BRD G 194 23 07 2

  • čas přidán 22. 07. 2024
    Pesticide Residues Analysis and Significance:-Pesticides is any substance or combination of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest and insect of from crops and control weed as well as use as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant is called generally a pesticide. Pesticide Residues is the components of pesticides which remain or persist in agricultural products in trace amounts after spraying to agricultural crops or used for preservation are called pesticide residues which are may be its original or modified form and is harmful to humans or animals, and then it is known as pesticide residue. One side of pesticide is harmefull to every one life due to toxic chemicals and persistance in nature on the other side, it is essetial to protect crop from damage in order to produce sufficient food for feed to popution and nature, otherwise crop loss is upto 80% may obseves , as well as pesticde used for to improve quality of food as per international stadards, exportable, hygenic thereby farmer can fatch afortable price of their produce and reduce their proverty pesticular in india. In order to balance between harfullness and essentility of pesticide in use, pesticide should not be used indiscriminately first, excessively and highly toxic in nature at any stage of food chain. Indiscriminately use of pesticides foremost cause of high pesticide residues in food and also lead to pollutes the environment, water bodies, soil microfloura and soil fertility and damages ecosystems. Pesticide residue above tolerance limits which express as “Maximum Residue Limit” (MRL), set by international organization like WHO-Codex Alimentarius or EU (European Union) or FSSAI etc. Generally pesticide residues are measured in ppm (mg of pesticide residue per kg of food item). The MRL is expressed in milligrams per kilogram or ppm. MRL values for different pesticides are different in each crops i.e. MRL of pesticide is fixed separately for each crop. Generally the MRL is set at a minimum of 0.01 ppm to 1.0 ppm. Some highly toxic pesticide such as Fipronil have been detected at 0.005 ppm in vegetables, while pesticde such as Mancozeb have high levels of 10.0 ppm in cumin/cauliflower. If the amount of residue is more than MRL it is proved to be unsafe of food for feed. MRL value is set at different for different countries for same commodities and is revised from time to time based on surveys and experimetal data. MRL value play a major role in crop import-export quality criteria and commodities for accepted or rejected for delivery exchange. Due to high residues the importing country does not accept the container of goods/crops and the exporter incurs huge economic loss and the market price of that crop in the country decreases so that the farmer cannot get sufficient price and have to bear financial loss. High pesticide residue and low quality agricultural produce lead to decrease in international agricultural trade and less currency exchange thus, harming both nation economi and public health. But, pesticides use should be done very carefully and with proper proportion and moderate to less toxic in nature drugs (green or blue colored triangles) by farmers, traders or warehouses and even house hold grain storage so that the amount of pesticide residues in the food material remains less than the MRL .Pesticide Residue Analysis; As the amount of pesticide residue is so small amount i.e ppm to ppb level that it cannot be determined by normal analytical methods but is analyzed in a laboratory with sophisticated equipment like LCMS, GCMS, GC ECD, and HRMS. Pesticide Residue Analysis is importtan for several season becouse, as the residue of pesticide in the crop is very small amount, so it is impossible to know whether the residue is there or not with the naked eye, so it is necessary to analyze it in a modern special laboratory. By knowing the amount of residue, it can be known whether its amount is more or less than the limit. which type of toxic pesticide present in the food. it helps scientists to decide and recommend dosage and timing of pesticide to spray based on residue testing reports. To the farmer’s, guidance can be given that how much dose of spray should be applied so that the amount of residue remains within the limit and the crop is protected against pest. Residue estimation helps in determining the quality of crop produce free of toxins. Knowing the residue level is necessary for the purpose of protecting the health of the consumer by producing quality toxin-free crops. Indirectly helps in preventing environmental damage by prevention of exccessive uses.
    On the basis of residue test report the exportable quality can be decided so that it becomes available to the exporter and promote export from the nation.

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