Women in Islam by Lauren Booth

  • čas přidán 12. 10. 2011
  • Presented by ICNA Chicago

Komentáře • 65

  • @vonkleve
    @vonkleve Před 11 lety +7

    "Islam is a religion of peace and compassion"!

  • @Sievn
    @Sievn Před 11 lety +1

    Mashallah , I think she became a great woman and a great wife and a greater mother when she converted.

  • @ayoobsidhik
    @ayoobsidhik Před 12 lety

    Assalamu Alaikum sister. May Allah grant us Jannatul Firdouz. Ameen.

  • @ameerpdrm
    @ameerpdrm Před 11 lety

    Maa shaa allah. may allah bless her and all muslims around the world. and guide us to his heaven. insya allah. allahuakbar.

  • @GlitterUAE
    @GlitterUAE Před 12 lety

    I am so happy for you sis
    may Allah bless you

  • @twanaosman1
    @twanaosman1 Před 11 lety

    Great but please add subtitle coz sometime the sound isn't clear

  • @HAMIDK007
    @HAMIDK007 Před 10 lety

    excellent talk about her empty past. but now she has found a meaning and purpose for life. mashallah

  • @mohammadabu5061
    @mohammadabu5061 Před 8 měsíci

    alhamdulillah great

  • @mohamedqayum5568
    @mohamedqayum5568 Před 10 lety

    Mashallah Keep it up.

  • @abdullahmorad9962
    @abdullahmorad9962 Před 4 lety


  • @youkha98
    @youkha98 Před 11 lety

    may Allah bless you all

  • @mikeryan6637
    @mikeryan6637 Před 10 lety

    Well said.

  • @thetrueguidance-----3601

    May allah grant you jannat for your wonderful work

  • @silentguy13031990
    @silentguy13031990 Před 11 lety

    If I were a Christian, I think I don't need to worry about making a lot of sin, if all the Christian believe that Jesus (AS) died for their sin. I think all the Christian don't need to worry about making a lot of sin, they've already save by Jesus (AS).
    May Allah guide us and bless us...! ♥♥♥

  • @jaz971973
    @jaz971973 Před 8 lety

    Subhan Allah

    • @pkkharei2091
      @pkkharei2091 Před 5 lety

      Mam u need 2 learn alot, from Bible,,,

  • @kamarulzaman39
    @kamarulzaman39 Před 11 lety


  • @mariagalaica
    @mariagalaica Před 12 lety

    you are right

  • @seibrav
    @seibrav Před 11 lety

    Thank you for telling us how you really feel. I would suggest you include the Jordanians in your equation, as they took most of the land meant for the Palestinian Muslims, what is known as Trans-Jordan. I also think you should study some history and maybe learn about the Balfour Declaration.

  • @ginette84
    @ginette84 Před 11 lety

    @silentguy... I did not find a verse where Jesus instructs us to worship him. I worship God-Jesus. As per my husband, our main concern is to do as he says: Math.7:24-27 Therefore everyone who hears my words and puts them in practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock ...The flood came...yet it did not fall,..BUT everyone who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand....The flood came.. it fell with a great crash.”

  • @silentguy13031990
    @silentguy13031990 Před 11 lety

    Peace be with you Sis Ginette DeLamarre,,,
    I'm going to ask you a question and if you give me your answer and satisfy me on your answer, maybe I'll convert to Christianity...
    -Did Jesus (AS) said in the Bible to worship Him...?

  • @ginette84
    @ginette84 Před 11 lety

    Thank you for your testimony, I can imagine your joy when you found guidance in your life since you had so little as a child. Fortunately, I lived in a Christian family and I dedicated my life to Jesus-God, at an early age. One night, I felt the love of God for me and for all human being. Since then, my life changed forever. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life - John 3.16

    • @arifmantias8216
      @arifmantias8216 Před 4 lety

      GINETTE H I’m not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel ; Matthew 15:24.

  • @AmirBasson
    @AmirBasson Před 11 lety

    Can you please give me a reference about the what the Jordanians took from the fuckestinians ?

  • @silentguy13031990
    @silentguy13031990 Před 11 lety

    @Ginette, I don't know a lot about the Bible but I do believe that Christian was misunderstand what is the real message of the Bilble/Jesus (AS)...
    try search Yusuf Estes.
    /try to search this title (Christian takes down in tears after an answer by Sheikh Yusuf Estes).

  • @argatejasukma7842
    @argatejasukma7842 Před 5 lety

    Walaupun sdh sering kulihat dan kudengar, ttp saja aku merasa takjub klu ada bule masuk islam. Mereka sdh terbiasa hidup bebas dan mungkin tak tahu apa artinya dosa, lalu menjadi muslim yg banyak aturan, perintah dan larangan..

  • @vik56in
    @vik56in Před 11 lety

    I only have one question! Will she be able to live like this in the Islamic Middle East and preach rhetoric.She is able to do live life like this only because she lives in Christian Europe and not in the Muslim Middle East

  • @ginette84
    @ginette84 Před 11 lety

    @silentguy, as per your suggestion, my husband and I watched the video of Yusuf (well spoken orator). According to him : the Bible is translated -- then subject to errors; The Koran is written in Arabic -- then is the truth. Yusuf does not believe that Jesus is the son of God...I believe that the Bible is true and that Jesus is God. You believe that Christians misunderstand the Bible. No suprise, us human beings have the tendency to judge others instead of ourselves. May God bless you.

  • @seibrav
    @seibrav Před 11 lety

    As I stated, learn about the Balfour Declaration by the League of Nations and look at a map concerning what was considered the Mandate for Palestine (1920). This was later abrogated by Britain in 1922 in breech of the Balfour Declaration. The breech was the creation of Trans-Jordan. Like I said, learn some history.

