Upcoming Nurgle - Worst GW Model for 2017?

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • Yes, we are back on triggered point today to talk about Nurgle. This tank is disgusting, possibly the worst sculpt of the year - a year featuring Majin Buu and many more poor design choices.

Komentáře • 130

  • @TheOuterCircle
    @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety +27

    Literally hand-painting nurgle plague marines as I uploaded this. I'm not against 8th ed Nurgle Marines, I like many of them, just the static poses and such concern me that they will lack variety.
    Oh, and once again, this tank is a clusterfuck.

    • @heraldius7458
      @heraldius7458 Před 7 lety +3

      I kinda like the model :P

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety +4

      You're allowed to like it. I dislike that it's nothing like existing kits. Kinda a shame they won't chaos corrupt some of the fantastic FW vehicles.

    • @manga3040
      @manga3040 Před 7 lety +2

      The Outer Circle The actual packs are not out yet. Kind of like the blood warriors that came in AOS starter box. The 5 that come with it can only be made one way each. The box of blood warriors let's you assemble them different ways. I'm sure these units will be like that too.

    • @flippy211
      @flippy211 Před 7 lety +2

      You mean like they did with the Chosen? :D And the Cultists ...

    • @PureHarry
      @PureHarry Před 7 lety +2

      The Static poses are to make them easier to build for new guys. thats the point of a starter set. We'll proably get some more kits down the line.

