Italian Reacts To Surah Ar Rahman Beautiful Recitation - سورة الرحمن

  • čas přidán 8. 11. 2022
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    Italian Reacts To Surah Ar Rahman Beautiful Recitation - سورة الرحمن
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Komentáře • 185

  • @Ale-xv4bt
    @Ale-xv4bt Před rokem +7

    Assalam aleikum, ciao Mauro complimenti per questa reaction sul Corano. Io sono diventata musulmana leggendo un Corano che mi era stato regalato. Lo aprii a caso e lessi il capitolo delle donne. Scoppiai a piangere per l´emozione perche´ in quel capitolo c´e´ un tale amore dal Creatore per noi, teso a proteggerci in ogni frangente. Piangevo perche´scoprivo di aver cercato di spiegare spesso cosa sentivo dentro me come donna, che non eravamo delle bambole stupide, ma neanche delle guerriere a tutti i costi, ma le persone mi guardavano come fossi un po´strana, con delle idee strampalate, invece no. Allah ci descrive delicate, ma non inferiori all´uomo. Ci ha creati complementari gli uni alle altre. Mi commuovevo anche perche´era amaro scoprire quante menzogne ed errori facevano e fanno molti uomini,travisando il Corano a loro piacimento e solo per relegarci o controllarci. Continuando poi la lettura nei giorni seguenti, facevo le stesse tue osservazioni su come fosse possibile questa o quella cosa al tempo del Profeta. Mi risposi che, solo chi aveva creato tutto cio´poteva conoscerlo cosi´bene. Quelli della Rivelazione erano ancora i tempi in cui si credeva la terra fosse piatta! Galileo rischio´di essere messo sul rogo perche´diceva il contrario, eppure nel Corano c´era gia´tutto e praticamente con 1000 anni di anticipo. Pianeti, orbite, mari che non si nel Corano si parla anche dello stadio dell´embrione nelle primissime ore dell´inizio della gravidanza quando siamo ancora una "morula". Come e´stato possibile tutto cio´se non c´era il microscopio? Da allora, a chi mi chiede perche´e come mi sia convertita rispondo che solo chi ha creato puo´parlare cosi´e che Allah non ti chiede di avere fede e basta, Lui e´il Sapiente, l´Onniscente e spiega, dimostra, descrive in modo logico, analitico, con fatti dimostrabili scientificamente. Un´assoluta novita´per una religione!. Mentre le religioni hanno prevalentemente combattuto gli studiosi e gli scienziati, l´Islam promuove la cultura, la ricerca, la scienza: il sapere. E piu´studiamo e sperimentiamo o ricerchiamo, piu´abbiamo conferme che tutto cio´e´vero poiche´Allah parla all´anima, ma ci ha provvisti di una mente e nessuno meglio di Lui sa quanto un punto di incontro e di equilibrio fra queste due componenti sia importante per noi e le nostre convinzioni. Ti auguro una via di Luce come quella che Allah ha dato a me e che ci conceda la Sua Grazia e il Suo perdono. Dimenticavo...Dante ha dato un´occhiatina al Corano quando ha scritto la sua "Comedia"😉

    • @mauronicolo89
      @mauronicolo89  Před rokem +3

      Grazie Ale, bellissima storia, grazie per averla condivisa qui!! Buona fortuna nel tuo percorso!!!❤❤❤

  • @latifdogan7257
    @latifdogan7257 Před rokem +37

    the surah describes the orbit of the earth and the planets around it. it is important that the balance is mentioned so that planets keep their course. the perfect harmony between day and night as well as the barriers between different waters whether in the oceans or other places where fresh water and salt water meet is also mentioned.

