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  • @loupojkahittingclips1131
    @loupojkahittingclips1131 Před rokem +174

    thank you for buying a mic BSJ it was the single thing holding back your content from being S+ tier

  • @grimmtruth
    @grimmtruth Před rokem +184

    I would really like to see blademail build into a higher level item.

    • @takla9256
      @takla9256 Před rokem +10

      Would be broken. I like it

    • @RandomPerson-di6mn
      @RandomPerson-di6mn Před rokem +57

      medallion of courage + blademail = you can cast blademail buff to allies

    • @rovshankomilov4700
      @rovshankomilov4700 Před rokem +6

      Coming Spectre 5 v 1 meta again then)

    • @chumbogrosso5133
      @chumbogrosso5133 Před rokem +4

      @@RandomPerson-di6mnthat would actually be really interesting

    • @Antido0
      @Antido0 Před rokem +3

      no thanks, blademail is considered by players taht dont know what item to go and they waste 2k gold in an item that they dont know if its useful or not at all for their current game
      now add like an upgrade to it for example from 100% return to 120%, now these idiots will spend more gold on an useless item
      id prefer blademail to stay the way it is, so my carry doesnt casually waste more than 5k gold just because he wanted more bonuses for a blademail...

  • @sleepysalmon9658
    @sleepysalmon9658 Před rokem +13

    One thing I want from 7.33 is for it to finally come out.

  • @redboy5x070
    @redboy5x070 Před rokem +21

    Yeah another side objective besides rosh would be really nice, I think splitting roshes drops between him a new objective would be good (maybe rosh drops aegis and aghs while the new one drops refresher, aghs shard, and some buff like the smite fire giant).in addition after they took out the side shops, lane outpost, and moved the bounty runes from the river to the jungle the side lanes have almost nothing to do besides hit creeps or hit heroes, I feel like the side lanes need something to fight over.

    • @dr_campbell
      @dr_campbell Před rokem

      Yes! Something to cause more fights in the side lanes would be awesome! Too many of my lanes are either (a) boring farm fests or (b) a complete stomp one way or another and over by 6 mins.

    • @apocrisy3588
      @apocrisy3588 Před rokem

      I had a nostalgia trip recently and visited a Heroes of Newerth game on a server upkept by some developers in their spare time as the game basically died, but didn't even know that they had split rosh. They have a "Dire" and "Radiant" rosh, and if you kill both roshans within 3 minutes of each other you get aegis, if you kill only 1 or for each kill you get a buff you can stack - I think it's some amount of dmg, some stats or some movement speed. The rosh there also has a static respawn timer of 8 minutes which is nice to keep consistency when tracking timings in the game. That aside, dying in that game was so punishing with the gold loss that I couldn't stand it and there was just 30 minutes of farming all the time, as junglers are still a thing and jungle gives best gold and xp.

  • @linerider2888
    @linerider2888 Před rokem +131

    i desperately want rosh pit to move its been in the same spot for like 6 years

    • @linerider2888
      @linerider2888 Před rokem +8

      put rosh back on dires side of the river and put siltbreaker on the other side of midlane on radiant

    • @j0nasbs
      @j0nasbs Před rokem +15

      They can put a pit in each side with a cave and Rosh pops out of a random one for some time, then goes back in the hole and pops out of the other one. Make a whole lore thing about him being released from his pit but still hating heroes enough to come back to challenge them.

    • @YoutubesaysimCyberbully
      @YoutubesaysimCyberbully Před rokem

      Less just move it every fucking year, shall we? Or create multiple roshan camps

    • @jeverettrulz
      @jeverettrulz Před rokem +6

      Simply moving him because he hasn't moved in a while doesn't make much sense.. just saying

    • @slowboioi4192
      @slowboioi4192 Před rokem +4

      Put rosh directly under midlane with ramps down next to the runes.
      Would make mid ganks and fights super interesting and dangerous.

  • @bobfromwork
    @bobfromwork Před rokem +77

    As a support player I wish for the next new hero to be a carry as well, we need new carries.

    • @Joedex1625
      @Joedex1625 Před rokem +3

      yeah it feels impossible to hit things atm, if mele carries were buffed a bit then it would feel like we had more carries to choose from XD

    • @bobfromwork
      @bobfromwork Před rokem +1

      we just need more carries to chose from period. Thats my opinion.

    • @lost4959
      @lost4959 Před rokem +3

      You've already got lina. She "appeared" in carry pool 3 weeks ago.
      And I don't think dota needs any more heroes, there are already 123 of them. What it needs is rework of the existing ones

    • @bobfromwork
      @bobfromwork Před rokem +1

      That could work too. Major overhaul to the xp system or neutrals maybe. It doesn't have to be new heroes.

    • @Masked7771
      @Masked7771 Před rokem

      Yeah we are really short on carries.. We have way too many offlaners.

  • @TheRealHubeau
    @TheRealHubeau Před rokem +6

    I want a fish roaming the river, revealing who passes close to the fish (for both team? or for the last team that killed it after it respawn?) Could be "alive" only over night and needing to be killed over night. It could drop a moonshard? or something special. This could shake the whole concept of having static places to ward to get this objective, timing of night and day becomes even more relevant to everyone and not just slark and night stalker (just to name these 2). in other words, an other objective that isn't so static.

    • @lordparthurnaax
      @lordparthurnaax Před rokem

      This is really cool, hope something like this happens!

  • @user-zs5fm7yy1l
    @user-zs5fm7yy1l Před rokem +5

    I generally agree with all points except for the one about centered / equally available to both teams creeps that give some type of benefit to their killer, I think it would be the same problem as you brought up with power runes as the game would focus around them past a certain point. The following also applies to the idea of stealing the neutral items and making them stronger this way - these changes would, in my opinion, make the winning team win better, as with gaining more control of the map they get easier access to Roshan, power runes, and our imaginary buffing creeps on top of stealing AND empowering neutral items from the losing team while they get none. I think comebacks in these scenarios would be near, if not at all impossible.
    Other than that - great point and lovely video, hope we really do get a hard carry Muerta

  • @Colopty
    @Colopty Před rokem +8

    Very well thought out list. One thing that would be cool in relation to laning would be if the different lane composition are so balanced you could realistically want different lane compositions on a game to game basis depending on your team composition instead of it just settling into another stale optimal lane. Would be quite interesting if one game you could go 2/1/2 vs 3/1/1 and the next you're 1/3/1 vs 2/2/1 or something like that.