  • @reignick1133
    @reignick1133 Před 7 lety +14

    Thanks for uploading this , I have to agree the models you showed range from well intentioned to just plain awful and should have never left the drawing board.
    Honestly I want to try and expose the major problem with how GW is handling their properties as well as their customers.
    I am sorry but this is going to get a bit wordy so as a warning grab a comfortable seat and a drink if you plan on reading further.
    Welcome to the future of ALL GW products...Since the lawsuit with Chapterhouse they are doubling down with almost all of their latest kits to remove any concept of compatibility with 3rd party bits and they are trying to quash the conversion scene .They will do it under the name of "Easy to build" miniature lines to give the appearance / false impression they sincerely care and thus are trying to draw in a broader audience.
    Because they don't just want profits they want ALL the money and control over what they deem as their I.P. ( Even though for what they actually produce very little is actually trademarkable /copywritten.) we're going to see a LOT of changes to the line and the fluff and not much of it are genuinely going to be positive changes.
    As a long time Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000 player /modeler I do hate to say this but : Those of us whom want to play a reasonably well thought out game with custom miniatures we are no longer GW's main audience , we haven't been for almost 15 years.
    Put frankly they are casting us out with the re-hiring of Matt Ward, every new model line , every new bit of horribly botched fluff , botched models, and the circumstances
    behind the pathetic and honestly exceptionally shady new 8th edition rules release.
    They claim it took 2 years to develop but the 8th edition rules , systems in place seem SUPER raw unpolished and unfinished with too many updates coming out to cover obvious and glaring errata or just plain missing rules / concepts.
    The New GW is ruled & run by the adage "Money to love & people to spend". we've seen this time and time again when companies get too big for their own good and shareholders get too greedy.
    The shareholders wish to put out a minimally functional line of products and quicky make things "obsolete" via updates... planned obsolescence has happed in GW before age of Sigmar is prime example , but for the 40K player if anyone remembers Zotes or Squats then the future is pretty darn clear.
    I predict in in the next decade probably far sooner GW will completely supplant the space Marine line with Primaris marines. (and if not overtly by pushing them more and more and receding standard Space marine model releases , then the playerbase will cover that angle by weight of purchases alone.) The days of single wound High fluff/ old lore Thematic marine armies are numbered.
    As for chaos I see more and more they will focus on God specific armies ignoring the chapters identities for more of a "Chaos Daemons Lite" approach to any and all future Chaos Space Marine armies bar one...
    Slaanesh , this god and their forces as GW has proven time and time again since the departure of Andy Chambers has been mishandled CONSTANTLY .GW just does not know what to do with Slaaneshi model ranges, their rules ,their fluff or their lore concept which for the longest like the Dark Eldar of yore have been CRIMINALLY neglected.
    They sit in a position just below Sisters of Battle as the most overlooked by GW corporate army list for new models rules as well as written material.
    Except that GW pushing for a more "P.C." consumer base will not know how to handle this , we've already seen it play out this way for Age of Sigmar where Slaanesh has already been utterly expunged. All but deleted from the lore and the rules.
    In their pursuit of "expanded profit" by making the game more of an "approachable" household name and more quantifiably mainstream "family friendly" they are undoing over three decades worth of progress. To make the change for the profit they want they are all but forced by their corporate investors to run over all of the past with a rather large proverbial steamroller.
    They are marketing a Niche product series to a wide audience , and thus to get the most of what their focus group testing is telling the shareholders they HAVE to alter the product quite dramatically , in other industries this strategy means changing the original concept until it is unrecognizable to the original design document ideas.
    All of us oldschool players whom once enjoyed the fluff AND the crunch have honestly become in their eyes expendable , we are now the "fringe" customer/ consumer.
    They are chasing the assumed "greener pastures" & supposed fatter wallets of a younger demographic.
    One which has no real barometer to judge the quality of that which Games Workshop is putting out, they can not judge if it is good or bad because they lack the experience to gauge what is good and what is rushed if not subtly rubbish.
    The only saving grace of them chasing this newer , younger more "P.C." audience is that they realistically do not have as much funds to expend on models rulebooks , updates and supplements to continue the hobby.
    The Upper management of G.W. is going for a "quick profit" uncaring about the churn rate of the customers, this is not a way to earn life long customer loyalty.
    The average young consumer from this quick churn cash grab style marketing is the 20 year old and under bracket . They will get into the game , drop approximately 4-6 hundred dollars play for a year or two maximum , and then spontaneously leave the hobby feeling heavily burned out form the poor treatment they receive from GW.
    This tactic will work to generate quick income for about 5 years of attrition cycle until more and more players actually share their overall opinion of what GW's marketshare in the hobby represents to them personally as well to the overall hobby of tabletop wargaming.
    But it will stand the chance of costing GW dearly in the long term as more and more of the dissenting opinons gather more and more new potential customers will be turned away , those which do not will be met with 3rd party dealers growing more and more unwilling to deal with GW as a corporate entity due to their hostile marketing towards them.
    The climax of all of the quick income high turnover marketing that GW is engaging in currently is that like then they first attacked 3rd party distributors of their product in the early 00's.There will be lean quarters , which will lead to lean years where the shareholders will not see a return on investment to the level which their analysts have forecasted.
    From these times of unmet expectations / quotas there will be layoffs first in Forge world staff , then later in the GW staff if profits from lost sales can not be quickly recovered through clever marketing as well as listening to the consumer base in earnest.
    This can have a substantial negative "Knock on" effect to quality control , rules establishment and writing.
    I can not tell if this will affect change to their already regrettable business decisions on how they handle their customers, their third party resellers or their ( in some locations) flagging 1st party store sales.
    40k Age of Sigmar and the self contained games will be seen as "toxic" ,too expensive, too elitist, a waste of funds and in some cases not locally attainable. ( such as what we saw here in this city we had a rather large following for ALL GW released game systems , but how they treated the 3rd party distributors caused a crash , now no store regularly carries GW products locally.)
    As for GW's marketing schema , it has been attempted before in other industries and it OFTEN fails there. The most glaring example and strangely mirroring GW's legal tactics is : How Smart Parts / the Gardner Brothers treated their distributors , their competition, used their legal team to bully smaller companies ( sometimes to push the competition out of business ).
    Long story short: the Gardner brothers / Smart Parts severely damaged the hobby of paintball , but then the most interesting thing happened the 2006 US economic crash... that along with the unethical business practices being levied at the much smaller competition almost killed the hobby deader than the dog's breakfast.
    Games Workshop is headed down the exact same road. All it would take is for an economic crisis to hit during their current quick churn cash grab schema's eventual tipping point of failure and the result would absolutely cripple even the behemoth which is Games Workshop.
    Their business stands a very real chance of decent into an irrecoverable downward spiral if this gamble they are embroiled in does not pay off. And from all market research their chances of it working are well under nominal.