    • @JlM89
      @JlM89 Před rokem +1

    • @nosmokejazwinski6297
      @nosmokejazwinski6297 Před rokem +1

      It doesn’t mention the orbit of the earth, but orbits of sun and moon

  • @hassanazrwado6711
    @hassanazrwado6711 Před rokem +16

    لاإله إلا الله محمد رسول الله ☝️☝️☝️☝️❤❤👍👍👍

  • @h_4truth560
    @h_4truth560 Před rokem +10

    When it’s talking about the gardens it is only giving a description of paradise, not talking about Adam and Eve and the apple. God is describing the pleasures of paradise waiting for the believer

  • @bakuryuu1009
    @bakuryuu1009 Před rokem +22

    we can't imagine heaven, there is things there we can't imagine

    • @woulinx
      @woulinx Před rokem +5

      We cant "exactly" but we can imagine with word of Allah in Quran how beautiful there is

    • @hus233
      @hus233 Před 10 měsíci

      ​@@woulinxu right

    • @user-wx4kg1jh7s
      @user-wx4kg1jh7s Před 10 měsíci

      Prophet Muhammad saw more perfect than a heaven

  • @zamboe
    @zamboe Před rokem +16

    one of my fav surah.. Thank you.. 😢

  • @beautyofislam8253
    @beautyofislam8253 Před rokem +4

    بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
    Benedetto Colui nella Cui mano è la sovranità, Egli è onnipotente; (1) Colui Che ha creato la morte e la vita per mettere alla prova chi di voi meglio opera, Egli è l'Eccelso, il Perdonatore; (2) Colui Che ha creato sette cieli sovrapposti senza che tu veda alcun difetto nella creazione del Compassionevole. Osserva, vedi una qualche fenditura? (3) Osserva ancora due volte: il tuo sguardo ricadrà, stanco e sfinito. (4) Invero abbellimmo di luminarie il cielo più vicino, e ne abbiamo fatto strumenti per lapidare i dèmoni, per i quali abbiamo preparato la Fiamma. (5) Per coloro che non credono nel loro Signore, c'è il castigo dell'Inferno: qual tristo divenire! (6) Quando vi sono precipitati, ne sentono il fragore mentre ribolle: (7) manca poco a che scoppi di rabbia. Ogni volta che un gruppo vi è precipitato, i suoi guardiani chiedono: “Non vi è forse giunto un ammonitore?”. (8) Risponderanno: “Sì, ci era giunto un ammonitore, ma noi lo tacciammo di menzogna e dicemmo: Allah non ha fatto scendere alcunché, voi siete in evidente errore!"”. (9) E diranno: “Se avessimo ascoltato o compreso, non saremmo tra i compagni della Fiamma”. (10) Riconoscono il loro peccato. Che siano ridotti in polvere i compagni della Fiamma! (11) Coloro che invece temono il loro Signore in ciò che è invisibile, avranno perdono e ricompensa grande. (12) Sia che nascondiate i vostri intenti o li palesiate, Egli ben conosce quello che contengono i petti. (13) Non conoscerebbe ciò che Egli stesso ha creato, quando Egli è il Sottile, il Ben informato? (14) Egli è Colui Che vi ha fatto remissiva la terra: percorretela in lungo e in largo, e mangiate della Sua provvidenza. Verso di Lui è la Resurrezione. (15) Siete forse sicuri che Colui Che sta nel cielo non vi faccia inghiottire dalla terra quando trema? (16) O siete sicuri che Colui Che sta nel cielo non scateni contro di voi un uragano? Conoscerete allora il Mio avvertimento. (17) Invero coloro che li precedettero già tacciarono di menzogna. Quale fu la mia riprovazione! (18) Non hanno visto, sopra di loro, gli uccelli spiegare e ripiegare le ali? Non li sostiene altri che il Compassionevole. In verità Egli osserva ogni cosa. (19) Chi potrebbe costituire un esercito per voi, e [chi potrebbe] soccorrervi all'infuori del Compassionevole? I miscredenti sono in preda all'inganno. (20) Chi provvederà a voi, se Egli tratterrà la Sua provvidenza? No, essi persistono nell'insolenza e nel rifiuto. (21) Colui che cammina con il volto rivolto al suolo è forse meglio guidato di colui che si erge camminando sulla retta via ? (22) Di': “Egli è Colui Che vi ha creati e vi ha dato l'udito, gli occhi e i cuori”. Quanto poco Gli siete riconoscenti! (23) Di': “Egli è Colui Che vi ha sparsi sulla terra e verso di Lui sarete riuniti”. (24) Dicono: “A quando questa promessa? [Ditecelo,] se siete veridici”. (25) Di': “La conoscenza [di ciò] appartiene ad Allah. Io non sono altro che un ammonitore esplicito”. (26) Quando la vedranno da vicino, saranno stravolti i visi dei miscredenti e sarà detto loro: “Ecco ciò che vi ostinavate a chiedere!”. (27) Di': “Cosa credete? Sia che Allah faccia perire me e quelli che sono con me sia che ci usi misericordia, chi potrà proteggere i miscredenti da un doloroso castigo?”. (28) Di': “Egli è il Compassionevole! Crediamo in Lui e in Lui confidiamo. Presto saprete chi è in errore evidente”. (29) Di': “Cosa credete? Se la vostra acqua rientrasse nelle profondità [della terra] chi vi procurerebbe acqua sorgiva?”. (30) Quran chapter 67

