I would have ruined your love...

  • čas přidán 10. 01. 2024

Komentáře • 241

  • @kkotova1
    @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +112

    Астарион: Ты очень сильно помогла мне в моих достижениях, хоть и не осталась со мной до конца. И если бы мы были должными друг другу после этого, что ж... чем бы это отличалось от рабства?
    Тав: Любовь - это совсем про другое, но не думаю, что ты когда-либо это поймешь.
    Астарион: Конечно же я понимаю, что такое любовь. И даже слишком хорошо. Самые тяжкие преступления, совершенные в это мире, были ради "любви". Этот голод сильнее жажды крови. Я знаю, как играть в нее. И я не могу удержаться сыграть знакомую мне партию. Я бы уничтожил твою любовь. Использовал бы твое доверие до тех пор, пока ты бы не обратилась в ничто. Поэтому, чего бы это ни стоило, в конечном итоге я уважаю тебя за твой выбор. Я никогда не думал, что ты на такое способна.

    • @valeriakaiserV
      @valeriakaiserV Před 5 měsíci +4

      А каким образом получается диалог? Надо уйти от вознесенного Астариона?

    • @MariaZemlian
      @MariaZemlian Před 5 měsíci +4

      ​@@valeriakaiserV Насколько я понимаю, да.

    • @MariaZemlian
      @MariaZemlian Před 5 měsíci +7

      Астарион тут совсем как Рейстлин в "Последнем испытании".

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +17

      @@valeriakaiserVнужно отказаться стать его вампирской невестой после вознесения, после чего подождать 3 игровых дня пока он дуется, потом он придет извиняться и будет этот диалог

  • @DementedEmperor
    @DementedEmperor Před 5 měsíci +1226

    I love how Ascended Astarion's voice is basically just a full on Disney Villain

    • @bambamwolf
      @bambamwolf Před 5 měsíci +12

      He reminds me of Tim Curry's Forte from Beauty and the beast Christmas movie. Especially how he enunciated "love"

    • @samf.s.7731
      @samf.s.7731 Před 5 měsíci +4

      I actually kept thinking Jeremy Irons's Scar, the whole "I am surrounded by idiots" line in particular 😂​ @@bambamwolf
      But yeah, I get what you're saying

  • @kkotova1
    @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +844

    I think this is the best dialogue in BG3 ever! It ia a *philosophical masterpiece* . There's also a line where he says "The man of your dreams... the hope of him is your own worst enemy". That's just amazing.

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +54

      And I'm sorry for not making this a pov, because recently I tend to think he looks much better in the original angle (well obviously since developers inintially set lights and shades in the game for the original angle :D)

    • @laurenv1474
      @laurenv1474 Před 5 měsíci +9

      Can we pls have a vid of this line?

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +7

      @@laurenv1474sure, but a little later👌

    • @katiatall
      @katiatall Před 5 měsíci +6

      Yes, this dialog gets me goosebumps, difficult to explain emotions from it

    • @ANPC-pi9vu
      @ANPC-pi9vu Před 5 měsíci +36

      @@Shazzygirl Becoming Ascendant strengthens all his worst traits and dampens what humanity he had in him, so I'm not sure he can feel the sort of love that involves being vulnerable and reciprocal willingness to make sacrifices. Maybe when he first ascends he still has his moments, but they seem fleeting. I think he could treasure his consort, obsess, want to see them happy... but he would never understand them as an equal the way he once did.
      I think he'd be less cruel than Cazador, bet he'd still be selfish and callous and willing to do the worst things if it's a means to an ends, because the ends are all that matter to true vampires. He keeps his consort the way they were instead of changing them the way he was changed because he prizes them as they were and does not want to loose any part of that prized possession... but what then if we grow in ways that change us, or if we try to stop him from doing terrible things to advance his vampiric ambitions or to merely entertain himself?
      He will only become more jaded, detached and self indulgent now that he can't be vulnerable or see others as equals. I think he's becoming self aware of that in this scene. It's a small kindness that he thinks it's best that we spared ourselves from one day being an unhappy pet that he doesn't take seriously, mourning the person he used to be as we watch his further journey into outright villainy, because he can't love us in the same way anymore. I think ascending him slowly turns him into a true sociopath, and that will in time isolate him, no matter how harmless and fun he is when he's in his victory lap of just partying and enjoying being exalted.
      I wonder what forms his ambition to rule over all others will take. Doubtless he will be a tyrant eventually, though he has some hints that he will be more of the type who will try to artificially create justice in a twisted sense, given who he was when he was alive and how in D&D lore true vampires become twisted versions of what they were in life. Also, one of the last empathetic things we ever hear Ascendant Astarion say is regarding Karlach's situation, where he bitterly muses that there is truly no justice in the world. NGL, I wouldn't mind seeing his return in a future game or his inclusion in a table top module as a tragic villain trying to impose a utopia through diabolical means. The sort of villain who others would equally venerate as a hero for the up sides of his rule.

  • @prinsauce
    @prinsauce Před 5 měsíci +776

    Isn't it great how this game doesn't mince words? This clip is like the other side of the same coin to romancing Ascended Astarion. Him saying "I respect you for it" puts that insight check of "he thinks you're degrading yourself by being with him" into perspective. It's almost as if he treats you so poorly as a romanced companion because he thinks you deserve it. In his mind, you brought it on yourself.

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +49

      that’s just amazing

    • @MarieCurtis92
      @MarieCurtis92 Před 5 měsíci +5


    • @paulakerner7923
      @paulakerner7923 Před 5 měsíci +9

      Abusive relationships in a nutshell 😢

    • @JustANerdyGal
      @JustANerdyGal Před 5 měsíci +4

      but he doesn’t actually treat you so poorly as romanced ascended astarion though? he praises you every chance he gets. he’s just controlling and obsessive.

    • @prinsauce
      @prinsauce Před 5 měsíci +13

      ​@@JustANerdyGal The sweet talking is part of him being controlling and obsessive. He will only praise you if you're "wonderfully obedient". As soon as you do what he deems as stepping out of line, he lashes out at you (yes, he actually does). You could even argue that you shouldn't choose the dialogue options that piss him off like that, and you know what's that like? Exactly what a person in a similar relationship would do with such abusive partner; walk on eggshells around them in fear that they're going to explode in a fit of rage if they say or do something wrong.