    • @EbolaBearr
      @EbolaBearr Před rokem +4

      Cool idea, don't know how the hell they could make it happen, don't think people in pubs would be smart enough to figure it out, and also people in pubs are kinad stubborn to change a lot of the time. I'm only a 3k andy though so what do I know.

    • @Colopty
      @Colopty Před rokem

      @@EbolaBearr Definitely one of those things that are easier said than done, and your average pub probably wouldn't make much use of it, but at least pro games would be a fun watch.

    • @suntzu6122
      @suntzu6122 Před rokem

      Lols reminds me of dota 1 when the trilane strat was started. To counter it some chinese team would use quad lane lmaooooo

    • @robinv1485
      @robinv1485 Před rokem

      This was how it was a couple years back before the 2-1-2 meta. You'd have agressive trilanes on the offlane, you'd have dual mids, 1-1-2 with the other player full time jungling. I left right after the 2-1-2 meta cause that diversity was what set dota apart for me, so I still miss it even after coming back to the game a few years later.

    • @EbolaBearr
      @EbolaBearr Před rokem

      @@robinv1485 I've been playing since 2015, I don't remember duel mid ever being normal, jungling was kinda cool though but most people in pubs sucked at it or picked heroes like legion/necro/sk to jungle haha, remember when you would just ttake E level 1 on necro and sit next to the ancient camp

  • @databend6609
    @databend6609 Před rokem +11

    My favorite heros to play are the ones with big ults, mainly enigma, where I can just win the game for my team with black holes. Can't remember the last time a hero like that came out and I just want more. Also the map has been virtually the same for years now and it's getting real old

    • @Aycheffe
      @Aycheffe Před rokem +1

      Chess has been 8 squares for 5,000+ years. I for one am not a fan of big patches. Meta evolves with deeper and deeper understanding of the game naturally, things don't need to be shaken up that much. It would just be to keep people entertained and slowly but surely overly bloat the game into a abomination of what it once was. It has already happened actually, Dota used to be a lot more simple and now it's bonkers how much stuff there is to do and how strong you can get. It's cool in some ways, but it is not elegant. Elegance is a big patch every 10 years truly shaving off and adding small things that were making the game worse. You won't see any company do that though because it's not about creating elegant games, it's about holding your attention with new toys and making money

    • @databend6609
      @databend6609 Před rokem +2

      @@Aycheffe Chess has been the same for 5000 years, but if dota stayed the same all 5000 of my hours played, that number would not be nearly as high. I do agree completely that the game has gotten worse over time, but that is not strictly do to having new stuff, but that the new stuff sucks. I want a patch that removes a lot of the stuns and mobility moves BSJ was talking about, and also the map is just worse these days. Also we really don't have very many big ult heroes like enigma and earth shaker, so more of that wouldn't bloat the game.

    • @drewpeacock9087
      @drewpeacock9087 Před rokem

      Mars I guess? INSANE impact but takes a bit more skill than Shaker or Enigma.

    • @ZachWaffle
      @ZachWaffle Před rokem

      @@drewpeacock9087 I guess it's cause I suck at the game but I feel like enigma is a lot harder than Mars 9 out of 10 times unless the opponents don't have any counters or you get like super duper fed.

    • @loveluclins
      @loveluclins Před rokem

      There's quite a few heroes with ults right now that aren't really that impactful. A lot of heroes have both a good kit, and then an AOE ult that can turn a game in seconds if landed properly. I'd like to see the weaker heroes with single target ults that don't do a whole lot be a bit more potent in teamfights.

  • @Last_STK
    @Last_STK Před rokem +42

    I think a good change to neutrals could be that they are the same for both teams and visable during hero selecting so you could pick around them.

    • @jayzenstyle
      @jayzenstyle Před rokem +1

      Or.... We can pick our starter neutrals or manipulate the spawn pattern of the neutral creeps. Lol might increase the pressure of the starter phase, but hey I haven't seen a MOBA that can pick their neutral spawning type.

    • @spiralingspiral72
      @spiralingspiral72 Před rokem +2

      one of my ideas is to have a different currency, completely separate from gold, which you use to buy neutral items, and finally add buyback for couriers.
      you would earn a tiny bit of this separate gold per neutral creep kill, with bounties increasing over time

    • @loveluclins
      @loveluclins Před rokem

      I like randomness. Power runes and neutral items make games interesting, why do people keep trying to make the game feel like it's set in stone. I thought ya'll want a meta shakeup, not meta concrete.

  • @BlueLightning
    @BlueLightning Před rokem +4

    i agree with rosh pit location, i like the idea of specific camps in the middle of the map exclusivly giving neutrals, and muerta having an obvious defined role is the biggest one for me

  • @TSAX
    @TSAX Před rokem +2

    1. Stop creating new heroes instead rework the least use/boring heroes into more dynamic, unpredictable and multi dimensional role every now and then.
    2. Add defensive mechanics that when you don't have buyback you can buy a super creep that can defend a single lane. All 5 players must agree to buy it.
    3. Add bonus HP and mana regen for successful outpost capture like the shrine effect before.

  • @voiavictor
    @voiavictor Před rokem +15

    I for one miss the old maps, dota1 era, where the maps were huge, with plenty of trees. It not only felt super realistic compared to Lol, but it also offered a lot of maneuverability

    • @ArilandoArilando
      @ArilandoArilando Před rokem +5

      Pretty sure the map is the same size now.

    • @lucasblomgren1975
      @lucasblomgren1975 Před rokem +3

      The old maps had way less trees

    • @voiavictor
      @voiavictor Před rokem

      @@ArilandoArilando All the pathways seemed larger, the creep camps too. Maybe it's the same size but all the roads felt bigger.

    • @voiavictor
      @voiavictor Před rokem

      @@lucasblomgren1975 Interesting, it feels like it had more. But it did feel more natural nonetheless. Less highground in the jungle I think.

  • @TheBBoySwing
    @TheBBoySwing Před rokem +7

    Put 2 Roshan pits, one on each side. But it's random on which one Roshan appears.

