I give you an invitation today to come to Him. William Branham (53-0830A - Why I Am A Holy-Roller)

  • čas přidán 3. 12. 2022
  • Think of it now. Are you really filled with the Holy Spirit?
    Are you in the kingdom of God?
    Are you just strictly a fundamental believer?
    God's never vindicated anything to you yet.
    Oh, step away from that tree. Get over on the other side here where the powers of God is moving...
    There is rest for the weary,
    There is rest for the weary,
    There is rest for the weary,
    When He sets you free.
    On the other side of Jordan,
    In the sweet fields of Eden
    Where the Tree of Life is blooming,
    There is rest for you.
    Jesus breaks every fetter,
    (Denominations, formal, [unclear words].)
    Jesus breaks every fetter,
    For He sets you free...

Komentáře • 23

  • @speakmylord_357_
    @speakmylord_357_  Před rokem +3

    Dr. Reedhead, the president of the Sudan Missions, was put out of the missions a couple of weeks ago because he received the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave him utterance. That's right.
    Doctor Donald Lee, the great Southern Baptist, set in my room the other day, and said, “Brother Branham, I have just poured out my heart and the Holy Ghost come upon me.” And said, “I was walking in the room and I couldn't even speak English no more!” What is it?
    The time of redemption is near, brother,
    Men's hearts are failing for fear;
    Be filled with the Spirit,
    Your lamps trimmed and clear,
    Look up! Your redemption is near.
    That's right, we're at the end age.
    It'll be light in the evening time,
    The path to glory you will surely find.Is that right? In this last days as the sun is setting, God's pulling out of the Gentile: Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterians, Luther, Fundamental, and all; bring them over here. For He's going to take a people out of the Gentiles for His name. Then He will close off the Gentile dispensation, return to the Jews, the rapture will come for the church, and Home she'll go! Great signs and wonders taking place! Look up! See why I'm a holy roller? Yes sir. Brother, I've went through everything for this. I love our Lord. I love Him with all my heart. I don't care what the world says, they turn me out of church. They say, “Why, Billy, you're crazy; you had a nightmare. What did you eat for supper?”I had the pleasure of telling Doctor Davis the other day, what he called fanaticism.... In South Africa where I made one day's altar call and thirty thousand received Jesus Christ. That's more than all the missions put together has won to Christ in the past hundred years. The general orders of a missionary is, “Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem.” Not down in some cemetery ... or, seminary, or whatever you want. Both dead places. All right.
    Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with an education.
    Until you learn theology.
    “Until you're endued with power from on high! After this the Holy Ghost is come upon you, then you'll be witnesses of Me in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria, (in Chicago, Illinois), or to the uttermost parts of the earth.” That's right. That's the truth. Oh God bless your hearts.
    My, I feel religious. I sure do. I feel that the Lord has filled me with His Holy Spirit. I'm sitting in a bunch of sons and daughters of God where anything can take place. Hallelujah!
    Yes, I've had to fight a long time, come down a long ways. But some of these days I realize I've got to preach my last sermon. But I want to say as Paul, “I was not disobedient to the Heavenly vision. That in that day...”
    I was even almost turned from my home. The people of the city, they thought I'd gone crazy. The church turned me out, everything else. But it's no more.
    It's a little thing to what those early martyrs and saints had to go through to put that seed down there where Jesus Christ died at Calvary to bring life into His church in the last days.
    Notice. One of these days, I'm coming through my last brier patch though. I don't know how far it'll be down the road. I got to come down there some day. Each one of you have. One of these days, when I've taken my last mountain, come through my last river, and come on down then to all the brier patches and thickets like Israel did coming to the promised land.
    Perhaps if I live to be old and Jesus tarries.... All the Branhams when they get old they take the palsy, they shake. Old granddad and all of them. I'll probably have a string of little white hair hanging down around my face, an old wrinkled man. If I live that long, many here will be in eternity long time before that. I may be, too. But if I live to see that, I can imagine seeing myself after I've fought my last battle, declared to be a holy roller the last time. Hallelujah.
    The end of the roads comes, and by a true heart I've tried to preach Jesus Christ. I want to know Him in the power of His resurrection, that when He calls from among the dead I will come out. When I get down to the end of the road, I feel that cold wave breaking in the face, I know Jordan lays yonder before me. Oh my.
    I tell you how I feel. I want to look back down the road I've come. Oh, that'll be a great day for me. Look back down the road, see every one of them brier patches I had to come through with. When they called me holy roller, called me everything, I fought right on through with the sword of faith, moving right on through, making a way for those who are coming behind.
    I'm an old man then standing there on my cane, shaking with palsy. My eyes are dimming. I feel Jordan's waves poking in my face.
    I want to look back down the way, take off my helmet of salvation, lay it down on the beach, unbuckle my armor of faith. I want to take the old sword here and stick it back in the sheath of eternity. Raise up my hands and say, “Father, send out the life boat this morning, for I'm coming home.” Across the river on the other side I'll meet with those who are holy rollers and who have contended for the faith that was once delivered to the saints.
    May God grant it to each one of you. I give you an invitation today to come to Him. And on that side yonder where the breezes are cool, where the evergreen tree is standing on each side of the river, and the leaves are for the healing of the nations, may we meet there at the river and serve Him and live with Him.
    I'll not be an old man when I step across the place. God gave me a body. I growed up to about twenty-three, I was my best. It's failing now. Twenty more years has passed, I'm beginning to feel my age. I know my shoulders are stooping. And I know it ain't too many days out yonder till I shall see Him who I love. That's right. I got loved ones waiting at the other shore yonder. But no matter how old I am or how wrinkled I am or how gone I am or how gray my hair is, when these feet of mine shall touch that blessful shore, I'll in a twinkling of an eye be changed; I'll be a young man again. Hallelujah. Never to die, never to be sick; but to live forever.
    The reward of the just waits for each believer. I trust that you are this afternoon while we bow our heads for a word of prayer.
    Our Heavenly Father, the way's growing drear; precious Lord, linger near. I pray that You'll be with us. Be with this audience, Lord, as seeing that the day of redemption is at hand. Knowing not what tomorrow holds but knowing this one thing, that anchored in my soul....
    O God, when I think of a poor lost boy, undone, alienated from God, raised in a sinful home, sitting out yonder on a creek bank with a pole in my hand crying, no peace, the great winds blowing through the trees saying, “There's a land beyond the river.” I'm so thankful that You saved me.
    And today in my heart, Lord, it's such a privilege to get to tell others. And to see that the work is confirmed by Your great hand of vindication with signs and wonders following. How I thank You for this. Help us, Lord.
    God, bless the poor sinner in here today, the backslider, the unregenerated, that church member standing over there. Oh yes, they know the Bible; so does Satan. The devil believes and trembles. Many of them, Father, saying that Abraham believed God and it was imputed to him for righteousness. But, Lord, You give him the seal of circumcision as a sign. And when a man is truly believing, I believe, Father, that You seal him with the sign of the Holy Ghost. “Grieve not this Holy Spirit whereby you're sealed unto the day of your redemption.”
    God, be merciful today when You are showing the greatest signs that You've ever showed since You were on earth in a body of flesh. I pray that You will bless this audience. As we wait on Thee, Lord, and I pray that many will make their decision to be filled with Thy Spirit. For we ask it in Jesus' name.
    While you have your heads down and every person in prayer. Think of it now. Are you really filled with the Holy Spirit? Are you in the kingdom of God? Are you just strictly a fundamental believer? God's never vindicated anything to you yet. Oh, step away from that tree. Get over on the other side here where the powers of God is moving.
    Luke 24:49
    And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.
    William Branham (53-0830A - Why I Am A Holy-Roller)