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety +5

      Long, yes, but I read it all.
      GW wants the X-wing style of game, not fully understanding how it sells. X-wing caters to those (broadly) who just want to pick up a game and play. It's simple, fun, easy to learn with a 4 page rulebook, and if you want, there's hidden synergy and nuances to uncover and you can really commit to it and insane combos. A mix of basic or even no upgrades, with cards helping to determine how units work etc.
      8th ed? Snap fit models designed to pick up and play, it has a 4 page rulebook, it has 'hidden synergy' to uncover, like flyers shooting out their ass whilst techmarines heal them from below somehow.
      You see, the hardcore community who loves the HOBBY not the game is going to find it hard to acclimatize to boring kits that repeat one pose over and over, it's why they moved away from that in the late 90's. The ones who value the game? Well, the X-wing thing is fine for some, but there are also those who find that the game is too *lite*, too restrictive to actual tactics and is basically a pale shadow of previous citadel games, backed up by the fact it took '2 years' (aka 2 months) to put together.
      So, GW will chase this X-wing style crowd, but the easily amused and attracted are also those who have short attention spans and who are often easily led away.
      Again, broadly.
      That's where you're 100% correct, it will short-term pay off really well for them, before people turn around and say 'so, the game is kinda boring now, it lacks depth, what have you got for me?' and be face with either blank stares, or only HH as an option. Neither of which will truly appeal, and this whole group of "8th ed is great, it lured me back after 2 decades" players will start to question their decision.

    • @reignick1133
      @reignick1133 Před 7 lety +3

      The only real viable explanation I can pontificate upon for GW choosing the "smash & grab" fast and loose approach to their current 40K fluff rules and model line releases is that someone in their accounting dept is seeing a rather large profit loss due to not meeting market forecasted predictions for sales of Age Of Sigmar. ( All the news that I have seen pretty much point to it relatively flagging when compared to other games sales.)
      The CEO , CFO , and upper management would have to demand that the quarterly profit margin be raised quickly in a reasonable realistic manner to offset the loss to their expected margin, lest they actually have to report their losses and unpredicted shortcoming to the capital investors sitting upon board of directors.
      It's unethical business practices and a just barely above board diversionary fiduciary "shell game" but it is legal.
      It would explain the current state very "alpha test" feeling of 8th edition as well as the obviously very rushed/ slapdash handling of the property.
      I will admit I have little evidence to substantiate my hypothesis past data on previous engagements with other companies but with that said unless we KNOW they have a very well buttoned up carefully monitored plan in action for them to recover from the potential bear trap they have set for themselves I would advise that no one make a long term investment into GW stocks...
      The fact of the matter is that the "landed gentry" of the upper management is obfuscating something , let us hope they are trying to conceal a viable long term strategy and not calculated abuse of the financial department to shore up any unforeseen shortcomings.
      12-20 months maximum investment as of the date of me typing this . After that time period has past pull one's funds out for liquidity or into another long term investment and don't sink any funds into that stock you would not mind losing .

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety +3

      reignick1133 it's like I hypothesised, that boxed sets and 40k units which overlap age of Sigmar (such as chaos daemons) are used to help bolster sales of said game on paper. Nobody will know if a box of blood letters are for 40k, 30k or AoS, so you put the money from the sale against whichever system needs it most... Silver Tower is all AoS, surely they aren't going to tell me that they are putting the sales of that all aside and not adding them to AoS...

    • @ProjectRevoltNow
      @ProjectRevoltNow Před 7 lety +2

      NTL;DR (Not too long. Did read) :p and I agree 100%.

  • @leakycheese
    @leakycheese Před 7 lety +11

    Hmm.... nasty, and not in a good Nurgle nasty way either. My problem with that new tank is it doesn't look like it anything to do with Nurgle, all the design cues are completely wrong. I can more easily imagine it as something the Emperor's Children might have with all that stretched out skin or maybe even some daemon engine of the Word Bearers. Oh, and before I forget, that smiley faced Terminator is simply ridiculous, it looks like it is out of a kids cartoon. Thanks for the heads up, please excuse me while I go bleach my eyeballs.