  • @luvondarox
    @luvondarox Před 5 měsíci +497

    Sometimes... sometimes I wonder just who it is he's trying to convince with these speeches.

    • @chumashchey2117
      @chumashchey2117 Před 5 měsíci +98

      "I would have ruined your love, used your trust until you were...nothing"
      His eyes look so sad when he says this

    • @TomoMomoDomo
      @TomoMomoDomo Před 5 měsíci +77

      I think hes just trying to convince himself tbh

    • @chumashchey2117
      @chumashchey2117 Před 5 měsíci +35

      can't tell if he's sad because he knows that will happen if you have continued to stay with him or because he's hiding behind his mask to convince himself it's for the best
      Idk all I think about what Astarion said in the good romance if you choose to not to Ascended him

    • @Zalagath
      @Zalagath Před 5 měsíci +4

      @@chumashchey2117 Whenever he talks like this, feels like he has Cazador on his mind, always having him as the reference of the creature that ruined him

  • @ldragon8480
    @ldragon8480 Před 5 měsíci +493

    Part of me thinks he's being honest but part of me thinks he's also trying to convince himself he's fine without you around.

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +128

      I also think so, he is still in pain, he is disappointed in love and he says he misses you in the epilogue after that. I even pity him

    • @bubblybobabubbles
      @bubblybobabubbles Před 5 měsíci +25

      Why not both

  • @shastamayberry5572
    @shastamayberry5572 Před 5 měsíci +89

    After one of the talks with his siblings, there's a dialogue option where you can tell him not to ascend and he disagrees, saying something like "don't look at me like that, I'm doing this for you too. This would keep us both safe"
    So when he says the greatest crimes in this world are committed for love and he understands this all too well, I think he's saying he killed 7k people to keep you safe bc he loves you. And then you left him with nothing.
    (Epilogue romanced AA says all his power would mean nothing if he were alone & he can't imagine any of the other companions being happy after the adventure ends bc you're not with them)
    The ascension really messed with him

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +7

      You are so right!!❤️

    • @ANPC-pi9vu
      @ANPC-pi9vu Před 5 měsíci +11

      Becoming a true vampire does this to people. As a spawn he was already a bit twisted and corrupted by vampiric nature, but as ascendant he's a true vampire plus new abilities he can learn as he grows into his power, without the down sides of vampirism. There's nothing worth fighting in his nature anymore, he's not a mortal, and can not feel in the same way as mortals because he is so far removed from them. Hence his very self aware Machiavellianism.
      I agree his line about the greatest crimes might even reference wanting to ascend to protect you both. Doubtlessly even though you can break up with him as long as you don't let him turn you, I think he will always have an obsession, as that is very much the nature of a vampire. He wants you as a co-conspirator now. If you try to get in the way of his plans or anything, I imagine that will transfer into being obsessed with the pc as his greatest enemy instead. Love as he knew it will likely be mere echos of a distant memory. It could never be the same after becoming a true vampire and ascending. This aspect is very sad.
      ALSO... it just occurred to me that all this might also be why if you have him confront and slay Cazador alone after the battle, he defaults to not ascending, freeing his fellow spawn, and giving a speech to the Gur about them having the same right as people to determine their own lives as he was granted. (omg, the feels)

    • @teakooh3225
      @teakooh3225 Před 5 měsíci +2

      Tell me why I feel so bad for considering ascending him 😭 I’m so happy I changed my mind but… like still. I like the toxicity, I’ll let em ruin me

  • @agirlnamedbrett.
    @agirlnamedbrett. Před 5 měsíci +335

    i love how he says love after he talks about the greatest crimes have been committed for love.

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +32

      I feel he is deeply disappointed in love

    • @G.F.SF55
      @G.F.SF55 Před 5 měsíci +15

      I mean, I bet he thinks Tav sacrificed 7k souls for him out of love

    • @katiatall
      @katiatall Před 5 měsíci +17

      @@kkotova1because his love left him, of course he is disappointed and offended, it’s painful. So in response he strikes hard

    • @SwirlyPinwheel
      @SwirlyPinwheel Před 5 měsíci +16

      Læv (derogatory)

    • @furballrage595
      @furballrage595 Před 5 měsíci +2

      "LoVe" 😠😒

  • @hel2727
    @hel2727 Před 5 měsíci +39

    "lOvE 🤢"
    I love him 😂 he's so dramatic. I wonder how much of this is true to his actual feelings, beneath all the walls and facades.

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +2

      I would say he says all of that about himself in the first place

  • @Blizardstar1200
    @Blizardstar1200 Před 5 měsíci +175

    I love this cause like. On a surface level it’s proof you can’t romance ascended Astarion. But like. It’s ascended Astarion. You can never take the surface level from him, he’s ALWAYS thinking and manipulating. He’s not just confessing he would’ve been a horrible partner, why would he do that? What’s the angle there? He’s not lying per say, but I think he’s bragging. Putting on a show of bringing it up, because he’s had to justify it to himself. Justify that this was good and made you a stronger ally, that love is stupid and makes you easy to manipulate. To cover the fact to even himself that he was as in love with you as you were with him. It’s a good thing you weren’t such a fool as to really love him like that. He would’ve broken your heart. None of this at all a reflection of his own experience after all. He spent 200 years forgetting how to love, what does that short little fling with you change about that. He’s just as cold as he always has been. I’m rambling but like. Do you see my Vision

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +37

      I agree with that, but I tend to think he is still super hurt, otherwise he would not say he knows “love” all too well in such disgusted tone

    • @ANPC-pi9vu
      @ANPC-pi9vu Před 5 měsíci +22

      I do think Ascendant loves us in a way, but not in a healthy way, and while I do think he's rationalizing to deal with loss, I also think there's a lot of self awareness in his point that love can compel people in horrible ways, too. As a true vampire, even though he's ascendant, the fact that his nature twists and perverts things that would otherwise be positive is likely still at play.

  • @elfrida_nim4402
    @elfrida_nim4402 Před 5 měsíci +38

    That smile when he says “until you were NOTHING”… that smile does remind me of the smile in act 1, when the narrator says, after a successful insight check, that “his too perfect smile is a clear sign that he is lying to you” .. for me this is the confirmation that he is trying to convince himself, to control the situation after he sacrificed everything he was just to be with tav and keep both safe “forever, for good” as he says in another dialogue, just to loose everything soon after 💔 such a tragic character, here

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +2

      Totally agree!

