🌈 Top 100 Gay Hollywood Actors - Celebrity

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 252

  • @GurayData
    @GurayData  Před měsícem +7

    LAST 350 FOR 5000 SUBSCRIBERS 🚀🚀✊✊🦅🦅

  • @hamzasamai922
    @hamzasamai922 Před 13 dny +20

    تستطيع ان تقول اسوء 100 ممثل وشاذ ايضا

    • @AlexejSvirid
      @AlexejSvirid Před 11 dny

      God sees and remembers everything, and then there will be the Judgment.
      The story of God's Judgment over Sodom and Gomorrah is set out in the Bible: in the 18th and 19th chapters of the book of Genesis.
      Genesis 18: 20-21: "And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know."
      It means huge amount of complaints about serious crimes were received from these cities. Three detective angels in human form were sent to check them. Two of them entered Sodom and settled down for the night with righteous Lot.
      Genesis 19: 4-5: "But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them."
      The words “all the people” mean the king, the priests, the policemen, and all the other inhabitants of Sodom. Their demand to bring Lot's guests to them to commit a crime was met with a peaceful protest from Lot, who offered them a ransom in exchange for their refusal to attack his guests. Lot's proposal was perceived as a rebellion:
      Genesis 19: 9: "And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door."
      In a small city-state, only the king has the right to Judge. The accusation of trying to "judge" means an accusation of encroachment on royal power, and this entails the highest punishment. At the same time, the Sodomite authorities say, “We will do worse to you than to them”: they understand that they are doing Bad, but are ready to do even Worse. This indicates the deliberateness and awareness of their criminal actions.
      The subsequent narrative tells of the evacuation of the innocent and the carrying out of God's sentence.
      As we see, the brazen lawlessness of the Sodom and Gomorrah authorities did not go unnoticed by Jehovah, and one day that gang of insolent traitors ran into a God’s SWAT team sent to check the complaints.
      This story is one of the examples of God's Judgment described in the Bible. The people of Sodom thought that they were in the majority and that they could do whatever they wanted, but Jehovah turned out to have His own opinion. God's Judgment proceeds according to God's norms and laws, and not according to human ones.
      Unfortunately, these days the whole world has become like Sodom: homosexuality is taught to children in the schools of the leading world powers, and complaints about the lawlessness of traitors in power come from all over the world.
      Proverbs 16: 12: "It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness."
      Those who commit crimes will lose their power.
      The problem is Devil runs the world. He is liar and murderer. This is the reason why Hitler got the power, but Christ was executed as "blasphemer" and "rioter" by denunciation of clergy.
      That's why we've got the Gospel about the God's kingdom. Jehovah would put everything in order. He has anointed the king, Jesus Christ. The dead will be resurected and we'll meet our beloved ones again! :-)

    • @salehhassanhameed9174
      @salehhassanhameed9174 Před 9 dny

      حاجه اخر ارف
      عالم ضايعة

  • @johnxforce4
    @johnxforce4 Před měsícem +52

    Didn’t know that Elton John was an actor let alone American. Thought he was a singer and British 🇬🇧

  • @David-yw2lv
    @David-yw2lv Před měsícem +32

    Elliott Page looked better as a female.

  • @user-lg9dc5ob6b
    @user-lg9dc5ob6b Před měsícem +47

    Are there any straight men in Hollywood?? 🤔🤔

  • @Oleg55547
    @Oleg55547 Před 13 dny +12

    Походу у них мужиков не осталось. Печально. 👎

  • @devonvalentino321
    @devonvalentino321 Před 18 dny +6

    If these are the top 100 gay Hollywood Actors, who are the bottom 100 gay Hollywood actors?

  • @keithnaylor1981
    @keithnaylor1981 Před 17 dny +8

    Why does anyone need to know this?
    I look forward to your next video - 100 Hollywood actors who were not gay!

  • @Perseus505
    @Perseus505 Před měsícem +30

    Please ignorant people. Elton John is NOT an american actor!!!

    • @GurayData
      @GurayData  Před měsícem +5

      We made a mistake, I'm sorry.

    • @AngeloGabriel-bt6ms
      @AngeloGabriel-bt6ms Před měsícem +1

      ​@@GurayDataElton John is from England and was born in London.

