What Makes Jesus Christ Unique Amongst Spiritual Masters?

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • During a questions and answer session at a pilgrimage near Los Angeles in 2017, a participant asks Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji about Jesus Christ - what makes him unique amongst spiritual masters and what we can learn from him? Paramahamsaji really appreciates this question and you can see the happiness on his face even as he is reading the question. This revered Master of Kriya Yoga is well known for his love for all sages and saints of all time, and it is natural then for him to have deep love for Lord Jesus. Watch the great Guru share his love and appreciation for the Christ and how his own Guru Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji inspired him to learn more about Jesus. This video is sure to fill our hearts with love for these Master around Christmas time and really all year around.

Komentáře • 210

  • @rajanoonnypa9179
    @rajanoonnypa9179 Před 3 lety +34

    Three things are necessary: 1. His character 2. His teachings 3. His work . These three things shows the quality of a teacher /Guru . A true follower search these things. Jesus uniqueness is love,peace and forgiveness today’s world missed this

    • @privatprivat7279
      @privatprivat7279 Před 3 lety +6

      he will have the strenght to rise above religions. speak from purpose within the universe, and seeks the true purpose of humanity into our next necessary transition/evolution

    • @solelysoul8543
      @solelysoul8543 Před 2 lety

      By blocking comments of others , Jesus is great. Humbug.

  • @AkshayKamble-xr2sj
    @AkshayKamble-xr2sj Před 2 lety +38

    Jesus is the way the truth n life ❤️❤️

  • @franka2743
    @franka2743 Před 3 lety +61

    If you read Jesus' reported words and look at his behavior as contained in the 4 gospels, it appears to me as if he was teaching the Dharma within a Jewish context.
    Much respect for Jesus, I believe that the institutions built around this man (most churches) completely misunderstand what Jesus was saying.

    • @realericthorne
      @realericthorne Před 3 lety +4

      Look closer in the new testament, you'll notice Jesus is constantly speaking with foreshadowing knowledge (becuase he is God [knowing everyone and everything, past, present, future] in human form but laid his divinity aside and walked as a man [Son of Man] filled with the Holy Spirit [which he inherits all of the Supernatural Gifts] which began at age 30 [30 was the minimum age for priesthood/rabbi for Jews) He calls people by thier names without even asking what thier name was first. Jesus recieved "Words of Knowledge" which is one of the many gifts of the Holy Spirit, read very carefully John 4:4-26 as he utilizes this gift towards a Samaritan Women who is drawing water from a well by herself. The Supernatural signs and Wonders that Jesus performed were done to prove his Divinity, Authority, and Power to humanity, he says so himself for example in Matthew 9:6.
      If you really believe Jesus was just repeating Dharma then you have completely missed the point of Jesus's (eternal) existence..... And btw, aside from the First Commandment, Jesus even says "No man can serve two masters." Matthew 6:24 A person's loyalty must be undivided, no one or thing shall be placed before him (God/Jesus)
      Matthew 16:21
      John 2:19-21
      So many more references

    • @franka2743
      @franka2743 Před 3 lety +13

      @@realericthorne I think that you mean well but don't understand what I mean-- all this talk of "being one" with God and others, Jesus' wandering around and teachings, exhorting others to abandon their possessions and follow him, his retreating in solitude for "prayer" for, what was it - 40 days? Maybe that was 40 days of meditation?
      Sounds alot like a yogi to me .
      And as for Jesus *being* God, ultimately I'll leave that a question mark because only God knows.
      However, I can say this - everyone from Jesus himself to Paul differentiated between Jesus and God.
      If you're a bible thumper and take it literally, then you should know that repeatedly we're told, even by Jesus himself, that God is one, and that Jesus ate, walked the streets, prayed, observed religious practices, was tempted by Satan, and openly stated that he only said and did what God told him to do. The idea that Jesus is God is deduced from a number of verses in which it's *possibly* implied but not outright said, it's a matter of interpretation-- of course, as previously mentioned, Jesus does reportedly say that he's one with God, but he also says that he's one with others.. and there are other religious philosophies that proclaim the same.
      One would think that if Jesus meant that he's literally *the* God, as in the creator and ruler of the universe, which is a pretty big deal, he would have out-right revealed it at some point.
      I've studied the Bible indepth and objectively, without bias, allowing the texts to speak for themselves.
      And I've concluded the following:
      Messiah? Sure, why not.
      God? Not so sure about that one.
      As much as most Christians want to believe the confusing man-made three in one and one in three deal, I find that it's easily refuted with the Bible itself.
      As for myself, I've settled on what could best be described as being an "agnostic Zen-Christian", if one must put a label on it--I believe that something created us, and I call that something "God", and I choose to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, and I also practice Zen philosophy/meditation as I find it satisfying and useful, but I can't prove anything when it comes to the Christian religion, hence my including "agnostic" to the label --at the end of the day none of us know what the hell is going on here, that's for sure.
      Admittedly, I'm currently exploring Eastern Orthodox Christianity as I find their churches and way of worship to be beautiful, but many of their beliefs are stumbling blocks for me.
      Whatever the case may be, we'll find out in the end....or not if there's nothing after death.
      P. S edited due to typos, deleted some stuff.