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety +3

      Bingo. It needed a corpse-cart feel, and needed to be pushing the plague thing instead of 'generic tank with nurgle iconography plastered onto it'. That's what this is, if it didn't have the big nurgle hood ornament it could play in virtually any other faction. That's a bit poor from a design standpoint. Compare it to a plague hulk, now THAT is nurgle. What would I liked to have seen here? Probably a walking unit, with many legs resembling some kind of ground-grub, with bodies on spikes hanging off it like a corpse-cart, maybe a plague marine on the back behind the gun, with big vats of chemicals pouring into the gun.
      You know... a theme.

  • @adamfox3526
    @adamfox3526 Před 7 lety +14

    excellent review. I love how you DON'T pander to GW released trash (costly at that!) I recently had to sell off my 1/72nd German panzer DIVISION (1model=5actual vehicles scale) to amass 1000+ USD. just so I can get a reasonably sized heresy force! (yes,I'm bitter)

  • @chompette_
    @chompette_ Před 7 lety +1

    Im very excited to add these tanks to my collection! Let us celebrate the first fully chaos tanks that GW have produced in plastic, no more imperium model kits with some spikes, decoration and chaos paint job added on. This tank very much reminds me of Chaos 2 from Robot Wars, funny as it was a robot with 'chaos' in its title.

  • @Grymbaldknight
    @Grymbaldknight Před 7 lety +3

    I actually kinda like it... It's not perfect (the excessive curves make me sad), but it has a lot of potential. This model is most definitely "not too busy", which is the complaint you had of the Nurgle models in Dark Imperium.
    The thing is, not many Chaos vehicles adhere to STC designs. I don't think "It's not an STC design" is a valid criticism, since the Dark Mechanicus exist to innovate. Its role looks mixed, but i think it's a close-assault mix between a Vindicator and a Predator.

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety +1

      It isn't too busy at all. As I said to Leaky Cheese, what would I liked to have seen here? Probably a walking unit, with many legs resembling some kind of ground-grub, with bodies on spikes hanging off it like a corpse-cart, maybe a plague marine on the back behind the gun, with big vats of chemicals pouring into the gun. Rather than have a nurgle hood ornament, I'd rather a strong nurgle theme through the model represented in the way the weapons function, instead of something that with the removal of the dozer blade could be for any chaos faction.

  • @icebearcriminal1265
    @icebearcriminal1265 Před 7 lety +1

    Hardly indicative of Nurgle, there's not one fleshy component or real indicators of decay beyond a few bullet holes. It could easily pass as Space Marine.

  • @warvisiongaming40k11
    @warvisiongaming40k11 Před 7 lety +7

    i think it's freaking epic sorry. ! hopefully it will be tough as fuck.

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety +2

      You're allowed to like it. I dislike that it's nothing like existing kits. Kinda a shame they won't chaos corrupt some of the fantastic FW vehicles., walkers, etc.

    • @warvisiongaming40k11
      @warvisiongaming40k11 Před 7 lety

      The Outer Circle In that part i must agree with you. we will see when the rules drop.

  • @kristoffersat1745
    @kristoffersat1745 Před 7 lety +6

    just to make it a bit worse. you probably mentioned it later in the video. bur take into account that the new DG as a team cant use the old vindicator. I know this because my CSM army has three. and I was miffed I could not use it.
    so theres THE reason. buy our last tank kiddies.

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety +7

      What's worse, that, or the fact Primaris Marines can't fit into vehicles that fucking Primarchs can?

    • @kristoffersat1745
      @kristoffersat1745 Před 7 lety

      The Outer Circle
      ah no worries there sirrah. Im sure the new codex will let them deepstrike on their own. or Walk on if you have the equivalencie of *1.5 starter Box.

  • @DCPTF2
    @DCPTF2 Před 7 lety +4

    that's a tank? i thought that was a gun emplacement

  • @Dimes607
    @Dimes607 Před 7 lety +4

    its supposed to look like a maggot, and I think its more artillery than a tank. Not that I approve or disapprove of it... nurgle isn't my thing to judge.

  • @adampoultney8737
    @adampoultney8737 Před 7 lety +1

    Bittom right of the terminator image, scythe

  • @Spacefrisian
    @Spacefrisian Před 7 lety +10

    Nurgles cleanup car

  • @chikhai
    @chikhai Před 7 lety +10

    Its a fucking Roomba.