  • @omarthompson3957
    @omarthompson3957 Před 12 dny +6

    Although he's gay .. Elton John is a famous & brilliant musician Dude !!!! Not an actor .... 😮 WTH ?????

  • @carspiv
    @carspiv Před 9 dny +4

    A video showing STRAIGHT male entertainers would’ve been much shorter.

  • @liamgdc
    @liamgdc Před měsícem +12

    Elton John american actor??? Who writes this crap.

  • @skylarvlogp702
    @skylarvlogp702 Před měsícem +15

    Most of them are not known to us

  • @joeyoungblood1116
    @joeyoungblood1116 Před měsícem +10


    • @user-fj8cp6dw9v
      @user-fj8cp6dw9v Před 18 dny

      why? how does it bother or affects you? As long as they're great actors, who cares

  • @donmorfeo
    @donmorfeo Před 8 dny +1

    Then there are those actors who are gay but won't admit it publicly.

  • @natalieGilmore-je4ld
    @natalieGilmore-je4ld Před 14 dny +12

    They will have to answer to God for choosing this lifestyle.

    • @martinranalli8572
      @martinranalli8572 Před 13 dny

      Gay people don't choose to be gay they are born that way.

    • @user-su2tg2io3x
      @user-su2tg2io3x Před 11 dny

      That’s false God doesn’t punish gays only killers have to Answer to God and who told you that nonsense and gives you the right to make that comment they didn’t do anything to you shame on you

    • @martinranalli8572
      @martinranalli8572 Před 5 dny

      They don't choose to be gay they are born that way.

    • @boudardguy8104
      @boudardguy8104 Před 4 dny

      Mind Your own bisness.😊

  • @kalany8420
    @kalany8420 Před měsícem +14

    They call that pride😮,,, its discusting shame on all of them.

    • @ilikefries8341
      @ilikefries8341 Před měsícem

      shut the fuck up fucking homophobe. go to your non existing Allah. he can shit on your face

  • @rockyrobles2165
    @rockyrobles2165 Před 4 dny +1

    If it says Elton John is an american actor, now I have doubts about him being gay.

  • @jeneanmcbrearty4747
    @jeneanmcbrearty4747 Před 27 dny +4

    I have to say, I haven't even heard of most of these people...I recognize two English actors, two from sit-coms and two singers. That's it. Maybe you'd have to take some people from the Jewish list and move them over to the gay list.

  • @user-vy3gs7om7u
    @user-vy3gs7om7u Před 27 dny +10

    А почему ТОП? Большинство из них никому не интесны и не известны. Или теперь если не гей, то не ТОП?

  • @omarthompson3957
    @omarthompson3957 Před 12 dny +2

    Elton Is British & Musician ........ 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  • @user-ss6wo6qd7c
    @user-ss6wo6qd7c Před 29 dny +24

    Какой ужас! В ад идёте прямой дорогой товарищи!

