Brendon O'Connell Not In Prison - AntiSemite Just Wants Your Money. Activist-News Lying For Him

  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024
  • The two con-artists, Brendon O'Connell and Activist-News have pulled a daring full-on scam on CZcams with a a single motivation, which is to make a lot of money by trying to lie big time to their followers. Brendon O'Connell is not in a New Zealand prison, but instead has got his feet up somewhere, scheming the day away. He's always desperate for money and now that his High Court scam is being ignored, he gone for a melodramatic attempt to pretend he's been incarcerated in a New Zealand prison. There is no law preventing being in New Zealand because he isn't wanted for anything at all anywhere. Keep you hand on your purse and give the two scumbags a wide birth.

Komentáře • 53

  • @frankface7288
    @frankface7288 Před 6 lety +20

    If your going to pop off at the mouth and throw around BS rumors why not have the balls to do it in your own voice?

    • @MandoMohan
      @MandoMohan  Před 6 lety

      Frank Face Some one who has got a faceless channel is asking me whether I've got balls enough to use my voice. Look at my channel, mate. I've got nothing to hide. Where as O''Connell is and his mate have plenty to hide.

    • @frankface7288
      @frankface7288 Před 6 lety +5

      I don't produce youtube content chief, I do collaborate and when I do I use my own voice. In the last video I made with Activist-News I used my image. Also when I was broadcasting at I went by my full name David Rock....

  • @davidfrison2765
    @davidfrison2765 Před 6 lety +2

    Look at how much the Jews have benefitted from being the victim the constant criticism towards isreal by a small group of people.. has lead to a larger group is defending's this victim complex that has allowed them to take control of the world people would will always defend who they believe to be the underdog

  • @cortedemico
    @cortedemico Před 5 lety +3

    i never trust robot voices.

  • @alanmass1371
    @alanmass1371 Před 6 lety +3

    I am beginning to think that the dude is a real con man. He was arrested, supposedly, in nz after leaving Malaysia right? Has anyone checked and called the jail? Why did he leave a safe haven in the first place if he is truly being persecuted? Visa issues? C'mon!! And now is back to Malaysia? It is a real mystery to me to say the least that as soon as the rumor of him being faking his detention started to circulate he got released..!!!!!!!!! Seriously? Suspicious,.. wouldn't you say? This man, Brandon whatever his name is, has obviously no job, no money, no clue in life and may well be a paranoid with personality disorders just looking to score on the net. I will be very careful when listening to whatever comes from his channel in the future.

    • @stormlah
      @stormlah Před 5 lety +4

      if he was looking to score he`d be a shill like alex jones LOL your logic makes 0 sense, nice try ya NPC>

  • @c000rr
    @c000rr Před 6 lety +3

    Beware! Sayanim trash spouting here! Beware!

  • @chriscallaghan8135
    @chriscallaghan8135 Před 6 lety +4

    Computer voice=gutless Bagel .

    • @MandoMohan
      @MandoMohan  Před 6 lety

      My voice and image are all over my channel. You, on the other hand, have a totally empty channel. Now, who's the gutless wonder with the big mouth? Oh, yeah, you.

    • @StalinLovsMsmZioglowfagz
      @StalinLovsMsmZioglowfagz Před 2 lety

      @@MandoMohan israeli pawn

  • @brucegoodie
    @brucegoodie Před 5 lety +2


  • @MandoMohan
    @MandoMohan  Před 6 lety +2

    This is the first of the comments in a thread begun by Activist-News , on a video I made ( ) about a disgusting, vile anti-Semite. It is obviously a threat of intimidation, intended to cause me harm by offering up my personal details to anyone who wants them.
    *Activist-News* this man is david Mohan and is a Jew... need i say more? I have his photos and contact info for anyone who requires it.
    Activist-News, how about I report you and your mate for setting up a scam in order to deprive people of money by deception. Then you and O'Connell might do some real time. I'm going to take what you've said here as a threat. If O'Connell doesn't stop with his Mt Eden bullshit, you may find that you and he will have a real day in court.