  • @JonathanDeLeon-em4px
    @JonathanDeLeon-em4px Před 11 lety

    A caliphate based on the Prophethood means Muhammed is supreme but not God. The kingdom of God is where Jesus is Lord.

  • @monjiaitaly
    @monjiaitaly Před 11 lety

    hahahaha I really don't think you can insult her, but you sure have shown everyone exactly who you are.

  • @ginette84
    @ginette84 Před 11 lety

    YOU WROTE:"...those converts are much better studied/followed bible than you do and even More educated than you." MY RESPONSE: You all say the same thing. I do not judge the ones that have a different faith than me. A Bible verse prevents us: "And why do you take note of the grain of dust in your brother's eye, but take no note of the bit of wood which is in your eye?". We are not brother in faith, yet I beleive that ppl should live their faith and stop assuming that others are wrong.

  • @danishansari27
    @danishansari27 Před 11 lety


  • @silentguy13031990
    @silentguy13031990 Před 11 lety

    @Ginette, I'm sorry for asking a lot, I want to know what you really believe?
    Do you believe that Jesus (AS) is the God or Son of God?
    If Jesus (AS) is God, why He got killed by the Jews, is Jews are more powerful than God? I think bible say God sacrifice His self for the sin of humanity.
    Is Jesus (AS) said that He will going to sacrifice His self?
    if Jesus (AS) is Son of God, who is His father?what is the name of His Father?

  • @ginette84
    @ginette84 Před 11 lety

    I believe that Jesus is God (read John 1:1-18). When I understood his sacrifice for our sins, I truely experience in my soul the love of God for all human beings. It does not matter who kill Jesus (Romans or Jews), it was the plan of God that he died for our sins. I beleive; I accepted; and I repented for my sins. My only concerns is to obey and follow his instructions Mathew 5:1-48 ie: Blessed are the pure in heart because they will see God...Love your ennemies. May God bless you.

  • @monjiaitaly
    @monjiaitaly Před 11 lety

    really and what might that be.

  • @devinedelilah
    @devinedelilah Před 11 lety

    why do not watch the documentary about kingdom of king david and understand why the rabbis twisted the bible and the politics behind it! so you know the deepest a person read the bible the sooner he becomes Muslim ! there is countless accounts here and videos in utube of well established priest,and bible scholars that became Muslim!!! you just plain mad that prophecy did not came from you guys ! well after all the torture you put Jesus through how could god give u a shot again?

  • @seibrav
    @seibrav Před 11 lety

    You are to follow in the steps of Christ for your redemption. Christ did not sin. Mohammed did, A LOT. You obviously have no concept of what sin or temptation is, nor do you understand repentance. Christ did not die, as is confirmed by the resurrection. But of course you do not believe in that. You believe in Mohammed. That's messed up. I suggest you speak to some Christian theologians for a better understanding of Christ's sacrifice and suffering for mankind as the Messiah.

  • @JonathanDeLeon-em4px
    @JonathanDeLeon-em4px Před 11 lety

    You believe the rabbis twisted the Bible? How so? Where is your evidence? I don't believe the lies of Muhammed or of Muslim videos. There are no Christian priests or Bible scholars who have converted to Islam. Anyone who studies the Bible and the Quran knows that Muhammed corrupted the stories of the Bible. He confused the two Maryams of the Bible and made them into one woman. Maryam, the daughter of Imran and sister of Aaron is not the mother of Jesus but lived centuries before Jesus was born.

  • @seibrav
    @seibrav Před 11 lety

    If you don't know, then you are either ignorant of the persecution of non-Muslims in most Islamic countries, or you are a liar. If it's ignorance, I suggest you do a bit of research.

  • @JonathanDeLeon-em4px
    @JonathanDeLeon-em4px Před 11 lety

    Muhammed was an ignorant man who confused the stories and characters of the Bible. Google, "The Story of Jalut" by Jochen Katz to understand how Muhammed confused three different stories in the Bible and made them into one. He also corrupted the name of king Saul and changed it into Jalut, though there is no such name in Arabic or Hebrew. Mhmd was also ignorant of the name of the prophet, Samuel who annointed Shaul as first king of Israel.

  • @JonathanDeLeon-em4px
    @JonathanDeLeon-em4px Před 11 lety

    Islam is a violenet and corrupt relgion invented by Muhhammed. In the Islamic caliphate, the word of Muhammed is the word of God. Anyone who dares to criticize or contradict the word of Muhammed is imprisoned or killed. In the kingdom of God, Jesus is Lord and King. Anyone who desires to enter the kingdom of God must be born again of the Spirit as a child of God. In the caliphate, there are no sons of God but only slaves of Allah, the cruel slavemaster of Islam.

  • @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my

    You a dick, right? As simple as that. Gets excited for nothing more than a suggestion at what ever sounds, looks and imagined is a female! West and the evilization. Oh! did I spell it wrong? Just a stroke of a difference!

  • @JonathanDeLeon-em4px
    @JonathanDeLeon-em4px Před 11 lety

    The overwhelming evidence from the Bible proves Muhammed to be a false prophet and Islam a corrupt religion. It is only ignorant and confused Muslims who keep insisting the Bible confirms the teachings of Muhammed. Muslims twist Bible verses out of context in order to make this false claim.

  • @JonathanDeLeon-em4px
    @JonathanDeLeon-em4px Před 11 lety

    I am not a Zionist Jew but a Zionist Christian who loves Israel and hates Islam, which God also hates. Islam is a lie and a blasphemy against God. You are wasting your time defending Islam by using the Torah. I've studied the Torah. I can assure you there is no mention of Muhammed in the Torah. The only Jews who convert to Islam are the ones who have not adequately studied the Jewish scriptures. Even some rabbis can be fooled into Islam if they have not adequately studied the Jewish Bible.