    • @user-su2tg2io3x
      @user-su2tg2io3x Před 11 dny

      That’s not true God loves everyone

    • @AlexejSvirid
      @AlexejSvirid Před 11 dny

      Бог все видит и помнит, а потом будет Суд.
      История Божьего суда над Содомом и Гоморрой изложена в Библии: в 18й и 19й главах книги Бытие.
      Бытие 18: 20-21: "И сказал Господь: вопль Содомский и Гоморрский, велик он, и грех их, тяжел он весьма; сойду и посмотрю, точно ли они поступают так, каков вопль на них, восходящий ко Мне, или нет; узнаю."
      То есть: из этих городов поступало много жалоб на тяжкие преступления. Для их проверки были посланы три оперуполномоченных ангела в человеческом виде. Два из них вошли в Содом и расположились на ночлег у праведного Лота.
      Бытие 19: 4-5: "Еще не легли они спать, как городские жители, Содомляне, от молодого до старого, весь народ со всех концов города, окружили дом и вызвали Лота и говорили ему: где люди, пришедшие к тебе на ночь? выведи их к нам; мы познаем их."
      Слова "весь народ" означают и царя, и священников, и полицейских, и всех остальных жителей Содома. Их требование вывести гостей Лота к ним для совершения преступления встретило мирный протест Лота, который предложил им выкуп в обмен на их отказ от нападения на его гостей. Предложение Лота было воспринято как бунт:
      Бытие 19: 9: "Но они сказали: пойди сюда. И сказали: вот пришлец, и хочет судить? теперь мы хуже поступим с тобою, нежели с ними. И очень приступали к человеку сему, к Лоту, и подошли, чтобы выломать дверь."
      В маленьком городе-государстве право Судить имеет только царь. Обвинение в попытке "судить" означает обвинение в посягательстве на царскую власть, а это влечет за собой высшую меру наказания. При этом, содомские авторитеты говорят - "мы Хуже поступим с тобой, чем с ними": они понимают, что поступают Плохо, но готовы поступить еще Хуже. Это указывает на преднамеренность и осознанность их преступных действий.
      Дальнейшее повествование рассказывает об эвакуации невиновных и приведении Божьего приговора в исполнение.
      Как мы видим, наглое беззаконие содомских и гоморрских властей не осталось без внимания Иеговы и однажды та банда обнаглевших предателей напоролась на группу Божьего спецназа, присланую для проверки жалоб. Содом и Гоморра были сожжены вместе с их жителями.
      Эта история - один из примеров Божьего Суда, описанных в Библии. Жители Содома думали, что их большинство, и что они могут делать все, что захотят, но у Иеговы оказалось Свое мнение. Божий Суд идет по Божьим нормам и законам, а не по человеческим.
      К сожалению, в наши дни весь мир стал похож на Содом: гомосексуализм преподают детям в школах ведущих мировых держав, а жалобы на беззакония предателей во власти идут со всех концов света.
      Притчи 16: 12: "Мерзость для царей - дело беззаконное, потому что правдою утверждается престол."
      Те, кто ведет себя нечестно, потеряют власть.
      Проблема в том, что Этим миром правит Дьявол, лжец и убийца. Поэтому Гитлер пришел к власти и много лет был лидером державы мирового уровня, а Христа казнили по доносу духовенства за "богохульство" и "бунтарство", например.
      И поэтому существует Благая весть о Божьем царстве:
      Наш Создатель, Иегова бог, назначил царя, Иисуса Христа, который наведет порядок. Даже мертвые будут воскрешены и мы увидим всех, кого потеряли. :-)

    • @muna252
      @muna252 Před 11 dny


    • @cit3x718
      @cit3x718 Před 11 dny

      @@user-su2tg2io3x А этих парней ОН любит через зад))) And HE loves these guys through the ass)))

    • @zynbalmy3803
      @zynbalmy3803 Před 10 dny

      @@user-su2tg2io3xjust shut up

  • @sebastiangimenez7910
    @sebastiangimenez7910 Před 12 dny +3

    Te faltó Mbapé....le gustan los trapiches!!!

  • @conchicontreras5085
    @conchicontreras5085 Před měsícem +11


  • @adad-nerari4117
    @adad-nerari4117 Před 4 dny +1

    It would be shorter to list those that aren't gay !

  • @456loveluck
    @456loveluck Před měsícem +4

    Jake T Austin is not gay 😢😡

  • @johnxforce4
    @johnxforce4 Před měsícem +3

    And why not display the English 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 flag instead of the British 🇬🇧 flag?

  • @osamaamh2146
    @osamaamh2146 Před 12 dny +2

    Just for the record.. Elton John is a British singer not American nor actor!

  • @dominicedewinter6933
    @dominicedewinter6933 Před 12 dny +2

    Elton John ist an british Song wrigter by thevway 😂

  • @UnitedDiscovererSpiritualist

    Moome! Moome! !!

  • @85justsomedude
    @85justsomedude Před 10 dny +1

    I like the actors who can act normal and dont make it obvious. If only they could all be like that. Some of these actually surprised me

  • @FrankCarr-qw8kj
    @FrankCarr-qw8kj Před 23 dny +2

    Elton John is not an actor

    • @draganbratavic8110
      @draganbratavic8110 Před 11 dny

      Yes. And he's not American. He's British. It's stupid video.

    • @SrD0515
      @SrD0515 Před 10 dny

      ...and is not american

  • @vickiguyton6509
    @vickiguyton6509 Před měsícem +8

    Who cares!