    • @stranger3135
      @stranger3135 Před rokem

      shit that's actually a good one

    • @nekogero7693
      @nekogero7693 Před rokem

      Make it extreme will apear 2 roshan one has everythin the other one a curse.

    • @randomguy6822
      @randomguy6822 Před rokem +3

      @@nekogero7693 That would just make winning mostly depend on RNG. A really bad idea.

  • @danalecabello
    @danalecabello Před rokem +4

    Maybe there could be two positions where rosh can spawn (e.g. bring back the old location, and keep the current one too). The first spawn could be defined at random in the beginning of the match, and after it dies it will spawn in the other location. Also it could shift locations every X minutes, in order to alter the balance of the map.

    • @shrotty23
      @shrotty23 Před rokem

      Shut up SunsFan

    • @espinosamiguelgeoa.7962
      @espinosamiguelgeoa.7962 Před rokem

      Teleporting between rosh pit seems a bit too much if its with every x mins. Maybe its fine if rosh is not full hp and did not engage in combat for a while for it to teleport onto the other pit.
      Also maybe a neutral item drop from rosh would change the game a bit.

  • @1001History
    @1001History Před rokem +1

    With icefrog back from his like 2-year hiatus, things will hopefully get shaken up a bit more. I agree that things have gotten extremely stale and we need some changes.
    I strongly agree with creating mid-map neutral camps which guarantee a neutral drop, and remove random drops from standard neutral camps. I hate the RNG associated with neutrals currently - especially with tier 5's. One team gets stygian and giant's ring while the others get seer stone and other trash.

    • @Garresh1
      @Garresh1 Před rokem

      What source do you have of icefrog taking a break and coming back?

    • @1001History
      @1001History Před rokem

      @@Garresh1 Skiter said it in an interview. He was working on another game.

  • @cowpolk5763
    @cowpolk5763 Před rokem +17

    The idea about heroes getting more than 100% of the xp if they share it is really clever honestly. Would incentivise more non traditional laning setups

    • @sunbro6998
      @sunbro6998 Před rokem

      It would mix up the dynamics. It feels really bad to move out of mid unless you get 2 kills and a tower. So much xp/gold lost.

    • @michaelmoreno7357
      @michaelmoreno7357 Před rokem +3

      I wonder how many heroes can handle trilanes/being solo. I'd be super curious to see how it plays out. Also I think jungling could be a think for more heroes

  • @spartadgs4180
    @spartadgs4180 Před rokem +2

    I think it would be pretty interesting, at least from a casual perspective to make a 2nd roshan type objective on the other half of the map. I also think making Outposts do something, like maybe producing bonus gold or something, would be interesting. Also messing with how camps are set up like maybe making huge low-ground areas that you have to travel to farm a really big camp would be cool too. Like a big crater, kind of like an inverse triangle I guess, with just a huge number of neutral creeps would be what I am thinking of.

    • @Doflaminguard
      @Doflaminguard Před rokem +1

      Outpost producing gold is a recipe for a land slide mechanic and that is bad. That would mean lesser chances for comebacks for a losing team.

    • @loveluclins
      @loveluclins Před rokem

      Few people know this but outposts have multiple effects.
      1. Provide a location to teleport to.
      2. Provide vision around them like a small, but permanent ward.
      3. Can't be captured until a tier 2 tower falls.
      4. Provide scaling amounts of experience every minute to every team that holds at least 1 outpost. Multiple outposts don't increase this.
      They're more important than you think.

  • @pedrohenrique-db3xd
    @pedrohenrique-db3xd Před rokem +13

    By logic, the new hero is gonna be a carry. All the newer heros (marci, primal beast, pango, void spirit, dark willow, dawnbreaker, etc) have fulfilled roles 2 to 5, but none of them are actually pos 1 carries, so I really hope muerta is a carry.

    • @TJ-ki3gp
      @TJ-ki3gp Před rokem +2

      I really hope you're right. I don't play carry or mid but would very much like to have another hard carry in the pool. Especially something interesting like intelligence right clicker.
      I don't agree with BSJ on mobility spells though. I absolutely love them and Muerta should have one. Especially since I'm going to play her offlane from time to time.

    • @tomaurelius5164
      @tomaurelius5164 Před rokem

      marci and dawn have been played as 1
      dawn was picked in ti 10 from virtus pro
      and marci maybe in a major or something

    • @j0nasbs
      @j0nasbs Před rokem +1

      They intended for Dawn, PB, VS and Pango to be carries, they just didn't work. Dawn worked for a bit.

    • @MassResonance
      @MassResonance Před rokem +3

      @@j0nasbs No way did they intend for any of those heroes except possibly Pango to be a carry, but even then it's dicey. Dawn, Primal, and imo Pango fit the stereotypical offlane role so neatly that its kinda crazy they ended up being anything else, and Void Spirit is the most obvious mid since the other spirits.

    • @michaelmoreno7357
      @michaelmoreno7357 Před rokem

      The only int carry right now is Lina if I understand? Technically silencer and OD have scaling right click but also they are shut down by bkb and they are never played pos 1.

  • @hwago123
    @hwago123 Před rokem +2

    I think it’s good when a hero can be played in 3 roles. None of the heroes he mentioned are played 1-5. They are played in like 3 roles.

  • @ZachisSublime
    @ZachisSublime Před rokem +1

    At 3:42 you can see the Drow Attack moving (tapping A) on the rune (or right below it) but doesn't deny it. I see this a lot in high mmr games and no one has been able to explain to me why people can A click on a rune and pick it up without denying it.

  • @ACharmedEarthling
    @ACharmedEarthling Před rokem

    How about 4 outposts instead of 2, and the more one team controls the more bonuses they get. E.g. one outpost gives XP, 2 gives gold and XP, 3 gives an additional minor creep buff, and 4 gives a minor buff to all heroes as well. Maybe you could also require more heroes to channel each one. E.g first two outposts only require one hero to channel them, 3rd line requires two heroes at once, 4th requires 3 heroes to channel it.
    Another idea could be some condition for having random super creeps spawning (this used to be a mode in dota 1), where every so often a special giant creep (like a hydra with 6000hp and siege dmg) will spawn in one of the lanes.