  • @mohammedalshabi4676
    @mohammedalshabi4676 Před rokem +3

    لا اله الا الله
    سبحان الله
    استغفر الله
    الحمد لله
    الله اكبر
    لا حول ولا قوة الا ب الله العلي العظيم
    سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

  • @Arabian_Gulf_Angler
    @Arabian_Gulf_Angler Před rokem +7

    The gardens are a description for paradise properties for each believer...

  • @mohammedhatam8262
    @mohammedhatam8262 Před rokem +7

    Brother for each word god says you need to listening to the scholar of Islam and they will explain to you very nice you understand everything

  • @mohammedalshabi4676
    @mohammedalshabi4676 Před rokem +5

    لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله ♥️☝️

  • @mahmud1556
    @mahmud1556 Před rokem +3

    The Holy Qur’an is a book of God that chills the body when it is recited, read and heard. It is a deep speech that enters the heart of any righteous person

  • @alibouaouiche8255
    @alibouaouiche8255 Před rokem +4

    May Allah guide you to straight path and open your heart to the truth Ali from morocco

  • @elaafifah9595
    @elaafifah9595 Před rokem +5

    Brother, react to 'How Ex Preacher Yusuf Estes Come to Islam'

  • @-soulfood
    @-soulfood Před rokem +8

    Paradise (Heaven) is what No Eyes have ever Seen, and No Ears have ever Heard of, and Never imagined in the consciousness of a Human Being.
    The grandeur and beauty of all of this worldly creation, is at best a measly dilution and resemblance of heaven. It is meant to give us an indicative taste of what lies ahead for Believers. Imagine a gazillion times more beauty than this videos footage, and then know it is better, something like that.
    But the Quran gives many examples, like you have seen in this Surah.

    • @-soulfood
      @-soulfood Před rokem +1

      Heaven and Hell are frequently described in the Quran. This Surah being one example. It is simple and not confusing rule:
      Heaven is gardens with rivers, fruits, palaces, with butler like services, good company, and a never ending life of bliss and pleasure that waits believers.
      Hell is a great fire and a never ending life of painful punishment promised to those who insist on disbelief and die on it.
      Now of course both Heaven and Hell have levels, varying depending on a person’s actions in this life in increasing rewards for believers, and in increasing punishment for disbelievers.
      Allah gave every Human a capacity to think and come to the Truth, sent guidance through messengers over the ages, and granted free will to believe or disbelief until the moment of death. This is the test of Life.
      May Allah guide us all to the right path, and keep us steadfast on it.

  • @mohamedshiiq506
    @mohamedshiiq506 Před rokem +5

    Keep going bro ❤❤

  • @ikhwanjanzabil3967
    @ikhwanjanzabil3967 Před rokem +2

    Fyi, Mauro.. There is many gardens (paradise) for human in here after live. Not only one or two.

  • @walidwalid-ps9ki
    @walidwalid-ps9ki Před rokem

    حينما تسنع القرآن لا تضحك ولا تتكلم حتي تنتهي السورة

  • @vitar749
    @vitar749 Před rokem +6

    I don't think that 1400 ago anyone on earth would of have the knowledge of two seas not mixing( salty water marking side by side with sweet water) . This knowledge must of been revealed by the Creator Himself.

    • @mauronicolo89
      @mauronicolo89  Před rokem +1

      I don't know for sure, but back then they would explore a lot by sea, so probably was common knowledge. But not sure of course, waiting for someone that knows more than me to contraddict me

    • @nu-nisamiracle2401
      @nu-nisamiracle2401 Před rokem +2

      @@mauronicolo89 probably, but certainly no one would know the earth is 1/3 the age of the universe..