  • @kusiawoodtvofficialchannel6295

    And where is that frеаk from the very strange things Noah Schnapp???

  • @user-su2tg2io3x
    @user-su2tg2io3x Před 11 dny +1

    U have multiple singers on this list and you forgot Craig Ferguson and I don’t remember his name he’s in stranger things he plays Will Byers which are both gay

  • @heru-deshet359
    @heru-deshet359 Před měsícem +2

    Neil P. Harris and Ricky Martin?!! No! I don't believe it! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @alfonsovalle
    @alfonsovalle Před 17 dny +2

    Ricky Martin no es actor, es cantante.

  • @TroubledLoner
    @TroubledLoner Před měsícem +5

    "Elton John, American Actor" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @taniaramaki5142
    @taniaramaki5142 Před 11 dny +1

    You have a oided the super stars actually most of them are gay

  • @Eva-ru5hz
    @Eva-ru5hz Před měsícem +19

    Sodom und Gomorra!

    • @AlexejSvirid
      @AlexejSvirid Před 11 dny

      God sees and remembers everything, and then there will be the Judgment.
      The story of God's Judgment over Sodom and Gomorrah is set out in the Bible: in the 18th and 19th chapters of the book of Genesis.
      Genesis 18: 20-21: "And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know."
      It means huge amount of complaints about serious crimes were received from these cities. Three detective angels in human form were sent to check them. Two of them entered Sodom and settled down for the night with righteous Lot.
      Genesis 19: 4-5: "But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them."
      The words “all the people” mean the king, the priests, the policemen, and all the other inhabitants of Sodom. Their demand to bring Lot's guests to them to commit a crime was met with a peaceful protest from Lot, who offered them a ransom in exchange for their refusal to attack his guests. Lot's proposal was perceived as a rebellion:
      Genesis 19: 9: "And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door."
      In a small city-state, only the king has the right to Judge. The accusation of trying to "judge" means an accusation of encroachment on royal power, and this entails the highest punishment. At the same time, the Sodomite authorities say, “We will do worse to you than to them”: they understand that they are doing Bad, but are ready to do even Worse. This indicates the deliberateness and awareness of their criminal actions.
      The subsequent narrative tells of the evacuation of the innocent and the carrying out of God's sentence.
      As we see, the brazen lawlessness of the Sodom and Gomorrah authorities did not go unnoticed by Jehovah, and one day that gang of insolent traitors ran into a God’s SWAT team sent to check the complaints.
      This story is one of the examples of God's Judgment described in the Bible. The people of Sodom thought that they were in the majority and that they could do whatever they wanted, but Jehovah turned out to have His own opinion. God's Judgment proceeds according to God's norms and laws, and not according to human ones.
      Unfortunately, these days the whole world has become like Sodom: homosexuality is taught to children in the schools of the leading world powers, and complaints about the lawlessness of traitors in power come from all over the world.
      Proverbs 16: 12: "It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness."
      Those who commit crimes will lose their power.
      The problem is Devil runs the world. He is liar and murderer. This is the reason why Hitler got the power, but Christ was executed as "blasphemer" and "rioter" by denunciation of clergy.
      That's why we've got the Gospel about the God's kingdom. Jehovah would put everything in order. He has anointed the king, Jesus Christ. The dead will be resurected and we'll meet our beloved ones again! :-)

  • @user-yi2nr8su9y
    @user-yi2nr8su9y Před měsícem +10

    Что то общие с топом евреи Голливуда😂

  • @james1947ful
    @james1947ful Před 5 dny

    Only 5 names rang any bells. The rest of them I have never heard of.

  • @RobertTaylor-sw7wj
    @RobertTaylor-sw7wj Před měsícem +4

    Gay Cabals'have huge power!

  • @user-gw1gg4bu1r
    @user-gw1gg4bu1r Před měsícem +1

    It is very sad. America hasn't women, has it?

  • @montseportugal5118
    @montseportugal5118 Před měsícem +3

    Pues si. " Pierden aceite" 😊😊

  • @nandofigueira2005
    @nandofigueira2005 Před měsícem +6

    Perdonalos Padre Nuestro porque no saben lo que hacen.

