Hard Boiled warehouse shootout (part 2)

  • čas přidán 21. 04. 2006
  • Warehouse betrayal.
  • Zábava

Komentáře • 49

  • @randomclam898889
    @randomclam898889 Před 15 lety +2

    Probably one of the greatest action movies ever made. Tony Leung And Chow Yun Fat were perfect for the cast, I mean they both fit the characters perfectly. The gun fights and shootout scenes are so well put together, it almost seems real. The best part about the movie, is the way John Woo completely exaggerates all of the explosions and killing, to a point where it becomes very entertaining, and somewhat more realistic. This is one of my favorite scenes, because of Chow Yun's flank on tightrope.

  • @MrSelfDestruct67
    @MrSelfDestruct67 Před 12 lety +1

    even batman can't make a badass intro like that

  • @AmateurWisdom
    @AmateurWisdom Před 12 lety +2

    Oh damn, not even the resolution can handle the awesomeness!

  • @TekkenPlayer4Life
    @TekkenPlayer4Life Před 15 lety

    From 3:00 to 3:17 was nothing but bread and butter action packed goodness between to tough guys!
    Honestly that view @ 3:15 when hes flying through the back seats in mid air while that car was blowing up did it for me!

  • @cpthurme
    @cpthurme Před 15 lety

    I love it how he slides in from a cable whilst firing a machine gun, this scene OWNS

  • @theKORZO
    @theKORZO Před 18 lety +1

    john Woo Rules!!! Dios que genial era este director,espero que vuelva a sus origenes,me encanta esta pelicula.

  • @ChernobylTaco
    @ChernobylTaco Před 18 lety

    My favorite part was when Tequila dives over the fallen motercycle and explodes the other in midair. Woo is so masterful.

  • @stimpackedmarines
    @stimpackedmarines Před 15 lety

    it's cause theres the element of surprise. when Johnny's gang took over the Hoi warehouse in part 1, the Hoi people had no idea what was going on, and were completely unprepared.
    Same goes for this clip. When Tequila drops smoke down and swings from the ceiling, guns blazing, i'd be pretty caught off guard too.

  • @CesMan83
    @CesMan83 Před 18 lety

    That shotgun Tequila uses is friggin' huge...

  • @CristoffandFriends
    @CristoffandFriends Před 15 lety

    Wow! Chow Yun Fat has the greatest reflexes ever!

  • @elohssau
    @elohssau Před 15 lety

    true but seems like they clued in and starting fighting back after a short while

  • @ForgottenHonor0
    @ForgottenHonor0 Před 15 lety

    Inspector Tequila is a friggin' one-man army! Go Chow Yun Fat!!

  • @OrthodoxGod
    @OrthodoxGod Před 13 lety

    man, at the start of this video theres so much EVERYTHING. This movie rules XD

  • @ATIrules
    @ATIrules Před 14 lety

    lol 0:33 badass, he lit up the entire warehouse with a single mp5.

  • @SothisAmon
    @SothisAmon Před 16 lety

    I like how they just watch him slide in without shooting back

  • @Puzzoozoo
    @Puzzoozoo Před 14 lety +1

    Chow Yun-Fat, 6 feet of Chinese badass.

  • @try_kach
    @try_kach Před 14 lety

    plus, he has a soul (as evidenced by the end), so really he isn't altogether evil, he's just a "bad guy"... i guess.

  • @amiablerecluse01
    @amiablerecluse01 Před 14 lety

    @Alkaline850 Thanks a lot :D I'm in the UK, so I'll have to keep an eye out for that soundtrack. Thanks again :)

  • @TheLibertyFreedom
    @TheLibertyFreedom Před 13 lety

    If the person needs to reload, he's a bad guy XD

  • @stimpackedmarines
    @stimpackedmarines Před 15 lety

    That's Tony Leung and he's actually an undercover cop :P

  • @MakoSucks
    @MakoSucks Před 18 lety


  • @weresic
    @weresic Před 16 lety

    Yeah Chow-Yun Fat outta Ammo? comon truly is incredible.

  • @asdfghjklsuperhero12
    @asdfghjklsuperhero12 Před 14 lety

    every1 had FMJ

  • @xabcx
    @xabcx Před 17 lety

    well of course he doesnt run outta bullets...

  • @mffnman964
    @mffnman964 Před 17 lety

    if you spend the time to reload in an action movie, then most of the time would be spent reloading. Comment on the motorcycle volley. The first motorcycle guy was blown to bits yet the other motorcycle guy just had to try it again. "he would hit me if I'm flying slowly through the air".

  • @edgarocs
    @edgarocs Před 16 lety

    Addd Info===="That's what I call Art and Romance of Ultra-Violence John Woo Style Miyamoto Musashi's Niten Ichiryu(Two Swords-Guns as One) Book of Five Rings versus Sun Tzu's Art of War."====To be continued====....

  • @maddvillain
    @maddvillain Před 17 lety

    I wonder where Tequila gets explosive shotgun shells?

  • @qwertpoi
    @qwertpoi Před 15 lety

    That was unfair, he obviously had the unlimited ammo cheat activated.

  • @myboomstick
    @myboomstick Před 14 lety

    @goatboyful i remember that - laughed my nuts off!!! and yea - this flick was balls to the wall awesome.

  • @amiablerecluse01
    @amiablerecluse01 Před 14 lety

    Could anyone tell me the title of that epic music that comes in just as he jumps down? I keep looking for it and nowhere seems to say.

  • @edgarocs
    @edgarocs Před 16 lety

    Add Info====Intercept===="I think the Max Payne(versus Nicole Horne and Punchinello's mob)("karaoke is not my scene") video game series was inspired from this movie and scenes before "Stranglehold" game was release."====To be continued====....

  • @chuelz
    @chuelz Před 18 lety

    fucing right!

  • @Krapvag
    @Krapvag Před 16 lety

    exploding motor cycles and shotguns - why would you care about how many times he re-loads???

  • @TheHoodStarz
    @TheHoodStarz Před 14 lety

    chow yun fat is g as fuck for makin this movie

  • @marleyjay01
    @marleyjay01 Před 16 lety

    this movie is too psycho not to be liked!

  • @jfish500
    @jfish500 Před 17 lety

    PWNAGE AT 2:48!

  • @kingmasta11
    @kingmasta11 Před 12 lety +2

    who thinks chow yun fat should be in expendables 3?

  • @elohssau
    @elohssau Před 15 lety

    they are scared*

  • @elohssau
    @elohssau Před 15 lety

    ok so.. ive never seen this movie so forgive me if my post is stupid.. but i just watched the first part.. and all guys on the bikes just went in a raped like a million ppl.. and now just 1 guy flys in and there are scared? wtf is going on :S

  • @tagbooter
    @tagbooter Před 13 lety


  • @vidmuncher
    @vidmuncher Před 14 lety

    YOU'RE RELOADING!!!?!?!?!?!?
    you're gunkata isn't strong enough for you to be fuckin with Chow Yun Fat...go home while you still can.....