    • @realericthorne
      @realericthorne Před 3 lety +1

      @@franka2743 I can tell you want to know the truth, and I'll be very blunt about it. Of course I don't have all the answers, same with every other human thats ever walked the earth (Except Jesus!); but, the reason why Jesus never "outright" said "Verily, verily, know that I am God in the flesh" is because God understands the importance of finding out for yourself, on a personal (1 on 1) level. You see, human's can't handle the physical presence of God, Angels can, but not humans. Jesus is the human incarnation of God, which equals Emmanuel (God with/among us) it is written in John 1:1, 3, 14, 17, 18 “In the beginning was the Word; the Word was in God's presence and the Word WAS God…. Through him all things came into being, and apart from him nothing came to be….Besides the reference in Isaiah 7:14, it is found in Isaiah 8:8 and cited in Matthew 1:23. It is also alluded to in Isaiah 8:10. Jesus already knew that if he was to tell the world that he is in fact God, True-joy would then be erased when someone discovers who he really is. It's the VEIL that hides Jesus as God that, when lifted (the spritually blind now seeing) brings a neverending joy, in other words, a spring of life giving water that never drys up, in fact it over-flows. A more simple example is the Christmas gifts. Imagine if you were little, waking up and running into the living and there are all of your gifts but none of them are wrapped, there just wouldn't be as much joy in the experience whereas if they were wrapped up and you yourself had to unwrap the present to see what inside, then you find out your parents did infact buy you that Train set you had been asking for and your overcome with joy. He wants you to find out for yourself, perhaps its because you just haven't been desperate enough Frank (desperate but not naive and not just hearing what you want to hear, if you get whay I'm saying), sometimes it takes people getting to the breaking point to seek Jesus, sometimes its when they fall into some sort of trouble. Others however have a longing for the truth, and proof of it btw, like myself. I've studied other religions but not to my satisfactory, I'll admit that. There's a really good book and a coinciding movie called "The case for Christ" you might enjoy. Now, In order to understand who Jesus really is/was, first understand the basic doctrine of the Trinity. The Bible teaches us that God is one and only one being. Idk who told you that Jesus was separate from the Holy Trinity but that's false fyi. Let's look at Jesus before his human incarnation. While God is one being, he exists eternally as three coequal and coeternal Persons, whom we know as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In order to understand how the Trinity doctrine describes the nature of God, we must keep in mind the difference between the words “Being” and “Person.” This distinction has been put in the following terms: there is but one what of God (that is, his Being) but there are three whos within the one being of God, that is, the three divine Persons-Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
      The Being we call the one God has an etern relationship within himself of Father to Son. The Father has always been the Father and the Son has always been the Son. The Holy Spirit has always been the Holy Spirit. One Person in the Godhead did not exist before the others, or without the others, and neither is one Person inferior to the other in his essence. All three divine Persons-Father, Son and Holy Spirit-share the one being of God. The Trinity doctrine explains that Jesus was not created at some point, but existed eternally as God.
      There are three pillars to the Trinitarian understanding of God’s nature.
      Now ill be more blunt, Satan prowls the earth seeking whome he may devour, same with his fallen angels, which we know as demons. Understand this Frank, Satan is a master of deception, along with many other deviant skills, he appears as an angel of light (like he did to Mohammed, which led to Islam) im not going to lie Frank, I found it funny, respectfully, that when Buddha was born, he proclaimed that "I am the chief of this world" and had his arm/finder pointing up and the his other arm/finger pointing down. As a Christian, i know that God is the ruler of earth and satan the ruler of this WORLD (I know the difference) and google "statue of satan/lucifer" although that's not how he actually looks like, the depiction is that of him with one arm/finger pointing up, the other arm/finger pointing down, remind you of someone? Satan possessed siddhartha, that is the truth. That is how he was able to perform miracles and "achieve" such wisdom, because Satan knew that it would distract the world away from the actual one true God. Satan has done the same with Islam, even did the same with Joseph Smith (founder of Mormonism), which led many away from the existing church. That is Satans main goal, to distract mankind away from the truth, and that truth is that you were in fact made in the image of Jesus, possessing all authority over the world, until adam and even fell and the divine traffic between man and God was cut off, then the second adam, Jesus came unto humanity and through his sufferings, death, and resurrection, that power and authority over the world was restored and all you have to do is believe and not put anything else in place or in front of God, that is why we call jesus LORD, because he is first in our lives. When you believe in Jesus, you recieve the Holy Spirit which then you'll receive the same Supernatural powers that Jesus displayed while on earth.
      Thanks again for giving me a chance to spread the good news!

    • @franka2743
      @franka2743 Před 3 lety +8

      @@realericthorne thanks for the lengthy reply, by the way I heavily edited my previous message to clarify what I meant.
      Believe me, I understand the concept of the trinity.
      But check this out: from the very beginning, according to the jews, God was/is one.
      " Here ye o israel, God is one"
      Jesus himself proclaimed the same, and also prayed, fasted, ate, walked the streets, the various Jewish holy days, and was tempted by Satan, and engaged in other human activities.
      If Jesus is God, then when he prayed did he pray to himself?
      Jesus also said that he only did what his Father instructed him to do.
      I know, I know, you guys say that he was both God and man at the same time, plus God the father, plus the holy spirit, and that three equals one.
      And that he sent himself to death on the cross to satisfy his own anger?
      Think about what you're saying.
      And I seriously doubt that the Buddha was possessed by the Satan, in fact a kind of devil also exists in traditional Buddhism, i.e "Mara"
      . Either way, to be honest, Zen's more like Daoism and meditation mixed together, its all about living in the moment, mindfulness, recognizing that all things are interconnected, understanding karma (action and reaction), etc. -- it's very practical. And the basic stuff that the Buddha realized is just life, that's all.
      One doesn't necessarily have to believe in literal rebirth and the like.
      But I've got an open mind when it comes to this stuff, I'm actually currently investigating Eastern Orthodox Christianity -- of course they believe in a lot of stuff that are stumbling blocks for me, but their churches and way of worship are beautiful and they also have a tradition of mysticism that I appreciate.

    • @realericthorne
      @realericthorne Před 3 lety +2

      @@franka2743 @Frank A @Frank A @Frank A as far as Jesus praying to the Father, a lot of what Jesus did and said was to be an example for his future followers; a perfect example is the Lords prayer (google it if your not familiar with it). There are things he both said and did so that we (humanity) could never honestly say or do ever again after his resurrection. Rabbi Jason Sobels "Mysteries of the Messiah" is one of the best books on this, its short and to the point (and inexpensive on eBay for the hardcover). I understand Buddha's teachings, pretty well in fact. You see Frank, Buddhism at the end of the day is about enlightenment and you obviously know that. And although Buddhism is very keen on the lessons of suffering, it's still about making yourself [for a lack of words] better (in all various ways), while true Christianity is about being dead to yourself, that is, total denial of the flesh (and everything that comes with it). It's modern-day Christianity that tries to balance this idea that you have one foot in the world and one foot in the church, holding on to your personality/indulgences. Real true Christians are those who live like the apostles, those who imitate Christ. The only thing worldly about them is their appearance perhaps, but when they speak it's all about Jesus, their actions are all about Jesus, their thoughts are all about Jesus, and unfortunately there aren't too many models of that these days. That's the difference between Buddhism and Christianity along with many other examples.... and if you really want to study real Christianity I suggest you look into people like Todd White or Robby Dawkins. I've thoroughly researched both of them, digging through all of their videos and teachings. I've tried so hard to find fault and what they say or in any of the videos that they post but with no avail.. I can't say the same for other pastors or preachers but I can at least vouch for those two. And by the way, God sent himself to be crucified on a cross to satisfy his own love for humanity, for the greatest form of love is self-sacrifice. The great flood was a result of Gods anger upon the world. I'm currently trying to study Biblical history and it's accordance to historical history outside of the Bible, for example, the Book of Exodus compared to ancient Egyptian history. Things such as that is what I'm most interested in right now. And yes, any distraction away from Jesus, and what he did for us on that cross, the finished work, is of the Demonic Realm. Especially when it comes to Great figures who were revolutionary as far as their spiritual teachings go, that is when you can be sure that the Devil himself had a hand in the process. Satan is beyond clever, that is why he used truth to tempt Jesus. And I agree with you 100% about the beauty of some of the cathedrals and churches around the world, im very fond of the gothic architecture used in most of them, along with the paintings and artwork in general.
      Feel free to ask me whatever, I actually enjoy the responses lol, thanks again.

  • @jasonnabors1330
    @jasonnabors1330 Před 2 lety +36

    I honestly feel as a Christian before you can understand God you must understand yourself. you use Buddhism with Christianity as your foundation, and to dive deeper add Hinduism. It has sharpened my faith and spirituality

    • @jonathanlove7078
      @jonathanlove7078 Před 2 lety +4

      look into Eastern Orthodoxy brother, specifically the philokalia

    • @richarddunn9286
      @richarddunn9286 Před rokem +2

      Hinduism is not very compatible with Christianity

    • @GourSmith
      @GourSmith Před rokem +2

      Both those religions arise out of Hinduism. Hinduism branched off to create Buddhism and Christianity. So the the best foundation is the actual foundation.