    • @nu-nisamiracle2401
      @nu-nisamiracle2401 Před rokem +2

      Nor our galaxy was a product of 2 galaxy colide..
      Nor our sun born the same time as our earth..
      Nor the life on earth shows up when earth is half it's age from today..
      And many more which they certainly wouldn't know..

  • @offroadandfun
    @offroadandfun Před rokem +1

    Yeh the oceans between them there is sweet water and they don't mix

  • @Jarir-vd1ow
    @Jarir-vd1ow Před rokem +5

    The fruits that you mentioned are fruits in heaven that are not high, so it is easy to reach them so that you reach out your hand and get them

    • @sabiramusfiratanannya2263
      @sabiramusfiratanannya2263 Před rokem

      I think for the word Heaven in Quran is Sama' or Samawat, and for paradise or two gardans the word jannah used

  • @heartboy4469
    @heartboy4469 Před rokem +8

    When you said they didn't know about the Atlantic ocean when the Quran was written first this is god speaking to you he knows everything and the Quran was not written The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammadp by the angel Gabrielle over a period of 23 years. The unique rhythmic style of the Quran made it easy to memorize, which has been the main source of its preservation. Moreover, since Prophet Muhammadp could not read or write, he appointed scribes to record the Quran as it was being revealed to him. Thus, the complete Quran was not only memorized by Prophet Muhammadp and many of his companions, but it also existed in its entirety in written form during his lifetimeuslim]
    Within a year after Prophet Muhammadp’s death, a manuscript of the entire Quran was assembled by a committee led by his chief scribe, who followed stringent criteria to safeguard against any errors. This copy was approved unanimously by Prophet Muhammadp’s companions, including hundreds that had memorized the entire Quran. Eventually, several copies of the Quran were compiled in book form and distributed to the major Muslim cities. One such copy is currently at the museum in Tashkent and a facsimile of it, produced in 1905, is available in the Columbia University Library.
    The process of memorization began during Prophet Muhammadp’s life and is still emphasized by Muslims to this day.
    God promises in the Quran, “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly Guard it (from corruption)” (15:9) and we still have people who memorized the whole Quran 35 million people memorise it

    • @jaykassim3474
      @jaykassim3474 Před rokem +1

      Indeed Allah know everything pass, now n future, He is the author of Quran❤️🇲🇾😊

  • @user-hl2kr4tv6n
    @user-hl2kr4tv6n Před rokem +1

    When The Moon Split | Miracles Of Prophet Muhammad

  • @emperorkaido8539
    @emperorkaido8539 Před rokem +2

    it talks about tow seas that dont mix like atlatic sea and medetenian sea

  • @epoel634
    @epoel634 Před rokem

    about the two oceans that doesn't mix each other, nobody knew about the fact until very recently, this is one of the many proofs that Quran is from the Creator

  • @fadelnajjar8091
    @fadelnajjar8091 Před rokem +1

    4:13 it showes you that this is cant be awords of ahuman but it is from allah the creator of this world and the most knowing of it

  • @SandiSofian90
    @SandiSofian90 Před rokem +1

    thx bro for accept my request

  • @walidwalid-ps9ki
    @walidwalid-ps9ki Před rokem +2

    الحمدالله عل نعمه الإسلام
    هذة سورة الرحمن

  • @merimasalkic5873
    @merimasalkic5873 Před rokem +2

    I love Surah AR-Rahman

  • @KYK2005
    @KYK2005 Před rokem +7

    Please React "Surah Ibrahim Full Video" from Mercifulservant 🥰

  • @marwantrance
    @marwantrance Před rokem +2

    helloe bro , regarding verse 19-21 , when the seas are meet :
    Modern Science has discovered that in the places where two
    different seas meet, there is a barrier between them. This barrier
    divides the two seas so that each sea has its own temperature,
    salinity, and density.2 For example, Mediterranean sea water is
    warm, saline, and less dense, compared to Atlantic ocean water.
    When Mediterranean sea water enters the Atlantic over the Gibraltar
    sill, it moves several hundred kilometers into the Atlantic at a
    depth of about 1000 meters with its own warm, saline, and less dense characteristics. The Mediterranean water stabilizes at this