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety +6

      chikhai a reverse Roomba, this one leave trash behind.

  • @Warpmek
    @Warpmek Před 7 lety +1

    It looks like the droid tank from Star Wars. I like it

  • @biome3
    @biome3 Před 7 lety

    I'm so confused by this, it looks like a converted model but it's being shown alongside stuff that's already out.

  • @nathikanareviews1732
    @nathikanareviews1732 Před 7 lety +2

    once again a brilliant video , I do think this tank would work if the chassis was in fact a giant demon toad .

  • @jeffreysort7219
    @jeffreysort7219 Před 7 lety +1

    This guy seems like he's doing Arch Warhammer tribute videos.

  • @whitedissapointment820

    Personally i quite like the design. Its pretty unique, and its the perfect mix of ridiculously whacky and grimdark that i like from chaos. It is pretty hideous, but a good way (if that makes sense?), but I disagree with you and do reckon it could do with a bit more "chaos-y" stuff on it and more mutation and things you would expect from a nurgle tank. I mean it has the nurgle symbols and stuff but where is the mutation and all that? The obession with the 3 circle thingo has gone a bit far but its created a bit more of an identity for nurgle, because looking at the old plague marine models and stuff their only unique characteristic is a shit load of mutation and a hideous green colour.
    Oh and one more thing, the easy to build stuff seems to mostly be for the starter sets and the smaller kits aimed at beginners, i reckon/hope the final Plague Marines and the terminators kits will be proper mutli-part kits with at least a bit of customisation and compatibility with other chaos kits.

  • @johnharvath4127
    @johnharvath4127 Před 7 lety +1

    this is off the subject, but WHY,WHY $90 for 2 primaris space marines. If someone makes $10 dollars an hour. This person { depending on what job they have.} has to work 10 hours for 2 space marines mins. COME ON GW!!! please don't do this. We all understand and admit, you make and have the BEST minis on the market. But please don't do this, I would even settle for $50, but $90! I don't know what more I can say.

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety

      Come to Australia, my wage even running a factory and I have to work a couple of hours to afford them.

    • @johnharvath4127
      @johnharvath4127 Před 7 lety

      The Outer Circle not being a smart ass, but is it that bad?

  • @HerrMarajin
    @HerrMarajin Před 7 lety

    I think this thing can look good, with a decent and less boring paintjob and maybe some smaller conversions.
    But it sure would have been nice to get something that looks better out of the box without spending extra time and money on it.

    • @TRZ99
      @TRZ99 Před 7 lety +1

      HerrMarajin with corpses chained to the front, severed heads and guts

  • @derionone
    @derionone Před 7 lety +3

    fucking looks awesome ...finally nurgel Terminator yes now i can throw my old conversions away ... and Mortaion Finally they just need mooree slanesh models and am happy

    • @TRZ99
      @TRZ99 Před 7 lety +2

      derionone I'll take your old conversions

  • @otaris2099
    @otaris2099 Před 7 lety +1

    I agree with you for the most part but I think this picture isnt very accurate because the paint job is terrible. If the paint job was slightly better I don't think you would be making this video.

  • @Stevo-to2go
    @Stevo-to2go Před 7 lety

    It all down to taste I suppoze. Personally I am not a fan. Although...... If it fell into the hands of the Orks?
    That could produce some cool conversions. Espesially as Ork vehicles don't really need to make logical sense.

  • @ninivs--785
    @ninivs--785 Před 7 lety

    I think it captures the essence of Nurgle perfectly, maybe putting some flesh growth bursting out of the side. I do agree there is *MUUUCH* to work on, this looks very plain and bland. Thid currently sucks and need to change.

  • @olliedixon842
    @olliedixon842 Před 7 lety

    Magnus Model or Mortarion? Which do you prefer?

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety +1

      Mortarion. He has flaws, but he doesn't have that derpy Quagmire wanking arm like Magnus, and isn't covered in sockets all over, with conduit tubing and sculpted on energy. He's much much more similar to the artwork, and even has two little fly-cherubs flying around him like some plague angel.