  • @BanielDrown
    @BanielDrown Před rokem

    what about a building that offers some extra vision on the map.
    it could have rotating vision, like a lighthouse.
    it could be capturable - or non capturable.
    they could be staggered around the map, symmetrically or asymmetrically.
    it could only be on at night, or only during day.
    it could be activated by a certain action done somewhere else on the map, or nearby the lighthouse.
    it wouldn't offer a place to TP to (or could).
    the vision it offers to a team could be hidden from the opposing team, or visible.
    the building could be buffed by a hero channeling on it - or even by hopping inside it.
    the buff could be extra vision, or directed vision, or perhaps extra spell casting range, maybe right click range, maybe it becomes like a tower turret.
    maybe it offers the ability to blind in an area in a cone shape.
    the hero within the lighthouse could be removed by the other team by dealing an amount of damage to it, which when achieved, pops the hero out, and disables the function the tower provides for say 30 seconds.
    the possibilities are endless

  • @Bleacher22
    @Bleacher22 Před rokem +2

    I wished they made that heroes could interact with team's own lane creeps, not just denying them.

    • @drewpeacock9087
      @drewpeacock9087 Před rokem +2

      you can it's called pulling or creep blocking

    • @Bleacher22
      @Bleacher22 Před rokem

      @@drewpeacock9087 I meant directly interact like giving them orders, moving or boosting them.

  • @TheToastycheese
    @TheToastycheese Před rokem

    A change I would love to see around neutrals is that instead of camps dropping the neutral itself, they drop a token that could be exchanged for a neutral and you could only have one specific neutral per team. It's always irked me how some teams will get flooded with really good neutrals while others have not just because of luck. If you argued that this would be imbalanced due to some neutrals being inherently stronger than others, I would say yes, that's exactly the point; if one team is getting way better items than another by pure chance then that is a bad system.

  • @TokyoSwan.
    @TokyoSwan. Před rokem +2

    Map NEEDS to be changed! Last DPC had an insane advantage for Dire and nothing has been changed. Dire is again enjoying a higher win rate which is introducing too much RNG to our game.

    • @Newbyte
      @Newbyte Před rokem

      What's DPC?

    • @TokyoSwan.
      @TokyoSwan. Před rokem

      @@Newbyte Dota Professional Circuit. It's basically how teams for TI are decided, how top teams are separated from lower tier ones. It's a great way to gage game balance and for whatever reason they have not addressed the map imbalance.

  • @ManilMopas
    @ManilMopas Před rokem

    maybe roshan should spawn at a random location out of 2 or more spots on the river? that way you kind of don't know which side to prefer and it makes the teams try to fight untill roshan shows up, and if it's the first rosh you'd have to first summon it in some way, maybe killing a doll that doesn't attack back, so that way no matter what side you're on you can't know for sure where rosh is unless you invest your time...

  • @TheMomoismad
    @TheMomoismad Před rokem +3

    I want 2 Rosh pits, and after first rosh its random which one he will spawn in. I also would like to see TP have a 90 sec CD, but for every 1 min its off CD the CD of the next TP is lowered by 10 sec. So if you dont TP for 7 min, your next TP CD is only 20 sec (perhaps this has a cap, like cant get lower than 20 or 30 sec or something.)

  • @westforlan
    @westforlan Před rokem +14

    delete tinker and arc warden from the game thanks in advance gaben :)

    • @flame5385
      @flame5385 Před rokem +1

      Let's just be thankful for the techies rework

    • @westforlan
      @westforlan Před rokem

      @@flame5385 techies was not as bad as this perma hex nonsense

    • @flame5385
      @flame5385 Před rokem

      @@westforlan you think a hero that makes every game it's on 1hour+ is not broken?

  • @hotdawgsgood
    @hotdawgsgood Před rokem

    Hey BSJ what is the jazz song in the background during the video?

  • @JusWalkinAroun
    @JusWalkinAroun Před rokem

    I want to see 2 roshans on 2 ends of the river. When one is taken down, the other one disappears. Therefore, we have exciting roshan rush and fair roshan locations for both sides.

  • @singsong5238
    @singsong5238 Před rokem +1

    Im more into item uprgade something like hood into pipe/shroud, vanguard into crimson/abyssl, diversify of the item build that allow the player to decide base on the current situation, something like that and i also think that armlet deserve an upgrade like armlet+crystalys, desolater+crystalys, or even allow assault/shiva to combine with heart, remain the stat but allow the hero to spend a certain amount of cost to combine them and allow them to have one more slot, you know when game get too long, where everyone item is at full, this is what you can do so that the item have a higher ceiling

  • @evnflr187
    @evnflr187 Před rokem +1

    How about central jungle creeps as you mentioned, but they’re either ancient or a new tier above, and they drop neutral items like 5-10 minutes early and take longer to respawn to incentivise skirmishes for higher value neutrals

  • @MrTeetam
    @MrTeetam Před rokem

    The 'rosh is the best / only objective' could be mixed up in a fun way by changing the loot in some 'small' ways too.
    What if Rosh only dropped a 3 minute aegis on the first kill, or one that only healed you to half on respawn if claimed before 40 minutes?
    What if drops were random from a bigger pool of items on kill, and something you couldn't peek beforehand. Not just aghs shard / aghs / cheese, but common things for people to work into their builds in some way.
    Maybe second rosh is aegis or one of the +10 attribute items + aghs shard, or a random power rune effect to everyone in the area for 30s? Imagine how fun and different it would be if when beating Rosh, your whole team has a short window to utilise DD or haste instead of having an aegis.
    Third could be is ultimate orb, one of the +25 stat items, aghs, refresher shard, a perseverance, etc, instead of always being cheese and aghs or shard. That way it's not so much a 'do rosh, get aegis, push' and is a bit more 'do rosh, get item, oh we got hero X and that could build into a nice item'.
    Maybe the aegis can have some negative aura to the team who has it to make it less good. -10% magic resist / armour or a baby radiance effect so the hero killing a tower is also hurting their own creeps or something, so until the person with it utilises it's respawn, they're at a bit of a disadvantage as well as having this amazing insta-respawn item.
    Or maybe all of these thoughts are really bad, I trust ice frog will spice things up in a fun and balanced way. :D

  • @Slateproc
    @Slateproc Před rokem +2

    I have been playing smite for a little bit with a friend from work now and it makes me kind of wish we had a viable jungle option instead of the locked in supporting 4. Not enough to force a full jungle role but enough to make the idea enticing for roamers summons heroes and etc

    • @bluecoil8356
      @bluecoil8356 Před rokem

      back to jungle axe griefing, thank you

  • @croatoan-t-g
    @croatoan-t-g Před rokem +4

    my greatest wish for 7.33 is for it to happen at all

  • @Silvont69
    @Silvont69 Před rokem +1

    Remove outposts and fix Dire's creep camps being imbalanced where you can hit all 3 of them at once. Radiant jungle sucks.