    • @marwantrance
      @marwantrance Před rokem

      Although there are large waves, strong currents, and tides in
      these seas, they do not mix or transgress this barrier.
      The Holy Qur’an mentioned that there is a barrier between two
      seas that meet and that they do not transgress. God has said:
       He has set free the two seas meeting together.
      There is a barrier between them.
      They do not transgress.  (Qur’an, 55:19-20)
      But when the Qur’an speaks about the divider between fresh
      and salt water, it mentions the existence of “a forbidding partition”
      with the barrier. God has said in the Qur’an:
       He is the one who has set free the two kinds
      of water, one sweet and palatable, and the
      other salty and bitter. And He has made
      between them a barrier and a forbidding
      partition.  (Qur’an, 25:53)

    • @marwantrance
      @marwantrance Před rokem

      One may ask, why did the Qur’an mention the partition when
      speaking about the divider between fresh and salt water, but did
      not mention it when speaking about the divider between the two
      Modern science has discovered that in estuaries, where fresh
      (sweet) and salt water meet, the situation is somewhat different
      from what is found in places where two seas meet. It has been
      discovered that what distinguishes fresh water from salt water in
      estuaries is a “pycnocline zone with a marked density discontinuity
      separating the two layers.”1 This partition (zone of separation) has
      a different salinity from the fresh water and from the salt water2
      (see figure 14). (there is fique but unfortunately i cant show it here )

    • @marwantrance
      @marwantrance Před rokem

      This information has been discovered only recently, using
      advanced equipment to measure temperature, salinity, density,
      oxygen dissolubility, etc. The human eye cannot see the difference
      between the two seas that meet, rather the two seas appear to us as
      one homogeneous sea. Likewise, the human eye cannot see the
      division of water in estuaries into the three kinds: fresh water, salt
      water, and the partition (zone of separation).
      May God guide u and us to the right path

  • @th3g3ntl3man6
    @th3g3ntl3man6 Před rokem

    The forbidden apple is mentioned in another surah, Surah Albaqqarah.

  • @user-oc4gu9kb3p
    @user-oc4gu9kb3p Před rokem

    The seas are the rivers and the seas. In the Arabic language we call things with different names for easeness.

  • @haidarquarrar8848
    @haidarquarrar8848 Před 9 měsíci

    Allah bless you

  • @lailakhan5690
    @lailakhan5690 Před rokem +1


    @FOOTSHOTS1 Před rokem

    The two sea that talk about the quran is the deep of the ocean and the front.. it is one of the miracle of the quran.. cuz they couldnt know this in that time.. that there is a barrier that split the front of the sea .. and the deep ocean.. so it like two sea..

  • @AllahMohammadAli110
    @AllahMohammadAli110 Před rokem

    goodluck brother💖

  • @emptythrone75
    @emptythrone75 Před rokem +1

    There's what no eye have seen, no ear have ever heard, and what no human being have ever even imagined in heaven, so it's not possible to make a video to visualize it.

  • @fikyd_
    @fikyd_ Před rokem

    In this Surah we human repeatedly reminded over and over "which favours of your Lord will you deny?", because we human deny too many of our Lord favours, for example every breath we take, imagine if Allah demand us to pay for every breath we take?

  • @mohammedhatam8262
    @mohammedhatam8262 Před rokem +2

    Know Jast write in google you will find two rever never mix

  • @dinostar7656
    @dinostar7656 Před rokem


  • @lailakhan5690
    @lailakhan5690 Před rokem


  • @sayedkhilwati3422
    @sayedkhilwati3422 Před rokem

    The meeting of the 2 seas is talking about the salt water and the fresh water where they meet in few places like in cameroon. This is scientific discovery which the salt sea water meets the fresh sea water and they found how they do not transgress on to eachother. They do not transgress Because when the salt water passes to the side of fresh water it loses its characteristics and becomes fresh water and vice versa.