  • @Sephvion
    @Sephvion Před 7 lety

    Well, you talked about the Nurgle Terminators picking up different marks of armor along the way and using it. Could this model, albeit not really good, have the same type of thing going on? Maybe they picked up parts and used old run down tanks and came up with this. Fuck if I know though. Lol.

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety

      No, it's not Ork ramshackle, it's just a turd.

    • @Sephvion
      @Sephvion Před 7 lety

      Indeed it is. I never stated it wasn't. No justification for this, but some kid is going to want it. In GW's eyes - Mission accomplished.

  • @Hanibal9050
    @Hanibal9050 Před 7 lety +5

    Looks like a giant turd I hate it won't buy it

  • @MephilesRider
    @MephilesRider Před 7 lety

    Great Video once again. Have to agree, the tank looks pretty strange and the mono-posing already bothers me a bit and I've only got two of the new Squads.

  • @eddymercan7487
    @eddymercan7487 Před 7 lety

    I'm not sure how I feel about this. Pretty much every 40K vehicle released is absolutely fucking awful in terms of realism. As a rule tanks don't look like that, not since the early days of WW2. Exposed tracks, very wide fronts, flat armour...

  • @marcogrunwald6500
    @marcogrunwald6500 Před 7 lety +1

    I don't understand all this hate for the tank. Except for the giant mortar on the top, I can see that they for some style of siege breakthrough tank, with all the short ranged weoponry and the lack of vision slits, which threw me of, but there is probably some explanation for that, you know like drive close to an entrencht position, spew deamon goop all over them while you melta away some walls or tanks with the hull mounted gun. I hope you can build it without the mortar, because then I would just close it up on the back and use it as an leman russ tank thing in my mutant horde army. And I think they could have gone more bonkers with the nurgle iconography, it's ust one large symbol on the front, and that is one the dozerblade style attachment.

  • @finnewar
    @finnewar Před 7 lety +2

    good model.

  • @onkyo13
    @onkyo13 Před 7 lety

    heeeyyyy atleast its not a dakka floating land raider right?.... right?...

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety

      If only it had missiles all over it, I could have accepted it.

    • @onkyo13
      @onkyo13 Před 7 lety

      It did have some missile pods at the back of it and behind the turret I think. But not enuf dakka

  • @crackedhammer4612
    @crackedhammer4612 Před 7 lety

    We all got hit with weaponized autism

  • @SicariusXIII
    @SicariusXIII Před 7 lety +5

    I'm not sure if you address perspective at all in this video because, quite frankly, listening to you whinge about gave me an aneurysm. Seriously, the plaguebearers are clearly distorted in the photo that you're showing. Maybe wait until the model comes out before splashing your sippy cup all over the place.

  • @danwilkinson5239
    @danwilkinson5239 Před 7 lety +2

    Is it bad that I love it when you get triggered?

  • @legendarydavo
    @legendarydavo Před 7 lety

    I like the new tank.

  • @DoctorKrain
    @DoctorKrain Před 7 lety +2

    Well Nurgle has never won any beauty contests, but I do think that tank has the slugish, fat and ugly; which is nurgle

  • @SebastienlovesCookieswirlc

    I get some of your points, but I think you are making too big a fuss about this :)

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety

      I very well could be. Why? Because I think with like 1 or 2... or 8 or 9 changes, it could have been really cool.

    • @SebastienlovesCookieswirlc
      @SebastienlovesCookieswirlc Před 7 lety

      For me (but I understand it is a matter of personal taste) it is mostly because of the criticism of the nurgle iconography. I find that frankly over the top. But hey, I so love models that are baroque to the point of impracticality. I understand they cannot be everyone's cup of thea. The tanks is just fugly, that's not the point. Will likely have crappy rules as well, so who cares?

  • @dinocha0s
    @dinocha0s Před 7 lety +11

    That thing honestly look pretty decent idk why the fuck anyone isnt complaining why poxshitters exist though

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety +2

      Oh, I complained about that on Scrubdown when they first popped up. In short: too big, too static, too much like plague marines, plague zombies are far cooler and would have sold far more.