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Před rokem +1

      @@jonathanlove7078 I am a Hindu and I LOVE eastern orthodox Christianity! It is my favorite denomination. It is mystical Christianity, and imo is more compatible with Hinduism / Buddhism than western protestant denominations.

    • @Theuon9583
      @Theuon9583 Před rokem +1

      @@GourSmithBut do you understand that jesus is the only one to deny the evil and die for it, in the sense that other religions accept the demonic, they never deny it. Jesus denies it. That’s why christianity is the only religion which is the truth. The only truth about what people should follow. Not like accepting things and then just co-operate it trying to follow the light. Jesus is the gods light. That’s why christians symbol is crucifix. People need to evolve and only way to is to follow the christ. That’s why it’s so powerful.

  • @stevenoommen9979
    @stevenoommen9979 Před 3 lety +52

    Finally There is someone who has the same realisation as mine there is no master like Jesus who taught love more simply and embodied love in his entire existence. And yea I love lord Krishna too. ❤️🌿🙏🏼

    • @solelysoul8543
      @solelysoul8543 Před 2 lety

      What is the message of Jesus.
      Ask those who compiled the Bible and are preaching it across the world.
      Is conversion by aggression and deceit, the message of Jesus.
      Is the massacre of the natives of America, Africa and Australia and conversion of the traumatized survivors, the message of Jesus.

  • @apassagebeyond108
    @apassagebeyond108 Před 3 lety +20

    Jesus certainly studied with great yogis. Krishna/Jesus consciousness 🕉

  • @watersprite333
    @watersprite333 Před rokem +4

    Exactly Guru-Ji, absolutely spot on!! Christ/Krishna consciousness is exactly the same thing, the Law of One, Unity Consciousness; Namaste, truth, peace, love & light!

  • @beloveddaughtersofchrist
    @beloveddaughtersofchrist Před 2 lety +21

    “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
    “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

  • @magi144
    @magi144 Před rokem +3

    I’ve always been a follower of Jesus. He is such a beautiful example of how to be human.

  • @gooncrusha6638
    @gooncrusha6638 Před 3 lety +20

    ❤️ eternal love eternal peace eternal light

    • @privatprivat7279
      @privatprivat7279 Před 3 lety +1

      he will have the strenght to rise above religions. speak from purpose within the universe, and seeks the true purpose of humanity into our next necessary transition/evolution

  • @mohang1966
    @mohang1966 Před 3 lety +4

    He came to ajantha to learn mudra. There many documents. Great man. People never understood jesus or interested in him. They are interested in head counts.

  • @lynnandclaytoncheechoo
    @lynnandclaytoncheechoo Před 5 lety +12

    Guruji is a beautiful and great Soul. To have this kind of understanding and heart is indeed rare. In the First Nations community where I live although the missionaries came to forcibly Christianize the people, many still follow and love Jesus. Pranams Guruji. Om :-)

  • @jigold22571
    @jigold22571 Před 4 lety +6

    ThankU for sharing and posting.

  • @Arjun-di7bi
    @Arjun-di7bi Před 2 lety +7

    In Gospel of thomas there is a verse saying
    This gospel was not accepted by many of Christian's

  • @TMap7
    @TMap7 Před 10 měsíci

    There was no other like him. He had total dominion over both the physical and spiritual realms. Then taught that we could have the same, if we follow him. He was The Way, The Truth and The Life.

  • @Mr-ji1lx
    @Mr-ji1lx Před 4 lety +3

    Thank you 🙏😍

  • @jesusmaryandjoseph6
    @jesusmaryandjoseph6 Před rokem +2

    I always viewed religions as different paths on a mountains that all lead to the summit.

    • @S4sent
      @S4sent Před rokem

      Correct if you leave the surface level details that makes all the difference, at the end everyone who is seeking God essentially want refuge in the supreme so atleast to me God is limitless and who am I to say anyone your way is wrong I don't know anything i am just here for certain amount of time. So as far as someone happy they feel loved and blissful let them have their journey towards the supreme.

  • @abovemeta
    @abovemeta Před 2 lety +3

    This man knows Jesus.

  • @Nb-rq9it
    @Nb-rq9it Před 3 lety +12

    Jesus is the son of Living God and that makes him unique and he is sinless and he shed his blood and through his blood we are saved✨✝️🕊

    • @jamesworley9888
      @jamesworley9888 Před 3 lety +2

      Reminds me of that time I skinned my baby son and nailed him to his high chair so I could forgive my daughter for lying about her math test but she didn't believe in my forgiveness so I threw her in the oven and set it to a slow cook!!!

    • @Nb-rq9it
      @Nb-rq9it Před 3 lety

      @@jamesworley9888 I will pray for you

    • @jamesworley9888
      @jamesworley9888 Před 3 lety +1

      @@Nb-rq9it You need to pray for yourself pal!!!!

    • @Nb-rq9it
      @Nb-rq9it Před 3 lety +1

      @@jamesworley9888 The End of this Evil world is here sir 🙂.Jesus is coming back

    • @jamesworley9888
      @jamesworley9888 Před 3 lety

      @@Nb-rq9it Bullshit!!!! Jesus never fucking left idiot!!! There is a hell of a difference between ''Jesus the Christ'' and Jesus the man!!! Jesus the christ isn't Jesus at all it's the Great spirit or Christ consciousness that lives in everything!!! Jesus himself was just a man!!! He is no more the son of God then the Lord Buddha!!!

  • @christianprince4508
    @christianprince4508 Před 3 lety +6

    Jesus Christ is Almighty God...

  • @jetdeleon
    @jetdeleon Před 2 lety +4

    Just like dust will collect on a mirror over time, so too has the essence of Christ's message been covered and distorted by the church-ianity of institutions. The menu is confused for the food.

  • @eniosso
    @eniosso Před rokem

    Jai Guru , I bow to you!🌺🙏🌺

  • @dushyanthabandarapalipana5492

    Bohoth prasanna hei!

  • @paulhayward6907
    @paulhayward6907 Před 2 lety +2

    Jai guru dev.....even the little dogs are worthy to eat crumbs on the floor....Matthew...

  • @satishsunkara7115
    @satishsunkara7115 Před 3 lety +1

    Jai guru jai 🙏🌻🌹🌻🙏

  • @Justinfz3
    @Justinfz3 Před 3 lety +16

    My Saviour Jesus Christ the son of our living almighty God!. Master Jesus whose Father (almighty God) doesn't wears diamond, gold or silver who Created everything in six days doesn't need diamond, gold or silver.

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Před rokem

      Neither do the Hindu deities, they are formless. The jewelry you see them wearing is symbolic of abundunace in which they provide for all of us.
      As a Hindu, my savior is also Jesus. Many Hindus believe in Jesus.

