Too much Bible Knowledge?

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • The Holy Spirit vs The Bible?

Komentáře • 139

  • @donnajaemoon
    @donnajaemoon Před rokem +23

    “Study to show thyself approved, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the sword of truth.”

  • @djdevo111
    @djdevo111 Před rokem +14

    Corey. I can tell you that you have inspired me in many ways. I am a legally blind man who had a stroke 2 years ago. I know you use Accordance but I use LOGOS and I am a reformed Christian. I don't know Greek or Hebrew but I use the tools that help me digest the passage. It is fascinating to see the original language and how it was interpreted. I am an evolving Christian like we all are. I am so excited to see your videos. God Bless you Corey

  • @JosephGaskin-eh3ie
    @JosephGaskin-eh3ie Před 10 měsíci +2

    Hearing the word, reading a word, and keeping the word is so comforting to me and walking that thin line becomes so much clearer

  • @LadyoftheLord
    @LadyoftheLord Před rokem +18

    When i read scripture it makes me even control myself and behave better. It truly is important to read scriptures everyday.

    • @melbrew7
      @melbrew7 Před 11 měsíci +1

      King James Version

    • @godisgreat219
      @godisgreat219 Před 11 měsíci

      @@melbrew7 From ANY Bible in the world (although there are some that I would not recommend). If you assume GOD only saves those who read one version of Scripture, I pray you eventually allow the Holy Spirit to help you realize how offensive that is to our Creator. You're basically implying that if one does not speak Shakespearean English, they are not saved, nor savable. Please humbly ask Father GOD to reveal the truth to you as I had to regarding this issue. GOD-bless.

    • @LadyoftheLord
      @LadyoftheLord Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@godisgreat219 yea king James version is the most accurate English translation. Other bibles like NIV have been proven to change translation into the wrong meaning and context of what was originally written. That's a huge problem. Ask the holy spirit to reveal this as it has been shown to me.

    • @godisgreat219
      @godisgreat219 Před 11 měsíci

      @@LadyoftheLord With all due respect, I have prayed to Father GOD countless times as well regarding this matter, and His Holy Spirit has revealed to me that my NKJV is perfectly fine. In fact, word for word, the NASB is actually the most accurate version out there, but I like how the NKJV is eloquent similar to the KJV. If you’d like to better understand why it is perfectly acceptable to read from a version other than the KJV, please check out the material from Dr. James White on this subject. He will also explain how it was put together and translated. It is quite fascinating actually, and helps show how GOD has miraculously preserved His Word despite man’s fallibility.
      While I agree with you that there are some versions that I would not touch, that does not mean we can (nor should) throw the baby out with the bath water, so to speak, with all of them. If you prefer the KJV, that is fine. Please just do not make the mistake of thinking you are better than other believers for reading from it, nor look down on those that do not. I made that mistake when I was initially KJV-only, then ETH Cepher-only, and the Holy Spirit had to eventually correct me.
      Be blessed!

    • @davesawe5346
      @davesawe5346 Před 11 měsíci

      Exactly. It's like you are literally drawing nearer to God

  • @penzilt6090
    @penzilt6090 Před rokem +12

    Thank you for this word Corey. People get in trouble when they don’t stick with the Bible. Everyone wants to be a “wonder “ 😞.

  • @tot4god
    @tot4god Před rokem +15

    The Bible clearly states that the Holy Spirit teaches us all things and brings all things to our remembrance.

    • @patreese4616
      @patreese4616 Před 11 měsíci

      We need the word of God and the Spirit. The Holy Spirit teaches us by revealing to us the meaning of the written word. His job is to lead us into all truth. He also brings things back to our remembrance. What is he bringing back to our remembrance? it is the word of God. If their is no word in you he has nothing to bring to your remembrance. John 14:26 Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit and what his purpose is. If we don't know the Word of God, how can we know truth over error when we hear it , if we don't know the Word. We need both in operation. The Spirit will never contradict the Word of God. Everything is tested by the Word. The Spirit and the Word are always in perfect agreement. Jesus gave us teachers.Ephesians 4:11. And he gave some, apostles, and some ,prophets,and some ,evangelists,and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the Saints, for the the work of the ministry,and for the edifying of the body of Christ. We need the teacher called by God and we need the Holy Spirit sent by God and we need the Word of God. I hope this is helpful for someone.