    • @l4qu680
      @l4qu680 Před 5 měsíci +2

      When does this skillcheck occur?

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +2

      @@l4qu680 stargazing scene 😁

    • @elfrida_nim4402
      @elfrida_nim4402 Před 5 měsíci +1

      ⁠​⁠@@l4qu680yes, in the stargazing scene! When you tell him that you thought he didn’t like you, he compliments you, making this exact smile.. and if the insight check is successful, it’s revealed that he is lying!

  • @cm_0011
    @cm_0011 Před 5 měsíci +56

    Honestly I think he partly knows what he’s capable of, but I also think he’s masking and deluding himself. It’s like he’s convincing himself.

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +4


    • @ANPC-pi9vu
      @ANPC-pi9vu Před 5 měsíci +7

      He's admitting the truth of what he's become and saying it outloud to us to take back his feeling of control regarding the situation. It is cope, sure, but it's also true that he can't be the same as he was before the ritual, and he's embracing it.

    • @cheekybabe666
      @cheekybabe666 Před 5 měsíci +3

      Yeah. Notice how he does'nt really talk about how he experiences love in his monologue. Just how he can use it and abuse it....thus, logically, he must understand it, right? He thinks. And ironically, Tav giving a little and getting a little, escaping with respect and admiration, and Astarion a little bit thirsty, Getting out before Tav could get burned. As if they outplayed Astarion. That's a pretty big approval from Astarion.

  • @airachica
    @airachica Před 5 měsíci +51

    The way he says "love" is giving Duke from Moulin Rouge vibes and I hate it 😂

    • @velvetf0x758
      @velvetf0x758 Před 5 měsíci +8


    • @RainwriterMusic
      @RainwriterMusic Před 5 měsíci +2

      Lolololol SO very true!!😂 He's our very lovely maharajah, after all!😆☺️

  • @degenerateangel6891
    @degenerateangel6891 Před 5 měsíci +126

    Astarion is literally the song "Sweet but Psycho".

    • @foxyloxyBABE
      @foxyloxyBABE Před 5 měsíci +4

      Omggg 😂 yesss the sex, the personality, the fact that you cannot resist his charms and wit at all 💀 100%

  • @Romanticvampyre6
    @Romanticvampyre6 Před 5 měsíci +66

    He mentally destroys you with his alternative reality vision and then after an ominous pause..."so". As if in "let's have a chit chat and a cup of tea/blood now, darling".😆

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +4

      😀😀😀that’s so him

  • @janinaireneleonor3224
    @janinaireneleonor3224 Před 5 měsíci +13

    What the heck is this line!!! It’s written so beautifully then add Niel’s performance!! It’s killing me!!!!

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Exactly!!! This is the best

  • @mimi8808
    @mimi8808 Před 5 měsíci +40

    Personally I think he is talking about ascending. He is very clear about using power to protect himself and by extension protect Tav. And then Tav breaks up with him and we know spawn Astarion says he would've regret ascending. So personally I think one of the reasons Astarion chose this was his love for Tav. He sacrificed part of himself and ended up with nothing. He even makes little hints about being alone.

    • @k0k0mlml
      @k0k0mlml Před 5 měsíci +13

      I read somewhere that the skill check to talk him out of ascension is higher if you've romanced him. I'm not sure if that's true, but it would back up the theory

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +10

      I feel the same, I had a playthrough where he was not romanced and with quite low approval (50?), it was hard to talk him out

  • @syntaxterror9479
    @syntaxterror9479 Před 5 měsíci +28

    This hurts so much to hear.

  • @graceskate
    @graceskate Před 5 měsíci +10

    There’s so much to unpack here. Larain truly made a masterpiece.

  • @thecheck968
    @thecheck968 Před 5 měsíci +13

    It’s always unsettling to see ascended Astarion being honest. It’s always a small moment where he realizes how far gone he really is before putting back on the facade.

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1

      It looks so depressing and heartbreaking

  • @ImElliePaige
    @ImElliePaige Před 5 měsíci +4

    Ascended astarion makes me so ANGRY

  • @keryxnarthex8838
    @keryxnarthex8838 Před 5 měsíci +6

    Astarion thinks he knows what love is, the thing is he doesn't. He hasn't loved or been loved in the at least the past 200 years. He knows... something, but that something is not love.

  • @NineM_YorHa
    @NineM_YorHa Před 5 měsíci +6

    My evil tav is probably a worse person than him. So this wouldn't change anything. They both are out to ruin the world at the end of my playtrough 😊

  • @Idontwanttobehereanymore
    @Idontwanttobehereanymore Před 5 měsíci +8

    I love and hate him at the same time 😭 that little bastard (I'm obsessed with him)

  • @leahwyman6924
    @leahwyman6924 Před 5 měsíci +5

    The way he says, "loUGHve"

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +2

      🥲so disgusted and disappointed

  • @rockinghorse_fly
    @rockinghorse_fly Před 5 měsíci +15


  • @Yuhhnightowl
    @Yuhhnightowl Před 5 měsíci +47

    Ставлю на то, что он все ж ревёт по ночам в свои шёлковые подушечки в самой тёмной комнате своего нового замка и поэтому бросается такими язвительными словами

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +15

      именно так, я потом еще до эпилога дойду, где он говорит что скучает по гг :D даже жалко его немного

    • @Yuhhnightowl
      @Yuhhnightowl Před 5 měsíci +3

      @@kkotova1 оооо, жду, жду

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1


    • @ii-fk8mo
      @ii-fk8mo Před 5 měsíci +3


    • @ii-fk8mo
      @ii-fk8mo Před 5 měsíci +7

      Астарион буквально: вернись ко мне!!😭😭😭😭

  • @anoykoaoi
    @anoykoaoi Před 5 měsíci +5

    And people be saying that ascended astarion is as good as the spawn 🐵

  • @_analuna
    @_analuna Před 5 měsíci +3

    His eyes are so pretty like I can’t 😩😩 but Astarion said himself and if you read Vellioth’s vampire rules thing that vampires crave power and aren’t willing to share it with anyone equally. I was hoping Astarion would make an exception since he “loved” us when I ascended him but maybe this was his plan all along 🥲🥲🥲

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +2

      Totally agree, here they are especially melancholic🥲

  • @nellialperovich4522
    @nellialperovich4522 Před 5 měsíci +4

    I’m sure if they stayed together their “love story” would end like song Boo-hoo by IC3PEAK
    If u know you know 💀

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Good comparison actually, but doesn’t fit with my Durge 😂 she killed literally everyone

    • @nellialperovich4522
      @nellialperovich4522 Před 5 měsíci +2

      @@kkotova1lovely lovely ❤❤❤ Ast should be careful with her then

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@nellialperovich4522 😂😂😂😂😂if you accept Bhaal’s will and dominate the brain(spoiler)
      Durge kills everyone in the epilogue party even Ascended Astarion, which happened to me…. Well 😂😂

  • @samanthaayers2330
    @samanthaayers2330 Před 5 měsíci +5

    I… am so conflicted.