  • @zalenachickurie3390
    @zalenachickurie3390 Před rokem +2

    Amen, thank you Lord for truth, l believed. Only believed all things are possible.

  • @solomonmuchiri5145
    @solomonmuchiri5145 Před rokem +2


  • @stevebruce1235
    @stevebruce1235 Před rokem +2


  • @sanjose7774
    @sanjose7774 Před rokem +1

    Praise THE LORD Hallelujah.

  • @larry7835
    @larry7835 Před rokem

    Hallelujah! Amen

  • @larry7835
    @larry7835 Před rokem

    Amen and Amen

  • @rajkumarsimon5002
    @rajkumarsimon5002 Před rokem

    Amen lord

  • @margaretdewarasiu3215


  • @sandrajugoon6703
    @sandrajugoon6703 Před rokem

    LORD HELP US..🙏🙏♥️

  • @violetavioleta7208
    @violetavioleta7208 Před rokem +3

    Amen, glory to His Name!!!💖💖💖

  • @mecktilderutta430
    @mecktilderutta430 Před rokem

    Oh I need The Blessed filling.. please do remember me(sister Maria ) in your prayer

  • @dhletro
    @dhletro Před rokem +2

    Amen and closer to when brother Branham spoke it. It's for our day. Thank you for posting this anointed reminder.

  • @speakmylord_357_
    @speakmylord_357_  Před rokem +3

    Someone ask me contact number, but I don't know if that comment was delited, or I delited somehow by mistake.
    But, for any help, please contact me on gmail speakmylord@gmail.com