  • @yahwehismyeverything1867
    @yahwehismyeverything1867 Před 5 lety +20

    1 John 4:1
    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from Yahweh, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
    1 John 4:2
    This is how you can recognize the Spirit of Yahweh: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God

    • @shanthsp2002
      @shanthsp2002 Před 4 lety +9

      Every human is god, the problem is, he instead of embracing good in him, searches god somewhere else, Remember the one who realizes the very purpose of life will never search for god in this materialistic world, instead he will turn himself inside and seek for light of truth. Understand the definition of god " One who serves humanity and protects nature as service to the supreme soul". God does not mean performing magic or miracle.

    • @treetop1283
      @treetop1283 Před 4 lety +4

      Thor people forget Jesus told them themselves “does it not say in your law that ye are Gods?” There are so many similarities into what Jesus preached and what is in the Bhagavad Gita.... people are trying to understand words that were meant for the spirit with a flesh mind set and that’s why theres so much confusion if they shed the flesh like Jesus said and re read the bible they would then understand him.

    • @jandivis352
      @jandivis352 Před 4 lety +1

      @@treetop1283 by saying you are gods he meant something very different he was reminding people of their influence. He reminded them that even tho we are humans we have some power over others - like a father over his child or boss over his employees. It wasnt meant in a metaphysical way. He was reffering old testament.

    • @bc9629
      @bc9629 Před 4 lety

      @@treetop1283 wtf ur talking about thor ?? there was never such a character ! jesus said there was nobody before me ! All that were was thieves and robbers ! If you listen to his words , he was very clear and no bullshit.

  • @deonnamarbaniang4192
    @deonnamarbaniang4192 Před 4 měsíci

    Jesus is the only way , the only God, no other!✝️

  • @blakena5043
    @blakena5043 Před 3 lety +2

    Revered teacher western here I understand master Yesuha was an essene a genius in all the mysteries by young age understanding Torah written by Hebrew mystics altered by Rome , rewritten by Francis Bacon (Shakespeare,AthenA)who added words like lucifer. Yeshua I believe also learned in India . Yesuha said call no man father only call God Father and he told people the truth .Blessings peace love.

  • @PastorMattTricker
    @PastorMattTricker Před 4 lety +14

    Jesus is the unique Son of God who died physically for our sin and rose of the third day, if we believe in him and repent of sin he will forgive you and then you will have peace with God. Bless you my friend in Jesus name.

    • @PastorMattTricker
      @PastorMattTricker Před 4 lety +1

      @J. Rocket Squirrel Thank you for your affirmation.

    • @mikemccabe1594
      @mikemccabe1594 Před 4 lety +1

      I believe in taking responsibility for my own actions and dealing with the consequences that come with them. Not pawning them off on an innocent person who was tortured unfairly and sacrificed at a blood offering to appease a god who put us all in this situation in the first place.

    • @PastorMattTricker
      @PastorMattTricker Před 4 lety

      Yes, we must take responsibility for our own actions, I agree. I admit that I have done wrong and own up to it and put things right, but sin is in me and that's what I need saving from. Jesus in love and compassion volunteered to save me, my life is now changed because of Him. Adam and Eve choose to rebel against God that's how sin came into the world. God created us with free will He did not make us slave-like robots. Adam and Eve made a big mistake hence God has chosen to rescue us as we can not save ourselves.

    • @PastorMattTricker
      @PastorMattTricker Před 4 lety

      lol, so you can impose your view on me and that ok :)

  • @bc9629
    @bc9629 Před 4 lety +5

    He also said , those who believe in me shall have ever lasting life ! But that comes with a price ! he said whose who do the will of my father !!!! Will always live ! . Don't get that confused he was very very critical of sin !

    • @heavenonearth1161
      @heavenonearth1161 Před 3 lety

      Sin means to live by illusion not rite and wrong

    • @rajanoonnypa9179
      @rajanoonnypa9179 Před 3 lety

      BC Don’t go through one word read full bible minimum New Testament

    • @karinapillay874
      @karinapillay874 Před 3 lety +3

      @@heavenonearth1161 sin is lawlessness.
      he who says he knows me and does not keep my commands is a liar and does not practice truth. 1 john

    • @stefaniakonstantinidou981
      @stefaniakonstantinidou981 Před 3 lety

      There is right and wrong and if you believe otherwise you r delluded! Go and kill then and manipulate others and think you r right

    • @williamseaborn6821
      @williamseaborn6821 Před 3 lety +2

      @@karinapillay874 and most Christians don't follow Jesus and they think it's okay to keep sinning as long as they go to church on Sunday and repent. Jesus was a dharma master and followers of dharma are the real followers of Jesus.

  • @c4stanbury
    @c4stanbury Před 7 měsíci

    “i love jesus”

    @NEW_CREATION_IN_JESUS Před 2 lety +1

    Main Pappi hoon... Mujhe Yeshu ne Mukt kiya hai... Mere paapon ko usne apne sar le liya aur meri jagah usne meri sazaa ko bhugat liya cross par...
    I m free from sins and he has made me a new creation...
    I Thank God for forgiveness of Sins and thank you for Free gift of Salvation which I got only thru his Grace and Faith in Jesus... The Saviour...
    ------Follow Jesus------
    There is power in the name of Jesus...

  • @yasminbiju231
    @yasminbiju231 Před 5 měsíci

    All my education was in Christian institutions in Kerala.Even neighbours and friends Christian.But my roots strongly fixed in Sanatana ,mainly due to my grandparents and all my relatives who never gave a thought to conversion.We never used Christian icons .Our roots were in Hinduism.and will always be.

  • @ashtarsheran5918
    @ashtarsheran5918 Před 2 lety +7

    Jesus is an ascended master and the reason why Jesus was able to teach about love is because he learned about love because of the unity conscioussnes

  • @FederationOfLight
    @FederationOfLight Před 3 lety

    So Christians came to the village. They were on an "every door crusade". They distributed "FREE literature". The gospel of Jesus was taught in the schools. That's awesome. Jesus is KING of kings and LORD of lords. No one will go to the Father, except through Him. God called His servants and His children to spread the good news and to inform others of love. That is why followers of Christ are the only ones who go through the whole world with this message of hope and love. I am glad that His servants also reached India. We are in the very final days of this age. The time for everyone to repent and get serious about the Lord is TODAY. No one is promised tomorrow

  • @bxbxb
    @bxbxb Před 2 lety +1

    Amo Yashua e os mestres da Kriya yoga

  • @adim00lah
    @adim00lah Před rokem +2

    I have seen soooo many videos of Hindu swamis and guru praising Jesus, but can you find me ONE video of a Christian pastor or priest praising Krishna or sanatan dharma? Nope!

  • @Thoth19
    @Thoth19 Před 5 měsíci


  • @vjp2866
    @vjp2866 Před 3 lety +2

    You know which teaching of Jesus offended people ? Jesus said IM the life the truth and the way ! no one comes to the father(His Glory in heaven) except through me. in another words there is only one God which is Jesus Christ who came in flesh. He came to save us from the Judgement and the hell fire.