  • @SmthngEff
    @SmthngEff Před 5 měsíci +27

    Замечательное "ЛЯВ", от создателя знаменитого "вампирик МАСТА" 😂
    А если серьёзно, то Нил проделал просто потрясающую работу. Так рада, что у него уже две награды за Астариона, надеюсь, будут и ещё!

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +2

      согласная, это просто великолепно, дайте ему все награды 🥹🙏🏻

  • @KMFerguson
    @KMFerguson Před 5 měsíci +3

    "Of course I understand* *love*," he says contemptuously

  • @hasturprynne
    @hasturprynne Před 5 měsíci +7

    The way he says “love” reminds me of how Marlow said “god” in 30 Days of Night! 😝

  • @impala-67
    @impala-67 Před 5 měsíci +42

    "I would've used your love until you were nothing."
    Him in the epilogue: I miss you 👉👈🥺
    Really though, I don't think this shouldn't be taken at surface level. It may be true to an extent, as he's more twisted, but he is not heartless. He's really hurt and he does love Tav (maybe not in the healthiest way). This is him trying to reassure himself, to maintain the illusion that he controls the situation. He has to cope and what better way than to put up another facade?

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +6

      You are totally right!!! He does love Tav.

  • @rere_bunny
    @rere_bunny Před 5 měsíci +11

    I do think he is being honest here. I think Ascended Astarion just does not feel love the way Not Ascended Astarion does.
    I think here he kind of misses feeling the love he felt for you when he was not ascended, because he just can not feel it the way he did anymore. Of course this means he misses you in some way too.
    But I really think he is unable to feel love the way he did before ascension, love is just a weapon for him now. He misses real love but he knows he will never get it back, it is loss for him forever because of the decision he made so he will just use it as a tool for his advantage now.

  • @user-dw6kq6mv3r
    @user-dw6kq6mv3r Před 5 měsíci +3

    ouf this still absolutely wrecks my heart apart 😢

  • @arbsan8366
    @arbsan8366 Před 5 měsíci +2

    The way his face gets all disgusted when he says “love😝” 😅

  • @kathrynvincent1563
    @kathrynvincent1563 Před 5 měsíci +3

    He sounds like Forte in Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Christmas (voiced by Tim Curry btw)

  • @LinaTheMossLover
    @LinaTheMossLover Před 5 měsíci +56

    То, как он с издëвкой говорит "л'яффъ" 😭😭😭
    Обожаю актëров озвучки, которые вкладывают всю свою душу в озвучивание персонажа. Через фразы Астариона можно прочувстовать все его эмоции, весь его характер, и я не перестаю восхищаться этим!
    Но чудик он, конечно, забавный, даже когда он такой "немножечко" психованный 😅

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +9

      Для меня это лучший диалог в этой игре. Вознесеныш тоже как персонаж вырос немножко в этот момент и простил Тав, и это великолепно. И здесь он прям успокоился, если сравнить с тем, что было на утро после того, как отказываешься становиться его вампирской невестой омг

    • @ii-fk8mo
      @ii-fk8mo Před 5 měsíci +4

      ​@@kkotova1это правда, но вот зрителям и причина, по которой ascension - это не вариант для 'позитивного финала'.
      Разумеется, Астарион - всё ещё Астарион, но теперь он в своём собственном рабском плену. Асцендент нашёл свою следующую и последнюю ничего не подозревающую жертву. И теперь-то ему точно никто не поможет. Даже любовь Тав. Даже они.

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +2

      ⁠@@ii-fk8moкак вы красиво сказали, просто 😘👌согласна как никогда, это именно та трагичность, которая мне нужна как воздух для душевных страданий💔😂

    • @ii-fk8mo
      @ii-fk8mo Před 5 měsíci +2

      @@kkotova1 oh my GOD💗. Well, thanks, ma'am!🫡🥹
      Если честно, моих талантов хватает и не на такое. Считайте, это просто масенькая отписулька, очень сжатая :D. Это вы меня ещё в моём прежнем расцвете не видели...

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1

      ⁠​⁠@@ii-fk8moбуду рада почитать, если вы когда нибудь благословите меня своими речами😁👌

  • @PenguinFondue
    @PenguinFondue Před 5 měsíci +4

    He protests too much and still desperately needs to be held

  • @SmthngEff
    @SmthngEff Před 5 měsíci +15

    Сколько раз уже смотрела его диалоги, и каждый раз замечаю какую-то мелочь, грань.
    И тут меня осенило. "Голод, который сильнее жажды крови" - это же про любовь к Тав?! Про жизнь до обращения он ничего не помнит. А после - он сам говорил, что не чувствовал ничего. Кроме страха и отвращения. И жажда крови ему слишком хорошо известна, он точно может сравнить.
    И его слова про "любовь, доверие и ничто" - такие злые, жестокие. Но вдруг это слова о том, что Тав сделала с ним. Вот сейчас сделала! Предала его доверие, отказалась от любви, оставила его ни с чем.
    Это сильно, в любом случае❤️
    П. С. Лучше остаться ни с чем в собственном замке 😁

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +9

      Это гениально! Спасибо, что поделились. Звучит как правда, потому что он все еще очень и очень обижен и разочарован в любви, она разрушена, и доверие действительно предано, особенно если вспомнить то признание в любви, где ему было очень сложно раскрыться🥲 как же я обожаю Вознесеныша 😭 кто бы знал

    • @user-kv7by1vt7z
      @user-kv7by1vt7z Před 5 měsíci +5

      ​@@kkotova1Вознесенный ещё раскрывается перед сценой обращения гг, когда прямо говорит, что любит гг и хочет быть с ней в одной из своих реплик.
      В этой сцене он может трижды сказать о своих чувствах.
      И конечно в момент, когда отводит Тав от Императора, уговаривает не жертвовать собой.
      Ну и итогом могу назвать эпилог, который показал, что он не Касадор 2.0, а именно Астарион, только с большей силой, повзрослевший морально и более уверенный в себе.