    • @456loveluck
      @456loveluck Před měsícem

      They're living their lives
      They can't force themselves to be with women
      Women are gross to them 😂

    • @heru-deshet359
      @heru-deshet359 Před měsícem

      Saben muy bien. Escogieron esa vida.

    • @nandofigueira2005
      @nandofigueira2005 Před měsícem +3

      @@heru-deshet359 No saben porque estan ciegos por el pecado aunque tengan ojos.

  • @user-hb6vn9ym6e
    @user-hb6vn9ym6e Před 12 dny +1

    Leslie Jordan is dead

  • @storm_of_truth
    @storm_of_truth Před 5 dny

    Оказывается сколько много голубых в Америке и Великобритании. Я со всего списка лишь нескольких видел в фильмах.

  • @conchicontreras5085
    @conchicontreras5085 Před měsícem +3

    Elton John ni es americano ni actor es inglés y cantante

  • @carolyntickle1417
    @carolyntickle1417 Před měsícem +4

    What a list to be on. Evil, Demonic , SAD

  • @SamsungA24-wn9sr
    @SamsungA24-wn9sr Před měsícem +1

    Qiyomat yaqin inshaolloh

  • @ChrisGuzmanS
    @ChrisGuzmanS Před 15 dny

    Damn, who you least expect.
    Everybody is aboard the gay train it seems

  • @miguelherrera1137
    @miguelherrera1137 Před 13 dny +1

    Elton Jhon "actor norteamericano"???

  • @Lucky0670
    @Lucky0670 Před 11 dny

    John Barrowman is Scottish not American

  • @matheusbr7340
    @matheusbr7340 Před měsícem +1

    Algum brasileiro vendo em Julho de 2024 ???

  • @EdisonCordero-e3l
    @EdisonCordero-e3l Před 12 dny

    "Buen ejemplo, para las generaciones futuras"

  • @Iveta-rj8rj
    @Iveta-rj8rj Před 10 dny

    Richard Chamber? Chamberlaine!

  • @lesamisdelacuisineprovenca9534

    Elton Johns american actor.... oops !!!
    is'nt there anything wrong with it ???

  • @budzik6897
    @budzik6897 Před měsícem +1

    Richard Chamber? Tom Ford actor?

  • @lynncalton3731
    @lynncalton3731 Před 9 dny

    Well ELLEN PAGE ISNT A MAN SO get that right

  • @user-hb6vn9ym6e
    @user-hb6vn9ym6e Před měsícem +1

    Forgot David Archeleta from American idol Chad Bono

  • @archimalditosolohayuno

    AI-generated videos are absolute rubbish.

  • @cleberrenato429
    @cleberrenato429 Před 29 dny +2


  • @MM-yi9zn
    @MM-yi9zn Před měsícem +2

    No women?

    • @GurayData
      @GurayData  Před měsícem +1


    • @dimserk1252
      @dimserk1252 Před měsícem +1

      @@GurayData i think you must make a list for lesbian αctors that he mean and he said no woman

    • @sexcorpio6976
      @sexcorpio6976 Před 16 dny


    • @user-hi4et8tq7d
      @user-hi4et8tq7d Před 16 dny +1

      Hellen page goof😮😮

  • @julienelson6025
    @julienelson6025 Před měsícem +2

    Thats not rupert everett

  • @user-qb7tb9xz9b
    @user-qb7tb9xz9b Před měsícem +10


  • @edlutz7218
    @edlutz7218 Před 18 dny

    You forgot robby deqero

    @JOSECANUCCJ Před 14 dny +1

    Fudgrpackers R Us😊

  • @georgefromjungle5211
    @georgefromjungle5211 Před 24 dny

    Richard Chamberlain

  • @user-jj2gx9fc6h
    @user-jj2gx9fc6h Před měsícem +1

    Их имя легион

  • @jorgefajardo5418
    @jorgefajardo5418 Před 22 dny +1

    Muy pocos conocidos o relévantes, son una minoría igual que en el mundo real, pero quieren imponerse a la mayoría, que absurdo!!!

    • @igorsantiago4947
      @igorsantiago4947 Před 19 dny

      Minoria que está lutando por direitos, coisa que gente homofóbica como você jamais saberá.

  • @Inlinefour1980
    @Inlinefour1980 Před měsícem +6

    🌈das neue Behindertenzeichen.