  • @puglessmcarthur5613
    @puglessmcarthur5613 Před 2 lety

    This is *one* of many reasons we Christians believe Christ is God. Because he was the perfect man. He never sinned. The only man to walk earth to ever be able to say that. In America when someone wants to point out their own imperfection they will say “I am not Jesus”. We cannot fully understand how God thinks, but we ought to trust him.

  • @shivanis5393
    @shivanis5393 Před rokem

    Where to ask question's from guruji

  • @moveitstime
    @moveitstime Před 3 lety +2

    The difference, Jesus Christ is not an angel or a prophet, but God's firstborn son(God)

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Před rokem

      Rama and Krishna were not angels nor prophets either, they were avatars of God as well.

  • @MalcolmO
    @MalcolmO Před 5 lety +2

    Guruji says that Yoganandaji kept "one side Krishna, one side Christ." In fact, the picture of Krishna did not appear on SRF altars until after Yoganandaji's mahasamadhi! There had just been Christ and the 4 Kriya gurus, in part perhaps because Lahiri Baba and Yoganandaji stated that Babaji IS Krishna. There are a few pictures of Yoganandaji showing only 5 photos; but we never see those pictures any more.

    • @kim7gwdchrregramos805
      @kim7gwdchrregramos805 Před 3 lety

      Mahavatar Babaji is Shiva.
      Haidakhan Babaji is Shiva.
      Sri Guru Prajnananda is Shiva.
      You are Shiva.
      I am the Eternal Shiva.
      Aum brother.. all is One.

    • @MalcolmO
      @MalcolmO Před 3 lety

      @@kim7gwdchrregramos805 You left out why Jesus is unique amongst Shivas. Haidakhan Babaji is not Mahavatar Babaji, whether or not they're both Shiva.

    • @kim7gwdchrregramos805
      @kim7gwdchrregramos805 Před 3 lety +1

      @@MalcolmO love, peace and compassion... Jesus was a yogi and that's if he's not just a personification of a deliriant mushrooms called Amanita muscaria(The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross)

    • @MalcolmO
      @MalcolmO Před 3 lety

      @@kim7gwdchrregramos805 Amanita is not that special.

    • @kim7gwdchrregramos805
      @kim7gwdchrregramos805 Před 3 lety

      @@MalcolmO i havent tried it personally but it is speculated that later on, Amanita is substituted with Psilocybian mushrooms or whatever psychedelics is available in any given region :)

  • @vathalye6215
    @vathalye6215 Před 4 lety +1

    I have to learn kriya yoga, where is your aasharm please tell details

    • @KriyaYogaInternational
      @KriyaYogaInternational  Před 4 lety

      Happy to hear. Please visit the “Locations” tab at www.kriya.org. Please let us know if you need any help

  • @DR.samarjittripathy
    @DR.samarjittripathy Před 5 lety +2

    Jai gurudev

  • @partlysimpson5154
    @partlysimpson5154 Před 4 měsíci

    He is not spiritual master, he is the TRITH AND THE LIFE

  • @supersmart671
    @supersmart671 Před 2 lety +2

    Jesus Christ is incomparable...He is unique in history. He is the only the way the truth..John 14:6

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Před rokem

      The light of Christ is inside all man kind, that is the way to God. Anybody of any religion can tap inside into that light, and find Christ and the way to God.
      Christians don't own Jesus you know.

    • @supersmart671
      @supersmart671 Před rokem

      @@adim00lah this your own teaching not the teachings of christ. Christians don't own Jesus he owns us. We are called to be his disciples, which means following his teachings as recorded in the inspired words of the Bible. The Bible is the sole authority for faith and practice for the disciples of Christ. We test every teaching based on the The Bible.

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Před rokem

      @@supersmart671 How do you know it's not the teachings of Christ, did Christ say he only revealed himself in the bible?
      The bible never makes this claims that only the bible is the only source of God's knowlege on the planet.
      It's your own man made belief system that it's only the bible. The bible never says anyone has to convert to any religion to believe in Christ.

    • @supersmart671
      @supersmart671 Před rokem

      @@adim00lah clearly shows you have not read through the Bible....or what the Bible claims about itself...I would suggest you read it for yourself. Please read the book of John in the New Testament

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Před rokem

      @@supersmart671 You are assuming thiings about me (making judgement), doesn't the bible say not to do this? I know enough about the bible to know this is wrong for you to do this to me.
      I have spent many years reading the bible, I would never make such assumptions about you brother.
      Where in the bible does it say, I can't be a Hindu and belive in Christ, if I am wrong, please show me.

  • @zilchnilton
    @zilchnilton Před 4 lety +6

    It would have been good if you actually answered the question though...

    • @KriyaYogaInternational
      @KriyaYogaInternational  Před 4 lety +6

      He did answer from his perspective ... uniqueness was that his ministry was only of three years and the message spread from home to home. We learn the message of love and peace from him

    • @zilchnilton
      @zilchnilton Před 4 lety +1

      "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household" (Mathew 10:34)

    • @sudhakars8633
      @sudhakars8633 Před 4 lety

      @@zilchnilton Christ is “our peace” (Ephesians 2:14)