    • @melbrew7
      @melbrew7 Před 11 měsíci

      from the King James Bible

    • @godisgreat219
      @godisgreat219 Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@melbrew7 From ANY Bible in the world (although there are some that I would not recommend). If you assume GOD only saves those who read one version of Scripture, I pray you eventually allow the Holy Spirit to help you realize how offensive that is to our Creator. You're basically implying that if one does not speak Shakespearean English, they are not saved, nor savable. Please humbly ask Father GOD to reveal the truth to you as I had to regarding this issue. GOD-bless.

    • @melbrew7
      @melbrew7 Před 11 měsíci

      @@godisgreat219 if you don't believe an infallible God can preserve an infallible Word throughout generations, ok. But God is not the author of confusion. Several versions is very confusing. Jesus believed there was "A" book preserved and written of Him. Psalm 40:7 KJV
      Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of THE book it is written of me,
      And He quoted versus from THE book:
      ......................BOOK OF JONAH...................
      Luke 11:30 KJV
      For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation.
      Matthew 15:7-8 KJV
      Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, [8] This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
      Matthew 4:7 KJV
      Jesus said unto him, IT IS WRITTEN again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
      & God saves anyone who forsakes his way, strive for righteousness & and believes on the name of Jesus Christ.
      But you and I both know the King James Version bible is the Word of God. That's why sinners afraid to read it. Who u fooling man

    • @melbrew7
      @melbrew7 Před 11 měsíci

      @@godisgreat219 to have TWO or more versions would also go against His nature and His Word.
      James 1:8 KJV
      A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
      God is not unstable and more than God His WORD {BOOK} is not unstable, there's not TWO or more..
      Psalm 138:2 KJV
      I will.... praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for THOU HAST MAGNIFIED THY WORD {BOOK} ABOVE ALL ALL THY NAME.
      "Word" is singular: implied...A BOOK 📖
      That contain volumes written of Him.
      It's not "words". And this same WORD/BOOK is kept perfect thru Revelation.
      Revelation 3:8 KJV
      I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my WORD {BOOK}, and hast not denied my name.
      The WORD of God = The BOOK of God. There is only ONE book which contains God's infallible words..The King James Bible
      All the way

  • @30k415
    @30k415 Před rokem +12

    People need to get off that Milk! It's not about feelings its about TRUTH!!! Study up, get this message on our hearts.

  • @LadyoftheLord
    @LadyoftheLord Před rokem +8

    Thank you Corey for the time and effort to stay a faithful servant of the Lord and lead his sheep ❤🙏🙏🙏

  • @thebible3368
    @thebible3368 Před rokem +13

    Scripture is sufficient. Thank you Corey!!!

  • @somerandomguy4149
    @somerandomguy4149 Před rokem +3

    Everyday when im at work im listening to either john McArthur or paul washer or Voddie Baucham. Or im listening to my bible as im working for 10 to 12 hours a day. I want to know everything i can about jesus before i get to him. And even then i know i will never truly understand him even when we are in heaven. For we will forever search out salvation and why he did what he did on the cross and we will never ever understand it. And that to me is absolutely amazing!!! Why on earth he chose any of us before the foundation of the world is just mind blowing because none of us Deserved it to begin with because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god

    • @melbrew7
      @melbrew7 Před 11 měsíci

      Make sure you read from a King James Version

    • @somerandomguy4149
      @somerandomguy4149 Před 11 měsíci

      @melbrew7 ? Why whats wrong with the NAS.