  • @SekaSeka-tg1uu
    @SekaSeka-tg1uu Před 8 dny +1

    I ovakvi da nam vedre i oblace😅

  • @dionisiocejas-mh4ej
    @dionisiocejas-mh4ej Před 6 dny

    Randolph scoth

  • @fifilounalopez3091
    @fifilounalopez3091 Před 13 dny +1

    🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥direction à l'enfer 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @user-gy2dj4pm1v
    @user-gy2dj4pm1v Před 4 dny

    Люк Эванс красивый мужчина и гей, а мог бы столько красивых деток наделать!😢

  • @EliaMilia-hb8so
    @EliaMilia-hb8so Před 15 dny +1

    Cosa importa della vita sessuale delle persone?!,

  • @AndrzejB-t4g
    @AndrzejB-t4g Před 10 dny

    Elton John american actor?

  • @Charlie8-io9mq
    @Charlie8-io9mq Před měsícem +1

    Im 101% heterosexual & i dont give hoot who these folks hug n kiss! I don't even know who all are! But the ones i did recognize have brought some great talent & shared with the world! If their lifestyle is a sin they'll find out just like myself for my sins!

  • @user-lm6ol7dd6k
    @user-lm6ol7dd6k Před 9 dny

    Лица довольные, будто гейство знак качества😂 а ведь наоборот!

  • @user-hb6vn9ym6e
    @user-hb6vn9ym6e Před měsícem +1

    Adam lambert expecially

  • @johnmatrix2881
    @johnmatrix2881 Před 14 hodinami

    This bullshit is made with A.I. and is full of mistakes. grade F, sit down!

  • @ismaelfranciscoalmeida6803

    🤔🤦🏼‍♂️ cadê 🤷🏼‍♂️ ? Os Rambos, Schwarzenegger, Braddock , Charles Bronson acabaram os machos do cinema só tem os kens e Barbies agora

  • @mamenrs7538
    @mamenrs7538 Před 25 dny

    No me interesa nada lo que sean,sino que trabajen bien,sois muy pesados a nadie nos importan

  • @ignatovandrey1743
    @ignatovandrey1743 Před 10 dny

    Почти все из США😂Это заразно?😂

  • @NazarBerdiqulov
    @NazarBerdiqulov Před 6 dny

    Eminul macron dastin trudo 😂😂

  • @matheusbr7340
    @matheusbr7340 Před měsícem

    So Good So,So Beautiful So Perfect Song So, So Beautiful, So i love Song Forever So,😊😅😮😢🎉😂❤ !!!

  • @ernthankyou7699
    @ernthankyou7699 Před 26 dny

    hello - elton and adam l are not actors.

  • @Marcellodasilvarego
    @Marcellodasilvarego Před měsícem

    acho que o da foto não é rupert everett

  • @bobbibaker4685
    @bobbibaker4685 Před měsícem +1

    Eliot Page is trans, not gay. There is a difference.

  • @FrankCarr-qw8kj
    @FrankCarr-qw8kj Před 23 dny

    Adam lambert is not an actor

  • @dionisiocejas-mh4ej
    @dionisiocejas-mh4ej Před 6 dny

    Que cantidad que somos.perdon que son

  • @user-hb6vn9ym6e
    @user-hb6vn9ym6e Před měsícem +1

    Leslie jordan dead

  • @bigbear7971
    @bigbear7971 Před 15 dny

    I love 💕 it

  • @haydarhannachi9374
    @haydarhannachi9374 Před 26 dny

    Omg Yuri is gay 😂

  • @James66662
    @James66662 Před měsícem

    If you gonna have top 100 atleast have some number to each person
    Etc lol

  • @zshah3107
    @zshah3107 Před měsícem +5

    I wish I was Gay also (72%) besides I rather be mostly Bisexual person!

  • @alfonsovalle
    @alfonsovalle Před 17 dny

    Mas del 90% no se quiénes son

  • @MiguelGarcia-gu7jq
    @MiguelGarcia-gu7jq Před 27 dny

    Queda algún hombre en wokehollywood, actores para papeles rudos, deprimente mundo "artistico".

  • @darkoprpic1670
    @darkoprpic1670 Před 26 dny

    Are they comunist?