    • @sudhakars8633
      @sudhakars8633 Před 4 lety +1

      @@zilchnilton I read constantly that Christians should not be proud of a verse attributed to Jesus. The verse reads:
      Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth, but a sword.
      At first glance it indeed appears that Jesus encourages violence and calls his disciples to practice it, presumably righteous violence. But appearances can be deceiving. A text without a context often becomes a pretext, as the old saying goes. Once this verse is read in its historical and literary contexts, the meaning will change.
      It is time to set the record straight about that verse.
      The historical context, we should recall, is Jewish culture, as Jesus ministers to his own people. He sends out the twelve disciples to the "lost sheep of Israel," not yet to the gentiles, who will be reached after the Resurrection. It is not surprising, historically speaking, that he would spread his word by proclamation to his own, by Jewish disciples. Second, he predicts that some towns may not receive the disciples and that the authorities may put them on trial and flog them. In that eventuality, they should shake the dust off their feet, pray for them, and flee to another city. Third, it is only natural that first-century Jews may not understand this new sect or "Jesus movement" (as sociologists of the New Testament call it), so they resist it. Does this mean, then, that Jesus calls for a holy war with a physical, military sword against his fellow Jews-say, against his own family who wanted to take custody of him because they thought he was "out of his mind" (Mark 3:21)?
      Next, those cultural facts explain the immediate literary context, which shows division among family members. The context must be quoted in full to explain the meaning of "sword" in Matthew 10:34 (bold print):
      32 "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven. 34 Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn
      a man against his father,
      a daughter against her mother,
      a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law-
      36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household [Micah 7:6]
      37 Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."
      The one key element in this lengthy passage is the word "sword," and its meaning is now clear. It indicates that following Jesus in his original Jewish society may not bring peace to a family, but may "split" it up, the precise function of a metaphorical sword. Are his disciples ready for that? This kind of spiritual sword invisibly severs a man from his father, and daughter from her mother, and so on (Micah 7:6). Given Jesus’ own family resistance early on (they later came around), it is only natural he would say that no matter what the cost, one must follow him to the end, even if it means giving up one’s family. But this applies only if the family rejects the new convert, not if the family accepts him in his new faith; he must not reject them, because the whole point of Jesus’ advent is to win as many people to his side as possible, even if this divides the world in two, but never violently.
      Furthermore, we can reference the larger textual context in the Gospel of Matthew. In the Garden of Gethsemane, during the hour when Jesus was betrayed and arrested, Peter struck off the ear of the servant of the high priest in order to protect his Lord. But Jesus tells him to stop.
      Matthew 26:52-53 says:
      52 "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. 53 Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?" (NIV)
      Jesus denounces violence to accomplish the will of God-at least as Peter imagines the will of God. Then Jesus says that he has more than twelve legions of angels at his disposal. He did not come to crush the Roman Empire. Instead, he willingly lays down his life and dies for the sins of the whole world. Will it accept this wonderful gift?
      Now we can appeal to even a much larger textual context. The non-literal interpretation of the sword is confirmed by a parallel passage in the Gospel of Luke.
      Luke 12:49-53 reads:
      49 "I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 But I have a baptism to undergo [my death], and how distressed I am until it is completed! 51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."
      It is entirely possible that these two parallel passages in Matthew and Luke represent two different occasions. After all, when I teach the same topic in two different classes, I also change the wording a little. Neither class knows about the slight change, but this does not matter, for the meaning is essentially the same. Likewise, in the three years that Jesus taught, he most likely repeated this call to commitment several times to different audiences (though recorded only twice in the Gospels), as he crisscrossed Israel. He issued such radical calls often, telling his listeners to pick up their cross and to follow him (Matt. 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23, 14:27).
      Whatever the case, the proper way to interpret Scripture is to let verses clarify other verses, particularly parallel passages. And now Luke 12:49-53 confirms our interpretation of Matt. 10:34. Jesus did not endorse physical violence against one’s own family, but he warns people about possible family division.
      So what does all of this mean?
      History demonstrates that Jesus never wielded a sword against anyone, and in Matt. 10:34 he does not order his followers to swing one either, in order to kill their family opponents or for any reason. But a true disciple who is worthy of following Christ and who comes from a possibly hostile family has to use a sword of the will (never a physical sword) to sever away all opposition, even as far as taking up his cross-another metaphorical implement for the disciples. It is true that Jesus divides the world into two camps, those who follow him, and those who do not, those in the light, and those in the dark. However, he never tells his followers to wage war on everyone else, and certainly not on one’s family.
      It is true that the Roman Emperor Constantine, Medieval Crusaders, and Protestants and Catholics have used the sword against unbelievers and each other. However, none of them is foundational to Christianity-only Jesus is, and he never endorses the sword to spread his message. Also, Christianity has undergone Reform (c. 1400-1600) and has been put under the pressure of the Enlightenment (c. 1600-1800), which demanded peace. Be that as it may, Jesus himself never calls for military holy war, and only he sets the genetic code for his movement.
      There is not a single verse in the New Testament that calls the Church to commit violence to spread the gospel or to plant churches or to accomplish anything else. Rather, the New Testament hands the sword over to the State (Rom. 13:1-6). In any case, Jesus says a spiritual sword, not a physical one, may sever family ties, so his disciples must be ready for that.

    • @zilchnilton
      @zilchnilton Před 4 lety

      @@sudhakars8633 thanks for the rather lengthy & comprehensive reply. I assume you're Christian since the information you provided represents an accurate overview of the topic in question. It also tends to support my reply to the commentator above regarding his/her statement on Jesus' supposed "message of love and peace" since whether the sword is seen as literal, which is highly unlikely, or metaphorical or 'spiritual', the operative meaning is to divide & separate rather than bring universal harmony & peace. The sheep (Christ followers) are to be separated from the goats....which ultimately culminates in those that go to 'paradise' or God's kingdom & on the other hand, probably the majority (?) of mankind which are destined to endless suffering in Hell. Does that sum it up fairly well?

  • @Amila108
    @Amila108 Před rokem


  • @ajay54321
    @ajay54321 Před 2 lety

    i use the NIV Bible

  • @krisl2838
    @krisl2838 Před 5 měsíci

    Hes God, that's why.

  • @drdeepakpathak7697
    @drdeepakpathak7697 Před 5 lety +2

    Jay guru

  • @ezekielpeter6229
    @ezekielpeter6229 Před rokem

    Who ever Loves me keeps my commandments
    And he who doesnot keep His commandments and says
    He is a liar

  • @razisimrazisim6931
    @razisimrazisim6931 Před 4 lety +2

    Isaor Isha or ishvara is jashuda or jashuva or yahova= yahovva +babaji and krishna+rama is the ibrama8brahma is same person, i love jesus

  • @josephvalyakalavil595

    I asked the Lord Jesus. Does this man in the video know You. JESUS replied No. JESUS said Yogananda knows Jesus

  • @zachariah3895
    @zachariah3895 Před 6 měsíci

    Unless you repent - The real Jesus will say to you “I never knew you.”

  • @dennisvellum4373
    @dennisvellum4373 Před 3 lety

    Then follow Jesus without looking back

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Před rokem

      As a Hindu, I certainly follow Jesus, and never looked back! We love all of our avatars: Krishna, Rama, Jesus etc....

  • @mohang1966
    @mohang1966 Před 3 lety

    He was spirtual master came to india to learn mudra. Only limited people understand him.

    • @samuelimmanuel718
      @samuelimmanuel718 Před 2 lety

      Mohan G
      What is Mudra? You means signs? What is the historical evidence that Jesus Christ came to India?
      Why his teachings were so different from Indian philosophical thoughts?

    • @mohang1966
      @mohang1966 Před 2 lety

      @@samuelimmanuel718 knowing about it what your going to do. Whether he came to india or not. What your going to do. And whether he never came to india. What you're going to do . To get details go Kashmir phalgam.

    • @mohang1966
      @mohang1966 Před 2 lety

      @@samuelimmanuel718 czcams.com/video/rVP3Jsp8CE8/video.html .

    • @samuelimmanuel718
      @samuelimmanuel718 Před 2 lety

      It is like saying my great great grand father was the Alexander the Great. People call it lunacy!!

    • @mohang1966
      @mohang1966 Před 2 lety

      @@samuelimmanuel718 same to you

  • @felipekennedy3135
    @felipekennedy3135 Před 3 lety +6

    jESUS CHRIST is GOD manifested in the flesh, he is God and SAVIOUR of this planet, the Prophet Isaiah spoke all about him 700 years before he was born in his book in the Holy Scriptures (ISAIAH 53) and confirmed his virgin birth also 700 years before he was born (ISAIAH 9;6) HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE.

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Před rokem +1

      Yes, and we Hindus love him! Shanti shanti be upon Lord Jesus. Om namo yeshua namaha

    • @felipekennedy3135
      @felipekennedy3135 Před rokem

      @@adim00lah I am not here to judge, but you cannot follow a false religion and love my God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and the reason i say this is for this reason; Jesus Said; ( MY FOLLOWERS (SHEEP) HEARS MY VOICE, I KNOW THEM, AND THEY FOLLOW ME) John 10;27, so you cannot be a Hindu and follow Jesus. you must be a Born Again Christian or you cannot enter the Kingdom of God. And the Word of our God stands forever.