    • @melbrew7
      @melbrew7 Před 11 měsíci

      @@somerandomguy4149 if your sincere about salvation pray to God about it, He will reveal His true Word to you brother

    • @melbrew7
      @melbrew7 Před 11 měsíci

      @@somerandomguy4149 NAS changes the words of God, & removes them

    • @godisgreat219
      @godisgreat219 Před 11 měsíci

      @@somerandomguy4149 Nothing. GOD can teach you through any translation of His Word - even the worst version out there. I, personally, use the NKJV. Do not let anyone sway you. Take it to the Holy Spirit, and He will show you how you can trust your preferred version. Although I don't believe in Calvinistic views, Dr. James White has a lot of great content on how modern Scripture translations came to be (And yes, some are definitely better/more accurate than others).

  • @indriadrayton1132
    @indriadrayton1132 Před rokem +9

    There is NEVER too much Bible knowledge. Never.

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 Před rokem

      Only the KJB says STUDY
      2 TIMOTHY 2:15
      Deuteronomy 8:3
      Matthew, Luke 4:4

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 Před rokem


    • @gamefacexxix
      @gamefacexxix Před 4 měsíci

      There is never too much Bible knowledge.
      However there can be too little Bible knowledge.
      There also can be too much arrogance with either spirituality or Bible knowledge.

  • @rvvanlife
    @rvvanlife Před rokem +13

    I am fascinated in how you use your Bible software and the Greek and Hebrew to study Biblical text as needed?
    Can the average Christian do that, with that software, without having to learn 2 years of Greek ?
    Would be willing to bet your viewers would love a short tutorial on how to do that.

    • @samurai_fx4911
      @samurai_fx4911 Před rokem

      The software is called Accordance. I went to the website. They have a sale going on right now. Ninety days for free and just $19.95 afterwards. I just downloaded the trial version and I am working my way through the software.

    • @elciscoplummer3255
      @elciscoplummer3255 Před rokem +3

      Idk if it would be possible without at least some understanding. For beginners, I would recommend Blue Letter Bible. It has a guide to basic grammar and alphabet.

  • @kendrickjames4765
    @kendrickjames4765 Před 11 měsíci +3

    Thanks! You are an awesome teacher. God bless

  • @MrRodro3000
    @MrRodro3000 Před rokem +5

    Brother Corey you are in agreement with scripture therefore I am in agreement with you.
    So forgive me if I don't finish this entire CZcams video but I believe in what you are doing and I don't feel you need to explain it to everyone because everyone won't choose to understand.
    Like scripture says, the message of the Gospel is foolishness to the World.
    1 Corinthians 1:18

  • @rosalynharrington5990
    @rosalynharrington5990 Před 11 měsíci +2

    The Holy Spirit teaches all things John 14:26 reminds us: “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”
    I personally have said things I had not read, but spoke in confidence. And not to long after, find it in scripture as confirmation. And said Thank You Holy Ghost. He is indeed Real to me. And I always use it as my proof that the Holy Spirit is Real. There are things I had not read yet, and therefore could not have known, unless He spoke through me. But the WORD of God in confirmation indeed.

  • @patriceparker4901
    @patriceparker4901 Před 11 měsíci +3

    For anyone who needs encouragement: Romans 8:18: The pain you've been feeling can't compare to the joy that is coming! John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Whatever you're going through right now, Whatever the storm or trial may be, have faith, your situation will get better if you trust in God..turn away from your sins and sincerly repent of your sins to a Holy and Just God and he will forgive you..accept Jesus as your Savior..believe he died and suffered on the cross and rose on the third day to Heaven and surrender your entire life to him now while you're still breathing and have a chance! BROAD AND WIDE IS THE PATHWAY TO HELL AND NARROW IS THE PATHWAY TO HEAVEN AND FEW SHALL FIND IT! God bless anyone reading this and have an amazing day! 🙏🏾 🥰

    • @faith23f68
      @faith23f68 Před 11 měsíci


  • @tylercampbell6365
    @tylercampbell6365 Před rokem +10

    Its a combination of the two.. You can have head knowledge and be totally off base about the meaning of Scripture The Holy Spirit teaches and reveals the meaning of Scripture to Christians the way Jesus would. John 14:26 reminds us: “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”

    • @ItsMeBFairley
      @ItsMeBFairley Před rokem +2

      Right and Corey has a lot of Head knowledge and I hate to say this but a lot of His talking points are void of the Spirit!