    • @SmthngEff
      @SmthngEff Před 5 měsíci +4

      @@kkotova1 да, все так! Он немного остыл уже, но, конечно, все ещё обижен, зол и даже раздавлен (не думаю, что хрупкость, про которую говорила Шэдоухарт, быстро куда-то делась)
      Как только Тав задевает его про понимание любви, он срывается опять. Когда говорит про "ляв", про голод, начинает немного покачиваться, будто ему сложно "держать лицо". И да, точно, тут ещё много разочарования сквозит.
      Почитала, ваш коммент выше, про "мужчина твоей мечты, надежда на него твой злейший враг"👍 - и там подходит , что он говорит о Тав. Его надежды рухнули.
      Спасибо Вам ещё раз большое за ваш канал ❤️
      А Вы больше за вознесеннного, я так поняла) Сразу были за него или нет? И почему?

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1

      ⁠@@SmthngEffвам спасибо, что смотрите видосики❤❤❤ когда я в первы йраз играла, я была за Вознесение однозначно, потому что это то, о чем он просил, и кто я такая, чтобы отказать ему. Просто я по жизни тоже склоняюсь к гедонизму чаще всего, как и он, мы заслуживаем всего самого лучшего, что может предложить нам эта жизнь, в том числе и власть и богатство. Не могу сказать, что это 100% позитивная черта, потому что без душевных страданий и лишений не происходит развития личности, так уж устроен человек. Тем не менее, он меня напугал в первом прохождении, когда заставил на колени встать, я была удивлена, как игра смогла, простите за выражение, нагнуть меня так жестко за мой выбор. Тем не менее, я неровно дышу к властным мужчинам, и я не стала перезагружаться. Потом в след прохождения я посмотрела что будет, если не возносить его, и увидела в этом какую то пропаганду банального добра для детей и пропаганду того, что власть и богстатство это плохо. это отлично играет на романтических и лиричных струнах души тк я тоже выросла пропитанная этим либерализмом, но это как-то слишком приторно сладко и совершенно не сексуально и очень далеко от реальности, потому что нам намеренно затуманили глаза, чтобы мы не видели, что любовь к убийствам и плутовство из Астариона никуда все равно не ушло😀 так что я выбираю себе Вознесеныша 😁 и я расписала это все чисто с точки зрения своих впечатлений, потому что опять же, это игра которая развлекает меня, но если углубиться в личность Астариона, то конечно же спавн показывает лучший рост личности.

    • @SmthngEff
      @SmthngEff Před 5 měsíci +3

      ​@kkotova1 спасибо за такой развернутый ответ❤ я согласна с вами абсолютно. Реалистичнее вознесенный Астарион. Мне кажется, страх быть уязвимым плюс желание защитить себя и того, кто ему дорог победили бы, слишком мало времени прошло, как он стал свободным. А для пользы личности Астариону лучше, конечно, спавн. Лично я обожаю и того, и другого!
      Хотя первый раз, как и у вас, был настоящий шок от вознесенного.
      Жду новых видео, и любимого Вознесеныша, и милахи спавна❤️, очень рада, что ваш канал растёт

  • @HeyItsJayce_VA
    @HeyItsJayce_VA Před 5 měsíci +3

    The way he said “Love” 😭 lmao
    honestly I can’t decide. I like ascended! Astarion but I also love Just Spawn! Astarion. I think with spawn, he seems more loving and such but with ascended. Most of the time it’s not even real “love.” Tbh while I like ascended Astarion but the spawn! Astarion is more loving but also he knows he is safe with you and also really wants to be with Tav.

  • @Elfiex21
    @Elfiex21 Před 5 měsíci +11

    I want to bring some information about becoming a real 'vampire bride' according to D&D.
    Making a vampire bride is not just giving a drop from the ascended or great vampire's own blood. It has a complete ritual. The vampire ascendant is REPEATING this ritual at least 3 times and technically their future bride let them to compel for a drink. After that they leave their future partner alone for a whole day to TRANSFORM in every way it is possible, then they have to go back to them and give the FINAL drink. Otherwise the future vampiric bride would go insane and Die...And after when the ritual is completed the Ascendant is no longer the Master of its new creation but their most of the time loyal partner. Sooo technically Tav is not the real deal yet just a SPAWN.

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +9

      I heard Larian couldn’t show this vampire bride turning ritual precisely because they didn’t have rights for it but they gave us hints, because he really bites Tav 3 times during that scene after his ascension. And spawns don’t get even a single drop of blood!

    • @Elfiex21
      @Elfiex21 Před 5 měsíci +5

      @@kkotova1 How interesting! I'm getting really deep into D&D rules and lore so I want to see an update/fix of this.

  • @shsh-mc3sx
    @shsh-mc3sx Před 5 měsíci +3

    This scene was so powerful

  • @Dreamwalker_owl
    @Dreamwalker_owl Před 5 měsíci +3

    Всё нормально, кучка пикселей не сможет причинить тебе боль.
    Кучка пикселей:

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1


  • @lyraginn8332
    @lyraginn8332 Před 5 měsíci +3

    Thank you you can ruin me🎉😂❤

  • @heathenly_aesthetic7233
    @heathenly_aesthetic7233 Před 5 měsíci +5

    He really does become Cazador 2.0 but worse, because we saw the good in him beforehand.

  • @REChronic54
    @REChronic54 Před 5 měsíci +5

    He says as he’s crying on the inside lmao

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1

      I also think so 😅 his poor ego

  • @JustANerdyGal
    @JustANerdyGal Před 5 měsíci +2

    I will forever believe that this is all a mask, or the attitude he developed after getting rejected by Tav. He is trying to convince himself that he is stronger than love and can play it. I think he could’ve loved as an ascended vampire, but it would’ve taken work and an insane amount of trust and faith from Tav.

