. And that is the Ultimate reality, which remains ever present still and in peace, behind the play of consciousness in the form of appeared world.

    • @truthseeker683
      @truthseeker683 Před 3 lety

      Simple answer to your question is there in this video itself.... in the story of Sufi 🙂

    • @Vivianne1124
      @Vivianne1124 Před 2 lety +1

      Long text (from you) from a busy mind it seems . . . .

  • @vajraloka1
    @vajraloka1 Před rokem

    Mental realization wont do it.

  • @rebeccarich7112
    @rebeccarich7112 Před 3 lety

    1:17 🤣🤣🤣 the chief executive officer 🤣

  • @soumenpaul7544
    @soumenpaul7544 Před měsícem

    How can one call someone a sage and at the same time call him programmed ? Unless someone has come out of the programming, he/she cannot be called a sage.

  • @jeffreygilbert1141
    @jeffreygilbert1141 Před rokem

    The ego is a happening and, thus the Will of God. Can a picture be painted without at least two colors?

  • @Doriesep6622
    @Doriesep6622 Před 4 lety +1

    Why evil?

  • @DIBBY40
    @DIBBY40 Před 2 lety

    Thy will be done...........ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN! So, the will of God is what is happening in heaven, but for some reason is not yet being done on earth. And that is the will of God....or is it? Lol.

  • @ChoicelessAwareness
    @ChoicelessAwareness Před 10 měsíci

    Is he just about predeterminism? I feel like we as human still have to make great effort to be happy or to accomplish what is needed and pursue what we want.