    • @carolynwhite9975
      @carolynwhite9975 Před 11 měsíci

      @ItsMeBFairley, that's what I think too, Corey is just what his CZcams channel says, He's a Smart Christian. He has some great points at times.

    • @rod5654
      @rod5654 Před 11 měsíci +1

      That scripture was directed to the apostles, not us

  • @abcmaya
    @abcmaya Před 11 měsíci +1

    I remember as a little boy, I asked God "If the world is about to explode and you can save one thing. What will you save?"
    God said "The people"
    So I asked "Are people good or bad?"
    Then God answered "They're bad, all of them. no one is good"
    For years I wondered if what I heard was from God.
    And I'm thankful that we have the bible, otherwise i'll still be wondering if what I heard was true or not.
    When it comes to reading and understanding the bible, i'm just not that good at it.
    And I'm glad we have someone like Cory to help explain what the word of God is saying,.

  • @tylercampbell6365
    @tylercampbell6365 Před rokem +4

    But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.

    • @ContendformyFaith
      @ContendformyFaith Před 11 měsíci

      According to Paul what is a Spiritual person?

    • @ContendformyFaith
      @ContendformyFaith Před 11 měsíci

      And who are those who are not spiritual which Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians?

    • @rosalynharrington5990
      @rosalynharrington5990 Před 11 měsíci

      Only those that are spiritually discerned. Yes and Amen! We all are spiritually from God, he just gave us a house of a body to pass through the womb of a woman to arrive here, our temporary home. May we all choose wisely and make it back to our real home 🏡. And not let those fallen angels convince us to join their team called the Kingdom of darkness. Be blessed! ❤️

  • @AdamAdam-fo5ee
    @AdamAdam-fo5ee Před 11 měsíci

    No Argument here Brother..just discovered your channel.. your Spitting nothing But Fire Truth and Fire.. Your Smooth Like Don Cornelius of Soul can Believe I'm watching your next's Gonna Be A Stone Gas...God Bless you Keep up the Good work,your on the Right Track...

  • @patrickbrowne4606
    @patrickbrowne4606 Před 11 měsíci +3

    MOST of these “anti Bible” people probably aren’t SAVED. Why, or how could a person who has been truly saved speak against studying God’s Word? And what they call “the spirit” is either some demonic spirit or their own emotions.

    • @rosalynharrington5990
      @rosalynharrington5990 Před 11 měsíci +1

      Yes they need the WORD in black and white 🤍 but more importantly they need the Holy Spirit, in order for them to understand the Black and White ( words written). Apart from Him, we cannot do anything. New Living Translation
      “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. ❤

    • @rosalynharrington5990
      @rosalynharrington5990 Před 11 měsíci

      Not a demonic spirit. Those are controlled by their father the devil.

  • @sonjaflip4416
    @sonjaflip4416 Před rokem +3

    Blessings Bro. Cory,, when you have time can you breakdown Romans 11:22 … who is Paul saying will be cutoff…. Thanks Blessings to you

  • @victoriahardin1560
    @victoriahardin1560 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Those are the same people who will call someone "Dr." who completed a 6 week online theology course.

  • @jerrybaldwin8567
    @jerrybaldwin8567 Před 11 měsíci

    As a semi truck driver, I almost had to pull this truck over and take a laugh break when Corey was talking about dragging the demon to sweets. Having a sweet tooth, myself, I would be in that same boat with him.