    • @krilc
      @krilc Před 7 lety

      Aye, the not-zombies look rubbish

  • @TheSalem777
    @TheSalem777 Před 7 lety +1

    I'm a new WH40k player and I don't see the problem with it, For me its like a new model for a nurgle-ized Vindicator. In fact, if its truly a vindicator, the new design makes it very attractive for me in place of all the common metal boxes commonly seen around.
    Clearly is a bombardment tank. bringing disease rain at their enemies on the distance while giving enough cover and time to the slow plague marines to reach the battle without being easily decimated by shooty armies. And overrunning enemies with that front dozerblade and blasting enemies with the smaller cannons if enemies try to get too close.
    I've noticed people seems to point that its too "clean" for a Nurgle tank, and guess this is because it doesn't have the classic sickly green paint scheme of 40k Death Guard poster boys. The image shows that the "shell" has the typical pox pimples and cracks, however that white does not show them really well.
    For me, the color scheme of the tank in the picture resembles the color scheme of the new "Pallid Hand" Vectorum that comes in the Dark Imperium, which its a more "clean" scheme and its more rusty than rotten. The Pallid Hand use lots of heavies in their raids according to the lore in the DG army-specific book in the Dark Imperium.
    I'm just speculating; but I really want to bring this bad boy into my DG army.
    just my two cents.

  • @PureHarry
    @PureHarry Před 7 lety +3

    Lol. this tank looks fine.

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety +2

      You're allowed to think that, I'm not taking that away from you. Yet.

    • @PureHarry
      @PureHarry Před 7 lety +1

      You wont ever do. The tank is simple, no massive bits of flesh pouring out of it. Its like chaos vindicators or predators etc. Its Body shape is a bit weird but its cool and new looking. Its got a Nurgle logo on the front with a bit of damaging to its Siege shield/Dozer blade with acidly looking marks.

  • @oxygencorrosion5640
    @oxygencorrosion5640 Před 7 lety +2

    I think it's cute

  • @andrewhannaford9300
    @andrewhannaford9300 Před 7 lety

    I agree, that new nurgle tank looks terrible! So glad I don't play Death Guard. I don't like the idea of the new "fast built" models either. Half the fun of building for models is converting them into cool unique poses.

  • @Bledoston
    @Bledoston Před 7 lety +2

    They consistently release uglier and uglier models till the point they could release their own ass hair taped together and it would look amazing.

  • @awg40k27
    @awg40k27 Před 7 lety +1

    they are not even trying anymore, i had the same feeling about the orkvehicles.
    sometimes me thinks that they do it on purpose, its nurgle(make it disgusting) its ork(we have some parts left) all in all its like anything goes.
    make a nurgle army, and then try to sell crappy tanks because yeah if people already have nurgle footsoldiers why not sell them tanks?
    and they will sell them too, don,t you worry about that, they will sell crap and tell you its steak.

  • @Grubnar
    @Grubnar Před 7 lety

    That abomination of a tank could be a god-send for conversion purposes ... or maybe that is just the Ork in me talking.

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety

      Paint it red.

    • @Grubnar
      @Grubnar Před 7 lety


  • @Tonnolin
    @Tonnolin Před 7 lety +1


    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety

      We have the documents. Duncan Rhodes is a robot. We have the proof. We have the documents but we can't share those either.

  • @vitamintechno6695
    @vitamintechno6695 Před 7 lety

    a bit greenstuff and the right collors and izs fine whats the problem

  • @ghorstish4787
    @ghorstish4787 Před 7 lety +2

    If you don't like the new tank you just don't like Nurgle.

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety

      I like nurgle plenty, my only greater daemon model atm is a Great Unclean One from Forge World, my only Age of Sigmar are some Putrid blight kings, my blood bowl is 3 teams, the two from the starter box and a converted nurgle team. I have all of the new nurgle plastics for Dark Imperium... minus the poxwalkers and Majin Buu, in fact, I put more effort into painting these than I have on any model in the last 2 years including some primarchs.

  • @billnaster171
    @billnaster171 Před 7 lety +3

    I think they tried to design it after a maggot or something like that. To be honest I do like the model in a way...

    • @marcogrunwald6500
      @marcogrunwald6500 Před 7 lety +1

      Now that you said that... I like the estatic even more. Thank you. (No sarcasm, really.)

