How the Heartbeat is Generated? I In Stunning 3D Animation 4K

  • čas přidán 30. 06. 2024
  • Welcome to our educational video on the Conduction System of the Heart! In this comprehensive tutorial designed specifically for IB and Biology students, we delve into the intricacies of the heart's conduction system. From the SA node to the AV node, and from the bundle of His to the Purkinje fibers, we explore each component and its crucial role in coordinating the heart's rhythm and pumping action. Discover how electrical impulses travel through this specialized network, regulating the heartbeat and ensuring efficient blood circulation throughout the body. With clear explanations, engaging visuals, and interactive diagrams, this video provides a solid foundation for understanding the conduction system of the heart, an essential topic for your IB Biology studies. Join us on this fascinating journey into the wonders of cardiac physiology and equip yourself with the knowledge needed to excel in your exams and beyond. Subscribe now to our channel for more insightful biology content!

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