  • @the_least
    @the_least Před 11 měsíci +1

    Hi Bro. Corey, just asking this question for clarification. Would you mind sharing your understanding of Titus 3:10-11, 2 Timothy 2:23-26, Matt. 10:14 (and in the other gospels)? There does seem to be this idea of letting a matter go if it is rejected.

  • @swordtraining
    @swordtraining Před rokem +4

    I just dealt with this on twitter today! 18:40 The guy kept talking about the spirit and not needing to read the bible because they didn't have books back then. It was like he didn't know scribes existed and they had no books at all! He gave me a link to his blog. It was ALL cold reading prophecy garbage! He might as well write horoscopes. 😐

    • @rosalynharrington5990
      @rosalynharrington5990 Před 11 měsíci

      The Holy Spirit teaches all things John 14:26 reminds us: “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”
      I personally have said things I had not read, but spoke in confidence. And not to long after, find it in scripture as confirmation. And said Thank You Holy Ghost. He is indeed Real to me. And I always use it as my proof that the Holy Spirit is Real. There are things I had not read yet, and therefore could not have known, unless He spoke through me. But the WORD of God in confirmation indeed.

    • @rosalynharrington5990
      @rosalynharrington5990 Před 11 měsíci

      The Holy Spirit teaches all things John 14:26 reminds us: “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”
      I personally have said things I had not read, but spoke in confidence. And not to long after, find it in scripture as confirmation. And said Thank You Holy Ghost. He is indeed Real to me. And I always use it as my proof that the Holy Spirit is Real. There are things I had not read yet, and therefore could not have known, unless He spoke through me. But the WORD of God in confirmation indeed.

  • @roberttarrant1042
    @roberttarrant1042 Před 4 měsíci

    Professor talk about this dispensation. The responsibility, the failure, and the judgment. Accept Christ, be led by the Holy Spirit, but mankind will rejected Christ and trust in good works. The judgment is the tribulation

  • @marshamarshalyn163
    @marshamarshalyn163 Před 11 měsíci +1

    So what if the person is illiterate and can't read the Bible? My neighbor is illiterate and stops going to church recently because his pastor told him his salvation isn't real because he has to depend on others reading the book to him.

  • @TB-li6zu
    @TB-li6zu Před 11 měsíci +2

    We can't understand the things of the spirit 31:25 because they are spiritual discern. No man can know God only by the holy spirit and no man can say Jesus is lord only by spirit.

  • @TB-li6zu
    @TB-li6zu Před 11 měsíci +1

    Jesus said in John 6 verse 44:45 any person must be drawn. Every man therefore that has heard and learned of the father comes to me. It is very important to study the Bible , but the is heard knowledge and heart knowledge. The holy spirit reveals divine things of God. We cannot

  • @chaplainsoffice6907
    @chaplainsoffice6907 Před rokem +3

    If you don't know the bible you don't know God.

  • @roberttarrant1042
    @roberttarrant1042 Před 4 měsíci

    Salvation is by faith, assurance of your salvation is by the Word

  • @terriesterline3749
    @terriesterline3749 Před 11 měsíci

    Brother, as long as we only disagree on the things that don't necessarily matter to my salvation, I can watch you all day with the Bible studies you put out. I desire to know the Word as deep as you. Just when I thought I could handle strong meat, you prove me wrong. I have a problem with ministers who don't use the Word of God as the bases for their sermon or if there are Scriptures they twist the Word of God to their own benefit. My motto is what Paul told Timothy, Preach the Word of God. I only cringe a little on the videos you expose false doctrine but only because it could get a little judgy and shady at times.