    • @TheOuterCircle
      @TheOuterCircle  Před 7 lety

      I think if it didn't have the super-nurgle icon dozer blade, and instead had a corpse-cart feel to it, and no side sponsons and instead of the wonky triple barrelled gun just one of those pus-cannons, then I'd be fine with it.
      That's many changes to that design however.

  • @holmeboy1139
    @holmeboy1139 Před 7 lety


  • @sikamika9
    @sikamika9 Před 7 lety +4

    it is nurgle...it is supposed to be a piece of shiet...it is the lore dude

  • @cadethomas697
    @cadethomas697 Před 7 lety

    They legit gave you what you asked for in you video on why people don't like the primaris fluff. New chaos war machines that should (hopefully) make the Imperium fall to it's knees. Yet when they give you said new war machines you just kind of bitch and whine that you don't like how it looks. The tank is simple it's similar to the predator and vindicator. It doesn't have to have tentacles and shit busting out of it to be Nurgle. The symbol on the shield is fine to identify Nurgle, also the three skulls is the death guard logo, it should be on the model over and over. Similar to how the Ultramarines have the Ultramarines symbol, shocking I know. It doesn't need three barrels or need to look like a 30k vehicle. Would it be nice to have 30k stuff come to 40k? Yes, but the warp as well as chaos gods change their servant as well as their respective war machines to fit their needs and purpose. For all you know that tank could have been a Basilisk 10000 years ago. Look at Helldrakes, if I remembered the lore correctly they used to be ships that the warp changed into those beasts when they melded with their pilots. Sure you might not like how it looks and that's fine, but in reality it IS fine and serves it's purpose. Don't complain when the company gives you what you ask for but it's not what you imagined. I'm a sub and a loyal watched and I agree with you on most things, this however is not one of them. Keep the vids coming pal.

  • @fmmetamc
    @fmmetamc Před 7 lety +1

    totally agree, that new tank is utter shit

  • @LegioPanda
    @LegioPanda Před 7 lety

    Beautiful tank I would get 3 of them if 7th ed tank squadrons were still a thing

  • @Mandalorian92
    @Mandalorian92 Před 7 lety

    One of the worst tanks I've ever seen. I also agree about the Nurgle marines with their static poses. I personally will probably just use them as champion models for my squads because they do look cool but there's not much to do with them.

  • @narlescoleman2312
    @narlescoleman2312 Před 7 lety +1

    Theres the dodo tank of 40k haha. It look so stupid.

  • @superwargamer3229
    @superwargamer3229 Před 7 lety

    dont want to sound negative but i fought a death gard army last week and i asked if it was a sigmar army, of course he was pissed but the new models look like they don't belong in 40k and i really thought they were sigmar nurgle units XD

    • @PureHarry
      @PureHarry Před 7 lety +1

      Then your blind :P they look nothing like AoS units.

    • @superwargamer3229
      @superwargamer3229 Před 7 lety

      lmao they look very fantasy in sculpt to me XD

    • @PureHarry
      @PureHarry Před 7 lety +1

      Ok so you are blind? because they look nothing like Fantasy models with there huge power armour, robotic limbs etc.

    • @superwargamer3229
      @superwargamer3229 Před 7 lety

      lmao the Armour is 40k, but majin buu don't belong in 40k and be fair if you didnt know much about 40k and had these set up would you really place them in the grim dark future or maybe some fantasy game just models with bigger Armour and some guns dont mean it looks 40k XD, to me they just dont look scary at all, they have a child's theme and look like they are marketed to 8 year old's to get mammy and daddy to buy them.

    • @PureHarry
      @PureHarry Před 7 lety +1

      How do you mistake them for fantasy?? yes the armour is 40k.. SO NOTHING LIKE AOS. They've got the classic power armour. Also.. They have a childs theme.. How so? I mean i know all the kids love gus falling out of there bellys. They have power armour, Blot guns, classic 40k much? I dont think you really know anything about 40k tbh. Theres nothing about them that is fantasy. They dont look scary? Are they meant to be? Childs theme? do you know anything about nurgle?
      And to answer you question, Yes yes I would because they fit it perfectly, Guts following out of there bodies, Horns coming out of there heads, Mouths on there stomachs.

  • @hardlyworking1351
    @hardlyworking1351 Před 7 lety

    looks like a block of cheese