  • @toxic_cowZ
    @toxic_cowZ Před rokem +1

    i have always loved tri lanes def want those back dual mid would be cool two i see potential with having a player that could break off anytime to go top or bottom

  • @xdextirity5336
    @xdextirity5336 Před rokem +1

    my wishlist for the next patch consists of more items with heal amp and that you can build items like blademail, echo sabre, ... further like they did with mage slayer and so on. like in general a little upgrade to the support role and scaling of items throughout the entire game

  • @matttumberman2191
    @matttumberman2191 Před rokem

    Watch as Muerta not only gets a stun and mobility, but have one of the best stun and mobility abilities in game period.

  • @curthenning6833
    @curthenning6833 Před rokem

    If anything i think there's already too many objectives which makes doing anything else like roaming non viable
    - Flag creeps is a lane objective every minute, better not leave and have to contest. If we trilane then we 'lose' the flag creeps for the solo lane so there is no net gain in objectives for trilaning.
    - Stacked camp? its now your biggest lane objective to contest.
    - Water runes and especially power runes at 6 means as a support i have to go contest that objective, leaves little time for roaming.
    - You have a high ground ward? Better treat it like defending a tower (i.e. treating it as an objective) and defend that position.

  • @clydenavs8498
    @clydenavs8498 Před rokem

    Does anyone know a website where i can see the date of the release of the next patch

  • @marcinrutkowski9075
    @marcinrutkowski9075 Před rokem

    I would love for them to:
    1. bring a bunch of carries back into playable dota like troll terror morphling,
    2. bring a bunch of carries back to pos 1 from pos 3 4 5: CK WK MK gyro
    3. Kick a bunch of non carries back to their roles: Pudge, Lina, Bristle, Razor, Weaver
    The reason for that is that we have heroes specifically designed to be carries that cant be picked anymore since non carry heroes do better that carry specific ones.

  • @rogeliocarmenate2323
    @rogeliocarmenate2323 Před rokem +1

    Agree with all, but I think i have a very important petition to suggest. Along with the rosh move/change/add another objective, i think the most needed change is turn picks in cm and mostly on ranked roles. I believe turn picks on ranked are the worst damage to dota right now, but most high ranked players do not play ranked so they do not complain enough, but the standard 2 supports-carry&off-last pick mid dinamic, all blinded, leads to very stompy games, and very little incentive for players sub 6k to learn matchups and counterpicks. if i want to climb, i literally focus on spamming well rounded laners, because picking blind mk mid, voker mid, or some other not s tier heroes into a direct counter, or being the guy picking PL 2nd phase, for the enemy to reveal timber + naga. I believe a system like some of what we had before, when picks are alternated like on cm, would improve the diversity of heroes played and force players to incorporate more niche options on their hero pools.

    • @drewpeacock9087
      @drewpeacock9087 Před rokem

      lmao Naga is great vs PL that's a very poor example.

    • @rogeliocarmenate2323
      @rogeliocarmenate2323 Před rokem

      @@drewpeacock9087 i meant it the other way around 😂 , mb, should've just said lesh, but was a long write and didn't took a look back at it. Anyway, i hope the main point about the pick order gets across. Ty for the comment 😀

  • @ayaakiosawa0
    @ayaakiosawa0 Před rokem +1

    Rosh pit should be instanced and under the river. Entrance from mid river, and in both jungles so it's super fucking risky.

    • @matijatrajkovic6496
      @matijatrajkovic6496 Před rokem

      I believe HOTS has (at least had) this on one of the maps. The entrance was somewhere in the middle of the map, if I recall, and you had to channel liek 1 sec to enter the underground arena to fight the boss. The added risk factor is that you don't see the above-ground map while you're down there, meaning the enemy could set up an ambush or easily take other objectives in the meantime.

    • @psychobike1118
      @psychobike1118 Před rokem

      @@matijatrajkovic6496 yeah hots had this. I barely played that game but there was definitely some type of underground mine you could go in to collect objective stuff

  • @asmael4456
    @asmael4456 Před rokem

    Definitely with you having a secondary rosh-type objective in the map. Mid game late game, bottom half of the map is just left alone, where no one farms usually and its just a dead area honestly
    Putting rosh in middle and having four lanes would be fucking insane though lmao

  • @Youngbloodd2
    @Youngbloodd2 Před rokem +1

    I agree with the part about Muerta so much, all of the new heroes made the old "mobile" heroes look old and boring, and it is very annoying to never know what role a picked hero plays. Also, we didn't get a cool new carry (especially pos 1) hero for so long, i mean, was the last addition Monkey King?

  • @Havesomepizza
    @Havesomepizza Před rokem +2

    It’s definitely clear from this video and comment section that I’m not alone in feeling the staleness of Dota rn. Feels like the same recipe every match. Every time you queue, you know what you’re getting into, and you know how to deal with it.
    Not to say that the game isn’t balanced well, it is. It’s just been the same shit for quite some time now, and I need some S P I C E. I need a few months of a new patch where no one knows what the fuck is going on

  • @asgersellerup9375
    @asgersellerup9375 Před rokem +3

    I'd love to see a hero based around item manipulation. E.g. skills that mute, lower cd of items extend duration of item buffs or put enemy items on cd

    • @Beraka114
      @Beraka114 Před rokem

      mute item was to op,because if u just buy orchid that's basicaly a doom that's why they reworked old nulifier.more importantly people now can use bkb

    • @sgi_cris3780
      @sgi_cris3780 Před rokem

      Dazzle sort of does that with his aghs

  • @julianossa3578
    @julianossa3578 Před rokem +1

    I think a cool change for the outposts would be for it to give gold. Right now, the base GPM in dota is like 100 I think, It would be cool to make the base GPM like 75 and each outpost gives 25. This way its a really important objective for your team to fight for them and prioritize taking them and fighting to get it back. I think this could be balanced too by requiring 2-3 heroes channeling it at the same time in order to take it.