  • @joykeebler1916
    @joykeebler1916 Před 10 měsíci

    - the song CHILDREN OF THE SEA/Black Sabbath

  • @joykeebler1916
    @joykeebler1916 Před 10 měsíci

    - in soon as to the fulfilling to the prophecies within Revelation chapter 13

  • @joykeebler1916
    @joykeebler1916 Před 10 měsíci

    - the power resides in the word of God

  • @ajefferson322
    @ajefferson322 Před 11 měsíci

    Corey is right. God said not to lean on your own understanding. Our thoughts is not God's thoughts. We are supposed to read, know and use the Bible as our word. There's no debate when anyone goes to the word directly. If you're trying to explain or plant a seed about the Lord to someone else and only using your opinion about what we think the Lord/God said, then we're wrong. The Bible is our reference. It is the true word for us all to be able to learn from. I would question anyone who's trying to tell me something about God and not use the Bible? How many churches you see now use it? We need to learn for our own selves and just rely on another person telling you. It will save you. Not everyone or every pastor is looking out for your salvation these days. False prophecy is out here. You all be blessed.

  • @samantharucker-jefferson3627
    @samantharucker-jefferson3627 Před 11 měsíci

    I hear you and can relate. I"ve been told that I need more experience and less word. Really? Such foolishness!

    • @davesawe5346
      @davesawe5346 Před 11 měsíci +1

      This is crazy. The word creates a standard and they don't like it. I have a bad feeling about those who rebel against the scriptures

  • @rosalynharrington5990
    @rosalynharrington5990 Před 11 měsíci

    Hey Brother Corey, I think you need to pull up the whole video. You see, one needs to look at the clip between a person that is doing drugs addressing the Christian that is snorting the Bible and the things of God, because they are trying to distract themselves away from the troubles of this 🌍 world. This relates to Matthew 7. Do not Judge less you be judged the same measure. It some one throws a 🪨 stone, the reflex reaction is to cast a stone 🪨 back. I haven't even seen the entire video, but I have watch many of this guys content, and he is on the same page we are. Can't call his name, but I watch Salvador as well. And I pray for all saints in this Body of Christ. Love you Bruh! ❤ And pray for me.

  • @RabbiMurray
    @RabbiMurray Před 6 měsíci

    You have to study to know God. Tje Spirit helps you understand. We have tools also that intelligent men have produced so we can understand deeper meaning such as the original languages.

  • @msnawrecka9786
    @msnawrecka9786 Před 11 měsíci

    Word of faith stuff has spread so much into the mainstream that a lot of Christians truly believe if the Holy Spirit doesn’t knock you over once a week you’re probably not saved. We need you, Paul Washer Justin Peters etc thanks for your views.

  • @tylercampbell6365
    @tylercampbell6365 Před rokem +2

    Head knowledge is how people can be in church and still be racist..Its how people go to church but still support trump..The heart and Gods spirit has to enter into the equation at some point or you are left unchanged..

  • @KydSyster
    @KydSyster Před 11 měsíci

    Weren’t the Berean brothers praised for studying the word against what the Apostles taught to make sure it was based on scripture.

  • @dennismagee9555
    @dennismagee9555 Před 7 měsíci

    Bible knowledge is the information you received from the Bible to apply in your life and apply to people. Spiritual knowledge is revelation of the Bible information used in a right fair and just way.

  • @rosalynharrington5990
    @rosalynharrington5990 Před 11 měsíci

    He said you do not even REALLY care about God, nor do you have a Relationship with God Pharasee or Scribe, you are just Obsessed with God's creation not Him as the CREATOR! He is speaking about False Phophets, Bishops, Pastors and Elders. Leaders in religious places if you will, that are Not holding to scriptures.

  • @nowfaithis9799
    @nowfaithis9799 Před rokem +1

    Dude said people who read have a different addiction. 🤦🏾‍♂️
    Admittance is the first step...Hi, my name is Sam and I have an addiction. I can't get enough of God and His Holy Scriptures and building my relationship with Jesus. 😳🤦🏾‍♂️😂

  • @tipsytone6937
    @tipsytone6937 Před rokem +1

    Amen 🙌

  • @Fashiontodance
    @Fashiontodance Před rokem +1

    AMEN 🙏

  • @BethelGreeen
    @BethelGreeen Před rokem +2

    Brother Corey and anyone else , is there any bible colleges or university you would recommend?