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Před rokem

      @@felipekennedy3135 I have been baptized actually many times. How do you know Hinduism is a false religion? Where does the bible say this?
      Where does the bible say I have to convert to any religion to believe in Jesus?

    • @felipekennedy3135
      @felipekennedy3135 Před rokem

      @@adim00lah Don't be deceived there's only one GOD, and beside Him there's no other; as for your Baptism in the water, it means absolutely nothing because the only Baptism that is from God is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, and now you tell me where did i EVER type that's necessary to convert to any Religion to believe in Jesus?? i never said that, now what i will say to you is, to prove that your belief is of God you must be Born again, of the Holy Word of God, and of His Spirit or you cannot come live with us. and Revelation 3;10 does teach that you must obey the teachings and commandments of our Lord and God Jesus Christ, and that's by studying his Words that are Life Eternal to those who believe, all the other Religions are the ways Satan has invented to deceive you. Shalom

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Před rokem

      @@felipekennedy3135 Hinduism also teaches there is only one God too.
      "Ekam evadvitiyam"
      "He is One only without a second."
      [Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]1
      "na tasya pratima asti
      "There is no image of Him."
      [Yajurveda 32:3
      Prajapatir vai idam agre asit
      Tasya vag dviitiya asit
      Vag vai paraman Brahman
      "In the beginning was Prajapati (God) With whom was the Word;And the Word was verily God." - Krishna Yajurveda 12.5
      “I am Om, the Word that is God.”- Bhagavad Gita 7:8
      These scriptures predate the gospels.
      I was baptised in a Christian church, so they didn't use the real holy ghost, how can you possibly know this? You have divine knowlege?
      "all the other Religions are the ways Satan has invented to deceive you. Shalom"
      Where does the bibe say this?
      "now you tell me where did i EVER type that's necessary to convert to any Religion to believe in Jesus?? "
      You literally told me I can't be a Hindu and believe in Jesus, which the bible does not teach by the way. So how else do I believe in Jesus without converting to another relgion?
      I learned the meditation on the Lord's prayer from my guru, and have practiced it diligently for years. My guru also taught me how to meditate on Ehyeh (I Am), which is Jesus name in the bible. In the Upanishads, this is called SoHAm which also means "I Am."

  • @silivialitia2796
    @silivialitia2796 Před rokem

    Jesus is not a spiritual master. He is God himself recarnated in human form in order to die as a human taking human sins upon himself. He came to demonstrate that way of God the father.

  • @erickolbinsky6579
    @erickolbinsky6579 Před 3 lety +4

    What makes Jesus unique are his claims. "I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father but through me." This is one of the many claims Jesus made declaring he was the only answer to the human condition. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Jesus claimed to be the "gate." But what makes Jesus the most unique amongst all those other spiritual leaders is his resurrection! Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad and all the "enlightened" gurus are still in their graves. To all those who read the Bible, please don't just cherry pick the verses that feed your own narrative, consider the context.

    • @AnkitKumar-tk7nb
      @AnkitKumar-tk7nb Před 3 lety

      ....... Krishna wasn't a guru for ur kind information
      He was Jesus's dad

    • @erickolbinsky6579
      @erickolbinsky6579 Před 3 lety

      @@AnkitKumar-tk7nb Ok, if that’s the case why didn’t Jesus refer to Krishna as his father instead of the God of the Jews?

    • @AnkitKumar-tk7nb
      @AnkitKumar-tk7nb Před 3 lety

      @@erickolbinsky6579 but he did said he's son of the god right?

    • @AnkitKumar-tk7nb
      @AnkitKumar-tk7nb Před 3 lety

      @@erickolbinsky6579 our God has millions of names so nd Krishna was one of them soo....... A guy with brain will kno wat that means

    • @sethkravig
      @sethkravig Před 3 lety

      @@AnkitKumar-tk7nb inferring that someone you are talking with doesn’t have half a brain does not inspire them to listen to you. Proverbs 15:1, Ephesians 4:32, and James 1:5.

  • @tell_the_truth_preacher9360

    Jesus is the only way...
    To reach heaven... Amen 🙏

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Před rokem

      Christ is inside all of mankind. Every enlightened teacher, is enlightened through Christ and no one else. Long before Jesus was born, people were attaining enlightenment through Christ.
      Christ was around long before Jesus.

  • @karinapillay874
    @karinapillay874 Před 3 lety +2

    @VV VV 1 john 2:4 He who says I KNOW HIM and does not keep his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him. 1 John 2:4
    what is the first commandment?
    You shall have no other Gods before me.
    what is the second commandment?
    You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments
    Does your spiritual leader who claims to "know" Jesus follow the very first 2 ? No our conclusion- He is a liar and the truth is not in him.

  • @AndorTheAnnihilator
    @AndorTheAnnihilator Před 3 lety +1

    Matthew 10:34 says: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." - These words are spoken by Jesus. Jesus did not preach peace. He preached the gospel of war.

    • @vickybhatra4536
      @vickybhatra4536 Před 3 lety +2

      🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
      Jesus is talking specifically here about familial relationships, especially the interpersonal dynamics of a Christian’s closest family members. He is talking about a situation in which there are both believers and unbelievers within the same household, or within the immediate family unit. This creates conflict which is the “sword” Jesus speaks of.

