Breaking Free From Religion


Komentáře • 17

  • @persephoneves
    @persephoneves Před 10 dny

    I really enjoyed this video, it was well made and gave me a lot of food for thought. I absolutely agree that many so-called Christians aren't really following Christ. I really value tolerance and recently unfortunately lost a couple of friends because I just couldn't deal with their judgy holier than thou behavior. However, I started going to a Catholic church about a year ago and although I was raised Protestant with a lot of biases against Catholics, I'm enjoying it more and more and started taking Catechism classes. When my Catechism teacher stated that everyone who is a loving person will go to heaven no matter their beliefs because being loving is all that Jesus asked of us then I knew I had found my home. I think it's incredibly important to find a family of people who welcome you and want to study the Bible with you. Rejecting church outright can lead to isolation and depression, but if you find a sense of community outside of church that's great too. But I know many have been hurt by religion so it can be really hard for them, I'm just sharing my personal experience because as CS Lewis said: "Sameness is to be found most among the most 'natural' men, not among those who surrender to Christ. How monotonously alike all the great tyrants and conquerors have been: how gloriously different are the saints."

    • @alexathegr8
      @alexathegr8  Před 5 dny

      Thank you so much for your feedback back and being by apart of the conversation!! Do you feel Catholicism provides a sense of security for you? Do you feel at peace? I feel that’s all that matters! I respect your opinion and beliefs ❤️ that’s a great quote btw !!

  • @christydavis1570
    @christydavis1570 Před 11 dny +1

    I agree ☝️ whole heartedly! Such an amazing interpretation and, really well executed. 😊

    • @alexathegr8
      @alexathegr8  Před 11 dny +1

      Thank you kindly! I appreciate the feedback ❤️

  • @odubbprince1
    @odubbprince1 Před 11 dny +1

    Thank you so much. You really opened up my mind today. It was a pleasure l.

    • @alexathegr8
      @alexathegr8  Před 11 dny

      It was divine timing meeting you today, I’m glad we crossed paths ❤️

  • @cj22000
    @cj22000 Před 11 dny +2

    I used to deal with such fear and anxiety of demons etc, however I heard from someone that dealt the same and God told her that she must stop prioritizing the fear of those things and instead focus on God, his love, goodness
    This helped me to get over my nightmares and fear of all the demonic. Because ultimately God is powerful over all of these.
    I had evangelical friends growing up, and they often are quite preachy which I felt a way about back then. Especially because they said all that then went and we’re not that great of people (not saying all are like this)
    I also agree that many pastors will speak without having a genuine relationship with God, however God gave us instructions on how to live while Simultaneously being Loving, gentle with others, etc. Jesus himself said that those who come to gates of heaven saying how they professed his name and did the works, that they will be rejected because they were Lawless (in Judaism the law being the commandments from God because Jesus was a Jew and those guidelines still apply).
    Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus saying: 

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ ”

    So we must keep Gods commandments, or we won’t enter heaven.
    I do believe pastors are doing their job by informing the church on how God commands** us to live, however the Holy Spirit which is manifest thru their relationship with God should be there, they shouldn’t be hateful or harsh or heavily judgmental of the “sinners” because were all sinners.
    I was sorta in the same boat as you with religious people and not having an actual relationship with God until recently when I started realizing the life I was living was not in line with Gods will. With this realization and going thru addiction, I really poured out to God, begging him to heal me, and he delivered me from porn addiction not only once but TWICE, just months apart from each other because I ended up relapsing. My compulsions, temptation, ADDICTION, was all literally pulled out in an instant and I was filled with a Peace like no other (I got to intermediate yoga for reference), and a feeling like I’m so loved by God. It was so beautiful.
    I also grew up going to prayer retreats where people fully pour out their hearts* to God in praise and worship. These were led by priests (my background is orthodox/catholic) and many people would be healed (either on the spot or in days to come) of diseases, mental afflictions, etc. by the spirit of God working thru** the priests. These priests fully believed in the Bible, every single word, and you could tell from their preaching. I’d seen this kind of healing repeatedly, and I don’t think God would be working through them unless they had the faith in his word as literal fact (maybe excluding timeline of things from Old Testament). One day for God is like a 1000 years to man. They also preached on how we ought to live our lives, or our “lifestyles”, but in a loving way.
    I really hope you see this and that it doesn’t come off as an “attack”. I just wish others could experience God how I did, supernaturally. And yes, both times it was in my home when I was alone. It’s all about your heart, not doing a show in front of people in a big church.
    Sending love. You seem like a kind person. Also I’m sorry you had to hear so much of fear of hell as a kid and those plays, I too would have nightmares for days lol.
    Also here’s my interpretations from what I’ve learned on those Bible verses
    13:36 kingdom of heaven is amongst you meaning with those that are with God, we can choose to follow in ways of God (commandments) and spread his kingdom, and defeat the devils kingdom in this world
    14:51. I’m sorry this is false. No one can come to God but through Jesus. We must be having a relationship with Jesus first, then we have access to God. For my healing, it was exactly like this
    JOHN 14:6
    Jesus said unto him, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.
    So not only must we have faith in Jesus, we must follow the will of God thru living our lives by his commandments❤️

    • @cj22000
      @cj22000 Před 11 dny

      I agree the old testament has all those stories for us to understand how to commune with God, however, I don’t see it as mythology because those who fully believe in it are the ones who are healing others through the Holy Spirit, from what I’ve seen.