    • @smartchristians
      @smartchristians  Před rokem

      Where do you live?

    • @BethelGreeen
      @BethelGreeen Před rokem

      @@smartchristians I live in New York

    • @smartchristians
      @smartchristians  Před rokem

      You may want to look at going online. If so, Dallas Theological Seminary is good. A smaller seminary that is good is Tyndale Theological Seminary. They are small, but they will make you do the work.

    • @BethelGreeen
      @BethelGreeen Před rokem

      @@smartchristians I'll definitely look into them. Thank you!!

    • @MosesHillocks
      @MosesHillocks Před rokem +2

      ​@@BethelGreeenall you need is the Holy Ghost, it's simple believe the gospel (death , burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ) , repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, that's better than wasting money to be brain washed by the scholars, who inspired it knows it best , so the bible is the word of God so who do you think is the best to go too to learn bible? You should know the answer to that
      1 John 2:27 KJV
      But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

  • @reneemcdade1297
    @reneemcdade1297 Před 11 měsíci

    People are not happy unless they are making someone else look stupid. Folks are ignorant. It will hit them in the face sooner rather than later!! Carry on Corey!

  • @ryandrakes9925
    @ryandrakes9925 Před 11 měsíci

    Yes, people dismiss God's Word as if He's not able to make His Word survive. But they'd read books written by men just like themselves and take it as absolute.

  • @lutherbronner
    @lutherbronner Před 4 měsíci

    If Adam followed (flesh man) his likeness . Born in sin. So why Christ follow be Holy like Him and God. Have the Holy Spirit that the foundation we should be build on.

  • @blc0331
    @blc0331 Před rokem +2

    Try the spirit
    By the word of God
    I suffer not

  • @nathancarter1082
    @nathancarter1082 Před 11 měsíci

    The Word of God is the foundation of all truth. It alone is truth. Many people are deceived by thinking that because they read the Bible that they live the Bible. The Bible teaches many truths that most Pastors and teachers don't do. So if you read it in the Greek or Hebrew or whatever and don't believe it to obey it, then why bother? Yes we must read the Bible. It is essential. But after you read it you must do it.

  • @joykeebler1916
    @joykeebler1916 Před 10 měsíci

    - the falling away has already taken place

  • @theronsenegal428
    @theronsenegal428 Před rokem +1

    Proverbs 13:13

  • @virgilpalmer2427
    @virgilpalmer2427 Před rokem +1

    Satan knows the bible better and its verses better than anyone on this channel... the Truth dwells within you if you are a true Christian.. and you don't even have to know but a few verses to know whether you are hearing the Truth .. I've met many preachers who can quote Bible verses backwards and forwards and they're simply pillars of light .. pillars of light , wolves in sheep's clothing... you must always, firstly, be led by the Holy Spirit.
    The Holy Spirit will never let you down...

    • @martidiamond7109
      @martidiamond7109 Před rokem +2

      I agree that if you are God's sheep, He will let you know whether you're hearing truth or error without you knowing all of Scripture. When I was younger I would 'feel' error... if you know what I mean. But reading and studying Scripture, the Holy Spirit continues to break open and expand and intensify and magnify and utterly leave us in awe of Who this wonderfully amazing amazing Almighty God we have. Bless you brother 🙏🙏❤️

  • @Sowah023
    @Sowah023 Před rokem +1

    Why do people call you a Calvinist when you use head knowledge. I get called a Calvinist a lot. To the point I stopped defending myself on that. I got excommunicated based on head knowledge. Best thing that happened to me in leaving the Assemblies Of God.

  • @lutherbronner
    @lutherbronner Před 4 měsíci

    Once you are teach by man. You say God word is not true. Then prove it to be true. You don’t bring doubt about Him or the Scripture.