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1

      I totally agree with you ❤️

    • @ladylunara5
      @ladylunara5 Před 5 hodinami

      i agree with this 100%

  • @selelebrin
    @selelebrin Před 5 měsíci +3

    Не заплачь, Астарион. Сам ты руинд, сам ты ин лав. 😂

  • @memesrcoolrn1662
    @memesrcoolrn1662 Před 5 měsíci +1

    All to well by Taylor Swift 😢

  • @bich_what
    @bich_what Před 5 měsíci +26

    I can fix him 😅

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +6

      it seems like he fixed himself through loosing Tav

    • @bich_what
      @bich_what Před 5 měsíci +8

      @@kkotova1 yeah oddly the healthiest toxic relationship I've ever seen

  • @harkhark5549
    @harkhark5549 Před 5 měsíci +3

    Эээй, кровосися, что произошло? Все ж хорошо было😮

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Обиделся что мы его бросили 😭 я злодейка я знаю, я уже извинилась и у нас с ним все хорошо

    • @harkhark5549
      @harkhark5549 Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@kkotova1 тц! Ай-яй! Ещё один такой проступок и я звоню в зоозащиту!

  • @darkurgediaries
    @darkurgediaries Před 5 měsíci +12

    He’s just salty you dumped him, I’ve said worse things to an ex 😂

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +2

      Exactly😀 But here he is much more forgiving than before. I love this dialogue so much, he says that all about himself in fact

    • @ANPC-pi9vu
      @ANPC-pi9vu Před 5 měsíci +2

      To be honest, coming from him as a vampire ascendant, this isn't bitter, this is kindness. True vampires are twisted like that, and he knows what he has become and has decided to revel in it.

    • @darkurgediaries
      @darkurgediaries Před 5 měsíci +6

      @@ANPC-pi9vu he isn’t a true vampire, he is an ascended vampire which is an entirely new kind of vampire with no lore in dnd. They are alive with their mortal drives and ambitions restored and all the negative traits of vampirism removed.

    • @Dark_Angel_Beckons
      @Dark_Angel_Beckons Před 5 měsíci

      @@darkurgediaries ^^ 100%! This is just him trying to get you back for breaking his heart and ending it. I have done this to ex's just to make myself feel better but in the end it just made it worse for myself & my ex. This speech will come back to haunt him just as much as his other nightmares do. You all will understand when you are older and see things clearer that you have done in your past once you find & have had time to think about what you use to do. Everyone eventually will learn this lesson, but it requires time and strong relationships. And 100% to my sister Dark Urge Diaries for correcting the people who call him a true vampire. He is absolutely not one. LOL....check out the Larian posts.

    • @ladylunara5
      @ladylunara5 Před 4 hodinami +2

      too many people don't realize that and say strongly worded nasty remarks about him because of it TT . ( i swear they don't understand his character at all or as well as they like to think they do )
      also PS , fan of your channel ;) , i think the Gortash X durge thing is rather plausible given the line from him we hear regarding the pre Orin backstabbing timeline.

  • @samayahmiller463
    @samayahmiller463 Před 5 měsíci +2

    I think this also proves that no matter what even if he did ‘love’ you he would have always seen you as enslaved especially the option where he’s going to turn you into a spawn and Tav says “beloved slave is still a slave” or something and he said he would never treat them like that and that he says “I love you” but he doesn’t mean it , he’s saying what you wanted to hear only . And now that you’re not together he’s not saying what Tav wants to hear and what he actually thinks .

  • @KittyPrydeVFX
    @KittyPrydeVFX Před 5 měsíci +22

    I'll have to hold onto this clip the next time someone says romance with Astarion isn't the road to ruin.
    Because ascended Astarion...isn't really Astarion. Just a dark reflection.

    • @katj4317
      @katj4317 Před 5 měsíci +8

      This is after you break up with him. Of course he's going to pretend he never loved you and was using you, he just got dumped and he wants to hurt you back lol immature, yes. A sign that he never actually loved you? Not really. Especially when in the epilogue he explicitly tells you he misses you.
      You're free to have your interpretation, but just wanted to give you more context

    • @KittyPrydeVFX
      @KittyPrydeVFX Před 5 měsíci +7

      @@katj4317 well, yes. But ascended vampires always become twisted, to the point of being the opposite of what they once were. Plus you can read his mind to find out that he will never see you as an equal. And that he comes to resent you for letting him ascend.
      It might be pleasant for some, but it's not a healthy relationship. Even if it's hot to have him suggesting Tav sit in his lap, well...undressed...
      I found out that ascended vampires, by D&D lore, will become a twisted version of themselves. A paladin wanting to protect people will become a ruler with an iron fist. A bard that brings people to dance will then force people to dance, and kill those who stop.
      It's not a pretty picture. It's definitely open to a great deal of debate and speculation. But when you see what happens when you romance Astarion Ascended as Karlach...you find that he will discard anyone in the blink of an eye.

    • @Megasaurusify
      @Megasaurusify Před 5 měsíci +2

      @@KittyPrydeVFX an ascended vampire is a new thing though.

    • @KittyPrydeVFX
      @KittyPrydeVFX Před 5 měsíci +4

      @@Megasaurusify well, that's what I'd heard through the grapevine
      Either way, his behavior when Ascended is very abuse-coded, and makes me and friends who have been through abusive situations very unhappy/uncomfortable, because we no longer take it.
      When you play as Karlach and he tries to make her a vampire...the things he says there paint a very clear picture of who he's become.

  • @rosesandmilk
    @rosesandmilk Před 5 měsíci +2

    Committed for LAUve

  • @jimstoesz3878
    @jimstoesz3878 Před 5 měsíci +16

    It's insane how there are people who stay with Ascended Astarion - even letting him turn them into a spawn - as if what he's describing is exactly what awaits them.