  • @aamirraza6503
    @aamirraza6503 Před rokem


  • @halalvocalonly7110
    @halalvocalonly7110 Před rokem +1

    May the Almighty guide us to Islam , the religion of the true submission to God Almighty , the One and Only who He is beyond our human limitations. Ameen.💚

  • @Iroh_Gameplay
    @Iroh_Gameplay Před rokem +3

    React to surah Taha by merciful servant please, it's about Prophet Musa, children of Israel and Pharaoh

  • @arnisaa.sabdani9626
    @arnisaa.sabdani9626 Před rokem +2

    Pls reac surah mursalat by hisham al arabi

  • @momonasri8611
    @momonasri8611 Před rokem

    Rewatch it brother, Is simpler than you think. Allah swt is describing paradise and the things believers will enjoy in paradise, when He says about two gardens Allah still talking about paradise and what’s in it.

  • @bestryfulhd2102
    @bestryfulhd2102 Před rokem

    there is a scientific video(30M views) talks about that ,,, its called "Why the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Don't Mix" , By: Bright Side

  • @amjadhussain1511
    @amjadhussain1511 Před rokem +1

    Pacific and Atlantic Oceans

  • @user-pp1kf2xq4y
    @user-pp1kf2xq4y Před rokem

    Keep going

  • @Guri22013
    @Guri22013 Před rokem +4

    When It talks about Women Limiting Their Glances... It is refering to Pure Women of Paradise.
    They Do Not Look at Other Male servants (Limiting their Gaze) and They Have Never been Touched By Anybody. They Are For The Believers To be Their Wives. Each Believer will Have 1 wife In Paradise.
    She'll be Extremely beautiful and Her Beauty Will Increase Many Folds Every Time Her Husband (Believer) glances at Her.

    @ASSLANO Před rokem +1


  • @sikomode224
    @sikomode224 Před rokem

    May allah guide you to the right path

  • @redabouziane918
    @redabouziane918 Před rokem +1

    Nice 💚 👍

  • @daniyalanwer2927
    @daniyalanwer2927 Před rokem

    The woman part: Quran is telling that those man who do what Allah commands, don’t talk to females except who they’re allowed to will be given women in paradise who were never touched by any men and would be more beautiful than this world.


    Lot of Italians are becoming Muslim. I invite you to islam my brother from albania.

  • @RayOfHope8
    @RayOfHope8 Před rokem


  • @Kingkejser
    @Kingkejser Před rokem +2

    I really love your videos brother. I have one request for reaction. If you could check out the. AL QALAM (The Pen) from merciful servant. I think you will like that one. God bless

  • @sick-kid5959
    @sick-kid5959 Před rokem

    "Which of the favours of ur lord u deny"
    The reason of this verse again and again bcz Allah knows that the arrogant people can't understand point on one time.
    Allah remember us why u r not thankful?

  • @suryakumairi3622
    @suryakumairi3622 Před rokem

    TRIVIA : This surah Ar Rahman, prophet Muhammad SAW said that the jinn have better responses than the muslim human ...
    The jinn did response, each and everytime there were a verse with rethorical question :
    The jinn will answer with :
    "Yes, we aknowledge it, oh our God"

  • @yahabdra5543
    @yahabdra5543 Před rokem

    There no notion of sea in the ancient world they were all called seas

  • @toktiker8938
    @toktiker8938 Před rokem +1

    Brother, you asked about a detailed video about the Heaven😁 we got you😉
    Search "How Jannah will feel like".. Jannah means Paradise

  • @supianefendi1077
    @supianefendi1077 Před rokem

    Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah😇 😇💌⛲🏞💌😇👍😇💚🌌💖😇kami tidak mendustakan kebersamaan para utusan malaikat dengan para utusan nabi dan rasul, yang telah kau utus/kirim disisi engkau ya Allah SWT

  • @rashedmajali9522
    @rashedmajali9522 Před rokem +1


  • @user-kj8yl6sn2z
    @user-kj8yl6sn2z Před rokem +1

    Four channels I like in Dawah non-Muslims to Islam: DawahIsEasy Channel, DUS Dawah Channel, and One Message Foundation Channel,The Muslim Lantern and Masjid Al-Huda Sheffield
    These channels offer Islamic lessons that you can benefit from: DUS Dawah and Green Lane Masjid and Masjid Ribat and Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah

  • @hamseyusuf4635
    @hamseyusuf4635 Před rokem +1

    I am muslim

  • @sumaaami925
    @sumaaami925 Před rokem +1

    How amazing, he still thinks someone wrote the Qur’an 1400 years ago with the knowledge and intelligence they had in that timeframe!