    • @bluecoil8356
      @bluecoil8356 Před rokem

      even more "win more" bullshit in dota, thanks man

    • @julianossa3578
      @julianossa3578 Před rokem

      @@bluecoil8356 but winning a teamfight can also make coming back easier, if youre behind and win a teamfight, one full minute of controlling both outposts swings the net worth back 500gpm in your team's favor.

  • @lm-rh3qo
    @lm-rh3qo Před rokem

    Focus farm locations in four key locations as they were. Add small camp mid. Item competition in neutral camps is awesome. Power runes spawn at bounty locations past 20.
    I suspect muerta is a spell damage right clicker life stealer. If the revenant broach tells a story it suggests. Right click int lifestealer needing an item for setup. Probably a core focus.

  • @chompiechomp6341
    @chompiechomp6341 Před rokem +1

    I'd honestly want neutral items to have some sort of scaling even until late game. Can be much like the Null Talisman mechanic like after 25 mins, beenfits gets increased. Another alternative is to actually have neutrals drop some sort of recipe upgrade like a Dagon getting stronger but for neutrals.

    • @sunbro6998
      @sunbro6998 Před rokem +1

      Ohhh. Nice idea! Random upgrade drops

  • @yopej09
    @yopej09 Před rokem +1

    Please bring back the courier able to carry the bottle and refill it from the fountain. This will make the game faster and have a lot of action, instead of players passively farming the lane.

  • @LittleAureus
    @LittleAureus Před rokem

    I think about the relationship between two outposts, Roshan and high ground defense. (The idea about one outpost will provide own high ground defense system but capturing two outposts will irritate Roshan.)
    I would like to see some kinds of switch at the outposts or something to lower defense (armor of high ground towers) just like capturing two outposts will lower enemy defense significantly because they lose the protection but Roshan will be mad and do high damage. Imagine if you want to defend you could go to do something to re capture your or the other side outpost to regain the protection or if you want to Rosh easily, capturing two outposts will not be a good idea.

  • @iR3vil4te
    @iR3vil4te Před rokem +1

    So right about all the new heroes: they’ve all been scaling-damage heroes with stuns and mobility who can play any role. Marci, Hood, Snap, Pango even, Primal, etc. Like there’s no interest in making a hero work if it literally doesn’t matter what I build because my hero can do anything with their 4 spells.

    • @loveluclins
      @loveluclins Před rokem

      Eh, other than snap and pango I disagree heavily here.
      Primal isn't a good 1 or 2. The multiplier on trample, even with the talent, is simply too low, and any slow will ruin the damage. He doesn't have any reliable CC late game. Best he can do is blink dagger in, pop his ult, and then try to get out or finish someone off.
      Marci... She's got too heavy of a downtime between fury combos to be a 1 or 2. She's great for ganks and skullbashing, but true carry damage she won't achieve sadly.
      Hood. No real damage passive. Whilst she works well enough as a 2 thanks to her acorn shot making CS extremely easy (though expensive on mana). She's never going to be a 1 as long as she lacks damage. Acorn shot has bonus damage, but it also has only 75% of her attack damage. You'll kill the supports with bounces, but enemy cores will generally survive and proceed to run down your team if you lack a real carry.
      Snap is a good enough ranged carry similar to clinkz with a built in force staff.
      Pango is a hybrid hero that's less a pure melee hero. Even though his passive is kinda doodoo at only 15% proc chance, the ult more than makes up for it with insane survivability and stun.
      Even then, I still feel like none of them are actually amazing carries.
      They're more firmly 3-4s

  • @triptip00
    @triptip00 Před rokem

    4:35 i remember the 1st time i played DOTA. I was so fascinated by the map and how it was so fun seeing/discovering the neutral camps and felt like the map is actually alive. Would love to see more interaction with neutrals but i guess that's a casual dota players wish. :P

  • @screenfreak2124
    @screenfreak2124 Před rokem

    New Map Objective: Giant Rat that drops Cheese (can no longer get it from Rosh)

  • @ilovedrugseveryday
    @ilovedrugseveryday Před rokem +2

    I'd like to see arc warden's dual item abuse to be removed completely.

  • @AmazinglyScherzo
    @AmazinglyScherzo Před rokem

    I honestly never noticed BSJ’s diamond cut jawline before.

  • @neeladrirao9055
    @neeladrirao9055 Před rokem

    as a person that plays both games i feel that role fluidity is what defines dota and that is what makes it fun to play as compared to league but i am totally in for another objective on the map or maybe they can bring back shrines such that they can be used by both teams and they spawn every 5 mins or so and apart from that they also give u a buff of sorts. To activate they need to be channeled and dmg of any form disrupts it thaat would heroes like sky tinker and zeus op. But they can give it a limited time buff like ur cds are faster for all thse that channel it or u get increased mana and health regen all this for a limited time but yh. maybe they can also bring back the side shops but u can only get regen from it but that sort of renders the courier system moot like every hero having 1 courier and maybe a secret shop that only appears at a certain time or one that changes location every time it appears(it can end up favouring certain teams based on who has the lead but maybe they find a few tweaks for it) and that there is only 1 secret shop not 2 and couriers cant buy items from it and u need to be there to buy the items so that will cause a reason for teamfights around it as to who gets it i mean yh mobility heroes and invis heroes can easily buy items but i feel it will draw more people to it and it will change itemization or maybe u can only buy the luxury items or u can buy 1 neutral item of ur choice it appears everytime ur neutral item tier becomes available. so it sort of makes the game more teamfight oriented while giving objectives to fight for and try to secure

  • @MyWatermelonz
    @MyWatermelonz Před rokem +1

    Two mini side objective in the side lanes between the towers off in the trees out of vision from the lane. Taking t1 and defending t1 towers would mean a lot more.

