In from the Margins: Qëndresë Deda

  • čas přidán 9. 01. 2023
  • Qëndresë Deda je zadnja od šestih umetnic in umetnikov, ki jih je MGLC gostil v evropskem projektu In from the Margins leta 2022. Na rezidenci se je ukvarjala z idejo, kako vidimo sebe in svoje skrbi in kako vidimo skrbi drugega, kar je poskus približevanja intimnosti in komunikacije med seboj. Rezidenco zaključuje s pogovornim dogodkom, s katerim želi vzpostaviti varen prostor za razmišljanje o težavah; na pogovor vabi umetnike in ustvarjalce.
    Qëndresë Deda (1988, Priština) je diplomirala iz grafičnega oblikovanja na Univerzi v Prištini in kasneje na ALUO v Ljubljani, podiplomska smer - Video in novi mediji. Dedova v svoji praksi združuje različne medije, od fotografije, risbe, pisanja in oblikovanja do videa, pri čemer pogosto prevzame vlogo objekta in subjekta hkrati.
    In from the Margins, ki ga financira program Ustvarjalna Evropa, nagovarja umetnike, ki se identificirajo kot migranti, begunci ali jih zaznamuje izkušnja razseljenosti. S ciljem ustvariti prvo mrežo ateljejskih pribežališč v Evropi izbranim umetnikom ponuja možnost rezidence v mednarodno priznanih grafičnih ateljejih; prizadeva pa si tudi odpraviti ovire in ustvariti priložnosti za umetnike in lokalne skupnosti, da sodelujejo in se učijo drug od drugega. Partnerji projekta so: Edinburgh Printmakers, Škotska, Cork Printmakers, Cork, Irska, Funen Printmaking Studio, Odense, Danska, AGA Lab, Amsterdam, Nizozemska, in Mednarodni grafični likovni center, Ljubljana.
    Qëndresë Deda is the last of the six visiting artists at MGLC as part of the EU project In from the Margins in 2022. During the residency, she dealt with the idea of how we see ourselves and our concerns and how we see the concerns of others, which is an attempt to bring closer intimacy and communication between each other. The residency ends with a discussion event, which aims to establish a safe space for talking about concerns.
    Born in Prishtinë, Kosovo, in 1988 Qëndresë Deda graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prishtinë in 2010 and later from the Video & New Media programme at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. In her practice, Deda combines different media, from photography, drawing, writing and design, to video, often taking on the role of an object and a subject simultaneously.
    The project In from the Margins, funded by the Creative Europe programme, is aimed at artists who identify as migrants or refugees, or who have been shaped by the experience of displacement. Aiming to create the first network of sanctuaries for artists in Europe, it offers selected artists the opportunity of residencies in internationally recognised print studios but also aims to break down barriers and create opportunities for artists and local communities to collaborate and learn from each other. Partners in the project: Edinburgh Printmakers, Scotland; Cork Printmakers, Cork, Ireland; Funen Printmaking Studio, Odense, Denmark; AGA Lab, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and the International Centre of Graphic, Ljubljana.

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