    • @ANPC-pi9vu
      @ANPC-pi9vu Před 5 měsíci +8

      Not really. It's not real after all, and some are playing characters who are more villainous and want to be along for that ride and live that lifestyle. And then there's sub/bottom tendencies because my god, the things he says... Never been so called out in my life.
      Also, though his full vampirism and power trip twist and pervert him, I do believe he still feels love and such... just not as equals. No one will ever be his equal. To what degree he will be capable of caring in this way, I do not know, as we did not get enough time with Ascendant to fully apreciate the change. By the final battle not that much time has passed since he ascended, and so it's not too surprising that he's not fully jaded and detached, and still shows some moments of compassion so long as it is not involving him not getting his way. But even just one hundred years from the end of the game, who knows what will be left of the person he was now that everyone is lesser to him, ...not just gnomes.
      Anyhow, some good aligned Tavs could even become his consort out of desperation to stay with him as his live in tard rangler and to try to influence or manipulate his ambitions away from doing great harm and towards more constructive aplications. Will to power isn't inherently evil, but the urges of a vampire are. Yet he wanted to keep us as we were, not let vampirism change and pervert us the way it does for normal spawn. It's a fascinating thought for that to possibly be his saving grace in the long run, as his main ambition seems to be to have fun.
      A good example is an Ascendant outcome where he offers to go to Avernus with Karlach to fight by her side in the hells, because if you romanced him as Karlach, then that is what will be fun for him if he can't have her as his consort due to her engine. Hell, he's probably figuring he can find a solution in the hells and THEN get his consort, because the love of a vampire is obsessive and possessive. But again, redirecting his impulses to something more positive isn't impossible as seen in this outcome.
      And really, he's pretty evil natured when we met him as a spawn, and for all the credit we give him of being misunderstood or in need of our nurturing to become a better person, a LOT of his better nature comes down to us redirecting our chaos gremlin when you look at the meta data on his approval. Fail to redirect him or embrace your own dark urge, and he will gladly just embrace evil with you, even in cases like Yenna's abduction, where he shows hesitant concern for Yenna as is adorably embarrassed about wanting to save her, but gives up the moment Durge shows indifference towards Yenna and will approve of encouraging Orran to just get it over with in killing Yenna. This broke my heart to find out, as I wanted to believe Astarion is better than that, but there we have it. He's no Zevran Aranai after all.

    • @Megasaurusify
      @Megasaurusify Před 5 měsíci +2

      Why? It’s fun to try something different every play through :)

  • @StarMasterUA
    @StarMasterUA Před 5 měsíci +2

    Ахахахаза, я не могу с него. Он как котёнок из мультика, у которого не получилось собрать картинку из кубиков
    "Опять ничо не получается. И с ассеншеном тоже... Ну и пожалуйста! Ну и не нужно! Ну и не очень-то мне нужно с тобой быть! И вообще, страшнейшие преступления были совершены во имя любви!"

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Эх такой он милаш я не могу, бедолага

  • @titaniumtears615
    @titaniumtears615 Před 5 měsíci +1

    LAUVE 👹

  • @ii-fk8mo
    @ii-fk8mo Před 5 měsíci +3

    Ля, бедный дедуля, как его после Асцендента поплавило-то :(

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Мне его так жалко, я не могу 💔 спавн столько эмоций не вызывает, он слишком базированный, и у него почти все норм, а вот этот драматичный страдалец просто 10/10

    • @ii-fk8mo
      @ii-fk8mo Před 5 měsíci +3

      @@kkotova1 ааааh, i see! :]
      Well as for me, on the contrary, im really falling for my initial Astarion. Because imho! hes enough. Hes a loving n already a traumatised grampa. N very genuine n very supportive. I have already enough pain n tragedies in my own lyf.
      But u know, good for u!😚

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1

      ⁠@@ii-fk8mo😄травмированный тут главное слово 😂😂😂😂

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci

      @@ii-fk8moХотя нет, дедуля главное слово 😂

    • @ii-fk8mo
      @ii-fk8mo Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@kkotova1 oh maiiiii💗💗💗

  • @cc13556
    @cc13556 Před 5 měsíci +1

    shiiiit i’m not complaining

  • @Grizera
    @Grizera Před 5 měsíci +2

    Я правильно поняла, что он хвалит тава за то, что тот оставил его, а иначе бы он просто пользовался им или как? А вообще, когда Астарион говорит о любви, то я уверенна, что у его вознесённой версии серьёзная любовь относится сначала к алкоголю, а потом уже к персонажу ахаххаха

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +2

      Мне кажется он тут про себя говорит, его любовь и доверие предали, он в ней разочарован. Ведь он хотел разделить все достижения с тем, с кем у него впервые было что-то похожее на серьезные отношения, а его бросили. Он глубоко обижен и поэтому кидается такими фразами 😀 это мой любимый диалог вообще

  • @pinstripeowl
    @pinstripeowl Před 5 měsíci +1


  • @agent_star
    @agent_star Před 5 měsíci +4

    So as someone with ASPD and see's it in him. I'm afraid to say based on that and the things the writers have said, he is only saying that to punish you for leaving him. Spawn is no different aside from being powerless and thus needing to be nicer to make sure you don't leave him. I don't feel love but I do feel possessive and things and people I view as mine I will protect and care for. Leave me though I will hurt you for it.

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Interesting thought 🤔

  • @Kasiarzynka
    @Kasiarzynka Před 5 měsíci +2

    Jesus fucking Christ, I'd like to experience ascended Astarion in at least one playthrough but even just watching a short of the way he speaks and what he says, it puts me in such discomfort and stress and fear and makes me wanna cry 😭. Fucking, textbook abusive behavior example 😭

  • @TimeWizard727
    @TimeWizard727 Před 5 měsíci +5

    While I dont know everything about this character, I do know that he sounds hurt on one end and earnest with respect that he's disappointed in himself that he admits he would be toxic for the person he's talking to.

    • @ANPC-pi9vu
      @ANPC-pi9vu Před 5 měsíci +1

      I don't think he's disappointed in himself, though. He's coming to terms with his nature and being self aware as much as he's masking the sting of loss... that loss being that he wanted to possess us as his Dark Consort, which seems to be similar to a Vampire Bride in D&D lore. One constant in D&D vampires is that they become creatures of pure ego. If he was disappointed in himself he would never admit it and instead would be compelled to take it out on you to protect his ego, but no, he embraces the Machiavellian nature of what he has become and wants his former lover to be a powerful ally rather than an enemy. Or to at least not actively oppose him and force him to turn on you at this juncture.