  • @NoVicE_4
    @NoVicE_4 Před rokem +15

    It would be nice to have a change in tree locations to unlock new juke paths as everyone knows the existing one's.

    • @aliaksandrilyushenka5597
      @aliaksandrilyushenka5597 Před rokem +3

      How many times do you juke around in 10 games? Probably 3?

    • @Joedex1625
      @Joedex1625 Před rokem

      lol I dont

    • @tylorthurston1751
      @tylorthurston1751 Před rokem

      they just changed every tree a year ago, no do not change the trees

    • @NoVicE_4
      @NoVicE_4 Před rokem

      @@aliaksandrilyushenka5597 I think every game you have a chance to juke.

  • @j3chtx10
    @j3chtx10 Před rokem +1

    I'd love for a third column of every heroes talent tree, and not talents like +5 strength but talents that have qualitative instead of quantitative gameplay changes

    • @michaelmoreno7357
      @michaelmoreno7357 Před rokem

      I think talents would be huge. Giving heroes multiple play styles especially for heroes that have pretty clear builds. I think bs is fun bc u can go pure right click or can go for some crazy aoe bloodstone shenanigans.

  • @lm-rh3qo
    @lm-rh3qo Před rokem

    First order of business. Couriers can use items without a cool down. Die for 1k flat. Rosh spawns Infront of dire fountain. And pango gets 100 percent true strike bash.

  • @aliceindotaland9026
    @aliceindotaland9026 Před rokem

    I would love Muerta to have a passive that converts a percentage of her attack damage into magical damage.

  • @stefanforsgren9023
    @stefanforsgren9023 Před rokem

    What terrain UI is this?
    thjx for content BSJ

  • @urbanterro
    @urbanterro Před rokem +1

    Lets make the river to high ground with neutral camps and put a river around it. Roshan roams in the water to prevent pit camping.

  • @rosscoe8674
    @rosscoe8674 Před rokem +1

    Honestly I think that invading the enemy's jungle to get buffed neutral items is bad idea. The game has already had comeback mechanics kicked in the balls enough already

  • @melvinlim5648
    @melvinlim5648 Před rokem +2

    I don't like the idea of BSJ's neutral item award for the invaders and this just makes the jungle type carries even weaker (which is already weak at this meta). Definitely exciting if roshan pit got changed and a change of tp scroll or even a new tiny objective to contest.

  • @blitzkahts6901
    @blitzkahts6901 Před rokem +1

    8min of BSJ making his own game.

  • @crusaderking1602
    @crusaderking1602 Před rokem +1

    Maybe its just because its so obvious, but I would love to see a huge map rework since I feel like we have been playing the same map for like 2 years now.

  • @laxinthe303
    @laxinthe303 Před rokem

    They should bring back the the ability to get health and mana outside of fountain. It would give outposts a reason to exist. Providing vision is worthless. Maybe make it so that if you dont hold the outpost, the neutrals around it dont give as much gold, etc.

  • @UmbrellaSound
    @UmbrellaSound Před rokem +1

    New mic sounds real nice

  • @AMassiveHeadache
    @AMassiveHeadache Před rokem +1

    some kind of changes to vision is definitely the top of my wishlist

  • @asmael4456
    @asmael4456 Před rokem

    Objective creeps would be amazing. Like if there's three or four camps in the map that if you kill bonus bounty/exp/dmg to buildings/stats buff

  • @santoshpal1269
    @santoshpal1269 Před rokem

    adding more complex aspects will only make it pro friendly in my opinion, what you call a 9-5 is still a rarity in 90% of pubs (all tiers), I think if somehow they can crack and reward the basics that dota is made of it becomes a more attainable fun game

  • @eutimiolongoria4696
    @eutimiolongoria4696 Před rokem

    Have Ancients only drop neutral items and beef up the Ancients so they require a team effort to really clear (with maybe Ursa being able to solo them early).
    Killing a certain kind of Ancient can imbue special effects. Black Dragon can give auto attacks a burn effect, Golems give bonus armor/dmg block, and the Lizard one increased attk speed, something of that nature.
    Ancients spawn at 7:00 minutes (when neutral items become available) and respawn every seven minutes.
    Teams have a choice in farming and defending these respective areas or be greedy and try to invade an opposing ancient camp to steal their buffs/neutral items. This makes contesting the six minute power rune crucial.

  • @mighty_javor4678
    @mighty_javor4678 Před rokem

    I got a few... What if they added a neutral camp in the base... What if they change small statues in base to actually do something (provide aura, have ability with cooldown)... Add small consumable items for laning-stage like stone which you can pop to make illusion. This will help with highground invasion later on.

    • @legendarynoob4689
      @legendarynoob4689 Před rokem +1

      Imagine being able to buy some base upgrades from point you would get from another objective, it could be small buffs like auras you said, i would love to see a team currency next to gold which could be used for that, or perhaps recruit neutral creeps for that too, there are many things that can be done.

    • @mighty_javor4678
      @mighty_javor4678 Před rokem

      @@legendarynoob4689 I agree. Possibilities are endless. I like the idea of base upgrade a lot

  • @uiomancannot7931
    @uiomancannot7931 Před rokem +1

    What if there were two rosh pits, one on each side. Then you can simply just have the rosh location alternate.
    Though, the balancing for the new characters is interesting, cause they're trying to make these characters flashy and new, but what you do with a character is way more important than what a hero does.
    Take Marci, i like the skillshot stun, but the ult is still weird, why are the pulses there? what purpose do they serve? They just slow, and at 25 silence. There's also the useless ags. why not just make the pulses be from ags, and just remove them from the skill. The ult is a lot of damage, and also has cc, which the other two spells have. That's a recipe of becoming lion'd.

  • @ralph734
    @ralph734 Před rokem +1

    I wish they actually bring back that 1-1-3 or 1-1-2 with a jungler . Kinda bored of this system right now

  • @misterandmisisC
    @misterandmisisC Před rokem

    I agree with some points
    I am excited for a map rework and rosh pit location change
    or atleast another ancient objective

  • @MANiACmiget925
    @MANiACmiget925 Před rokem

    I'd like to see them try to make Jungle as an actual role, similar to League.