    • @MandoMohan
      @MandoMohan  Před 6 lety +1

      go ahead, try it dave.
      1. you have been exposed (stand by)
      2. i dont collect money for o’connell
      3. your lies are too easily debunked
      4. we know your a zionist POS
      Activist-News No, but you are setting up this scam for him?

    • @MandoMohan
      @MandoMohan  Před 6 lety

      incorrect, I was corresponding with Richard. so stop putting words in my mouth. also that letter is 100% real. so everyone knows you are full of shit and are laughing at you.... try actually coming up with some proof against my claims as oppose to statements which make you look like a tin foil hat wearing moron, Dave
      Let's get your story straight shall we? @2:02 on my video, you said, and I quote, "I've just got off the phone to his lawyers Richard and Kevin Foley. They told me they were going to keep me updated on the situation. I've got a page of notes here.....". So is that putting words in your mouth? There are no Law practices in Australia or anywhere else in the western world called Richard and Kevin Foley. Seeing, as though the photo of Brendon's lawyer, Kevin Foley, is pictured on his blog site, with a description of his work concerning a high profile case he'd once had, we know that the that Kevin Foley Brendon makes reference to in all hies interviews, is the Lawyer from Wagga, who has already admitted to me that he doesn't know or represent Brendon, (I will receive a letter from him stating that fact), and that there is no Richard Foley associated with his company. The only other Richard Foley in Australia, is a barrister and I've already spoken to him. Here's his phone number if you'd like to check, 0419 136 728, or his barristers clerk number 9225 7444, that is a Melbourne number, so you'd need to put 03 in front of that. And, guess what? He too, has never heard of you or Brendon. Now, as far as that so called "letter" is concerned, I've done an image search and checked it out, and guess what, it's not an image of a letter or anything else on paper. There is no paper grain to be seen. It's not a photograph and it's not a photocopy. But it is a computer generated image. It is rather an amateurish attempt at someone trying to persuade a gullible public that the contents of what they have displayed on the internet are genuine. Your attempt at fabricating a letter is so poor that you even neglect to use the proper dimensions of a standard letter which are, Quarto i.e. 8" × 10" which is a 1.25 ratio. Your fake attempt at a letter, even at a glance, is far too narrow and excessively long. It does not display any fold creases which you'd expect to see on any letter that has been put in an envelope. This is also true of Brendon's hand written letter which also has no visible fold creases , which would have us conclude, obviously, that he just handed it to you. As concerning a letter from any government department, legal firm or even any business office of a large company, would not have their logos amassed together down the bottom of the page, along with the address, and especially one a that is a mailing address that doesn't include the postcode. All that information would be correctly displayed at the top of the page. There are many other aspects concerning your fraudulent letter that I could mention but that will suffice for now. So to round off this reply comment, let me say, that what I am dealing with here, in the person of Daniel Walker, is a compulsive liar.