  • @user-kv7by1vt7z
    @user-kv7by1vt7z Před 5 měsíci +5

    Я уверена, что Вознесенный не для всех.
    Не каждая может оценить по достоинству такого мужчину и читать между строк, что именно он говорит.
    "Ах, какой он плохой, хотел использовать мою гг, растоптать её любовь" - слышала я такое мнение после того, как самому Асту разбили сердце и сделали больно. Конечно, он в ответ решил тоже морально ударить, да посильнее.
    Вот только все его острые слова - просто слова, а не поступки: АА ни разу не попытался навредить Тав и даже обратить против воли.
    Высший, Вознесенный вампир настолько любит гг, что не то, чтобы обратить в будущем в рабство или попробовать убить (привет спавн, который в одной из концовок на это намекает😅), ничего, только помогает.
    И кто здесь главное зло?😈

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +2

      Я бы хотела оценить этот диалог даже с другой стороны, потому что не смотря на то, что он был супер обижен и не смотря на свою обсессивную любовь, он сам пришел и даже можно сказать извинился за свое поведение. Если это не рост персонажа то что? Вознесеныш тоже осознанный и думающий, хоть и говорит что-то неприятное, но он говорит это в том числе и про себя. Его доверие было использовано и его любовь разрушена, потому что на деле все, что он получил, ради чего они старались, не имеет смысла, тк он не может это разделить со своей любовью, как он всегда мечтал. Это вообще самый великолепный диалог с вознесенным за всю игру, жаль, что ради этого нужно его так подло бросить прям перед последним шагом. Вот здесь авторы реально постарались.

  • @katherine1304
    @katherine1304 Před 5 měsíci +7

    “ascended astarion really loves and cares for tav”
    broken up with ascended astarion about what his plans for tav’s love had been:

    • @zen_tewmbs
      @zen_tewmbs Před 5 měsíci +4

      I am NOT an A-Astarion fangirl, but I do think this is a bit reductive of an interpretation of what he’s melodramatically saying. Astarions lines always have layers, and I think this line is half true and half him convincing himself. The line that rings truest and most straightforward to me is that he respects you for it.

    • @britt6184
      @britt6184 Před 5 měsíci +4

      The one person he trusted most who was also the first person he truly loved abandoned him after helping to turn him into this quote-unquote monster.
      His behavior isn't good but try to see it from his perspective. He's hurting and lashing out at the one who hurt him.
      He says multiple times after ascension that he wants his lover to be apart of his new future.
      He also admits in a non-romanced epilogue that he feels lonely and surrounded by people who would see him dead.
      Just food for thought.

    • @ladylunara5
      @ladylunara5 Před 4 hodinami

      @@britt6184 you're absolutely right and a lot of people like to overlook this. the character as a whole is very multi-layered.

  • @KillerInnocentx
    @KillerInnocentx Před 5 měsíci +2

    Is this his epilogue speech if you dumped him before the end?

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +2

      No, it’s the dialogue 3 days after you refuse to become his consort

    • @KillerInnocentx
      @KillerInnocentx Před 5 měsíci +2

      So if You refuse to that tav and astarion break up?

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +2

      there is only one way to stay with ascended astarion not becoming his consort - you should go to the final battle with the brain straight after his ascention without longrest :D@@KillerInnocentx

  • @patyluna821
    @patyluna821 Před 5 měsíci +2

    Tav: So I dodged a bullet

  • @user-mg5vi5ts4f
    @user-mg5vi5ts4f Před 5 měsíci +6

    Вооот про этот диалог я и имела ввиду, что вознесенным он к сожалению, не будет нас искренне любить, а скорее будет использовать для своих целей 🥲 но мне нравится этот диалог, особенно про преступления ради любви) очень ярко раскрывается его характер и настоящее отношение к любви. С таким презрением произносит😂

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +3

      Мне кажется он это так говорит потому, что он супер обижен, его эго задето, тк тот, к кому у него были дикие какие то любовно-обсессивные чувства, с которым у него впервые в жизни было что-то похожее на настоящие отношения, ушел от него, не разделив то, над чем они, на минуточку, вместе старались! Там есть вариант диалога «я делала ужасные вещи ради тебя», на что он отвечает, что «мечты об идеальном мужчине - твой злейший враг». Этот диалог не просто какой-то очередной говняк от Вознесеныша, это чистая философия, тут нужно между строк читать

    • @AlexKhodja
      @AlexKhodja Před 5 měsíci

      ​@@kkotova1 А в каком моменте он произносит эти строки? Мне только напоминает диалог при встрече с братьями отродьями при ночевке, когда он начинает им вгонять, что бы те были на его стороне при ритуале.
      Тав говорит то "ты же знаешь что они умрут! нак те не стыдно?" а Астарион отвечает что "я не такой каким ты хочешь меня видеть"

  • @anna-friedavandyk
    @anna-friedavandyk Před 5 měsíci +23

    Out of curiousity- after he turns you into a vampire bride, can you still break up with him? Cause that sounds like the surest way to getting punished for being "ungrateful."

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +8

      Yes you can, he just says "I dont have to take this from you, you ingrate". But I've never been further than that :D Maybe there's something else

    • @anna-friedavandyk
      @anna-friedavandyk Před 5 měsíci +6

      @@kkotova1 Huh. Genuinely thought that was the point of no return. So you can be an immortal vampire who doesn't fear the sun- all while dropping the toxic twink.
      I just figured he'd go all yandere on you or something.
      Little anti-climatic

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci +18

      you can only do it before fighting the brain. If you do it after, he will not let you go, he says "Dont be stupid, darling, you're mine, remember?"

    • @anna-friedavandyk
      @anna-friedavandyk Před 5 měsíci +7

      @@kkotova1 And I'm guessing he doesn't allow the argument to go further?
      At least you set up an asking for freedom narrative in the epilogue.
      Wonder if Durge/Tav would run away eventually under those circumstances....

    • @Ilovedallthepeople
      @Ilovedallthepeople Před 5 měsíci +10

      He also doesnt turn you into a vampire bride, just a spawn.

  • @DelicatelySarah
    @DelicatelySarah Před 5 měsíci +1


  • @JulianLurain
    @JulianLurain Před 5 měsíci +4

    Whats funny is i was like everyone . "Hes so hot" But then I realized. I was done letting toxic men into my life 😊 Himbo Mommy Karlach for me thank you

    • @kkotova1
      @kkotova1  Před 5 měsíci

      I am so happy you are able to set your boundaries!!!!❤️❤️not many people can do that

  • @tancewaslost5196
    @tancewaslost5196 Před 2 měsíci

    "For- l o v e😤"

  • @badgerbadgerton966
    @badgerbadgerton966 Před 5 měsíci +2
