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  • @julianinlaw
    @julianinlaw Před 2 měsíci +5

    To support kids’ mental health: support them unconditionally, get them off social media, remind them that the best is all they can ask for, that they will find their way in their career no matter what happens, that grades matter but aren’t determinative of success, teach them about meditation, journaling, mindfulness, & the benefits of therapy

    • @PrplButtons
      @PrplButtons Před 2 měsíci

      ANY other narrative is a lie. The only ANYBODY can ASK, is to give their best. Anyone who is asking more, isn’t doing anyone any good. Anyone who tells you your best isn’t good enough, isn’t someone you want in your life. Speaking from experience.
      When I finally learned that my best was what I had to give, and removed those who wanted more from me from my life, I was so free from that weight of not doing enough, I didn’t know what to do at first. I began to laugh again, I began to enjoy music again, I started loving life again. My quality of life increased exponentially!!
      Do you know where most of those people came from?? Social media.
      Don’t get your news from social media. It’ll drive you to SI real quick. Don’t believe everything you read on social media, a good majority of it is false.
      Find real, trusted sources for your information. Anyone can put anything on the internet and say it’s true; that doesn’t mean it is.
      Just because someone is on your friend’s list, doesn’t make them a real friend. Take a step back and take a GOOD long look at what social media is putting out there; is that really what you want to base your life around? Do you really think that is what you want your life to look like? Social media is responsible for triggering so many people with depression. Find something positive to replace it, let’s turn this social mentality back around to support each other.
      No matter what anyone tells you: YOU ARE ENOUGH!!

  • @LorienzoDeGarcia
    @LorienzoDeGarcia Před 2 měsíci +1

    You might need to check for deviated septum. Sleeping bad = depression too.