    • @faseegahdavids2555
      @faseegahdavids2555 Před rokem

      Have patience, he is just at the beginning of his journey, has alot to learn. The concept is very big in relation to the indoctrination that has been taking place in his world his whole life. May Allah open his mind and heart to the truth inshallah. Just love his innocence and purity of heart. Just so beautiful. Absolutely loves his soul. Allah must be loving him alot as well thats why he is chosen to evaluate the truth. May find the absolute truth his heart is so pure and innocent he will easily be able to accept the truth inshallah.

  • @redabouziane918
    @redabouziane918 Před rokem +2

    React surah al muminoon ( the beliervers) quran tells us the past and future of humans by merciful servents ❤

  • @ahmedalial-selmy895
    @ahmedalial-selmy895 Před rokem


  • @ferdaous-
    @ferdaous- Před rokem

    there is 7 heavens and 7 hell edon is just one type of heaven
    a muslim that fears god will have 2 gardens
    it depends on his deeds allah may give him more it's simply beyond our imagination

  • @jaykassim3474
    @jaykassim3474 Před rokem +1

    Yeaaah 1st😁❤️👍🇲🇾

    • @jaykassim3474
      @jaykassim3474 Před rokem here some of descriptions of heaven in Islam 👍❤️🇲🇾😊

  • @fajrin3818
    @fajrin3818 Před rokem

    Ciao brother, forza juve🇮🇩

  • @Iroh_Gameplay
    @Iroh_Gameplay Před rokem +6

    If you wanna better explanation watch this
    It will show you picture about what happen in the surah

    • @jaykassim3474
      @jaykassim3474 Před rokem

      Yes agree i like this one more, the visual is very nice and understandable

  • @ascelinred1000
    @ascelinred1000 Před rokem

    Heaven is different from paradise. heaven is something like skies.paradise is the opposite of hell.

  • @S.Abdala
    @S.Abdala Před rokem +5

    Salve fratello
    Quando si tratta della confluenza dei due mari, si riferisce al miracolo delle loro acque che non si mescolano. Se uno di questi è più salato o denso, troverai la diferenzia sui entrambi i lati del punto dell' incontro.
    The word heaven in the Qur’an is different from its meaning for Christians.
    It does not mean Paradise

  • @latifdogan7257
    @latifdogan7257 Před rokem +4

    the quran counts the night sky as the 1st heaven, which means that all the stars that adorn the night sky comprise the 1st heaven. In addition to this 1st heaven, there are 6 more heavens that are outside of our universe or our galaxy. However, if you are asking about heaven in the sense of "paradise", I suggest you search for "jenna in islam". from short to very long and detailed videos, everything is included. By the way, "jenna" is the word for paradise.

    • @nu-nisamiracle2401
      @nu-nisamiracle2401 Před rokem +1

      It means our entire reality is only under the 1st sky.. coz space with stars doesn't have any distance boundary..
      That makes me think if the 2nd sky is outside our dimension..

    • @nu-nisamiracle2401
      @nu-nisamiracle2401 Před rokem +1

      Or maybe, what jesus (as) and prophet (saw) said is literal.. we are inside Allah and Allah is inside us, and Allah is closer than our own veins..

    • @nu-nisamiracle2401
      @nu-nisamiracle2401 Před rokem

      I'm frustrated if i'm thinking about it..

    • @latifdogan7257
      @latifdogan7257 Před rokem

      @@nu-nisamiracle2401 possible 🧐

    • @latifdogan7257
      @latifdogan7257 Před rokem

      @@nu-nisamiracle2401 Allah is the one who creates from nothing, we are his creation living on his creation, an earth in the 1st heaven, which in turn is surrounded by 6 other heavens. As Tesla discovered, energy is inexhaustible and is always around us. from many perspectives, Allah is in and around us.

  • @hakimtales1916
    @hakimtales1916 Před rokem

    Thanks for react to this verrryy beautiful récitation of quran: Surah al hijr hazza al balushi alburujpress.