  • @vincent78433
    @vincent78433 Před rokem

    ok second objective in/near the river
    they're like stronger ancient or something and they drop nuetral items
    spawn every 3/5 minutes
    only way to get neutral items

  • @ReIentIess1
    @ReIentIess1 Před rokem

    Couldn't agree more on wanting a change in lane orientation as a fellow carry player. Biased, maybe, but I have to imagine getting heavily pressured in the safelane game after game isn't much fun for 5 players either. Also agree on Muerta, with the exception of (sorta) MK, the last 10 or so new heroes have not really been carries.

  • @Revanx23
    @Revanx23 Před rokem

    A land bridge where rosh is, connecting dire and radiant sides with a large camp in the middle of the bridge XD

  • @isaacdunford6394
    @isaacdunford6394 Před rokem +1

    I think it would be cool to have attribute creeps that give a small boost to a stat permanently.

  • @keagancollins3243
    @keagancollins3243 Před rokem +1

    The smooth jazz made my morning dump very relaxing

  • @Zarzar22
    @Zarzar22 Před rokem

    Love the background music. Im not the only one addicted to christmas jazz even in January

  • @david-fl9cy
    @david-fl9cy Před rokem +1

    Your point about muerta not having a mobility spell and a stun hits very close to home as someone who played league for a very long time. After they released Yasuo (arguably the first hyper-mobile champion) the floodgates opened and every single hero release afterwards was even more mobile and even less fun to play against, untill they totally embraced the 'fun to play as/abysmal to play against' formula for every champ design in the game. And its lowkey heartbreaking seeing dota slip into that same design formula with each hero release. That being said dota naturally has a lot more counters to that (a lot more direct CC compared to skillshot based league), but still, I really do agree with you on muerta not having a dash/stun for two out of her 4 abilities.

    • @david-fl9cy
      @david-fl9cy Před rokem +2

      But also on the flipside (and maybe that speaks about me being a relatively average dota player) I really miss the lategame game-endnig objectives from league, like a dragon buff that executes enemies below 30% hp, dota games go for more than 45-50 minutes quite often (on my archon mmr at least) and at that point it just becomes a game of who has more patience with endless buybacks and 0 motivation for either team to do anything.

    • @kevinkchao8
      @kevinkchao8 Před rokem

      Remember Samira on release?

    • @matijatrajkovic6496
      @matijatrajkovic6496 Před rokem

      @@david-fl9cy That's absolutely true. Dunno when you first started playing dota, but back in the day there was only one gliph with a cooldown (5 min, if I recall correctly). Now, with the glyph refreshing every time the first tower of that tier falls, it's literally impossible to win in one push. You push, they glyph t2 mid. You take it, they glyph t3 mid. The entire enemy team respawns. Even if you win a fight again, they glyph rax after t3 falls. You effectively need to win two teamfights with at least 2-3 people standing to take a single side of rax. I miss the days where tiny or luna could just end the game on the spot after one teamfight with a single 30-45 second push.
      Also, the fact that glyphs refresh is what allows people to buyback at least 2-3 times per game. Sure the CD is 5min and you pay a ton of gold, but with neutral items now even the pos 5 ALWAYS has enough gold to buyback. It just feels that teamwiping the opponent should be FAR more rewarding than taking one lane of barracks imo.

  • @jayzenstyle
    @jayzenstyle Před rokem

    I think a roaming Roshan-esque miniboss in the river would be really fun, trashing the lane he walked down and denying XP by killing the creeps B4 the heroes kill them, forcing the heroes to do non conventional lanes when the monster is in their lane. And the boss attacks three people at once like a Hydra with three heads. Lowering it's HP to a certain amount increases its damage and number of heads. And killing him would make him drop multiple instances of river runes that players need to pick up, making teams to contest which gets which and fight each other for it.

  • @lukehemmings2847
    @lukehemmings2847 Před rokem

    I wish they would add a neutral item tier 3 or 4 whose passive ability would be to reduce the death timer of a hero by 20-25%. Something like opposite of necro ultimate

  • @nomimusicgaming1429
    @nomimusicgaming1429 Před rokem

    When is the update coming?

  • @clydenavs8498
    @clydenavs8498 Před rokem

    Remember the days when there is only one courier and it is so satisfying to kill the courier in early game so they can’t get their items

  • @david-gabrielpop5344
    @david-gabrielpop5344 Před rokem

    So basically: make game faster and more different to what we already are used for.
    League players: *grinning in evil*

  • @mmortal8183
    @mmortal8183 Před rokem

    This may sound outright crazy and would change every single pro team's roster. 6v6

  • @emmanuelgonzalezcaseira9141

    Welp, out of the top of my head, maybe instead of having just Rosh, what about a rework of "assembling" Rosh? something like Exodia from Yugioh. You get the pieces, like 3 pieces minimum, then go to the pit and Roshan appears as long as the pieces are all together in the pit, regardless of who is holding them, 2 pieces Radiant 1 piece Dire, 2 pieces Dire 1 piece Radiant, as long as all the pieces enter the pit, Roshan appears. I'm sure something could be done there to spice things up with little tweaks here and there.

  • @fernandobraz9821
    @fernandobraz9821 Před rokem

    I always thought that neutral itens should drop when you die, so both teams can have ALL itens and do not depends only of lucky

  • @Sage4x4
    @Sage4x4 Před rokem

    I think there should be 2 rosh pits on the map. Rather than tying cheese refresher agies shard and scepter to the same objective it will be fun to see 2 objectives on the map and players fighting to get the best objective. For example Ursa team rushing to fight for aegis objective while OD team rushing to fight for refresher shard objective. Adding these simultaneous mechanics will add tension, drama and excitement to the game and lots of players will appreciate having 2 objectives giving both sides of the river equal weightage. Add Rosh on one side and Aghanim on the other. Heck they already made most of the spells and animations for Aghanim in the last labyrnth. Might as well use him for Shard, Scepter and Refresher drops while Roshan does agies, cheese and another objective.

    • @Sage4x4
      @Sage4x4 Před rokem

      Make the 3rd Rosh objective be like a Mega rune that lasts 2-3 minutes. Half speed haste, half double damage, something like that. There you go! 6 mechanics for 2 objectives with little effort- ez Volvo

  • @YoutubesaysimCyberbully

    Whens it comin out