    • @alexathegr8
      @alexathegr8  Před 11 dny

      “No one comes to the father but my me” Jesus is the Christ. The word Christ translates to the anointed one. The Bible makes it clear that you can be anointed. Luke 4:18-19 1 John 2:20 hebrews 1:9. Yes Jesus was right, no one gets to the father but through Christ (anointment). The Bible is not referring to literal olive oil. The olive is the pineal gland (what other religions would call the third eye), the activation of the pineal gland through meditation and entering within your self activates the oil. Oil is a metaphor. And the head is a simile to your literal brain. This is how you commune with God. By entering within yourself and shutting out the external world, and flesh.
      I don’t expect you to agree, or understand. I use to be right where you are. We can agree to disagree. I appreciate you dropping by and checking the video out ❤️

    • @cj22000
      @cj22000 Před 11 dny +1

      @@alexathegr8Jesus says but through me, meaning himself. I see what you’re saying, however I don’t think in many generations past that people understood the pineal gland and would have no way to interpret it this way. How I see is we have to have a direct relationship with God and live according to the the intended literal meanings (yes some are metaphorical)

    • @cj22000
      @cj22000 Před 11 dny +2

      @@alexathegr8realizing this truth is what led to God supernaturally healing me from my lifelong addiction

    • @alexathegr8
      @alexathegr8  Před 10 dny

      @@cj22000 Genesis 32:30-32 Jacob named the place Peniel (Gods face) because he said I saw God face to face and lived to tell the story.
      The pineal - of Latin origin pinealis (pinecone)
      Ancient civilizations were well aware of the pineal gland. It’s no coincidence that Jacob called it Penial. There are hieroglyphs of pinecones (third eye) being held by Egyptian deities just google - “pineal gland hieroglyphics”
      Other ancient religions referred to the pineal gland as the third eye.
      What does the pineal gland do?
      It helps you sleep, it produces melatonin (which is a skin lightener) .
      When you meditate and focus on the third eye aka the single eye (according to scripture) your whole body will fill with light Matthew 6:22.
      There are so many scriptures to discuss, so many uncanny similarities between other religions. But I’m not going to get into all that here.
      I practice meditation almost daily. Words can’t express the feeling, and knowledge I have obtained. I’ve never been at so much peace. When you know, you know. Unless you’ve practiced it for yourself, you couldn’t possibly understand.
      I hope you consider what I said, and maybe do some investigating of your own, or not! I respect your beliefs, and appreciate you taking the time to share your view!

  • @unicorn73212
    @unicorn73212 Před 13 dny +2

    They also glance over the part were Mary mandolin is crying by his cross while a large group of men are slandering, spitting on him and throwing rocks at him so in my head he did forgive Eve because of that women are more forgiving it's in our nature to look past the outside shell of a person and recognize that were all humans that are broken inside I walked away from evangelical Christianity too in my 20s my mother was a far right conservative Christian imagine how many hours of her constantly telling me Jesus would be back one day to create an apocalypse I don't believe God wants this for humanity because I had a dream about him it's humans that want an apocalypse not God. If we just decided not to destroy this planet I'm pretty sure God would be okay with people just living there lives the way he intended it and not destroying each other all the time.
    You have to do something very evil like the Romans did to go to hell.
    Just not believing in God isnt going to make you burn in hell I don't believe that in fact i had a dream about him he said he restores women back to there younger version of themselves when they get to heaven.
    He's looking at your life and rather or not you did good things for humanity. His true nature is forgiving that's why he sent his son back because if he didn't nobody would have a chance at heaven and there's a world a difference between passing out a pamphlet and trying to get people saved vs pushing your religion on people and telling women to cover up and not wear shorts in 100 degrees temperatures.

    • @alexathegr8
      @alexathegr8  Před 13 dny

      You make very interesting points. And I agree, God is love. He didn't create us to harm us. Humans have the choice to inflict good or evil amongst one another. Humans are destructive/constructive, loving/hateful, accepting/judgemental. God has given us the ability to choose. So are you back in the Christian faith if you dont mind me asking?

    • @therockofsalvation35
      @therockofsalvation35 Před 12 dny +2

      The Bible says every one I a liar one small lie is enough to go to hell. God hates every part of sin equal small or big. Humanism makes different between sins.

    • @therockofsalvation35
      @therockofsalvation35 Před 12 dny +1

      Everyone who not belive in God like the Bible says in the book of Roman's will not end in heaven.

    • @alexathegr8
      @alexathegr8  Před 12 dny

      @@therockofsalvation35 Luke 17:20-21 give that a read if you haven’t watched the entire video.