  • @chaplainsoffice6907
    @chaplainsoffice6907 Před 10 měsíci

    The thief on the cross met Jesus at the crucifixion and believed and was saved in one day.

  • @joykeebler1916
    @joykeebler1916 Před 10 měsíci

    - the heads of the first beast are coming as to the blasphemous names they hold up

  • @dalvismorris4226
    @dalvismorris4226 Před 11 měsíci

    Isn't it remarkable that Jesus Christ Himself rarely preached without quoting the scriptures. But we the creatures are better than the Creator, go figure.

  • @terriesterline3749
    @terriesterline3749 Před 11 měsíci

    😂😂😂Dragging the demon to the sweets!!!

  • @lutherbronner
    @lutherbronner Před 4 měsíci

    The saint should be one accord who are fill With the Holy Ghost. Like From Genesis to Revelation.

  • @JonPaulTovio
    @JonPaulTovio Před rokem +1

    Feel it - Twist it - Fake it 🤔 Those demon slayers and their theology always makes me cringe. Like listening to children who don't know what they are talking about. Honestly. It is not like their is any excuse anymore not to search for the truth. The internet is full of information from many great sound doctrine teachers to learn from. Compare views, test youself to see if you may be wrong on a few things, test your Pastor also to see if he may be wrong on some things. And for those that use the internet (ALOT) to listen to these unbiblical teachers, what will you say to God when you see him. Ummmm I was told not to snot your Bible too much, my Pastors words were more important than the ones in your Book?

  • @jtcxz9684
    @jtcxz9684 Před 11 měsíci

    Coffee and sweets!😂 Me too!

  • @roberttarrant1042
    @roberttarrant1042 Před 4 měsíci

    Everything written in the Bible is on purpose because it serves a purpose, Jesus being tempted is our example to how to overcome sin. Tell young fella

  • @melbrew7
    @melbrew7 Před 11 měsíci

    1 Corinthians 1:10 KJV
    Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

    • @godisgreat219
      @godisgreat219 Před 11 měsíci

      The Most High can teach anyone from ANY Bible in the world (although there are some that I would not recommend). If you assume GOD only saves those who read one version of Scripture, I pray you eventually allow the Holy Spirit to help you realize how offensive that is to our Creator. You're basically implying that if one does not speak Shakespearean English, they are not saved, nor savable. Please humbly ask Father GOD to reveal the truth to you as I had to regarding this issue. GOD-bless.

  • @joykeebler1916
    @joykeebler1916 Před 10 měsíci

    - the famine as for the words is that in already here

  • @hammerhed4140
    @hammerhed4140 Před rokem

    Have you seen the flying preacher?

  • @carolynrussel-smith8393

    They are trying to pull you out you need focus and words of the living God ..the devil doesn't like the Truth so is aim is pull you out just focus on God and He will see you throughout your CIRCUMSTANCES

  • @thebible3368
    @thebible3368 Před rokem

    Where is your general area

  • @bpraise517
    @bpraise517 Před 3 měsíci

    I get all those same comments.....

  • @MrNouler
    @MrNouler Před 11 měsíci

    500th like 😊

  • @monicajohnson4855
    @monicajohnson4855 Před rokem


  • @user-is9bz3yc5b
    @user-is9bz3yc5b Před rokem

    Its just a video.

  • @taresatruby1536
    @taresatruby1536 Před rokem


  • @thebible3368
    @thebible3368 Před rokem

    Veritas international,

  • @davesawe5346
    @davesawe5346 Před 11 měsíci

    Why is she even on pulpit? Go do motivational speeches

  • @carolynrussel-smith8393

    Can I get a Whatsapp channel for you

  • @ryandrakes9925
    @ryandrakes9925 Před 11 měsíci

    Yes, people dismiss God's Word as if He's not able to make His Word survive. But they'd read books written by men just like themselves and take it as absolute.