  • @newchristiansongs3198
    @newchristiansongs3198 Před 3 lety

    Idol Worship is prohibited in Hinduism not in a single place....
    It is mentioned in Svetashvatara Upanishad chapter 4 verse 19 As well as in:
    “There is no image of Him”
    (Svetashvatara Upanishad 4:19)
    It is mentioned in Yajurved Chapter 32 Verse 3
    “There is no image of Him”
    (Yajurved 32:3)
    It is also mentioned in
    Yajurveda Chapter 40 verse 9
    “They enter darkness those who worship natural things (for e.g. air, water, fire, etc.). They sink deeper in darkness those who worship sambhuti i.e. created things (for e.g. table, chair, car, idol etc.)
    (Yajurved 40:9)
    Idol worship, which is very common amongst the Hindus, is prohibited in Hinduism. It is mentioned in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 verse 20:
    “Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires they worship demigods i.e. idols.(Bhagavad Gita 7:20)
    * Hindu Scriptures: "There is only ONE God, not the second; not at all, not at all, not in the least bit."[Brahma Sutra]
    * Hindu Scriptures: "He is ONE ONLY without a second." [Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]
    Hindu Scriptures: " O friends, do not worship ANYBODY but Him, the Divine One. Praise Him ALONE."[Rigveda 8:1:1]
    Hindu Scriptures: "I am the goal of life, the LORD and support of all, the inner witness, the abode of all. I am the only refuge, the ONE true friend; I am the beginning, the staying, and the end of creation; I am the womb and the eternal seed. I am heat; I give and withhold the rain. I am immortality and I am death; I am what is and what is not"[Bhagavad Gita 9:18-19]
    Hindu Scriptures: "There is no likeness of Him." [Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]
    * Hindu Scriptures: "His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye." [Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]
    * Hindu Scriptures: "That which cannot be seen by the eyes, but by which the eyes see, [Kena Upanishad]
    * Hindu Scriptures: "The Formless Supreme Spirit that pervades the universe can have no material representation, likeness or image." -- (Yajur Veda
    Hindu Scriptures: "He is bodiless and pure." [Yajurveda 40:8]
    Scriptures: "Of Him there are neither parents nor lord." [Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9]
    Hindu Scriptures: "They are enveloped in darkness, in other words, are steeped in ignorance and sunk in the greatest depths of misery who worship the uncreated, eternal prakrti -- the material cause of the world -- in place of the All-pervading God, but those who worship visible things born of the prakrti, such as the earth, trees, bodies (human and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time" (Yajur Veda)
    Idolatry Forbidden
    15 You saw no form(AJ) of any kind the day the Lord spoke to you at Horeb(AK) out of the fire. Therefore watch yourselves very carefully,(AL) 16 so that you do not become corrupt(AM) and make for yourselves an idol,(AN) an image of any shape, whether formed like a man or a woman, 17 or like any animal on earth or any bird that flies in the air,(AO) 18 or like any creature that moves along the ground or any fish in the waters below. 19 And when you look up to the sky and see the sun,(AP) the moon and the stars(AQ)-all the heavenly array(AR)-do not be enticed(AS) into bowing down to them and worshiping(AT) things the Lord your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven. 20 But as for you, the Lord took you and brought you out of the iron-smelting furnace,(AU) out of Egypt,(AV) to be the people of his inheritance,(AW) as you now are.
    21 The Lord was angry with me(AX) because of you, and he solemnly swore that I would not cross the Jordan and enter the good land the Lord your God is giving you as your inheritance. 22 I will die in this land;(AY) I will not cross the Jordan; but you are about to cross over and take possession of that good land.(AZ) 23 Be careful not to forget the covenant(BA) of the Lord your God that he made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol(BB) in the form of anything the Lord your God has forbidden. 24 For the Lord your God is a consuming fire,(BC) a jealous God.(BD)
    25 After you have had children and grandchildren and have lived in the land a long time-if you then become corrupt(BE) and make any kind of idol,(BF) doing evil(BG) in the eyes of the Lord your God and arousing his anger, 26 I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses(BH) against you(BI) this day that you will quickly perish(BJ) from the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess. You will not live there long but will certainly be destroyed. 27 The Lord will scatter(BK) you among the peoples, and only a few of you will survive(BL) among the nations to which the Lord will drive you. 28 There you will worship man-made gods(BM) of wood and stone,(BN) which cannot see or hear or eat or smell.(BO) 29 But if from there you seek(BP) the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart(BQ) and with all your soul.(BR) 30 When you are in distress(BS) and all these things have happened to you, then in later days(BT) you will return(BU) to the Lord your God and obey him. 31 For the Lord your God is a merciful(BV) God; he will not abandon(BW) or destroy(BX) you or forget(BY) the covenant with your ancestors, which he confirmed to them by oath.
    (Dueterenomy 4:15-31)

  • @fernandoorozco5968
    @fernandoorozco5968 Před 3 lety +1

    true Interfaith

  • @Thowzand_
    @Thowzand_ Před 3 lety

    I pray everyone here accepts Jesus christ as lord and savior I wish for no one to go to hell

    • @zeehanzubair9604
      @zeehanzubair9604 Před 3 lety

      Masha Allah, you are closer to truth. We all have to follow Jesus pbuh and to follow him we have to follow the prophet after him, Mohamed pbuh.
      I love Jesus too♥️.

  • @blueocean1079
    @blueocean1079 Před 2 lety +3

    Jesus cannot be compared with any human because He is God incarnated in flesh. He created humans.

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Před rokem +1

      So was Rama and Krishna. We accept Jesus as our Lord and savior, an avatar of God. Jesus never said he was the only avatar of Christ in the bible.

  • @anandChina
    @anandChina Před 4 lety +4

    Jesus christ is unique because he is a myth.

    • @jonjenkins
      @jonjenkins Před 4 lety

      Since when is a “myth” unique? ! Think this comment can only come from someone who knows little or anything about mythology !

    • @rajanoonnypa9179
      @rajanoonnypa9179 Před 3 lety +2

      One who believe many myths he think Jesus is another myth

    • @emilemil7826
      @emilemil7826 Před 3 lety


    • @TheKumarImpressions
      @TheKumarImpressions Před 3 lety

      We all know what are mythological stories

    • @li-jv9go
      @li-jv9go Před 3 lety

      God bless you. May you encounter truth. 🙏

  • @karinapillay874
    @karinapillay874 Před 3 lety +2

    you say you like jesus but do you follow him? jesus said only follow him. seek no other gods. no idols.
    Its good that you know jesus is so powerful but learn to follow ALL his teachings and not just select the message of love only. You cant pick and choose what to follow from jesus when he clearly said ONLY eternal life comes through him and no one else. stop giving viewers a messed up image of jesus.Jesus is love yes. his teachings eas good yes.
    you have to follow EVERYTHING HE SAD

    • @li-jv9go
      @li-jv9go Před 3 lety +1


    • @VVVV-rh8pr
      @VVVV-rh8pr Před 3 lety

      Is that the kind of Christianity your White colonial masters introduced to you: that you can't follow more than one path at the same time? Smh....decolonise your mind, girl.

    • @karinapillay874
      @karinapillay874 Před 3 lety +2

      @@VVVV-rh8pr If one path contradicts the other how can you follow both at the same time. And this again in itself is Jesus teaching- You cant follow two masters, either you love one and hate the other.
      ask yourself, If Religion A says only I am true - and Religion B says all are true -- only one can be right.
      Jesus is not a moral teacher. And even if he was, that moral teacher claimed to be God and said I am the only way, truth , and life- you only have eternal life through me. So if you are going to cherry pick the words to follow that he said, might as well not follow him at all. Because you would lack the very thing he died for, forgiveness of sins.

    • @karinapillay874
      @karinapillay874 Před 3 lety +1

      @@VVVV-rh8pr 1 john 2:4 He who says I KNOW HIM and does not keep his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him. 1 John 2:4
      what is the first commandment?
      You shall have no other Gods before me.
      what is the second commandment?
      You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments
      Does your spiritual leader who claims to "know" Jesus follow the very first 2 ? No our conclusion- He is a liar and the truth is not in him.

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah Před rokem

      "you say you like jesus but do you follow him? jesus said only follow him. seek no other gods. no idols."
      Christ is within all mankind. Even Hindu gurus, not just Christians. So by following our gurus, we indeed follow Christ.
      There is no idol worship in sanatan dharma. Idols are not used for worship, they are used as tools to bless and consecrate spaces with specific attributes of God.
      An example of this would be the nehushtan (bronze snake on the rod) from the bible. It is an idol, that was created for healing.
      The problem was people started to worship it. Nothing wrong with the idol, the problem is worshipping it as God, that is the problem.

  • @jerbear6365
    @jerbear6365 Před 2 lety

    Jesus Christ is Lord & Saviour. All else is false teaching