    • @MandoMohan
      @MandoMohan  Před 6 lety

      TLDR...I have not lied once about Brendon at all, nor have i lied about my involvment. I speak to Richard about once a week briefly just to get updates. not that its any of your buisness. you have no reason to doubt me or what im saying unless you are a shill of some kind, which is what i suspect, as your google plus account is linked to Israeli first groups (of which I have screenshots of) you have a bias against anyone who opposes Zionism, which I can prove. there is ZERO benefit or motive to me lying... so as for your ridiculous claims like "richard dosnt know me" PROVE IT. "Brendon is not in Jail" PROVE IT.. "Im just doing this to raise money for Brendon" PROVE IT. "there is no hand written letter from brendon" PROVE IT. I have not lied once
      You've lied about getting a letter from Mt Eden prison. You've lied about talking to a lawyer called Richard Foley who you say in a video is from the Kevin and Richard Foley law firm, which doesn't exist. I have every reason to doubt what you say whether or not you think I'm a shill of any kind. If you think that something I haven't hidden from public view, such as having an Israel group on my G+ page is important and if you think I'm just simply biased towards anyone opposed to Zionism, get it off your chest and expose me in a video. When what I'm really against is people who use this platform to vent hatred and raise money by selling lies. You reckon the owners of this platform are Jewish and are biased towards Zionism, yet they don't interfere with you pushing your anti-Jewish propaganda. They haven't terminated yours or Brendon's means of speaking your minds.
      You've asked me to prove four things in your last comment. 1) The Richard Foley of the firm Kevin and Richard Foley, doesn't exist. The Kevin Foley, along with his photograph who Brendon claims is his lawyer, is not his lawyer. The barrister Richard Foley, whose phone numbers I gave you doesn't know you. So your claim that you talk to Richard Foley the lawyer has been proved without any doubt whatsoever, to be false. So it's a proven fact, that you are a bold faced liar. 2) The document you claim you received from Mt Eden prison informing you that Brendon is a prisoner there, I have demonstrated thoroughly by analysing its content and the structure of the document itself, that it isn't a letter at all, but a computer generated image. Therefore that proves that Brendon isn't in Mt Eden prison. Once again you have been proven to be a bold faced liar. 3) I have several examples of you saying in your videos that Brendon is going to need money for his legal fees to fight the case against his imprisonment. Again, you're a proven bold faced liar. 4) I never said there wasn't a hand written letter from Brendon, but because it wasn't sent to you from Mt Eden prison, you have been proven once more, to be a bold faced liar.

    • @MandoMohan
      @MandoMohan  Před 6 lety

      1) The Richard Foley of the firm Kevin and Richard Foley, doesn't exist" putting words in my mouth. now i have proof you are lying, you frist said you spoke to them and they dont know me, now you are saying they dont exist... also, I NEVER SAID IT WAS CALLED "the firm Kevin and Richard Foley". but those men do exist. but now i have proof yopu are a liar, screenshots of. you keep changing the story, lol. "2) The document you claim you received from Mt Eden prison informing you that Brendon is a prisoner there, I have demonstrated thoroughly by analysing its content and the structure of the document itself, that it isn't a letter at all, but a computer generated image." thats because its not a letter, its a scanned document you dumbass. it was sent via email, not postal, LOL " 3) I have several examples of you saying in your videos that Brendon is going to need money for his legal fees to fight the case against his imprisonment. Again, you're a proven bold faced liar." Incorrect, you might want to recheck that... also, you have not proved I lied about anything, LOL "4) I never said there wasn't a hand written letter from Brendon, but because it wasn't sent to you from Mt Eden prison, you have been proven once more, to be a bold faced liar." I never said it was addressed to me, it was addressed to caroll (as it says in the letter you dumbass) did you even read it? also, didnt lie about anything.
      You have lied about absolutely everything. Take all the screen shots you like. I said it right here in these comments, that Kevin Foley, who is pictured on Brendon's blog page, who he describes as his solicitor, is not. You just can't help yourself. You're a bear faced liar which all your comments testify to. You are both lying your sick, perverted heads off. The truth will utterly destroy your corrupted, twisted, scheming lives and expose you both for who and what you really are.

    • @MandoMohan
      @MandoMohan  Před 6 lety

      MandoMohan has presented zero facts. nobody believes him... he is begging for me to make a rebuttle video, but he isnt even worth it. people know the truth about brendon. everyone who knows him knows the truth. ABC has confirmed his being detained at mount eden (government website), the state corrections facility have emailed me telling me he is being detained in immigration. Richard has confirmed this. we have a hand written letter from oconnell and even richard leaked a phone conversation that Dave Mohan thought was me (back when he was trying to claim they dont exist) He has debunked himself, no need to give him the time of my day.