  • @zuzuriibrahim3072
    @zuzuriibrahim3072 Před rokem +1

    U react to About Noah by raad muhd al kurdi

  • @mohamedshiiq506
    @mohamedshiiq506 Před rokem +1

    Hi ❤❤

  • @eyad31ify
    @eyad31ify Před rokem

    Does anyone know the name of the reciter in the video? It was my favorite one, but it got removed from the channel.

  • @hkstudio2083
    @hkstudio2083 Před rokem

    Yes, Al-Quran and hadith describe that how heaven and hell looks like, pls react to that videos...

  • @sick-kid5959
    @sick-kid5959 Před rokem +2

    Bro in Quran every time garden is used for heaven not for hell.
    In Islam heaven have stages like
    1st heaven 2nd heaven
    And top of the heaven name is
    People r send to different heaven according to their good deeds
    Like u got more reward if u work hard.

  • @contentsh
    @contentsh Před rokem

    Nessuno può immaginare ciò che c'è in paradiso e ogni rappresentazione che un individuo cerca di fare non può essere giusta c'è un Hadith (prophetic sayings or doings) del profeta Muhammad che la pace sia su di lui dove dice:
    Narrated Abu Huraira:
    the Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Allah said, "I have prepared for My righteous slaves (such excellent things) as no eye has ever seen, nor an ear has ever heard nor a human heart can ever think of.''
    Source: Sahih al-Bukhari 7498

  • @82ofthe_five_gospels11

    U must wtch SURAH AN-NAZIAT by muhammad Kurdi as imam salah

  • @karimsp3337
    @karimsp3337 Před rokem

    Oceans and seas are the same thing in Quran

  • @sayedkhilwati3422
    @sayedkhilwati3422 Před rokem

    When ita talking about 2 gardens. Janna is a garden meaning you will get 2 gardens in paradise. There is no garden in hell. Only fire
    You should react to the next sura number 56 sura waqiya its about the after life and the situation of people in paradise and hell.

  • @SKGaming-of1qb
    @SKGaming-of1qb Před rokem

    I recommend you to react on Surah Al Mulk by Sherif Mostafa

  • @woulinx
    @woulinx Před rokem +1

    Two gardens at paradise not in hell

  • @rizookeafred6974
    @rizookeafred6974 Před rokem

    Al Qur'an is word of God

  • @AbdullahGamingZone786

    I really want u to accept Islam❤️

  • @islambhai2242
    @islambhai2242 Před rokem

    My dear brother Yes garden Aden

  • @latifdogan7257
    @latifdogan7257 Před rokem +2

    „In them are women limiting their glances…
    There are women in paradise waiting for their inhabitants. these are meant here. the word "limiting" means something like limited and focused or fixed. Unfortunately, I can't explain to you what "limiting glances" means. that they have not been touched by men or jinn means that they are virgin, pure, and yet mateless.
    by the way, we don't want to oppress our women. we love our wives, our daughters, aunts, sisters and grandmothers. we would all sacrifice ourselves for them and protect them at all times, as true as we are muslims

  • @lowpoul5552
    @lowpoul5552 Před rokem

    Hi, about the seas, google it. very impressive

  • @islambhai2242
    @islambhai2242 Před rokem +2

    My dear friend you reaction Quran chapter surah AR Rahman what English subtitles by final revelation cahinel present a visualization of surah Rahman 55 chapter of holly Quran by final revelation cahinel present

  • @sitiradma3656
    @sitiradma3656 Před rokem +1

    hi please reaction surah qiyamah.

  • @zaidshaikh117
    @zaidshaikh117 Před rokem

    Brother there are a lot of you need to know.
    Just keep studying the religion of Islam. In Sha Allah your each and every doubt will be clear.

  • @SKGaming-of1qb
    @SKGaming-of1qb Před rokem

    If you search on CZcams hell and paradise in Islam you can find it on CZcams

  • @mohamedshiiq506
    @mohamedshiiq506 Před rokem +1

    Go to surah Ibrahim reaction ❤❤ satan what he say : day of judgement

  • @jhovermolon2104
    @jhovermolon2104 Před rokem

    Bro Marcust